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AY 2023-24 Subject : ICT HW NUMBER : 6

Term : 3 Date of Issue : 05-05-24 Due date of Submission : 05-11 MAY ‘24

Name of the student : Year/Division : 2

Marked By: Total Marks: ………./10

How to close a document in MS Word

A. Complete the following sentences by filling in the missing
words. Use your textbook (pg 70) to help you.

1. Click on the ____________ button of the Title Bar.

2. If the document has not been saved, a ___________ ______ appears.
3. Click on the _______ button to save the changes.
4. To exit MS Word, click on the _______ tab and select the __________
option from the drop-down list.

B. True or false:

5. There are 2 ways we could close MS Word. _____________

6. We cannot just click on the X in the right hand corner of the dialog box to
close the document. __________

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