Діалог юридична англійська

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(Knock - knock)

⁃ Good afternoon! Clark & Company Invastigation Firm. Are

you looking for something?
⁃ Yes, good afternoon, very glad to see you, I really hope you
will help me!
⁃ Don't worry, sit down. What do you want: tee or coffee?
⁃ Oh, now I want these fraudsters to be brought to justice as
soon as possible. So I prefer herbal tea, because I need to calm my
⁃ Yes, I have heard that chamomile has a very positive effect
on the nervous system, cleanses the skin and helps restore digestion.
⁃ Yeees, that's why I prefer herbal teas.
⁃ Well, let's get to our legal case.
⁃ You are right.
⁃ What happened to you?
⁃ It all started with that I was late for the party, so I took all
my things with me, because I couldn't leave them somewhere, I took
my laptop and some important papers with me.
⁃ Hmm, did you notice anything suspicious at the party?
⁃ In general, the party started great, everyone was in a good
mood and positive, there was a lot my acquaintances whom I was glad
to see.
⁃ From this moment in more detail! Does this mean you have
been in contact with many people at the party?
⁃ I can't say that with a lot, but I needed to give time to each
of my overseas colleagues.
⁃ The party took place abroad, I understood correctly?
⁃ Yes, the party took place in Canada. At this time, I was just
negotiating with our potential Canadian partners. That's why I took
those securities.
⁃ So how did you end up at the party?
⁃ I hold a fairly high position in our company, I am CEO in our
major international company, so the Canadian branch was honored to
invite me to a corporate party.
⁃ Did you drink a lot of alcohol at that party?
⁃ What do you take me for? I'm not an alcoholic. I drank
lemonade and talked with my dear colleagues. I do not drink any
alcohol, so I knew I would be in a slightly different mood than my
⁃ I'm sorry, I never wanted to call you an alcoholic. What
happened next? What brought you to me?
⁃ Then I went to the bathroom, went back, continued to
communicate with my collegues, and realized that I was not
feeling well and everything was floating in my eyes.
⁃ Have you told anyone that you feel bad?
⁃ I had no time to. I opened my eyes already in the walls of
the hospital.
⁃ Hmm, I'm starting to understand what happened. It is very
similar of clapheline.
⁃ Yeeeees, the doctors said that I had been given
⁃ When do you think it all happened?
⁃ It occurred to me that all this had happened while I was in
the bathroom, someone had poured clapheline into my lemonade.
⁃ Stop, and where were your things at this time? what
happened to them ??? there was also a laptop with important
information and securities.
⁃ Only later did I remember that my things were left at the
party, when I returned there, there was no laptop or papers there, and
I realized that my competitors wanted to get important information
about company.
⁃ For what purpose? You said that only your colleagues were
at the party.
⁃ You misunderstood me. My competitors at work, who want
to seize (сіз) valuable information and then blackmail me to get my
place in company.
⁃ Do you have many competitors at work?
⁃ Enough. (прочитай дуже схвильовано, емоційно наступне)
Oh my God, how can you not understand !!! They stole securities.
That's all !!! This is the end!!!
⁃ Don’t be upset! Don't worry! Were there surveillance
cameras at the party?
⁃ No, the party was private, only for their own. It was a so-
called masquerade, so even on camera it would be difficult to
understand who did it, who stole securities.
⁃ And most importantly! When it happened?
⁃ Yes ... It happened on December 25. I came to the party at
about 8 o'clock in the evening. I felt sick at about 12 o'clock at night.
⁃ Hmm ...So, they acted pretty quickly, everything was
planned. Perhaps the thief did not act alone. Well, I wrote everything
down. I already have an idea of how to investigate this case. At work,
pretend nothing happened. The perpetrators themselves will start
asking questions. Please mail me the address of that party. Tomorrow
I'm going to Canada to investigate this case. See you soon. My
secretaries will contact you.
⁃ I hope you will help me to find this fraudsters and bring
them to justice. Thank you very much. Have a nice day! See you soon!
⁃ You too! Don’t worry! Be happy!

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