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Seligson 1

Isaac Seligson

Professor Moran

HON 4250

28 April 2024

Participation self-assessment

1) A

2) I deserve this grade for a few different reasons. First, I consistently went out of my

comfort zone and verbalized my thoughts. For me, this was the first university level class

of this type which I have ever taken part of. I am naturally a very introverted person who

listens to others but rarely takes the stage. On many accounts throughout the semester I

went out of my comfort zone and voiced my opinions during class. Second, I believe that

I communicated with the professor on multiple occasions both in class and via email. I

did this both to confirm and clarify information, as well as to gain skills while I had the

opportunity. Last, I think I exemplified commitment and participation through my unique

interpretations and executions of assignments. I have never written papers of this sort

since transferring to Wayne State, and I wanted to gain the most of this opportunity.

3) I look back at my fist essay, which stands out to me as the highlight of my participation.

I reached out to a librarian after doing my own research and confirmed that there were

very limited resources for my project. I then used the internet to track down the gravesite

of the one I was researching. I got in touch with a researcher of my author and found out

information not available to the public. Additionally I think my communication with the
Seligson 2

professor was exemplary within the context of the course. I also did my best to engage

my table in conversations during parts of our class which table discussions were asked of

us. Additionally, my attendance was superb.

4) Cyrus. He always had comments to add to the conversation. I also think his attendance

was really good.

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