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1, WHEN MOLECULES OF WATER-SOLUBLE IODINE CONTRAST DO NOT DISSOCIATE, BUT REMAIN WHOLE IN SOLUTION, ‘THE MEDIUM IS DESCRIBED AS: “A.lonic. ‘BWonionic. C.HOCA. D. Viscous, 2, BLOOD CHEMISTRY VALUES THAT PROVIDE INFORMATION PERTINENT TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF IODINE ‘CONTRAST AGENTS INCLUDE: AA. Blood glucose and total cholesterol 8. High-density lipoprotein cholesterol and BUN. {GIBUN and creatinine. D. Blood glucose and bilirubin. 3. WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING EXAMINATIONS PROVIDES IMAGES OF THE URETHRA? emeveus Biv BUN D.PTC 4, CATHETER SUITABLE FOR FLUSH ABDOMINAL AORTOGRAM: ‘A. Simone B. Head Hunter OP Pigtail D. cobra 5, TRENDELBERG IS USED FOR : @R® Fundus of stomach 8. Duodenum C. Rectisigmoid D. Spleen 6. ABARIUM ENEMA SHOULD NOT BE PERFORMED IN CASE OF: “SAP Bleeding B. Acute apendicitis C. Tuberculosis D. Pyelitis ‘TO SEE THE FUNDUS OR STOMACH IN BARIUM STUDY WE DO: @R® Supine (Trendlenberg) 8. Prone Left Side Right Anterior oblique WHAT IS THE MILD REACTION FOR THE IV CONTRAST? @®® Nausea and vomitting, B._ Short of breathing C. High 6/? D. low 8/P 9. IODINE IS A: A. Metal B. Sugar 10. IN FIG (e) THE STRUCTURE SHOWN BY (1)IS (RE Ascending colon \ 8. Descending colon \ . Transvers colon D. Hepatic flexure 11. IN FIG (e) THE STRUCTURE SHOWN BY (2)IS |. Ascending colon BP Descending colon ©. Transvers colon ©. Hepatic flexure 10. AN ANGIOGRAM SHOWS THE: ‘A. Jejunum B. ureters Calle ducts BP Blood vessels 11, Hfsuspected mobile kidney in 1p investigation a suitable patient position Is: A. supine B Prone Cite Perec 12. The suitable contrast medium that is usd in gatro-intest ‘A. Basulphate B.Aminopaque C Piloptine Bewsisro-rafine 13, WHAT THE MAJOR DISADVANTAGE FOR ARTERIOGRAM: A Elegy of contrast eempture of artery and csmiss cxRays D. Electrons 14 IN FIG (f) THE EXAM SHOWN A. Aortigarm seer atmonary angiogram C. Carotid angiogram D. Renal artery 15.THE TERM THAT DESCRIPE BLEEDINING FROM NOSE IS: ‘A. Hypotension aoe Epstaxs C_Nasogastic D. Neurogenic 16. The suitable contrast media used in routine urinary tract investigations A. Sasulphate @®BP Aminopaque C._Plloptine D._Blgram 17. THE FOLLOWING IS A RADIOGRAPHY EXAMINATION OF THE UTERUS AND TUBES: A. Pelimetry 8. cholangiography (@@™ Hysterosalpingography ‘D. Retrograde urography 18, MEASURING UNIT OF ANGIO CATHETER I: A French BInch @ tm Feet 419, AMINOPAQUE IS CONTRAST MEDIUM USED IN: A Bxamination of the gal bladder @ amination ofthe urinary tract (C_Bxamination ofthe gastrointestinal rat D. Examination ofthe respiratory tract 20. The best postion to separate between a stone inthe right kidney and a stone inthe gallbladder A Supine 8. Prone Uttara decubitus 40 Rt. lateral decubitus 21. Te demonstrate urinary bladder fl of contrast media in LV.P investigation the central ray AA erpendicular to film B30 degree caudal €._1Sdegree cephalic s@F 15 degree caudal 22 ncn rum or postoperative the conta me sed IT vestigations: ba sulphate er Gasrogatn ©. Bligratin D. Air 23. PTCs, ERCP and Ttube cholangiograms are examinations that may be performed to demonstrate the: ‘Gallbladder. 8. Speen, e@eCommon bile duct. I tract investigations for children is: U. Ureters. 24, NORMAL RANGE FOR CREATININE FOR MEN IS BETWEEN * A.1.6 and 2.2 mg/dl 8.2.6 and 3.2 mg/dl G06 and 1.2 mg/dl. D.0.1 and 0.2 mg/dl 25, Diabetic patients who are to receive an iodine contrast agent should have their medication withheld if it contains: A. Glucose. ‘Bainsulin. . Metformin, D. Beta-blockers. 26. What is the Radiographic examination in the Figure(A)? A MCUG (BM ERCP c pre D. TTube 27. The structure indicated by the number 1 in the Figure( ‘A. Common hepatic duct 8. Common bile duct, C. The gall bladder @® Pancreatic duct 28, The structure indicated by the number 2 in the Figure(“Alis: A o c . Common hepatic duct Common bile duct ‘The gall bladder ‘The duodenum 29, The structure indicated by the number 3 in the Figure(°A)is: ‘A. Common hepatic duct B. Common bile duct GH Cystic duct D. The duodenum 30. The structure indicated by the number 4 in the Figure(”A) is: ‘Wemgommon hepatic duct B. Common bile duct, C The gall bladder D. The duodenum 31. In preparation of the patient to do ba meal: \ghmeThe patient is fasting at least four hours 8. The patient is fasting at least two hours CC. The patient doesn’t drink water for two hours D. The patient is fasting at least two days 32, The normal dose of contrast media in |. V. U for adult patient is: A. 5 mlof urografin BP 40 mlof urografin C. 60mlof urografin D. 10 mlof urografin 33. WHAT IS THE ROUTINE PROJECTION FOR BREAST MAMMOGRAPHY : A lateral

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