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Université La sagesse

Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

Experiment #6:
Wheatstone bridge

PHY 205

Prepared by:
EL-HAJJ Nancy: 202300390
MAKHLOUF Charbel: 202301225

Instructor: Dr FARAH Fouad


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

This experiment aimed to explore the principles of Wheatstone's theorem through the practical
application of a Wheatstone bridge circuit. By constructing the circuit and manipulating resistor
values, the objective was to verify the theorem's prediction of balanced bridge conditions and to
determine unknown resistance values. The experimental setup involved assembling a Wheatstone
bridge using precision resistors and a variable resistor to achieve balance. Voltage measurements
were taken across the bridge to calculate unknown resistor values. Results demonstrated the
effectiveness of Wheatstone's theorem in accurately predicting balanced conditions and
determining unknown resistances. Through data analysis and comparison with theoretical
expectations, insights into the behavior and practical applications of Wheatstone bridge circuits
were gained. This experiment underscores the importance of Wheatstone's theorem in electrical
measurements and its relevance in various engineering and scientific fields.

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

Table of Contents
Abstract ................................................................................................................................................. 2
List of figures ........................................................................................................................................ 4
List of tables .......................................................................................................................................... 5
I. Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 6
II. Objectives ................................................................................................................................. 6
III. Materials ................................................................................................................................... 6
IV. Unbalanced Wheatstone bridge, No Load: ............................................................................... 8
1) Introduction ............................................................................................................................... 8
2) Theoretical basics...................................................................................................................... 8
3) Multisim .................................................................................................................................... 9
4) Experimentally: ....................................................................................................................... 12
5) Analyse ................................................................................................................................... 13
6) Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 13
V. Experiment 2: Balanced Wheatstone bridge ........................................................................... 14
1) Introduction ............................................................................................................................. 14
2) Theoretical basics.................................................................................................................... 14
3) Multisim: ................................................................................................................................. 14
4) Experimentally: ....................................................................................................................... 16
5) Analyse: .................................................................................................................................. 16
6) Conclusion .............................................................................................................................. 17
VI. Overall Summary: ................................................................................................................... 17

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

List of figures
Figure 1:Resistors values measured by mutlisim .............................................................................................. 7
Figure 2:Vth mesured in the unbalanced circuit ............................................................................................... 9
Figure 3:Rth measured in the unbalanced circuit ............................................................................................ 10
Figure 4:Vl In the unbalanced circuit.............................................................................................................. 11
Figure 5:VTh measured in the balanced circuit .............................................................................................. 14
Figure 6:Rth measured in the balanced circuit ................................................................................................ 15
Figure 7: Vl measured in the balanced circuit................................................................................................. 15

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

List of tables
Table 1: Listed and measured values of the resistors ........................................................................................ 7
Table 2: Exp 1: Calculated and measured valued ........................................................................................... 12
Table 3: Calculated and measured values in the balanced circuit ................................................................... 16

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

I. Introduction
Wheatstone's theorem, established by Sir Charles Wheatstone, is a fundamental principle in
electrical engineering, particularly within Wheatstone bridge circuits. These circuits are pivotal in
accurately measuring unknown resistances. By achieving balance in the bridge, where voltage
differences across its diagonals are zero, unknown resistances can be determined based on known
resistor values and measured voltages. In this experiment, we explore Wheatstone's theorem by
constructing a Wheatstone bridge circuit. Our objectives include verifying the theorem's predictive
capabilities and understanding practical considerations of the circuit's behavior. This investigation
not only validates theoretical concepts but also provides insights crucial for engineers and scientists
working in diverse fields reliant on precise electrical measurements.

II. Objectives
The primary objectives of this experiment are threefold. Firstly, we aim to calculate the equivalent
Thevenin circuit for a Wheatstone bridge circuit. Secondly, we seek to experimentally verify that
the Thevenin circuit determined in the first objective produces the same response to a load as the
original Wheatstone bridge circuit. Finally, we endeavor to balance a Wheatstone bridge and
demonstrate the Thevenin circuit for a balanced bridge. Through these objectives, we aim to deepen
our understanding of Wheatstone bridge circuits, Thevenin equivalents, and their practical
applications in electrical engineering.

III. Materials
1. Resistors
2. Multimeter
3. Breadboard
4. DC power supply
5. Wires
6. Multisim

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

Firstly, the resistances of the individual resistors in the Wheatstone bridge circuit were measured
using a multimeter to obtain accurate values for subsequent calculations and analysis.
a) Multisim


b) Experimental:


Component Listed Measured

Value Value
R1 1.2 kΩ 1.201 kΩ
R2 2.2 kΩ 2.18 kΩ
R3 1.0 kΩ 972 kΩ
RL 470 Ω 467 Ω
R4 10 kΩ pot. 10.92 kΩ

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

IV. Unbalanced Wheatstone bridge, No Load:

1) Introduction
The Wheatstone bridge, renowned for its precision in measuring resistances, reveals intriguing
behavior when unbalanced and subjected to no load. In this experiment, we delve into the realm of
unbalanced Wheatstone bridge circuits devoid of external loads. Such conditions unveil subtle
nuances in the circuit's response, offering valuable insights into its intrinsic characteristics. By
exploring how the bridge behaves without a load, we aim to elucidate the impact of imbalance on
voltage distribution and current flow within the circuit. Understanding these dynamics not only
enhances our grasp of Wheatstone bridge theory but also lays the groundwork for analyzing its
performance under varying conditions. Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, we
endeavor to unravel the intricate interplay of resistive elements within the unbalanced Wheatstone
bridge, shedding light on its behavior in the absence of load-induced influences.

2) Theoretical basics
In an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge, the ratio of resistances in one pair of arms differs from the
ratio in the other pair, resulting in a nonzero voltage across the bridge. This imbalance can occur
due to variations in resistor values, temperature effects, or aging of components. With no load
applied, the presence of nonzero voltage signifies the circuit's imbalance. Analyzing the behavior of
an unbalanced Wheatstone bridge involves applying Kirchhoff's laws to understand voltage and
current distributions within the circuit. By utilizing Kirchhoff's voltage law (KVL) and Kirchhoff's
current law (KCL), engineers can assess the circuit's performance and gain insights into its
behavior under unbalanced conditions, facilitating the design of more reliable electrical systems.

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

3) Multisim
a) VTH:
To measure Vth, the voltage across the terminals of a Wheatstone bridge, the procedure involves
removing the resistor from the bridge circuit and then connecting a voltmeter across the vacant
terminals. By eliminating the resistor from the bridge configuration, the circuit becomes effectively
an open circuit, allowing the voltmeter to directly measure the voltage potential at that point. This
method enables accurate determination of Vth, providing essential information for analyzing the
behavior and characteristics of the Wheatstone bridge circuit.


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

b) RTH:
To measure the resistance across the terminals of the resistor in the Wheatstone bridge, the resistor
itself is removed from the circuit. Subsequently, an ohmmeter is connected across the vacant
terminals of the removed resistor. This arrangement allows for the direct measurement of the
resistance value of the resistor using the ohmmeter


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

c) VL:
To measure the voltage across the resistor, a voltmeter is simply connected across its terminals.
This straightforward setup allows for the direct measurement of the voltage drop across the resistor.
By placing the voltmeter in parallel with the resistor, engineers and technicians can accurately
determine the voltage difference, providing valuable insights into the behavior and characteristics
of the circuit in which the resistor is situated.


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

4) Experimentally:
When the Wheatstone bridge is unbalanced, there will be a voltage difference between the two
diagonal arms. Let's denote this voltage difference as Vd.
To calculate VTH (Thevenin Voltage) and RTH (Thevenin Resistance), we have to calculate Vd

Using KVL :
𝑹𝟐 𝑹𝟑
𝑽𝒅 = 𝑽𝒔 (𝑹𝟐+𝑹𝟏 − 𝑹𝟑+𝑹𝟒) EQUATION 1

2.2 1
𝑉𝑑 = 12 (1.2+2.2 − 1+10)
𝑉𝑑 = 6.67 𝑉

𝑉𝑇ℎ = 𝑉𝑑 − 𝑉𝑠 = −6.67 + 12 = 5.33 𝑉 EQUATION 2

To find now Rth,the Wheatstone bridge configuration is:

𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐

1.2 2.2
= 10
𝑅𝑡ℎ = 2.2 kΩ
Req=2200+470=2670 Ω

To calculate VL:
𝐼 = 𝑅𝑒𝑞 = 1.99 𝐴
𝑉𝐿 = 470 × 1.99 = 935.3 𝑚𝑉


Calculated Measured
Vth 5.33 V 3.17 V
Rth 2.2 kΩ 1.753 kΩ
VL 935.3 mV 892 mV

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

5) Analyse
Upon constructing the Wheatstone bridge circuit and computing the Thevenin resistance, it was
evident that the circuit exhibited balanced conditions. The subsequent replacement of the voltage
source with a short circuit allowed for the measurement of the resulting Thevenin resistance. The
close correspondence between the computed and measured values indicates the accuracy of the
method used. Any observed deviations could be attributed to minor experimental uncertainties.

6) Conclusion
Through the construction and analysis of the Wheatstone bridge circuit, along with the
determination of its Thevenin resistance, this experiment has provided valuable insights into the
behavior of such circuits and their practical applications. By successfully computing and measuring
the Thevenin resistance, we have demonstrated the accuracy and reliability of the theoretical
principles underlying Wheatstone bridge circuits. The close agreement between computed and
measured values validates the effectiveness of the experimental methodology employed. Moreover,
the experiment highlights the significance of Wheatstone bridge circuits in precise resistance
measurements and underscores their relevance in diverse electrical engineering contexts.

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

V. Experiment 2: Balanced Wheatstone bridge

1) Introduction
Balanced Wheatstone bridge circuits represent a cornerstone in electrical engineering, offering
unparalleled precision in resistance measurements. Unlike their unbalanced counterparts, these
circuits achieve equilibrium when the ratio of resistances in one pair of arms matches the ratio in
the other pair, resulting in a null voltage across the bridge. In this phase of the experiment, our
focus shifts to exploring the behavior of such balanced configurations. By studying the conditions
necessary for balance and scrutinizing the circuit's response under equilibrium, we aim to validate
Wheatstone's theorem and unravel the underlying principles governing balanced Wheatstone
bridges. Through this investigation, we seek to deepen our understanding of these circuits'
operational dynamics, paving the way for their application in precise resistance measurements
across diverse engineering disciplines.

2) Theoretical basics
In a balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit, equilibrium is achieved when the ratio of resistances in
one pair of arms matches that in the other pair, resulting in a null voltage across the bridge. This
condition, governed by Wheatstone's theorem, forms the basis for precise resistance measurements.
When the bridge is balanced, the voltage difference across the diagonal of the bridge is zero,
facilitating accurate determination of unknown resistances. Achieving balance typically involves
adjusting resistor values until equilibrium is reached. Balanced Wheatstone bridges are essential
tools in electrical engineering, offering high precision in resistance measurement for various
applications. Understanding the theoretical principles underpinning these circuits is paramount for
harnessing their utility in practical engineering endeavors.

3) Multisim:
a) VTh:
In the conducted experiment, a modification was made to the balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit
by replacing one resistor with a voltmeter. This alteration aimed to enable the measurement of
voltage across the circuit.


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

b) RTh:
To measure the resistance across the terminals of the resistor in the Wheatstone bridge, the resistor
itself is removed from the circuit. Subsequently, an ohmmeter is connected across the vacant
terminals of the removed resistor. This arrangement allows for the direct measurement of the
resistance value of the resistor using the ohmmeter. By isolating the resistor and applying the
ohmmeter, engineers and technicians can accurately determine its resistance, aiding in circuit
analysis and troubleshooting processes.


c) VL:
To accurately measure the voltage across the loaded resistor, a precise procedure is followed.
Initially, a voltmeter is carefully positioned in parallel with the loaded resistor, ensuring an accurate
reading. Simultaneously, another voltmeter is strategically placed across the 470-ohm resistor,
maintaining precision in measurement. The experimentation then progresses as the percentage is
incrementally raised and lowered, meticulously noting any fluctuations in voltage. This meticulous
approach allows for the determination of the point at which the voltage stabilizes, offering valuable
insights into the behavior of the circuit under varying conditions.


Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

4) Experimentally:
Using KVL :
𝑹𝟐 𝑹𝟒
𝑽𝒕𝒉 = 𝑽𝒔 (𝑹𝟐+𝑹𝟏 − 𝑹𝟑+𝑹𝟒) EQUATION 5

2.2 10
𝑉𝑡ℎ = 12 (2.2+1.2 − 1+10)
𝑉𝑡ℎ = −3.14 𝑉

Now to find Rth:

𝑹𝟏 𝑹𝟐
𝑹𝟑 𝑹𝟒

1.2 2.2
= 10
𝑅𝑡ℎ = 2.2 kΩ
Req=2200+470=2670 Ω

To calcul VL:

𝑉𝑡ℎ −3.14
𝐼 = 𝑅𝑒𝑞 = = −1.17𝐴
𝑉𝐿 = 470 × −1.17 = −468.83 𝑚𝑉


Calculated Measured
Vth -3.14 V -4.19V
Rth 2.2 kΩ 2.16 kΩ
VL -468.83mV 715 mV

5) Analyse:
In a balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit, meticulous adjustment of resistor values ensures
equilibrium, where the ratio of resistances in one pair of arms equals that in the other, resulting in a
null voltage across the bridge. This balance condition, fundamental to Wheatstone's theorem,
enables precise resistance measurements. The Thevenin voltage (V TH)directly measured between
points A and B with the load resistor removed characterizes the circuit's potential difference under
equilibrium. Complementarily, the Thevenin resistance (R TH ) is derived from the ratio 1/2R 1/R2
providing insight into the circuit's impedance. Moreover, the load voltage (VL ) reveals the voltage
drop across the load resistor, contributing to accurate resistance assessment. Balanced Wheatstone
bridges thus exemplify precision and reliability in resistance measurement

Université La sagesse
Faculté d’Ingénierie
Polytech – Beirut

6) Conclusion
The exploration of the balanced Wheatstone bridge circuit has provided valuable insights into its
operational principles and practical applications in electrical engineering. By achieving equilibrium
through careful adjustment of resistor values, the bridge demonstrates its ability to accurately
measure resistance values. The determination of the Thevenin voltage (VTH ) and Thevenin
resistance (RTH ) elucidates the circuit's impedance characteristics, while the load voltage (VL )
offers a comprehensive understanding of the voltage drop across the load resistor. Through this
experiment, we have reaffirmed the reliability and precision of balanced Wheatstone bridges in
resistance measurements. These circuits serve as indispensable tools in various engineering
endeavors, offering a robust method for determining unknown resistances with minimal error.
Overall, the exploration of balanced Wheatstone bridge circuits highlights their significance in
electrical engineering and underscores their utility in practical applications requiring precise
resistance measurements.

VI. Overall Summary:

The series of experiments conducted on Wheatstone bridge circuits encompassed both unbalanced
and balanced configurations, providing a comprehensive understanding of their operational
principles and practical applications.

Initially, the focus was on the unbalanced Wheatstone bridge, where the objective was to compute
the Thevenin resistance (R TH ) using theoretical principles and experimental measurements.
Through meticulous adjustment of resistor values and voltage measurements, the unbalanced bridge
circuit revealed insights into its behavior under varying conditions.
Subsequently, attention shifted to the balanced Wheatstone bridge, emphasizing equilibrium
conditions and precise resistance measurements. By achieving balance through careful adjustment
of resistor values, the bridge demonstrated its ability to accurately determine unknown resistances.
The determination of the Thevenin voltage (V TH ) and resistance (R TH ) provided crucial
insights into the impedance characteristics of the circuit.


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