Magic Mushrooms Around The World (PDFDrive)

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Around the World

A Scientific Journey Across Cultures and


The Case for Challenging Research

and Value Systems


Figure 1 - Water Color Painting of Psilocybe semilanceata
(Germany, 1927)
TABLE OF CONTENT (With Active Links' Just Click On A Subject To Go To The Page)

"Who Was the First Magician?" - Foreword by Christian Ratsch 7

1. Introduction 9
2. Reflections on the History and Scientific Study of Magic Mushrooms 10
3. The Current State of Knowledge About European Species 14
3.1 Psilocybe semilanceata: The Classic Species Among European Psychotropic Mushrooms 16
3.2 Psilocybe cyanescens: Potent Mushrooms Growing on Wood Debris 29
3.3 Panaeolus subbalteatus: Mycology and Myths about the Panaeolus Species 37
3.4 Inocybe aeruginascens: Fast-Spreading New Arrivals 44
3.5 Gymnopilus purpuratus: Magnificent Mushrooms from South America 51
3.6 Conocybe cyanopus: Tiny Mushrooms of Remarkable Potency 55
3.7 Pluteus salicinus: A Little-known Wood-Inhabiting Species 58
4. Mushroom Identification: Taxonomic Confusion and the Potential for Deadly Mistakes 61
5. The Bluing Phenomenon and Metol Testing: Reality vs. Wishful Thinking 63
6. Mushroom Cultivation: Classic Findings and New Techniques 66
7. Psychotropic Mushroom Species Around the World 77
7.1 Spotlight on North America and Hawaii 79
7.2 Mycophilia in Central and South America 82
7.3 Australia's Mycoflora Attracts Attention 84
7.4 European Customs and Conventions 87
7.5 Japanese Experimentation 93
7.6 Intoxications and the Oldest Known Mushroom Cult in Africa 95
7.7 Usage in Southeast Asia and the South Pacific Islands 98
8. Some Comments on Effects of Mushrooms from the Category Phantastika 102
9. Psychotherapy 108
10. Outlook 114
11. Bibliography 120
Index 129

Figure 2 - Psilocybe cubensis from Australia

Figure 3 - Water color painting of Panaeolus subbalteatus (Germany, 1927).

Figure 4 - Fresh Panaeolus subbalteatus mushrooms.



Nobody knows precisely when the first magic A quasi-cannibalistic ritual, the act of eating the
mushroom emerged from the shadows of children of the gods unlocked one's power to
prehistory to enter the light of consciousness. experience the truly divine. But not all
mushrooms enable human beings to enter the
Nobody knows when the first magic mushroom realm of divine consciousness. This magic power
was eaten by a human being. Nobody knows resides in only those fungi known as "fool's
just who the first magic mushroom eater was. In mushrooms", which were considered poisonous
seeking answers to these questions, we can only and believed to be the spawn of the Devil
speculate. Mycophobes, however, are quick to throughout the late Middle Ages and well into
voice their conviction that only a fool would be modern times.
reckless enough to want to attain a higher state
of consciousness beyond the boundaries of
everyday reality. And only a fool would attempt The New World: The Aztecs in Mexico
to do this by ingesting those odd little things that referred to a number of small, inconspicuous
mysteriously thrive on decaying, humid soil, mushrooms as teonartacatl, or "flesh of the
Gods." These sacred mushrooms were eaten
rotten wood and malodorous mounds of cow during the course of rituals intended to contact
the Gods in order to learn about the world and the
Historically, magic, mushrooms have realm of the divine. These magic mushroom
been feared and hated` since antiquity: magic rituals thoroughly spooked the Catholic
mushrooms were thought to be made from Spaniards. The mushroom eaters, commonly
poisons that had dripped from serpents' fangs; thought of as Devil worshippers, were hounded
they were considered to be unclean emissions of by the Inquisition. Still, all good things survive
evil spirits; moreover, mushrooms were a known the tests of time, so the cult of magic mushroom
cause of death and disease, bloated stomachs and eaters did not become extinct. Like mycelia
insanity. Beliefs such as these have survived to underground, the cult continued to flourish, and
at the proper time in recorded history, in 1957,
the present day. They persist, for example,,, as the fruit of the fully grown mushroom re-surfaced
figures of sp eech, s u c h as the slick Austrian to draw widespread public attention. Valentine
description of a societal misfit as someone "who and Gordon Wasson became the heroes of the
ate those madness-inducing mushrooms." modern neo-mycophilic movement.
But, there is another, very different,
magic mushroom legacy as well.

Back to the Old World: The revelations

and insights gained from the use of psychoactive
Flesh of the Gods for Devil Worshippers mushrooms were so magically wonderful, that
our native European "fool's mushrooms" - which
The Old World. Mycenaean civilization were gene ; considered inedible - had to be
began with a mushroom trip -Mushrooms were recognized as closely related to the magic
an ingredient in the ambrosia of Dionysus. mushrooms of Mexico, the flesh of the Aztec
Porphyrius, the fourth century Latin poet and Gods. The souls of magic mushrooms in Mexico
contemporary of Emperor Konstantin, knew and Germany are essentially made from the same
that magic mushrooms were the children of the substance: psilocybin.
Jochen Gartz has made an extraordinary the tradition of true anarchy that is the hallmark of
contribution to the field of mycology by embracing mushroom magic. What I heard was unbelievable.
Germany's magic mushrooms and the scientific Jochen spoke of a "new" psychedelic mushroom
study and testing of these fungi. The research and its migration. The mycelia had spread in
efforts upon which this book is based require concentric circles outward from Leipzig, jumping
nothing less than a fearless, brave and courageous all political borders. Finally, when the mycelia
consciousness, free of prejudice and mycophobia. I reached West German soil, the hated Berlin Wall
am convinced that a researcher's consciousness crumbled. Could there possibly be a connection
infused by the spirit of the magic mushroom is between the evolution of the magic mushroom and
capable of far deeper scientific insights than we the evolution of our consciousness? Could a
can ever expect from the usual ivory tower mushroom have contributed to the resolution of
academics, isolated from reality, and who gorge our political conflicts?
themselves on our tax dollars. In the past, politicians, even popes, had
I met Jochen Gartz shortly after the fall of their own jesters and magicians, who functioned as
the Berlin Wall at the third symposium of the pressure release valves in the machinations of
European College for the Study of Consciousness political power struggles. It is obvious that a
(ECSC) in Freiburg, Germany. Our encounter was country whose chancellor is being pelted with
my first contact with a researcher from the former eggs, urgently needs a new breed of magician who
East Germany. Jochen Gartz's enthusiastic lecture are able to readjust reality. But today, no aspiring
was a truly consciousnessexpanding event, his magician should go about this task without this
words breaking down traditional borders and book as a guide for the wondrous journey into the
crossing over into new territory. The magic realm of magic mushrooms.
mushrooms spoke through him - with no trace of
dogma or ideology - in

Christian Rdtsch

Figure 5 - "Anthropomorphic Beings Engaged in Mushroom Dance"

10,000-year-old rock drawing in Tassili, Sahara (Algeria)



When R.G. Wasson, R. Heim and A. new findings from the fields of mycology,
Hofmann began their interdisciplinary research taxonomy and natural products chemistry.
program to study the Mexican species of Wasson and his successors have already provided
mushrooms and their usage in Mexican detailed accounts pertaining to the history and
mushroom cults, their efforts culminated in a study of the Mexican mushroom species, so that
1958 landmark report that described the isolation, these materials need not be repeated in this
molecular structure and synthesis of the context. However, certain aspects concerning the
mushrooms' active ingredients: psilocybin and more recent uses of these mushrooms as well as
psilocin. Several years later, these substances their conditions of growth will receive more
were also identified in a species of mushroom in detailed attention in later chapters.
Europe, Psilocybe semilanceata, which became the The main purpose of this book is to
first in a series of newly discovered species. Since inspire further study of these mushrooms,
then, psychoactive mushrooms from other genera particularly basic research efforts and medical
have been reported with increasing frequency. applications of magic mushroom ingredients.
As part of my analytical work dedicated The extensive bibliography will help
to the identification of naturally occurring scientists and other interested mycophiles to
chemicals, I had the good fortune to be part of a further immerse themselves in this complex area
research team that studied alkaloids found in a of study.
variety of mushroom species. Now I believe the
time has come for a comprehensive review of
Jochen Gartz

Figure 6 - Bronze doors with mushroom motif entitled "Trial and

Judgment" at Hildesheim Cathedral, Germany (ca. 1020).



It is remarkable that cultures native to the unconsciousness and severe somatic side effects.
American continent knew about a relatively large This hypothesis is corroborated by data from
number of natural mind-altering substances comprehensive field studies conducted in Mexico.
compared to early cultures that evolved in Europe I believe that historic accounts including those
or Asia. Botanical evidence does not support the described below - indicate a knowledge of and
notion that Europe is home to fewer hallucinogenic familiarity with psychotropic mushrooms in
plants than other regions. Furthermore, the Europe that is most likely derived from usage of
growing number of recently discovered European Psilocybes and related species, rather than
mushroom species containing psilocybin indicate a experience with Amanita muscaria. However, it is
flourishing psychotropic mycoflora in Europe extremely difficult to reject or confirm this
similar to those found in other countries. hypothesis, due to the lack of conclusive data
It is unlikely that early European cultures available for analysis today.
learned less about local plants and mushrooms
through usage and experience than cultures Bwyd Ellylon: A Feast of Fairies in
elsewhere in the world. Most likely, early cultural Celebration of the Spirit World
knowledge of European psychoactive plants and
mushrooms was lost or destroyed at some time in Tales of ritualistic mushroom usage have
history, probably as early as several hundred years found their way into the realm of myths and
ago. legends. For instance, one legend describes a
The discovery that the fly agaric peculiar poisonous mushroom in Wales (British
mushroom (Amanita muscaria) was known for its Isles) with the strange name of Bwyd Ellylon,
psychoactive properties in Siberia invited the which was considered a delicacy by fairies feasting
conclusion that this mushroom was used as a in celebration of the spirit world. Psilocybe
psychotropic agent in medieval Europe as well. In semilanceata is the most important psilocybin-
fact, there is very little evidence from the Middle containing mushroom in Europe and it thrives in
Ages to indicate widespread knowledge of the parts of Great Britain, where the mushroom grows
effects of specific mushrooms on human abundantly all across the Welsh countryside during
consciousness. However, I believe that past reports fall season.
on psychoactive mushrooms were causally linked I would like to thank G. Samorini for
to Amanita muscaria simply because this was the pointing out that the Inquisition was unusually
only known psychotropic mushroom in Europe at cruel and vicious in the Alpine valleys of
that time. Valcamonica, Valtrompia and Valtellina (located
While the usage of Amanita muscaria in the provinces of Brescia and Sandrio in
among Siberian tribes has generated reports of Northern Italy). Many books chronicle countless
spectacular hallucinations, European accounts of witch burnings in that region, with particular
fly agaric intoxications do not generally include emphasis on the witches' meetings at the "Monte
descriptions of such intensely hallucinatory del Tonale", located at an altitude of 2000 m (ca.
effects. 6,000 ft). Field research has shown that plants of
Accordingly, the potent hallucinogenic the nightshade family ("witching herbs") do not
effects of specific Psilocybes and related species grow at this altitude; even the fly agaric mushroom
are likely to have had a much more significant is rarely found there. By contrast, pastures in the
influence on early European cultures than the area abound with Psilocybe semilanceata during
delirium-like visions induced by Amanita the fall. Given this historical context, it would
muscaria, a species that is also known to induce seem likely that Psilocybe
semilanceata played an important role as a mushroom-related artwork. The drawings often
psychotropic agent in the region (see Figure 58, include renditions of zoomorphic entities as well
Chapter 7.4). as mushrooms. Significantly, they predate any
In light of medieval accounts describing reports and speculations about the Berserkers by
the practice of witchcraft, it is interesting to note over 2,000 years.
that a subjective sensation of flying or levitation is These ancient images suggest the
among the commonly reported effects of evolution of early European mushroom cults - a
psilocybin intoxication. cultural practice that most likely vanished during
the early Iron Age, as did many other customs and
social practices from that era. Still, the discovery
Berserk Rage of Nordic Warriors of ancient Northern European mushroom cults is a
powerful piece of evidence supporting the notion
In the course of the ideological power that psychoactive mushroom usage has been
struggle between Christianity and the remnants of continuous throughout history.
pagan religions that worshipped Nature, many In addition, a traditional Swedish custom
sources of knowledge were lost. The aggressive has survived to the present day, revealing an early
repression and eradication of pre-Christian knowledge of a certain mushroom believed to
customs all but destroyed the continuity of evoke "visions of spirit entities". As part of
Europe's original cultural heritage, along with summer solstice celebrations, a poisonous
much historic evidence documenting early cultural mushroom species ("Baran") was cast into the
practices, including the usage of plants and bonfires. Even though nothing is known about this
mushrooms for the purpose of temporary fungus today, the ritual burning of a poisonous
alterations of consciousness. mushroom was intended to weaken the powers of
Some authors went so far as to blame the goblins and other evil spirits. The mushrooms
fly agaric mushroom for proverbial fits of "berserk were viewed as symbolic incarnations of noxious
rage" attributed to Nordic warriors. Many accounts spirits. The mushrooms' ritualistic destruction by
detailing this phenomenon allude to a "deception fire thus destroyed the powers of evil and
of the eyes" (i.e. visual hallucinations). After the mischievous spirits. The assumption that some
Nordic legal system banished the practice of mushrooms are physical links to the intangible
"going berserk", it disappeared quite suddenly powers of the spirit world may have evolved from
during the 12th century. At about the same time, ancient fragments of knowledge about the
Saxo Grammaticus speculated that the Berserkers psychoactivity of specific types of mushrooms.
may have used magical potions. There are a number of written reports
It is just as plausible, however, to suggest about psychotropic mushrooms that date back to
that the hallucinogen of choice among early the late Middle Ages. While this collection of
Nordic cultures was Psilocybe semilanceata, a documents includes a variety of different sources
mushroom species quite common in Norway. from several countries, they provide remarkably
Neither Amanita muscaria nor Psilocybe similar descriptions of psychoactive mushrooms
semilanceata are generally known to cause states and the general nature of their effects.
of intense rage. However, given the historic
context, it is possible that, at the time, people had
already begun to internalize negatively biased Love Potions Brewed from Bolond Gomba
distortions and the demonization of psychoactive
mushrooms and their effects, in order to justify the
creation of new laws intended to destroy repulsive Clusius (1525-1609), for example, the
pagan customs such as the ritual use of mind- great physician and botanist, discovered "bolond
altering plants. gomba" in Hungary. This mushroom was known
It is important to note the existence of under the German name "Narrenschwamm"
ancient Northern European rock drawings that ("fool's mushrooms"). It was used in rural areas,
depict various mushroom themes, along with the where it was processed into love potions by wise
discovery of bronze-age vessels decorated with men or "javas asszony". At about the same
time, this "fool's mushroom" was documented in thousands of years ago, the process of harvesting
Slovakia as well. In addition, the mushroom found mushrooms as a food source caused alarming
its way into the verses of Polish poet Vaclav clusters of regionally isolated cases of fatal
Potocki (1625-1699), who refers to its potential of mushroom poisonings. Such experiences may well
"causing foolishness much like opium does ". have seeded a potent and lasting aversion towards
Similarly, in England, John Parkinson's an entire country's mycoflora.
"Theatricum Botanicum" (1640) includes details Similarly, the mycophilia typical of
about a 'foolish mushroom ". ancient Mexican cultures goes hand in hand with a
The Austrian colloquial expression "He general social acceptance of the effects of
ate those madness-inducing mushrooms" refers to Psilocybe mushrooms and their established ritual
states of mental confusion. usages. Among Mexican Indian tribes, the effects
Historic source materials such as these of psilocybin have never been causally linked to
are scarce and widely scattered. Undoubtedly, they any type of known mental illness. It is interesting
refer to psychotropic mushrooms, but lack to note that the Indians of Mexico were the only
sufficient information to permit clear identification Indians in the Americas who also harvested a large
of a specific species. However, considering the number of mushroom species for food.
habitats and occurrence of Psilocybe semilanceata Unfortunately, our current socio-political
and Psilocybe bohemica, these two species are climate is - strongly biased against newly
among the most likely candidates (see page 16 ff.). discovered hallucinogens, which are often defined
It is remarkable that these historic portrayals in terms of negatively loaded labels. Even worse,
revolve around just one aspect of the mushrooms' such prejudicial thinking distorts an objective,
overall effects: the occasional semi-schizophrenic scientifically neutral approach to the study of these
reaction which can at times be quite dramatic. substances. The label "fool's mushroom" first
None of these accounts reflect a distinct appeared during the 1930s, along with "Mexican
appreciation of mushrooms in the tradition of the mushroom of insanity". In the 1950s, the Central
Mexican Indians ("teonanacatl" = flesh of the American mushroom cults were discovered and the
Gods). mushrooms themselves were renamed "Mexican
magic mushrooms", in recognition of their
psychotropic effects and to emphasize the
Between Reverence and Fear significance of the mushrooms' early integration
into the social fabric of the cultures that cherished
By contrast, in Europe we find that the Later on, the relatively neutral label
symptoms of mushroom intoxication have always "hallucinogenic mushroom" came into use in the
been compared to symptoms of mental illness. mycological literature. Other designations that
Such cross-cultural differences in value judgments gained and lost popularity over time include the
can be explained in terms of two concepts somewhat derogatory term "intoxicating
introduced by R.G. Wasson and his wife: mushrooms" and the essentially meaningless "drug
mycophilia and mycophobia. This distinction sub- mushrooms".
divides cultures with different traditional attitudes
towards mushrooms into two groups. For instance,
an entrenched dislike for mushrooms (mycophobia) Scientifically Unbiased Hallucinations?
in Britain indicates traditional beliefs vastly
different from those found in Slavic countries,
where mushrooms are generally cherished Following his experiments with magic
(mycophilia). The origins and evolution of such mushrooms in Mexico during the summer of 1960,
diverging attitudes remain lost in the shadows of T. Leary returned to Harvard University and began
history. to study psilocybin as a variable in the
The development of early cultural taboos administration of standard psychological test
and prohibitions against psychotropic mushrooms batteries. His initial focus was diluted when he
may be the root cause of enduring mycophobic continued to expand his experiments to include
behavior. On the other hand, it is possible that, increasingly broader settings and applications. In
reaction to Leary's markedly unorthodox research studies have shown that psilocybin-
approach, the American press began to portray containing mushrooms thrive all over the world
psilocybin mushrooms in terms of slanderous and can be found on all continents. These
terminology that far exceeded the negative mushrooms are no different from any other
connotations of labels such as "fool's mushrooms". mycoflora and must not be excluded from
Descriptions of the mushrooms' effects included scientific investigation because of their alkaloid
claims that users experienced "death-like states". content.
Proponents of psilocybin research were In addition to overall variations in value
accused of denying that the alkaloid caused "semi- systems across cultures, individuals tend to
permanent brain damage". This pseudo-scientific develop their own personal attitudes towards
jumble of meaningless jargon was symptomatic of mushrooms in general. Oftentimes, the evolution
the sharply escalating controversy surrounding of specific opinions about mushrooms can be
hallucinogenic substances. Increasingly, news traced back to childhood events, even though such
reports on psilocybin were eclipsed by massive early experiences seldom account for the
amounts of publicity about LSD - the most potent development of prevailing biases and value
hallucinogen ever discovered. The subsequent systems later in life.
frenzy of legislative attempts to control LSD I recall an incident from my own
resulted in ever tighter restrictions on the scientific childhood, which occurred when I was about five
study of not only LSD, but psilocybin as well. years old. I was playing in a grassy meadow, when
Mind-altering substances were no longer thought a girl pointed to a brown mushroom and earnestly
of in terms of their specific effects and properties, explained that it was inedible and poisonous.
but rather were lumped together into a single While I have never forgotten this encounter, I did
group of dangerous chemicals. As antidrug grow up to become a devoted mushroom
hysteria continued to intensify, scientific and enthusiast. On the other hand, a different
pharmacological distinctions became all but childhood event has left me with the vivid memory
irrelevant: hallucinogens were no longer viewed as of discovering a landfill virtually covered with
different from other classes of dangerous and vast numbers of gilled bluing mushrooms and the
physically addictive drugs, such as heroin or the sense of awe I experienced contemplating this
opiates. This demonization of hallucinogens was sight. In general, the unusual characteristics of
successful in spite of massive research efforts that these mushrooms are most likely responsible for
began when Sandoz Pharmaceuticals decided to strong impressions formed early in life, which then
distribute psilocybin to qualified scientists for may develop into various attitudes or beliefs later
experimental and psychotherapeutic purposes. By on.
employing the method for synthesis of psilocybin An enduring personal interest in
developed by A. Hofmann, Sandoz Pharma- psychotropic mushroom species can serve to
ceuticals manufactured about 2 kg (ca. 4.4lbs) of amplify or diminish mycophobic as well as
pure psilocybin for scientific research purposes. mycophilic dispositions, depending on the
The results of pharmacological testing influence of other factors. After all, judgments
soon revealed psilocybin as an alkaloid that was about the benefit or folly of deliberately altering
perfectly safe for human subjects under controlled one's state of consciousness are also colored by
experimental conditions. Despite this evidence, the individual preferences, biases and opinions.
anti-drug legislative framework of the mid1960s The following chapters are meant to
firmly established an "official mycophobia", a illustrate this diversity of attitudes towards
misguided, yet entrenched policy that still prevails psychotropic mushrooms. Descriptions of planned
today and effectively prevents the scientific and involuntary experiments with specific
investigation of promising potential applications mushroom species offer convincing evidence that
for psilocybin and other alkaloids. At the same the effects of psychoactive mushrooms are open to
time, mycological and biochemical many possible interpretations.



Figure 7 - Distribution pattern of Psilocybe cyanescens across Europe and North Africa
(according to Krieglsteiner). Black dots indicate approximate locations where Psilocybe
cyanescens was found.
Mr. E Branl, on a poisonous Species of Agaric
To the Editors of,,t h e M e d i c a l a n d P h y s i c a l J o u r n a l .
Ge n t l e m e n ,

IF the following account of the deleterious effects of a very

common species of agaric, not hitherto generally suspected to be
poisonous, appears to you likely to prove useful or interesting to the
public, you will oblige me by its insertion; should its length be any
obstacle to this, I beg you will omit whatever you may think
superfluous. I remain,

N o . 1 0 , Arlington -Street, Yours, most obediently,

Nov. 16th, 1799. EVERARD BRANDE.

J. S. gathered early in the morning of. the third of October, in
the Green Park, what he Supposed to be small mushrooms; there he
stewed with the common additions in a tinned iron saucepan.* The
whole did not exceed a tea saucerful, which he and four of his
children ate the first thing, about eight o'clock in the morning, as
they frequently had done without any bad consequence; they
afterwards took their usual breakfast of tea, &c. which was finished
about nine, when Edward, one of the children, (eight years old,)
who had eaten a large proportion of the mushrooms, as they
thought them, was attacked with fits of immoderate laughter, nor
could the threats of his father-or mother restrain him. To this
succeeded vertigo, and a great 'degree of stupor, from which he was
roused by being called or shaken, but immediately relapsed. The
pupils of his eyes were, at times, dilated to nearly , the
circumference of the cornea, a n d scarcely contracted at the
approach of a strong light ; his breathing was quick, his pulse very
variable, at times imperceptible, at others too frequent and small to
be counted; latterly, very languid; his feet were cold, livid, and
contracted, he sometimes pressed his hands on different parts of his
abdomen, as if in pain, but when roused and interrogated as to it, he
answered indifferently. yes, or no, as he did to every other
question, evidently without any relation to what was asked. About
the same time the father, aged forty, was attacked with vertigo, and
complained that every thing appeared black, then wholly

* This accuracy may seem trivial, but I have met with people who
supported the following symptoms might have arisen from the use of
a copper vessel.

Figure 8 - Reproduction of a report from the mycological literature (1799)

describing a case of Psilocybe semilanceata intoxication.



Listen Well to this Frightful Story from St. mushroom species responsible for the poisoning
James's Green Park.... case described by Brande (see p. 17). Within the
context of Sowerby's book, only the variety of
About 200 years ago, E. Brande published mushrooms distinguished by their cone-shaped
an account about a remarkable case of mushroom caps were believed to cause intoxication. Figure
intoxication in London. On October 3, 1799 an 9 shows a typical rendition of Psilocybe
impoverished family picked some mushrooms in St. semilanceata. This mushroom species was
James's Green Park and prepared them for a meal known to Sowerby's contemporaries as
(see Figure 8, p. 15). "Agaricus glutinosus Curtis" and its descriptions
Shortly after eating the mushrooms, the are fully compatible with current knowledge
father and his four children developed symptoms of about Psilocybe semilanceata.
intoxication, such as markedly dilated pupils, A few years later, renowned Swedish
spontaneous laughter and delirium. The progression mycologist E. Fries referred to "Agaricus
of symptoms was experienced as wave-like, with semilanceatus" in his book entitled "Obser-
cycles of increasing and fading intensity. In vationes Mycologicae" (1818). Later on, the
addition, the father's visual perception was affected same mushroom also appeared under the names
so that everything around him appeared to be black Coprinarius semilanceatus Fr. or Panaeolus
- a frightening experience he believed to presage his semilanceatus (Fr.) Lge. Not until 1870 did
impending death. Kummer and Quelet classify this mushroom as
Even though two family members (ages 12 a member of the genus Psilocybe.
and 18) consumed only small amounts of the Consequently, two valid designations may be
cooked mushrooms, the ensuing symptoms of found in the literature:
intoxication were no different from those observed -- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) Kumm. or --
in family members who had eaten comparatively -- Psilocybe semilanceata (Fr.) Quel.
larger portions. After several hours, the psychic and
perceptual disturbances subsided and finally
disappeared, without any lingering side effects. Around 1900, M. C. Cooke reported two or
Attempts to treat acute symptoms included three new instances of accidental mushroom
administration of emetics and fortifying tonics. In intoxication involving children in England.
the end, these potions were heralded as the crucial Interestingly, Cooke noted that symptoms were
treatment that "cured" the family. caused only by a variety of mushroom known to
For the most part it is extremely difficult, if turn blue (var. caerulescens). He
not impossible, to assemble complete and accurate was the first mycologist to wonder if a bluing
details on many aspects of magic mushroom history variety of this species was poisonous, or if the
from source materials available today. Thus, it is an bluish color was induced by external factors,
instance of rare good fortune and a boon to causing changes in the mushroom's chemical
mushroom historians that E. Brande's description of composition so as to render them poisonous.
a typical psilocybin syndrome was augmented by J. Early Descriptions
Sowerby, author of "Coloured Figures of English
Fungi or Mushrooms" (London, 1803). Sowerby's A close relative of Mexico's
book included a rendition and description of the psychoactive species, Psilocybe semilanceata is
a mushroom whose physical appearance
resembles Psilocybe semperviva Heim &
Cailleux and Psilocybe
Stalks generally single, sometimes clustered, from two to four inches in
height, the thickness of a goose quill, thread shaped whitish almost solid, the
tube being very small, glutinous; ring, a little below the cap, scarce
“ Cap, from one to two inches in breadth, of a brown color; in the full. grown
ones hemispherical, always convex, and more or lets glutinous; wet with
rain, it becomes browner and transparent,'so that it sometimes appears
“ Gills numerous, single, of a brownish purple color, clouded; whole ones
about twenty, horizontal, three shorter ones placed betwixt them; they throw
out a powder of a brownish purple color."
With respect to the use of it, he only says, « There is nothing acrimonious or
disagreeable in its taste, yet its appearance will not recommend it to the
lovers of mushrooms."

Figure 9 - Drawing and description of Psilocybe semilanceata by J. Sowerby (London, 1803).

1733. A. semilanceatus Fries (Observ. II. pag. 178).

Synon. : Agaricus semiglobatus Sowerby (Engl. Fungi taf. 240.

fig. 1-3). Hut etwas hautig, spitz kegelfdrmig, fast zugespitzt, 11/2 Cent.
breit, 1 / 2 Cent. hock, feucht klebrig, fein streifig, gelb oder grunlich,
zah, mit Anfangs umgeknicktem Rande und leicht trennbarer Oberhaut.
Stiel zah, gebogen, 11 Cent. hock, kahl, blass. Lamellen angeheftet,
aufsteigend, purpur-schwarz. Sporen ellptisch, hellbraun, 9 -16 u
lang, 4 - 9 u dick.

Ax Wegen, auf Grasphitzen, besonders wo Mist gelegen hat.

spitzkegeliger Kahlkopf (Psilocybe semilanceata). Kegel-glockenformig mit

papilenertiger spitze Hut-o,5-1 cm breit, bis 2cm hock, lehmfarben mit oliv-
grunem Stich, klebrig. Lamellen breit, oliv-lehmfarben, spater purpurbraun.
Stiel schlank, glanzend. - Gedungte Wiesen, Wegrander. Stellenweise.

Figure 10 - Two descriptions of Psilocybe semilanceata from the German-language

literature. The first description (top) was written over a hundred years ago, while the
second one (bottom) dates to 1962. Significantly, the more recent entry classifies the
species as "essentially worthless". Also see Figure 11.
mexicana Heim. Like Psilocybe semilanceata, these In 1967 and 1969 Psilocybe semilanceata
Mexican species thrive in meadows and pastures. samples from Scotland and England were found
Another common trait among these species is the to contain psilocybin as well. Later on (1977),
rather subdued and subtle quality of their bluing Michaelis reported discovering the alkaloid in
reaction. Recognition of these similarities with samples collected in Germany (see Figure 14).
Mexican species sparked the curiosity of scientists
who wanted to learn more about Europe's The Popularity of Psilocybe semilanceata
Psilocybe species. A research team that included
A. Hofmann and R. Heim began to study samples Since the late 1970s, investigators in
of Psilocybe semilanceata, in collaboration with C. several countries have been using of state-of-the-
Furrer, a mycologist who examined fruiting bodies art methodology (High Performance Liquid
collected in Switzerland and France. By 1963, Chromatography) to test samples and quantify
paper chromatography testing had yielded data of their alkaloid content. The following sections
historic significance. For the first time, scientists include more detailed reviews of these tests and
had confirmed the presence of 0.25 % psilocybin their results.
in dried samples of Psilocybe semilanceata. Psilocybe semilanceata has clearly
Publication of the results represented an established itself as t h e psychotropic mushroom
extraordinary achievement, because psilocybin had species in Europe. The species thrives throughout
never before been detected in a European the European continent, where it has sparked
mushroom species. Previously, the alkaloid had extensive research efforts. In terms of usage,
been found only in Psilocybe species native to Psilocybe semilanceata is Europe's most popular
Mexico, Asia and North America. psychoactive species. In his 1983 monograph,
While Psilocybe semilanceata was not Guzman suggests that Psilocybe semilanceata may
recognized as an important psychoactive species well be the most common psychoactive Psilocybe
until the 1960s, descriptions of the species were mushroom in the world. Even though the species
included in many standard German language is known to flourish in Europe, North America,
mycology reference books published before 1963. Australia and Asia, the mycofloras of many
Figure 10 shows examples of two such countries have not yet been studied or
descriptions, one of them dated 1962 and the documented. Thus, we cannot yet evaluate the
second one written about 60 years earlier. Note prevalence of Psilocybe semilanceata on a global
that the 1962 version designates Psilocybe scale.
semilanceata as a "worthless" species - a rather In Europe, however, discoveries of
incongruous conclusion likely to amuse today's Psilocybe semilanceata have been reported from
readers. On the other hand, accounts of and the following countries: Finland, Norway,
knowledge about cases of mushroom intoxication Sweden, Denmark, Germany, Switzerland,
in England did not find their way into Germany's Austria, The Netherlands, Belgium, France,
mycological literature. A few authors, such as Russia, Poland, the former Czechoslovakia,
Michael & Schulz (1927) and A. Ricken (1915) Hungary, Romania, Scotland, England, Wales,
see Figures 11 and 12, pp. 19-20) contributed Italy and Spain.
excellent and valuable descriptions of Psilocybe Unfortunately, there are no com-
semilanceata, but these are the exceptions, rather prehensive maps detailing the species's
than the rule. A description of Psilocybe distribution pattern. Traditionally, mycologists
semilanceata from 1977 reflects less emphasis on have often neglected relatively tiny species, such
details, and a rather cursory approach to as Psilocybe semilanceata, that tend to share their
differentiation of the species, except for additional habitats with other, more prominent species. The
data on the mushroom's microscopic sarcastic phrase "The mushrooms occur in
characteristics (see Figure 13). abundance wherever mycologists abound" is
In addition, a German aquarelle painting particularly pertinent in reference to the Psilocybe
from 1927 of five fruiting bodies depicts the species. Prior to the discovery of psilocybin, the
mushroom's habitus in remarkably realistic detail Psilocybe genus languished in the literature,
(see Figure 1, p. 4). shrouded in obscurity. To this day, few
189. Psilocybe semilanceata Fr. [Worthless]

The cap is uniformly conic to bell-shaped, with a pointy or obtuse center forming
an almost wart-like protrusion; initially, caps are often taller than they are wide, margins
are bent and curved inward; later on, width of cap is 1.5-4 cm. Hygrophanous; coloration
is a dirtyish olive-brown when wet, with translucent striate margins; at the center,
coloration is ocher or greenish-yellow against an overall shade of smudgy pale yellow and
oftentimes some greenish stains; only the margins are banded by a darkcolored, watery
stripe around the edge. No stripes or banding evident when mushrooms are completely
dried. Lacking a veil, caps are thin-fleshed, bald, with an easily separable pellicle that
remains gelatinous-sticky for a long time, turning shiny when dry.
Gills are olive brown to blackish purple brown in color, with the edges often
remaining white, gill spacing is quite crowded; gill attachment is either roughly linear or
mostly adnexed; up to 3.5 mm wide; attached at the stem only, fully detached later on.
Spores are elongated to ellipitical in shape, smooth and large, measuring 12-16 u
by 6-8,u. Color of spore dust is blackish purple brown.
Stem is very slender, almost uniformly thin and always twisted, 6-12 cm long and
1.25-2 mm thick, yellowish or whitish in color; areas subjected to pressure develop bluish-
green stains. Stems are silky smooth and roughly at the center, cortinate fibrils appear like
remnants of a veil, which is brittle and lined with a white fibrous cord of wool-like
When dry, the flesh of the cap is colored pale yellow, while the stem's flesh is
ocher brown in color, especially towards the bottom. It is odorless and its flavor is mild.
The mushroom grows from August to October, frequently in gregarious clusters, and can
be found in pastures and along roadways, growing on dung that has undergone complete
decomposition. It is not a particularly rare species.

Figure 11(above) This excellent description of Psilocybe semilanceata by Michael & Schulz
(1927) is shown here as originally published in German, with an English translation.
Mycologists specialize in the study of Psilocybes, Psilocybe semilanceata does not grow in locations
despite the fact that Psilocybe semilanceata is the where artificial fertilizer has been used. Such
most common and conspicuous species among the pastures are often flanked by creeks or swamp
Psilocybes. Also, mushroom lovers whose lands, which saturate the soil with water. During the
interests are not purely scientific (see Chapter 7.4) summertime, the warm climate in these wet areas
do not usually preserve their knowledge for provides an excellent environment for optimal
posterity in the form of distribution maps. mycelial growth. In Germany, the mushroom's
However, there is one map from 1986, which habitat ranges from the coastal areas to
shows the distribution pattern of Psilocybe mountainous regions, where the species has been
semilanceata across Germany (see Figure 20, p. found at altitudes of up to 1,720 m (5,160 ft) above
28). sea level (MTB-8443, 1985). In the former
Almost no published information is available Czechoslovakia, samples have been collected at
about locations where Psilocybe species have altitudes ranging from 330 to 1,000 m (1,000 -
been found in eastern Germany. During my own 3,000 ft), with one location at 1,400 m (4,200 ft)
field trips, I have discovered Psilocybe above sea level. According to these distribution
semilanceata specimens in various locations, such patterns, the species does not appear to favor a
as near my hometown of Mansfeld in the Vorharz specific altitude. As of 1986, 44 locations in the
Mountains, in the marshlands of Duben as well as former Czechoslovakia had been logged, yielding a
in other eastern German marshland areas. In total of 54 samples. In contrast to other mushroom
addition, friends who are also mycologists have species, such as the cultivated commercial white
told me about finding the mushrooms in other mushrooms (Agaricus bisporis), Psilocybe
parts of the country. A book published in 1952 is semilanceata will fruit in a comparatively much
among the rare sources that includes details about wider range of temperatures.
specimens discovered in the southeastern state of While Psilocybe semilanceata is common
Saxony (see Figure 16, p. 23). throughout Germany, the species does not appear to
The Psilocybe species grow most favor specific areas where it occurs in marked
abundantly on wet pastures surrounded by forest abundance or density. One obvious limitation on the
areas. In my experience, Psilocybe semilanceata growth of the species is the limited presence of
grows in most of Germany's forestlands. The fertilizer in areas that would otherwise be excellent
species fruits during the fall, from late September locations for the mushroom to thrive in. Most likely
through October. It favors acidic soil and grassy that is why the species has not expanded into new
terrain alongside trails or around the edges of habitats in Germany over the last few decades.
forest lands. Specimens are generally clustered in Descriptions of frequency of occurrence in the older
small groups of 30 mushrooms or less. Deer literature are comparable to contemporary
droppings or other animal feces are usually observations.
present at those locations, even though the On occasion, however, Psilocybe
mushrooms never grow directly on top of dung. semilanceata can produce a huge number of fruiting
Occasionally, extremely stunted specimens may bodies at certain locations where conditions for
be found in the mountains by the side of the road. growth are excellent.
The soil below older cow pastures provides
an excellent medium for extensive mycelial Between a Creek and a Marshlands Pond....
growth. In some locations, large areas yield an
abundance of fruiting bodies, mirroring the extent 8'/2 Inches Tall !
of mycelial saturation in the soil. Given adequate
moisture, maximum yields can be expected, if the At this point, I would like to provide some
pasture was grazed at least once during the weeks more details about two marshlands locations, where
before fruiting season. However, the mushrooms we have conducted mycological field research over
also thrive under similar conditions on horse and the course of several years.
sheep pastures. Such grassy areas inside forests At the first location, the fruiting bodies
are usually grazing areas for deer, who provide grew in a shallow grass valley among very tall grass
the soil with additional fertilization. However, on slightly acidic soil. This grassy area was
a forest clearing between a creek and a marshlands Psilocybe semilanceata is the blue discoloration
pond. In areas exposed to direct sunlight, of parts of the cap and the lower half of the stem,
temperatures were significantly higher than they While the degree of discoloration is relatively
were in surrounding areas, a phenomenon that minor, it is particularly noticeable when the
persisted during the fall season. Deer droppings mushrooms are wet. Fruiting bodies that are old
contributed to frequent fertilization of the area. The and wet may spontaneously develop transparent,
fruiting bodies from the first batch of mushrooms blue stains across their caps. On the other hand,
found in this location had stems of up to 81/2 in.[!] discoloration of the stems does not set in until the
(21.5 cm) tall, due to very tall grass in the area. The fruiting bodies have been separated from the
caps of the mushrooms were so tiny, that clear mycelia for about 30 to 60 minutes. Even in areas
identification of the species as Psilocybe of abundant harvests, I have always found
semilanceata was not immediately possible. Even mushrooms with bluish-green discoloration’s
though a bluing reaction was present, alongside others that lacked this characteristic.
chromatography testing was needed to confirm the During the drying process, the blue coloration is
species. Subsequent discoveries, however, yielded preserved, even though some fading may occur.
samples that could be identified on the spot based The historic descriptions of Psilocybe
on their morphological characteristics. We were semilanceata cited above are so detailed that I
able to collect 30 to 60 specimens at this location cannot add any of better quality. In spite of many
every fall for three consecutive years. opinions in the literature to the contrary, there is a
Unfortunately, the location was destroyed soon noticeable odor that emanates from damp fruiting
afterwards, due to man-made modifications to the bodies that have been opened. This odor is similar
marshlands and construction of an access road. to, but weaker than the one associated with
During the same year, we discovered a Psilocybe bohemica, which is often described as
second location within about half a mile of the first reminiscent of radishes or poppies, but as
one. The area was very large, a former cow pasture generally not unpleasant (also see Chapter 3.2).
which had been grazed regularly. It was located In addition, the mushrooms have another
next to a creek that saturated the soil completely. special attribute that rarely occurs in other
Today, sheep occasionally graze the area and deer species. Under the light of a quartz lamp,
droppings are commonly found in the grass. Here, Psilocybe semilanceata specimens turn
Psilocybe semilanceata fruits in abundance. Each fluorescent. The substance responsible for this
fall season, the pasture is covered with hundreds of phenomenon, however, has not yet been
fruiting bodies (see Figure 15, p. 23). identified.
For three years, we returned to the area
three times each fall, and harvested a total of 2,800 Accounts of Impressive Experiences
mushrooms (ca. 140 g or 5 oz dry weight) at the Psilocybe semilanceata is quite likely the
location. While some of the fruiting bodies could most potently psychoactive mushroom among the
be spotted easily on the grassy soil (see Figure 17) European species. The impressive nature and
the vast majority of the specimens were usually rapid onset of the effects are reflected in the
concealed inside clumps of grass (see Figure 18). description of an intoxication from England cited
When the weather is dry, Psilocybe above. These elements are also part of the
semilanceata is an easily recognizable species. The following account, which details a mycologist's
fruiting bodies are extremely hygrophanous, which first self-experiment:
is why the color of the caps changes to a dark olive After ingesting 1.3 g (less than one-
black-brown when the mushrooms are wet. Only a sixteenth of an ounce) of dried and pulverized
close inspection of the gills and the crooked stems mushrooms (30 mushrooms total) in water on an
enabled us to differentiate the wet mushrooms from empty stomach, 20 minutes passed before the
the Panaeolus species (see Chapter 3.3). Like many sudden onset of hallucinatory effects, including a
other psychotropic mushroom species, a crucial heavy flow of tears. The apparitions are best
characteristic of described as a conjunction of visions and
Figure 17 - Psilocybe semilanceata on grassy soil.

Figure 18 - Psilocybe semilanceata hidden in high grass.

thoughts - later on I discovered the term at our lodgings, I ate no more than six fresh
"visualization" in the literature. I had an extremely mushrooms. The key stimulus for the following
uncomfortable experience of a daydream-like experience was provided by a water color painting
flight, where my arm had been seized by a witch... of an elegant lady from the 19th century that
There were three of us flying somewhere, captured my attention completely. Suddenly I knew
sometime. After that, all objects in my immediate that I was re-living an earlier incarnation, a life that
surroundings appeared pale and bleached. With my began when I was born in Germany in 1813.
eyes closed I "saw" abstract ornaments with no My name was Alexander Schmitt, and I
distinct luminescence or emotional impact. During knew that I had died in 1871. As a child, I
this time, free-floating dysphoria developed, along travelled by boat to North America, together with
with guilt-ridden ruminations. After five hours, the my parents and other immigrants. In the United
effects ended suddenly, followed by the gradual States, 1 changed my last name to Smith. I was a
onset of a mild headache, while no other side effects logger in a small Kentucky town named Sharpville
were noted. or Shopville. My life there was hard and full of
On the other hand, a second experiment sacrifices and I drank a lot of alcohol. These
involving about half the previous dosage stood out circumstances of my existence were indicative of
because of a surge of memories and the my lifestyle, which included beating my wife and
simultaneous re-experience of childhood emotions, otherwise mistreating her like the tyrant I was. As
along with some curious feelings of melting and the experience deepened, I completely identified
merging: with the person of Alexander Smith. During these
One day in late summer I was out on a moments I forgot my native German altogether, and
nature walk and ingested 0.6 g of pulverized my thinking processes unfolded entirely in English.
mushrooms. The weather was warm and sunny and In this manner, I eventually experienced the last
I was walking through open areas near my hours of Alexander Smith's life. I was lying in bed
hometown, were I had often played as a child. on several white sheets and was very ill. Suddenly I
Suddenly, I experienced an emotional state most knew that my wife had poisoned me, to put an end to
accurately described as child-like wonder and my continuous degrading treatment of her over the
amazement about the surrounding forest. The area years. I knew that I did not have long to live. I was
nearby appeared in very sharp contrast and my about to die. Fortunately, the experience ended
visual perceptions seemed fresh and pure. Suddenly before I had to face the final struggle against death.
I remembered in vivid detail just how small the Today, over three years later, this unique experience
trees had been decades ago and how I never is still etched into my memory in vivid detail.
observed any other plant growth there before dark, The experience's emotional impact has not
which had sometimes frightened me. At the same diminished with the passage of time.
time, my body movements felt much more elastic Such experiences of earlier incarnations
and childlike. This delightful state of reliving my cannot be explained in terms of the accepted tenets
childhood lasted for about two hours. On the way of western science. In any case, a thorough attempt
home I noticed a small calf out on the pasture. should be made to research the existence and
The calf evoked a great amount of empathy historic accuracy of the locations and persons
in me, when I noticed how much it was bothered by involved. The individual who experienced the
pesky flies. These feelings of compassion events described above had never been to
culminated in a brief experience of completely Kentucky, did not know whether or not a town
merging with the calf. I found it to be rather strange named Sharpville or Shopville has ever existed
and quite uncomfortable. After four hours, there and had never before had the slightest interest
the effects subsided without any lasting side effects. in this U.S. state. Due to his strictly atheistic
Finally, a third mushroom experiment with upbringing, he had never thought such experiences
Psilocybe semilanceata in Oregon led to an possible. S. Grof, however, has described similar
experience of complete identification with a sequences and emphasized that they can occur
person from the 19th century: quite unexpectedly under the influence of
We collected a large number of "liberty hallucinogens. He also noted that such experiences
caps" in a pasture near Astoria. Later on, back are not exactly unusual, when
an individual experiences repeated applications of States as well as from Switzerland and the former
hallucinogenic substances. Czechoslovakia have, for the most part, been
In closing this section, I would like to extensively analyzed. It was discovered that the
present a short account of an experience that combined analysis of several dried mushrooms
illustrates how the effects of psychotropic for alkaloid content yielded an average value of 1
substances can vary across individuals, depending % psilocybin of the dry weight, regardless of
on the setting in which the experience takes place: country of origin. The issue of chemical race has
After ingestion of 0.6 g of pulverized been hotly debated with respect to other species,
mushrooms in orange juice, the effects began to such as the fly agaric mushroom. But in contrast
manifest after about 30 minutes: An endless to plants, such a phenomenon has not yet been
sequence of images behind closed eyes. At the same proven to exist in the higher mushroom species.
time, no distinctly euphoric nor dysphoric So far, there is no evidence to support the notion
emotional states were noted; the reaction to these that the basic chemical make-up of a species can
images is most fittingly described as "temporary vary dramatically from sample to sample. Among
amazement". The initial images of entwined the species discussed here, Psilocybe
ornaments changed with the passage of time and semilanceata and Inocybe aeruginascens (see
became plants, some of whom had several surreal Chapter 3.4) appear to be the two species with the
characteristics not known to exist on Earth. I lowest degree of variability in psilocybin content
believe these images reflected my longstanding across samples. The first three analysis results
preoccupation with the world of plants. Then, shown in Table 1 represent data from my own
when a mirror was placed in front of me, I research conducted in the course of a workshop
perceived "a gloomy-looking fellow with a fixed with other investigators in Prague.
gaze". Then I admitted, somewhat reluctantly,
that this impression did, in fact, reflect my
everyday demeanor and that I usually did not make
it easy for others "to see behind the facade ". The
experimental guide confirmed my own impressions. TABLE 1
Prior to this incident, we had never discussed this
issue. Average Psilocybin Content of Dried
Psilocybe semilanceata Samples

Origin Psilocybin (%)

The Psychotherapeutic Potential of

Psilocybin's Psychotropic Effects 1. Dubener Marshlands,
Eastern Germany 0.96
The preceding account of an experience by 2. Prague, Czech Republic 1.05
3. Krasna Lipa, Czech Republic 0.91
a 67-year-old mycologist contains elements that 4. Norway 0.95
illustrate the beneficial potential of psilocybin's 5. Pacific Northwest, USA 0.93
psychotropic effects as an adjunct to 6. The Netherlands 0.97
psychotherapy. We will return to a discussion of
these benefits in Chapter 9.
In accordance with their strong
psychoactivity, chemical analyses of Psilocybe Fresh mushrooms are about 90% water,
semilanceata specimens have revealed high levels that is, one gram of mushroom material contains
of psilocybin. It is safe to say that this species an average of 1 mg of psilocybin.
has been more thoroughly studied than any other Psilocin, a comparatively less stable
Psilocybe species, including the Mexican species, compound, is the phenol analogue of psilocybin
whose dried mass is known to contain 0.2 - 0.6 (see Figure 19, p. 27) and thus oxidizes much
psilocybin. more readily than psilocybin. Psilocybe
semilanceata contains only trace amounts of
Collections of Psilocybe semilanceata psilocin, if any at all.
from England, Scotland, Norway, Finland, On the other hand, baeocystin as the
Belgium, Holland, Germany, France, the United
Biochemical precursor of psilocybin is found in contain additional substances that contribute to the
all fruiting bodies of the Psilocybe species. The overall psychotropic effect. This hypothesis is
precursor has a hydrogen atom where supported by the fact that considerable amounts of
psilocybin's only CH3 group is baeocystin are consistently found in samples of
located; the average baeocystin content Psilocybe semilanceata. I am also aware of an
is 0.2% of dry weight. In 1967, Leung and Paul experiment whose results showed that 4 mg of
reported the isolation of baeocystin from baeocystin caused mild hallucinations for three
fruiting bodies of Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & hours, while 10 mg of baeocystin were found to be
Smith in North America. In 1977, Repke and about as psychoactive as a similar amount of
Leslie also found the substance in a Psilocybe psilocybin.
semilanceata sample from the same place of
Some investigators have found
differences in alkaloid content when comparing The Long Shelflife of Psilocybin
single fruiting bodies from the same location.
As part of dried mushroom material,
psilocybin is a remarkably durable substance. A
sample of desiccated mushrooms dated 1869 from
TABLE 2 a Finnish herbarium was still found to contain
Alkaloid Content of Dried Mushrooms from a 0.014% of psilocybin. On the other hand, no
Location in the Dubener Marshlands of alkaloids were founds in another sample dated
Eastern Germany (Selected Results) 1843. Unfortunately, it is no longer possible to
determine the methods used in drying these
samples. Temperatures over 50°C cause psilocybin
Dry Weight (mg) Psilocybin (%) Baeocystin (%)
to break down into its derivatives. In laboratory
settings, mushrooms are usually dried at room
18 1.25 0.34 temperatures. Sometimes, fruiting bodies are also
30 0.96 0.21 freeze-dried for analysis. Freeze-dried mushrooms,
70 0.72 0.19 however, have a highly porous texture that causes
85 0.90 0.10 the alkaloids to break down relatively quickly, if the
samples are stored at room temperature (20°C). For
that reason, freeze-dried samples for biochemical
analysis are stored at -10°C prior to alkaloid
Smaller mushrooms almost always extractions or chromatography testing. In addition
contained more alkaloids than larger specimens. to the reports from Finland, investigators in North
This fording was then confirmed by another study America have noted that psilocybin's decay rate is
using considerably larger amount of investigative slowest in Psilocybe semilanceata, compared to
materials (40 mushrooms). Moreover, other species.
exceptionally high concentrations of baeocystin
have been shown to accumulate in the caps of
fruiting bodies that contain the alkaloid. In
addition, one mushroom sample from Finland CH3
deserves special mention due to its unusually high CH3
psilocybin content of 2.37%!
Early controlled studies of the
psychoactivity of various species in the former
Czechoslovakia concluded that Psilocybe (1) R = H2P03
semilanceata is a more potently psychoactive
species than Psilocybe bohemica, even though (2) R = H
both species were found to contain the same Figure 19 - Structural formulas for
amounts of psilocybin. Thus, researchers psilocybin (1) and psilocin (2).
hypothesized that the mushrooms are likely to
Psilocybe semilanceata

Figure 20 - Distribution pattern of Psilocybe semilanceata in Germany and adjacent areas.

Locations are indicated by black dots.



At least one other Psilocybe species in different herbariums. However, the microscopic
addition to Psilocybe semilanceata is known to data pertaining to the Psilocybe species are poorly
exist in Europe. At this point, I must emphasize delineated and oftentimes overlap. It is therefore
that the differentiation of single species within imperative that additional mycological studies of
the Psilocybe genus is subject to considerable Psilocybe cyanescens be performed. To this end,
controversy among eminent taxonomists. For fresh mushroom samples from various European
example, there are different methods of locations should be used, and biochemical methods
distinguishing the Hypholoma genus from the must be included in the investigation. Guzman's
Stropharia genus. division of Psilocybe cyanescens by geographic
area, however, definitely turned out to be
inaccurate. According to his system, -North Africa
The Widespread Distribution was home to Psilocybe mairei, while Psilocybe
of Psilocybe cyanescens cyanescens were found in England and Holland and
Psilocybe serbica supposedly grew in Serbia and
While Psilocybe semilanceata is a species Bohemia. The geographic distribution of the entire
that has long been clearly defined and is well species seems to cover a vast area, with variations
known by this name, there are, according to along climate and terrain at locations where samples
Krieglsteiner, other strongly bluing mushrooms were collected. Such disparate morphologies are to
that can be described as belonging to the be expected when dealing with "young" species,
"Psilocybe cyanescens complex". These are all that is, species that have not yet firmly established
mushrooms that grow on raw compost and plant themselves and are still expanding into new
debris. locations.
In accordance with current states of Figure 7 (p. 14) displays locations in
knowledge, the following names in the literature Europe and North Africa where samples of
are merely synonyms for Psilocybe cyanescens Psilocybe cyanescens have been found.
Wakefield emend. Krieglsteiner:

- Hypholoma cyanescens R. Maire

Spores Introduced From Overseas?
- Hypholoma coprinifacies (Rolland ss.
Herink) Pouzar In this section I would like to discuss
- Geophila cyanescens (R. Maire) Kuhner & several aspects of the bluing Psilocybe mushrooms.
Romagnesi Detailed information about several isolated sample
- Psilocybe serbica Moser & Horak collections has been presented by Krieglsteiner.
- Psilocybe mairei Singer A description of any mushroom species
- Psilocybe bohemica Sebek becomes valid only after a Latin diagnosis of the
The classification of these synonyms is collected sample has been published in a
particularly difficult, because the mycologists mycological journal, along with distinctive
involved provided detailed descriptions for characteristics in relation to other species.
isolated collections of fruiting bodies only, In 1946 Wakefield described as Psilocybe
followed by comparisons with mushrooms cyanescens Wakefield a sample of bluing dark-
found at other locations, using dates provided in spored mushrooms collected at the botanical
the literature. Under the best of circumstances, gardens in Kew, England. It had been suggested
an analysis was performed on dried samples
that those mushrooms occurred adventitiously, across decaying plant materials, such as leaves,
that is, that the spores had been imported from twigs and mulch. There were greenish and
overseas together with other plant materials. The distinctly bluish stains on the caps, and most
presence of such mushrooms in botanical gardens notably a bluish color near the base of the stem.
had been observed quite frequently, and such Other fruiting bodies quickly developed blue
imports are likely whenever the mushroom in stains in reaction to being handled, even in very
question has never before been found in cool temperatures.
surrounding areas. The possible importation of The description of Psilocybe cyanescens
Gymnopilus purpuratus is described elsewhere below is somewhat condensed, but essentially
(see Chapter 3.5). applies to all other collections, while the relative
The mushrooms displayed a much more measures and sizes may vary:
intense blue staining reaction than Psilocybe Caps: 5-40 mm broad, conic at first, with
semilanceata. They were observed growing on cortinate fibrils ascending steeply to the stem, but
small pieces of wood in the forested areas of Kew fading quickly, bell-shaped later on, partially with
Gardens during the fall season for several years. an acute umbo. Later expanding to plane, with
Among the mushrooms' most notable features are undulating or wavy margins, no remnants of veil,
their undulating, twisted caps. Guzman believes also broadly convexed to umbonate in older
that specimens collected in British Columbia and mushrooms. Deep chestnut brown when fresh and
the Pacific Northwest of the United States moist, fading to a whitish color when drying, with
(Northern California, Oregon, Washington) are stains of bluish to blue-green coloration.
identical to those found in Kew Gardens (see Gills: Attachment adnate to broadly
Figure 24). Indeed, all of the macroscopic and subdecurrent, color light to dirty beige when
some microscopic descriptions and photographs young, later on changing to cinnamon-purple
match the mushrooms found in England. However, brownish color due to maturation of spores. Blue
conclusive proof of identity can be provided only staining reaction is slight in response to pressure.
by results from DNA analyses and cross-breeding Stem: 30-85 mm long, uniformally thick at 1.5-3
experiments with single-spore mycelia. I will mm. Stems and mycelial fibers turn blue in
elaborate on this method in a later section. response to touch, if blue stains not already
In 1975, fruiting bodies of this species present.
were also discovered in Holland. Additional bluing Odor: Somewhat like flour or potatoes.
mushrooms growing gregariously on grass and Spores: 6-8 x 9-14 u.
decaying reeds were found in the Jura Mountains
In 1976, bluing mushrooms growing on
of Switzerland in 1972 (MTB 8511). Other
plant debris were found in the Saarland region of
samples are known to have been collected in the
Germany. Other collections came from the
Steiermark region of Austria in the fall of 1976, as
Southern regions of the Black Forest (MTB 7515,
well as on the Mediterranean island of Corsica in
1959, 1963), as well as the Vogtland area (1979)
1972 and 1984.
and the Rheinland area (MTB 4706, 1982).
On several occasions, a number of
Similar mushrooms were also discovered near
fruiting bodies classifed as Psilocybe cyanescens
Hamburg (MTB 2428, 1983) and Bremen (1982,
were also discovered in Germany (see Figure 23, p.
1983). The latter collections are especially
interesting, because the greenhouses at the
More elaborate descriptions of several such
Rhododendron Park and People's Park in those
collections are provided below:
cities provided layers of wood chips during the
On October 31, 1983 considerable
fall which enabled the mushrooms to fruit much
quantities of fruiting bodies in all stages of
more prolifically (thousands of mushrooms) than
development were found in the lower regions of
they did naturally in surrounding areas, where the
Bavaria (MTB 7542). Interspersed with grass, the
species was also fruiting in several locations.
mushrooms grew along a 100-yard stretch right
These findings most likely indicate the presence
next to an old garbage dump forming colonies,
of a similar, imported species, because native
some small and others larger, that were partially
fruiting bodies require exposure to the shock of
intertwined. They were found scattered
colder temperatures of fall in order to develop
from the mycelia. For instance, other wood well as on decaying pine cones. Several
chipdwelling species have been reported from specimens up to 15 cm (6 in.) tall with caps up to
the Pacific Northwest of the U.S., such as 5 cm (2 in.) broad were found growing on a
Psilocybe stundi, Psilocybe baeocystis, rotting log whose underside was exposed to the
Psilocybe pelliculosa and others (also see running water. A water-loving Psilocybe species,
Chapter 7.1). Psilocybe caerulescens Murr. it primarily fruits in late autumn (see Figure 21,
from Mexico is also related to these species. below), when short night frosts induce maximum
This was the first Psilocybe mushroom to be possible fruiting. The brown caps are strongly
recognized as psychoactive by Wasson in the hygrophanous and their color fades to a white-
course of his selfexperiment on June 29, milky brown when dried. Its odor has been
1955. compared to anything from radishes to poppies.
Very little is known about the chemical In my experience, the odor is highly variable and
composition of the collections cited above. I thus difficult to define. Young, dry mushrooms
analysed a few mushrooms from collections develop intensely blue stains in response to
found in the Rheinland area of Germany in handling, while older fruiting bodies tend to be
1989. The results were as follows: found at the location with dark blue stains already
in place. It is remarkable that the mushrooms
Psilocybin: 0.51 % of dried mushrooms were fruiting at the same location near Poricko
for so many years in a row, producing a large
number of fruiting bodies each year.
Psilocin: 0.08 % of dried mushrooms
Unfortunately, in recent years the location was
partially destroyed, due to construction of a road.
Baeocystin: 0.04% of dried mushrooms By late 1982, the mushroom species had
been found at 51 locations in the former
A few other analyses of German
Czechoslovakia, with only seven of them located
mushrooms yielded similar results. These
in Bohemia, 40 in Moravia, and four in Slovakia.
values were well within the range of
Elevations vary from 200 m to 700 m (600 ft to
concentrations of alkaloids found in Mexican
2,100 ft) above sea level, with only two locations
species. The most extensive studies on
known to exist above 700 m (2,100 ft). By this
distribution, psychoactivity and chemical
time, 112 collections had been reported, 44 of
compounds of Psilocybe cyanescens complex
which came from the classic location near
were conducted in the former
Czechoslovakia, where the mushrooms are
generally known as Psilocybe bohemica, a
name which is also used in the text below.

An Amazing Discovery Near Poricko

Sept. Oct. Nov. Dec. Jan.
Kubicka first discovered the species on
December 6 and 13, 1942 in the Kresicky
Creek Valley village of Poricko v Pozavi near
Sazava (Czech Republic). In 1950, Figure 21 - Fruiting curve of Psilocybe
mycologist Herink described the mushrooms cyanescens based on observations at several
in detail. He also believes that Fries classified locations in the former Czechoslovakia.
mushrooms of the Psilocybe cyanescens
complex as Psilocybe callosa during the 19th
century. On November 11, 1986 I had the The mycelia make use of different kinds
opportunity to work with Herink and other of plant debris and even grow on wet cardboard,
Czech mycologists on a mycological field where they develop into rhizomorphs just like
research project at the location, where we they would in nature. Rhizomorphs are thick
found 440 fruiting bodies (550 g or 19.6 ozs). strands of mycelia that serve to transport
Covering a segment almost two miles long, nutrients and water. They also develop intense
the species was fruiting among nettles along blue stains (see Figure 22).
both sides of the creek on wood chips of
Carpinus, Alnus and Salix, on raw compost
mixtures of Picea, Pinus and Larix needles,
Figure 22
Psilocybe bohemica
rhizomorphs growing on
wet cardboard.

Figure 23
Distribution pattern of Psilocybe
cyanescens in Germany and adjacent areas
(according to Krieglsteiner). Locations are
indicated by black dots.
Figure 24 - Psilocybe cyanescens at a natural location (USA).

Figure 25 - Psilocybe bohemica on twigs and leaves.

interpret at the time, nor could I do so later on.
Impressive Experiences While under the impression that the thinking
process itself was something supernatural, I was
Psilocybe bohemica is a very psychoactive filled with confidence when I realized without a
species. Its effects are vividly documented in the doubt that death itself was but a levitation of the
following account of one natural scientist's soul, which may or may not entail looking down
experience as part of controlled clinical trials in upon the "normal" world. I did, however,
Prague: anxiously reject her offer to see into my future and
About 30 mg of psilocybin in mushroom tell me about what she learned. Yet 1 knew that
tissue was prepared in hot water, with effects she was already seeing such things.
already noticeable ten minutes after ingestion. I The above account vividly illustrates the
grew increasingly quiet. At first, my legs began to cosmic-mystical aspects of the mushrooms'
tingle, then my underarms as well. Aside from a effects. Such effects have frequently been
deeper breathing rhythm, few other somatic effects described following ingestion of high doses of
were noted. Initially there were fits of laughter hallucinogens, especially in cautious and
caused by unusual cognitive associations; this protective environments ("setting") coupled with a
laughter also affected the two "sober" guides. A positive, internal mood ("set") primed by careful
growing hyperacuity interfered with the ability to preparation. Of course, the detailed content of such
listen to music, so that Vivaldi's "Springtime" experiences varies across individuals. Pahnke's
caused painful stabs inside the brain. I compared masterful study during Good Friday Services in
the pain to that caused by a "sawing knife". The 1962 has become a famous event in the history of
experimenters appeared bloated and yellow... research into these states of consciousness.
Existing bodily characteristics, such as thinning Three years later, a remarkable range of
hair stimulated a person's illusionary effects was observed in the same participant of an
transformation into a monk with tonsure. Their experiment conducted in Prague, where mycelia
voices also appeared reverent and, from a from Psilocybe bohemica were used. Due to an
somewhat paranoid point of view, these gentlemen analytical error, the four participants each ingested
at times seemed to be working a switching station 72 mg of psilocybin, plus some psilocin, instead of
that, for some reasons, was my enemy. At the same the intended dosage of 30 mg of psilocybin each:
time, I found both of them to be quite likeable. Days before the experiment, I already
During this time period, the other female subject began to suspect that this experience would not
perceived fantastic images of moving colors and evolve as smoothly as it had three years ago, given
saw visions of her whole life unfolding behind the amount of personal stress I had suffered over
closed eyes. During this period, I had the distinct the previous two months. However, I had faith in
impression that an electrical current was flowing the expertise provided by psychiatric guidance.
through my body, which was not an uncomfortable Prior to the experiment, I asked the psychiatrist
sensation. About three hours later, the gentlemen about the possible causes underlying my seeming
retired to the kitchen and the nature of the inability to fully experience the unfolding of visual
experience changed quite drastically. imagery. He brushed aside my question with a
At first I felt as if my legs were increasingly short and terse reply : "Resistance", which only
merging into the wall, a very comfortable heightened my feelings of anxious tension.
experience. In a state of utter clarity of After ingestion of the hot preparation,
consciousness, I finally felt as if I had no body at all. fifteen minutes passed until the sudden onset of its
I said. "The most descriptive expression is the effects. I ceased to perceive the music and sank
experience of a pure soul". Using words as triggers, into an autistic state devoid of visions which
we were able to induce shared experiences of color lasted for three hours. This state was subjectively
visions and we travelled together around the word experienced as one of confusion with a partial
as well the spiritual realm. She made a clearly loss of consciousness as well as the loss of a
telepathic statement about my hometown, which I sense of time and place. This torturous period,
could not fathom or
however, did not include any rough somatic brilliantly blue surface. In the weeks and months
disturbances. After I woke up, I felt like a broken after the experiment, those around me noticed that
machine; only the compassion of the other my behavior had changed to become more relaxed,
participants, which were also suffering, helped to which was mentioned spontaneously on several
clear my head temporarily. My experimenter occasions.
attempted to counterbalance these effects and to The experience of an initial, painful
provide a firmly grounded focus of reality, but his delirium illustrates a resistance to dealing with
efforts were unsuccessful in the long run. I felt as the conflicts that invariably emerge in response to
if I was extremely drunk, except there was none of high dosages - conflicts that were resolved
the aggression typical of alcohol intoxication. through an intense psycholytic catharsis (also see
Soon afterwards, I began to project my emotions Chapter 9). A psychedelic experience ensued as
onto the psychiatrist. I saw him undergo both parts of the divided personality were merged
illusionary changes; initially he appeared to be a into a whole. This is a decidedly positive
dominant rooster which transformed into a punk outcome of a psycholytic episode with
rocker. Then 1 felt that he would understand corresponding therapeutic benefits - a result that
what 1 was going through, given his extensive was entirely unintended (!). Personal stress prior
background and experience with psycholytic to the experiment apparently facilitated the
therapy. So I asked him, if the two of us could manifestation of deep-seated conflicts and issues
retire to another room. When he consented, I that might otherwise never have been dealt with.
began to undergo a psychic split. The sound of With the exception of the attending psychiatrist,
my voice was strange and whiny. I felt as if part of outside observers appraised this experience as a
me had split off and become an observer, while "bad trip". The subject, however, thought the
the rest of my prone body had assumed the experience to be enlightening and illuminating,
position of an infant, sucking on a finger and even five years after it took place. Grof describes
crying, crumbling up tissue papers at the same very similar reactions to LSD therapy. After
time. On the psychoanalytic level, an "going through Hell", subjects proceed to re-
extraordinary experience began to unfold. I integrate their personality at a higher level of
became conscious of all recent and past conflicts, consciousness, while experiencing visionary
especially those involving my parents. This images of clear, bright lights and illumination.
part of my personality articulated and worked
through the emerging conflicts. Even though
one might assume this process was facilitated by
the psychiatrist, this was not the case. In the semi-
darkness 1 perceived him as my deceased TABLE 3
grandfather, as a human skull and as an Concentrations of Psilocybin and its Derivatives
American football player, whose armor I in Psilocybe bohemica (% of Dried Mushrooms)
recognized as a projection of my own uptight
Afterwards I looked at my reflection in a Specimen # Weight Psilocybin Psilocin Baeocystin
large mirror and reconciled my differences with
myself as the two halves of my personality merged 1 31 1.34 0.00 0.01
into one. I saw a soft and tearful face and soon 2 90 0.94 0.01 0.01
realized that the person I was looking at was none 3 104 0.41 0.00 0.02
4 175 0.90 0.00 0.01
other than myself, that I had learned to accept 5 200 0.71 0.01 0.02
myself, in spite of all my problems. At the time I 6 220 0.37 0.00 0.01
also noticed that my self-disciplined behavior was
overly exaggerated, a trait generally judged as
unfavorable by those around me. I resolved to
become more relaxed and carefree in attending to
my daily routines. I believed this psychological
insight to be a revelation. With my eyes closed, I
saw images of translucent vessels atop a
Distribution Patterns of Psilocybe cyanescens making it one of the most potent species in North
in the Wake of Environmental Changes America. The study of extracts derived from these
mushrooms revealed that enough psilocin was
In 1973, Semerdzieva and Nerud first present for the oxidized compound to be visible
reported the existence and qualitative content of on a thin-layer chromatography plate. This was
psilocybin in collections of Psilocybe bohemica. not the case when similar analyses were
This research team reported psilocybin levels of performed on mushrooms collected in the former
up to 1.1 % in dried samples. Results from my Czechoslovakia. However, mushrooms from both
own studies also revealed variable levels of countries contain similarly low levels of
alkaloids in different mushrooms collected at the baeocystin.
one location near Sazava. Generally we can say that this potently
In spite of the intense blue staining psychoactive and conspicuous species is in the
reaction, there is very little or no psilocin in process of expanding its habitat across Europe.
mushrooms of the European Psilocybe cyanescens Increasing use of fertilizer, the acidification of the
complex. By chemical-taxonomic standards, soil in many regions and the presence in any wet
European collections are very different from forest or park of a variety of fertile substrates,
Psilocybe cyanescens samples collected in the such as mulch, not dependent on the presence of
Pacific Northwest of the United States. The latter dung, are all factors that will likely help Psilocybe
are known to contain up to 1 % psilocin (dried cyanescens achieve a remarkably wide area of
mushrooms) as well as an equally high level of distribution in the future.
psilocybin (for a total alkaloid level of 2 %),

Figure 26 - Psilocybe bohemica on twigs and compost.




Stories about involuntary intoxications A typical hallucinogenic experience blamed on the

with the dark-spread dung-inhabiting accidental ingestion of Panaeolus papilionaceus
mushrooms (genus Panaeolus) in various (Bull.:Fr.) Quel. occurred in Maine, USA, in 1914.
regions of the world have been in circulation Below is an abridged version of the
since at least the early 19th century. In 1816, description of effects by a Mr. W.:
an impoverished man collected mushrooms in On July 10, 1914, 1 gathered a good mess
London's Hyde Park which he thought to be of the mushrooms (Panaeolus papilionaceus) and
edible white mushrooms ("champignons ", had them cooked for dinner. .... They were all eaten
Agaricus bisporus). Soon after ingesting these by Mrs. Y. and myself. Peculiar symptoms were
mushrooms, his field of vision darkened and he perceived in a very short time.... A little later,
saw fog while feeling lightheaded and dizzy. objects took on peculiar bright colors. A field of
Trembling, he sank into his chair. He redtop grass seemed to be in horizontal stripes of
felt all his strength draining from his body and bright red and green, and a peculiar green haze
he grew oblivious to his surroundings and no spread itself over all the landscape... Soon both of
longer knew where he was. Some time us became very hilarious, with an irresistible
later, the feelings of dizziness subsided, and his impulse to laugh and joke immoderately, and almost
heart rate slowed down until he was finally able hysterically at times.... I then had a very
to fall asleep. disagreeable illusion. Innumerable human faces, of
The symptoms were later attributed to all sorts and sizes, but all hideous, seemed to fill the
"Agaricus campanulatus Linnaeus ", which the room and to extend off in multitudes to interminable
man had mistaken for champignons. The same distances, while many were close to me on all sides.
species had been responsible for a similar case They were all grimacing rapidly and horribly and
of intoxication that happened about a year undergoing contortions, all the time growing more
earlier. Both accounts are highly reminiscent of and more hideous. Some were upside down. The
the 1799 intoxication with Psilocybe faces appeared in all sorts of bright and even
semilanceata from St. James Green Park (see p. intensive colors - so intense that 1 could only liken
15). This would seem to be quite logical, as them to flames of fire, in red, purple, green and
there are psilocybin-producing mushrooms yellow colors, like fireworks.... The entire
even among the genus Panaeolus. However, experience lasted about six hours. No ill effects
the question which of the 15 European species followed. There was no headache, nor any
actually produce the psychoactive substance is disturbance of the digestion.
an issue that remains the subject of During the winter of 1915, a species of
considerable scientific controversy. Even Panaeolus spontaneously appeared in a mushroom
though I cannot offer any decisive or final greenhouse in New York. These fruiting bodies
evidence towards the resolution of this were accidentally eaten together with the
problem, there are some fairly conclusive champignons that were cultivated there. This error
results from modern biochemical analyses (see led to cases of intoxications so remarkable that
Table 4 below) of mushrooms that were clearly Murrill described the mushroom as Panaeolus
identified or obtained from herbariums, where venenosus. Some time passed before it was
certain species were known to have been discovered that this species had previously been
deposited. Specifically, many American described as Agaricus
species within the genus Panaeolus do not
appear to be the same as European species with
the same name.
At this point, I would like to present
some historic cases of Panaeolus intoxications.
subbalteatus B. & Br. from England in 1861. The In 1970, another poisoning case with
combination term that is in use today, Panaeolus Panaeolus subbalteatus occurred in Leipzig.
subbalteatus (B.& Br.) Sacc. was first published in Similar to the 1915 incident in New York, the
1887. mushrooms spontaneously emerged among a
Other cases of intoxications with similar culture of artificially cultivated mushrooms
symptoms caused by the Panaeolus species have (Stropharia rugoso-annulata Farlow, in this
been reported in the United States (1917), as well case) and then were eaten by mistake. The
as from Australia (after 1940), where the species description of its effects is somewhat peculiar.
involved was described as "Panaeolus ovatus
Growing on Dung, Manure and Compost
Cooke & Massee".
In 1939, these reports induced Schultes,
in agreement with Linder's classification The stories about intoxications as well as the
experiments, to publish as Panaeolus sphinctrinus very name "dung-inhabiting" mushroom offer
(Fr.) Quel. the teonanacatl mushroom described clues about the kinds of habitats this species
in the Mexican literature from the 16th and 17th prefers to grow in.
centuries. At times, they grow directly on top of dung or
However, Wasson, Heim and their on pastures that have been heavily fertilized.
collaborators, as well as Singer, were unable to They are also found on trash heaps, on
document the usage of Panaeolus mushrooms in compost or on straw substrates where mush
Mexico, in addition to their reports about the usage rooms are commercially cultivated. European
of psychoactive Psilocybe species from the 1950s. Panaeolus species that produce psilocybin
By 1959, even Guzman referred to this species as have a special attribute that differentiates them
"the false teonanacatl". So far, he has been unable Psilocybe species: they very seldom develop
to document native usage of any Panaeolus blue stains when handled or injured.
species in Mexico. In fact, the natives of Mexico In his description of a Scottish case of
consider bluing, hallucinogenic Panaeolus intoxication in 1977, Watling mentions marked
mushrooms to be poisonous. blue colorations along the caps of stems of
Despite the poisoning case reported in Panaeolus subbalteatus, which also developed
England, the early German literature does not in reaction to pressure. According to my
classify Panaeolus species as poisonous (see observations, the formation of blue stains is
Figure 27). The Psilocybe species were treated very rare. Reports from the Pacific Northwest
similarly. United States also state that only one in a hundred
Figure 27 describes the mushroom's mushrooms actually turns blue.
characteristics as accurately as Figure 3 (p. 6) One controversial issue in the literature
depicts its habitus. More recent descriptions are concerns the toxicity of one species: Panaeolus
usually less detailed and thorough than Michael & foenisecii (Pers.:Fr.) Kuhn. This species
Schulz's from 1927. has previously been classified as Psilocybe as
In Germany, a case of intoxication with well as Psathyrella, and has been described as
Panaeolus mushrooms was first reported in 1957 Panaeolina in contrast to Panaeolus, because it
(see Figure 28). From today's perspective, it is a species that does not grow on dung, fruits
appears that the mushroom responsible for the only after the hay harvest, and develops spores
intoxication was most likely Panaeolus retirugis that are purplish-brown and abrasive. Other
(Fr.) Gill. Panaeolus species, however, have black spore
About 30 to 60 minutes after ingestion of prints when placed on white paper underneath a
the cooked mushrooms, the woman's field of glass vessel to prevent dehydration. But, even
vision began to quiver increasingly. At the same the spores of Panaeolus foenscecii (Pers..-Fr.)
time, her pupils were extremely dilated. As she not all ripen at the same time, which
began to have difficulties breathing, she suffered can cause the gills to appear mottled.
a full-fledged anxiety attack. All objects appeared Due to the complications with taxonomic
as if obscured by curtains. After the effects had differentiation, there are certainly no reliable
subsided, no symptoms of lasting damage could
be detected.
192. Panaeolus subbalteatus Berk.u.Br.
The cap is broadly convex, obtuse, often with a slight umbo in the middle,
usually 3-4 cm broad, sometimes up to 5 cm. Hygrophanous, reddish brown when
wet, pale and brownish to flesh-colored when dry. Margins moist to watery at times,
and banded with a dark brown stripe around the edges. Surface smooth or lightly
wrinkled, bald, rather fleshy, no veil.
The gills are reddish brown when young, later on sooty or black, gill spacing
is rather crowded and bulgy, gills are 7-8 mm wide and somewhat thick. Gills are
initially attached to the stem, and detached later on.
The spores are almost lemon-shaped, 13-14u long and 8-9,u wide, smooth,
black and opaque.
The stems are slender, 4-8 cm in length and uniformly thick (3-4 mm,
sometimes up to 5 mm). Stems are often curvy and reddish brown in color; silky-
fibrous with a slight ring at the top. Stems are narrowly tubular and break easily.
The flesh is pale and odorless with a mild taste.
Habitat and season: The mushroom grows cespitosely to gregariously from
June through October in grassy areas. It particularly thrives on fertilized fields and
pastures, but occurs there comparatively less often.

Figure 27 - Description of Panaeolus subbalteatus by Michael & Schulz from

1927 (with English translation below).

Figure 28 - First description of a Panaeolus intoxication in Germany (1957). Symptoms are

compared to those of alcohol poisoning, such as difficulties standing or walking, incoherent or
inappropriate laughter and talking, and visions of objects moving or dancing. Other symptoms include
remarkable hallucinations with splendid color combinations, as well as red eyes and dilated pupils.
Figure 29 - Panaeolus cyanescens in Hawaii (USA).

Figure 30 - Gymnopilus purpuratus on sawdust.

maps showing distribution patterns for the produce 5-substituted indole compounds, such as
European Panaeolus species. serotonin and its biochemical precursor, 5hydroxy-
tryptophan. Serotonin is a compound widely found
in animals and humans. It acts as a neurotransmitter
Taxonomic Confusion in the brain, even though not all of serotonin's
effects have been entirely understood. It should be
On May 25, 1986, in the village of noted, however, that both serotonin and 5-hydroxy-
Heringsdorf on the Eastern German Sea Coast, I tryptophan are completely inactive when taken
found 147 fruiting bodies of Panaeolus orally. When performing paper or thin-layer
subbalteatus in all stages of development. They chromatographies, both of these substances can
were growing on a compost heap that originally easily be mistaken for psilocin. It is remarkable that
contained horse manure. Unlike the Psilocybe Ola'h's results contradict current findings, in that his
species, Panaeolus mushrooms can be found data frequently showed the existence of psilocin in
anytime from spring throughout the fall season. Panaeolus species!
The differentiation of Panaeolus species is More recent studies of carefully identified
further hindered because they are very mushroom material from the European Panaeolus
hygrophanous, with caps whose colors can species did not document substantial amounts of
change from whitish to grey, or from reddish psilocin in these samples. Also, "chemical races"
brown to a very dark black-brown. Older associated with specific species could not be
mushrooms on the compost heap had caps that established. I believe that almost all accidental
had cracked with age, and margins that had intoxications can be traced to ingestion of
curved upwards and were covered with spore Panaeolus subbalteatus, with the possible exception
dust. Only two mushrooms had blue-stained of one case caused by an imported tropical species.
caps, and the stems did not change color in Very little is said in the literature about Panaeolus
reaction to pressure. In the American retirugis, its area of distribution and chemical
literature Panaeolus subbalteatus has been labeled composition. The intoxication case from Bremen,
"Panaeolus variabilis", because some of the stems however, indicates that this species is psychoactive
imitate the appearances of other mushroom (see Figure 28). In 1985, I found two fruiting bodies
species and thereby contribute to the taxonomic in a pasture, whose dried weight contained 0.03
confusion. The species is also known to - 0.05 % psilocybin, as well as serotonin. All of the
grow in the immediate vicinity of Panaeolus mushrooms' features, such as wrinkled, fleshcolored
foenisecii (Pers.:Fr.) Kiihn., creating more caps, corresponded to descriptions of Panaeolus
opportunities for mistakes, especially if the retirugis.
mushrooms are not closely inspected. The caps of Based on his analyses, Stijve concluded
Panaeolus subbalteatus become flat as the that the dried fruiting bodies of Panaeolus
mushrooms age, a feature that is taxonomically subbalteatus contain about 0.1 % psilocybin,
significant. regardless of location, as well as a tiny amount of
The cap's long, watery marginal zone baeocystin. Still, accounts of intoxications with
gives the mushroom its name. Only the consistently potent psychoactive effects would seem
psilocybin-producing species will be discussed in to provide evidence against such small amounts of
more detail below. Results from recent alkaloids in Panaeolus subbalteatus. Indeed, dried
comprehensive analyses clearly show that mushrooms from the Pacific Northwest region of
Panaeolus subbalteatus is the most important the United States have been reported to contain
psychoactive European species among the genus 0.16% - 0.65% psilocybin. Moreover, the first
Panaeolus. Ola'h's world monograph about the analyses of the species in North America (1959) led
genus Panaeolus was published in the 1960s and to the isolation of a water-soluble indole compound
has caused much confusion, since he described a which is now generally thought to be baeocystin.
number of species as "latent psilocybin- My own analyses of mycelia and 19 fruiting bodies
producers". He proposed, for example, that from the Heringsdorf location indicated levels of
Panaeolus foenisecii occasionally produces
psilocybin. All Panaeolus species share one
characteristic that differentiates them from all
other species discussed in this book: They
psilocybin that are fully compatible with the data large number of existing synonyms for the
from the United States: species, as presented by Gerhardt (see Figure
31), again indicates substantial taxonomic
confusion, as well as insufficient
communication and exchange of information.
Panaeolus Experiences
Ingredients Found in Mycelia and Fruiting
Bodies of Panaeolus subbalteatus
Sometimes it is difficult to avoid the
(% of Dried Material )
conclusion that many prominent mycologists are
only too willing to disregard existing research
Ingredient Mycelia Fruiting Bodies results in order to attach their names to
Psilocybin 0.07 0.08(stem)-0.70 definitions of "new" species. Singer lists
Psilocin 0.00 0.00 Panaeolus cyanescens separate from Panaeolus
Baeocystin 0.00 0.05(stem)-0.46 as belonging to the genus Copelandia, along with
Serotonin 0.10 0.08-0.30
Urea 0.00 1.80-2.30(cap) other species. Nowadays, this classification is
becoming increasingly unpopular among
mycologists, and many of them do not accept it.
Table 4 shows that the nature and relative Panaeolus cyanescens is responsible for a number
amounts of the substances found are different in of remarkable intoxications which occurred on
the fruiting bodies compared to the base August 19, 1965 in Menton, located on the French
mycelium, which was tested here for the first time. Mediterranean Coast. The mushroom
As far as active ingredients are concerned, spontaneously appeared on compost which
levels of urea are trivial. The substance does, consisted of straw and decayed horse dung. The
however, have some significance in terms of compost was intended to improve lawn
chemo-taxonomy. Among species discussed
here, urea is present only in Panaeolus and Pluteus quality. It should be noted that the horse dung
species. Urea was detected "incidentally" during came from a race track used by horses from
thin-layer chromatography testing intended to tropical countries. Under these circum-stances, it is
discover the presence of indole compounds. Stijve quite likely that the species responsible for the
has collected and tested samples of Panaeolus intoxications was imported to the location from
foenisecii from eight countries across three another country. On one occasion, in the early
continents (namely, America, Europe and 1970s, Panaeolus cyanescens was found at the
Australia), but has consistently failed to find Budapest Fairgrounds next to the pavilions from
psilocybin in addition to 5-substituted indole Thailand and Vietnam!
compounds. My own analyses of 100 mushrooms About the course of the intoxications: A woman
from a wide variety of locations across Germany and her two children ate a meal consisting of only
also failed to confirm the presence of this alkaloid about 60 g (2.1 ozs.) of the mushrooms. Within less
and its derivatives. While the local European than fifteen minutes after ingestion, she began to
species that are discussed here also tend to occur feel weak, followed by visual disturbances and
on other continents (Panaeolus subbalteatus, for marked dilation of the pupils. About one hour after
example, grows in Hawaii), there are tropical the meal she developed dizzy spells that came and
varieties of this genus which are highly went in waves. Increasingly, all colors in her
psychoactive as well. Given the best possible immediate surroundings coalesced into shades of
climate conditions, these species may fruit green. The hallucinations were fearsome; the heads
adventively in Europe for short periods of time. of monsters became visible and a wall opened up
Panaeolus cyanescens is the most well- into an abyss. There was a succession of human
known representative of these species (see Figure figure with animal heads. The next day, everything
29). Like other tropical Panaeolus and Psilocybe was back to normal. The oldest child (age 14) also
species, Panaeolus cyanescens exhibits a strong saw her parents' hair color turn green, had dilated
blue staining reaction. The pupils and watched geometric shapes appear on the
wall. The youngest child
(age 11) experienced cramps and lost surrounding the incident. The effects described by J.
consciousness. Allen in Hawaii after eating 20 specimens paint a
In 1960, Singer and Guzman suggested different picture altogether:
that Panaeolus cyanescens might contain With radio music playing softly in the
psilocybin, because of the intense blue staining dark, euphoria began to come on in waves. After
they had observed. It wasn't until after the 20 minutes, visions became so intense that I tried
intoxications in Menton had been publicized, that to close my eyes. Whenever 1 did close my eyes,
a research team working with A. Hofmann my eyelids felt as if they were being sprayed from
detected 0.2% of psilocybin in the mushrooms. the outside. Colors were sharp and clear, but
Considering the powerful effects, however, this I always quickly opened my eyes again. Colors
concentration appears to be too low to cause such were dancing like laser beams to the rhythm of
impressive reactions. Later on, Sandoz the music. The stars in the sky assembled in
Laboratories reported the level of psilocybin in clusters that reached all the way into my soul. I
dried samples as 0.8%, along with 1.2% psilocin. was a little scared at the idea that the ocean
The level of psilocin, however, may have been water might rush up all the way into our hut.
falsely elevated by the presence of serotonin and Other than that, feelings of euphoria were
its derivates in the mushroom sample that was overwhelming. At times, I was overcome by fits of
being tested. laughter. That night, I slept like "a prince ". The
According to Stijve, a mushroom sample following morning I gathered up my belongings
collected by J.W. Allen in Thailand contained and had to walk back across the pasture where I
0.4% - 1.05% of psilocin, with only trace had collected the mushrooms the day before. I
amounts of psilocybin; serotonin was present in noticed a lot of new mushrooms that had grown
large amounts, comparable to concentrations during the previous night's rainfall. By way of a
found in all Panaeolus species. lingering after effect I felt that the mushrooms
Apparently, Panaeolus cyanescens were sending me a message: "Don't forget us,
produces more psilocin than psilocybin. Still, I come back, if you can ".
was able to detect 0.4% of psilocybin in mycelia It is important to keep in mind that more
cultivated on malt agar, with no other indole comprehensive studies on taxonomy and biochemical
compounds present. composition are needed in order to fully understand
Discussion of the Panaeolus species the Panaeolus species. Perhaps A. Weil's suggestion
would remain incomplete without pointing out that Panaeolus subbalteatus from America's Pacific
that those subjectively terrifying psychoses Northwest induces comparatively stronger somatic
reported in 1965 cannot be attributed to a specific effects than the Psilocybe species can be investigated
mushroom ingredient, but were likely chemically as well as toxicologically, in order to
precipitated by the circumstances (set and setting) reject or support this hypothesis.

Figure 31 - Synonyms for Panaeolus cyanescens(according to Gerhardt).



On June 15, 1965, 1. Ferencz discovered expert mycologists. The species are part of a
fruiting bodies known as "fibrehead mushrooms" in large group of mushrooms that are nicknamed
Osca, Hungary, county of Pest. The mushrooms' "LBMs" (Little Brown Mushrooms) in the
characteristics did not match those of any known American literature and as such they often entail
species of the genus Inocybe, as described in the considerable taxonomic problems. Other ex-
literature. That same year, as well as on several amples of mushrooms in this group are the
occasions later on, Ferencz and other mycologists Panaeolus species as well as those of the genus
found large numbers of mushrooms of the same Psilocybe.
species growing in different locations. Eventually, Whenever a "new mushroom" appears
in 1968, these mushrooms were described as a new spontaneously, the question of its origin has to
species named Inocybe aeruginascens Babos (see be addressed. Herink, the Czech mycologist,
Figure 33, p. 47). maintains that he had already discovered the
species during the 1930s. He reportedly
deposited samples in a herbarium, but the
mushrooms have never been clearly identified as
Strange Distribution Patterns in Inocybe aeruginascens on the basis of
Hungary and Germany biochemical analyses. As fruiting bodies of the
Inocybe aeruginascens were found
In 1985, a few mycologists who simultaneously in Hungary and Germany, the
specialized in the study of the genus Inocybe found direction of the species' geographical migration
fibreheads with greenish discolorations in 17 could not be determined. It is possible
locations (46 specimens) across Hungary. In her that the species was initially confined to a very
1983 article, Babos noted that Inocybe small area and only began to attract attention
aeruginascens had become the most common after it had migrated into new habitats. We can
mushroom of the Lower Valley's sandy areas only speculate about the possibility of mutations
around the Hungarian capital city of Budapest. The that may have evolved from known species over
species is known to fruit across these areas, singly a relatively short period of time.
or in gregarious clusters on the sandy soil of the Finally, during the 1980s, a few fruiting
poplar forests, or in mixed forests that include bodies were collected at locations in Holland
poplars. They have also been found on meadows (1980) and the Rhone Valley (Wallis Canton) of
near poplar trees. The mushrooms are loyal to the Switzerland (1984).
location and grow there every year, climate In 1983, the species immediately
conditions permitting. attracted the attention of biochemists and
In 1975, Kaspar collected the Inocybe clinicians, after G. Drewitz described mysterious
species in Berlin (K6penick District) as well. More psychotropic intoxications caused by these
detailed studies revealed that the mushrooms had mushrooms in the city and district of Potsdam,
previously been misidentified. As early as 1965, Germany, during June and July, 1980. The
fruiting bodies of the species were found in the. observed range of effects was sensational for
arboretum at Berlin (Baumschulenweg District). mushrooms of the Inocybe genus, because many
The species had been noted "in passing" by other of its species induce typical muscarine poisoning
mycologists with little interest in the mushrooms. symptoms. Muscarine causes parasympathetico-
Many species (about 160) of the large European mimetic symptoms, such as pupil contraction
Inocybe genus cannot be easily differentiated from (miosis), increased salivation and saliva
each other, and therefore attract little interest from production. Muscarine has been identified in at
least 40 species of the Inocybe genus. The
first reports
about deaths following ingestion of the potent marked sense of intoxication that she described as
muscarine-containing Inocybe patouillardi Bres. "mostly amusing ". Spacial illusions were
date back to the early 20th century. experienced in combination with striking feelings of
weightlessness, distances appeared to be magnified.
After several hours, these symptoms gradually faded
Identification Errors without lasting consequences; only the dilation of
the pupils persisted well into the next day.
Below is a more detailed description of the Based on these cases, Drewitz proposed
effects of Inocybe aeruginascens: that the mushrooms contain psilocybin or similar
On June 30, 1980 a teenager collected the substances, a hypothesis that was later confirmed
mushrooms near Potsdam and misidentified them (see Tables 6 and 7, p. 49).
as fairy ring mushrooms (Marasmius oreades (Bolt. More cases of intoxications were reported
& Fr.) Fr.), a species known as a choice table in the years that followed and earlier cases could
mushroom. At home, the teenager's father sauteed also be traced to this mushroom species. In each of
the mushrooms in margarine, and they were these cases, the mushrooms were misidentified as
subsequently eaten by both of them. The son ate fairy ring mushrooms.
only about one-third of the cooked mushrooms.
About 35 to 45 minutes after the meal, both
father and son began to experience initial
symptoms. The son mainly reported colorful
illusions and hallucinations. The woven pattern of
his white handkerchief suddenly appeared as
shining stripes of crimson red. With his eyes Accidental Intoxications with Inocybe
closed, he saw magically illuminated, abstract aeruginascens in Eastern Germany
structures. He noticed his own state of
foolish silliness that occurred for apparently no
reason at all. Following his father's Year # of People Location
instructions, he soon found himself outside, in the Hohen-
pouring rain, running back to a near-by railroad 1977 3
embankment, still laughing and giggling, in order 1980 2 Teltow
to gather more of the mushrooms that had 1980 1 Potsdam
poisoned him. 1984 4 Oranienburg
1984 2 Magdeburg
The father's symptoms initially included
1985 3 Woltersdorf
yawning and a burning sensation of the face, as 1986 7 Potsdam
well as itching at the hairline and fatigue. He
then experienced increasing numbness
(paraesthesia) of the left half of his face and his
In all cases, the symptoms subsided after
left arm. Later on, these symptoms spread to the
several hours, with no lasting side effects. A
right half of his body. Fully conscious, he also
psychiatrist surely would have found these
noticed motor disturbances that disrupted his
situations interesting - especially the last case
language ability. His
involving an extended family - and would most
psyche was increasingly dominated by images of
likely have welcomed the opportunity to study the
depersonalization: For the duration of the
psychodynamics and social interactions during the
experience he felt that he "was standing beside
period of collective intoxication.
himself as an observer", while his voice sounded
In 1983, Babos reported another case of
very strange to him.
unintentional ingestion of Inocybe aeruginascens in
The second case of intoxication in Potsdam
Budapest, which had occurred on July 1, 1970. In
occurred on July 13, 1980:
this case, symptoms included subjective feelings of
Seventy-five minutes after ingestion of
decreasing gravity, colorful hallucinations, spacial
fibrehead mushrooms with greenish discolorations
illusions and nausea without vomiting.
(Inocvbe aeruginascens), the woman began to
experience hot flashes, nausea without vomiting,
strongly dilated pupils, along with a
roots of different deciduous trees (Populus, Tilia,
Flights of the Soul Quercus, Betula), on lawns in parks and gardens,
at the edges of trails and in the paved margin areas
In this context, the following account is of of tree-lined sidewalks (where they may even
interest; it details the experience of a mycologist grow on bare, sandy soil) as well as amongst the
who took 2.4 g of dried mushrooms in the course of greenery of residential areas in the suburbs and
a test experiment: communities in and around Berlin.
The mushrooms tasted like ordinary table Herein lies the most marked difference
mushrooms. While reclining in a state of relaxation between Inocybe aeruginascens and other
about 30 minutes later, a very comfortable feeling European psychotropic mushroom species:
of loss of gravity set in, with no other somatic Inocybe aeruginascens grows only in areas of
effects. Abstract hallucinations developed slowly, in human development. Their prime locations are in
the form of bursting colors and lights. Once a state the middle of villages and towns, where they grow
of complete loss of gravity was attained, it was locally much like other Inocybe species. They may
followed by a very vivid sensation of the soul in temporarily produce mass quantities of fruiting
flight, coupled with feelings of euphoria. When bodies, in those locations that are typical habitats
looking out the window into the dark night of a for the edible varieties of the fairy ring mushroom.
forest landscape, visions of strange patterns and So far, the most abundant crop of fruiting
formations occurred, which were deeply impressive bodies was observed in 1987, due to very wet
and seemed to impart an inkling of eternity. At the weather conditions, which allowed the mushrooms
end of four hours, the effects had dissipated without to thrive. The following years were comparatively
dysphoria or any type of somatic side effect. dry and the species hardly fruited at all. It wasn't
A control experiment for comparison until 1990 that a few mushrooms re-emerged at the
purposes was performed using 0.8 g of dried classic location in Potsdam. Despite 1989 having
Psilocybe semilanceata. The onset of symptoms was been a bad year for mushrooms, it was the year
much more sudden, including a heavy flow of tears, when Inocybe aeruginascens was found for the
so that there was an initial phase of anxiety. Only in first time at four locations in and around Rostock,
a later phase of the experience was it possible to a city located on the Eastern German coast, which
perceive ornaments in the form of "underwater is famous for its wet climate. Finding the
streamers", and to appreciate the aesthetically mushrooms at these locations is evidence for a
enhanced nature of these visions. much wider expansion of the species. In coming
The regular pattern of. involuntary years, we should expect the species to further
intoxications is a good indicator for the large scope migrate into areas with sandy soil.
of expansion of Inocybe aeruginascens into new The Inocybe species are mycorrhizal
habitats during the 1980s. For example, at the time mushrooms, that is, in contrast to other psilocybin-
of the initial intoxications - when the species was containing species, they require a symbiosis with
still restricted to a few easily quantifiable certain types of wood in order to fruit. Fruiting
collections - the mushrooms had spread from occurs at the time of greatest biochemical activity
Potsdam to the location known in 1982, and from of the symbiotic partner trees. Following periods
there moved on to several other locations in the of extended rainfall, Inocybe aeruginascens grows
vicinity, where more than 150 mushrooms were in the trees' root areas from late May until
found (see Figure 34). October. The mushrooms are especially common
in May and June, a time period during which
Inocybe aeruginascens is easily differentiated
Symbiosis With Trees from other species of fibreheads, as long as one
pays close attention to locations, the characteristic
Starting in late May 1984, fruiting bodies greenish to bluish discoloration (e.g. if the
of the species could be found in abundance at mushrooms are stored overnight, especially in the
countless new locations across the Brandenburg refrigerator) and the description shown below (see
region of Germany. They tend to grow near the Figure 32).
Figure 32 - Description of Inocybe aeruginascens (Germany, 1986) with English translation at right.

Figure 33 - First description of Inocybe aeruginascens

in the mycological literature (M. Babos, 1968).
Figure 34 - Inocybe aeruginascens fruiting bodies from
Potsdam, Eastern Germany.
Unlike species of thin-fleshed Psilocybe Psilocybin levels in Inocybe aeruginascens
mushrooms that do not fruit until fall, Inocybe are comparable to those found in Psilocybe
aeruginascens frequently suffers from fly larvae mexicana Heim. Moreover, Inocybe aeruginascens
infestations, especially in older colonies. The contain traces amounts of psilocin at most.
resulting lesions are injured areas that turn Baeocystin, on the other hand, is accumulated at
greenish-blue. It must be noted, however, that of levels comparable to those of psilocybin. The
all species introduced here, Inocybe alkaloid content of the Inocybe species differs from
aeruginascens is most easily misidentified by those found in the Psilocybe species, which contain
laypersons, as it is of the same genus as the three to five times more psilocybin than
potentially lethal species that produce baeocystin. The variation of alkaloid content
muscarine. across different samples of fruiting bodies is
Drewitz's speculation that Inocybe illustrated in Table 7, which shows the results from
aeruginascens contains psilocybin was supported analyses of mushrooms collected at a location in
by results from my own investigations in 1984. Caputh near Potsdam on June 8, 1986 (see Figures
Extracts of more than 100 mushrooms collected 32 and 34).
in Hungary and Germany from 1967 to 1990
were examined. Quantitative analyses revealed
that the fruiting bodies contained a fairly
constant amount of psilocybin each, as well as TABLE 7
some baeocystin. These results were first
reported in February, 1985. Later that year, the Psilocybin and Baeocystin Content in Single
presence of psilocybin in Inocybe aeruginascens Inocybe aeruginascens Fruiting Bodies (%
of Dry Weight)
was confirmed by research teams from the
former West Berlin, Regensburg (Germany) and
Switzerland. Known cases of intoxication
Mushroom Dry Weight (mg) Psilocvbin Baeocvstin
seemed to indicate that the fruiting bodies
contained small amounts of muscarine. But 1 0.110 0.43 0.15
among all the samples that were tested - at all 2 0.118 0.26 0.24
stages of development and from widely different 3 0.220 0.23 0.22
collections - not one specimen contained even 4 0.221 0.50 0.25
trace amounts of muscarine. 5 0.298 0.16 0.20
In collaboration with colleagues from
Czechoslovakia, we were able to confirm that
the average alkaloid content does not vary much, In addition, it should be noted that results
a finding based on analyses of extracts from from these analyses of mushroom extracts
several mushrooms. Moreover, the alkaloid indicated the presence of a previously unknown
content of fruiting bodies stored for prolonged alkaloid, which I have named aeruginascin. The
periods declined only slightly over time: molecular structure of this substance must be
similar to those of psilocybin and baeocystin. It is
a compound that is soluble only in polar solvents,
such as water, methanol and acetic acid. The levels
Psilocybin Content of Inocybe aeruginascens of concentration of aeruginascin found in the
from Various Locations (% of Dried Samples) fruiting bodies is comparable to those of the other
two alkaloids. The compound is characteristic of
Location Year Found Year Analyzed Psilocvbin
the Inocybe species, so that the analytical results of
Potsda 1984 1984 0.38 mushrooms extracts using thin-layer
Potsda 1983 1984 0.34 chromatography constitute a kind of fingerprint
Potsda 1982 1984 0.33 identification of Inocybe aeruginascens.
Berlin 1975 1985 0.11 Of course, there is the question whether
Hungar 1967 1985 0.22 this substance contributes to the psychoactive
effects of Inocybe aeruginascens. It is remarkable
that all cases of involuntary intoxication
induced a feeling of euphoria, despite a Inocybe corydalina Quel.
psychological state of mind likely to create Inocybe haemacta Berk. & Br.
extremely unfavorable internal conditions ("set") Inocybe tricolor Kuhner
for having a "positive experience" (i.e. knowledge Inocybe coelestium Kuyper
of being poisoned by mushrooms with unknown
and potentially fatal consequences). In addition, These species, however, are not
these cases of intoxications happened in the course significant contributors in terms of involuntary
of pursuing normal, everyday activities, including intoxications, because, for the most part, these
appointments and other interferences ("setting") Inocybe species are extremely rare and grow
which should have precipitated a much more almost exclusively in forests. Also, their
negative type of experience. Future research must psilocybin levels were lower than those found in
focus first on the discovery of the molecular Inocybe aeruginascens.
structure of aeruginascin, as well as its synthesis. Among these species, Inocybe
Subsequent studies should investigate the corydalina is the most common. An analysis
potentially moodaltering influence of this revealed a psilocybin content of only 0.011% -
substance in terms of the mushroom's psychoactive 0.1%, a concentration so low, that this species
effects as a whole. Moreover, we cannot exclude would become clinically relevant only if large
the possibility that ingestion of the mushrooms amounts of the mushrooms were eaten.
may cause a slow release of alkaloids from the As part of my own experiments, I also
organic matrix, followed by their gradual detected psilocybin in Inocybe calamistrata
resorption, a process suggested by the effects of (Fr.:Fr.) Gill, a species whose lower stem area
the mycologist's test experiment described above. is blue. Other authors have not succeeded at
In the meantime, the presence of psilocybin along confirming the presence of psilocybin in this
with baeocystin has also been confirmed in the species.
following Inocybe species:



Another controversy documented in the literature The room seemed smaller, and the walls closer than
revolves around the psychoactivity of several usual. Objects were shimmering, and appeared
species of the genus Gymnopilus. yellow with dark areas in the center. The trees and
More than 50 years ago, in October 1942, a grass were a vivid green, with spots of radiant
remarkable case of intoxication occurred m purple. These sensations were not unpleasant.
Cleveland, Ohio, which was attributed to Pholiota Everything seemed to be unnaturally colored,
spectabilis. Today, these mushrooms have resembling the image of a color TV. Even though he
been identified as Gymnopilus spectabilis (Fr.)A.H. was unable to collect his thoughts, his mind felt sharp
Smith (USA). In Europe, they are also Known as and clear: he asked himself questions and
Gymnopilus junonius (Fr.) Orton. immediately knew the answers. By contrast, after
A woman had been out for a walk in the woods one having put down a book, he was unable to find it
afternoon and had taken a few nibbles from a again. After a few hours all three of the involuntary
mushroom that she found, feeling confident that she participants had recovered and were able to give a
could distinguish the edible from the poisonous ones. coherent account of their experience.
As soon as she lay down, she began to experience the In this case, the mushrooms involved were
most glorious visions of color and sounds of music, also identified as Pholiota spectabilis. This
but with no feelings of discomfort whatsoever. A identification is questionable, however, because
friend who was with her felt that a doctor should be the species is generally described as having an
called immediately. When she consulted me about extremely bitter taste. It was determined that there
her symptoms, I told her that certain mushrooms are are significantly more species of the genus
known to cause the symptoms she suffered. I Gymnopilus in North America (73) than there are in
added that these mushrooms were not classified as Europe (15).
poisonous, nor did the effects last very long.
called that same evening and said that the Mushrooms 24 Inches Tall!
hallucinations had soon passed and that she was
feeling perfectly normal again. She added that if this
Even though Gymnopilus junionius is one
was the way one was supposed to die of mushroom
of the largest-sized species of mushrooms (with
poisoning, she was all for it.
stems that have been observed to grow up to 24
Another case of poisoning was chronicled in
inches [60 cm] tall), there are no known European
Harvard, Massachusetts:
cases of intoxications caused by Gymnopilus
On September 9, 1966, at about 9 a.m., a 56~year-
species. The extremely bitter taste typical of some
old retired mechanical engineer of Harvard,
Gymnopilus species is an effective deterrent to
Massachusetts, picked a bunch of mushrooms
their ingestion as table mushrooms, anyway.
clustered by the side of the road in front of his house.
However, the cases of intoxication in the
Under the mistaken impression that they were honey
U.S. prompted Hatfield and his collaborators to
mushrooms (Armillaria mellea an edible species) he
perform phytochemical testing on some of these
tasted the fresh flesh and found them to be slightly
species. From 1968 to 1971 this group of
bitter However, he took them home, where his wife
investigators reported that eight species, including
washed them and fried them in butter. He ate
Gymnopilus junonius contained inactive
two or three caps around noon and within 15
styrylpyrones, such as bis-noryangonin. In the
minutes began to feel disconnected and "woozy" .
wake of yet another case of unintentional
head felt numb and his vision was blurred.
intoxication with Gymnopilus validipes in the U.S., The mushroom was initially classified as
the same research team was able to confirm that this Tricholomopsis rutilans (Schaeff.:Fr.) Sing.
species contained psilocybin (0.12%). They also However, this magnificent and beautiful
found the alkaloid in three other species, including mushroom was found to have spore dust
Gymnopilus spectabilis. colored orange to rusty brown, along with a
Still, similar analyses of European well-formed, bright yellow cortina. It also
Gymnopilus species continued to yield negative turned blue in reaction to pressure and with age.
results. Closer study revealed that the specimen was
It was only through a set of strange actually of the species Gymnopilus purpuratus,
circumstances that the presence of psilocybin and its a mushroom that, after a hundred years, had
derivatives was finally confirmed in European once again been imported into Europe. The
mushroom species of the genus Gymnopilus. microclimate essential for the mushroom's
As far back as May 1887, a new species of growth had been created by mixing liquid pig
mushroom was found growing on a tree fern trunk manure with the discarded wood chips. A
in the botanical gardens at Kew, England (also see powerful composting process results from
p. 30, bottom right). The discovery eventually led to pouring the liquid manure onto heaps that are
the publication of these mushrooms as a new species up to 20 yards long and several yards tall.The
named Flammula purpurata Cooke & Massee. In process is designed to eliminate both types of
this context, we must credit Mordecai Cooke (1825- refuse. Measurements inside the heaps revealed
1914), a mycologist of outstanding competence and temperatures of about 176° Fahrenheit.
expertise, who studied a vast number of mushrooms Consequently, the Gymnopilus species were
species, including Psilocybe semilanceata. He was able to thrive on the top layers of the heaps,
the first to formulate a hypothesis about the nature along with other species from Asian and South
of the bluing phenomenon and to point out its American countries with warm climates.
physiological significance ( also see p. 16, bottom There is, of course, the question of just
right). He discovered Inocybe haemacta as well as how the Gymnopilus species got to Europe in the
several Panaeolus species and classified the first place. In the late 1970s, large amounts of
Flammula species mentioned above. Remarkably, feed grain were imported from Argentina. Thus,
one of his first publications was a book of popular it appears likely that some mushroom spores may
folk tales entitled "The Seven Sisters of Sleep" have stuck to the grain from where they passed
(1860), which just happened to be an unharmed through the pigs' digestive systems and
interdisciplinary investigation of narcotic plants. Did went on to colonize the compost heaps.
he himself, perhaps, sample one of the psychotropic Even though the compost heaps are
mushroom species? Most likely, we will never know plowed at least twice a year and shipped as
the answer to this question. Eventually, the fertilizer to surrounding fields after about two
Flammula species came to be recognized as being years of storage, the mushrooms continue to grow
native to Australia and South America (Chile), on wood piles in new locations whenever its
where the mushrooms fruit on dead tree trunks spores have reproduced (see Figure 30, p. 40).
during the month of May. Later on the mushroom's However, in the wake of changes in economic
name was changed to Gymnopilus purpuratus conditions and growing ecological awareness in
(Cooke & Massee) Sing. Eastern Germany, it is likely that this composting
process will soon be discontinued so that this
mushroom species may disappear in Europe once
Mushrooms on Compost Mixture of again.
Wood Chips and Pig Manure The following description characterizes
the Gymnopilus species that does not have a
bitter taste:
In 1983, a conspicuous mushroom was Cap: 15-42 mm broad, occasionally
observed growing on discarded bark and wood chips larger sizes up to 20 cm in diameter. Flesh thin,
near a particle board factory in RibnitzDamgarten broadly convex without an umbo. Evenly covered
on the Eastern German seaboard. with pointy scales, purplish to ruby on yellow
background, dry. Margin inrolled at first,
incurved later, occasional blue stains. Table 8 illustrates the unstable nature of
the psilocin molecule: during the one-year storage
Gills: Close, golden yellow at first, time until analysis in 1988, much of the sample's
rusty yellow later on due to maturation of psilocin had already decayed.
spores, edges concolorous with lamellae and Alkaloid concentrations were found to be
bald. higher in smaller mushrooms, as shown in Table 8.
Stem: Not hollow, 6-10 mm x 30-80 Larger mushrooms contained about 0.1 % of both
mm, very rarely up to 15 cm tall, cylindrical psilocin and psilocybin. I am not aware of any
to slightly club-shaped, coarse fibrils, cases of accidental intoxication nor any self
striated, lower stem area and base bruise experiments involving Gymnopilus purpuratus.
grayish-blue to Greenish when injured and
with age, found alone or in clusters of up to
22 mushrooms. Intoxicating Potions of the
Cortina: Sulphur yellow, almost Yurimagua Indians
appendiculate along margin, fibrous at the
apex without forming a true annulus, In light of the discovery of psilocybin as an
disappears with age. active ingredient in a South American Gymnopilus
Basidia: Approximately 35 u long, club species, numerous historic accounts also appear in
a different light.
By 1969, Singer had noted that based on Jesuits of the 17th and early 18th centuries
analyses performed by Cassels in Chile, the who had travelled to the western Amazon (Peru)
mushroom contained an indole derivative and reported that the Yurimagua Indians habitually
that the species may be hallucinogenic prepared a potently intoxicating potion derived
because of the bluing reaction. By 1988, from a tree-dwelling mushroom. The mushrooms
reports from Germany also confirmed the appeared on fallen trees as a kind of reddish
presence of psilocybin in mushroom extracts growth with a spicy taste. The potion was said to
of the same species, as evidenced by the be so potent that nobody who swallowed three
results of thin-layer chromatography testing mouthfuls of the brew was able to resist its effects.
(qualitative detection only). That same year, The mushroom was considered to be Psilocybe
my own quantitative analyses of 26 yungensis Singer & Smith. However, since
mushrooms also revealed that psilocin and Gymnopilus species are reddish in color (see
baeocystin were present in all fruiting bodies description of Gymnopilus purpuratus, above) and
of the Gymnopilus species. So far, no other tend to colonize dense tree trunks, those strange
European species has been found to contain tree-dwelling mushrooms were most likely a
as much psilocin as Gymnopilus purpuratus: Gymnopilus species. The Psilocybe species, after
all, grow almost exclusively on wood sprigs and
tree bark debris. On only one exceptional occasion
did we discover a specimen of Psilocybe bohemica
TABLE 8 growing on a thoroughly rotted, wet tree trunk (see
p. 31, top right). Most likely, the reddishcolored
Alkaloid Content in Two Collections of tree-dwelling species was closely related to
Gymnopilus purpuratus (% of Dry Weight). Gymnopilus purpuratus. The discovery of
psilocybin in a mushroom of the Gymnopilus
species marked the first time this substance had
Mu sh ro om Psiloc ybin Psilocin Baeocystin ever been found in a member of the family
Sample Collected in 1988 Cortinariaceae.
The Inocybe species who were found to
1 0.29 0.28 0.05 contain psilocybin later on, are also members of
2 0.31 0.29 0.04 this family. Since the alkaloid had previously been
Sample Collected in 1987 found in Psilocybe, Panaeolus and Conocybe
species - which are not closely related
1 0.32 0.03 0.03
2 0.21 0.02 0.02
to each other - the hypothesis postulating species. Taxonomically, the genus has not yet
psilocybin's significance as an important chemo- been exhaustively studied, and mushroom lovers
taxonomical substance had to be abandoned. may want to watch out for occurrences of
Future research should attempt to verify Gymnopilus purpuratus in certain European
the presence of psilocybin and its derivatives in locations, such as botanical gardens or
other tropical and subtropical Gymnopilus herbariums.



While studying the magic mushrooms of Mexico The following is an adequate description
during the 1950s, R. Heim described a new of Conocybe cyanopus, because its bluish
species of the genus Conocybe. discoloration is a sufficiently unique attribute to
Conocy allow differentiation of this species from other
be siligineodes Heim was reported to grow up to European Conocybe species.
8 cm (3.25 in.) tall, a beautiful, reddish brown to Cap: 0.3-2.5 cm broad, nearly
orange-colored mushroom that thrived on rotten hemispheric to convex, striated, ocher to dark
wood and which was used as a psychotropic brown without grey-green stains.
species by the Indians as well. However, the Stem: 2-4 cm long, 1-1.4 cm thick,
species did not appear again in the literature, nor whitish at first, equal to slightly curved at the
were the chemical composition or the effects of base, silvery later on, stains bluish-green -
these samples published. Even after decades of particularly at base - in reaction to injuries or with
field research in Mexico, Guzman was unable to age.
find the species there. Similarly, he did not Spores: 7-10 x 4-5 um
discover native usage of any kind of Conocybe
species. Heim's description however, aroused Basidia: 4-spored, pleurocystidia absent,
curiosity as to the chemical composition of this cheilocystidia present, 18-25x6, 5-10 ,um
species. Approximately 55 European species Habitat: On grassy areas or moss, summer
which existed saprophytically were relegated to through fall.
a shadow existence in the older literature. Also, The Conocybe genus is a member of the
the differentiation of these species is very Bolbitiaceae family, which is similar to the
problematic at times. For the most part, the Coprinaceae, a family of dark-spored mushrooms
mushrooms are small and fragile, decay quickly that includes the Panaeolus species.
and grow mostly in grassy and mossy areas, The Conocybe species are very rare in
where they are easily overlooked. Europe. The mushrooms are hardly ever found
Around 1930, J. Schaffer discovered among lists of mushroom discoveries from
numerous Conocybe species growing in European countries. Aside from Schaffer's
abundance on a fertilized grassy area near discovery, the mushroom was reportedly found or
Potsdam. Intrigued by the mushrooms' extra- described only twice (!) within the territory of the
ordinary variety of forms and colors, he was former East Germany over the last 60 years (both
inspired to undertake the kind of taxonomic discoveries were made during the 1980s).
classification that is essential to pursuing However, there are only few mycologists who
mushroom research. One species that he found in specialize in the study of the Conocybe genus, due
Potsdam, Berlin as well as in Germany's Harz to its lack of attractiveness.
Mountains showed bluish discolorations at the Even though the mushroom is very rare, I
base of their stems. This "Galera" species was was able to include one picture of Conocybe
included by Kuhner as Conocybe cyanopoda in cyanopus in this book (see Figure 36, p. 57). 1
his 1935 monograph about the genus Conocybe. also had the good fortune to obtain a dried
Today, this species is referred to in the literature Conocybe cyanopus sample for chemical analysis
as Conocybe cyanopus (Atk.) Kuhn. This species (see Table 9, p. 56).
with a blue base had been previously discovered Psilocybin was discovered for the first
in the U.S. (Ithaca, NY) in 1918 and was judged time in a sample of fruiting bodies of the species
by Kuhner to be identical with the European Conocybe cyanopus which had been collected on
mushrooms. September 4, 1961 in Seattle, WA. No psilocin
however mysterious they may remain. Concentrations of psilocybin were
strikingly similar to those found in samples
In 1977, Repke and his research team collected in the Northwestern United States.
reported the discovery of baeocystin, as well as After several days, spores from one of
psilocybin in a Conocybe species from the United the fruiting bodies germinated on malt agar and,
States and Canada. Once again, no psilocin was compared to other species, proceeded to grow
found in these samples. Finally in 1982/83, very slowly into their permanent forms or
Norwegian researchers confirmed the existence of "sclerotia" (see Figure 35, p. 57). The sclerotia
trace amounts of psilocin, in addition to 0.330.55% showed no blue discolorations, and were found
of psilocybin, an alkaloid that was also reportedly to contain 0.25 % psilocybin when dry, while no
discovered in Finnish samples. Finally, Beug and additional alkaloids were detected.
Bigwood reported 0.93% of psilocybin in samples In summary, it is reasonable to assume
collected in the Northwestern United States. that due to its small size and extreme rarity,
Interestingly, the second sample ever discovered in Conocybe cyanopus is a species that is not a
Eastern Germany was found on July 2, 1989 near significant contributor to intoxications in
Potsdam, where several fruiting bodies of the Europe, nor is it likely to gain such prominence
Conocybe cyanopus species were growing in a in the future. My own analyses of other, non-
grassy area on sand. The original area, however, bluing Conocybe species, such as Conocybe
where Schaffer first discovered the species 60 years tenera (Schaeff.:Fr.) Fayod and Conocybe lactea
ago, lay within the Potsdam city limits and its exact (Lge) Metrod revealed the presence of
location can no longer be determined. physiologically inactive ingredients only.
The sample collected in 1989 consisted of Samples of Conocybe species from
five mushrooms that were found to have warm countries have not yet been analyzed and
concentrations of psilocybin and baeocystin similar may yet yield remarkable results in terms of
to levels found in Psilocybe semilanceata: chemical composition and alkaloid content.


Selected Test Results on the Alkaloid Content

of Conocybe cyanopus (% of Dry Weight)

Mushroom Dry Weight(mg) Psilocybin Baeocystin

1 5 0.84 0.15
2 6 0.73 0.12
3 7 1.01 0.20
4 10 0.91 0.16
5 12 0.89 0.14
Figure 35 - Sclerotia of Conocybe cyanopus grown on malt agar.

Figure 36 - Fresh Conocybe cyanopus fruiting bodies

from the Pacific Northwest (USA).


Within the Pluteaceae family, there are at the base, colors intensify in response to
about 45 European species of the genus Pluteus, pressure.
some of whom also produce psilocybin. There are also mushrooms of this species
Historically, the Pluteus species were that are white in color (see Figure 38, p. 60).
classified as belonging to the Amanitaceae family, However, these albino fruiting bodies have stems
which also include the "death cap" and its relatives, whose bases show a slight grey-green coloration
as well as the fly agaric mushroom, both of which as well, as do the apex areas of their caps.
belong to the genus Amanita. Unlike all the other Pluteus salicinus has been described as being
psychoactive mushrooms mentioned here in this anywhere from "very rare" to "not rare" in the
book, the Pluteus species are classified as light- wet deciduous forests of Europe. The species of
spored mushrooms, because of their rose-colored the genus Pluteus are final wood-destroyers, that
spore dust. is, they grow saprophytically on wood that
No accidental intoxications involving appears rotten and discolored, because it has
Pluteus species have been documented in the decomposed due to the presence of other
literature. mushrooms over the course of many years.
The first description providing qualitative Pluteus salicinus fruits from May to October on
evidence for the presence of psilocybin and psilocin stumps of willows, alder-trees, lime-trees, beech-
was provided by Saupe in 1981, who examined trees, poplars, maple-trees and possibly on the
extracts of Pluteus salicinus (Pers.:Fr.) Kumm. from wooden remnants of other tree species as well,
Illinois. Surprisingly, psilocin turned out to be the The fact that this mushroom has not been the
alkaloid with the highest levels of concentration in cause of any intoxications may be explained by
the samples tested. This mushroom species had its fruiting bodies' occurrence on tree stumps as
previously been described in Europe about 200 single mushrooms or in groups of very few
years ago. Since then, however, it has rarely been mushrooms. Also, compared to other wood-
mentioned in the literature, and only briefly, if at all inhabiting mushrooms, Pluteus salicinus is not
(see Figure 37, p. 59). very attractive in appearance. The mushroom's
Some taxonomic methods of classification habitus is well illustrated by Figure 39 (p. 60).
used earlier can still cause confusion today. For For unknown reasons, Kreisel described
example, Ricken (1915) designated the mushroom all Pluteus species as "non-poisonous" in his
as Pluteus petasatus. 1987 handbook of mushrooms, despite the fact
By way of expanding the description from that psilocybin (0.35 % of dried mushrooms) had
1962 (see Figure 37), Pluteus salicinus is identified already been discovered in samples of this
by the following characteristics: species in 1981 (North America) and 1984
Medium-sized mushroom with a more or (Norway). The alkaloid was also found in
less intensely bluish to bluish-green coloration. mushrooms from Holland, Finland, Sweden and
Older mushrooms are sometimes colored olive France. The latter tests, however, were limited to
green. very few fruiting bodies in each case.
Caps in some cases up to 8 cm in diameter, Whereas Stijve found an average of 0.25
lighter colored around the margin, silver grey, hairy % of psilocybin in dried mushrooms from 20
and felt-like, even hairier and felt-like towards the samples collected in Switzerland from 1984 to
middle of the cap, often scaly. 1986, my own analyses of non-bluing (!)
mushrooms collected in Thuringen, Germany in
Stems up to 10 cm in length, with 1986 yielded much higher alkaloid
spontaneous grey-green or grey-blue discolorations concentrations:
Psilocybin and Urea Content of Stijve and Bonnard were able to examine
Pluteus salicinus (% of Dry Weight)
original material collected by Saupe in the United
Sample# Psilocybin Urea States. To their surprise, they discovered that the
Cap Stem Cap Stem mushrooms were not identical to those found in
1 1.38 0.48 2.50 Traces
Europe. They also did no longer contain any
alkaloids. These findings show that mushrooms
2 1.57 0.71 2.60 0.00
3 1.57 0.71 2.60 0.00
of the same name from different continents are
4 1.22 1.14 1.40 0.00 not necessarily identical.
5 139 0.64 2.40 0.43
All other Pluteus species tested so far
contained urea, a substance that can also been
found in the Panaeolus species. However, the
Additional analyses of four bluing latter also produce compounds like serotonin,
mushrooms collected in the Dubener which do not occur in the Pluteus species. Hence,
marshlands (Eastern Germany) in 1988, the different species are once again identifiable
confirmed the presence of only about 0.2 - by their unique "fingerprints".
0.7 % psilocybin in those mushrooms. This Other rare Pluteus species with bluish or
sample also contained very small amounts of violet discolorations are mentioned in the
baeocystin. literature, such as a Pluteus cyanopus from
These results indicate that the Europe. However, so far, very small amounts of
variability m alkaloid content in Pluteus psilocybin (0.035% of dried mushrooms) have
salicinus has not yet been sufficiently been found only in Pluteus nigroviridis Babos, an
calibrated. Therefore, more analyses are extremely rare species from Hungary.
needed. In contrast to the findings based on Therefore, additional analyses of this
studies of mushrooms collected in America, fairly neglected genus are urgently needed.
it is certain that the European mushrooms
produce only traces of psilocin at most.

Figure 37 - Description of Pluteus salicinus from 1962 (Germany).

See page 58 for description in English.
Figure 38 - Pluteus salicinus at a natural location (Germany).

Figure 39 - Fresh Pluteus salicinus fruiting bodies.




On December 16, 1981, three teenagers noticed a tendency to disregard some of the finer
hunting for psychoactive mushrooms on details in the literature, so that "my mushrooms"
Whidbey Island, WA (USA) collected would better match the descriptions. Naturally, this
specimens of a Galerina species, in the mistaken approach resulted in errors. Luckily, I would quickly
belief that the mushrooms belonged to a discover and correct my mistakes upon consultation
Psilocybe species. All three of them fell ill after with my mycologist friends. In my experience,
eating the mushrooms, but did not report their competence and expertise in the area of mushroom
symptoms or seek medical help for another two identification are skills honed over time through
days, afraid of being prosecuted for using extensive fieldwork, consultations with established
psilocybin. After medical treatment, two of the mycological experts, and careful analyses of samples
teenagers made a full recovery. The third based on information found in appropriate reference
victim, however, a 16 -year-old girl, died on books.
December 24, 1981. The literature clearly indicates that
As presented by Beug and Bigwood, this Psilocybe semilanceata is one species that, at prime
tragic incident underscores the dangers inherent locations, can be easily identified without consulting
is careless or erroneous identification of a diagnostic key. Psilocybe semilanceata is known
mushroom species, especially when a situation is for its uniquely distinctive appearance, so that
complicated by overzealous legislative and microscopic tests are not needed to distinguish this
punitive measures. The psilocybin-producing species from other pasture-dwelling mushrooms.
species as well as culinary mushroom varieties The situation is different, however, for Psilocybe
often share some characteristics with many other species that thrive on wood debris, as illustrated by
species. Casual mushroom hunters and lay- the tragic story at the beginning of this chapter.
persons are especially prone to making Besides, compared to Europe, the North American
identification errors, suffering accidental mycoflora includes a much broader and varied
ittoxications as a result. Previous chapters spectrum of mushroom species to begin with.
included several case histories of such
involuntary intoxications. To be sure, modern
mycological keys are valuable tools when it
Warning: Amatoxins are Lethal!
comes to accuracy in deciding the family and
genus of an unknown mushroom sample. It can The Galerina genus includes a number of
be extremely difficult, however, to identify the poisonous mushrooms. These species are dangerous,
specific species of questionable specimens, because they contain the same deadly amatoxins as
especially if the sample belongs to the vast the "death cap" (Amanita phalloides) and its
category of "LBM"s, or "little brown mush- relatives, "death angel" and "destroying angel". Their
rooms". We currently know very little about the toxins are insidious, with no symptoms evident for
"LBM" species, since their habitats and about 12 hours. During this latency period, the toxins
variations in habitus have not been studied in can cause major irreversible internal damage, which
systematic detail. Not surprisingly, reference is why many cases are fatal in spite of treatment. A
books are often limited by incomplete descrip- common North American species is Galerina
tions that lack the essential criteria for autumnalis (Peck) Singer & Smith, which grows on
differentiating one species from others that are wood debris in parks and forests, just like several of
similar or related. I vividly recall my own first the Psilocybe species. At first glance, Galerina
attempts to identify unknown samples by relying autumnalis resembles Psilocybe stuntzii Guzman &
on what appeared to be precise definitions in Ott, and the two species may grow
standard mycological reference works. I found
many of the listed traits to be descriptive of a
wide range of sometimes very different species.
As I compared my samples with the text, I
side by side at the same location. The Galerina resemblance, either in size or form, to Inocybe
species, however, does not turn blue. I once aeruginascens. Overall, however, these
discovered a grassy area that was home to a cluster unfortunate cases have also contributed to our
of Psilocybe stuntzii specimens entangled with a understanding of mushroom biochemistry.
Galerina species. The mushrooms had grown so In this context, I want to emphasize
entwined that individual fruiting bodies could be once more that the hallucinogenic varieties
identified only by spore analyses. among the Inocybes can easily be mistaken for
Pholiotina filaris (Fr.) Sing. (also known those muscarine-producing Inocybe species
as Conocybe) is another North American species that are extremely poisonous.
known to contain amatoxins. At the same time, As part of his investigation of the
these toxins have not been found in European Psilocybe genus, Guzman noted a common
samples of this species. Thus, Pholiotina filaris trait among the hallucinogenic species, in
(Fr.) Sing. most likely does not refer to the same addition to the bluing reaction: a flour-like
species on both continents. Still, at least one smell or taste. Apart from the inherent
European Galerina species (Galerina marginata subjective nature of our sense of smell and
(Fr.) Kuhn.) contains the same toxins found in the taste, a common odor is a trait that definitely
"death cap" mushroom. This species also grows on does not apply to the European species (also
decaying wood substrate and its fruiting bodies see Chapter 3.2).
contain about one-third of the amount of
amanitines found in Amanita phalloides. Mycophile or Mycophobe?
Incredibly, older mushroom books list Galerina
There are reports from the Western
marginata as an edible species.
United States about people with expert
In a previous chapter on the Panaeolus
knowledge of Psilocybe semilanceata -
species I illustrated the potential for identification
devoted mushroom hunters who can identify
errors associated with commercial cultivation areas
the species with drill and accuracy. At the
that are "invaded" by outside species. Due to their
same time, however, these experts cannot
rapid growth, the Panaeolus species in particular
identify easily spotted common table
will often fruit in artificial growing areas long
mushrooms, nor are they able to differentiate
before the cultivated species that is grown there.
the Agaricus species (champignons) from other
Chapter 3.3 details the 1970 poisoning incident
mushrooms, even when these species grow on
involving Panaeolus subbalteatus from a
the same pasture. Such individuals, then, are
cultivation area in Leipzig. In that case, the
not interested in species other than Psilocybe
intruding species was mistaken for Stropharia
semilanceata. In my opinion, this attitude
rugoso-annulata Farlow (the Giant Stropharia),
reflects a rare combination of mycophilia and
based on information from a mushroom book.
Apparently nobody realized the glaring differences
A mushroom's spore dust provides
between the book's description and the actual
important information needed to determine
characteristics, except for the assumption that the
identity. A spore print is left by the gills when
sample's small size meant the mushrooms simply
the cap is placed on black or white paper
had not grown as tall as portrayed in the book.
(depending on spore color). As the process
This flawed conclusion illustrates a type of
takes several hours, a glass vessel must be
judgment error common among amateur
placed over the cap to prevent drying. While
mushroom hunters who falsely believe that they
useful, information obtained from spore
are experts. Having been shown a single sample of
analyses has its limitations, For instance,
wild mushrooms, for example, some mycophiles
spores derived from mushrooms belonging to
become convinced they will always be able to
different genera may have the same color, but
recognize the species in the future. That is how one
reveal basic differences under the microscope.
such mushroom hunter accidently ingested Inocybe
There is also a high degree of similarity among
aeruginascens specimens that he believed to be
spores from different Psilocybe species. Thus,
common fairy ring mushrooms. In a similar case of
the only way to prevent grave errors and
Inocybe aeruginascens intoxication, the
potentially deadly intoxications is to rely on
mushrooms had been picked as white
experienced experts for mushroom
champignons, even though this common culinary
identification, a process that must include
mushroom bears no
analysis of available ecological data.



As previously discussed in Chapters 3.1 as air and that solutions of psilocin turn bluish-
and 3.7, the bluing reaction is characteristic green in an alkaline range.
of species that produce psilocybin. Still, for These results provided proof that the
unknown reasons, some species or samples bluing reaction resulted from a mushroom
belonging to a genus that usually turns blue ingredient's breakdown by oxidation. From 1960
may not always change color, regardless of on, Blaschko, Levine and Bocks, as well as
psilocybin content. Among the species that I Horita and Weber performed in-vitro studies of
have examined, Psilocybe bohemica the biochemical reactions of psilocybin and
displayed the most impressive bluing psilocin. They concurred that only psilocin can be
reaction. The caps of this species stain very oxidized into a product of bluish-green color. The
quickly in reaction to pressure. Other species, phosphate group prevents direct oxidation of this
such as Psilocybe cubensis (Earle) Sing. alkaloid (see Figure 19, p. 27). However, the
have stems that develop very intensely blue typical bluing phenomenon does occur when this
stains, while their caps do not exhibit the protective group is removed by enzymes, such as
bluing reaction. By contrast, Psilocybe various phosphatases, which are very common in
semilanceata, Conocybe cyanopus and human as well as in mushroom tissue. I also
Inocybe aeruginascens are species whose observed the bluing reaction following removal
stems develop only slight stains m reaction to of the phosphate group from baeocystin.
pressure and only after a relatively long time Observations from in-vitro experiments explain
period has elapsed. With why Psilocybe bohemica displays a strong
respect to time delay and intensity of the bluing reaction, despite the fact that levels of
bluing reaction, Gymnopilus purpuratus is a psilocin in this mushroom are low or non-
species that falls in between these two existent: Apparently, the enzymatic removal of
extremes. the phosphate group from the psilocybin
molecule occurs quite quickly. This is how
A Rich Color Spectrum
psilocin is formed in reaction to injuries to the
fruiting bodies. Immediately afterwards, psilocin
The colors range from green to a deep continues to break down and disappears
blue. Psilocybe cubensis is a species in completely, while a number of blue-colored
which the latter color may also take on a substances are created. In addition, some
blackish-blue hue. 'The mechanisms enzymes were discovered which accelerate the
underlying the color reactions in these breakdown of psilocin. Cytochrome oxidases and
mushrooms has not yet been studied. I have laccases are examples of such enzymes. The
already mentioned Cooke's speculation from latter has also been found in the mycelia of
the early years of the 20th century about the Psilocybe cubensis. Most likely, the enzymes are
significance of the bluing reaction in also formed in those mushrooms that display
Psilocybe Smilanceata (see p. 16). In the bluish discolorations in reaction to metol testing.
1950s, it was Singer and Smith who Trace amounts of Iron" ions accelerate the bluing
emphasized that discolorations observed in reaction as well. The structure of the blue-colored
the psychotropic Psilocybe and Panaeolus compounds has not yet been investigated.
species must somehow be linked directly or Apparently, they are quite unstable and involve a
indirectly to the mushrooms' active type of chemical bond known as chinones. Many
ingredients. Eventually, in 1958, A. pigments are known to have this basic structure.
Hofmann and his collaborators reported the
successful isolation of these ingredients.
They were the first to observe that pure
psilocin grows unstable when exposed to
oxidizing agents such
Figure 40 - Psilocybe cubensis fruiting bodies whose
growth was accelerated with plant hormones.

Figure 41 - Mycelial culture of Psilocybe cubensis on

malt extract (3 % solution).
The Agaricales As Alkaloid Producers the presence of psilocybin and its derivatives.
Even the brown and white varieties of the
Even though the blue discoloration does commercial champignon mushroom change colors
not occur in ali mushroom species that produce when exposed to a metol solution, just like many
psilocybin and psilocin, we can say that, other mushrooms do as well.
conversely, all species of the order Agaricales
(gilled mushrooms) displaying this reaction are
capable of producing alkaloids. Historically, The Limitations of Reagents
this problem associated with the bluing reaction
did not particularly impress early mycologists, The discovery and usage of different color
because there were a number of boletes which reagents as a means to differentiate certain species
turned blue in reaction to pressure and were or even genera has been attempted for quite some
thought to be among the most valued culinary time, with only moderate success, for the most
mushrooms. Indeed, the mushrooms' color part. Melzer's Reagent is a well-known mixture
reaction is based on ingredients that are whose usage was propagated as a method for
physiologically inactive. The boletes also do identifying the Psilocybe species. For this purpose,
not display the kinds of spontaneous however, it turned out to be just as nonspecific and
discolorations with age that are frequently worthless as metol.
noted in the psychotropic species. G. Drewitz discovered that the application
As results of my own analyses have of iron chloride to fruiting bodies of Inocybe
shown, the alkaloid concentrations in Psilocybe aeruginascens caused a deep blue discoloration,
semilanceata and Panaeolus subbalteatus - whose while the muscarine-producing species of the same
fruiting bodies showed a slight degree of genus did not change color. Iron chloride is a salt
discoloration at most - are within the same that reacts with different phenoles to form
orders of magnitude as those found in intensely blue molecules. The underlying
mushrooms that do not turn blue. Evidently, the mechanism of this reaction is more realistic than
pigments involved have a high degree of the others, because psilocin will also react as a
intensity; the tiny amounts that were produced phenole. Independent of this color formation, mere
did not measurably contribute to the destruction trace amounts of iron ions will suffice to
of the active ingredients. On the other hand, my accelerate the oxidation of psilocin by air.
own experiments revealed that levels of However, Inocybe aeruginascens is a
psilocin and psilocybin in very old and strongly species that produces only trace amounts of
discolored fruiting bodies and mycelia of psilocin; therefore, it is very likely that the iron
Psilocybe cubensis were considerably lower in salt reacts with other phenoles in this mushroom
comparison to younger specimens. In 1948, species.
Singer was the first to describe the In summary, only those bluing reactions
intensification of the bluing reaction, including that are spontaneous or caused by injuries provide
a change in color towards violet, in samples of reliable clues as to the presence of psilocybin and
Psilocybe cubensis which had been moistened its derivatives in Agaricales. The presence of the
with an aqueous solution of the photographic bluing phenomenon itself, however, reveals
reagent metol (p-methylaminophenol). Ten nothing about the type and quantity of any specific
years later he reported further examinations of indole compound that may be present in gilled
some psychotropic Psilocybe species whose mushrooms.
stems usually turned purple through contact
with this reagent. Since 1970, various
"field guides" intended to aid in the
identification of North American Psilocybes
have also described this reaction as specific to
the Psilocybe species. For practical purposes,
however, this guideline is all but useless. The
metol merely reacts with the laccase enzyme
(several structural types) contained in the
mushrooms and it is not a reagent able to


While conducting research on the During most parts of the year, the
Mexican mushroom species during the 1950s, dikaryotic mycelium grows unnoticed in its natural
R. Heim and R. Cailleux determined the basic substrate and remains purely vegetative, that is, it
conditions essential to the cultivation of various continues to spread and to utilize new nutritional
mushrooms. Before providing additional details, resources without producing mushrooms, provided
I would like to briefly summarize the nutritional there is sufficient moisture and temperatures do not
requirements and characteristics of fungal drop below freezing. ln its dormant state, the
growth, to the extent that these issues are of mycelium can weather droughts and the cold
interest here. temperatures of winter, only to begin to grow
anew. Some species have mycelia with thick
Extraterrestrial or Earthly Organisms? strands that are visible within the substrate (e.g. the
rhizomorphs of Psilocybe cyanescens), while other
In terms of cultivation parameters and species, such as Psilocybe semilanceata, develop
nutrients, the psychotropic species are no comparatively thin strands that are hardly visible at
different from table mushrooms and other all.
common gilled mushrooms. For that reason, Oss
and Oeric's speculations about extra-terrestrial The Secret of "Overnight" Growth
origins of these species clearly belong into the
realm of fables. In addition, psilocybin and Every mushroom collector knows that
psilocin are substances that can be derived from there are years of maximum mushroom yields.
tryptophan by means of discernable reactions; Other years, mushrooms are scarce and dry periods
indeed, the amino acid tryptophan in its free may pass with no apparent crops of gilled
form has been found in a large number of mushrooms or boletes. For the majority of
mushroom species. mushroom species, the specific conditions required
The natural propagation of higher to reach the fruiting phase have not yet been
mushrooms is linked to their basidiospores, determined.
which are produced on the gills of developing The saprophytic species (including the
fruiting bodies and which are eventually cast hallucinogenic ones except the Inocybe species:
off. Once the spores have been dispersed - by mycorrhiza with trees) generally fruit after optimal
the wind, for example - they will germinate mycelial growth has been induced by appropriate
when conditions are favorable (nutrients, nutrient substrates, as long as the following
temperature, moisture, lack of competing environmental conditions are maintained:
organisms) and finally, they gradually colonize 1) Decrease of the temperature until time of
available substrates. Initially, a monokaryotic optimal fruiting.
mycelial thread (i.e. a mycelium with only one 2) Increase of the humidity to 95-100%.
nucleus per cell) grows out of the spore and 3) Decrease of carbon dioxide concentration
superficially penetrates the nutrient substrate. through increased air circulation.
When two of these hyphae meet, they form a 4) Exposure to light may be necessary for
mycelium with two nuclei, or a dikaryotic fruiting.
mycelium ("mycelial network"). Later on, these The last two items already touch upon the essential
mycelial strands go on to differentiate into requirements for mushroom cultivation, since these
sporeproducing fruiting bodies ("fruiting"). conditions are always present in
Eventually, their spores disperse and germinate
once again.
Nature, but often need to be specially created for control procedures in place, the spore solution is
mushroom cultivation inside glass containers or germinated on nutrients of various compositions
enclosed rooms. that have been thickened with agar. One
It is no coincidence that the saprophytic commonly used nutrient medium contains 3-6
species almost always fruit during the fall. Plant malt extract along with 1.5% agar. It induces
substrates such as twigs and leaves fall to the spores from many different species to germinate
ground during this time and they are in a matter of several days. Prior to germination,
immediately colonized by available mycelia all substrates are placed in autoclaves and
from mushroom spores as part of the natural sterilized with steam. The simultaneous
cycle. The concurrent drop in temperature and germination of a large number of spores will
increase in humidity are preconditions for result in the growth of monokaryotic mycelia
fruiting. The proverbial rapid growth of which spontaneously combine and go on to form
mushrooms "overnight" is a function of mycelia dikaryotic mycelia. Alternatively, one can attempt
that have previously massed together into knots, to systematically fuse selected monokaryotic
followed by a differentiation process into strands in order to develop vigorous strains for
primordia, with progressive divisions into caps cultivation (criteria: rapid growth, high yield).
and stems. The whole mushroom is then ready to This is a standard technique that is widely used in
develop very rapidly, given sufficient moisture the cultivation of champignons (Agaricus
and ideal temperatures. Figure 42 illustrates a bisporus).
comparable in-vitro fruiting process that took At the same time, such cross-breeding
about a week, with mycelia from Psilocybe experiments enable the grower to determine
cubensis (Earle) on an agar substrate. whether mushrooms from different locations
belong to the same species. Using this method, I
was able to establish that mycelia obtained from
Cultivating High Yield Strains Psilocybe bohemica and from Psilocybe
cyanescens (collected in the U.S.) can never be
fused together, which means that these two
Artificial cultivation is an attempt to mushrooms are not of the same species.
imitate and optimize the natural conditions The second method of cultivation
essential for mushroom growth, and may even requires cutting a piece of tissue from the inside
result in the discovery of additional nutrient of young, unopened fruiting bodies, using a
substrates on which these species cannot grow in disinfected knife in a sterile environment. The
Nature. From the outset, this method of piece of tissue is then placed onto nutrient agar
cultivation requires a sterile environment, in medium. In most cases, visible mycelial growth
order to eliminate often fast-growing organisms will occur within a few days. This method has the
such as bacteria and molds. For this purpose, advantage of all mycelia being genetically
laminar flow hoods are used in mycological identical to the mushroom from which they
laboratories. A small sterile space is created originated, unlike mycelia grown from spore
inside these containers by installing a filtration samples. Therefore, this method makes it easy for
system that removes germs from a stream of air. the grower to reproduce high yield strains of
The sterile space is used for the performance of saprophytic species. Some wild strains obtained
tasks such as isolation of strains, and the from various species do not fruit at all when
production of sterile cultures and spawn for cultivated, or else, they do so very late, with a
fruiting experiments. Antibiotics such as yield of fruiting bodies that is sparse at best.
gentamycin (0.01%) are often added to the Such differences in response to attempted
nutrient media, especially in the early stages of cultivation were also observed by R. Heim with
this process. various strains of Psilocybe mexicana Heim. As
Two methods are used to produce sterile early as 1956, he took spore sprints from a
cultures of fungal mycelia. number of fruiting bodies in Mexico. Later on, in
The first method mimicks the mushrooms' Paris, he was able to germinate the spores and
natural reproductive process. Spores that fell off isolate mycelial cultures of five different species.
or were removed from the gills are suspended in In collaboration with R. Cailleux, Heim
sterile water. With microscopic
Figure 42 - One-week growth progression of Psilocybe
cubensis cultivated on a malt agar (2%) substrate.
succeeded at growing fruiting bodies of the tissue while cultivating Panaeolus subbalteatus on
species Psilocybe mexicana, using compost malt agar.
substrate as a medium. This type of substrate is Initially, he believed that his nutrient
the most widely used nutrient soil for commercial substrates had been contaminated by molds,
mushroom cultivation (champignons). The because Panaeolus subbalteatus is a species that
fruiting bodies grown by Heim and Cailleux almost never spontaneously turns bluish-green.
provided the dried material that A. Hofmann and Figure 47 shows a distinct sclerotia formation of
his collaborators used to isolate psilocybin and the species Psilocybe semilanceata. The formation
psilocin for the first time. In Basel, it was also of these permanent structures with Conocybe
possible to cultivate mycelia from different cyanopus has been described in a previous chapter
species on liquid solutions of malt extract. The (see Figure 35, p. 57).
mycelial tissue was found to produce psilocybin Heim and Cailleux primarily described the
without having to go through the fruiting process. fruiting of Psilocybe mexicana and Psilocybe
This important discovery became the basis for cubensis on agar (0.05-2% malt extract) and on
harvesting large amounts of alkaloids. Unlike the compost. During their experiments, Psilocybe
fruiting process, which yielded five harvests over mexicana produced the highest yields, while
the course of several months, a species' mycelial Psilocybe cubensis fruited quite vigorously as
cultures produced much larger amounts of well. At about the same time, R. Singer had also
mushroom tissue in only four weeks (see Figure started mycelial cultures derived from six
41). The cultures were grown on stationary malt mushroom species. Singer and his co-workers soon
extract (4-6%) with 0.2% agar added for concentrated on Psilocybe cubensis in their efforts
increased viscosity. to induce fruiting. Soon after, in the early 1960s,
This kind of saprophytic surface R. L. Kneebone reported that this robust
cultivation can be easily adapted for growing mushroom species, which thrives across
species which are difficult to fruit under in-vitro subtropical climate zones, can also be induced to
conditions, such as Psilocybe zapotecorum Heim, fruit on a rye-grain medium.
permitting cultivation of these species for
alkaloid production. Even though the mycelial
tissue grown from the Mexican species contained
Counter-Cultural Expertise Gains
only half as much psilocybin (0.1-0.2% of dry
weight) as the mushrooms did, high yields Mainstream Acceptance
(approximately 20g/1) along with easy and rapid
cultivation of mycelial tissue more than In the mid-1960s, Psilocybe cubensis
compensated for the lower psilocybin content. It became the species of choice for experiments that
is interesting to note that mycelia from the North made use of submersed fermentation to investigate
American species of Psilocybe cyanescens will the biosynthesis of psilocybin from tryptophan and
turn blue and accumulate psilocybin when grown other precursors. We should note in this context
on a medium of solid malt agar, while both of that around the same time, this technique was also
these traits disappear completely when the same used to obtain mycelial pellets of the species
strain is cultivated on the type of liquid medium Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & Smith, providing
described above, even if levels of nutrients are the material for the first-ever isolation of
identical. The reasons for this inconsistency baeocystin from mushroom tissue.
remain a mystery. From the 1970s on, a growing number of
When mycelial cultures are kept in the books were published in the United States that
dark, the mycelial forms may become partially distributed information acquired by members of
permanent (sclerotia). Sclerotia may be hardened, the counter-culture on the cultivation of
are largely dark to black in color and they contain psychotropic mushrooms. The scope of these
psilocybin as well. The formation of sclerotia was books soon narrowed, with a primary emphasis on
initially observed as part of the firstever attempt Psilocybe cubensis, which may be explained by the
to cultivate psychotropic mushrooms on an agar fact that, initially, only R. Heim's research results
medium. In 1935, H.J. Brodie reported permanent were published, thus making them available to a
formations of bluish-green larger audience.
In 1971, new results were published
about the champignon's ability to fruit on a rye- authors of two outstanding books that deal with
grain medium, provided a cover layer was added all the technical and practical aspects of
on top. It wasn't long before these findings were mushroom cultivation. The psychotropic species
applied to the cultivation of Psilocybe species. are included along with information about many
By 1932, J. Sinden had already kinds of culinary mushrooms. Still, I would like
published a patent for a cultivation process that to make special note of the fact that Psilocybe
involved the inoculation of mushroom mycelia cubensis cultures benefit when horse or cow
derived from champignons into horse dung dung is added to the original nutrient mixtures,
compost (a medium widely used for cultivation as evidenced by the mushrooms' relatively faster
purposes) but only after the mycelia had already growth rate and the development of
grown to permeate a medium of sterilized grains. comparatively more robust specimens (see
Since that time, this process has mainly been Figure 45, p. 71 and Figure 49, p. 74). Before
used in the production of table mushrooms, adding the dung to the nutrient mixture,
specifically, for manufacturing the spawn to be however, it must first be suspended in water and
placed onto the compost without inducing autoclaved, which considerably reduces the risk
fruiting on grain. Psilocybe cubensis fruits after of contamination. Only then should the
about three to eight weeks on this substrate. suspension be added to the rye grain substrate
If a moist cover layer is added (e.g. a and sterilized once more.
peat moss/lime mixture, 2:1), the yields may In spite of numerous claims in the
double. However, this process is risky, because popular literature, most attempts by laypersons
over-saturation can render the containers non- to cultivate fruiting bodies of Psilocybe cubensis
sterile and invite contamination from bacteria and on rye grain substrate are thwarted by the
molds. Most authors prefer a mixture of rye and presence of contaminating agents such as
water that has been inoculated with mycelia from bacteria and molds. Even though mushrooms are
an agar culture. Still, rice, barley, wheat and organisms that do not perform photosynthesis
other grains have also been used with varying and thus are no longer thought of as plants, some
degrees of success. Figure 52 shows that, after mushroom species, including Psilocybe cubensis,
about five weeks, small mushrooms even grew are heliotropes, meaning they will grow toward
on wet pages of a newspaper that used to be the stationary sources of light. All Psilocybe species
official print medium controlled by the former examined to date require light to promote the
East Germany's SED Party ("Sozialistische biochemical process in the mycelia that will
Einheitspartei Deutschlands" or "Unified induce fruiting. Additional exposure to light is
Socialist Party of Germany"). needed, if the fruiting bodies are to develop into
normal shapes and produce spores.
Apart from a series of interesting
physiological experiments performed by E.R.
Some Recent Findings Badham during the 1980s, there are a few other
noteworthy substrates for cultivation of
Today, Psilocybe cubensis is clearly one Psilocybe cubensis fruiting bodies. For instance,
of the most easily cultivated mushroom species we were the first to discover that a new type of
around and it can thrive on a large variety of plant hormone (brassinosteroids) will accelerate
substrates. Naturally occurring specimens are fruiting of the mycelia (Figure 40, p. 64). During
most often found growing on cow dung. these experiments, we were also able to
Generally, the species tends to grow on dung and completely suppress the formation of psilocybin
straw as a primary decomposer, but the and psilocin through high concentrations of
mushrooms can also utilize nutrients previously phosphate. It is now possible to design future
converted by other organisms, such as various physiological experiments to study different
types of compost, among others (see Figure 53, hallucinogenic mushroom species under these
p. 77). conditions.
Within the scope of this book, it is In recent years I have also succeeded at
impossible to discuss all details pertaining to the cultivating the European hallucinogenic
fruiting process of psychotropic mushroom mushroom species.
species. P. Stamets and J.S. Chilton are the
Figure 44 - Psilocybe bohemica on a
Figure 43 - Gymnopilus purpuratus
rice substrate.
fruiting on wet rice and saw dust.

Figure 45 - Psilocybe cubensis fruiting bodies grown an a

mixture of cow manure and rice.
Psilocybe semilanceata is a mushroom single fruiting body that was found near Tampa,
species whose mycelia grow at a significantly Florida in 1977. Sclerotia from this species have
slower rate than the mycelia of Psilocybe also been cultivated on a straw substrate.
cubensis, Gymnopilus purpuratus, Panaeolus Compared to lolium seeds, soft rice has the
subbalteatus and Psilocybe bohemica. Despite the advantage of not drying out as fast, so that the
fact that only a few strains of Psilocybe sclerotia will form more evenly than they would
semilanceata actually fruited, cultivation of this on rye grass seeds. A photograph of Psilocybe
species succeeded with different substrates. After tampanensis sclerotia is shown on page 117
a mycelial growth period of three to four months, (Figure 69).
the mushrooms emerged on compost (see Figure Psilocybe natalensis, which we first
46) as well as on a mixture consisting of grass discovered in South Africa in January 1994 (see
seeds, dung, and rice (see Figure 66, p. 116). Four Chapter 7.6), is another species that easily fruits,
flushes of fruiting bodies were observed. within four to eight weeks, on compost or on
Panaeolus subbalteatus also fruited after straw with potting soil for a casing.
92 days on a mixture of cow dung and damp rice. In closing, I would like to comment on
The physical appearance of these fruiting bodies the mycorrhiza problem. Due to the close
differed considerably from specimens of the same interrelationship between mushroom mycelia
species that had grown on naturally occurring and their symbiotic partner trees, there exists a
substrates (Figure 3, p. 6 and Figure 51, p. 76). unique exchange of growth hormones and other
According to Stamets and Chilton, products - substances whose study has only just
Panaeolus cyanescens is a species that does not begun. For this reason, all attempts to fruit these
fruit without a cover layer. However, this species in-vitro have remained unsuccessful.
statement does not seem very plausible, Nonetheless, we were able to start mycelial
considering the species can be found, much like cultures from some of these species, but in most
Psilocybe cubensis, growing on top of dung under cases, growth rates remained very slow. As a
natural conditions. result of my own investigations, I was able to
Psilocybe bohemica was another species isolate sterile cultures from Inocybe
that fruited on damp rice after two or three aeruginascens (see Figure 50, p. 75), which
months. These in-vitro specimens also appeared grew and developed greenish sclerotia at the
to be much hardier in comparison to fruiting same time. The dried mycelial mass contained
bodies collected at a natural location near Sazava, about 0.1 % psilocybin, Figure 48 (p. 74) shows
Bohemia (Czech Republic). The cultivated three Inocybe aeruginascens fruiting bodies
specimens even developed two (!) rings, yet these whose mycelia grew naturally. These mycelia
robust mushrooms did not fruit until after an were found to contain no baeocystin and less
exposure to the shock of cold temperatures (see psilocybin (0.05%) than the fruiting bodies
Figure 44, p. 71). shown in Figure 48.
At about the same time, Gymnopilus Several months after these mycelia had
purpuratus fruited on a moist mixture of rice and been isolated from spores and fruiting body
saw dust after six to eight weeks (see Figure 43, tissue samples, they began to degenerate and lost
p. 71). In this case, however, the cultivated their ability to sustain growth, most likely
mushrooms turned out to be smaller than fruiting because information available about conditions
bodies that developed from fruiting mycelia on and requirements for optimal growth was
wood shavings at a location outside the laboratory insufficient.
(Figure 30, p. 40). Incidents of mycelial degeneration in
During the 1980s, there were also reports saprophytic species have rarely been described
about success in cultivating psilocybin-containing in the literature. However, this condition can be
sclerotia of Psilocybe mexicana and its close easily prevented through usage of more than just
relative Psilocybe tampanensis Guzman & one type of nutrient media; thus, the specific
Pollock. In both cases, the sclerotia form after composition of a medium should be changed
three to twelve weeks, preferably in the dark on a from time to time. In addition, only fast-growing
substrate of lolium (rye grass) seeds. All strains of mycelial threads (rhizomorphs) should be
Psilocybe tampanensis originate from a selected for propagation. By contrast, prolonged
degeneration of strains can be caused by new
inoculations of material taken from agar-based
Figure 46 - Psilocybe semilanceata on compost

Figure 47 - Surface culture of Psilocybe semilanceata

(with sclerotia formation).
Figure 48 - Inocybe aeruginascens on grassy soil

Figure 49 - Psilocybe cubensis on horse manure and rice.

portions of mycelia whose texture is somewhat Psilocybe cubensis.
like wool. The kind of viruses known to appear in Due to the relatively complex
champignon cultures - where they have already methodology and the type of equipment needed to
caused a lot of damage - have so far not been isolate and maintain sterile cultures, it appears
found in cultures of the Psilocybe and Panaeolus unlikely that cultivation of Psilocybe cubensis
species. mushrooms by laypersons will significantly
It is safe to say that we currently know a heighten the mushroom's popularity or widen its
great deal about the nutritional requirements of area of distribution anytime soon.
Psilocybe cubensis. To a lesser extent, such However, since the early 1980s, growing
information is available about other species as numbers of mycophiles in North America and
well. Armed with this knowledge, future Europe have successfully used "natural outdoor
researchers may well discover new insights into cultivation" to fruit Psilocybe cyanescens and
physiology of these species, as well as the similar species. This process involves selection of
biochemical changes that occur during fruiting. natural wood substrates striated with mycelia
In my experiments, it has already been (rhizomorphs) that usually turn blue in response
established that the process of differentiation to handling. The mycelia are then transferred onto
whereby mycelia are transformed into sclerotia or fresh wood chips or commercial mulch (not from
fruiting bodies is linked to increased production cedar trees). After several months of growth, the
of psilocybin as well as psilocin, especially in mycelia fruit during the fall season.

Figure 50 - Surface culture of Inocybe aeruginascens on a liquid nutrient medium.

Figure 51 - Panaeolus subbalteatus on cow dung and rice.

Figure 52 - Psilocybe cubensis on wet newspaper.




Figure 53 - Psilocybe cubensis on compost.

Figure 54 - Psilocybe stuntzii (grasslands variety) from British Columbia.

Figure 55 - Giant mushroom sculpture from Kerala, India. There is considerable debate among
experts about the significance and purpose of the sculpture.

Figure 56 - Magic mushrooms & water buffalo t-shirt from Thailand,

designed for the Western tourist market.


In 1961, V.E. Tyler became the first Psilocybe semilanceata has the reputation of being
investigator to report the detection of psilocybin in one of the most potent species without generally
Psilocybe pelliculosa (Smith) Singer & Smith, causing unwanted physical side effects (also see
a North American mushroom species. One year Chapter 3-1). As indicated in previous chapters,
later, two research groups, working independently, recurrent claims about different types of effects
discovered psilocybin, as well as psilocin, in from different psychoactive species should be
samples of Psilocybe baeocystis Singer & Smith systematically studied, including comprehensive
from the Pacific Northwest region of North biochemical analyses. These research efforts will
America. Additional chemical and taxonomic likely uncover new biodynamic ingredients.
findings on that region's mycoflora have been Another factor that accounts for different
published up to the present day. This area includes types of effects is the variability in levels of
the states of Washington (USA), British Columbia alkaloid content. In the course of casual
(Canada) and western Oregon (USA). The region experimentation it is also not uncommon for a
is considered a major center of psychoactive number of expectations to become self-fulfilling.
mushroom use in North America. Some areas The assumption that Psilocybe baeocystis (see
along the U.S. Gulf states have acquired similar Figure 72, p. 119), a strongly bluing species,
reputations. causes a comparatively larger number of physical
In 1966, Heim and his colleagues problems than other species is undoubtedly rooted
reported that an unknown Psilocybe species had in the mushroom's "reputation" as being the only
been confiscated in Canada. The mushrooms Psilocybe species to date responsible for the only
appeared to be very similar to Psilocybe known fatality involving Psilocybe baeocystis - a
semilanceata. Shortly thereafter, A.H. Smith child who died after eating some of these
determined that the same mushroom species was mushrooms (see Chapter 8 for more details on this
popular among students in Vancouver. It wasn't incident).
long before Psilocybe semilanceata was Psilocybe baeocystis primarily grows in
recognized as a species quite common throughout inland areas of the Pacific Northwest, on top of
the Pacific Northwest. Moreover, the mushrooms wood debris and on lawns in parks. It is a species
turned out to indistinguishable from European that can often be found and collected on school and
Psilocybe semilanceata samples. university campuses. Psilocybe pelliculosa, a
mushroom mentioned in previous chapters, is a
The Spread of Psilocybe semilanceata species also known as "Liberty Cap".
Macroscopically, it is extremely difficult to
From the late 1960s onward, Psilocybe distinguish from Psilocybe semilanceata. Unlike
semilanceata usage increased, particularly in areas the latter species, however, Psilocybe pelliculosa
between the Pacific Ocean and the Cascade will grow in forests on wood chips and sawdust.
Mountains that range from Southern Oregon north Beug and Bigwood were able to furnish
to British Columbia. It is likely that during these analytical proof in support of the claim that
years, Tom Robbins's popular book "Another Psilocybe pelliculosa is weaker in its psychotropic
Roadside Attraction " significantly contributed to effects than comparable species. Psilocybe
the mushroom's increasing popularity. Today, pelliculosa contains about 30-50% of the amount
Psilocybe semilanceata is the most widely used of psilocybin found in Psilocybe cyanescens (slang
species in the Pacific Northwest, and its habitat is names: Blue wavy, Cyan, Grandote), a species
expanding into pasture lands east of the Cascade common across the Pacific Northwest. It fruits
Mountains. primarily in parks, forming partial fairy rings. This
As in Great Britain, the mushroom is species did not become popular
referred to as "Liberty Cap" in the United States.
among users until the mid-1970s. species still fruits most abundantly in the fall.

A New Psychoactive Mushroom Mushroom Trips as a Popular Sport

Several additional Psilocybe species have In 1977, J. Ott estimated that several
been found in the Pacific Northwest, even though tens of thousands applied dosages of
the taxonomic classification of most of these psychotropic mushroom material are harvested
species remains inadequate, despite the fact that and used each year, particularly in the Pacific
monographs such as those by P. Stamets offer quite Northwest. Despite these quantities, there have
detailed descriptions of the psychotropic never been reports of fatalities or serious
mycoflora. In the mid-1970s, Guzman and Ott physical damage as a consequence of using the
reported a rather spectacular event concerning the Psilocybe or Panaeolus species. Local papers
spread of a "new" mushroom species. During the merely mentioned occasional panic reactions
fall of 1972, large numbers of a strongly bluing that subsided as soon as the acute effects of the
gilled mushroom with a distinct ring pattern were mushrooms had worn off.
found at the University of Washington in Seattle. The usage of psychotropic mushrooms in
The fruiting bodies were found growing on bark the United States tends to cluster geographically
mulch, which came from a central distribution in areas that are considered mushroom Eldorados.
point and which had been spread widely across the For example, the city of Redmond, WA used to be
campus by gardeners. Due to the bluing reaction, known as the "bicycle capital". Since 1978,
students at the university assumed that the several newspapers have renamed this city the
mushroom contained psilocybin, a belief that was "psilocybin capital".
confirmed later on. The sudden appearance of Since the late 1960s, the usage of
massive numbers of fruiting bodies quickly Panaeolus cyanescens and its closest relatives has
inspired students at the university to use the become fashionable in Hawaii, even though the
mushrooms as a hallucinogen. taxonomic differentiation of the Panaeolus
In my opinion, it is still uncertain if the species from each other is extremely difficult.
mushroom really appeared spontaneously, or There were initial attempts to preserve the fresh
whether it fruited on bark debris simply because the mushrooms by freezing them with dry ice (solid
substance had previously been mixed with spawn carbon dioxide) for export to the Pacific
derived from fruiting bodies that originated Northwest and Southern California. Apparently,
elsewhere. these entrepreneurs were unaware of the fact that
In any case, in 1976, the mushrooms were psychoactive ingredients will remain stable, as
named Psilocybe stuntzii Guzman & Ott (slang long as the mushrooms are dried and stored at
name: "blue veil" or "stuntzees", (see Figures 54 temperatures below 50'C (122'F). Such export
and 71). Today, the species can be found growing efforts were soon abandoned, because freezing the
on bark and on lawns in parks, on golf courses, mushrooms turned them to mushy pulp that was
football fields and gardens in numbers so large that difficult to transport. In addition, several local
it is considered the second most important species species had been discovered in the Pacific
in terms of usage, after Psilocybe semilanceata. In Northwest. During the early 1970s, fruiting bodies
addition, Panaeolus subbalteatus is another of the Panaeolus species preserved in honey
regionally important mushroom species (slang began to appear on the black market in Hawaii
name: "red cap"), even though its users believe it to and, on occasion, in North America. Again, this
be slightly more poisonous than the Psilocybe method fell short, because mushrooms could be
species. Still, the mushroom is used quite preserved for only short periods of time.
frequently, because it begins to fruit during the Panaeolus subbalteatus grows in several
spring. The Psilocybe species, on the other hand, do areas in the Hawaiian Islands, but it is used less
not appear until fall and continue to grow into early frequently than other Panaeolus species. Even
winter, when temperatures consistently drop below though one often hears about "Hawaiian strains"
freezing, which inhibits further fruiting of the of Psilocybe cubensis, the species is not native to
species. Under favorable conditions, only Psilocybe The Islands and should grow there only under
stuntzii can fruit year-round, even though this conditions of artificial cultivation. Any spawn
used for cultivation, however, must have been
isolated from fruiting bodies that originated with Nature. Across North America, the total
elsewhere. In Hawaii, the extent of adverse number of magic mushroom consumers is likely
reactions was also limited to a few panic close to one million, quite possibly higher.
reactions observed in recreational users who had By the early 1980s, prominent experts in
ingested mushrooms of the species Panaeolus the field had estimated that the number of
cyanescens. In 1972, an apparent fatality was hallucinogenic mushroom users in the United
definitely not caused by ingestion of States outnumbered LSD users for the first time,
mushrooms, but instead was most likely the a trend that went hand in hand with a rise in
consequence of a heroin overdose, as reported environmental awareness. In this context it is
by J. Allen, who has researched this incident interesting to note that the Drug Abuse Warning
extensively. Network (DAWN), which collects data from
The legislatures in North America and throughout the United States, documented only
Hawaii do not pay very much attention to the 31 cases of clinical interventions for usage of
usage of psychoactive mushrooms. The psilocybin-containing mushrooms in 1982. In
identification of species is often quite difficult, some of these cases, the mushrooms were used in
so that police enforcement activities primarily combination with other substances, confusing the
target misdemeanors such as parking violations pharmacological picture. In comparison, LSD
and the willful destruction of fences around was involved 1,498 times, while marijuana was
pastures. The latter is not uncommon during cited in 5,295 cases. It should be noted that the
attempts to force entry into areas where high number of marijuana cases cited appears
Psilocybe semilanceata can be found. inflated and suspect, in light of data from other
In December 1979, the High Court of studies.
British Columbia ruled that the Canadian It is interesting to note that T. Leary's
Narcotics law prohibits psilocybin only in its psilocybin experiments during the early 1960s
pure form, whereas mushrooms containing the provoked severe reactions of a moralistic-puritan
alkaloid as a natural ingredient are exempt from nature, while medical reports about prolonged
the law. This decision seems both realistic and psychoses and other such side effects did not
reasonable, considering the substantial, appear until the "LSD era" some years later.
uncontrollable spread of these mushrooms and North America's mushrooms offer many
an ongoing battle against truly addictive drugs opportunities for additional taxonomic work and
that requires all available efforts and resources. many more still remain to be discovered. To
Even though the extent of prosecution of illustrate, a new mushrooms species was recently
drug law violators in Canada and the U.S. varies reported from Oregon. The mushroom, Psilocybe
from state to state, psilocybin-containing mush- azurescens Stamets & Gartz is unusually large
rooms are only a minor factor in the overall "war and very potent due to its high psilocybin
on drugs". In California, however, mushroom content. North America's rich mycoflora,
cultures are illegal, as well as spore prints (!) particularly in regions of wet climates in the
from the Psilocybe species. Spore prints, eastern and midwestern United States is wide
however, are impossible to control. Psilocybe open for further research efforts that may well
cubensis is common across the South, and yield valuable and amazing new results.
Panaeolus subbalteatus grows across the As early as 1909, Murrill described
Southwestern U.S., where the mushrooms are "Inocybe infida", a mushroom with "narcotic"
used extensively. By one estimate, there were effects from New York. In 1911, Ford named
100,000 "Magic Mushroom People" in the state "Inocybe infelix" as a species that also caused
of California alone, a number likely to be much strange effects, without inducing symptoms of
higher today. The demand created by this muscarine poisoning. These descriptions
growing market is probably being met through immediately bring to mind the psilocybin-
cultivation of Psilocybe cubensis. These users producing fibreheads, even though visionary
ingest psychotropic mushrooms as a form of experiences are not expressly mentioned.
recreation, or incorporate them in the ritual In the future, we should expect an
practice of natural mysticism. Other users prefer increase in usage of local, psychoactive species
mushrooms as an aid to meditation or to attain from locations across the U.S. and Canada.
communication with the realm of the divine.
Regardless of motivation, users tend to lead
secluded, self-sufficient lives in close proximity


Compared to the time of Wasson and Participants who had panic reactions did little to
Heim's discovery, recent decades have brought ease tensions among the local population. Finally,
significant changes to several regions of Mexico in the police and the army were called in to put an
terms of how local Indians relate to the end to the resulting turmoil. Mushroom tourism
psychotropic Psilocybe species. In many remote in Mexico dropped off rapidly, especially after
parts of the country, mushroom cults still exist in similar species were discovered in other
their specific contemporary forms which combine countries. Despite legal prohibitions, however,
Christian views with elements from pagan and pre- various Psilocybe species are still being sold to
Christian Nature religions. tourists in some areas of the country today. This
By contrast, in other parts of the country, phenomenon is not limited to Mexico. In the mid-
mushroom rituals have fallen into disuse in the 1970s, Lowy reported from Guatemala that
wake of interaction with Mexico's "modern life" Indian children near the capital city were offering
and its tourism industry. When Guzman Psilocybe mexicana Heim for sale to foreigners, a
investigated the taxonomy and geographic trading practice that has been observed in other
distribution of Psilocybe aztecorum Heim in 1978, parts of the country as well.
he noted that several active "curanderas" had been Experts on bluing gilled mushrooms, who
the focal point of sacred mushroom worship 20 travelled to South America and the Caribbean,
years earlier. Today, the next generation of Indians discovered several psychotropic species (e.g.
no longer ingest the mushrooms and consider the Panaeolus cyanescens in Jamaica), even before
hallucinogenic species to be nothing but a popular mycological research established the existence of
trading commodity for Western tourists. these species. According to those few scientific
Starting in the 1960s, large numbers of publications on taxonomic identity, the two most
young people from industrialized nations commonly used species are Psilocybe cubensis
("hippies") began to visit the centers of mushroom and Panaeolus cyanescens. Around 1970, tourists
worship as tourists, favoring the state of Oaxaca. who had previously been looking for Psilocybe
They came mostly from the United States, and species in Mexico learned that they are abundant
initially their main destination was the village of among Colombia's mycoflora as well.
Huautla de Jiminez, to visit Maria Sabina, who Consequently, knowledge about these
guided R.G. Wasson during his first mushroom mushrooms spread quickly among Colombian
session in 1955. To the extent that magic youngsters, possibly as a result of Central
mushrooms have been labeled "fool's mushrooms" America's Indian tradition. Thousands set out in
or "joker's mushrooms" in Europe, it is interesting search of these species in and around their areas
to note here that Maria Sabina herself repeatedly of residence. Special communes were formed,
referred to the mushrooms as "clowns" and called situated in idyllic regions of the Andes
herself "chief of the clowns" or "lord of the Mountains. The most famous among them was
clowns". In Mexico, magic mushrooms are also known as La Miel ("honey"). Psilocybe cubensis
known as "mushrooms of pure laughter". and the Panaeolus species were also found to be
Today we know that this run on Mexico's common across those regions of Amazonia where
mushrooms helped destroy the cultural identity of Colombia, Peru and Brazil share common
the native Indians, causing discontent and rising borders. The archaeological park at San Augustin
crime rates in several villages. Self-appointed near Bogota has been dubbed "heart of the magic
"curanderas", with no traditional roots, presided mushroom land". These species have also been
over mass ceremonies with magic mushrooms. used in Peru. During the 1980s, road side signs
proclaiming "No To San Ysidro Drugs!" were a
common sight. The slogans referred to Psilocybe
cubensis under an old name. South America's vast challenge of uncovering additional clues
problems, however, cannot be solely blamed on about ritual usage among early cultures, coupled
the ingestion of indigenous, non-lethal with efforts to trace and analyze more recent
mushrooms. Socio-economic problems are kinds of uses. Chapter 3.5 already included one
rooted in poverty and destitution, epidemics, historic account of magic mushroom use several
civil warlike conditions in some parts, as well as centuries ago. A large number of golden pendants
the rampages of the cocaine mafia. Today, in a variety of mushroom shapes have been found
Argentina and Brazil are two countries where in Colombia, suggesting that magic mushrooms
magic mushroom use is still common. In 1975, have been used there for centuries. At the same
Pollock reported the practice of mixing a drink time, research into the taxonomy and chemistry
from milk, honey, bananas and magic of South American psychotropic species has
mushrooms. barely just begun.
In terms of interdisciplinary research in
Central and South America, there remains the


In 1934 J. Cleland publicized the existence Australia.

of 12 mushroom species of the genus Psilocybe in Despite the widespread geographic
South Australia. Up to that time, there had been no distribution of psychotropic species in Australia,
accounts about psychotropic intoxications from the there were only a few efforts to publish
fifth continent. information about their chemical composition. In
Cleland was probably the most renowned 1970, Picker and Rickards reported the isolation
Australian mycologist of the 20th century. As early of 0.45 % of psilocybin from dried fruiting bodies
as 1927 he had already described a new species of Psilocybe subaeruginosa, but failed to find any
named Psilocybe subaeruginosa. This mushroom psilocin in that sample. Later on, other authors
grows in New South Wales, Victoria and South reported only about one-tenth of this amount of
Australia and turns bluish-green with age or in psilocybin, a number that I believe to be too low,
response to pressure. During the 1940s several considering reports about the mushrooms' strong
accounts surfaced which detailed a series of psychoactive effects.
"hysterical psychoses" caused by Panaeolus ovatus Psilocybin was also found in Australian
Cke. & Mass. (also see Chapter 3.3). samples of Psilocybe cubensis (see Figure 2, p.
In 1958, Aberdeen and Jones described the 5), while Panaeolus cyanescens was reported to
geographic distribution of Psilocybe cubensis contain psilocybin, along with even higher levels
across the southeastern valleys of Queensland and of psilocin and serotonin as well.
New South Wales. They speculated that this was Starting in the late 1960s, popular,
the mushroom responsible for the cases of widespread usage of psychotropic mushrooms
intoxication, not the Panaeolus species. They began to catch on in Australia. At the same time,
proposed this hypothesis, because the mushrooms these accounts of mushroom use were the only
in question were thought to have been comprehensive reports that originated in a country
champignons, who resemble the fleshy Psilocybe other than Mexico.
species much more closely than any of the In the summer of 1969, a 4,000-hectare-
Panaeolus species. In addition, the Psilocybe region near the coast of Queensland gained
species had been described as being much more notoriety because of its Psilocybe cubensis crop
common in the area. Under wet climate conditions, that grew there after the rainy season. Interested
the Psilocybe species can be found growing in collectors flocked to the area in droves. Media
abundance on cattle dung, especially along the reports at the time gave the impression that the
sunshine coast of Queensland, in the open valleys mushrooms were an entirely new discovery,
around Brisbane and in areas that used to be rain completely disregarding Central American
forests, but have now been transformed into traditions. Psilocybe cubensis conquered the black
pastures. It is quite likely that the species was market, where the mushrooms were sold for about
brought into the country by its early settlers. It U.S.$1 per fruiting body. In the wake of an
wasn't until the early 20th century that land in above-average rainy season, the species fruited so
Australia's subtropical and tropical regions was abundantly that special transportation companies
converted into pastures. were founded for delivery of the mushrooms to
Today, it is generally thought that the Australia's large cities.
mysterious Panaeolus ovatus species was, in However, even here the mushrooms did
reality, Panaeolus cyanescens. not grow in heaven: the epidemic subsided
It wasn't until the early 1970s that the latter somewhat, and the usage of psychotropic
species was identified. Soon after, the Panaeolus mushrooms became endemic across all of
species were recognized as being very common Australia. On May 8, 1971, the governor of the
throughout Northern and Southern conservative state of Queensland prohibited
possession of Psilocybe cubensis and the species 17 year old teenager, for example, developed a
fell under the same legal guidelines as Cannabis panic reaction when she suddenly felt like a banana
sativa (hemp) and Papaver somniferum (opium that was being peeled (Southcott). In all cases,
poppies). symptoms disappeared within several hours as the
Still, usage of the Psilocybe species psilocybin wore off. While a few cases included
continued, despite harsh penalties for possession complaints such as stomach cramps and kidney
and use (a total of 74 individuals were sentenced pain, these symptoms are not characteristic of the
in 1972, and 27 in 1973). Psilocybe species and their relatives. It is likely,
Also, those interested in mycological field that other, poisonous, mushrooms, such as
research continued to study Psilocybe muscarine-producing species, were to blame for
subaeruginosa and even discovered the species in these syndromes.
the northern part of the country. Like Psilocybe I would like to close this chapter with a
cubensis, this species is also known by the report from an Australian mushroom lover, who
colloquial name of "gold top", whereas Panaeolus illustrates the reasons and circumstances of
cyanescens, a species that wasn't discovered until psychoactive mushroom use in Australia
later, acquired the nickname "blue meanies" (Southcott)
within the counterculture (an expression that Report about the effects of a "gold top "
refers to a collection of several fruiting bodies). It mushroom:
is likely that these mushrooms were named after The mushrooms which were prepared in a
the small blue men featured in the classic broth and boiled for about two minutes may be used
psychedelic Beatles movie "Yellow Submarine", to induce an extremely powerful hallucinatory trip.
which was released in 1968. When eaten raw, the effects can take up to two
In colloquial Australian English, hours to come on, but taken in soup form they can
"mushies" is a commonly used short form for begin to occur within five to ten minutes of being
"mushrooms". eaten. The first noticeable effect is a tingling
Next to fresh mushrooms, "processed" sensation from head to toe, followed by extreme
preparations also began to appear on the black warmth or cold throughout the body. Mild
market: In Hobart, Tasmania, for example, dried hallucinations begin to occur within a quarter of an
and ground up mushrooms packaged in gelatine hour and become stronger as the trip reaches its
capsules were sold for $6 a fruiting body. The peak. This peak can be a terrifying experience for
availability of mushroom-based hallucinogenic the novice; individuals may not know what to
substances drastically reduced the market share of expect and may believe they have gone insane. In
LSD, which was generally a lot more expensive. many cases, this . "insanity" can also be
By 1972, LSD had almost disappeared from the pleasurable and can cause a person to lose all fear
black market. of things which had previously seemed impossible
Based on Southcott's (1974) writings, it is to bear. Everything material and otherwise is laid
likely that the unpleasant taste of fresh specimens out in front of you for examination and nothing is
of Psilocybe cyanescens was the main reason for beyond human comprehension. In my opinion and
the processing of the fruiting bodies. experience, these mushrooms, when used by
persons capable of understanding the tremendous
Bizarre Reactions power contained within them, can only be
beneficial in their effects.
Considering the widespread use of I have found them (Psilocybe
psychoactive mushrooms in Australia, there were subaeruginosa - Southcott) growing in flatbottomed
only a handful of reports about medical valleys and on gentle slopes. They thrive in moist,
complications, amounting to only minor grassy soil and can range in size from a quarter of
complaints from a few individuals. Symptoms an inch up to two or three inches in diametre. In
were almost exclusively limited to panic reactions regard to an overdose of these mushrooms, this
due to excessively high doses. These reactions user feels that it is not really an accurate term for
were precipitated by bizarre psychic sensations, this condition. It is more an extreme fear of certain
which the person was unable to integrate. One things or people
that causes 'freak-outs ". The trip can change Description: The mushrooms (Psilocbe
from one of fear and hysteria to one of pure ecstasy aeruginosa Southcott) have caps colored yellow
in a matter of a second, if a person is treated to dark brown on top, and cream-colored to
correctly. The police, in my opinion, are the cause almost yellow underneath. If picked fresh, the
for more bad experiences than all other factors stem and parts of the cap will turn green and blue
combined. I myself have almost lost all fear of or sometimes violet. This discoloration does not
everything I previously dreaded. I intend to occur until after the mushrooms have been
continue the use of these mushrooms and see picked.
where it leads me, whether it be a good (lawful)
or bad thing....


The first report ever published in a that the mushrooms were well-known within the
scientific European journal about usage of hippie subculture of Manchester. Thirty to forty
Psilocybe semilanceata in Europe was written by Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms were
M. Carter and appeared in New Scientist in considered an appropriate dose to attain a fully
September 1976. hallucinatory state.
According to British users, the effects of
Psilocybe semilanceata include intense visuals
"Mushrooms Are Mushrooms" without any of the negative feelings that may be
caused by LSD. British colloquial names for the
The mushrooms quite suddenly emerged mushroom are quite poetic, such as:
in the spotlight of public attention in 1976, when
Judge Blomefield of Great Britain's High Court - Liberty Cap
handed down a verdict of "not guilty" in the trial - Magic Mushroom
of a man accused of possession of psilocybin in - Blue Legs
the form of dried fruiting bodies from the species - Pixie Caps
Psilocybe semilanceata. According to Carter's
report, the acquittal was justified as follows: Contrary to common opinion, "liberty
"Psilocybin is a chemical and mushrooms are cap" is not a new name, since M.C. Cooke
mushrooms". In the wake of this decision, mentioned it in his writings that date back to the
however, a few individuals in Britain were 19th century.
nonetheless sentenced for possession of Due to the widespread distribution of this
psilocybin, because the British legal system is Psilocybe species across England, particularly
based on the principles of common law, which Scotland and Wales, Psilocybe semilanceata
means that the High Court decision was not appears to be more popular in England than in any
necessarily binding in cases that went to trial in other European country, with the possible
lower courts after the man had won his acquittal in exception of Norway. This is an opinion echoed in
the High Court. numerous scientific and medical articles published
Despite its Celtic ancestry and the practice on the subject in Great Britain. In my opinion,
of Nature religions, England is among those these publications contain the most detailed
countries whose population has traditionally been descriptions of casual use of psilocybincontaining
quite mycophobic in its attitudes toward mushrooms species by laypersons anywhere in the
mushrooms, which have always been thought of as world.
poisonous, slimy and moldy. It is therefore quite One analysis by P.R. Mills and his
remarkable that these values appear to be changing collaborators described seven Scottish patients
with the current younger generation. Could it be with symptoms caused by ingestion of Psilocybe
that England's Celtic heritage is making a semilanceata mushrooms during the fall of 1978,
reappearance after centuries of dormancy? when the species fruited abundantly in the
In 1978 , C. Hyde and his collaborators Glasgow area after heavy rainfall. Four of the
reported several cases of voluntary intoxications seven men had eaten no less than one hundred
with Psilocybe semilanceata from a medical mushrooms each, which meant they had taken
perspective, describing symptoms experienced by about 50 mg of pure psilocybin a person. It is not
mushroom collectors that range from typically surprising, then, that such dosages should cause
visionary experiences to the manifestation of visions that lasted several hours, along with
acutely delirious states. The authors emphasized marked somatic symptoms.
fruiting areas that are easily accessible!
Mega Mushroom Festival
This is a baffling and incomprehensible
While there is talk about "hippies" in the proposition - to acutely endanger all residents of a
report from Manchester, a 1980 newspaper article certain area by exposing them to poison, simply
from Wales describes a "new kind of gypsy", because there were a few mild cases of mushroom
whose exploits included a mushroom celebration intoxications, with symptoms that soon
near Cardiff with 100 participants. The occasion disappeared. If anyone is to blame, it is the users
was the discovery of yet another bumper crop of for their carelessness and recklessness.
Psilocybe semilanceata in that area. Nineteen of Fortunately, these crypto-schizophrenic proposals
the revelers felt so seriously ill they had to seek were never implemented.
medical treatment. On the other hand, there are interesting
It appears that in the early days of statistics available from the poison center in
mushroom usage in Great Britain, massive London, about reported cases, where medical
amounts of Psilocybe mushrooms were consumed attention was required following ingestion of
on several occasions, which caused a higher Psilocybe semilanceata. The numbers below
number of panic reactions than elsewhere in the show how many people received therapeutic
world. treatment in Great Britain in a given year:
However, it is clear from articles published 1978 33
in medical journals that these cases were merely 1979 47
"the tip of the iceberg", that is, they were a small 1980 96
group of users whose reactions to the acute stages 1981 142
of mushroom intoxication attracted attention
because they included clinically relevant
The average age of the mushroom collectors was
symptoms such as states of pathological depression
between 15 and 19 years. Reports mostly came in
with no recognition of surroundings.
during September and October of each year,
In an attempt to describe patterns of usage
which corresponds to the mushroom's fruiting
of the Psilocybe species in the Tayside area near
period. Cases that were reported during other
Dundee, Scotland, N.R. Peden and his
months of the year had been caused by ingestion
collaborators found that the typical user was much
of dried mushroom material.
younger there than in Manchester or Wales. The
In 36% of these individuals, the
authors examined 27 patients, whose ages ranged
mushrooms caused significant visual distortions
from 12 to 24 years. I have previously cited
and visions. Five people acted aggressively
accounts about accidental intoxications indicating
without experiencing perceptual alterations.
that children can have abnormal reactions to
Dosage varied from half a mushroom (effects?) to
psilocybin, such as cramps or loss of
up to two or three pounds. If the latter amounts
consciousness. Teenage use of hallucinogens and
have been reported truthfully, those individuals
other psychoactive substances, including alcohol
ingested about 1 to 1.5 g of pure psilocybin,
and nicotine can have disastrous consequences.
assuming an alkaloid content of 0.1 % in fresh
The results of a survey at two Scottish
mushrooms. However, in cases where whole
schools of 59 children aged 14 to 15 years revealed
mushrooms had generally been eaten according to
that 66% of them had already heard about the
the Mexican tradition, liquids removed via
mushrooms' effects. Also, a paper published by
stomach pumps largely contained whole
R.E. Young and his research team in 1982 found
mushrooms. Failure to carefully chew the
that the mushroom users in the Glasgow area as a
mushrooms before swallowing means that only a
group are quite young. In 1981, these researchers
fraction of the available amount of alkaloids is
treated 49 children and adults aged 12 to 28 years.
extracted from the mushrooms and absorbed by
These authors are correct in pointing out that the
the body.
mushrooms cannot be eradicated due to their large
area of distribution. At the same time, however,
they demand that fungicides be sprayed on
had been induced by ingestion of Psilocybe
Panic Reactions semilanceata. At the time, the patient was
experiencing personal stress and had also taken
In cases when intoxications were caused other substances as well. Despite the wide
by eating 'normal' amounts of mushrooms and the distribution of psychoactive mushrooms around
ingestion of potentially deadly species could be the world, there have been no reports of similar
excluded, pumping the patients' stomachs turned episodes.
out to be a procedure that was both too drastic as The usage of Psilocybe semilanceata in
well as unnecessary. In younger, hyper- Norway was first described during the fall of
suggestible patients, the procedure can precipitate 1977, in Sandnes, near the Rogaland area. Up to
extremely aggressive behavior. In addition, it that time, the Norwegian literature had depicted
often doesn't work, because the mushrooms tend Psilocybe semilanceata as merely a small, inedible
to clog the pumping apparatus. mushroom known to grow in grass interspersed
Therefore, panic reactions after ingestion with other, similar, species. Apparently, the
of Psilocybe semilanceata is a condition that, in experiences in England and the United States
some cases, may be aggravated or even induced inspired the use of these mushrooms in Norway,
by improper treatment of the patient at hospitals as well as in other European countries. However,
and clinics. After evaluation of the statistics on it is also possible that a report published in 1976
Psilocybe semilanceata usage in Great Britain, J. about the discovery of psilocybin in Norwegian
Francis and V.S.G. Murray emphasize that there collections contributed to subsequent usage of the
has not been a single fatality among some 318 mushrooms.
poisoning cases - in fact, no severe somatic Knowledge about the mushrooms spread
symptoms were noted, nor have there been quickly around Norway, especially in the fjord
incidents of misidentification of the mushroom areas, were the species fruits most abundantly.
species. According to the authors, intoxication Daily and weekly papers as well as underground
can be a quite unpleasant experience for the magazines dealt with the mushrooms at length.
individual. Panic reactions pose the only Only a small number of panic reactions were
significant hazard, which may endanger the known to have occurred in Norway, with some
individuals as well as their surroundings for the individuals requiring temporary clinical attention.
duration of the mushrooms' effects. Nonetheless, in December 1981, the mushroom
As an ideal treatment, they proposed that species was classified under Norwegian narcotics
patients be moved to a darkened, beautiful room, law as an "absolutely forbidden substance". The
and that they be watched until the effects have same classification applies to the potentially
subsided. If necessary, tranquilizers such as dangerously addictive drugs of the heroine type,
diazepam should be administered. as well as to the pure hallucinogens, such as LSD,
R. Watling mentions a non-fatal case in mescaline and psilocybin, all of which are
Scotland, where Inocybe geophylla (Sow. & Fr.) pharmacologically completely different from any
Kumm., a mescaline-containing species, had been of the heroine-type drugs. By contrast, Figure 57
mistaken for the Psilocybe species. illustrates that other European nations have
In the 1980s, Psilocybe semilanceata was attitudes similar to those found in British
named as the mushroom species that caused by Columbia, which form the basis for my own
far the largest number of intoxications in Great analytical work with mushroom materials.
Britain. Today, usage of this psychotropic species Compared to Norway, there is less
in that country is not quite as popular anymore as information about usage of Psilocybe
it was 10 years ago. Also, mushroom eaters are semilanceata from other countries. The year 1981
no longer prosecuted. has been named as the starting date of usage in
By comparison, a short report by a Finland; by 1984, there had only been one patient
medical student from Manchester was not who required medical attention.
convincing. The report claimed that a 24-year old There are additional countries where the
patient suffered from severe depression with mushrooms are being used and collected, more or
somatic side effects for three months ("persistent less sporadically: The Netherlands, Austria,
psychiatric symptoms") and that these symptoms
Denmark, Sweden, Belgium, Germany, Such deeply moving experiences do
Switzerland, and recently Russia near the St. not appear to be unusual (compare to reports of
Petersburg area. The mushrooms have even been experiences with Psilocybe semilanceata in
found in Siberia. In some areas, where the Chapter 3.1) and should always be studied in all
mushrooms thrive in abundance, a more seriousness.
comprehensive mode of usage can be observed, Only France seems to engage in
without attracting much additional attention over elaborate activities designed to locate collectors
a longer period of time. of psychotropic mushrooms. Despite its grand
Costly measures, such as the deployment of mycological traditions, France is a country that
helicopters over pastures in the Jura Mountains of has a rather absurd prohibition against the
Switzerland to flush out mushroom collectors have exhibition of Psilocybe and Stropharia species
rarely been used and were quickly abandoned. (European Stropharia species do not produce
Switzerland is another country where psilocybin) at scientific conventions. As a
Psilocybe cubensis is being cultivated and used consequence, French mycologists have been
without attracting much attention. Below is an avoiding the use of the genus Psilocybe.
account provided by a Swiss friend about his first Nowadays, at mycological conventions,
ever experience with this species: Psilocybes are exhibited under the old name of
Intense, kaleidoscope-like colors are being Geophila (Quelet), which appears to have gotten
generated. I begin to dive in and out of other around the problem of breaking the law.
realities, followed by the painful loss of ego, death According to my personal commu-
and life. Suddenly I find myself inside a wooden nications with mycologists, the usage of
box. My body is a black mass full of low-level pain. Psilocybe semilanceata in Italy began in about
I have the black plague. I was put inside the box, 1980/1981 and has been rising steadily since
because I was thought to be dead, but I am still then. At the same time, there have been no
alive. I am being carried to and placed on top of clinically relevant cases, nor any legislative
cart so that I can be transported to be burned. Few action on the matter. Towards the late 1980s,
others are being given such a box. At first I usage of psychoactive Psilocybe species began in
am in despair, but then I know that the end is near, the former Czechoslovakia, for instance, around
anyway. Death is a liberation for me. I the region of Brno. It appears that Psilocybe
remember: I see my house in the city center of bohemica is used more often in this country than
Metz, where I used to live until now. Then came the Psilocybe semilanceata, as the former species is
plague. My years of selfish dedication of helping quite common there.
sick, degenerate, stinking, hungry and dying people. Very little is known about European usage
I provide comfort and companionship, as of mushroom species from other genera. In the
well as medication that remains ineffective. I mid-1980s, Spanish youngsters near Barcelona
continuously make house calls, there is no end in were observed using Panaeolus mushrooms.
sight. I become ill myself. At first I deny this The well-known booklet authored by Oss
fact, but now I am inside this wooden box, in a state and Oeric about the cultivation of Psilocybe
of semi-consciousness. I know that the end is here. cubensis has been translated into several European
I know that I am a physician named languages and published in different countries. It
Claudius Vinzen and that the year is 1427. is almost certain that the book is being used as a
I wake up in the reality of winter, 1990. cultivation guide in Europe, however, there are no
Metz, where is Metz? Later on, I locate the city on a available data about the success rate of these
map of France and until this day, I have been trying experiments. In many cases, commonly occurring
to verify if this physician lived there during the contaminants probably prevent fruiting of this
Middle Ages. I am reminded of my long years of subtropical species on rye substrate.
professional work with criminal and drug-addicted I won't risk making predictions about the
youngsters. I sense the common elements of extent of future usage of indigenous European
these two realities (karma?), the sacrifices of psychoactive mushroom species, nor am I able to
selfless helping. predict which species may or may not gain in
popularity. However, it is possible to speculate unintentional intoxications, which, in turn, may
that the increased geographic distribution of result in creating a generally deeper knowledge
species such as Inocybe aeruginascens and base about the attributes of these mushrooms.
Psilocybe cyanescens may lead to more

Figure 57 - A letter from the "Central Bureau of Substance Abuse" in the former East
Germany, detailing some legal restrictions on psychoactive plants. At the time (1983),
Psilocybe mexicana was not a controlled substance and no restrictions applied to its use.
Figure 58 - Woodcut entitled "Cooking Witches" by Baldung Grien (1514). Such cultural practices undoubtedly
included familiarity with psychotropic mushrooms, even though such knowledge was considered pagan at the time.
The practice of "witchcraft" was maligned and accused witches were persecuted, tortured and executed, as the
Christian Inquisition was desperate to suppress pagan beliefs and wisdom.


Mushroom species containing psilocybin mushrooms has a long tradition: There is

are also found in Japan. Tales about the infamous evidence that mushrooms have been cultivated in
"Laughing Mushroom" date as far back as the Japan for no less than 2,000 years, by collecting
Middle Ages. An account from the 11th century naturally grown mycelia of Lentinus edodes
became famous: (Berk.) Singer and transferring onto pieces of
Several lumberjacks from Kyoto got lost in wood selected to serve as new substrates.
the woods for reasons that remain unknown. Incidentally, literary sources from China
Suddenly they encountered four or five Buddhist also attest to knowledge about mushrooms from
nuns, whose behavior did not at all conform to that country, where such mushrooms were said to
expectations: instead of immersing themselves into be the cause of a (temporary) "disease of dry
their inner selves in a quiet quest for Nirvana, the laughter".
search for Absolute Nothingness, these daughters Still, the reports about an irresistible urge
of Buddha were found dancing and laughing. It to dance constitutes a rather unusual effect of
turned out that the nuns had also gotten lost in the psilocybin, from our current point of view. While
woods and dealt with their hunger by eating some psilocybin is initially known to cause fits of
delicious mushrooms. The faithful nuns soon laughter, this phase is generally followed by a
discovered, however, that they could not stop state of relaxation and a drop in levels of physical
dancing and laughing. The lumberjacks's activity. It is likely that, in this case, medieval
stomachs, in the meantime, had also begun to Japanese mentality was a cultural factor that
growl and, thinking that what was good for the modified the specific expression of an altered
nuns was good enough for them, the lumberjacks state of consciousness.
ate some of the mushrooms as well. Soon after, Aside from the two disputed mushroom
they also succumbed to overwhelming fits of species mentioned above, several psychoactive
laughter and the urge to dance.... The linguistic Psilocybe species can be found in Japan. There are
moral of the story: since that time, the mushrooms several known cases of accidental ingestion that
in question have been referred to in Japanese as occurred during the 20th century, resulting in
psilocybin syndromes without inducing fits of
- "maitake" (Dancing Mushrooms) For example, in 1932, S. Imai described
and later on cases of intoxications from 1929 and 1931 which
- "waraitake" (Laughing Mushrooms). involved his newly classified species Stropharia
caerulescens. Later on, the species was named
For a long time, the species thought to be Stropharia venenata Imai, which grows on top of
responsible for these symptoms were identified in wood and dung. Today, it is being classified within
the mycological literature as Panaeolus the genus Psilocybe as a close relative of Psilocybe
papilionaceus and as Gymnopilus spectabilis cubensis.
("giant laughing mushroom"). However, today we Imai mentions an event that occurred on
know that the former is a species from Europe and June 21, 1929: A 43-year-old woman collected
North America which does not contain any about 13 oz. of a type of mushroom that she
psychoactive substances, while even Japanese erroneously thought to be honey mushrooms
authors have been unable, since 1980, to confirm (Armillaria mellea). The following day, she
the existence of psilocybin and its derivatives in prepared a tasty mushroom meal and served it to
the latter Gymnopilus species. Only inactive her family. As family members began to notice the
substances have been found in Gymnopilus effects, they immediately went to see a doctor, who
spectabilis. determined that the woman was experiencing the
In Japan, the investigation of these
most potent effects: Her stomach was pumped hallucinations, which caused him to panic and to
without delay and laxatives were administered, but run a distance of about 1,200 ft. to consult the
she still had muscle twitches, followed by nearest doctor. The physician noted widely dilated
hallucinations and a comatose (?) state. The son, pupils, and proceeded to have the patient's
who had eaten the soup only, experienced stomach pumped and then prescribed laxatives.
hallucinations as well, because the cooking process Three hours later, the abnormal state had largely
had served to extract the water-soluble compounds subsided; by the next morning, there was no
from the mushrooms. evidence of any other side effects.
M.K. (a 22-year-old male) ate just one
fresh mushroom, which had no effects at all.
K .Y. (a 31-year-old male) ate five
No Danger from Psilocybes in Japan
mushrooms. Regurgitation occurred 30 minutes
after ingestion, followed by sweating around the
Unfortunately, Singer and Smith
head and body; his extremities appeared to be
mistakenly cited these incidents in their (1958)
slightly paralyzed. This paralysis persisted for
monograph about the Psilocybe genus as examples
another three hours. During this time, the subject
of the mushrooms species' fatal effects. For that
had great difficulties handling a pen for writing,
reason, this species was unjustly branded for
his mood was depressed and he experienced
decades in the literature as a highly dangerous
hallucinations, such as colorful lights flooding
poisonous mushroom.
down from the sky. By the following morning, all
There are other psychoactive mushroom
of these effects had dissipated. The fresh fruiting
species that grow in Japan, such as the bluing
bodies were bitter, a taste that disappeared after
species Psilocybe subcaerulipes Hongo and
the mushrooms had been cooked in water.
Psilocybe argentipes Yokoyama. These species also
The above experiments are rather
caused intoxications in three people, who mistook
amateurish, and the descriptions of results are
the mushrooms for the honey mushroom. These
heavily influenced by a simplistic perspective
cases brought about the isolation of psilocybin in
which assumes that the mushrooms's
crystalline form from dried fruiting bodies of the
pharmacological effects proceed along a single,
species, as well as recognition of the species' wide
narrow track. Still, these accounts demonstrate
area of distribution. In 1973, Yokoyama published
that comparable dosages of Japanese mushroom
the results from systematic experimentation with
species have psychotropic effects similar to those
Psilocybe argentipes. No "urge to dance" was
caused by Psilocybe species found on other
noted in these investigations as well. Below are
some excerpts from his research protocols:
Much work still remains to be done in the
J.H. (a 24-year-old male) ingested four
areas of phytochemistry and taxonomy before the
cooked mushrooms at night, after a meal (!), and
body of knowledge about psychotropic mushroom
then ate another three fresh mushrooms 30 minutes
species in Japan can grow to become adequate.
later. This was followed by regurgitation, and 45
The geographic distribution and ingredients of the
minutes later, he started to sweat profusely all over
Japanese Panaeolus species must also be studied
his head and body. His pulse rate and breathing
further. For instance, Panaeolus subbalteatus is
were accelerated, but slowed down later on. He
one of the species that are growing on several
laid down and experienced visual
Japanese islands today.



So far, the mycoflora of the African images of anthropomorphic beings with

continent has been studied only peripherally and mushroom-like heads. There are many other
remains largely unknown. During the late 1980s, indications pointing toward the existence of a
Italian mycologist G. Samorini and Terence comprehensive mushroom cult.
McKenna, working independently, found evidence Among the most striking renditions at
for the oldest known mushroom cult in Africa. Tin-Tazarift, Tassili District (Algeria) is a picture
Their discoveries were not just sensational, but of masked anthropomorphic beings engaged in
most surprising as well. On the other hand, it ecstatic dancing. (See Figure 5, p. 8). This figure,
really shouldn't come as a surprise that the oldest "Anthropomorphic Beings Engaged in Mushroom
traces of human contact with mushrooms were Dance", includes several dashed lines, which are
found on the very continent known as the cradle of most interesting, because they connect the
humanity. mushroom with the center of the head. At the
same time, these lines represent a flow of energy,
10,000 Years Old maybe even the mushrooms' influence on the
human soul. This picture is clearly indicative of
psychotropic mushroom use. It seems quite
From 9,000 to 7,000 years ago, the area of remarkable that, as early as 9,000 - 7,000 years
the Sahara - between Tassili (Southern Algeria), ago, the head was apparently considered to be the
Acacus (Libya) and Ennedi (Chad) - was seat of consciousness. By contrast, four or five
millennia later, during the European era of
populated by human beings who created
magnificent rock drawings, a pictorial legacy that classical antiquity, the brain's role was merely
preserved for posterity impressive images of thought to be similar to that of a kind of cooler.
everyday life. These pictures tell about a time Other rock drawings also depict mushrooms as
when the Sahara was still a blooming garden, a being mythologically linked with fish.
time when no one even suspected that processes of These images, then, furnish powerful
erosion and desolation, starting about 3,500 B.C., evidence for the usage of psychoactive
would turn the area into a desert quite hostile to mushrooms within a mystical-religious frame-
human life. work. The rock drawings consistently show two
The rock drawings date from as far back kinds of mushroom shapes: one of them resembles
as 10,000 B.C. up to the present. Among the Psilocybe semilanceata, in that the caps are drawn
with an acute umbo on top, while the other shape
drawings from the Stone Age (7,000-5,000 B.C.),
there are those described as typical of the so-called represents larger mushrooms with a habitus much
"round head phase". They include pictures of like that of the Amanita or Stropharia species.
pasture animals as well as evergreen and Despite their age, the rock drawings'
deciduous trees. On top of a Sahara plateau, at an colors have retained brilliant hues. Pictures of
altitude of 6,500 ft., there exist pictures of mushrooms were drawn in white as well as several
mythical beings with anthropomorphic and shades of ochre. Also, a few mushrooms were
zoomorphic attributes which are reminiscent of drawn in blue colors. While this is the exception, it
early Mexican images: many scenes depict tiny may well be a representation of the so-called
horned dancers alongside mushrooms. Deities with bluing phenomenon.
masks and horns are seen holding mushrooms in In Nature, these colors are associated
with the bluing Psilocybe and Panaeolus species.
their hands; sometimes the mushrooms are shown
attached directly to body parts. In addition, those These mushrooms could have grown on several
Stone Age artists created
substrates, such as fallen twigs and raw compost, Nairobi, which occurred in July of that same year.
grounds littered with the remains from evergreen The symptoms started one hour after
and deciduous trees or dung left behind by pasture ingestion of the mushrooms, peaked within three
animals. Among the mushroom species that may hours and then persisted for 24 to 48 (?) hours.
have grown in the area thousands of years ago, the Symptoms consisted of emotional imbalance, fits of
most likely candidates are relatives of Psilocybe mirthful and irresponsible laughter alternating
cubensis and Panaeolus cyanescens (dung- with depressive moods, during which patients felt
inhabiting species), Psilocybe semilanceata (a they wanted to die. Patients were unable to sleep,
nitrophilic species) as well as Psilocybe due to nightmarish feelings that descended when
cyanescens, a species that grows on top of raw they closed their eyes... They remained conscious
compost. throughout the experience and their speech, while
Considering the impressive nature of somewhat uncontrolled, was rational.
existing historic evidence, the obvious question In 1957, A.D. Charters reported additional
would seem to be whether any of these species can cases of intoxication from Nairobi: On May 18,
currently be found in Africa, where the cradle of 1949, a man and his wife - both Europeans who
mankind is located. resided in Nakuru, ate generous portions of
mushrooms for lunch. Within 30 minutes, both of
African Species Related to them developed mental symptoms, along with pupil
Psilocybe Cyanescens? dilation and a tingling sensation in the fingers.
The man
Interestingly, on October 24, 1912, R. experienced visions of pink colors and a sense of
Maire first collected several specimens of bluing, euphoria in association with delusions. He felt
dark-spored mushrooms which he found growing that he was passing into the next life and he could
on raw compost underneath some cedar trees in see his own body. He stated that he realized "we
Algeria, at Chrea Pass near the city of Blida south are in the process of working toward our next life
of Algiers. He collected additional specimens every ".
year up until 1926 and published his findings in His wife also reported delusions, and she
1928, naming the species Hypholoma cyanescens felt that she was inside the tube that was part of
nov. spec.. the apparatus used for pumping her stomach at the
Later on, G. Malencon classified a number time. She believed that she was going to die and
of similar specimens from his own samples she was afraid of death. She had laughing fits and
collected in the Central Atlas Mountains (Morocco) felt sensations that alternated between happiness
as belonging to this species. In 1973, Singer then and depression. Both patients had their stomachs
classified the species as Psilocybe mairei Sing. pumped and recovered completely within six
Krieglsteiner, however, considered this species to hours.
be identical with Psilocybe cyanescens Wakefield, Given sufficiently wet climate
as found in Europe. Thus, bluing Psilocybe species conditions, Psilocybe cubensis can often be found
can still be found in Africa today. in other parts of the world growing on pastures in
In his monograph on Panaeolus areas located up to 30° north as well as south of
mushrooms from the 1960's, Ola'h mentions two the equator. Therefore, it is likely that the yellow
Panaeolus species that are strongly psychoactive: Stropharia species from the Highlands of Kenya
may actually have been Psilocybe cubensis
- Panaeolus africanus Ola'h and mushrooms or at least a close relative of this
- Panaeolus tropicales Ola'h species.
In January 1994, M. Smith and myself
were collaborating in South Africa, where we
There are also accounts from Africa about discovered a bluing Psilocybe species in Natal
typical hallucinatory intoxications, caused by Province. It was the first psychotropic Psilocybe
mistaken identification of a yellow Stropharia species ever found in the area. This species is
species as a culinary mushroom. In 1945, E.R. generally withish in color and does not have an
Cullinan and D. Henry described 22 cases in
annular ring. The mushrooms are comparable in intoxications described in this chapter indicate
size to Psilocybe cubensis, but do not grow that psychoactive species do occur in Africa,
directly on top of dung in cow pastures. Having which, in turn, supports the hypothesis of an
been compared with samples of known ancient mushroom cult on the African continent.
Psilocybe species, the new species is currently However, additional work is needed with
being published under the name Psilocybe respect to the African species, including their
natalensis Gartz, Reid, Ecker & Smith. areas of distribution, their taxonomic
The mushroom samples and reports of classification and the essence of their active

Figure 59 - Outline of a rock drawing from Tassili, Algeria

(ca. 7,000 B.C.). The figure on the left clearly is holding a
mushroom-shaped object.


Since the late 1960s, the custom of using penalties also modeled after Australian measures
psilocybin-containing mushrooms has been of law enforcement. However, in contrast to
evolving in various countries across Asia and the Psilocybe semilanceata and Panaeolus
Pacific Islands. However, there is no conclusive cyanescens, Psilocybe cubensis is not a species
evidence indicating that mushroom usage was native to New Zealand, and all psychoactive
endemic among native cultures prior to the species are generally referred to as "magic
discovery of the Mexican species. Most likely, mushrooms".
global tourism has been the most significant factor To date, we do not know about all those
behind increasing knowledge about relevant geographic regions where the discovery of bluing
mushroom species among the populations of these mushroom species was an event that did not
countries, especially after searches for strongly attract much attention, yet contributed to the
bluing gilled mushrooms were successful. These mushrooms's growing popularity and an ever-
mushrooms, most notably those found growing on increasing number of "silent" users. Scientific-
pasture land, strongly resembled similar species mycological investigations of a small number of
from other continents. samples provided clues to the identification of
psychoactive species relevant in this context: the
Neo-Mycoflora two dung-inhabiting species Psilocybe cubensis
and Panaeolus cyanescens, as well as Panaeolus
Western amateur mycologists helped tropicales, a close relative of the latter species. In
disseminate information about these species and most cases, the differentiation of the two
published articles on the mushrooms in various Panaeolus species is an extremely difficult task.
publications of their home countries. However,
little or no efforts were made to identify and Panaeolus cyanescens Omelettes
describe specific mushrooms species found
growing in Asia and the South Pacific Islands. During the seventies and eighties, the
There have also been no research efforts to mushroom restaurants of Bali became quite
investigate the overall mycoflora in this part of the famous, since interested tourists could order
world. Thus, during the 1970s, a group of mushroom omelettes made with Panaeolus
teenagers in Samoa discovered the psychoactive cyanescens - house specialties, and all completely
effects of Panaeolus cyanescens. At first, the legal to boot. At first, local children collected the
police took measures to suppress the practice. But mushrooms needed to prepare the dishes. In
persecution by law enforcement agencies was response to increasing demand for this culinary
halted when it became apparent that ingestion of specialty, however, commercial cultivation of the
the mushrooms did not pose a significant health Panaeolus species began, using the method of
risk. According to Cox, the teenagers' parents transferring dung with naturally-grown mycelia
considered their children's mushroom experience onto fresh buffalo manure.
"a foolish, but totally harmless episode and a part Apparently, no major complications
of normal teenage development". In light of such a ensued, and this type of mushroom usage
reasonable frame of reference, the historic label remained unchallenged for a long time. In Bali,
"fool's mushrooms" (Chapter 2) immediately ingestion of mushrooms has been limited, for the
comes to mind. most part, to visiting tourists. In 1992, a German
By contrast, customs of psychoactive tourist reported that, if anything, the number of
mushroom usage in New Zealand evolved around restaurants had increased compared to the 1980s.
the same species found in Australia, with criminal The number of restaurant patrons, however,
Figure 60 - Psilocybe samuiensis on a
mixture of rye and horse dung
appeared to have decreased, indicating an comparatively smaller and its habitat limited to
increasing familiarity with psychoactive tropical regions.
mushrooms species in the tourists's countries of The mushrooms primarily grow in
origin. valley areas with monsoon climate conditions,
Similar stories about mushroom at altitudes of about 3,000 ft. on substrates of
specialties exclusively prepared for tourists have partially decomposed cow manure as well as on
also been reported from Sumatra, Java and The water buffalo dung. While the species fruits all
Philippines. year round, it does so most abundantly in May
Those mushroom species described and June, the rainy months that precede the
above are based on samples collected from monsoon season.
islands; thus, it is quite logical to expect finding Nepal is another country where no
those same species growing on the Asian evidence was found of any mushroom usage by
mainland as well. Soon after Earle published his the indigenous population. Mycophilic Western
description of Stropharia (Psilocybe) cubensis in visitors, however, having discovered the
a 1906 edition of a Cuban agriculture journal, species, soon indulged in usage of the
Patouillard proposed the species name mushrooms for hallucinatory purposes, a
Naematoloma caerulescens for his own samples practice that failed to draw much public
of the same species, which were collected in attention. It appears that a relatively large dose
Tonkin (Vietnam) in 1907. In Thailand and was required to achieve the desired effects,
Cambodia, Heim found fruiting bodies of the since several individuals consumed forty or
species Psilocybe cubensis, providing the first more of the fleshy mushrooms at a time.
sample from outside of Mexico used by Hofmann
and his collaborators to confirm the presence of
psilocybin in the fruiting bodies.
Such positive results inspired the
proposal that psychoactive Psilocybe and related "Soma": A Psilocybian Species?
species thrive on all continents, a hypothesis that
has been fully confirmed.
Other mushroom species from the genus Within the context of discovering this
Panaeolus have been found in mainland Asia as species, Schroeder and Guzman proposed a most
well. For example, Ola'h's monograph describes interesting hypothesis. They suggested that
"soma", the substance revered as a deity by the
a bluing mushroom named Panaeolus
cambodginiensis Ola'h & Heim, a species - as its mysterious, ancient Aryan civilization, who are
name suggests - found only in Cambodia. said to have developed a soma cult, did not, in
According to Ola'h, all of the species's fruiting fact, refer to the fly agaric mushroom, as initially
proposed by Wasson. More likely, soma was the
bodies contain psilocybin.
name of a psychedelic Psilocybe species, based
on its spectacular psychotropic effects and the
mushroom's geographic distribution pattern.
Monsoon Climate, Manure and An article authored by J.W. Allen and
Water Buffaloes M.D. Merlin concludes that currently Thailand is
the country with the largest consumption of
psychoactive mushrooms.
In 1981, Schroeder reported the results In several areas across Thailand, tourists
of his mycological field work conducted in Nepal can find menus offering mushrooms prepared as
during 1978 and 1979, where his research efforts part of omelettes, soups, teas, pizzas or juices.
established that mushrooms of the Psilocybe Allen specifically studied patterns of usage on
species are wide-spread throughout the area. the two islands of Koh Samui and Koh Pha-
Guzman proposed that these species can quite ngan. Previously, sporadic reports from other
possibly be classified as Psilocybe cubensis and islands off the Thai coast contained descriptions
Psilocybe subcubensis Guzman. Macroscopically, of similar practices there. In January 1990, Allen
the latter species is very similar to the subtropical also confirmed usage of the mushrooms in the
Psilocybe cubensis species, but its spores are northern areas of Thailand.
German Tourist Boom with a synthetic hallucinogen (LSD?) whose
effects lasted much longer than those of
On Koh Samui and Koh Pha-ngan, the psilocybin. This dangerous practice caused
mushroom dishes are enjoyed primarily by unexpected reactions with effects lasting for up to
German tourists. Along with a few other 10 hours. Some consumers experienced
foreigners, some Thai teenagers use the dysphoric side effects which persisted for as long
mushrooms as well, sometimes even attempting as several days. One individual developed an
to smoke them in a bamboo pipe. As a salt-like aversion against all kinds of mushroom dishes for
chemical compound, psilocybin requires several months.
temperatures of about 200°C for it to melt and As in Mexico during the sixties, a large
partially break down without sublimation, so that variety of mushroom images and products are
a tobacco pipe will not be effective in achieving marketed commercially in Thailand these days.
the desired psychoactive effects. Among merchandise offered for sale there are
During the fall of 1988, Thai authorities hand-painted and mass-produced T-Shirts (see
distributed warning leaflets at tourist centers, Figure 56, p. 78) with pictures of Panaeolus
providing a detailed description of a bizarre panic cyanescens and Psilocybe subcubensis, shown
reaction experienced by an Australian tourist, together as well as separately, not to mention
who was hospitalized briefly as a result. Allen postcards, posters, lighters and key rings, all
thoroughly analyzed this event by seeking featuring mushroom-motif decorations. Allen
additional information about the circumstances of reported that such goods are available in both
this case, including interviews with all other Northern and Southern Thailand.
individuals involved. Allen discovered that the In coming years, we can well expect a
Australian visitor had used excessive amounts of wealth of new discoveries and insights into the
various pharmaceuticals, including highly ethnopharmacology, taxonomy and natural
addictive substances, which is why he eventually chemistry of Asia's mycoflora.
required hospitalization. Not surprisingly, another new mushroom
Finally, in January 1989, this incident species was discovered in Thailand in August,
was central to justifying passage of a law that 1991 and named Psilocybe samuiensis Guzman,
prohibits usage of psychoactive mushrooms Bandala & Allen (see Figure 60, p. 99). The
("hed keequai" in local language), with harsh species is similar in appearance to Psilocybe
penalties provided for non-compliance. Until that semilanceata, but the fruiting bodies do not
time, many restaurants posted signs advertising contain baeocystin. Psilocybe samuiensis is a
the various types of mushroom dishes on their bluing species that grows on fertilized soil, but
menus. But mushroom usage continued despite not directly on top of dung. We successfully
passage of the law. Specific species still being cultivated this species on a mixture of rye, horse
used were identified as Psilocybe cubensis, dung and water (2:1:2), but found that we needed
Psilocybe subcubensis and Panaeolus to add a casing layer consisting of peat and chalk
cyanescens. It is unknown if a tourist in Thailand (2:1).
has ever been sentenced for usage or possession
of mushrooms. In addition to the collection of
fruiting bodies growing naturally on buffalo
dung, Thai as well as German residents on Koh
Samui and Koh Pha-ngan began to cultivate the
mushrooms, outdoors and inside houses. In
accordance with the "natural cultivation"
approach, rice debris was added to fresh manure
and mixed with dung already permeated by
mycelia. After prohibition, mushroom cultivation
continued at hard-to-reach wilderness locations.
Moreover, Allen found evidence that
some restaurants temporarily served dishes made
from regular table mushrooms apparently spiked



Extensive animal research efforts during limited success. The child died within three days.
the 1950s furnished evidence that both psilocybin
and psilocin are alkaloids of negligible acute The mushroom sample involved in this
toxicity. Specifically, the dosage of incident was identified as Psilocybe baeocystis. P.
psilocybin that caused death in 50% of the Stamets, however, contested this finding, claiming
experimental mice (LD 50) was determined to be the species had been misidentified. He referred to
280 mg/kg body weight. By comparison, noticeable a publication about the incident that included a
effects in humans generally occur at dosages as low picture of the mushrooms, which, according to
as 0.02 mg/kg. Stamets, shows a sample of Psilocybe cyanescens.
Animal tests showed that, on average, This species is wellknown as exceptionally
psilocybin was a substance only half as toxic as potent, due to high levels of psilocybin and
mescaline, and at the same time, turned out to be psilocin. Still, we cannot determine whether toxic
50 times more potent as a psychoactive substance. concentrations of alkaloids were the cause of
For example, up to 2 g of mescaline were being death, or whether ingestion of the alkaloids
administered with no dangerous side effects, while triggered a latent case of epilepsy in the form of
the usual dose of psilocybin ranged from 3 to 30 an acute episode that could not be treated or
mg as part of psychological testing and controlled. If a similar incident happened
psychotherapy sessions. nowadays, fatal outcomes could be easily
As is the case with other psychotropic prevented, since the last three decades of progress
substances, human beings most likely have a more in pharmaceutical research included the discovery
sensitive reaction in response to psilocybin than of new drugs capable of aborting convulsive
mice do. Still, the range of safety in controlled episodes.
experiments comes to several hundred times the Due to publicity generated by the
amount of the active dosage. The same goes for the unfortunate accident in 1960, two alkaloids
consumption of mushroom material, since (baeocystin and norbaeocystin) first isolated from
psilocybin concentrations in mushrooms can vary Psilocybe baeocystis, at times acquired
up to a factor of 10. Consequently, J. Ott reputations of being extremely poisonous as well
speculated that adults would need to eat their own as strongly psychoactive. Both claims, however,
body weight in fresh mushrooms, in order to finally are wrong and unsubstantiated. Specifically, both
reach the dosage limit of lethal toxicity. Despite the baeocystin and norbaeocystin are present in other
hundreds of thousands of voluntary self- mushroom species, such as Psilocybe
experiments taking place every year in the U.S. semilanceata, and at generally higher levels
alone, no fatalities caused by magic mushrooms compared to the alkaloid content of Psilocybe
have ever occurred there. Small children, however, baeocystis.
have abnormal reactions to psilocybin, such as loss Biochemical research efforts accelerated
of consciousness, cramps and danger of death. and large numbers of studies were conducted,
It was in the fall of 1960, that a child from primarily with LSD. These investigators sought to
Milwaukee, Oregon, picked several mushrooms discover the receptor binding sites for
from grassy soil below a cluster of conifers. hallucinogenic compounds in the brain and to
Having eaten the mushrooms, the child understand the mechanisms underlying the
experienced cramps and a high fever. Similar to a genesis of psychedelic visions. Today, we still
condition described as "status epilepticus ", the lack a sound theoretical framework able to
symptoms were treated by medications, with explain the relationship between chemical
compounds and the manifestation of their
psychoactivity. Even though basic research is the 1960's has disparaged "psychedelics" as
certainly important, its methods, unfortunately, are excessively glamorous and too positive a label, as
often a function of a rather one-sided the term was popular among Timothy Leary's fans
pharmacological approach to investigating the and supporters.
effects of psilocybin, LSD and mescaline - an When used in low doses or for the first
approach that is, in fact, too narrow to address the time, these substances are most likely to bring
remarkably unusual nature of these substances and about a kind of magical transformation of
their effects. surroundings, with a heightened ability to perceive
Misunderstandings between pharma- subtle differences along the color spectrum -
cologists and toxicologists on the one hand and effects an individual often takes in with a great
psychiatrists and psychologists on the other can sense of wonder and awe. Based on these types of
often be traced all the way back to the 1950's, experiences, the label "psychoesthetica" has been
creating a legacy of disputes and arguments that used as well.
have yet to be resolved. S. Grof undertook the During the 1950's, those experiments of a
tedious task of analyzing 5,000 experimental LSD purely pharmacological nature revealed that,
protocols in an effort to isolate "absolute" within a specific low dosage range, the effects of
symptoms that are reported or occur all of the psilocybin and LSD were largely similar, except
time. His results were negative. According to Grof, for the shorter duration of the psilocybin
hallucinogenic substances are non-specific triggers experience. That is why there are numerous
causing a sequence of altered states of comparisons in the literature of 10 mg of
consciousness, which do not fit the syndrome psilocybin with 100 ug of LSD as equivalent
labeled "toxic psychosis". Rather, it is the dosages.
individual's personality, along with the There are several authors, however, who
experimental setting that significantly shape the focus on the more visionary and metaphysical
nature of the psychedelic experience. This view is nature of the psilocybin experience compared to
shared by a majority of experts with considerable other hallucinogenic substances. A. Hofmann
experience in conducting psychedelics-assisted conducted self-experiments with both substances
psychotherapy. Even "real" somatic symptoms, and found the altered state of consciousness
such as nausea or vomiting, can often be controlled induced by psilocybin to be both deeper and
through psychological intervention techniques somewhat gloomier than those produced by LSD.
administered by trained professionals. Other investigators have portrayed
psilocybin as "friendlier" - a substance that is not
as fierce as LSD in exposing possible traumas
A Plethora of Names hidden within the subconscious mind (see Chapter
3.2). Such differences in comparative evaluations
of psilocybin and LSD are likely linked to a
The broad range of possible experiences variety of factors, such as dosage differences,
inspired the use of labels other than research protocols less than comprehensive and
"hallucinogens", with widely differing semantic exhaustive in scope, as well as personality and
connotations: entheogens, psychedelics, environmental variables.
illusionogens, psycholytics, psychomimetics,
psychodysleptica, psychoemetics and others.
"Phantastica" (Lewin) is the oldest label LSD "Flashbacks"
ever used to describe this class of substances. This
term successfully evokes dream-like, fanciful R. Fischer conducted a series of
aspects of the experience, as well as the potential experiments designed to study the effects of
for euphoric and dysphoric emotional overtones. psilocybin compared to LSD and mescaline. The
More recent terminology often says more about results confirmed what had already been common
semantic biases of those who use the labels than knowledge among those who used the mushrooms
about any factual, objective characteristics of the in various contexts around the world: "flashbacks"
alkaloids they refer to. Accordingly, official anti- are quite rare, and very mild, if they occur at all,
drug propaganda since nor do abnormal symptoms persist
once the effects of the alkaloid have worn off. Thus, detailed analyses comparing the effects of
Widespread reports of LSD-induced "flashbacks" LSD and psilocybin must await results from future
spawned biochemical theories which falsely research efforts, assuming researchers will be able
postulate that LSD is stored inside the body and to conduct these types of studies.
can be released at a later time to induce short By contrast, relatively high doses of LSD
periods of visions and other "psychotic" as well as psilocybin typically "bypass" the initial
manifestations. Such conjecture about the body's phases of experience, propelling the individual
"storage capacity" persisted despite prior evidence directly into the realm of transpersonal
to the contrary that established LSD as a substance consciousness. The natural scientist's first
rapidly metabolized and eliminated from the body. experiment with Psilocybe bohemica or the
The assumption of a prolonged storage incidents of accidental intoxication with Psilocybe
period following ingestion of LSD had already cubensis in Africa both illustrate these kinds of
been debunked by LSD-assisted psychotherapy transpersonal experiences.
during the 1960's. According to M. Hausner, who Aside from psilocybin's psychotherapeutic
worked in the former Czechoslovakia, several applications as detailed in Chapter 9, there are
patients who went through a series of LSD sessions other interesting phenomena and potential uses for
did experience "flashbacks" in between sessions. psilocybin as well as those mushrooms whose
However, the therapeutic administration of active ingredients can be analyzed and measured
hallucinogens was continued in these cases and accurately.
those flashback episodes that did occur were far The investigation of frequent symptoms
less spectacular than expected based on some of such as compulsive laughter, yawning and the
the more dramatic descriptions of the phenomenon. flow of tears without dysphoria may reveal
Within the context of M. Hausner's studies, interesting neurophysiological mechanisms,
flashback episodes turned out to be merely provided we can isolate and separate the influence
temporary manifestations of issues that had of psychological factors in the manifestation of
reached the conscious mind. Moreover, flashbacks these symptoms.
disappeared as therapy progressed with continued
administrations and did not recur after conclusion Psilocybin as a Research Tool for Study
of the therapy program. These observations are at and Diagnosis of Brain Damage
odds with the biochemical theory which predicted
that repeated administrations would increase The benefits of diagnosing brain-damaged
storage of the substance inside the body, causing patients with psilocybin were investigated in the
increasingly powerful flashback episodes. former Czechoslovakia during the 1960s.
Considering the highly variable nature of Psilocybin was the alkaloid of choice for these
psilocybin's effects as illustrated by examples of studies, due to its minimal toxicity and because
unintentional and carefully controlled participants were not expected to develop
experimentation described in this book alone, some additional chronic dysfunctions as a result of
striking parallels with Grof's findings on the effects ingesting psilocybin. Visual hallucinations were
of LSD virtually suggest themselves. Grof noted found to be almost completely suppressed in
the emergence of, in that order, abstract, aesthetic, patients suffering from lesions to parts of the
psychodynamic, perinatal and transpersonal types central nervous system known to mediate visual-
of experiences during hallucinogenic sessions. sensory functions.
With repeated administrations of relatively low On the other hand, the discovery that
doses, participants typically progressed through psilocybin tended to potentiate a variety of
these stages one by one, eventually attaining and neurological processes effectively turned the
lingering at the transpersonal level of analysis. alkaloid into a diagnostic tool used to reveal latent
The accounts of psychoactive mushroom paralyses and other subtle types of damage to the
experiences included in this book are by necessity central nervous system. While LSD could also
limited to only one to three trials over time. have been used for this purpose, researchers
preferred psilocybin, because dosage measurement
was comparatively simpler, its effects were
short-term and patients experienced less fatigue direction in life: Numerous conflicts arise in the
with psilocybin than with LSD. process and need to be dealt with and integrated.
In one exceptionally remarkable case, one Besides inducing altered perceptual states,
of the participants, while under the influence of hallucinogenic substances, including psilocybin are
the substance, clearly saw a brain tumor inside bound to release a stream of new emotions and
her skull - a tumor that was not discovered until conflicts. Such experiences often serve to confuse
an examination that followed the session. teenaged users and to compound existing areas of
R. Fischer (see Figure 61) conducted a conflict, threatening to disturb the youngster's
series of controlled experiments involving the equilibrium, which is rather fragile tc begin with.
presentation of words and sentences composed of Quite likely, the search for a means to escape
incomplete letters, with increasingly larger reality plays an important role in this situation. In
portions of the letters covered in several stages, fact, the escapist aspect of LSD portrayed against a
from the top down. In the end, only the stumps of backdrop of political upheaval fuelled a reactionary
the letters remained in the display, which was no zeal among those determined to control the
longer readable. Under the influence of substance during the 1960's. As a consequence of
psilocybin, however, the ability to "re-synthesize" these restrictive legislative measures, the unbiased,
these characters was observed quite frequently: scientific evaluation of hallucinogenic substances
Participants were able to read a significantly remains an all but impossible task. These examples
larger number of words, with some reportedly from the LSD research literature suggest that
able to see the partial letters, complete and uncut, controlled human subjects research is possible
in a display that showed little more than a white without risking damage or injury to the
background area. participants, while gaining a wealth of new insights
These observations are powerful evidence beyond psychotherapy applications.
confirming that the effects of mushroom Comprehensive investigations of these
ingredients are certainly not just "psychotic" in substances have long ago proven beyond doubt that
nature, a notion preferred by those pharma- psilocybin, mescaline and LSD are not physically
cologists partial to terminology such as "toxic addictive, nor do they cause withdrawal symptoms
psychosis", with all its connotations as evoked by of any kind. Repeated self-experimentation over
the "fool's mushroom" label. Psilocybin and its long periods of time is rare; most long-term users
relatives apparently act as catalysts that initiate eventually reduce frequency of use due to the
new information processing mechanisms and nature of these substances that initiate powerful
patterns of coordination between the different transpersonal processes and facilitate the
interactive areas of the brain. As such, the emergence of personal conflicts. Besides, habitual
substances create the context needed for daily users quickly develop tolerance to the point
integrating emotional and rational processes in of being unable to experience any psychoactive
new ways. Under the most favorable of effects at all. That is why clinical trials are spaced
circumstances, such states of mind are to allow for intervals of at least one week between
experienced not only as a profound, impressive repeated applications.
expansion of one's consciousness, but may also be
reflected in short-term improvements of
performance. I believe, however, that these Ecstasy is More than Entertainment
temporary gains in skills are rarely attained by
casual or recreational users of psilocybin- Renowned pharmacologist R. Siegel
containing mushrooms, because set and setting described hallucinogenic mushroom consumption
are often less than ideal, and alkaloid content in California as merely "experimental use".
tends to be highly variable. Most researchers, According to his definition, almost all users of
including A. Hofmann, strongly advised against psychoactive mushrooms have anywhere from at
usage of hallucinogens by youngsters, even in least one up to 10 experiences, with several
controlled experimental settings. Adolescence is a weeks or months in between repetitions. Or
time of upheaval, a developmental stage when
youngsters struggle with themselves and their
surroundings, searching for a purpose and a firm
consider R. G. Wasson's poetic answer to a trembles. What kind of person would think
question from his banker friends who wanted to nothing of submitting to a sense of pure, absolute
know why he did not eat the mushrooms every awe or of floating through that doorway into the
day: presence of the divine? Those who have never
"There are many who never known ecstasy first-hand, distort the word each
experienced ecstasy and who may think this is time they use it. We must comprehend anew the
entertaining. But ecstasy is not a form of entire, frightening meaning inherent in this word.

Figure 61 - "Letter Resynthesis" experiment by R. Fischer.

Figure 62 - "Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens".
Lithography by Arthur Reckham (London, 1890).

Figure 63 - "Handing me one of the halves, he spoke

the single word, drink. " From Etidorhpa by J.U. Lloyd (1904).


We live in an era of profound sociocultural At this point, I would like to summarize

changes, while a growing sense of insecurity the major elements of this psychotherapeutic
pervades many areas of our lives. At the same approach, based on the excellent books written by
time, our achievement-oriented society has H. Leuner, S. Grof and S. Widmer. From a variety
fostered a set of values propagated by industrious, of different perspectives, these authors thoroughly
hard-working and successful citizens. Naturally, examine the therapeutic process, drawing on
not all members of society are able to embody extensive clinical expertise representing decades
these ideals or embrace them all the time. of experience in several countries.
At times, critics from within the
psychiatric establishment have claimed that a
"short-term high" is simply not capable of
Psycholytic Therapy propelling complex processes into conscious
awareness, and that psychoactive substances are
Oftentimes, the origins of chronic neuroses no short-cut to quicker treatment. These are weak
are rooted in early childhood. Neurotic behavior objections at best, because we already know that
can evolve under a wide variety of circumstances the awesome intensity of an unfolding
that include combinations of unfortunate personal psychedelic episode is sufficiently powerful to
and social conditions. There are numerous forms propel individuals towards gaining valuable
of neuroses and symptoms can vary considerably. insights of a highly personal nature (see accounts
Neurotic disorders afflict a large segment of the in Chapter 3.2). Such landmark experiences are
population, significantly impairing their quality of likely to stand out as significant personal
life. milestones whose impact will not diminish for
According to the various schools of many years, even if the individual never uses the
traditional psychoanalytic thought, the dissolution substance again. On the other hand, due to the
of neuroses is a lengthy process, whose progress profound, far-reaching nature of the psycholytic
depends on penetrating layers of "character process, skillful and responsible guidance is
armoring" and identifying the root causes of crucial to preventing the genesis of new sets of
unhealthy fixations. Hoping to shorten the duration neurotic symptoms. Whenever a new therapy is
of treatment by accelerating the pace of resistance adopted, occasional mistakes are not uncommon
dissolution practitioners, have turned to during the initial phases. The medical use of
pharmaceuticals as an adjunct to the therapeutic hallucinogenic substances was no exception.
process. Thus, upon discovery of the unique However, our knowledge base and expertise on
properties of hallucinogenic agents during the essential practical procedures has grown
1950's, LSD gained widespread popularity as a considerably since the pioneering days of
therapeutic agent, while mescaline remained psycholytic therapy. Having learned from initial
obscure, as it was used by comparatively few errors, we can now prevent problems and avoid
practitioners. Patients under the influence of these mistakes.
substances confronted long repressed traumatic
events as they began to surface and enter conscious Psilocybin as the Drug of Choice
awareness. In some cases, such emerging traumatic
experiences had been repressed since early Following its initial isolation and
childhood. Medical records and case histories discovery of its chemical structure, psilocybin
indicate that many patients not only remembered, quickly joined the group of hallucinogens used in
but actually relived traumatic experiences in their
therapeutic settings. The alkaloid was considered also be able to separate bizarre forms of alienation
to be quite safe, based on existing toxicological that may appear from the emerging conflict matter.
data. H. Leuner still considers psilocybin the most
effective alkaloid for use as a pharmaceutical aid
in psychotherapy, despite recent progress in The Language of Statistics
developing other substances designed for
therapeutic applications, such as the substituted According to statistical data, psycholytic
phenethylamines like MDMA. Psilocybin's therapy is a remarkably efficient form of
reputation as a substance well suited for treatment, most notably in patients suffering from
psychotherapeutic applications is related to its neuroses. A follow-up study of 82 patients showed
extremely low toxicity. Most importantly, dosages that 65 % of them showed long-term, clinically
below the 10 mg threshold can be measured with significant improvement. In all, 28 authors
accuracy. This is significant, because dosages of described 1,600 therapy cases, covering 42
up to 10 mg are not only known to be investigations that took place from 1953 to 1965.
therapeutically efficient, but effects within this The course of illness was judged very grave and
dosage range can always be brought under control. chronic in 68 % of the cases. The dministration
The states of consciousness induced by psilocybin of hallucinogenic substances within the
last only five hours, on average, and thus can be psychotherapy setting resulted in success rates of
more conveniently utilized than altered states up to 70% ("good and substantial improvement"),
caused by LSD, whose effects persist for much especially in the treatment of neurotic anxieties,
longer time periods. LSD should be considered a depressive-neurotic dysphorias as well as neurotic
more difficult substance to work with, due to the character disorders.
possible emergence of unwanted symptoms in a In the former Czchechoslovakia, M.
small percentage of users and the prolonged Hausner also tested Psilocybe bohemica for
process of "coming down" when symptoms psycholytic therapy sessions, with successful
subside. Unlike other hallucinogens, psilocybin outcomes comparable to those observed following
also has the advantage of almost never inducing administration of LSD. For many years up until
"hangovers" the day after experimental sessions. 1974, Hausner has used LSD with more than 350
It is important to note in this context that patients in about 3,000 sessions. In Mexico from
all authors stress that hallucinogens are no 1967 until 1974, S. Roquet developed an
substitute for lack of skills on the part of the interesting modification of the therapeutic
therapist and that the usage of these substances technique ("psychosynthesis") where hallu-
should remain limited to carefully selected cases. cinogens are used as an adjunct to the therapy
Usage of hallucinogens "merely" shortens the process. His conceptual approach was strongly
duration of psychoanalytic treatment, as problem influenced by the shamanistic uses of different
conflict areas surface faster and with greater substances in his home country. Groups of 10 to
clarity, mediated by the process of selfexploration 20 people experienced effects of a diversity of
and discovery that is the essence of psychedelic substances (psilocybin mushrooms, peyote, LSD,
experiences. Repressed patterns of normal ololiuqui). While stereo music played in the
behavior and reactions must be gradually re- background, several slide and film projectors were
constructed within the therapist-patient used to present images whose emotional content
relationship. ranged from pictures of love to scenes of horror.
The capacity for emotional immersion into Thus, in addition to hallucinogeninduced
one's own problems under the influence of a emotional stimulation, patients are also exposed to
psychoactive substance is provoked and amplified powerful external stress factors, modifying the
by the emergence of memories, as well as the experience into one of a very deeply emotional
elimination of the Me/You boundary. As this nature. Duration of treatments varied from 18
process unfolds, the therapist gains valuable months up to two years, with many hours of drug-
insights into existing psychopathologies and free therapy and, on average, one hallucinogen-
psychodynamics. Still, in addition to providing assisted session a month. On a few occasions,
proper guidance for the patient, the therapist must patients received the substance in
individual settings. Roquet reported successful account is that the presence of an experienced
treatment of neurotic character disorders in 85 of guide was needed to realize the full potential of
the patients. The psychoanalytic and transpersonal this visionary quest.
elements of a substances' effects were considered "1 sat down next to another participant,
therapeutic agents, supported by sustained positive seeking to connect with others in preparation for
feelings among group session participants. my journey. We proceeded to eat the fresh
mushrooms. The room grew quiet and lovely
music began to play. The mushrooms's effects
came on much faster than they did during my first
The Conquest of Fear in the Face of Death experiment. Twice I tried to establish closer
contact with my fellow participant, but he was
very nervous, and no source of reassurance for
During the 1960's and 1970's, most me. I was seeking my spiritual companion, but did
therapists in Europe were limiting the scope of not find that person among the present group. I
their work by exploring only the psychodynamic became a figure in a long, white robe, wandering
level of behavior. Elsewhere, however, aimlessly among the columns (Greece?), still
practitioners of hallucinogen-assisted therapy searching.
dispensed large doses of psychoactive drugs, My gaze lingered briefly on the wall next
maximizing the emergence of transpersonal states to the door and I saw faces and figures appear
of consciousness that often resembled mystical and vanish, but they did not hold my interest. It
experiences. These episodes of transpersonal was hopeless. I continued my aimless roaming,
transcendence ("psychedelic therapy" in the U.S.) and I was on the material plane, which I wanted
contribute to the therapeutic process; they may to leave - had to leave. Suddenly, I found myself
even be the sole source for future progress. with one of the guides, who wanted to help me. I
Under these conditions, stereo music also stared off into the distance, longing to be free of
significantly deepened the intensity of the the material plane, but unable to do so. For a long
experience. It appears that these kinds of specific time, I failed to connect with the guide; our two
experiences may also account for the remarkable worlds were just too different. Suddenly I sensed
success of treating terminal patients with LSD to that he wasn't able to look at me directly. The path
ease their fears in the face of death and to reduce by which to reach me runs through my eyes,
even the most severe forms of pain. In many such because only they are truly alive. I asked
cases, symptoms disappeared entirely, and relief him to help me on my way and invited him to look
from pain and anxiety that continued even after the into my eyes. I felt as if all life energy was
drug's acute effects had worn off. A book by S. draining from my body and my breathing became
Grof provides a compassionate analysis of such erratic. My body contracted, struggling to cast off
successful treatments, which serves to underscore its worldly shell. The guide began to talk to
the fact that systematic efforts to investigate these me in a calm and quiet voice, then laid back down
particular therapeutic benefits have only just and stroked my right arm. Quite suddenly, I
begun. So far, LSD has been the most widely felt at peace. I took a deep breath and relaxed.
studied substance in terms of easing the suffering The guide said that it's alright, to just let go, to
of terminally ill patients, as well as dipropyl- give up my resistance. The goddess awoke and
tryptamine (DPT), a synthetic drug structurally told him that he is the one resisting. Why?
similar to psilocybin that is active only when Didn't he want to learn anything about me? I
administered by injection. smiled the goddess's smile and had become her, as
Below, a young woman from Switzerland he replied that he was afraid of my eyes, because
gives a detailed account of her second mushroom they appeared so bottomless and dark that he
experience. Her first experiment, with Psilocybe feared losing himself in them. I answered that I
cubensis, had already introduced her to the realm was dangerous, the Goddess Kali the Terrible, a
of mystical experiences. For her second journey, man-eater, and that he should look at me and
she used 20 Psilocybe semilanceata mushrooms as enter. My gaze penetrated him into eternity; a
part of a group ritual and achieved transcendence. connection had finally been established. His face
A remarkable feature of her turned green, covered with
moss and I saw horns. It was a kind face, yet full of written in the wake of experiencing the impressive
cunning, a little devil's face, like Pan's. At times, effects of her self-experiment. A medical doctor by
stripes streaked across his face; I had become a profession, V. Pavlovna brought up the potential
seer. for medical applications, given successful isolation
I saw a child, a young man with blond hair of the active mushroom ingredient. According to
cropped just above his shoulders, ca. 17th century. her writings from that period, she believed the
He is busy writing, inside a small house located in substance to become a significant new tool in the
a city; a poet perhaps, or a scribe? Germany or study of psychic processes, that it would benefit
Holland? This was a state of infinite harmony, a the treatment of alcoholism, drug addiction and
light that seemed to come from everywhere and mental problems, and help ease the suffering of
nowhere at all; something that had always been terminally ill patients with severe pain. It was
there and always will be, something that simply several years later that a number of researchers,
exists. There is no past and no future. unaware of V. Pavlovna's article, began to treat
Consciousness beyond body and barriers, infinite, these very same conditions with LSD, a substance
all-consuming; an infinite, universal love that that is much harder on the patients' systems than
embraces everything. I had a strong sense of psilocybin!
agelessness, because I embodied The medical use of psilocybin, a basically
a principle that had always existed. How non-toxic substance, as well as mushrooms with
intensely I felt these unearthly emanations, this very known active ingredients, should, in my opinion,
eternity. I saw through what appeared to be a be permitted with terminally ill patients. The
succession of many caves, through myriad promise of easing the suffering of dying patients
dimensions, and all of them were flooded with light alone should be reason enough to allow the use of
- my energy. An energy existing simultaneously at psilocybin and related substances, considering the
its source as well as throughout eternity. This reality of fatal illness as one of the grimmer
was a plane of utter harmony, devoid of contrasts universals of human existence. Many psychiatrists
such as good and evil, marked by the overwhelming and pharmacologists maintain that the mystical
peace of a spirituality both cosmic and infinite. The aspects of hallucinogenic substances should be
Goddess smiled. I no longer existed as a woman described more accurately as psychotic in nature,
and as such could not be reached by others. and that repeated manifestations of these
After that, the effects began to subside symptoms are cause for worry and concern, since
slowly. In the presence of my guide I felt infinite their existence and nature cannot be explained. The
protection and total understanding. Under his convictions behind these beliefs, however, pale
guidance and protection, I began to ease into the compared to the promise of being able to provide
slow and gentle descent back to my earthly state of that which strikes at the very essence of practicing
being. In the process, I found myself able to switch medicine: to help patients endure the ultimate
back and forth repeatedly between both states of anguish of impending death, while making sure
consciousness. I realized that even my deepest they are not left alone to deal with pain and fear.
agonies had become insignificant over "on the
other side ". Furthermore, I understood that all the
Scientific Research Under Fire
religions with their sets of rules had been created at
one time or another for the sole purpose of It was about 30 years ago that legislation
providing guidelines for humanity, yet excessively was enacted severely restricting the use and
narrow interpretations of these rules have rendered availability of hallucinogens. It is most unfortunate
them all but irrelevant. Anyone who embarks on a that these sweeping prohibitions dealt a crippling
deliberate search for a higher harmony, seeking blow to legitimate research efforts, forcing more
spirituality, has no need for such rules at all. " and more investigators to abandon this area of
It is instructive to consider some of the study. Thus, despite the success of psycholytic
comments made by R.G. Wasson's wife Valentina therapy, its practice was discontinued during the
Pavlovna, as they appear in the second report about 1970's. In retrospect, a calm and pragmatic
Mexico's magic mushrooms in 1957, analysis of these events can surely help us
recognize that those years of pioneering
research laid the foundation for the development of This controversy, already a matter of
a whole new form of treatment - one that has historic record, has been marked by a pattern of
already proven effective in aiding the healing confusing emotion with scientific standards.
process and relieving the symptoms of hundreds of Today, we are surely capable of overcoming past
gravely ill patients in various countries around the controversies, by embracing a rational approach to
world. In many cases, improvement occurred after resolving problems and issues of contention.
all previous methods of treatment had failed Viewed objectively, an unbiased assessment of
completely. Today, we are faced with a situation hallucinogen-assisted psychotherapy is possible
so bizarre it defies reason and logic: the entire only in terms of measuring success. In order to do
pharmacological class of hallucinogens is subject this, however, we must be allowed to use these
to even more severe taboos than truly addictive substances in therapeutic and unbiased scientific
substances that do have legitimate medical uses, settings.
such as the morphine-type drugs and their There is some hope that current lop-sided
derivatives. attitudes against hallucinogens may be changing
for the better, as efforts by the Swiss Medical
Society for Psycholytic Therapy to re-legitimize
hallucinogen-assisted therapy have met with
modest success. In 1988, the Swiss gave
H-Bomb for the Soul?
permission to a few selected psychotherapists to
use psychoactive substances for psychotherapeutic
The irrational fears surrounding the
purposes, at least within a narrow range of strictly
"proper functioning" of our consciousness were
defined conditions and for a limited time. Thus,
responsible for the genesis of two very extreme
legal psycholytic therapy in Switzerland continued
views about LSD during the 1960's, dating back to
until 1993, with efforts to renew the permit
the earliest phases of research into this substance.
currently underway. Thus, we can hope that in the
Proponents praised LSD as a "miracle drug", while
future, psychedelics-assisted psychotherapy will
its detractors were quick to brand LSD the "devil's
experience a similar renaissance in other countries
drug" (or "an H-bomb for the soul"). It was the
as well. If so, psilocybin is likely to stand out as
latter group that prevailed in the end by way of
the most valuable and beneficial substance, as
political power.
well as the least risky among the group of possible
substances that may be used in this context.
Figure 64 - Laboratory culture of Psilocybe mexicana Heim.

Figure 65 - Vial of pharmaceutical LSD with



Apparently, all of the most important species in use. Perhaps these distinctions are not
psilocybin-producing European mushroom species just the result of different concentrations of
are already well known. Their geographic psilocybin and psilocin. Moreover, among
distribution and migration patterns, however, have European and North American mycophiles, the
not yet been adequately investigated. This vast majority stress the popularity of Psilocybe
knowledge gap primarily applies to recently semilanceata, a species favored over all others,
discovered species outside the Psilocybe genus. In because of its reputation for causing the "richest"
addition, there is a lack of comprehensive sources kinds of experiences. Indeed, analyses of
of information on distribution patterns of Psilocybe Psilocybe semilanceata extracts typically confirm
cyanescens for a number of different countries. the presence of eight indole compounds, whereas
other species, such as Psilocybe cubensis, usually
contain only half as many. Understanding just
how such ingredients interact with psilocybin
may well result in the development of new
More Taxonomic, Ecological and
clinical applications for these substances.
Chemical Data are Needed
The mycological literature includes
information about several rare, if "questionable",
I would like to suggest that, for most species, some of which have been reported to
species, even chemical analysis data should be show blue discolorations. The Mycena and
viewed as merely preliminary in nature. In order to Pluteus genera, for example, include descriptions
learn the truth about these mushrooms and such of such mushroom species. If indole alkaloids
issues as prevalence, migrations into new habitats, were to be found in mushrooms other than the
specific positions within the mycological system as Agaricales (gilled mushrooms), it would mean a
a whole, or chemo-taxonomical concerns, we must sensational discovery. Future chemical analyses
first acquire more taxonomic, ecological and are bound to identify additional psilocybin-
chemical data from the study of relevant producing mushrooms among the European
mushroom species. While further analysis of species, which number about 5,000. There is an
fruiting body samples from known species in order even greater likelihood of discovering alkaloids in
to determine alkaloid content variability remains many nonEuropean species, as the mycofloras of
an essential task, future research must also include most countries have not been researched as
efforts to identify secondary substances, as well as extensively as Europe's.
their structural isolation. Baeocystin, for example,
appears to be an alkaloid primarily found in
Understanding the Mushrooms'
mushrooms from temperate climate zones, and it is
less common in tropical species. Today, there are Powerful Magic
substantial doubts over whether the synthesis of
Baeocystin as described in 1988 is actually Ethnopharmacological research efforts
feasible. There is an urgent need for additional are also bound to generate remarkable results in
research on the synthesis of this substance. the near future. G. Samorini, for instance,
Possibly, a number of different mushroom recently reported that Catalonia, Spain, is a region
ingredients may have psychotropic effects. As where Psilocybe semilanceata has traditionally
such, they could act as modifiers of psilocybin's been known by the unusual name of "sorgin
primary effects in various ways. For instance, zorrotz", or "witches' tread". This label strongly
accounts of mushroom usage from ancient Mexico suggests early ritualistic usage of Psilocybe
already included observations about different types semilanceata in that area. Interestingly, Catalonia
of effect associated with the various mushroom is also known as
Europe's only region where traditional usage of exploring and enhancing our understanding of
Amanita muscaria has been confirmed. In addition, mushrooms at the biochemical level. But increased
there is growing evidence that other world biochemical knowledge does not permit us to draw
religions, especially in Africa, have embraced the any sort of conclusion about other aspects of
usage of psychoactive mushrooms as well, an psychoactive substances, such as psychedelic peak
intriguing possibility that calls for further study. experiences, exploring the realms of the
While the number of psychotropic subconscious mind, as well the development of
mushroom species has risen dramatically all across therapeutic applications based on these effects.
Europe, the pace of progress in developing medical Certain hypnotherapy techniques are
uses for mushroom ingredients has not followed known to induce experiences similar, but not
suit. However, hallucinogens, including psilocybin identical to, those caused by administration of
have a history of therapeutic usage, a practice that hallucinogens. Recent studies have demonstrated
is documented by a great deal of information, that hypnosis can benefit the immune system, a
experiences and insights. finding that suggests psilocybin and related
Given the lack of alternate methods to compounds may have potentially similar
study these substances, the revival of medical and properties. Meditation and dreaming are additional
interdisciplinary research efforts is a more crucially examples of states of consciousness with
important issue now than ever before. After all, a interesting parallels to psychedelic experiences, yet
better understanding of psychotropic substances very little is known about these links, due to the
may well benefit a vast number of patients, scarcity of research efforts in this area.
possibly by contributing to the processes of mental In recent years, the non-medical use of
and psychic healing. A glimmer of hope for the psychotropic species has become an increasingly
revival of large-scale research comes from the popular pastime. I agree, however, with the
United States, where a very small number of assessment of Swiss toxicologist R. Flammer, who
investigators have, on occasion, succeeded at has written about the possible problems linked to
securing government permission to conduct studies this practice:
on the medical aspects of hallucinogens, including "....There is no need to panic, considering
psilocybin. The conceptual approach behind the the severity of existing problems with alcohol and
design of these research projects suggests that hard addictive drugs, which make the Panaeolus
virtually no reliable pharmacological data is in mushrooms and their close relatives appear
existence. In fact, these substances have undergone harmless by comparison. "
extensive study over the course of several decades. In order to guard against being dazzled or
To the extent that relationships of dosage and overwhelmed by the mushroom's powerful magic
effects have already been determined, current and we must embrace the pursuit of in-depth research
future research efforts should build upon existing into hallucinogenic mushrooms, a method that can
knowledge, instead of neglecting or ignoring protect us from jumping to conclusions, and in the
previously published results. High-tech metho- process, from hampering the advancement of
dology may well yield new results - techniques for beneficial applications.
Figure 66 - Psilocybe semilanceata cultured on a mixture of grass seeds, dung
and grains of rice.

Figure 67 - Psilocybe semilanceata at a natural location in Austria.

Figure 68 - Inocybe aeruginascens fruiting bodies at a natural location.

Figure 69 - Psilocybe tampanensis sclerotia on lolium seeds.

Figure 70 - Stone sculpture of a mushroom deity from the classic
period of Mayan culture (300-600 A.D.). Statue is about 12 in. tall.
(Rietberg Museum, Zurich).
Figure 71 - Psilocybe stuntzii on mulch (Northwestern United States).

Figure 72 - Psilocybe baeocystis from Seattle, USA.


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INDEX (With Active Links' Just Click On A Number To Go To A Page)
Page numbers in italics refer to illustrations

Aberdeen, J.E.C. & Jones, W. 84 Coprinarius semilanceatus, 16

Accidental intoxications, 15, 16, 37-38, 45, 51, 61, 88- Cortinariaceae, 53
89, 93-94, 102 Cox, P.A., 98
Aeruginascin, 49 Cross-breeding experiments, 30, 67
Agaricales, 65, 114 Cullinan, E.R., 96
Agaricus campanulatus, 37 Cultivation, 62, 66-75, 81, 90, 98, 101
Agaricus glutinosus, 16 DAWN, 81
Agaricus semilanceatus, 16 DNA analysis, 30
Agaricus subbalteatus, 37 Dikaryotic mycelia, 65
Alkaloids, 9, 13, 18, 26, 27, 31, 36, 41, 49-50, 55-56, Dipropyltryptamine, 110
58-59, 63-65, 69, 88, 102-105, 114 Drewitz, G., 44ff, 65
Allen, J.W., 43, 81, 100 Entheogens, 103
Amanita muscaria, 10-11, 115 Enzymatic destruction, 63, 65
Amanita phalloides, 61-62 Enzymes, 63, 65
Amanitaceae, 58 Epilepsy, 102
Armillaria mellea, 51, 93 Experiences, 25-26, 34-35, 37-38, 42-43, 45-46, 51,
Babos, M., 46f, 47 85-86, 90, 93-94, 102, 105, 110-111
Bad trip, 35, 85f Ferencz, I. , 44
Badham, E.R., 70 Fischer, R., 103, 105, 106
Baeocystin, 28, 31, 35-36, 41-42, 49-50, 53, 56, 59, Flammer, R., 115
63, 69, 72, 101-102, 114 Flammula purpurata, 52
Berserkers, 11 Flashbacks, 103-104
Beug, M.W., 56, 61, 79 Fly Agaric, 10-11, 26, 58, 100
Bigwood, J., 56, 61, 79 Fool's mushrooms, 7, 11-12, 82, 98
Biochemical reactions (psilocin and psilocybin), 63 Foolish mushrooms, 12
Blue meanies, 85 Ford, W.W., 81
Bluing, 63-65 Francis, J. & Murray, V.S.G., 89
Bolbitiaceae, 55 Fries, E., 16, 31
Boletes (bluing), 65, 66 Fruiting, 66-70
Bolond Gomba, 11 Furrer, 18
Brande, E. 15, 16 Galera spp., 55
Brassinosteroids, 70 Galerina spp., 61-62
Brodie, H.J., 69 Galerina autumnalis, 61
Bwyd Ellylon, 10 Galerina marginata, 62
Cailleux, R. 66-67, 69 Gentamycin, 67
Carter, M., 87 Geophila cyanescens, 29
Champignon (Agaricus bisporis), 21, 37, 62, 67, 69 Gerhardt, E., 41, 42
Charters, A.D., 96 Gold tops, 85
Chemical races, 41 Good Friday experiment, 34
Chilton, J.S., 70, 72 Grof, S., 26, 35, 103-104, 108, 110
Cleland, J., 84 Guzman, G., 18, 29-30, 38, 43, 55, 62, 80, 82, 100
Clusius, 11 Gymnopilus spp., 51-54, 63, 71, 72, 93
Conocybe spp., 55-56, 63, 69 Gymnopilus junonius, 51
Conocybe cyanopoda, 55 Gymnopilus purpuratus, 30, 40, 51-54, 63, 71, 72
Conocybe cyanopus, 55-56, 57, 63, 69 Gymnopilus spectabilis, 51-52, 93
Conocybe lactea, 56 Gymnopilus validipes, 52
Conocybe siligineodes, 55 HPLC, see High-performance liquid chromatography
Conocybe tenera, 56 Hallucinations, 10-11, 27, 42, 45, 51, 85, 94
Contamination, 70 Hallucinogens, 10-13, 26, 34, 88-89, 102-105, 108-
Cooke, M.C., 16, 52, 63, 87 112,115
Copelandia spp., 42 Hatfield, G.M., 51
Coprinaceae, 55 Hausner, M., 107, 109
Heim, R., 9, 18, 38, 55-56, 66-67, 69, 79, 82, 100 Mills, P.R., 87
Henry, D., 96 Monokaryotic mycelium, 66
Herink, J., 31, 44 Morphine, 112
High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC),18 Murrill, W.A., 37, 81
Hofmann, A., 9, 13, 18, 43, 63, 69, 100, 103 Muscarine, 44-45, 49, 62, 65, 81, 85, 89
Hyde, C., 87 Mycelia, 7-8, 21-22, 30-31, 34, 41-42, 43, 63-67, 69-
5-Hydroxy-tryptophan, 41 70, 72, 75, 93, 98, 101
Hygrophanous species, 19, 22, 31, 39, 41 Mycelial degeneration, 72, 75
Hypholoma spp., 29, 96 Mycena spp., 114
Hypholoma coprinifacies, 29 Mycophilia, 7, 12, 62
Hypholoma cyanescens, 29, 96 Mycophobia, 8, 12, 62
Hypnosis, 115 Mycorrhiza, 46, 66, 72
Illusions, 45 Naematoloma caerulescens, 100
Imai, S., 93 Nerud, F., 36
Indole compounds, 41-42, 43, 65, 114 Norbaeocystin, 102 Ola'h,
Inocybe spp., 26, 44-50, 62-65, 72-75, 81, 89, 91 G.M., 41, 96, 100
Inocybe aeruginascens, 26, 44-50, 48, 62-65, 72, Ololiuqui, 109
74-75, 91, 117 Oss, O.T. & Oeric, O.N., 66, 90
Inocybe calamistrata, 50 Ott, J ,80, 102
Inocybe coelestium, 50 Pahnke, W., 34
Inocybe corydalina, 50 Panaeolus spp., 16, 35-43, 62, 65, 69, 72, 76, 80-81,
Inocybe geophylla, 89 82, 84-85, 94, 96, 98, 100-101
Inocybe haemacta, 50, 52 Panaeolus africanus, 96
Inocybe infelix, 81 Panaeolus cambodginiensis, 100
Inocybe infida, 81 Panaeolus cyanescens, 41, 42, 43, 80-81, 82, 84-85,
Inocybe patouillardi, 45 96, 98,101
Inocybe tricolor, 50 Panaeolus foeniscecii, 38, 41-42
Inquisition, 7, 10 Panaeolus ovatus, 38, 84
Kaspar, R., 44 Panaeolus papilionaceus, 37, 93
Kneebone, L.R., 69 Panaeolus retirugis, 38, 41
Kreisel, H., 58 Panaeolus semilanceatus, 16
Krieglsteiner, G.J., 14, 30, 32, 96 Panaeolus sphinctrinus, 38
Kubicka, 31 Panaeolus subbalteatus, 6, 37-43, 62, 65, 69, 72, 76,
LBM's (Little Brown Mushrooms), 44, 61 80-81, 84, 94, 96
LD 50, 102 Panaeolus tropicales, 96
LSD, 13, 35, 81, 85, 87, 89, 101-105, 108-112, 113 Panaeolus variabilis, 41
Laccase, 63 Panaeolus venenosus, 37
Laminar flow hood, 67 Parkinson, J., 12
Leary, T., 12, 81, 103 Peden, N.R., 88
Lentinus oreades (shiitake), 93 Peyote, 109
Leuner, H., 108-109 Phantastica, 102ff
Liberty cap, 34, 79, 87 Pholiota spectabilis, 51
MDMA, 109 Pholiotina filaris, 62
Maire, R., 96 Picker & Rickards, 84
Maitake, 93 Pluteaceae, 58
Malencon, G., 96 Pluteus spp., 58-60
Malt agar, 43, 56, 68, 69 Pluteus nigroviridis, 59
Marasmius oreades, 45 Pluteus salicinus, 58-60, 59, 60
McKenna, T., 95 Pollock, S.H., 83
Melzer's reagent, 65 Potocki, V., 12
Merlin, M.D., 100 Prague research, 26, 34
Mescaline, 89, 102-103, 105, 108 Primordia, 67
Metol reaction, 63-65 Psathyrella, 38
Michael & Schulz, 18, 19, 38, 39 Psilocin 9, 26, 27, 31, 34-36, 41-42, 43, 49, 53,
Michaelis. H.. 18. 19, 20 55-56, 58, 63-66, 69-70, 75, 79, 84,102,
Psilocybe spp., 4, 5, 9, 10-12, 14-15, 16-28, 17, 23- Saprophytic species, 55, 58, 66-67, 69, 72
24, 29-37, 32-33, 36, 46, 49, 52-53, 56, 61- Saupe, S.G., 59
67, 64, 68, 69-70, 71, 73, 72-75, 74, 76-77, Saxo Grammaticus, 11
79-81, 82-91, 93-98, 99, 100-102, 104, Schroeder, R.F., 100
109, 113, 114-115, 116, 119 Sclerotia, 56, 57, 69, 73, 72, 75, 117
Psilocybe argentipes, 94 Semerdzieva, M., 36
Psilocybe aztecorum, 82 Serotonin, 41-42, 43, 59, 84
Psilocybe azurescens, 81 Siegel, R., 105
Psilocybe baeocystis, 27, 31, 69, 79, 102, 119 Sinden, J., 70
Psilocybe bohemica, 12, 22, 27, 29, 31, 32-33, Singer, R., 38, 42, 43, 53, 63-65, 69, 94, 96
34-36,53, 63, 67, 71, 72, 104, 109 Smith, A.H., 63, 79, 94, 96
Psilocybe caerulescens, 16, 31 Soma, 100 Sowerby, J., 16, 17
Psilocybe cubensis, 5, 63-65, 64, 67, 68, 69-70, 71, Spore prints, 38, 62, 81
72, 74, 75, 76-77, 81, 82-85, 90, 93, 96-97, Spores, 29-30, 38, 41, 52-53, 55-56, 62, 66-67, 70,
98, 100-101, 104, 109, 114 72, 100
Psilocybe cyanescens, 14, 29-36, 32-33, 66-67, 69, Stamets, P., 70, 72, 80, 102
75, 80, 91, 96, 102, 114 Sterile conditions (cultivation), 67ff
Psilocybe mairei, 29, 96 Stijve, T., 41-42, 43, 58-59
Psilocybe mexicana, 18, 49, 67, 72, 82, 91, 113 Stropharia spp., 29, 38, 62, 93, 95-96
Psilocybe natalensis, 72, 97 Stropharia caerulescens, 93
Psilocybe pelliculosa, 31, 79 Stropharia rugoso-annulata, 38, 62
Psilocybe samuiensis, 99, 101 Stropharia venenata, 93
Psilocybe semilanceata, 4, 9, 10-12, 15, 16-28, 17, Styrylpyrones, 51
23-24, 29-30, 37, 46, 52-53, 56, 61-66, 69, Submersed fermentation, 69
73, 72, 79-81, 87-89, 95-96, 98, 101-102, Surface cultivation, 69
109, 114-115, 116 Symbiosis (with plants), 46, 72
Psilocybe semperviva, 16 TLC, see Thin-layer chromatography
Psilocybe serbica, 29 Tassili rock paintings, 8, 95ff, 97
Psilocybe stuntzii, 31, 61-62, 77, 80, 119 Taxonomy, 9, 41ff, 82-83, 94, 101
Psilocybe subaeruginosa, 84-86 Teonanacatl (Panaeolus sphinctrinus), 7, 12, 38
Psilocybe subcaerulipes, 94 Thin-layer chromatography (TLC), 36, 41-42, 49, 53
Psilocybe subcubensis, 100-101 Toxic psychosis, 103
Psilocybe tampanensis, 72, 117 Toxicity, 38, 102, 109
Psilocybe yungensis, 52 Tryptophan, 66, 69
Psilocybe zapotecorum, 69 Tyler, V.E., 79
Psilocybin, 7, 9, 10-13, 20, 27, 29, 31, 34-38, 41-42, Urea, 42, 59
43, 45-46, 49-50, 52-56, 58-59, 63-65, Wakefield, 29
79-81, 84-85, 87-90, 93-94, 102-105, Waraitake, 93
108-112, 114-115 Wasson, R.G., 7, 9, 12, 31, 38, 82, 100, 106, 111
Psychedelic therapy, 102-105, 108-112 Watling, R., 38, 89
Psychedelics, 103, 112 Weil, A., 43
Psychiatry, 89,108 Widmer, S., 108
Psychoactivity, 11, 26, 27, 31, 51, 103 Witch hunts, 10-11, 92
Psychoanalysis, 109 Yokoyama, K., 94
Psychodysleptica, 103 Young, R.E., 88
Psycholytic experience, 35, 102-105, 110-111
Psycholytic therapy, 35, 102-105, 108-112
Psychosynthesis, 109
Psychotherapy, 26, 102-105, 108-112
Receptors (in the brain), 102
Rhizomorphs, 31, 32, 66, 75
Ricken, A., 18, 20, 58
Robbins, T., 79
Roquet, S., 110
Samorini, G., 10, 95, 114
Sandoz Pharmaceuticals, 13, 43
I am particularly grateful to Claudia Taake. Without her translation, her technical support and
our stimulating, creative discussions, the publication of this book in its present form would not have been
I want to thank Scott Bradbury for his contribution of original artwork on both covers and on
page 1, and for assisting with cover design and layout.
I am grateful to several individuals who introduced me to mycology; special thanks are due
those who have provided me with a number of extremely rare mushroom samples for my research. I am
most grateful to Gerhard Drewitz of Caputh (Berlin) for his helpful observations on the taxonomy and
toxicology of the Inocybe species. For more than 10 years, he has furnished me with rare mushroom
specimens for chemical analyses. I am thankful for our many joint excursions into the world of
Gerd K. Muller (Leipzig, Germany) has deepened my understanding of the mushrooms's purpose
and position in the natural world. It was our collaboration at the University of Leipzig, and an
opportunity to deposit mushroom material at the Leipzig Herbarium that resulted in the discovery of new
frontiers in mycological research.
For contributing valuable data on natural products chemistry, taxonomy and medical
applications for psychedelics, I am indebted to the late Marta Semerdzieva, who died in 1994, as well as
to Milan Hausner and Josef Herink in the Czech Republic. I cherish the memories of our collaboration
and our joint field research expeditions.
I want to thank John W. Allen (Hawaii) for generously sharing many photographs and his expert
knowledge of the mycofloras in North America, Hawaii and Asia. I sincerely wish to thank my friends in
Switzerland, Rita C. Zengaffmen and Udo Kinzel, for all their contributions. I want to thank Michael W.
Smith (Pietermaritzburg, South Africa) for our collaborative field research in South Africa in January,
1994. I am grateful to Paul Stamets (Olympia, WA) for his contribution of mushroom photographs. For
their expertise and for providing valuable information I also wish to thank Albert Hofmann, who
discovered psilocybin and psilocin (Burg, Switzerland); as well as Jonathan Ott (Xalapa, Mexico);
Hanscarl Leuner (Gottingen, Germany); Christian Ratsch (Hamburg, Germany); Alexander T. Shulgin
(Lafayette, CA); and Giorgio Samorini (Bologna, Italy).
Finally, my heartfelt gratitude goes to Irmgard Richter, for her years of support and for enduring
my unbridled mycophilia.

LIS Publications wishes to thank the following individuals and businesses who have helped make this book
possible: Brad Falk, Scott Bradbury, Angelica Biddle, Ronda Flanzbaum, Tim Matthews, David Cronk, Kerstin
Taake, FS Books, Knockabout Comics, Mind Books and Rosetta Books.

2, 4, 24, 29, 39, 54, 56, 72: Photographs by John W. Allen.

5, 55, 59: Courtesy of Giorgio Samorini.

20, 23, 38: Courtesy of German J. Krieglsteiner.

34: Photograph by Gerhard Drewitz.

36: Photograph by Paul Stamets.

61: Illustration by Claudia Taake.

64, 70: Courtesy of Albert Hofmann.

65: Courtesy of Marta Semerdzieva.

68: Photograph by Gerd K. Miller.

Front Cover by Scott Bradbury

Back cover photograph by Michael T. Smith.

Drawing on page 2 by Scott Bradbury.

All other photographs and illustrations by the author.

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