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Assignment A

Text 1 – Lower Intermediate

✔ This part of the assignment focuses on stage 2 of a lower-intermediate reading lesson.
✔ You should show what you would do for the vocabulary pre-teaching stage of the lesson.
✔ Include any references necessary in the bibliography template. See 'Referencing' document for advice on what is required.
✔ Read 'Advice on Approaching this Assignment' before you begin work on this template.
✔ Class: Lower intermediate (B1), 13 young learners, age range 12-14.
These students attend EFL classes because their parents are keen for them to have extra English lessons in addition to what their state
schools provide. Many of them resent having to come to language school, but you have found you can engage them if you make the
lessons fun and interesting.

Fortnite – a pleasure or a problem?

Fortnite is an online video game made by a company called Epic Games. Players can fight enemies, collect materials and items, and
make buildings. The game has three different versions, known as 'modes'. The most popular mode is called ‘Battle Royale’. In a
battle royale, players start with no items, and collect weapons and other equipment as they play. Players try to remove other players
and survive until the end of the game. A Battle Royale begins with up to one hundred players. The last player left alive is the winner.

Fortnite is extremely popular. It came out in 2017 and now has hundreds of millions of players. And Epic Games has made hundreds
of millions of dollars. Celebrities, such as the rapper, Drake, play the Battle Royale mode. Other people have become celebrities
because they play the game. Fortnite is one of many video games which is played competitively as an ‘esport.’ In summer 2019,
there was a lot of attention in the British media when the 15-year-old schoolboy, Jaden Ashman, won the second prize in the first
Fortnite World Cup. Jaden and his 21-year-old Dutch game partner, Dave Jong, shared a prize of 2.25 million US dollars. Jaden's
mother said she always tried to stop him wasting his time on the game.

The company sells a lot of game-related products, such as branded clothes and action figures. Players can buy additional features
for the game with Fortnite’s own currency; ‘V-bucks,’ which they can earn as they play the game. A popular additional feature is

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silly dances for the characters. Many people copy the game’s dances in real life. There are numerous videos of people doing these
dances on YouTube and other websites.

There are concerns about Fortnite. Parents and teachers worry about how much time children spend playing the game when they
should be doing schoolwork. Some believe that it is addictive. Items in the game are bought with V-bucks, but V-bucks can be bought
with real money. There are many reports of children spending their parents’ money on the game without permission. Although the
game is colourful and has a light-hearted style, some adults feel that it is too violent for children. After all, the Battle Royale mode
involves killing other player’s characters with guns and other weapons.

Lesson Aims:
✔ To extend and practise productive use of vocabulary for talking about computer games and associated topics.
✔ To further develop reading skills through short reading activities on skimming and intensive reading.

Lesson Outline:

✔ These children are not keen on reading, but quite enjoy learning new vocabulary and interactive games.
✔ You have decided to place more focus on the vocabulary and speaking activities and will allocate timings roughly as follows:
1. Lead into topic (warmer) - 10 mins
2. Vocabulary pre-teaching (Presentation and short practice task) - 25 mins
3. First reading - 4 mins
4. Second reading - 9 mins
5. Follow-on activity (communicative speaking task) - 12 mins

You need to select 10 vocabulary items for pre-teaching and show how you would present two of those items in stage 2.

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1. Vocabulary Pre-Teaching Planning Table
✔ In this table, show ten items from the text to pre-teach. Please complete every section of the table for all ten items. The table
is not a handout for the students.
✔ Read 'Advice on Approaching Assignment A' before you begin work on this table.

Maximum word count for the vocabulary table: 1000 words.

How Meaning will be Pronunciation

Meaning Conveyed to Students, Concept Questions Grammatical and IPA transcription
(General definition) including Language- Other Information AND
Graded Definition word stress pattern

Version(s) Things that are just a little I will use screenshots of Is a new version when Countable Noun /ˈvɜːʃən/
different from each other, popular apps on their phones something new comes
but will still be seen as the and point out where the out, but the old one is Stress:
same type of thing version is stated. Just by the still working/valid? (Yes) Oo
placement of the information
on the screen, they should Are different versions of
make the connection. things more similar or
very different?
I will give the example of well (more similar)
known programs like MS Office
where the newer version is an
improvement on the previous
one (If they are familiar with
MS programs, otherwise I will
use something culture
appropriate that they will
understand better)

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Language graded Definition for
B2: one form of something that
is slightly different to other
forms of the same thing
(Cambridge Learners

Action figures No definition needed I will show physical action Does action mean doing Countable Noun /ˈæk.ʃən ˌfɪɡ.ər/
figure toys that are well known, something or sitting still?
for example Superman and (Doing something) Stress:
Batman Oo Oo
Can we say that a figure
Language graded Definition for is the shape of a human
B1: a toy that is made body?
to look like a character from (yes)
a comic book,
film or television show Is an action figure
(Cambridge Learners something with the
Dictionary) shape of a person that is
very busy going things?

Survive When you make it through I will show a picture of a If there is a plane crash Verb /səˈvaɪv/
a very difficult situation and person very sick in hospital and on an island and there
come out alive on the other arrows below pointing to are people that are still Stress:
side. It can even be death. pictures of 2 possible alive, did they die or did oO
outcomes. One a grave with they survive?
the word “die” and the other (Survive)
the person leaving the hospital
with the word “survive”.
Because “die” is an A1 word, I
can use it to teach “survive” as
an opposite.

Language graded Definition for

B2: to continue to live or exist,
especially after coming close to
dying or being destroyed or

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after being in a difficult or
threatening situation
(Cambridge Learners

Media A collection of things that I will show a circle with Does media include the Noun /ˈmiː.di.ə/
bring us news and pictures of newspapers, internet, TV and
information like TV, internet, magazines, a laptop and a cell newspapers? (yes) Stress:
magazines and radio phone (showing a popular Ooo
news page, relevant to their
country), a radio and a TV

Language graded Definition for

B2: the internet, newspapers,
magazines, television, etc.,
considered as a group
(Cambridge Learners

Equipment Items you use to help you I will show 3 flashcards If you want to type and Singular noun /ɪˈkwɪp.mənt/
to do a particular task 1. Fishing equipment print your assignment,
2. Baking equipment can you do it without oOo
3. Gardening equipment anything or do you need
equipment? (equipment)
Then I will show an image of a
lady in the kitchen as ask the What type of equipment
class which flashcard she will will you need? (laptop,
need to complete her task. computer, printer)

Language graded Definition for

B1: the set of necessary tools,
clothing, etc. for a particular
purpose: (Cambridge Learners

Additional When something extra gets I will call 3 students to the front Did I give everyone 2 Adjective /əˈdɪʃ.ən.əl/
added to what you already and hand each of them 2 small balls, or did I give Amy

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have balls. Then I will pull one additional balls? Stress:
student aside a bit and give (additional) oOoo
him/her another 2 balls.
How many additional
I’ll then ask the class if they all balls did Amy get? (two)
have 2 balls. (no)

I’ll elicit the word “extra” (A2

word) from the class and then
explain that additional is a
more formal word for “extra”

Language graded Definition for

B2: extra
(Cambridge Learners

Material(s) Everything you will need to I will have small pieces of What else can we say is Material: Countable /məˈtɪə.ri.əl/
produce something else building material. A brick, an building material? noun
empty cement bag, a small (wood, brick, stone) Stress:
piece of gutter, piece of wire, oOoo

I will explain that by using all

these things, we can build a
structure and together we call
it building (A2) material.

Language graded Definition for

B2: a physical substance that
things can be made from:
(Cambridge Learners

Remove To take something away I will place 3 cups on the desk What did I do with the Verb /rɪˈmuːv/
count them with the class, and third cup? (removed it)
then remove one. Stress:

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I will ask the class to explain (I take off my jacket)
what I did. Hopefully the What did I do with my
phrase “take away” will come jacket? (removed it)
up and I can explain that
“remove” means to “take

Language graded Definition for

B1: to take something or
someone away from
somewhere, or off something:
(Cambridge Learners

Violent Hurting someone or I will show a short videoclip of Are the people in the Adjective /ˈvaɪə.lənt/
breaking things with a violent scene from a movie. video being friendly or
intention violent? Stress:
I’ll ask the class what the (violent) Oo
people were doing. (breaking
things, shouting, hitting each Is it OK to be violent
other). I’ll explain the word for towards our friends and
that behaviour is “being family? (no)

Language graded Definition for

B2: using force to hurt or
attack: (Cambridge Learners

Extremely Very, very much I will show a photo of a local Am I a little in love with Adverb /ɪkˈstriː
handsome TV star and pretend *movie star* or
to be overly in love with him (a extremely in love? Stress:
bit of theatre to keep it (extremely) oOo
Is *movie star* a little
I will ask if they can see that I handsome or extremely
am in love with *movie star*. handsome? (extremely)

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Class agrees

Language graded Definition for

B1: very (Cambridge Learners

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2. Vocabulary Pre-Teaching – Presentation Materials
✔ In this space, insert any materials you would use e.g., visual aids, worksheets, what you would write on the board, etc.
✔ If you use images, do not use more than 6. These do not need to be the actual size you would use in the classroom.
✔ If you prefer, you can submit the images in a separate document, but please label them clearly IMAGES FOR VOCABULARY.
✔ You do not need to devise the practice task.

Please see document labelled “Assignment A_Text 1_Images for Vocabulary”

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3. Teacher Language for Teaching Two Items
✔ This part of the assignment is set to enable us to assess your language grading, eliciting, pronunciation teaching and concept
✔ You must show:
▪ The language you would use for presenting 2 of your selected vocabulary items that could not be explained using only pictures.
▪ Present what you would say in dialogue form including some expected student responses.


N.B. If you do not use direct speech, you will be required to resubmit the whole assignment.

✔ In this space, give the language you could use for presenting two of your vocabulary items which need to be concept checked.
✔ Show how you would elicit, explain, concept check and teach the pronunciation.
✔ Each item should be approximately 200 words.
ITEM 1 - Extremely
A. Elicit and Explain
T: If you are very, very excited to go to a music concert, what is one word we can use instead of “very very”?
Maria: Super. Super excited
T: Yes, super does mean more than normal, but I’m looking for a word closer to the very maximum something can be. Even more than
super. If something is at the top level it can be, it is…?
Antonio: Extreme
T: Well done, you are on the right track. If extreme is the adjective, what would the adverb be?
Diego: Extremely
T: That is correct! Extremely. I am extremely happy that you got this one. Let’s say it together………..”extremely”

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B. Teach the Pronunciation
Class: “Extremely”
T: What is the first syllable of extremely?
Maria: Ex (/ɪk/)
T: and the second? All together.
Class: treme (/striːm/)
T: and lastly?
Class: ly (/li/)
T: Where is the stress? On which syllable? Extremely. First? Second? Third?
Class: Second!

C. Concept Check
T: That is correct. If I am extremely tired, am I a little tired, or very tired? Diego?
Diego: Very tired.
T: and if I complain that the music is extremely loud, would you put it louder or softer? Sophia?
Sophia: Softer

ITEM 2 - Remove
A. Elicit and Explain
T: Luca, there were 3 cups on the desk, now there are only two. What is happening to the other one? (I walk away from the desk with
the third cup)
Luca: You are taking it away.
T: Yes, I am taking it away. What is one word we can use that means “I am taking it away?”: I will give you a hint: I am moving it
somewhere else.
Diego: Moving? Remove!
T: Yes, that is correct! When you move something away completely, we say you remove it. Let’s say it together; “remove”.

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B. Teach the Pronunciation
Class: Remove.
T: Again
Class: Remove
T: Very good. Where is the stress when we say “remove”? On which syllable? Sofia?
Sofia: The second one. On “move”.

C. Concept Check
T: Well done. That is correct. And if we talk about a cup that we took away yesterday? What would the past tense be of remove?
Alice: Removed.
T: Yes, good. If I say that “I removed my books from the table”, are my books still on the table?
Class: No.
T: Why are my books not on the table? What did I do with it? Maria?
Maria: You removed the books.
T: Very good! Diego, will you remove your jacket in the middle of a snowstorm?
Diego: No, it will be too cold!

✔ Don't forget to include any references in the bibliography template. See Referencing for requirements.
✔ Convert this template to a PDF when it is completed. Please check the appearance of the PDF is correct before submitting.

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