1989 Journal No. 8

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EPRI JOURNAL is published eight times each

year (January/February, March, April/May, June,

July/August, September, October/November,
and December) by the Electric Power Research

EPRI was founded in 1972 by the nation's

electric utilities to develop and manage a
technology program for improving electric
power production, distribution, and utilization.

EPRI JOURNAL Staff and Contributors

Brent Barker, Editor in Chief
David Dietrich, Managing Editor
Ralph Whitaker, Feature Editor
Taylor Moore, Senior Feature Writer
David Boutacoff, Feature Writer
Eugene Robinson, Technical Editor
Mary Ann Garneau, Production Editor
Jean Smith, Staff Assistant

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Corporate Communications Division

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© 1989 by Electric Power Research Institute, Inc.

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Electric Power Research Institute
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Cover: Lighting is often a key consideration for

effective merchandising in the commercial sector.
Unfortunately, many businesses do not see energy
efficiency as an important concern in developing
their lighting strategies.

Lighting for Efficiency and Productivity

In the current economic environment, efficiency is the order of the day. More and more U.S. businesses are
feeling the pressure from foreign and domestic competitors to cut costs and increase productivity-to
seize a competitive edge by doing more with less. Cost-effective improvements in energy efficiency and
workplace productivity can make the crucial difference between a profitable commercial concern and a
marginal one. Lighting is one area of energy use that offers a largely untapped potential for significant
gains in efficiency.
Commercial buildings present a broad target for lighting improvements: lighting accounts for
about a third of the electricity consumed in the commercial sector and can account for more than 40% of a
building's peak demand requirements. Furthermore, lighting is often a major input to the cooling load, an­
other important factor contributing to a building's energy use in summer peak demand periods.
Advanced lighting approaches can significantly boost efficiency in commercial settings-and,
as this month's cover story notes, they can also enhance the productivity of a building's occupants. In fact,
the productivity issue can override all others in the implementation of changes to the workplace environ­
ment, since labor costs exceed lighting costs by a ratio of more than 100 to 1 in a typical commercial
enterprise. Although new lighting technologies clearly can provide energy savings for customers, changes
in productivity must be valued as well.
The technology is here-there are many well-proven lighting measures and equipment
upgrades that can be cost-effectively implemented today. These include more efficient lamps, ballasts,
controls, and fixtures and improved ways of configuring and installing this equipment. The electric utility
industry is working hard to get customers to use new lighting strategies to increase their operating effi­
ciency. A majority of U.S. utilities have programs in place that educate customers on how to use lighting
more effectively and that provide incentives for the implementation of cost-effective lighting measures
and equipment.
EPRI is supporting these efforts by developing customer-oriented information that characterizes
state-of-the-art lighting equipment and practices. The Institute is also demonstrating best-available technolo­
gies, developing lighting design tools, and performing evaluations of how lighting systems interact with other
workplace support systems. Through these programs, we are striving to help utilities and their customers get the
most value out of lighting energy use, and the best news is that there is value to be had on both sides of the
meter. Utilities can select the lighting technologies that, if implemented by their customers, can best satisfy the
utilities' load-shaping objectives, whether they be on-peak reductions, strategic load growth, off-peak sales, or
retention of baseload. At the same time, customers will enjoy the benefits of lower energy costs and an en­
hanced work environment.

Morton Blatt, Manager

Commercial Program
Customer Systems Division

42 TOXRISK Update
A new version of the EPRl-developed TOXRISK computer
program is capable of estimating toxic risk as a function of
period of exposure as well as level of exposure.

44 Direct-Load-Control Programs
The duty-cycle approach for evaluating and predicting the
impact of residential direct-load-control programs is being
applied at three eastern utilities.
24 Home Automation
32 NOE Center

47 Planning and Forecasting Under Uncertainty

A scoping study has identified three major approaches
that utility planners can use to address uncertainty in
marketing, forecasting, and demand-side planning.

49 Coal Quality Impact Model

Detailed equipment performance models allow the flexible
CQIM'" software to quantify the impacts of various coals on
all power plant systems directly affected by coal quality.

52 Coal Ash Use Sites

Field investigations are measuring long-term changes in
soil, vegetation, groundwater, and surface water around
such coal ash use sites as structural fills and roadbeds.

56 Gas Turbine Combustion Viewing System
40 Tech Transfer News 60 Calendar
By allowing direct, high-resolution viewing of the hot-gas
path, the combustion viewing probe can give early warning 58 New Contracts 61 Authors and Articles
of system malfunctions in today's advanced gas turbines. 59 New Technical Reports

Volume 14, Number 8 December 1989

Lighting for Efficiency and Productivity

4 Lighting the Commercial World
Advanced lighting strategies can greatly
increase energy efficiency in the commercial
sector, but utilities are having difficulty getting
businesses interested.

16 Electrification: Key to Manufacturing
The history of American manufacturing
shows a strong linkage over the past century
between productivity gains and the implemen­
tation of electrified production techniques.

4 Lighting 24 Integrated Home Automation

16 Manufacturing
Electronic intelligence that can coordinate
the operation of various home systems and
appliances promises greater control, comfort,
and convenience for homeowners.

32 The NDE Center: Celebrating a

Decade of Achievement
EPRl's Nondestructive Evaluation Center,
where research results become fieldworthy
tools, has established an impressive record
of accomplishments in its first decade.
or owners of the Peppermill
Hotel Casino in Reno, Nevada,
lights are serious business.
They help maintain around-
the-clock allure, keeping patrons com­
fortable and alert. As one manager puts
it, "Lighting is key to the overall ambi­
ence we're trying to create for the cus­
With about a quarter of the electricity sold in
tomer." Understandably, then, a sugges­
tion that the business install energy­
this country used for illumination, industry
efficient lights is no small proposal. But
the Peppermill this spring did just that,
experts believe that advances in lighting sys­
replacing about 1000 incandescent bulbs
with energy-efficient fluorescents that
tems may have the largest potential for energy
have cut the lighting bill in half. Even
more important, the switch did not tar­
savings of any electricity end use. To help
nish the dazzling atmosphere. realize these savings, utilities across the nation
The retrofit project, done in collabora­
tion with Sierra Pacific Power, was the have established programs encouraging their
result of a program designed to encour­
age energy efficiency in lighting. Utilities customers to adopt more efficient lighting. Tar­
across the country today are offering
similar programs. Many, like Sierra Pa­ geting both new and retrofit markets, with
cific, attract customers with rebates for
energy efficiency. Other utilities offer au­ emphasis on the biggest area of potential
dits, loans, design assistance, and a vari­
ety of educational tools, including dem­ savings-the commercial sector-the pro­
onstrations of energy-efficient lighting
options. But while these programs have grams offer incentives like rebates and loans for
helped encourage more efficient use of
lighting, they have captured only a small energy-efficient conversions. But stubborn
portion of what some experts say is the
largest potential for savings in any en­ barriers to customer acceptance persist, such as
ergy end use. And increasingly today,
utilities are being called on to step up high first-cost expenses and confusion over the
their efforts. Some conservationists go so
far as to say utilities have both the re­ array of energy-efficient options available. A
sponsibility and the clout to lead the ef­
fort to realize these savings. variety of energy conservation and lighting
"The invention of the light bulb gave
birth to the electric utility industry, and groups across the country, including utilities,
utilities often have taken the lead in pro­
moting high-quality, energy-efficient are working hard to overcome these barriers.
lighting," says Karl Johnson, EPRI project
manager in Commercial Building Sys­ But just how much of an impact their efforts
tems. "Certainly they have a good infra­
structure to reach the consumer, and will have on the average utility customer
they've already taken advantage of it by
offering incentives like rebates, audits, remains to be seen.
and loans. There's more that can be done.
But a major challenge is to overcome

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 5

the significant barriers to customer, de­ "the biggest gold mine in the economy," conservation (a form of demand-side
signer, and builder acceptance of existing saying efficiency improvements could planning) is becoming increasingly more
high-efficiency lighting products." save U.S. consumers billions of dollars attractive than the traditional supply­
According to EPRl's statistics, lighting a year because of the reduced cost of side planning. Some utilities specifically
accounts for 20-25% of the electricity maintaining and operating more efficient gear their incentives toward reducing
used in the United States. In the com­ systems. In other words, he says, "this is loads during hours of peak demand.
mercial sector, at least a third of the elec­ not a free lunch. This is a lunch you are A 1987 EPRI survey showed that 60%
tricity used is attributable to lighting, paid to eat." of utilities surveyed used lighting for a
and these figures would be even higher Utility involvement in promoting en­ wide range of demand-side management
if the ventilating and air conditioning ergy-efficient lighting over the years has needs and 30% had lighting-efficiency
loads attributable to heat emitted by been spurred by concerns about capacity, programs in place. A separate study
lights were taken into account. Various the potential environmental impact of from the same year showed that the bulk
interest groups offer different estimates new power plants, and a desire to help (92%) of the energy-efficient utility light­
for the savings potential in lighting. But customers cut costs. During the energy ing programs are directed toward com­
all agree there is tremendous oppor­ crisis of the 1970s, utilities in California mercial and industrial customers.
tunity for improvement, particularly in and the Northwest pioneered the move­ Schemes ranged from incandescent­
the commercial sector. "This has been a ment to promote all kinds of energy effi­ fluorescent conversions to installing oc­
much-heated topic involving tremen­ ciency. Now, the greatest momentum can cupancy sensors and daylight sensors.
dous controversy and many exaggera­ be found in New England, where util­ Financial assistance to the customer, in­
tions of savings potential," says Clark ities are working hard to keep electricity cluding rebates for installing high-effi­
Gellings, director of EPRI's Customer demand during peak hours at a level ciency equipment and interest-free loans,
Systems Division. "The vastly different comfortably below capacity. There envi­ was the most popular method of imple­
estimates have made it difficult for re­ ronmental groups and utilities have mentation (offered by 64% of the util­
searchers to know where to focus their found a common cause in conservation ities). Energy audits (offered by 52%),
attention." and are collaborating on strategic plans most of which are free, was the second
In an effort to pool the input of the dif­ to control electricity demand. Mean­ most common method, followed by
ferent groups, EPRI distributed a ques­ while, utilities without immediate capac­ studies evaluating new technologies
tionnaire on the maximum potential sav­ ity crises are relying on such programs (conducted by 12%). Another 12% of
ings in efficient technologies and fol­ to help offset anticipated future increases surveyed utilities provided education on
lowed up with a workshop in April 1989. in demand. Wherever they are imple­ effective and efficient lighting.
Gellings, who organized the workshop, mented, strategies in lighting effi­ The number of utilities with such pro­
believes this project represents the first ciency-which range from installing grams has increased in the years since
time anyone has rounded up the calcula­ more efficient bulbs to using daylight to the survey, mainly because of the new
tions of such a diverse group of conser­ supplement electric light-are an effec­ thrust in New England. And the Na­
vation experts. The resulting report cites tive way to help postpone building the tional Association of Regulatory Utility
a savings potential from adopting effi­ next generation of power plants. Commissioners wants to encourage
cient commercial lighting technologies of more utilities to follow suit. NARUC's
39-55% by the year 2000. The commer­ Utility concerns conservation committee is working on
cial lighting savings accounts for about Even though lighting has been viewed as making energy-efficiency programs more
65% of the potential lighting savings in a captive market for electric utilities, in­ attractive for utilities. "Investor-owned
all sectors, including industrial and resi­ novation in making this end use more ef­ electric utility companies, which supply
dential. The report incorporates the ficient is on the rise. EPRI's current com­ 77% of this country's electricity, typically
views of a wide range of groups, includ­ mercial lighting research plan reflects lose money when they help their cus­
ing the Natural Resources Defense this increased interest. The plan for 1989 tomers use electricity more efficiently,"
Council, Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory, and 1990 focuses new projects on peak says Stephen Wiel, chairman of NARUC's
the Rocky Mountain Institute, public clipping and other strategic conservation conservation committee. "State regula­
utility commissions, EPRl, and others. objectives, with the commercial sector as tory commissions currently set rates us­
Amory Lovins, director of research at a prime target. Commercial lighting is ing formulas that reward utility com­
the Rocky Mountain Institute in Colo­ one of the largest single contributors to panies for increasing sales. In an effort to
rado and an outspoken conservationist, peak demand at most utilities. For many, help utilities profit from conservation
calls the untapped potential in lighting controlling demand through strategic programs, NARUC now is encouraging

6 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

Why Not Upgrade?
The simple availability of energy-saving lighting equipment has not been enough to spur its wide usage. For the commercial sector,
the decision to implement advanced lighting systems can be seen as a complex puzzle of perceived barriers, incentives (many
offered by individual utilities), and technical questions. Simplifying such decisions through continued research and innovative
marketing could significantly increase customer involvement.

• • •
Bewildering Disruption Advantages
array of not
of products business understood
• • •
No Low interest Changes in
perceived in the work
need conservation environment

Lower Loans for
energy equipment
consumption purchase
• •
Free Equipment
energy giveaways

• •
Savings New Lighting
potential energy effects
standards on HVAC

• • •
Human Definition Best
response of overall
to lighting quality lighting designs
commissions throughout the country to Getting the Word Out
experiment with ratemaking reforms.
Among the suggestions is that utilities Utilities often offer their customers special rates, loans, or other incentives to upgrade
be allowed to earn a fair return on in­ lighting systems as part of their energy conservation programs. Brochures educatEJ cus­
vestment in energy conservation pro­ tomers about the incentives and hardware options available, and some utilities even give
grams, just as they make money by in­ on-site design assistance to ensure that customers make the most of advanced lighting
vesting in new plants. But more changes opportunities.
are needed, according to Wiel. Other in­
centives, such as bonuses for achieving
conservation goals, are necessary to
overcome the current disincentives, he
Only 10 states, including Wisconsin,
currently allow public utilities to make a
return on investment in conservation
programs. An added incentive for Wis­
consin Electric Power is a bonus for re­
ducing peak megawatts. Wisconsin Elec­
tric's programs as a result have saved
more than 156 MW-about 50% of which
is from lighting-since the program
started two years ago. That's enough to
power about 78,000 homes. The program
offers rebates based on the cost of the
conversion, the kilowatts shaved from
the utility's system peak, and the kilo­
watthours saved. "We're willing to kick
in on just about anything reasonable the
customer presents to us that'll improve
efficiency," says Dan Thomas, supervisor
of commercial and industrial energy
management for Wisconsin Electric. One
project involved installing about 175,000
electronic ballasts in the fluorescent
lighting systems throughout Milwau­
kee's public schools, about 150 buildings
in all. The $5 million project resulted in
$2 million worth of rebates. The re­
sulting energy savings will offset the en­
tire cost of the job in five years.
For Consolidated Edison of New York,
lighting and other conservation pro­
grams are attractive as long as the cost of
saving a kilowatt remains lower than the
cost of building a new kilowatt of capac­
ity, says Steve Pertusiello, a manager in
the conservation department. Consoli­
dated Edison, which supplies power to a
660-square-mile area, including all of
New York City, has offered incentives for
lighting efficiency to commercial and

8 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

industrial customers for the past two up to 6% of the New England Electric in­ services a substantial number of tenant­
years. Those with peak demands be­ vestment in the customer's project; and occupied commercial buildings, find
tween 150 and 500 kW can have their design assistance from a team of consul­ there is little incentive for either the ten­
systems audited free. tants. The utility also will work closely ant or the landlord to save energy. The
A separate, pilot program encourages with customers, using a computer soft­ landlord simply passes the energy bill on
customers to devise their own plan to re­ ware program to determine the best en­ to the tenant, and the rent typically
duce their lighting load and other energy ergy-efficient options for a given build­ would not reflect any savings resulting
loads that affect the utility's system peak. ing. from the tenant's efforts. Most commer­
If the plan meets utility requirements, One "Design 2000" lighting project in cial buildings, in fact, are not owner­
the customer will get a $200 rebate for the works involves a 200,000-square-foot occupied.
every kilowatt reduced from peak de­ computer company office building in Peter von Herrmann, president of the
mand, with a maximum offer equivalent Marlboro, Massachusetts. Timing con­ Lighting Research Institute, which fo­
to half the cost of the installation. Re­ trols and occupancy sensors that turn cuses on the human response to lighting,
bates are offered also for implementing lights on and off automatically will be says productivity is another important
energy-efficient technologies such as incorporated in the new structure. En­ concern. For example, von Herrmann
lamps, ballasts, occupancy sensors, and ergy-efficient fluorescent lamps and bal­ says, the employee cost of a square foot
daylighting controls. lasts also will help save energy. The util­ of office space (assuming a salary of
Pertusiello credits encouragement from ity will spend up to $27,695 to cover the $40,000 and a 100-square-foot office)
the state commission. "They've been entire cost of the efficiency improve­ equals $400 a year. But the cost of light­
mandating programs and telling us which ments. ing that square foot is only about 50\t a
measures we should consider to offer for Since the start of its systemwide pro­ year. If productivity is adversely affected
incentives," he says. But Consolidated Ed­ grams two years ago, New England Elec­ even slightly by efficiency improvements
ison has another motivation as well. With tric has spent nearly $60 million on plan­ in a lighting system, those changes will
supply options limited because of strong ning, implementation, and evaluation of lose much more money than they ever
opposition to new plants, the only alter­ conservation programs, about a third of could save in electricity. "We are saying
native is to control demand or to buy which has gone toward lighting, reports that the productivity gain is a very im­
electricity from the independent power Peter Gibson, manager of conservation portant one. Or, at least, not losing pro­
producers. Lighting conservation pro­ and load management services. The re­ ductivity," von Herrmann says. "Other­
grams have also helped Consolidated Ed­ sulting savings total about 110 MW. Gib­ wise, you're kidding yourself in the
ison defer the expansion and upgrading son says that conservation programs energy equation."
of its distribution systems. typically are 30-50% less expensive than Richard Tempchin, a manager in the
Somes utility programs go beyond ret­ building new power supplies. customer services and marketing divi­
rofitting existing lighting systems to tar­ sion of Edison Electric Institute, says one
get the new construction market as well. Barriers for customers key problem for utilities trying to "sell"
For example, New England Electric Sys­ Convincing businesses that energy-effi­ the idea of energy-efficient lighting is
tem's "Design 2000" program targets cient lighting can maintain and even en­ that customers often are overwhelmed
new commercial and industrial build­ hance their environment is a challenging and confused by the number of options.
ings, which are expected to account for task. Even customers with significant "What's happening is the technologies
much of the utility's growth in peak de­ lighting bills are hesitant to alter lighting are getting way ahead of customers," he
mand in the next decade. Incorporating systems that are functioning properly. says. "There are all kinds of new op­
energy-efficient strategies during the ini­ Glenn McCormick, engineering manager tions-energy-efficient ballasts, elec­
tial design of a building is almost 10 for the Peppermill in Reno, says most ca­ tronic ballasts, dimmers, energy manage­
times cheaper than retrofitting, accord­ sinos are more concerned about their ap­ ment controls. It's not as easy as it used
ing to New England Electric's calcula­ pearance. "If your casino attracts one to be to make these decisions in light­
tions. The program, which is among the person who comes in regularly, that far ing." As Tempchin points out, commer­
most sophisticated in the country, was outweighs any energy savings you're go­ cial customers, who get a wide selection
developed in conjunction with the Con­ ing to get out of changing a few light of equipment from lighting suppliers,
servation Law Foundation of Boston. It bulbs," he says. are more informed than residential cus­
offers financial assistance, up to the full For more typical commercial cus­ tomers. Some of the more advanced
cost of upgrading to a more energy­ tomers, the barriers are just as strong. lighting technologies simply are not
efficient system; a design incentive of Utilities like Consolidated Edison, which available in hardware or grocery stores.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 9

Strategies for the Old and the New
Energy-efficient lighting works well both with existing buildings and in new construction projects. Virtually all facilities can be retrofit with advanced
hardware that will increase efficiency and improve lighting quality. Designers can be more comprehensive with new buildings, taking full advantage of
daylighting and computer-based control strategies.
An additional obstacle is the first-cost likely see no need to change it. But even One feature of the new lab is a demon­
expense of high-efficiency lamps. If a if customers want to change their light­ stration area with walls, ceilings, and
lighting bill is a small expense for the ing, they often do not have the time to furniture that can be altered to mimic an
consumer, it is hard for that person to explore the multitude of efficiency op­ actual setting. Strategies for daylight­
justify buying an energy-efficient fluo­ tions, Johnson says. ing-the use of natural light tu supple­
rescent lamp when the standard incan­ In his prior management experience ment interior electric lighting-also can
descents are available at about a tenth of with Stanford University, Johnson con­ be tested in full-sized commercial envi­
the cost. Some utilities have tried to fronted many of these customer barriers. ronments. A resource library will pro­
overcome this barrier by actually giving Nevertheless, he convinced the univer­ vide the latest information on efficient
lamps away. About four years ago, Texas sity to install more efficient lighting sys­ lighting technologies. In a preliminary
Utilities tested the residential waters by tems campuswide. He says it is impor­ report, Seattle City Light identified the
sending out coupons for free efficient tant to be sensitive to the customer's commercial sector as the fastest-growing
fluorescent bulbs that could be screwed concerns when proposing any project. electricity consumer in the Northwest. In
into incandescent sockets. About 25% of "We approached this and other projects addition, the report says, lighting ac­
the 16,000 residents in the targeted town by proposing to improve the quality of counts for more than half of commercial
took advantage of the offer. the lighting system while saving money electricity, when heating, ventilating, and
John Nordgren, a supervisor in light­ and energy. If I'd walked in and said air conditioning loads are figured in. The
ing for Puget Sound Power & Light, says Tm going to de-lamp your fixtures,' project cost $1.9 million, 70% of which
Puget's programs have been successful they would have hit the ceiling." Part of was funded by the Bonneville Power Ad­
specifically because they help cover the the Stanford project involved replacing ministration.
seemingly high first-cost expenses. about 500 incandescent lamps in the law Meanwhile, the New York State En­
Lighting has always been a significant school with screw-in fluorescents and re­ ergy Research and Development Author­
part of Puget's programs, typically ac­ flectors. This saved about 75% of the ity is working on plans to establish a
counting for more than 40% of annual lighting energy used in the original sys­ similar center in New York. Many light­
program expenses. Among the most tem and improved the environment. ing manufacturers and some utilities
successful of Puget's programs is one provide similar demonstrations. But
awarding grants that typically cover 50% Technology transfer planners involved in the Seattle and
or more of a customer's energy-efficient Getting information on lighting to those New York centers say their demonstra­
conversions. The utility also conducts who are not necessarily interested in effi­ tions are more comprehensive and do
audits for the customer, estimates the ciency is even more important than de­ not limit technology to one manufac­
savings that would result from an en­ veloping new technology, some experts turer's products. David Goldstein, senior
ergy-efficient system, and helps in select­ say. "There are so many high-efficiency staff scientist at the Natural Resources
ing a contractor for the job. But no mat­ products already available that cus­ Defense Council, believes lighting labs
ter how attractive such programs may tomers aren't using now," Johnson says, like Seattle's should be in every major
sound, they remain a challenge to sell, offering the electronic ballast as one ex­ city in the country if the United States is
Nordgren says. "Some customers have ample. "It is important to provide infor­ to begin to take advantage of the savings
been motivated from a motherhood and mation on existing technologies while potential in lighting. But others question
apple pie perspective, the view that sav­ developing the even more advanced the effectiveness of such centers.
ing energy is a good thing to do," he technologies." "You often have the problem of bring­
says. "But most are inspired by great Among technology transfer efforts ing the customer to the mountain versus
savings." In addition to Puget's incen­ currently under way is Seattle City bringing the mountain to the customer,"
tives, customers look for substantial dol­ Light's design laboratory. The 8500- Johnson says, suggesting that such cen­
lar savings on their electricity bills. "Dol­ square-foot facility, which opens offi­ ters could be more effective if they incor­
lars," Nordgren says, "are the biggest cially in December 1989, is geared to­ porated mobile exhibits. Johnson's con­
motivators." ward engineers, architects, lighting de­ cern is that most lighting systems are not
Karl Johnson of EPRI agrees. "If light­ signers, contractors, manufacturers, designed by professional lighting design­
ing's less than 1% of customers' overall equipment suppliers, and their clients. ers-the people likely to make most use
costs, that's the kind of attention you can The design laboratory will allow visitors of demonstration centers like Seattle's.
expect them to give it." Also, he says, as to test or demonstrate energy-efficient Meanwhile, those less skilled in lighting
long as an existing lighting system func­ lighting strategies in mock commercial design still have not been reached. An
tions adequately, the customer will most settings. EPRI study has determined the need for

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 1 1

a mobile unit and created specifications
for a unit that could demonstrate a vari­
ety of lighting systems. The module, as
specified, would be freestanding, so util­
ity personnel could assemble it to fit a
variety of commercial and other settings.
Other efforts in technology transfer
are under way elsewhere. Currently in
the works at the year-old Lighting Re­
search Center at Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute in New York are plans for a re­
search, education, and technology trans­
fer program. LRC, which evolved from a
need identified at an EPRI workshop five
years ago, is striving to become a na­
tional center for lighting research and
T he options available for improving
lighting efficiency today can be
overwhelming at times, not only for the
depending on use and energy rates.
Advancements in phosphors-the
white coatings inside fluorescent lamps
design. It stresses an interdisciplinary consumer but also for the utility. The that emit visible light when exposed to
approach, pooling the knowledge of spe­ potential for improvement does not ultraviolet radiation-have made the
cialists in fields ranging from psychology stop with more efficient lamps. It is color quality of fluorescents virtually
to computers. LRC has proposed a proj­ found also in ballasts, in fixtures, in indistinguishable from that of incan­
ect that will investigate impediments to lighting-control strategies that may in­ descents. Compact fluorescents are
technology transfer in the marketplace corporate the use of natural daylight, made both with and without ballasts
and assess how well utility programs are and in the complex interactions be­ attached.
working, says Associate Director Russell tween the lighting and heating, cooling, Incandescent lamps Significant im­
Leslie. Officials there still are working to and ventilation systems. provements have been made in incan­
secure funding for the project. To take advantage of the full poten­ descent lamps, including the develop­
The program would include a sympo­ tial for savings while maintaining vi­ ment of elliptical reflector (ER) lamps
sium to address the technology transfer sual quality, experts suggest that util­ for recessed fixtures and improve­
issue. The aim is to bring together an as­ ities adopt programs that integrate a ments in the reflective films on the
sortment of people involved in decisions number of efficient technologies. Here walls of other incandescents. The ellip­
on lighting, including designers, manu­ is a sampling of some relatively new, tical shape of ER lamps, combined with
facturers, utility representatives, engi­ highly efficient lighting technologies. It an internal coating of reflective alumi­
neers, and vision scientists. "All these is by no means a comprehensive list but num, directs light downward rather
different groups really have trouble talk­ highlights effective technologies that than into surrounding areas. Other in­
ing to one another," Leslie says. "Yet have not yet been adopted widely. candescents now are made with films
each group is putting forth information Compact fluorescent lamps Twin­ on the interior lamp walls that reflect
that is vital to the functioning of the tube and quad-tube fluorescents, two infrared light onto the filament while
other groups." of the several types of compact fluores­ allowing visible light to pass through.
The spearhead of the LRC technology cent, are often used to replace incan­ The formerly wasted infrared energy
transfer program would be Lighting Now, descent lamps. Some are made to be then heats the filament further, produc­
a serial publication to be developed to screwed into existing incandescent fix­ ing more visible light. The bulb shapes
reach people from the whole range of re­ tures. They are available in wattages have been changed to both spherical
lated fields. The proposed format is a ranging from 5 to 26 and offer wattage and cylindrical to help the films reflect
four-page, biweekly bulletin that could savings of 60-75% when used to re­ the infrared light properly. A 60-watt
be kept in a binder for reference. LRC place incandescents. They last about 10 coated incandescent lamp provides
plans to develop an international com­ times longer than incandescents but about as much light as a conventional
munication network to keep abreast of can cost up to 20 times as much. The 150-watt incandescent PAR lamp. ER
the latest developments in lighting payback period can be less than a year, lamps are widely available, but as of
around the world. Currently, Leslie says,
information on such developments may
not appear in professional journals until

12 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

Lighting Technology

now only one manufacturer has intro­ cents. They are just beginning to because they make it practical to re­
duced incandescents with selective replace incandescents in the commer­ move half the lamps and ballasts from a
reflecting films. cial sector for uses like display lighting. fixture; the decrease in light output
T-8 fluorescent lamps The 4-foot, 32- Electronic ballasts By far the most from that fixture is only 25-30%. The
watt T-8 lamp has a double phosphor significant development in ballast tech­ aluminum reflectors offer the lowest
coating, which offers higher efficiency, nology, the electronic (solid-state) bal­ initial cost; the silver and dielectric film
longer-lasting brightness, and good last runs fluorescent and HID lamps at types have the highest reflectivity. The
color quality. With a diameter of 1 inch, high frequency. The result: essentially multiple dielectric coating also can be
it is half an inch thinner than the T-12 no flicker or noise and lower ballast used on HID fixtures and has been
lamp, which it typically replaces. The power losses. With fluorescents, in­ shown to increase the efficiency of such
T - 8 lamp will fit into the standard 4-foot creased efficiency is an added advan­ fixtures by up to 30%.
fixture but will not work with a T - 12 tage. For example, a standard T-12 Occupancy sensors and photocell
ballast. With an electronic ballast, the system with an electronic ballast is up controls These are just two examples of
lamp operates at a higher frequency, to 25% more efficient than a T-12 system the types of technology being used to
making it more efficient. When the with a standard, magnetic ballast. With control lighting in commercial build­
lamps are compared without ballasts, HID lamps, electronic ballasts allow ings. Occupancy sensors use infrared
the T-8 proves to be about 12.5% more more control over light output during or ultrasonic signals to detect motion in
efficient than the standard T- 12 lamp. the lamp's life. Some electronic ballasts a room, automatically turning lights on
Low-wattage metal halide lamps offer continuous, or step, dimming when motion is detected or off when
Metal halide lamps, a type of high­ capability, allowing light to be adjusted none is detected. Photocell systems
intensity-discharge (HID) lamp, have to the requirements of a particular detect the amount of daylight entering
traditionally been available only in space. With electronic ballasts, single a given space and automatically adjust
wattages between 175 and 1000. Now lamps can be dimmed as easily as the electric lighting system to maintain
available in 100 watts or less, they can large groups, making possible more the desired illumination. Computer­
be used to replace incandescent lamps. options for lighting control strategies controlled lighting management sys­
While compact fluorescents typically such as daylighting. tems that incorporate several control
replace incandescents of 100 watts or Optical reflectors Made of alumi­ strategies also are being used in the
less, HID lamps are used in place of num, silver, or multiple dielectric coat­ commercial sector. Such systems have
the higher-wattage incandescents. Like ings, optical reflectors improve the included functions that turn lights on
incandescents, metal halide lamps al­ efficiency of fluorescent fixtures by up and off at programmed times, automat­
low for better focus and control than to 20%. The reflectors direct more light ically reduce lighting loads during
fluorescents in that they cast light downward so that it does not bounce times of unusually high peak utility
directly toward one point, rather than around inside the fixture. Such reflec­ demand, and increase power to a light­
to a general area. HID lamps are 150% tors can cut lighting energy costs for ing system as it dims with age and dirt
more efficient than standard incandes- existing overlighted spaces by half accumulation. D

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 1 3

Research at EPRI

E PRI research has explored many

aspects of energy efficiency in
lighting. In the process, it has devel­
improving lighting and HVAC designs.
One of the successful strategies
tested to reduce peak load entailed con­
responded to a questionnaire asking
them, among other things, to rate the
lighting available for specific tasks
oped a broad portfolio of tools and trolling the temperature in the return and in the surrounding environment.
information of value to utilities, includ­ air plenum to keep it a few degrees Participating occupants had been at
ing technology assessments, surveys of cooler than is typical, and then allow­ their workstations at least one year.
utility lighting incentive programs, ing the temperature to rise a few This study indicated that lighting
design and analysis software, retrofit degrees during the building's peak satisfaction is strongly correlated with
strategies, and a utility lighting hand­ demand period. Understanding and the distribution of light. Cases with
book. Two recent projects have pro­ controlling such interactions can uniform distribution provided more
duced particularly interesting results reduce peak demand due to lighting, satisfaction than cases with strongly
bearing on the design of energy­ cooling, and fans by about 17%. If these nonuniform patterns, which were pro­
efficient lighting systems. more efficient strategies were applied duced by some systems using task
In the first, EPRI and the Department to just 5% of existing U.S. commercial lighting. Some systems with task light­
of Energy (DOE) have been collabo­ spaces and 25% of new construction ing tended to use greater power den­
rating on a project to find design strat­ each year, demand reductions would sities; thus the belief that individual
egies that help optimize the interaction total about 1400 MW annually. task lighting combined with lower gen­
between lighting systems and heat­ Researchers will continue testing eral (ambient) lighting is always energy
ing, ventilating, and air conditioning and validation of the new design meth­ efficient and advantageous was not
(HVAC) systems in commercial build­ odologies and computer model and borne out by this analysis. The reason
ings. Improving this interaction not will work with the design community may be the extreme contrast between
only can help save energy but also can to adopt these improved methods. the task lighting and the darker sur­
reduce peak demand for utilities, par­ In an effort to better understand the rounding vertical surfaces of the work­
ticularly during the summer months, human impact of various lighting sys­ stations studied. Another key finding
when the heat from lights creates more tems, EPRI joined with the New York of this study was that there was little or
work for air conditioning systems. State Energy Research & Development no correlation between lighting power
The project has already involved Authority, DOE, NIST, and the Lighting densities and occupant satisfaction
more than 350 tests in a fully instru­ Research Institute in funding addi­ with the lighting system.
mented test chamber at the National tional analysis of an earlier DOE study. Overall, the study provides valuable
Institute of Standards and Technology This "second-level," follow-up analysis insights on different types of lighting
(NIST). Data have been gathered on thoroughly examined 912 workstations systems and the need to carefully under­
some 400 variables that relate to light­ in 13 U.S. office buildings. Extensive stand the complex impacts of lighting
ing levels, air temperatures, room sur­ data were collected on energy use as systems and design strategies on occu­
face temperatures, and other factors. A well as lighting levels and the contrast pant satisfaction. Additional research
computer model of the chamber is between light and dark areas through­ topics identified by this study are being
being developed for future use in out the workstations. Occupants also evaluated for further investigation. o

years after the work has been done. An­ actly what we're trying to catalyze here. outsider, this may sound like a simple
other problem is that the information No one is doing that effectively now." solution. But maintaining quality while
presented is so highly technical that only encouraging efficiency is no easy task. A
a limited audience can understand it. Standards and quality specified maximum energy use does not
"You have to get that information to the Another avenue for encouraging efficient guarantee good-quality light. Lighting
people-the building managers, the ar­ lighting is to impose standards that man­ quality depends on a number of factors,
chitects, the electricians, and all the date or suggest maximum energy levels, including color rendition and glare.
others who specify lighting. That's ex- in watts per square foot. To an industry Jim Heldenbrand, manager of stan-

14 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

dards for the American Society of Heat­ how well utility programs address the is­ low more effective use of daylighting, to
ing, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning sues of quality in lighting. But ambitious a new, high-frequency surface-wave
Engineers (ASHRAE), admits that stan­ programs like New England Electric Sys­ lamp that is 30% more efficient than the
dards have limitations. "You cannot set tem's "Design 2000" emphasize provid­ common fluorescent. One recent devel­
standards that only the best design can ing a "high-quality environment through opment could be useful to utilities as a
meet," he says. "You have to set stan­ reduced glare, better color rendition, and design tool to optimize indoor and out­
dards that, in essence, eliminate the lighting controls that are more respon­ door lighting. This tool, a software pro­
poorest practices only. " It has taken six sive to occupants' needs." Feedback gram called RADIANCE, simulates actual
years for ASHRAE and the Illuminating from other utilities shows that customers lighting environments so that quality
Engineering Society of North America to now rely on them to help make decisions energy-efficient lighting systems can be
develop the so-called 90.lP standards regarding quality. "Customers will call designed from the desktop. The simula­
aimed at new commercial buildings. The us up asking our opinion on some fix­ tions are so precise they resemble photo­
voluntary standards got preliminary ap­ ture, some bulb, or some technology in graphs. A user's options are virtually
proval this summer and should be pub­ general," says Dan Thomas of Wisconsin unlimited, including the ability to move
lished by the end of the year. The light­ Electric Power. "They're using us as a or change fixtures and furniture. The
ing specifications are based on watts per sounding board." program uses a simulation technique
square foot and are about twice as strin­ Bob Henderson, senior commercial called backward ray tracing, by which a
gent as the previous standards. The De­ program specialist at Carolina Power & researcher can track a light path from its
partment of Energy in July imposed its Light, stresses that today's working envi­ destination to its source, incorporating
own set of standards, which are manda­ ronment calls for closer attention to qual­ such factors as specular reflection and
tory for new federal buildings. Based on ity in lighting. Lighting schemes must be geometry. The program has been verified
research that went into ASHRAE's stan­ designed for what he calls "seeability"­ with real-life measurements. LBL has re­
dards, DOE's standards follow a similar the ability to see well. Modern office leased this research-grade program to
format, allowing, for the first time, credit equipment has introduced new compli­ universities and hopes to make it more
for daylighting and controls. DOE's stan­ cations, such as glare on video display user-friendly in the future.
dards also include even more stringent terminal screens. When a break room at But while such technological advances
requirements for 1993. Carolina Power was converted into a ste­ may sound exciting, they also raise some
But while the standards offer some nographers' office, workers complained serious questions: Will the marketplace
guidance, the ultimate decision on fix­ that glare from the light fixtures inter­ ever begin to keep pace with this tech­
tures and lamps still rests with the light­ fered with their attempts to read from nology? What will it take for that to oc­
ing designer. "Everyone in the scientific computer screens. A big part of the cur? Perhaps increased utility activity is
community and in the lighting industry problem was that the office was over­ part of the answer. But clearly the suc­
will agree on one statement," Helden­ lighted. Among other changes, two cess of energy efficiency in lighting
brand said. "There is no scientific mea­ lamps were removed and one ballast won't depend on utilities alone. It will
sure for quality of lighting. And there is was disconnected from each lighting fix­ depend on the efforts of other interest
a strong need for this." Until such a mea­ ture. Acrylic lenses were replaced with groups, the success of technology trans­
sure is discovered, he says, decisions on half-inch parabolic-wedge louvers, and fer, and-perhaps most important-the
quality will depend primarily on the pro­ sun screens were installed on windows. customer, be it the casino manager or the
fessional judgment of lighting experts. There was little or no reflection and the supermarket owner. As Arnold Fickett,
In the meantime, though, the federal lighting energy bill was cut in half. vice president of EPRI's Customer Sys­
government has adopted an amendment tems Division, puts it, "The guy who
to the 1987 National Appliance Energy Future work owns Joe's supermarket isn't going to
Conservation Act that requires fluores­ Technological advances in lighting are worry at all about the next power plant.
cent lamp ballasts in this country to meet improving the quality and efficiency of He's going to install more efficient light­
specific efficiency levels. As of January 1, lighting every year, making options for ing if he gets something out of more effi­
1990, manufacturers will be prohibited utilities and their customers even more cient lighting. You really have to think
from producing the least-efficient types abundant. Perhaps the best peek into the about what's in it for Joe." •
of ballast currently on the market. The future is offered at Lawrence Berkeley
new law also bans the importation of in­ Laboratory (LBL), where researchers are
efficient ballasts. developing technologies ranging from This article was written by Leslie Lamarre, science writer.
Technical i nformation was provided by Karl Johnson and
It is almost impossible to determine new film coatings for windows that al- Morton Blatt, Customer Systems Division.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 15

onstantly rising productivity began in the 1970s was thus a source of poses a way of looking at productivity and
has supported the nation's great concern. By the end of the decade, related issues as they are affected by the use
phenomenal rise in living stan­ productivity growth in U.S. manufacturing of electricity.
dards during this century. Cre­ had slipped into the minus column (-0.6% The new work builds on a widely ac­
ating ever more output with less input per average annual growth), a disquieting con­ cepted economic view of the factors
unit is the magic that has allowed Ameri­ trast to the 2.2% average annual growth accounting for long-term productivity
cans to live well at home and dominate rate of the 1960s. Today productivity seems growth. Ever since the Industrial Revolu­
international markets. About half of the to be on the mend, at least in manufactur­ tion, when the steam engine first eased the
steady gains in U.S. manufacturing output ing, but caution lingers as the 1990s begin. load on groaning muscles, it has been
since 1899 can be attributed to growth in A forthcoming book by Sam H. Schurr, known that capital investment in new
multifactor productivity, a measure track­ Calvin C. Burwell, Warren D. Devine, Jr., machinery could increase output per
ing the amount by which output exceeds and Sidney Sonenblum, prepared under worker. Careful economic studies by the
the combined input of labor and capital. the auspices of EPRI's Energy Study Center, Nobel laureate Robert Solow, Moses
This single statistic reflects the enormous provides some critical background on the Abramovitz, and others have documented
importance of productivity improvements productivity problem and important clues the fact that this gain is not merely a trade­
to sustained economic growth. as to the future. Electricity in the American off, a substitution of capital for labor, but
The slump in productivity growth that Economy: Agent ofTechnological Progress pro- a true net increase in output over the com-


A historical review of American manufacturing shows a strong linkage over

the past century between technological progress and electrified production tech­
niques. As centralized, steam-powered belt-and-shaft drives of the late nine­
teenth century gave way after World War I to decentralized electric motor drives
mounted on individual pieces of factory equipment, American manufacturing
productivity soared. A surprising concurrent decrease in energy intensity, even
at this early stage, points up a key conclusion: electrification of processes allows
manufacturers to do more with less-including less energy. Will another pro­
ductivity breakthrough result from the present use of programmable automated
controls ? Although productivity trends faltered with the economic disturbances
of the 1970s, the most recent developments in electronics-including sophisti­
cated microprocessor technology for flexible, decentralized control-are expected
to reestablish significant gains in manufacturing productivity in the 1990s.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 1 7

bined input of capital and labor. The source Industrial Energy Puts On a Clean Shirt
of this surplus is rising productivity-the
ability to do progressively more with less Electricity came into U.S. factories as a clean substitute for the coal-fired steam engine,
input per unit. mainly i n printing plants and textile mills. But manufacturing operations �till featured a
What, then, accounts for productivity central prime mover, rigid arrays of line shafts and pulleys, with leather belts delivering
growth itself? An important factor on power to parallel ranks of machines. American society was slow to change, too. We
which economists focus is technological remained horse-drawn and wood-fired, unpaved and tree-shaded.
progress, mainly as embodied in new plant
and equipment and in new ways of orga­
nizing production.
Schurr and his colleagues begin where
earlier works leave off, with a closer look at
the nature of additions to capital stock and
organizational changes in manufacturing,
in particular as they have been influenced
by the use of electrified techniques of pro­
duction. The authors rely on two streams of
information: historical descriptions of the
evolution of manufacturing technology
over the course of the twentieth century,
and quantitative measures of manufac­
turing outputs and the productive inputs of
labor, capital, and energy over the same
period. This evolutionary perspective per­
mits them to identify the underlying trends
that characterize the long-term record.
Some provocative patterns emerge. Dur­
ing the twentieth century, for example, the
use of electricity in manufacturing has
grown far more rapidly than any other in­
put: at an average rate of over 8% annually,
compared with 1.5% for nonelectric energy,
1.3% for labor, and about 3% for capital.
These figures strongly suggest that addi­
tions to the capital stock in manufacturing
have been geared predominantly to the use
of electricity.
What the new study adds to the existing
productivity-technology paradigm is a crit­
ical link between technological progress
and electrified production techniques. In
particular, this analysis is able to relate the
ongoing process of electrification to steady
productivity gains in U.S. manufacturing
during most of the century, and to some
surprising energy savings as well.
But how does electrification actually
spur productivity? Returning to the focus
on capital stock as the entry point for new
technology, why has the investment in elec­
trified equipment been so important? A

18 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

partial answer is that the use of new electri­ Electric Motors Reinvent the Factory
cal equipment has provided greatly im­
proved ways to effect physical and The unit drive, an electric motor at each machine, was conceived at the turn of the cen­
chemical changes in materials. But of even tury, proved in World War I, and swept the nation in the 1920s. Materials could move more
greater importance is the fact that electri­ efficiently, and productivity soared as electricity's precision boosted throughput, cut
fication has brought about changes in the losses, and even reduced energy intensity. U.S. lifestyles went big-time, the culture went
organization of entire systems of produc­ ragtime, commerce climbed up skyscrapers, and everyone stepped on the gas.
tion. A look at two critical developments in
the history of American manufacturing
shows the fundamental importance of
these electrically based systemic changes.

Machine drive goes electric

The introduction of electric power into the
American factory around 1890 triggered
changes that eventually led to an explosion
of productivity, but not in one giant step.
Initially, electricity was treated as just an­
other source of heat and power to supple­
ment steam and other power sources. Its
larger potential was not yet clear.
In pre-electric factories, machines had to
be arranged in long rows parallel to the
constantly rotating metal shafts that
brought them their power. The shafts were
driven from a central source, typically a
co,'11-fired steam engine, which turned
them continuously from dawn to dusk, no
matter how many machines were actually
in use. A large plant might contain thou­
sands of feet of metal shafts and leather
belts connecting shafts and machinery, as
well as thousands of drip oilers suspended
above the works for continuous lubrica­
tion. Just one broken shaft could halt work
on an entire floor, and a broken steam en­
gine could shut down an entire factory.
The initial innovation in the electrifica­
tion of machine drive was to replace the
central steam engine with a large electric
motor. This first occurred in such industries
as printing and textiles, where the grime
from coal-fired steam engines was a con­
stant threat to product quality and the need
for clean power made it worth the risk to
try a new technology. In textile mills, large
motors of several hundred horsepower
were soon driving over 1000 looms at a
time. But the system of power distribution
within the factory remained the same. Ma­
chines were still fixed to an elaborate over-

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 19

head structure of shafts, clutches, belts, capped many years of growth in the use of adoption of electrified unit drive during
and pulleys. electrified unit drive. During that decade, the 1920s was stronger, in fact, than the
A much more radical step was to outfit electricity use surged at an annual rate of decline during the 1970s, and it occurred
each machine with its own electric motor­ more than 9%. But even more significant without the prompting of a severe energy
that is, to use electrified unit drive, a devel­ as a manifestation of the triumph of elec­ shortage. The average decline of 4.3% per
opment that did not take hold on a wide tric machine drive was the electrification year for the period 1920-1929 compares
scale until after the First World War. Ma­ of capital during that period: electricity with about 2.4% per year for the period
chines, freed from their overhead tethers, use grew at a rate 13 times that of capital, 1973-1981 (although the rate of decline in­
could be arranged in new ways-ways al­ whereas the use of nonelectric energy ac­ creased in the early 1980s). These figures
lowing related operations to be placed tually declined. suggest a new way of looking at energy
side by side, for example, to achieve a Accompanying this electrification was a conservation: from this perspective, con­
smoother work flow and a faster rate of surge in productivity. Gains galloped along servation over the long term is primarily a
throughput. These more efficient arrange­ at an average 5.2% per year during the by-product of technological progress and
ments, plus the instant availability of elec­ 1920s, the highest rate for any decade in this the rising productivity it provides.
tric power throughout the factory, permit­ century and a sharp contrast to the 0.8% Overall, then, three major trends stand
ted a new emphasis on continuous pro­ average annual rate during the period out: a growing share for electricity in the
duction, and output began to soar. In 1899-1920. By correlating historical ac­ energy mix, rising productivity, and de­
observations on some pioneering installa­ counts with quantitative data, these gains clining energy intensity. Typical of U.S.
tions, Professor F. B. Crocker noted the im­ can be traced in large part to the transfor­ manufacturing during much of the twen­
portance of unit drive as early as 1901, long mation in production systems made possi­ tieth century, these trends were all strik­
before it was widely used: " . . . the output of ble by electrified unit drive. ingly pronounced during the rapid
manufacturing establishments is materi­ Paradoxically, the move toward electri­ change sparked by the rise of electrified
ally increased. . . by the use of electric driv­ fication also coincided with a sharp decline unit drive in the 1920s.
ing. . . with the same floor space, machinery, in the intensity of energy use in manufac­
and workmen. This is the most important turing (the ratio of total energy input to Microprocessors bring flexibility
advantage of all, because it secures an in­ manufacturing output). While productiv­ The need for flexibility in manufacturing
crease in income without any increase in ity soared during the 1920s, energy use rel­ continued to grow over subsequent de­
investment." ative to output plummeted; the average cades. Eventually, another electricity­
Dismantling the overhead structure rate of decline was 4.3% per year. How based technology emerged that would go
cleared up headroom in the plant and al­ could such energy savings occur, given the beyond the flexibility of unit drive and
lowed the introduction of traveling elec­ losses that accompany the conversion of trigger another breakthrough in the orga­
tric cranes for more efficient materials primary fuels to electricity? Indeed, it nization of production systems. That tech­
handling. Belt slippage, a major problem could be expected that a growing reliance nology was the microprocessor.
with line drive of multiple machines, be­ on electricity in manufacturing would lead While the electric motor provided the
came minimal with individual units. Unit to the use of more, not less, total energy. motive force to operate production equip­
drive eliminated power losses due to fric­ Electricity's role as an agent of techno­ ment, the microprocessor has become the
tion in rotating shafts, and it saved the logical progress provides the key. Just as key to controlling it. Just as the electric
energy that had been wasted in turning electrified production techniques have al­ motor managed energy with a precision
shafts when some machines were not in lowed manufacturers to produce a given and flexibility never before possible, so
use. A malfunctioning motor stopped level of output with less input of labor and the microprocessor now manages infor­
only one machine, not a whole group or a capital, so too has less energy input been mation. Electricity and the microprocessor
whole factory. Savings such as these were required. Conversion losses of primary have become the new production part­
sometimes more than enough to offset the energy are more than offset by the greater ners, playing the same critical roles played
capital costs of additional electric motors, efficiency of electrified production tech­ by electricity and the electric motor earlier
and beyond them were the enormous in­ niques. Electrified processes have allowed in this century.
creases in productivity that resulted from manufacturers to do more with less-in­ Pre-electric control systems were crude,
the reorganization of production flows. cluding less energy. relying on mechanical gears or hydraulic
Energy conservation, then, is neither an devices to control machine tools. These
Productivity surges invention of the 1970s nor necessarily the early automatic machines of the 1920s
The great productivity harvest in manu­ product of deliberate striving. The decline were inflexible: only a limited and fixed
facturing came in the 1920s, a period that in energy intensity associated with the sequence of control movements could be

20 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

Microprocessors accomplished without human interven­
Decentralize Production Control tion. Virtually all progress beyond this
stage has relied on electricity and electronic
Computers have maximized the power and precision of our manufacturing muscle, and
control devices.
microprocessors are now adding the versatility of distributed electronic intelligence­
During the 1930s, electrically- powered
making available the full range of market, material, inventory, design, assembly,
mechanical devices called servomecha­
backlog, cost, and other information needed to customize production and maximize nisms came into use. Designed with feed­
productivity simu ltaneously. Thanks to the unique contributions of electricity, today's back capability, the new devices could au­
mass market economy paradoxically offers more variety and more choices than we had tomatically measure particular machine ac­
in the past. And electricity continues to enable much technological innovation. tions, identify the difference between
actual and desired actions, and respond to
the difference by making adjustments to
achieve the actions desired. Servomecha­
nisms were able to direct far more complex
sequences of machine movements than
their predecessors. But their repertoire of
movements was still quite limited and had
to be set in advance.
A major breakthrough came with the
application of reprogrammable controls,
which used automated instructions to shift
machine operations in the midst of produc­
tion. Initially developed during the 1940s
and 1950s, reprogrammable control de­
vices came into widespread use during the
1960s. They allowed production sequences
to be altered easily in midstream in re­
sponse to changes in a punched paper tape.
The tape was decoded by a mechanical or
optical reader attached to the machine
The next step was the development of
stored-program digital computers. Substi­
tuted for the cumbersome system of paper
tape, the computer memory could store in­
structions governing every operation of an
automated machine, and reprogramming
was only a keystroke away. Since the main­
frame computers of the 1960s were expen­
sive, however, justifying their cost required
that each one control a number of ma­
chines. Reliability came to be a problem.
When a computer broke down, a number
of machines were disabled, just as multiple
machines had been disabled by the failure
of one electric motor during the very early
days of electric drive.
These problems set the stage for the mi­
croprocessor, which allowed computer
control to take place at the machines them­
selves. Greater flexibility removed the

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 21

penalty on nonstandard products and tegration. The pioneers of electronic inte­
Electric Power
launched the trend toward customization gration may be acting on faith, just as
for Energy Efficiency
that has since been seen in products rang­ many of the pioneers of electrified me­
ing from automobiles to T -shirts. More chanical drive did. Computer technolo­
One hu ndred years of technological innovation
significant, the microprocessor allowed gies will almost certainly bring further
i n manufacturing, represented by steadily
computer-controlled machines to be linked organizational change and productivity
increasing e lectrification for fast, precise
with one another and with the various ac­ gains to manufacturing, but it is unclear at
application of energy, has led to sharply lower
tivities that support production. what pace those changes will occur.
energy intensity-that is, a reduction i n the
Intel introduced its microprocessor, or
"computer on a chip," in 1971. The micro­ Growth falters overall energy consumption per u n i t of U . S .
economic output.
processor was programmable in the same So far, the productivity advances accom­
way as much larger computers. Compared panying the adoption of microprocessor
with the earliest mainframe, the microcom­ technology in manufacturing have not 0
puter of the mid-1970s had more comput­ been as rapid as those that occurred dur­ Energy intensity
ing capacity, was 20 times faster, and cost ing the heyday of electrified unit drive in a, 40
only 1/10,000 as much. Thus began the dis­ the 1920s. Poor productivity gains during C 150
persal of computers to the very sources of the 1970s prompted skeptics to question (I)
D 30
the information they collect and to the very the benefits of computerized control. c
processes or machines they control. This Manufacturing productivity had grown at "iii
C 20
decentralized system of control, relying on an average annual rate of 2.4% during the � 1 00
a hierarchy of computers, became known period 1960-1973, before the introduction 10
as "distributed intelligence." of the microprocessor-based technologies.
In the early 1980s, this new system came But just when the benefits of the new tech­ 50 0
to the fabricating industries. In a typical nologies would have been expected to be­ 1 890 1 920 1 950 1 980
configuration, several microcomputer­ gin showing up, productivity growth
1 20
controlled machine tools are linked by a dropped further, to a low average annual
minicomputer, and several minicompu­ rate of 0.2% (1973-1981). At the end of the
ters are tied in turn to a mainframe. The 1970s, productivity had actually begun to 1 00
M u ltifactor productivity
programs for the manufacture of every shrink.
part the firm makes are stored in the What happened? One explanation is 0

central database and transferred automat­ that the emphasis during this time was on II
ically from the mainframe via the mini­ saving energy, not labor or capital. Be­ a,
computers to appropriate machines in the cause labor and capital are the inputs em­ X 60
network. In addition, information about ployed in multifactor productivity mea­

the status of every machine, the volume of surements, using more of them in order to
its production, and the quality of the fin­ save energy will make productivity fig­ 40

ished parts flows back to the mainframe. ures plummet. Energy conservation prior­
The possibilities do not stop there. An ities led to choices that saved energy but 20 +-���-r-���-r-�--c�,---i
organization can link design, engineering, failed to support overall productivity 1 890 1 920 1 950 1 980
fabrication, production management, and growth. Other possible factors bogging
even product distribution and field ser­ down this growth were a large influx of Electric Power
vice through a common database. Elec­ untrained workers into the workforce and for Productivity
tronic integration allows factories, and the lags in the availability of new equipment.
office operations that support them, to be Once these conditions passed, manufac­ The same period has seen sharply higher
reorganized for maximum speed and flex­ turing productivity snapped back. The pe­ multifactor productivity, the ratio of economic
ibility in response to a constantly chang­ riod 1981-1985 saw a sharp rise in the aver­ output to the combined i n put of labor and
ing competitive environment. age annual growth rate-to 4%. Recent capital. M u ltifactor productivity is climbing
Owing to obstacles ranging from com­ figures confirm that the slowdown of the more steeply i n manufacturing alone (shown
puter incompatibility to sheer information 1970s has indeed been reversed and that here) than in the total U . S . economy, where
overload, very few enterprises have yet the reversal has been sustained. labor-intensive service activities play a
realized the full potential of electronic in- Like productivity, electricity use in prominent role.

22 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

manufacturing has continued to grow, but just as productivity began rising again. Like electrified unit drive decades ear­
much more slowly than it did in the 1920s. That is consistent with the historical pat­ lier, today's microprocessor technology
The average annual growth rate for 1973- tern, suggesting that conservation efforts offers benefits typical of electricity-based
1985 was only 0.3%. When electrified unit got a strong boost when the new technol­ production techniques. It provides decen­
drive revolutionized industry during the ogy, which served both conservation and tralized control. It permits flexible utiliza­
1920s, the ratio of electricity use to capital overall productivity goals, came into tion of plant and equipment as needed. It
investment grew at an average annual rate widespread use in the early 1980s. allows for easy expansion in small incre­
of 8.3%. The 1970s saw just the opposite For the full period 1973-1985, then, all ments. And it allows the whole operation
pattern: electricity use grew more slowly three major trends continued, but just to be coordinated and integrated into a
than capital investment in the period barely. The growth in electrification and smoothly functioning unit. Both electric
1973-1981, resulting in a 3.5% annual rate productivity was quite sluggish by histori­ drive and microprocessor technology
of decline in this ratio. What's more, the cal standards and failed to keep pace with have permitted significant reorganization
electricity use-capital investment ratio re­ the rapid improvements in energy effi­ of manufacturing operations, with payoffs
mained narrowly negative in the early ciency. So the relationship among the in both overall productivity and the effi­
1980s, even when productivity began to three trends changed. After many years of ciency of energy use. They show how elec­
climb. marching along together, they parted tricity-based technologies can produce
Do these figures mean that electricity company briefly during the 1970s. When more output than ever before with less
has become less important in manufactur­ the energy shortages began to ease, how­ combined input of labor and capital per
ing? Not at all. Partly they reflect recent ever, and new technology became more unit, and with less energy input as well.
efforts toward energy conservation. Partly widely available, lagging electricity use As these advances continue, the histori­
they reflect the much higher capital cost of and productivity began to catch up, bring­ cal rate of increase in electricity use could
new computerized equipment. But mostly ing the three trends once again more moderate somewhat, because the energy
they point to the difference between the closely into step. requirements of some of the newest com­
electricity requirements of the motors that puter- related technologies are minimal.
spearheaded the technological revolution The pattern endures Even so, dependence on electricity is like­
of the 1920s and the minuscule require­ The new book by Schurr and his associates ly to continue to grow. It will grow as
ments of today's computer technologies. links the dramatic rise in U.S. manufactur­ the heavily energy-intensive materials-pro­
The changes in the relationship between ing productivity during the twentieth cen­ cessing industries continue to shift from
electricity and capital do not signal a slow­ tury to electricity-based techniques. In do­ fuels to electricity and as computerized in­
down in the trend toward electrification of ing so, it addresses three interrelated formation management systems reshape
capital, but they do point to a slowdown in questions: Why has electricity's share of the nation's productive capacity.
the amount of electricity required to total energy risen so sharply throughout In short, Schurr and his associates see the
power it. Nevertheless, electricity's share this century? How has this rise been re­ productivity slump of the 1970s as an aber­
of the total energy use in manufacturing, lated to productivity increases? And how ration and the recovery of the 1980s as a
now about 40%, continues to increase, can it be consistent with steady improve­ return to normalcy. The pattern is well es­
largely as a result of the growing electri­ ments in the efficiency of energy use? tablished over the course of the twentieth
fication of materials processing (an impor­ The answer to all three questions is the century. If the 1990s conform to that pat­
tant trend documented in the book by technological progress that is embodied in tern, electricity's share of total energy will
Schurr and his colleagues, but not covered electrified production techniques. Two ex­ continue to rise in concert with healthy pro­
in this article). amples, one historical and one contempo­ ductivity gains and continuing improve­
The third major trend accompanying rary, have shown how such techniques can ments in the efficiency of energy use.
technological progress has been declining exert a powerful and pervasive impact on
energy intensity. Because conservation the efficiency with which all manufactur­
has been a national policy since the early ing operations are performed. To achieve
1970s, it is difficult to separate out the en­ this impact, both electrified machine drive
ergy savings directly attributable to pro­ and microprocessor technology have re­
ductivity growth and the new wave of lied for their effectiveness on a unique
microprocessor technology. Energy inten­ attribute of electricity: the exceptional pre­ This article. written by communicat1ons consultant Mary Wayne
was based on E!ectnc,ty m the Amencan Economy Agent of
sity declined rapidly at an average rate of cision-in time, in space, and in scale­ Techno!og1cal Progress. a book by Sam H. Schurr. Calvin C.
3.6% throughout the period 1973-1985, with which energy in this form can be Burwell. Warren D. Devine. Jr . and Sidney Sonenblum that will
be published 1n 1990.
but the drop was sharpest toward the end, transferred.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1 989 23


Electronic intelligence for home systems and appliances is only a step away
from adaptive responses and interactions that will give us far greater control ,
comfort, and convenience. The integrated commun ication channels that make
these advances possible can also enhance load management efficiency and
economy on both sides of the meter.
he promise of automated homes gas and electric. Baltimore Gas & Electric, But questions and doubts still abound, if
is no longer pie in the sky. We Columbus & Southern Ohio Electric, and only because "home" is such a strong im­
are close to the reality of house­ Oklahoma Gas and Electric are three com­ age and at times resists change. Also, over­
hold appliances and systems panies with projects under construction. lapping and competing products add their
that "communicate"-interacting with Manufacturers are coming to market own equivocal note. Therefore, inevitable
each other and with us, not to mention with increasingly versatile electronic sys­ as the intelligent home is to a lot of sup­
with the utility, the police, and the fire de­ tems that will make intelligent homes a pliers and builders-and not a few utility
partment, as well as banks and brokers, reality. Two examples document the point. executives-it sometimes seems as indefi­
airlines and travel agents, school and Unity Systems (Redwood City, California) nite and remote as the often-mentioned pa­
studio broadcasters, and any number first offered its Home Manager in 1985, a perless office.
of stores. We're seeing what market ana­ combination of controller, touchscreen, and Simply reeling off examples of products
lysts call trend lines. They're profiling software that manages household energy and systems doesn't clearly define the func­
steady progress, and prototypes of sever­ distribution and use and controls security tional hierarchy that takes us to intelligent
al automated designs-including one and sprinkler systems. The Home Manager home environments. In fact, there are three
called the Smart House, in which EPRI can monitor up to 24 zones, control airflow tiers: smart products, intelligent sub­
has a hand-are being built in several (and thus temperature) in 20 of them, and systems, and integrated home automation
regions of the country. execute as many as six programmed daily systems.
We already have smart products in pro­ changes in each zone. Intended mainly for First come smart products. These have
fusion. Microprocessor chips are as com­ new houses, an installed Home Manager some data processing power. Products with
mon as potato chips in American houses, system costs from $5000 to about $20,000. digital controls, for example, appeared in
bringing a measure of intelligence to TVs, CyberLynx Computer Products (Boul­ the 1970s. Among them are VCRs, micro­
VCRs, thermostats, telephones, stereos, der, Colorado) is primarily a software firm, wave ovens, and coffee makers with digital
ranges, and even coffee makers. Appliance but since 1985 it has produced a system clocks. Appliances like these rely on digital
manufacturers like General Electric and called the Smarthome. Operating on radio control to automate one or more functions.
Sony are routinely incorporating program­ frequencies for control signals, the system But at their present stage of development
mable controls into their products. is wireless and can be owner-installed in they can't, for the most part, exchange in­
Also on the market are smart subsystems existing homes at a cost of $1000 and up, formation with any other appliance. A mi­
that enable basic, if limited, automation of a depending on the number of sensors and crowave oven, for example, is just that; it
few household activities. For some years modules needed. A control unit and a can't accept remote time or power-level in­
now, the X-10 programmable controller has hand-held transmitter permit the program­ structions or even trigger a message on the
been popular for operating home lighting ming of HVAC and security systems; pro­ TV screen when food is ready. All it can do
and small appliances, registering impres­ gramming changes in lighting requires the is beep for the benefit of people within
sive annual sales of over 2 million units. It use of a personal computer. earshot.
isn't alone; many other retrofittable designs The number of products and systems As it becomes possible to exchange infor­
that communicate by means of existing available or under development today mation between different kinds of prod­
power wiring are available from hardware prompts proponents of the intelligent ucts, even those of different manufacturers,
and builders' supply outlets and from such home to estimate that by 1992 there will be greater productivity in domestic manage­
chains as Radio Shack and Sears. 5000 such dwellings in the United States. ment will become commonplace. This is
Moreover, entirely automated houses are Some even predict a 25% penetration of the level of intelligent subsystems. An ob­
being built, featuring specialized wiring new home construction within the next vious current example is the linkage of
systems to accommodate all manner of five years. lighting and entertainment controls with
present and future functions, some of those of a swimming pool or spa. As an­
which aren't even completely defined yet. Making the distinctions other example, home HVAC controls could
The Smart House project, for instance, was Computer literacy certainly figures in pro­ be tied in with a security system so that the
founded in 1984 under the auspices of the jections for home automation. Fostered by programmable thermostat would lock the
National Association of Home Builders schools and offices, it has stimulated our doors and activate the security system
(NAHB), with the participation and advice interest and confidence in residence- based while turning down the heat at some desig­
of manufacturers, utilities, and trade networks where appliances-even of dif­ nated bedtime hour.
groups all over the United States. EPRI and ferent types and brands-communicate "The distinctive feature of these intelli­
the Gas Research Institute are closely in­ with each other to enhance the quality of gent combinations," says Arvo Lannus,
volved, as are a number of utilities, both our domestic lives. EPRI's program manager for residential

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 25

A Pyramid of Performance
What we like to call intelligence in the electronic operation of appliances is a matter of degree-from smart products to
intelligent subsystems to integrated home automation systems. The progression is marked by greater interconnection for
communication and control purposes. It's also marked by increasing sophistication, moiling from single appliance identities
to entire household functions and services.

Smart Products Perhaps the most familiar

smart product today is the videocassette recorder,
programmable weeks in advance for repetitive or
special-event TV recording. On-screen displays guide
and verify the user's step-by-step commands, which
can be entered on the buttons of a wireless controller
from the ease of a sofa clear across the room.

Intelligent Subsystems Home security is the

central feature of one representative intelligent sub­
system, where several appliances are linked so that
the timing and mode of operation of one controls the
others as well. Given a programmed combination of
hallway and outdoor lights, for example, one switch
turns on all those lights at bedtime-and at the same
time turns down the space heating, engages intru­ -:2all
sion alarms, monitors all smoke alarms, and elec­
tronically locks all exterior doors to outsiders.

Integrated Automation Systems An entire

home automation system interconnects everything,
making it possible not only to perform more functions
in concert but also to initiate or modify virtually all of
them from any control point, such as a telephone (in
the house or elsewhere), a hand-held VCR control, a
microwave oven touchpad, a personal computer
keyboard, or any of several system controllers. With
the advent of smart electric meters and utility com­
munication links, major energy-using appliances will
even take advantage of low electricity rates during
nonpeak hours.
customer systems, "is sensing the status of weeks and months, even of seasons." acknowledges market analyst Tricia Parks
one device or appliance as the basis for Veronika Rabl, EPRI's program manager of Parks Associates, who was quoted re­
controlling another. The overall service or for demand-side planning, makes a further cently in Custom Builder. But, she contends,
benefit is greater than from either of them distinction. "An intelligent home is adap­ "they will become so as technology and
alone. The distinction is even sharper if you tive; it takes account of changed condi­ expertise evolve."
think of remote control-for example, us­ tions-the weather, for example, or my pat­ Fully integrated home automation sys­
ing the telephone to program the micro­ terns of appliance switching and use. If I tems process information quickly: their
wave oven or the VCR." repeatedly open windows, the heating sys­ software is able to receive several simulta­
One of the earliest (and now least expen­ tem will learn from that and reset itself to a neous signals from different products and
sive) intelligent subsystems is the X-10 line lower temperature." systems, resolve conflicts between compet­
of controllers and control modules, avail­ Together, their comments emphasize the ing signals, prioritize needs, and make de­
able through Sears and Radio Shack. The notion of functions more than of ap­ cisions. To realize this goal in the most com­
controllers communicate by power line car­ pliances. Instead of telephones, TVs, and plete manner, the NAHB Smart House is
rier, sending programmed on/off signals to toasters, the intelligent home deals with laced throughout with multifunction cable
other products via the modules at outlets or energy, communications, security, enter­ that carries low-voltage wires for telephone
switches throughout the house. The most tainment, comfort, cooking, gardening, and data communications, coaxial cable for
sophisticated of the X-10 controllers is pro­ transportation, utilities, and so on. audio and video signals, and power wiring
grammed by personal computer but there­ Proponents of the intelligent home think (EPRI Journal, November 1986). Any ap­
after operates independently, controlling as and talk in terms of interaction between pliance from any manufacturer taking part
many as 256 devices from wherever it is occupants of the home and appliances in in the Smart House development can be
plugged in. A simpler X-10 controller re­ the home-and in terms of a process rather plugged into any outlet, and distributed
quires no computer interface; manual pro­ than separate events. For home automation logic chips-in the appliance and at key
gramming provides control of up to eight success, the supposition is that people will points in the core wiring-then establish
appliances. be able to communicate easily, even casu­ the appliance identity before any current
A key distinction in the hierarchy of ally, with their integrated systems at any flows. Success for the Smart House hinges
product and system intelligence is re­ number of access points (called interfaces) not only on the acceptance of its novel core
sponse to unusual circumstances. For ex­ or by means of cordless remote controllers. wiring and control system but on the avail­
ample, consider the idea of a digital clock Integrated home systems today typically ability of a full range of compatible prod­
with enough intelligence (and battery have a microprocessor- based central con­ ucts.
backup) to recognize power outages and trol unit, applications and system software,
seasonal time changes. When the rest of our and a variety of add-on controls for cus­ Establishing communications
household clocks become smart enough, tomizing installations. Examples include standards
we will no longer face the bothersome Unity Systems' Home Manager and Hy­ Today's gaps in the compatibility of smart
chore of correcting them manually. Instead, pertek's Home Brain. Most of the systems products and systems reveal a tension born
the master clock will respond to an outage rely on power-line-carrier signals and also of long-standing competitive practices.
or programmed time change and send a use dedicated wiring for such functions as Product differentiation is seen by some de­
simple reset message to all the others­ security system or HVAC control. For in­ velopers and manufacturers as a propri­
VCR, microwave, oven, alarms, and so on. stance, Mastervoice's Butler in a Box uses etary advantage and is marketed accord­
telephone wiring, and CyberLynx's Smart­ ingly. This strategy of going it alone re­
Integrated automation systems home uses radio frequencies. quires constant reevaluation as market
When people talk about the intelligent or But although these are all called whole­ growth speeds or slackens or as other prod­
automated home, they're talking about far house controllers, none yet controls all ma­ uct lines compete in breadth or capability.
more than being able to program the heat­ jor home electronic functions. At best, they Ultimately, of course, the expansion of
ing system to lower temperatures when no integrate the functions of several selected home automation systems to accommo­
one is home or to run the dishwasher to­ appliances or a few subsystems. This is date more products will be a logical and
morrow or both. Full home automation, the partly a matter of market development; necessary feature for their growing accept­
top of the pyramid, draws this definition people aren't fully aware of what can be ance and market penetration. EPRI's re­
from Arva Lannus: "It's integrated control done. Also, it's a matter of practicality in search managers are convinced that the
of all major devices and systems in the adapting the new systems to existing key to cost- effective in-home communica­
home according to the schedules and use houses. "Home automation systems that tions networks will be their versatility in
patterns of the residents, over a cycle of offer full integration aren't yet available," getting the most from the increasingly

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 27

sophisticated electronic products and ap­ ance. The Smart House project, on the other
pliances becoming available. The clear im­ hand, offers a proprietary communications
plication is a need for standardization in protocol; manufacturers and suppliers ne­
the industry. gotiate agreements to incorporat(:! the
Historically, new communications tech­ Smart House communications language
nologies develop in an environment of into their designs. There is thus a commit­
competing systems, free from regulation ment to deliver products that work in the
and standardization. But even as far back Smart House environment.
as the early 1920s, when competition For the time being, the emerging home
among radio broadcasters led strong sta­ automation industry is characterized by
Home­ tions to jam the signals of weaker ones, the smart products that speak different lan­
Conversant response was government regulation of guages. If a homeowner wants a thermo­
With what was seen to be a public resource. The stat to communicate with a television, an
the Future allocation of specific frequencies came to be interface-an interpreter-that can trans­
welcomed by broadcasters because it guar­ late one signal system into the language of
Communication is the anteed to radio advertisers that their mes­ another is necessary.
key capability that will sages would be heard free of interference.
integrate today's smart Such standardization usually benefits Emerging issues in home
products into tomor­ consumers in the long run; our current ex­ automation
row's fully automated perience with the VHS format for home Cost is a daunting issue; the range of home
systems. Heat, light, video cassettes and VCRs is an example. intelligence prices, like their capabilities,
audio-video, food According to Clark Gellings, director of is mind-boggling. Some off-the-shelf X-10
preparation, communi­ EPRI's Customer Systems Division, failure systems retail for less than $100, but Sean
cations, security, and of the home automation industry to adopt a Walsh, an electronics dealer in Washington,
recreation facilities-all standard communications protocol in the D.C., has said that fully automating a new
can respond to central­ very near future could seriously delay ac­ house costs $6000 and up. Indeed, the
ized controllers now, ceptance of the intelligent home. "The NAHB Smart House core system (wiring
with the help of worst thing that could happen," he cau­ and logic) is estimated to cost $10,000.
gateway devices to tions, "would be a market awash in home Rewiring an existing house for a compara­
translate or reconcile automation products that are unable to ble system would cost still more. And spe­
electronic language communicate with one another." cialized whole-house controllers, such as
differences. But with In the current circumstances, Gellings one from Custom Command Systems that
the eventual standard­ points to the Consumer Electronics Bus features voice recognition, cost $40,000
ization of communica­ (CEBus) as a timely attempt to provide stan­ and up.
tions, appliances will dard interfaces and a common language for Of course, home automation expense
interact automatically. appliances and products from over 50 man­ will fall as market acceptance rises. Mass
New data and a loca­ ufacturers, including Honeywell, Intel, production and distribution will bring
tion code at one point, Mitsubishi, Motorola, Sony, Texas Instru­ prices down. However, not every system is
whether from a sensor ments, and Whirlpool. "The goal is for a winner. Homeminder, a $500 low-end
or the homeowner's manufacturers of water heaters, electric wireless controller jointly produced by
direct input there, will door locks, cable TV systems, and the like to General Electric and the security system
trigger adaptive action have a single set of standardized communi­ manufacturer ADT, failed to sell and pro­
at one or more other cations bridges by which signals can move duction was discontinued.
ooints. from one product to another and be under­ Susan Cohen, a marketing administrator
stood," Gellings explains. at Rolm Corp., sounds a note of caution.
Sponsored by the Electronic Industries "Just because the technology is available
Association, the CEBus is an example of doesn't mean that the intelligent home will
open protocol, a voluntary communica­ become a reality in middle America. A
tions standard available to all manufac­ number of issues need to be resolved, not
turers. It's a standard with no contractual the least of which is the need to market a
strings, no mechanism to compel compli- clear vision of what an automated home

EPR I JOURNAL December 1989 29

really is to the consuming public."
Clark Gellings sees a number of forces
shaping and articulating the future of auto­
mated houses. "People want more than Whole-House Control-Almost
simply energy in their homes," he says, and
he has identified what he calls the key Control is the objective of comprehensive home intelligence today. A representative
players in making the intelligent home example, the Home Manager of Unity Systems, concentrates on three major functions­
market a success. They include the manu­ space heating and cooling, security, and lighting and appliances-with principal program­
facturers of entertainment products and ming and control via touchscreen. The system also accepts remote commands and repro­
major domestic appliances, of course. But gramming via telephone or computer. Special sensors monitor such conditions as
there are also the suppliers of electric hard­ temperature and motion (occupancy); relays and switches actuate the responses of
ware, such as circuit breakers and wiring; forced-air dampers, water valves, pump motors, solenoids, lights, and appliances.
the numerous standard- and code-setting
bodies of industry, government, and the
electrical trade; residential developers and
builders (and remodelers); the computer
industry; the designers of telecommunica­
tions networks, including local telephone
companies; and banks and other institu­
tions (stockbrokers and insurance com­
panies, for example) that have a commer­
cial stake in communications links to their
customers' homes. Not least among these
key players are electric utilities.
"We don't yet know everything that
these organizations need to be doing in
order to make the intelligent home market
a reality," stresses Gellings. "But we do
know that there is real potential for electric
utilities to take a role in promoting the intel­
ligent home to their customers."

Defining utility interest

Quite apart from the traditional competi­
tion with natural gas as a household energy
form, electric utilities have a special reason
for taking an interest in electronic home
automation. As Gellings notes, "Utilities
are just now beginning to make the connec­
tion between their need to manage electric­
ity load and the tremendous potential for
doing so that is inherent in the automated­
home concept."
According to Gellings, it isn't often ap­
preciated that the intelligent home is an
ideal environment in which to expand de­
mand-side load management programs.
With the permission of their customers,
utilities can be fully functioning partici­
pants in automated-home communications
networks, not only providing better service

30 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

to the homeowner but enhancing their own power line carrier-and later on by still to all manner of electricity uses, most obvi­
load management objectives. other media. Design specifications are now ously through improved control and effi­
Many elaborate systems and arrange­ being drawn up. ciency and reduced waste. The range of
ments are already in place through which "Control is only one word for what util­ electricity uses and the precision of their
utilities and their customers participate ities and householders achieve with elec­ control continue to increase, far ·more so
electronically in the operation of major ap­ tronic automation," points out EPRI's than is the case with other energy forms.
pliances. Research under EPRI sponsorship Veronika Rab!. "The gateway points up an­ Electric automation is a unique means of
indicates that more than 3.9 million U.S. other word, opportunity-making it possi­ taking advantage of those features and ca­
residential appliances have some kind of ble for the residential customer to operate pabilities. Says EPRI's Lannus, "In a house­
communications link with electric utilities. electric appliances and systems more effec­ hold setting more than anywhere else,
In more specific terms, this means that tively and economically." value is a matter of perception-of conve­
about 1.5 million central air conditioners, An example of the move toward two­ nience, comfort, speed, responsiveness."
about 360,000 space-heating systems, and way communications capability is the Net­ Home automation extends and multiplies
more than 1.6 million water heaters can be Comm system, a radio repeater network these features of electricity service, he says,
remotely controlled by utilities. Altogether, being developed cooperatively by Met­ "because advances in electric HVAC and
these appliances represent about 4 GW of ricom (of Campbell, California) and South­ appliances can so easily be integrated with
customer load. ern California Edison. Installed on utility the sophisticated control and communica­
But along with load management goes a poles, the network will carry two-way com­ tions systems now coming on the scene."
need for load research. It is a vital and munications between the utility and its cus­ Lannus, Rabl, Gellings, and their EPRI
established practice, a necessary invest­ tomers, initially for remote reading of colleagues obviously are convinced. And
ment by utilities to guide their system and newly developed electronic meters. Even­ part of their conviction comes from utility
' generation planning. Now, as the commu­ tually, Edison should also be able to initiate feedback, the growing realization that bet­
nications loops of automated houses come and terminate service remotely and add ter load management and better customer
into being, utilities can tap into them for time-of-day rates for customer load man­ service are both compelling arguments for
real-time data on their customers' ap­ agement. electric utilities to play increasingly active,
pliance preferences and use patterns-in­ In another experimental project, South­ even major roles in marketing the intelli­
valuable for fine-tuning service costs and ern Bell and Georgia Power have already gent home. •
electricity prices. tested an integrated communications sys­
Remote meter reading is another capa­ tem that provides energy management and
bility offered by an integrated electronic time-of-day pricing so that residential cus­
home, saving labor for the utility and elim­ tomers can program their appliances to
inating intrusion for the customer. Both take advantage of less expensive rates.
will be served by two-way communica­ Home automation encourages customer
tions systems and the development of what load management simply because of the
EPRI is calling the electric utility gateway. attributes of smart electric appliances and
The gateway will be a utility-owned and subsystems. As one EPRI researcher puts it,
-installed communications device for ex­ "Efficiency goes with intelligence in this
changing information between the utility, business." The HydroTech 2000 heat pump
the customer's meter, and the customer's is an example-it is 50% more efficient than
automation system. Thanks to a flexible conventional heat pumps and is specifi­
design featuring a modular interface, the cally designed so that its power can be lim­
gateway will be adaptable to home systems ited via utility load control signals. (See
that follow the Smart House, the CEBus, or EPRI Journal, March 1988.) The unit incor­
some other protocol. Its foreseen customer porates an adjustable-speed drive and ad­
appeal is its ability to offer time-of-day vanced electronics perfected through re­
rates and then meter money-saving re­ search funded jointly by EPRI and Carrier
sponses. Utility-transmitted rate changes Corp. It's one of the products that will be
could even become inputs to the cus­ featured in the Smart House.
tomer's automated program for energy ser­ But in addition to its load research and This article was written by John Miller and Ralph Whitaker, with
vices. The gateway is expected to be acces­ management value to utilities, home auto­ background information from Veronika Rabi and Arva Lannus,
Customer Systems Division.
sible to the utility by telephone, radio, and mation has a distinct future in adding value

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 31

Celebrating a Decade of Achievement

EPRI's Nondestructive Evaluation Center, where research results are transformed into
practical and fieldworthy tools, has racked up an impressive record of accomplishments
in its first decade of operation -a performance recently celebrated by the people who
made it happen.
en years ago, EPRI's Board of Di­ Group, was selected on the basis of com­ tions. It may require the purchase of new
rectors gave the green light to a petitive proposals to organize, build, and equipment, and utilities want proof that the
bold project proposal: the for­ operate the facility, the first of its kind in capital outlay is justified. And it may re­
mation of a special facility with a the United States. quire retraining personnel. The center was
mission so novel it had to be defined in The need for reliable, fieldworthy equip­ set up to smooth over those obstacles and
terms of what it was not. The mission was ment and procedures is especially acute in reduce the risks involved in introducing
not to be R&D; that was already being man­ nuclear power plants. Periodic in-service new equipment to the field."
aged at EPRI's Palo Alto headquarters. It inspections of nuclear power plant compo­ The center does this by evaluating the
was not to be an applications operation; nents are required by federal law and must performance of NDE hardware, software,
that was already being performed by ven­ meet strict standards established by the and procedures; by demonstrating and
dors and utilities. The new facility was in­ Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) documenting the performance of systems;
tended to occupy a position in between. It and the American Society of Mechanical and by providing workshops and training
would serve as both proving ground and Engineers (ASME). Hidden and often subtle courses to allow NDE inspectors to become
training camp-a place where new tech­ flaws, such as cracks that originate on the proficient in the use of the equipment. In
nologies and procedures for power plant inside diameter of pipes or in welded joints, addition, the center maintains a hotline that
component inspection could be evaluated can, if left undetected, lead to forced out­ provides utilities with rapid response to
and improved, and where personnel could ages to repair the affected component. urgent problems, a service that has proved
learn to become proficient in their use. Forced outages aren't cheap. In addition to to be one of its most appreciated features
That facility, EPRI's Nondestructive Eval­ paying for the repair, the utility may have and that has strengthened the rapport be­
uation Center in Charlotte, North Carolina, to purchase replacement power, which can tween center staff and plant personnel.
has proved to be one of the Institute's most push the cost of an outage to nearly $1 While all of the center's achievements
successful and popular projects. The cen­ million per day. can't be readily quantified, those that can
ter's anniversary provides an opportunity Like physicians examining patients for be provide a quick snapshot of the facil­
to highlight a decade's worth of achieve­ internal disorders, power plant inspectors ity's value to the industry. As of 1988,
ments that have saved utilities nearly half a examine components with X rays, ultra­ nearly 5000 individuals had participated
billion dollars by turning EPRI research re­ sonic sensors, and other diagnostic tools in 386 training classes; there had been 121
sults into practical tools for the field. that reveal internal flaws without the need instances of rapid response assistance to
for disassembling the component or cut­ 27 different utilities for site-specific prob­
Putting R&D to work ting into the metal. Such nondestructive lems, usually involving a plant visit by
EPRI's research and development pro­ evaluation is performed to ensure that center staff; and the center had published
gram has provided utilities with an array components do not contain flaws. If flaws 106 reports dealing with real utility issues.
of advanced technologies, tools, and pro­ are present, their size and location must be Taken together, the center's activities have
cedures to help them keep power plants determined to see if the component can be provided significant assistance to nuclear
operating reliably, economically, and returned to service. utilities, and the results of its work are
safely. But an unproven prototype doesn't "The NDE Center tackles the issue of being increasingly applied to nonnuclear
have much practical value in the field, technology transfer," says EPRI's Gary Dau, power plants as well. EPRI has docu­
where equipment has to perform reliably who conceived of the center, directed its mented utility benefits in excess of $430
under what are often very harsh condi­ formation, and managed it for the Nuclear million on project expenditures of $28.1
tions. A power plant just isn't the place to Power Division for the past 10 years. "The million through 1988-a benefit-to-cost ra­
debug a new piece of gear or to learn new center was established to speed the transfer tio greater than 15 to 1. In addition to this
procedures by trial and error. of EPRI research results into routine field handsome return on investment, the cen­
Responding to the need to get newly application-to serve as a bridge between ter has provided other, less tangible bene­
developed inspection technologies and the developers and the users of the technol­ fits. According to Dau, these include serv­
procedures into the field, EPRI's Board of ogy." Efforts to bring a newly developed ing as a focal point for objective NDE in­
Directors authorized the establishment of technology to the field can encounter some formation and assistance and providing
the NDE Center in 1979; the goals were to obstacles, Dau says. "Field personnel may continuity to the technology transfer effort
address nuclear NDE issues in an objective be reluctant to accept a new piece of NDE on a long-term basis.
manner and to provide field-qualified equipment or a new procedure for several
equipment, procedures, and personnel reasons," he explains. "The technology Emphasis on realism, results
training to the industry. J. A. Jones Ap­ may not be fully field-tested-there may not At the NDE Center, the emphasis is on
plied Research, a subsidiary of the Jones be enough experience under field condi- solving real-world problems-with the ul-

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 33

timate goal of giving plant personnel the component-by-component basis and saw cut are quite different from those of an
practical tools and the training they need make further adjustments until they are actual flaw, so it's not a realistic test." To
to do their jobs better. Comprising 67,000 satisfied that the equipment is ready for provide the needed realism, the center has
square feet of laboratories, fabrication and field testing. But the equipment does not brought in retired power plant compo­
machine shops, offices, classrooms, and go into the field just yet; instead it is nents that have actual flaws, including
high-bay areas, the center is well equipped brought to one of the high-bay areas and sections of reactor pressure vessels, pip­
for meeting the goal. put through its paces on a variety of sam­ ing, coolant pumps, and steam generator
When a newly developed piece of NDE ple flaws. tubes. In addition, the staff has developed
equipment arrives at the center, the tech­ "In a normal operating environment, techniques to implant realistic flaws in
nology transfer process begins in the of­ it's very rare to encounter flaws of any simulated component sections. This as­
fice area, where staff experts evaluate the kind," says Dau. "Part of the challenge of sortment of flawed specimens housed in
system and if necessary add improve­ evaluating the performance of a specific the high-bay areas is used to benchmark
ments-for example, making software NDE system lies in having adequate sam­ the performance of NDE equipment, as
menus more user-oriented. The process ples to test it against. The cheapest ap­ well as to give trainees hands-on experi­
then moves to the laboratories, where cen­ proach is to take a piece of metal and make ence in detecting the types of flaws they
ter personnel evaluate the system on a a saw cut in it to simulate a crack. But the may encounter in the field.
ultrasonic reflection characteristics of that

Bridging the Gap Between R&D and Applications

Established to transform research results into practical tools and procedures for field
personnel, the NDE Center provides a bridge between developers and users of
advanced inspection technologies. By evaluating inspection hardware and procedures,
demonstrating equipment performance, and conducting training programs, the center
reduces the risks of introducing new equipment and procedures into the field.
Inspection challenges into the material at a particular angle of over cracked areas to maintain the
Perhaps the most significant progress incidence, and the reflected signals are strength of the pipe wall. These repairs
made by the center has been in improving displayed on an oscilloscope. If the waves involve building up the outside diameter
ultrasonic testing technology and proce­ encounter a flaw, the reflected signal of the pipe with a series of weld beads to a
dures for detecting cracks in the primary changes and the operator interprets the thickness sufficient to compensate for the
piping of boiling water reactor (BWR) signals to determine the flaw's size and crack. But the problem is that the overlaid
power plants. Since the rnid-1970s, inter­ location. Reliable ultrasonic detection of material makes it more difficult to inspect
granular stress corrosion cracking (IGSCC) IGSCC in BWR piping is made difficult both what's underneath. Because of concerns
in welded joints in this stainless steel pip­ by the nature of the cracks and by the about inspectability, the NRC specified
ing has been of major concern to utilities nature of the pipe itself. The cracks are that a utility could use weld-overlay re­
operating BWRs; indeed, the IGSCC in­ narrower than other types of cracks and pairs for no more than two fuel cycles
spection challenge was one of the industry usually produce lower-amplitude signals. unless NDE techniques were shown to be
issues that prompted the idea for the cen­ And stainless steel has large grains that reliable; otherwise the piping would have
ter in the first place. can mask or mimic subtle flaws. to be replaced, a costly and extensive pro­
To locate IGSCC flaws, an inspector or Further complicating the inspection cedure that also exposes personnel to radi­
an automated scanner passes a transducer task are the weld-overlay repairs applied ation.
back and forth across a weld. The trans­
ducer sends high-frequency sound waves

From Prototype to Field-Qualified Hardware

Ensuring that newly developed inspection technology will perfonn reliably is one of
the NDE Center's main missions. Center experts evaluate inspection hardware on a
component-by-component basis, document its perfonnance on realistic flaw samples,
and, if necessary, add refinements until they are satisfied that the system is ready for
field duty. The equipment is then taken to one of the facility's high-bay areas, where
it is tested on full-sized power plant components under simulated field conditions.
In response, the NDE Center and the reports, provided on-site assistance by The nondestructive evaluation of heavy
BWR Owners Group mounted a concerted rapid response teams, and developed for­ section components, such as reactor pres­
effort to develop and demonstrate effec­ mal training courses in IGSCC detection sure vessels and reactor coolant pumps,
tive ultrasonic methods for monitoring and sizing. presents special problems. Their size,
IGSCC through weld overlays and in­ The effort paid off in a big way. The NRC thickness, and materials make them diffi­
specting the overlay material itself. This accepted the new technology as effective cult to inspect; yet sensitive and reliable
effort included the transfer to industry of and, instead of creating its own qualifi­ examinations are required to ensure the
several pieces of inspection hardware, in­ cation program, now requires that BWR integrity of these critical components.
cluding an advanced automatic ultrasonic piping inspectors successfully complete To examine heavy section components
system called Instraspect and the ALN the center's courses. Using the center-de­ not amenable to inspection by conven­
4000, a computer-based signal-processing veloped NDE technology and techniques tional ultrasonic or radiographic methods,
system for analyzing data collected by has allowed several utilities to avoid costly EPRI developed a miniature high-energy
manual and automated pipe-scanning pipe replacement. To take one example, X-ray system called MINAC (Miniature
systems. To bring BWR utilities up to speed Georgia Power estimates that applying the Accelerator). This device has permitted,
on the new equipment and improved pro­ improved inspection techniques at its for the first time ever, inspection of the
cedures, the NDE Center staff published Hatch Unit 1 BWR plant helped the utility circumferential stainless steel welds in re­
avoid $135 million in pipe replacement actor coolant pumps. MINAC is lowered
and purchased-power costs.

Rapid Response to Urgent Problems

Fast access to NDE expertise is available through the center's rapid response hotline.
Utilities in need of quick solutions to critical, short-tenn problems can tap center
experts for objective infonnation and assistance on NDE-related issues. Such direct
assistance may involve consultation, evaluation of inspection data, a site visit
by center staff, or use of the center's facilities. Rapid response activities have paid
off considerably by saving man-hours and reducing or eliminating costly plant downtime.
into a coolant pump by a manipulator Pacific Gas and Electric's experience with 10 times as powerful as the original sys­
arm, which rotates and tilts the device to an advanced version of MINAC illustrates tem, PG&E was able to conduct its inspec­
aim its X-ray beam at the area of interest. the system's value. During a refueling out­ tion while the plant was on-line and veri­
"MINAC has done its job so well that the age at Unit 1 of PG&E's Diablo Canyon fied that the valves were in good operat­
NRC has waived the requirement for reac­ plant, an inspection of the main steam re­ ing condition. This first application of
tor coolant pump inspections," says Dau. verse-flow check valve showed that a cot­ MINAC-6 saved PG&E an estimated $2-3
"On the basis of the favorable inspection ter pin and nut were missing from the million by avoiding a week-long shut­
results, the commission now allows the valve disk. The NRC required the utility to down and the purchase of replacement
inspection to be postponed until the pump verify within two weeks that the cotter power. Also, the utility will be able to com­
has to be disassembled for other reasons, pins in four similar valves in Unit 2, which pare the results of the MINAC-6 inspection
representing significant savings for the was in operation, were correctly locked in with subsequent inspections to detect any
utilities involved." position. Inspecting the first valve had deterioration in the valves.
The NOE Center made suggestions that been easy, since it was disassembled dur­
were incorporated into an improved ver­ ing the outage; but unless PG&E could Steam turbine inspection
sion of the original MINAC design, making inspect the Unit 2 valves while the plant Catastrophic failures of steam turbine
the system smaller and more powerful. was on-line, it would have no choice but to components have highlighted the need for
shut down the 1100-MW unit for five to
seven days. Using an advanced version of
MINAC called MINAC-6, which is almost

Training for the Real World

Practical training courses help utility personnel become proficient in the use of
advanced inspection tools and techniques. The center's curriculum is designed to
meet the real-world needs of the people charged with keeping their plants in good
operating condition. Formal book-and-classroom instruction is supplemented with
hands-on experience in detecting realistic flaws in actual power plant components.
effective NOE to detect flaws early, as wellThe Measure of Success $430 million
as to predict the life expectancy of compo­
nents. The center's turbine program has
evaluated and transferred to industry im­
proved turbine rotor inspection systems
The NDE Center's accom-
Utility benefits
and also a computer program for estimat­
ing remaining rotor life. Making such an
plishments are directly trans­
estimate isn't easy; in addition to NOE, the
lated into benefits to member
disciplines of stress analysis, heat transfer,
materials science, and fracture mechanics
utilities in the form of finan­
must be employed. In the past, rotor life­
time analyses were performed by turbine
cial savings and an expanded
manufacturers, whose assessments about
whether a rotor should be repaired, re­
pool of NDE expertise. These
placed, or retired tended to be overly con­
benefits are ultimately passed
Ultrasonic examination of turbine rotors
can be performed with an EPRI-developed
on to customers in the form
inspection system called TREES (Turbine
Rotor Examination and Evaluation Sys­
of lower-cost power and more
tem), which moves down the center of the
rotor bore and extends transduce r -tipped reliable generating plants.
spider arms that make contact with the
bore surface. Boresonic data from the scan
are sent to a computerized data acquisition
system, which produces a map of flaw loca­
tions and sizes. Together with material
property data and projected turbine oper­
ational cycles, the boresonic data can be
used with the EPRI-developed computer Persons trained
1 21
program SAFER (Stress and Fracture Eval­ NDE
uation of Rotors) to predict rotor lifetime. Rapid responses GRADUATE
Several utilities are now using TREES /-1,t,vfvvvvrvt ·
and SAFER to perform their own rotor in­
spections and analyses, thereby reducing
their dependence on the manufacturers. �
This capability provides a utility with a f5
second opinion on a rotor's condition and
allows it to assess any conservatism in the
manufacturer's analysis. As a result, util­
ities can prevent both rotor failures and
premature replacement. Duke Power now
uses SAFER to evaluate 10 to 12 rotors a
year. The code has helped the utility to
avoid premature replacement of one rotor
and to extend inspection intervals; Duke
expects a IO-year levelized annual saving
of $2.3 million.
The center's turbine program is not lim­
ited to rotor bore inspections. Another tur­ a,
bine inspection challenge is presented by a,

38 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

the region where turbine blades are at­ "We've seen more and more examples nothing gets lost in this process of integra­
tached to the turbine disk rim. The combi­ of utilities applying the center's work to tion," he says. "We won't lose anything
nation of high centrifugal stresses and nonnuclear power plants," says Dau. "The that the utilities have come to depend on
steam corrosion can initiate cracks in the mandatory inspection requirements im­ us for. Instead we are going t9 offer them
"Christmas tree" connections between the posed by the U.S. Code of Federal Regula­ more. We've got a real winner in the NOE
blades and the rim. Such cracks can be tions for nuclear plants serve as a forcing Center, and we're going to build on that."
detected by magnetic particle testing, but function to improve the technology. A The NOE Center has clearly played a key
this method requires removing the blades similar forcing function doesn't exist for role in bringing the benefits of advanced
and later installing new ones. A cheaper nonnuclear plants. But once the improved inspection technology and procedures to
alternative is a manual ultrasonic inspec­ inspection techniques for nuclear plants the nuclear power industry. Moreover, the
tion, but this is both unreliable and diffi­ are available, their adaptation to non­ center staff has strengthened the rapport
cult to perform-the complex geometry of nuclear plants is usually straightforward. between EPRI and the end users of the
the connections produces many extrane­ It's very gratifying to see more transfer of technology developed by the Institute's
ous signals, and the transducer must be this type." R&D programs. Through workshops, for­
placed precisely. mal training courses, and face-to-face con­
Pacific Gas and Electric was again the Building on a winner tact with center experts during plant
beneficiary of the center's work. PG&E As the NOE Center approaches its second visits, utility field personnel have come to
was recently faced with the task of inspect­ decade of operation, it will be taking on a depend on the information the center pro­
ing the blade-fit area at its Geysers geother­ broader mission, according to James Lang, vides and have also been able to commu­
mal power plant, where corrosion can be a program manager for nuclear plant oper­ nicate their own needs to the center staff.
problem. Recognizing the limitations of ations and maintenance, who is assuming "We've made a concerted effort to get
magnetic particle and manual ultrasonic management of the center. The scope of our people into the field and to make con­
inspection, the utility elected to employ a the center's activities is being expanded to tact with the people who are actually oper­
novel approach using two technologies include nuclear maintenance applications ating and maintaining plants," says Lang.
from the NOE Center. To ensure proper projects that in the past have been sepa­ Not only does the facility bridge the gap
placement of the ultrasonic transducer, rately managed by EPRI. These include the between R&D and applications, he says. "It
PG&E used a new personal-computer­ Nuclear Power Division's Monitoring and serves as a bridge between people-and
based beam-plotting program developed Diagnostics Center, the Service Water As­ it's a two-way bridge; information flows
at the center. Called PC Raytrace, this so­ sistance Program, and the Maintenance both ways. We need to know what the
phisticated code traces the path taken by an Equipment Applications Center (which is field users want so we can give it to them
ultrasonic beam as it passes through the located at the NOE Center but has been in a form they can use. Without effective
area being examined and instantly displays funded and managed independently). two-way communication, it's very easy to
the beam on the computer screen. In addi­ Consolidating these projects under a get disconnected, to lose sight of what's
tion to allowing precise transducer setup to single program will, according to Lang, really needed in the field."
ensure that ultrasonic signals are sent to the provide more efficient and streamlined The need to concentrate on results that
area of interest, the use of Ray.trace helps in management of complementary projects count is echoed by Gary Dau as he recalls
the evaluation of the data. PG&E also used and will allow EPRI to take advantage of the NOE Center's rich accomplishments
UDRPS (Ultrasonic Data Recording and shared resources. "Integrating our nuclear over the past decade. "Getting research re­
Processing System), which captures re­ maintenance applications activities into sults into a form that is both usable and
flected signals and displays them for anal­ one package will let us provide utilities acceptable to the people in the field is a dif­
ysis, revealing very subtle changes in the with a one-stop nuclear maintenance ficult task," he says, "but one that has tre­

signals that may be caused by cracks. shop," says Lang. "By picking up the mendous payoffs if you can make it
By using Raytrace and UDRPS, PG&E phone and calling one 800 number, they'll work."
can perform 50 examinations in the time be put in touch with the person who can
previously required to do a single manual answer their maintenance questions­
examination; moreover, it can perform whether they involve NOE, how to fix a
examinations that were not possible or pump, how to repack a valve, or how to fix
practical with earlier, manual methods. an electrical breaker." Lang emphasizes
For PG&E, the net savings from these com­ that the integration will not serve to dilute This article was written by David Boutacoff, with background
puter-based tools are estimated to be the NOE resources that have been the cen­ information from Gary Dau and James Lang, Nuclear Power
about $195,000 per year. ter's focus. "We have to make sure that

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 39

TECH range of cylinder thickness-to-diameter
ratios, crack lengths and depths, material
Utilities frequently rely on outside con­
sultants to perform flaw evaluations,

strengths, and load combinations. Today's which is time-consuming a.nd expensive.
prescribed guidelines therefore don't con­ The Ductile Fracture Handbook gives plant
sistently yield true safety margins. In fact, owners an in-house capability. "If a utility

they often are overly conservative. Unless engineer is familiar with this handbook,
plant owners can demonstrate a larger he can do the evaluations in most cases,
margin of safety than is indicated by ASME saving the cost and possibly the delay as­
code procedures, evidently flawed piping sociated with hiring outside consultants,"
must be replaced, often unnecessarily or Gilman points out. Virginia Power, for ex­
prematurely. ample, recently saved $20,000 by using the
To meet the need for unified, extended, handbook, he says.
and updated ductile fracture mechanics An aerospace firm has expressed inter­
formulas for cylinders, EPRI and Novetech est in the Ductile Fracture Handbook, ac­
Analyzing Cracks in Corp. have developed the Ductile Fracture cording to Gilman. He believes that any

Ductile Steels
ecent research in fracture mechan­
ics-the science of structural material
Handbook. Now available is Volume 1,
Circumferential Throughwall Cracks, the first
of two volumes of formulas for evaluating
plant or industry using pressure compo­
nents can benefit from it. • EPRI Contact:
Joe Gilman, (415) 855-891 1
characteristics, stresses, and flaws that the integrity of flawed cylinders in nuclear
compromise integrity-makes it possible plants. It is the first consolidated source Gehl Named
to shift from an emphasis on brittle frac­ of formulas for evaluating throughwall to FAA Committee
tures to include the realm of ductile frac­
tures. The new focus better represents the
character of pressure boundary structures
cracks in tough ductile steels. Formula
types include linear elastic stress-intensity
factor, J-integral, limit load, tearing mod­
S ometimes technology transfer in­
volves a kind of cross-fertilization be­
tween researchers in separate industries.
in nuclear power plants, whose piping and ulus, and crack-opening displacement For electric utilities and commercial avia­
pressure vessel materials are selected for and area. The volume also provides for­ tion, this process may be stimulated by the
ductility-the ability to stretch and deform. mulas for obtaining fracture resistance recent appointment of EPRI Subprogram
Unlike brittle fractures, which are straight­ values from pipe tests. Manager Steve Gehl to a Federal Aviation
forward and easy to predict, ductile frac­ The handbook provides the structural Administration (FAA) advisory committee
tures are complex; calculating their behav­ analyst with solutions that are easy to ap­ focusing on nondestructive inspection of
ior requires the use of advanced com­ ply to problems involving cylindrical struc­ older aircraft-structures, engines, and
puters. tures under a variety of loading conditions. various subsystems.
Ten years ago, EPRI, the NRC, and others Plant owners can thus demonstrate, for ex­ Gehl's advisory appointment results
undertook research to develop basic duc­ ample, that an undetected crack would be­ from his EPRI experience in quantifying
tile fracture methodology. Additional re­ come evident by leakage long before be­ NDE and life assessment information and
search extended ductile fracture me­ coming dangerously unstable. integrating them into power plant mainte­
chanics to cylindrical structures, a signifi­ Owners can also show where a repair nance planning and repair I replace deci­
cant development for nuclear utilities based on the current ASME code would be sions.
because so many plant components are too conservative and entail premature or According to Gehl, technology devel­
cylindrical-hundreds of miles of pres­ unnecessary replacement. "Appendix A oped under EPRI sponsorship may have
sure vessels, pipes, and valves, all subject of ASME Section XI specifies technically immediate beneficial use in meeting avia­
to stress from the high temperatures and adequate and safe procedures for evaluat­ tion industry inspection needs. Particu­
pressures in the nuclear primary cooling ing flaws, but compliance isn't manda­ larly promising for transfer is a flexible
system. tory," says Joe Gilman, program manager eddy-current coil device developed for in­
Many of the piping and vessel flaw eval­ for structural mechanics in EPRI's Nuclear specting turbine blades that could have
uation procedures derived from that ef­ Power Division. "When a utility can use application in the nondestructive exam­
fort were incorporated into ASME codes. another method for determining the integ­ ination of aircraft engines, wings, and fu­
However, the research did not cover rity of power plant structures and justify selages.
many factors-in particular, the entire it, this is generally acceptable." The FAA committee work could be a

40 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

two-way street, according to Kurt Yeager, routine maintenance, overhead, and im­ terpret the state of a plant and respond to
EPRI vice president for generation and provements will be paid proportionally by any upset in a context of prescribed emer­
storage R&D. "Steve's appointment will CQ Inc. customers. gency procedures that are very complex.
give us a window into airline inspection Utilities, coal companies, and manufac­ To aid their efforts and reduce the chances
methods and decision processes, some of turers of coal-cleaning equipment will of error, EPRI developed the Emergency
which may be translatable to utilities." have direct access to CQ Inc.'s staff and Operating Procedure Tracking System
Gehl says there is a lot of ground to facilities. The subsidiary will be able to (EOPTS) and demonstrated its worth at
cover. "Nondestructive examination is a perform proprietary research for its cus­ Taiwan Power Co.'s Kuosheng BWR train­
large field-not just hardware and soft­ tomers (EPRI's nonprofit status has pre­ ing facility.
ware, but also training programs and the cluded this), but the results of EPRI work Results from that testing show that
planning and execution of inspections and EOPTS has a marked effect on the perfor­
related maintenance. Utilities and the avi­ mance of control room crews. Crews us­
ation industry can learn from each other in ing the system displayed greater consis­
all these areas." tency, experienced fewer discrepancies,
Metallurgy is the foundation of Gehl's and achieved greater success in recover­
work at EPRI-three years with materials ing from discrepancies when they did
problems that affect fossil power plant occur-improvements that culminated in
performance and availability and four ear­ a 60-75% reduction in response time.
lier years on nuclear fuel rod performance. The computerized system monitors
Gehl joined the Institute in 1982 after plant performance and status factors that
seven years at Argonne National Labora­ are essential to symptom-based emer­
tory. • EPRI Contact: Steve Gehl, (415) gency procedures. Then, in an emergency,
855-2770 will be publicly available. Unlike EPRI, it coordinates all available data with high­
CQ Inc. will be a government contractor, level cues that show operators which por­
Coal Quality Center working directly for DOE and state agen­ tions of the emergency procedures are
Goes Commercial

cies. "This should result in a greater over­ applicable-thereby enhancing operator
PRI's Coal Quality Development Cen­ all investment in R&D that directly bene­ ability to interpret and apply procedures
ter is changing its status. As of Janu­ fits utilities," says Clark HarrisoJ, long­ and, ultimately, reducing human error
ary 1, 1990, it will become part of CQ Inc., time EPRI project manager at the center. and increasing safety.
EPRI's first subsidiary, ready to work for EPRI will continue to fund several proj­ EOPTS takes the form of a compact, fast­
utilities, government agencies, and others ects, with CQ Inc. as the contractor. The running software module that uses expert
in a profit-making mode. CQ Inc. will ongoing work includes a DOE-cofunded systems technology to integrate a safety
maintain the CQDC research and develop­ demonstration of advanced coal-cleaning parameter display system with emer­
ment program for EPRI, DOE, and state technologies, investigations of trace ele­ gency operating procedures developed by
agencies; but it also will independently ments in coal and methods for removing the Boiling Water Reactor Owners Group.
assist utilities with coal-purchasing deci­ them, and development of a coal quality The system was installed and evaluated
sions; test new coal-cleaning, -blending, expert system. EPRI will also continue its with human factors techniques for six ac­
and -handling equipment for manufac­ cosponsorship (with six utilities) of a proj­ cident scenarios: anticipated transient
turers; and solve coal-cleaning-plant de­ ect on coal handleability-that is, how well without scram (ATWS), radiation release
sign and operating problems for coal com­ coal moves through power plant equip­ accident due to steam line break, loss of
panies. ment. • EPRI Contact: Clark Harrison, emergency core-cooling system, loss of re­
The new organization enables EPRI to (412) 479-3505 actor pressure vessel level indication, loss­
continue R&D and demonstrations even of-coolant accident with drywell/ primary
though its financial commitment will con­ Expert System Guides containment hydrogen control, and ATWS
tinue to taper off from the level of a few Emergency Procedures with abnormal suppression pool level.
years ago. The Institute will own all CQ
Inc. stock but will transfer ownership of
the facility, and will license several R&D
A critical aspect of nuclear plant safety
is what control room operators do to
prevent transient events from developing
Taiwan Power is using EOPTS for oper­
ator training. U.S. utilities can obtain the
system from General Electric. • EPRI
products, to the new subsidiary. Costs for into serious accidents. Operators must in- Contact: Bill Sun, (415) 855-2119

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 41

Environmental and Health Assessment

by Abe Silvers, Environment Division

U tility companies may use and produce

chemicals whose effect on human
health must be evaluated. The risk to human
upper limits to human risk by applying statis­
tical dose-response procedures to laboratory
animal data. Often, animal results involving
divided by the number of animals in a dose
group to yield the proportional rate of response
to the dose. With this dose-response informa­
health from exposure to a potentially toxic laboratory exposures many times higher than tion, two extrapolations are performed. The
chemical is determined by two equally impor­ that of any human population must be used in dose-response relationship is extrapolated to a
tant factors: the level of human exposure and making these calculations because human low-dose region to estimate a safe dose at an
the potency of the chemical for causing a data suitable for risk estimation are not avail­ acceptable risk of one extra cancer in a large
health effect. To ensure a safe occupational able and because the use of lower exposure population (conventionally taken to be be­
setting and to protect the public and the envi­ levels may not allow the detection of response tween 10,000 and 1 ,000,000 exposed individ­
ronment, utility risk managers assess both of in even a large laboratory study group. To en­ uals). A statistical model is fit to the data and is
these factors for the chemicals of concern. able utilities to consider these animal data, used to calculate the extra risk of cancer for a
The risk from chemical exposure decreases EPRI sponsored the development of TOXRISK small incremental exposure. The correspond­
with exposure level and becomes vanishingly (RP2310-2), a software package that facilitates ing dose is also extrapolated to a dose for
small at very low levels. This concept of the risk assessment. humans.
dose-response relationship is fundamental to The basic function of TOXRISK is to construct
toxicology. It implies that human health can be TOXRISK features dose-response relationships for health effects,
adequately protected by controlling exposure Risk assessment methods predict the proba­ generally cancer, from animal data. The user
to a toxic chemical. bility of a toxic effect from exposure to a chemi­ can supply estimates of exposure to obtain over­
When assessing risk from exposure to po­ cal substance. A group of animals, usually rats all estimates of excess risk (the extra probability
tentially cancer-causing chemicals, the Envi­ or mice, is exposed to a particular material at of health effects occurring as a result of expo­
ronmental Protection Agency and other regula­ various doses; the subjects are then evaluated sure). Alternatively, the user can use the esti­
tory bodies often make the health-protective at the time of death (natural or induced) to mated dose-response relationship to predict ex­
assumption that any exposure, no matter how determine if they developed cancer or some posure levels consistent with predetermined
small, entails some risk. This assumption leads other disease. If cancer is of primary interest, levels of excess risk (e.g., 1 in 1,000,000). In
to the calculation of what are called plausible the number of autopsied animals with tumors is either case, the user selects the method for
making the animal-to-human conversion.
TOXRISK facilitates the input and manage­
ment of toxicological data and automatically
makes statistical and mathematical calcula­
ABSTRACT EPRI developed the computer program TOXRISK to tions. It performs standard statistical tests on the
data to determine dose-related effects. The soft­
help utilities assess the potential health effects of chemicals they use ware's data management capabilities ensure
that the appropriate mathematical and statistical
and produce. A new version will soon be released that includes models
procedures are being applied. Its improved
capable of estimating risk as a function of time to exposure as well as computer algorithms permit calculations to be
performed interactively in most cases.
level of exposure. Other enhancements to the program include im­ To allow the assessment of risk under a
range of alternative assumptions, TOXRISK fits
proved graphics capability and increased user-friendliness. several mathematical dose-response models
to the toxicological data and calculates related
statistical parameters. One of these models is

42 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

the linearized multistage model, which is Figure 1 This TOXRISK screen shows an example of data for a time-to-tumor model in which some
widely used by regulatory agencies. The user animals die from a tumor (F) and other animals die from competing causes (C). The time to death
is expressed in weeks from the time the tumors were observed .
can be confident that the implementation of
this model is consistent with regulatory prac­ INCIDENCE DATA, GROUP 2 of 3
tice, since the developers of TOXRISK also de­ DATASET NAME : C : \ TOXVER2\ TEST . TXS\ TIMEl
veloped the programs used by the regulatory
agencies. Other models covered by TOXRISK TITLE : Test for t ime-to-tumor models
are K-stage models (for K from one to six}, the
Weibull model, the log-normal model, and the # OF
Mantel-Bryan model. TOXRISK can produce (weeks) ANIMALS CONTEXT (weeks) ANIMALS CONTEXT (weeks) ANIMALS CONTEXT
graphs to show how the models fit the toxico­ 9 1 C 35 1 F 45 2 F
logical data. 15 15 C 36 1 F 47 1 F
15 3 F 38 2 F 49 8 C
A batch feature allows a large number of risk 24 1 F 39 2 F
assessment approaches to be applied auto­ 26 1 C 40 1 F
matically to different sets of toxicological data. 30 1 F 41 4 F
31 1 F 42 1 F
TOXRISK provides a summary of the calcula­ 34 1 F 44 3 F
tions performed on a group of data sets. It can
output results to a computer screen, a printer,
or a computer file. determine if a tumor is present. These studies For example, Figure 1 presents data on the time
Data entry is internally quality-controlled. are called time-to-tumor studies. and cause of death for rats that have been given
Since the data are validated as they are en­ The data provided by this kind of study are toxic food. This information provides a dose­
tered, many common data entry mistakes are extensive, and their evaluation requires more response curve, which is then used to predict
eliminated. Moreover, TOXRISK makes it easy to sophisticated models than the models in Ver­ risk to humans (Figure 2}.
store and modify such animal and human pa­ sion 1 of TOXRISK. These more complex models Some of the most frequently used time-to­
rameters as body weight, breathing rate, and can be viewed as producing dose-response tumor models have been added to TOXRISK,
life span and to apply them correctly in risk curves that are also a function of time. If the time along with capabilities for creating and manag­
calculations. It can also supply default values considered is a lifetime, then the usual risk as­ ing time-to-tumor data sets. These models en­
for these parameters. sessment can be performed with the models. able the risk manager to calculate risk-related
TOXRISK employs several user-friendly tools,
including pull-down windows and on-screen ---------• TEST FOR TIME-TO-TUMOR MODELS ---------•
help. Also, the user can switch temporarily to a Dataset : C : \ TOXVER2\ TEST . TXS\ TIMEl
DOS shell to perform other DOS applications Exposure Pattern
without permanently exiting TOXRISK. Model : One Stage Weib Age Begins : 0 Age Ends : 70
Target Species : Human Weeks/Year : 52 Days/Week : 7
With all these features, Version 1 of TOXRISK Route : Food 100% Hours/Day : 24
has enabled utility managers to perform risk
Animal to human conversion method : MG/KG BODY WEIGHT/DAY
assessments efficiently on IBM-compatible
personal computers. Risk assessment con­
Unit Potency [per mg/kg/day) ( computed for Risk of 1 . 0E-6)
cepts are constantly changing, however, as MLE = 4. 7933E-002 Upper Bound ( ql*) = 6. 5663E + 001
more sophisticated biological studies are per­
formed. Therefore, Version 2 of the program is Dose Estimates (ppb )
to be released this winter. As well as enabling
Extra Risk Time 9 5% Lower Bound MLE
more complex assessments, it offers improved 1. 0000E-006 70 . 00 7 . 6147E-004 1 . 0431E + 000
user-friendliness and graphics capability. 1 . 0000E-005 70 . 00 7 . 6147E-003 1 . 0431E + 001
0 . 0001 70 . 00 7 . 6151E-002 1. 0432E + 002
Time-to-tumor studies
Toxicologists have designed studies to deter­ Figure 2 This TOXRISK screen presents human risk estimates derived from sample animal data by
mine the time after initial exposure at which a using a l inearized model. The potency of the chemical in question has been calculated, as well as
tumor seems to occur. Animals are sacrificed dose estimates corresponding to extra risks of 10·6 to 1 0·4 (i.e., one extra cancer in a population of
1 , 000,000 exposed individuals to one extra cancer in a population of 10,000). For each category of
at specified times (serial sacrifice) if a tumor is extra risk, the 95% lower bound of the dose and the maximum likelihood dose estimate (MLE)
not directly observable and are autopsied to are given.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 43

doses that are dependent on the period of able in TOXRISK Version 2 is a biologically reduced by more than 50K.
exposure as well as on a specific exposure based model that can be used to show how a Version 3 of TOXRISK, expected to be re­
level. Such factors as the time from the appear­ chemical exposure affects the net growth of leased next spring, will include graphing of the
ance of a tumor cell to the resulting tumor both precancerous and cancer cells. This time-to-tumor models. This new version will
response can also be calculated. model is a form of the Moolgavkar model contain data for selected ch·emicals from the
One of the time-to-tumor models included in based on an expression by Thorslund. National Toxicology Program CBDS (Carcin­
Version 2 of TOXRISK is the Armitage-Doll ogenesis Bioassay Data System), a database
Other enhancements
model, which allows the user to vary the experi­ that includes many of the lifetime studies on
mental exposure level in the extrapolation pro­ The graphing procedures of TOXRISK Version 2 animals for a large series of substances. Also
cess. In the course of an experimental study, are internal (unlike those of Version 1 , which available will be a system for selecting studies
for example, the toxicologists may revise the depend on Lotus graphics) and are much from this database to create a TOXRISK data
exposure protocol to prevent severe damage faster and easier to use. Also new is the ability set. The utility manager will then have the
to the animals or their early death, or to repre­ to graph lower bounds on doses associated ability, with very user-friendly software screens,
sent more realistically the actual exposure pat­ with risk to a target species and computed by to choose a substance and evaluate the can­
tern that people experience. TOXRISK can now using dose-response models. The menus cer risk for a variety of data sets. Also planned
derive risk estimates from such data. have been streamlined with many windows, is extensive help (including a tutorial) on the
Another of the time-to-tumor models avail- and maximum RAM requirements have been use of risk assessment.

Demand-Side Planning

Measuring Direct-Load-Control Impacts

by Steven Braithwait, Customer Systems Division

D irect-load-control (DLC) programs have

been adopted by a large number of util­
ities. A 1988 EPRI survey of residential demand­
for the effects of consumer behavior. This com­
bined approach can be used both to measure
the impact of an implemented load-control pro­
alternative DLC strategies. The approach has
been applied to DLC program data in three
utility case studies.
side management projects identified over 360 gram and to simulate, or predict, the impact of Duty cycle is a convenient means of repre-
utilities with active load management pro-
grams designed to cycle, or shed, the load of
various residential appliances through direct
utility control. These utilities reported almost l5 ABSTRACT In order to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of
million points of control for air conditioners and
close to 1.7 million points for water heaters. In demand-side management programs, utilities need reliable estimates
addition, a number of other utilities are now
assessing or testing new DLC programs. Reli­ of the programs ' load and energy impacts. EPRI has recently developed
able estimates of the load and energy impacts
of these programs are crucial to optimal pro­ the duty-cycle approach, a method for evaluating and predicting the
gram design and to the evaluation of the pro­
grams' cost-effectiveness. impact of one of the most common types of load management program,

The duty-cycle approach residential direct load control. The duty-cycle approach, based on the
The duty-cycle approach combines an analysis of load data from metered appliances, has been applied to
engineering-based approach that accounts
for the way appliances operate under natural direct-load-control program data from three utilities.
and utility-controlled conditions with an empiri­
cally based statistical approach that accounts

44 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

senting energy use based on the standard Figure 1 Frequency distributions of air conditioner duty cycles for a half-hour period on a hot
kilowatthour measure. The average duty cycle summer afternoon. A wide range of natural duty cycles is shown on days of no load control, with a
relatively high proportion of air conditioners operating near full capacity (90-100% duty cycle). On
of an appliance is the percentage of time that controlled days, a 50% cycling strategy (air conditioners cycled off for half of each half-hour period)
the appliance is used during a measurement is expected to create a constrained distribution of duty cycles. The bars represent the percentage of
period. An air conditioner with an estimated households whose air conditioner duty cycles fall within each 10-percentage-point range.
connected load of 4 kW and measured energy 80
use over a particular half-hour period of 1 kWh,
for example, has an average duty cycle of 50% Noncontrol day
Control day (50% cycling)
for that half-hour period (1 kWh/0.5 hour/
4 kW).
The duty-cycle representation of energy use 60
is well suited to DLC program analysis because
DLC programs achieve load and energy re­
ductions by altering the natural, or uncon­ l
trolled, duty cycles of appliances. Implementa­ U)


tion of a cycling, or shedding, strategy affects Q)
an appliance's duty cycle by limiting its oper­ :::,
ation and scheduling it during the control
A given cycling strategy, however-such as 20
one that cycles air conditioners off for 15
minutes every half hour- will reduce energy
use only for those appliances whose natural
duty cycles exceed the upper limit imposed by
the strategy-in this case, 50% (15 minutes/30 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
minutes). In addition, the impact on appliances Duty Cycle (%)
with natural duty cycles that do exceed the limit
varies with the difference between the natural
duty cycle and the upper limit. for control and noncontrol days because this mate the impact that would be likely to occur
Because the impact of cycling is not the part of the duty-cycle distribution is not af­ under conditions different from those actually
same across appliances, the duty-cycle ap­ fected by cycling. observed.
proach focuses on the distribution of duty cy­ Given the appliance-level data collected in
cles across the population of appliances, Estimation of appliance load the three case-study utility programs exam­
rather than on the simple population average. ined in this project, the calculation of load­
The duty-cycle distribution of a population of Estimating the impact of a DLC program is control impact, facilitated by the use of the
appliances is a frequency distribution of indi­ difficult because the actual load that would duty-cycle approach, can be accomplished in
vidual appliance duty cycles for a specified have occurred in the absence of control is a number of ways. The most straightforward
time interval. never observed. One standard approach to approach uses the empirical duty-cycle distri­
Shown in Figure 1, for example, is an actual estimating the load impact of a particular con­ bution that is calculated for particular days to
uncontrolled duty-cycle distribution for Athens, trol action is to calculate the difference be­ simulate the likely impact of a given cycling
Tennessee, air conditioners for a particular tween the curtailed load on the day of control strategy. This approach requires information
half-hour period, as well as the duty-cycle dis­ and the uncontrolled load on a comparison on only uncontrolled days in order to simulate
tribution that would be expected to occur if day, typically characterized by similar weather the impact of alternative cycling strategies.
50% cycling were imposed (Le., if the air condi­ conditions. This comparison day approach of­ The load impact of a strategy is calculated
tioners were turned off for 15 minutes each half ten uses aggregated load data at the system, by accounting for the different relative frequen­
hour). With cycling, all the air conditioners that or perhaps substation, level because data at cies associated with each duty-cycle range on
would normally have duty cycles larger than the appliance level are usually not available. a control day and on a noncontrol day. In Fig­
50% would be constrained to duty cycles of Finding days with truly comparable weather ure 1, for example, approximately 45% of the
50%. But the use of air conditioners with natu­ conditions is also difficult. Moreover, such ap­ appliances in the sample have natural duty
ral duty cycles below 50% would be the same proaches do not provide the capability to esti- cycles between 90% and 100%. For each

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 45

Figure 2 Shown are average estimated load reductions per household from air conditioner with natural duty cycles greater than 90%). The
cycling at Athens Utilities, Atlantic Electric, and Florida Power. Load reductions, as expected, are average load reduction for the households af­
g reater on hotter days and for more severe cycling strategies.
fected by the cycling strategy (those with natu­
1 .0

ral duty cycles greater than 45%) was 12 kW.
Thus, the overall average load reduction of 0.6
kW (Figure 2) reflects the fact that a number of
FPC households' air conditioners are cycling at
rates lower than 45%, even on very hot days,
'o and are unaffected by cycling.
Impact-prediction model
The ultimate goal of the duty-cycle research
'; 0.5 is the development of an empirically based,
0 transferable model of DLC program impacts
:::, that can simulate potential load impacts under
a wide range of cycling strategies, weather
0 conditions, and household characteristics.
This model, called the impact-prediction
model (1PM), will allow utilities considering
DLC programs to predict the probable impacts
of various control strategies by using local
weather and customer data without having to
33% cycling 50% cycling 33% cycling 50% cycling collect end-use data or conduct a DLC test
Hot Day Very Hot Day program. An initial application has resulted in
the successful development of a weather­
based impact-prediction model, which is
range of duty cycles, the implied duty-cycle and AE, the 50% cycling refers to 15 minutes described below.
reduction derived from the cycling strategy cycled out of 30 minutes, while for FPC the The first step in the development of the
and the relative frequency of that range is com­ cycling duration was actually 16.5 minutes, or weather-based 1PM was to represent duty­
puted. By combining this information across 55%. ) The fact that the day-type definitions cycle distribution by a paramete r -based distri­
ranges, it is possible to compute the average differ, particularly for the hot days, is part of the bution function. The parameters were then re­
duty-cycle reduction for the whole sample. In reason for the differences in estimated load lated to weather conditions. The beta-density
the last step of the procedure, the duty-cycle reduction; however, the estimated reductions function was selected to develop parameters
impact is converted to a load impact by multi­ are quite similar for the very hot day type, which for the duty-cycle distribution because of its
plying by the average connected load. This represents approximately the hottest 15-20% flexibility and general conformance to typical
procedure can be used to approximate the of summer days in each case. Also, the FPC duty-cycle distributions. The final step in the
load impact of any cycling strategy results should be considered preliminary, not development of a transferable model will be to
Figure 2 presents estimates of average air­ having been fully compared with previous util­ explain the two parameters of the beta distribu­
conditioner load reductions calculated by this ity assessments. tion (the mean and variance) in terms of local
approach using data provided by the three The average load reductions shown in Fig­ weather conditions and customers' observ­
case-study utilities- the Athens (Tennessee) ure 2 depend upon a number of factors, only able demographic variables.
Utilities Board (AUB), Atlantic Electric Co. (AE), some of which have been explored to date. To date, local weather variables have been
and Florida Power Corp. (FPC). Load impacts The amount of load reduction contributed by successfully correlated with the beta-distribu­
are presented by day type and cycling strat­ various households and the number of house­ tion parameters in the AUB and FPC cases. The
egy for the critical late afternoon period (5 30- holds falling into each group (Figure 1) are of weather-based impact-prediction model has
6:00 p.m. for AUB, 6:00-630 p.m. for AE, and particular interest. At FPC, for example, the shown itself to be an effective predictor both of
5:00-5:30 p.m. for FPC). For each of the two estimated load reduction for a 55% cycling duty-cycle distribution and of load impact. The
temperature-based day types considered, strategy on the very hot day ranges from analyst supplies only the appropriate weather
average load reductions resulting from 33% 0.4 kW (for households with natural duty cycles conditions, time of day, and average air con­
and 50% cycling are reported. (For AUB between 50% and 60%) to 2.1 kW (for those ditioner capacity in order to estimate the im-

46 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

pact of any desired cycling strategy on air customer and dwelling characteristics in order able relationships between reported load im­
conditioner load. to account for differences among utility cus­ pacts and differences between utilities (EM-
The load reductions predicted by the tomers, and to address other issues such as 4588 and EM-3861); and LOADSIM, a building­
weather-based 1PM closely track those calcu­ the possible increase in load, or payback, fol­ simulation model that permits calculation of
lated from the empirical duty-cycle distribu­ lowing release of control. potential load-control impacts on· the basis of
tions. Each of the impacts estimated by the engineering principles (EM-3249). The empiri­
duty-cycle approach is well within the 95% EPRI perspective cally based analysis of highly disaggregated,
confidence interval of the IPM's impacts. This research complements some previous individually metered appliances will provide a
Ongoing research includes analysis and EPRI work: periodic surveys of utility demand­ useful set of tools for utilities interested in mea­
validation of the weather-based 1PM for Atlantic side management programs (CU-6546), which suring the impact of current programs or as­
Electric and Florida Power. Further effort is include utility-reported estimates of average sessing the likely impact of a wide variety of
needed to expand the methodology to include DLC impacts; an attempt to develop transfer- potential programs.

Market Assessment

Planning and Forecasting Under Uncertainty

by Peter Cleary and Ray Squitieri, Customer Systems Division

U tility managers want analytical tools that

are accurate, easy to use, and useful in
making decisions. Unfortunately, what they get
is not the only criterion for judging forecasts.
In particular, as utilities have expanded their
planning to incorporate a wide range of
tools that provide the details needed to de­
velop integrated resource plans.
To better address the issues of uncertainty,
sometimes fails to meet these standards. The demand-side management (DSM), marketing, in 1988 the Customer Systems Division began
computer modeling community long believed and rate design options, they have recognized a project designed to help utilities treat uncer­
that bigger, more complex models were the the value of detailed end-use forecasting and tainty, communicate the results, and incorpo­
road to better planning. More time, more equa­ planning models, such as REEFS, COMMEND, rate them into the making of decisions. A scop­
tions, and more money, it seemed, would make INDEPTH, and HELM. EPRI has responded by ing study jointly funded by the division's Mar­
the new models so accurate that they would moving toward more user-friendly; PC-oriented ket Assessment Program and by EPRl's Utility
supplant older methods.
But large macroeconomic models failed en­
tirely to anticipate major changes in an increas­
ingly turbulent external environment. Moreover, ABSTRACT Although models used in planning and forecasting
forecasting comparisons often conclude that
complex methods perform no better than sim­ have become increasingly large and complex, their point-estimate
ple methods. Complexity and detail do not
always, it seems, lead to greater accuracy. forecasts reflect only one possible future scenario. Planners and fore­
Complexity also tends to make a model difficult
to use and, more important, difficult for deci­ casters need a means of dealing with uncertainty. A recent EPRI scop­
sion makers to understand.
Deterministic, single-outcome forecasts ap­
ing study has combined the Market Assessment Program 's experience
pear to be less relevant in today's world of in developing powerful models to forecast electricity demand with the
rapid and unexpected changes. Utility de­
cision makers now recognize the value of de­ Utility Planning Methods Center's efforts in applying a variety of proba­
veloping flexible plans on the basis of a range
of outcomes rather than fine-tuning a single bilistic and scenario methods to uncertainties in supply-side issues.
Utility planners also recognize that accuracy

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 47

tainties. Scenarios have been particularly ef- veyed used a hybrid of two or even all three of
Table 1 fective for communicating results to decision the approaches. The best approach depends
PHASE 2 OBJECTIVES AND POSSIBLE TASKS makers. In general, however, they provide no on the nature of the problem and the planning
Objective Proposed Task quantitative means of evaluating different strat- environment. The following are important fac­
Simple screening tools with Develop simple spreadsheet
egies; this often results in different strategies tors in selecting an approach:
probabilistic component models with simulation corresponding to different future views of the O Length of analysis. For example, a long-term
world. Managers accustomed to quantitative forecast is required for evaluating capacity ex-
Links to decisions Add decision capability to analysis may be uncomfortable with the sto- pansion decisions.
end-use models
rylike structure of scenario analysis. 0 Level of aggregation. This depends on the
Conduct probabilistic
approach case study The probabilistic approach uses techniques scope of the problem. The decision may be
Scenario approach tailored Conduct scenario case
of decision analysis to produce quantitative systemwide (capacity expansion) or narrower
to utilities studies measures of possible outcomes. Results are (DSM programs, interruptible rates for indus­
Transfer of scenarios Conduct scenario most often presented through such measures trial customers).
workshops of probability as the cumulative distribution o Level of detail. Does the decision maker
Prepare guidelines on function; the analysis generally uses a com- need aggregate or detailed results? For exam-
puter model to determine the consequences of pie, peak energy will be sufficient for some
Transfer of probabilistic and
statistical approaches
Prepare guidelines and
conduct workshops
major uncertainties. forecasting problems; others will require hourly
This approach works well for short-term or loads.
end-use analyses. In these cases, the analyst 0 Sources of uncertainty. Uncertainty can
Planning Methods Center set out to combine can identify key factors affecting the problem arise from changes in the business environ­
the UPMC's experience with uncertainty in ca­ and determine their possible values and prob­ ment, such as technical innovation, or from
pacity planning and fuel contracts with Market abilities. The probabilistic approach may also random changes in the physical environment,
Assessment's experience in marketing, fore­ work for longer- term problems and for ques­ such as weather.
casting, and demand-side planning. tions of marketing, planning, and corporate 0 Degree of complexity. This depends on the
The scoping study team of Applied Decision strategy. It works best when the analysis can major sources of uncertainty. The number of
Analysis and Barakat, Howard, and Chamber­ be tied directly to a decision. Because it pro­ uncertainties and their interdependence will
lin identified three major approaches to ad­ vides explicit likelihoods for a range of possible determine which approach best suits the prob­
dressing uncertainty: scenario, probabilistic, results, the probabilistic approach makes it lem.
and statistical. easy to compare different decisions. It does 0
Available data. The utility may have a large
not work well when the intended audience is number of data and/or many experts to draw
Comparison of methods not comfortable with quantitative analysis. on, or it may have limited informational re­
The scenario approach focuses on major The statistical approach uses quantitative sources.
changes in the external environment. Sce­ techniques from statistics and econometrics. 0 Staff. The utility may or may not have staff
narios are qualitative, internally consistent Results often appear in the form of variances with expertise in the appropriate method.
descriptions of plausible states of the world. and confidence intervals around a forecast. 0 Objective. The utility may be trying to de­
Scenario results are most commonly pre­ This approach deals well with short-term, ran­ velop insights about what may happen in the
sented in the form of stories. The company dom fluctuations, such as weather. It focuses future, or it may be making decisions directly.
best known for its scenario work is Royal on uncertainty in the forecasting model param­ 0 Audience. The intended audience (man­
Dutch Shell. Utilities known for scenario work eters, which rely on historical data and do not agers, executives, or regulators) and their
include Southern California Edison and Geor­ take into account shifts in the future utility envi­ backgrounds will affect the choice of method.
gia Power. ronment. As a result, the statistical approach
The scenario approach deals well with plan­ fares poorly when uncertainties arise from Stages of analysis
ning and forecasting problems that involve long-term structural changes in the business The scoping study noted that each approach
possible shifts in the external environment. environment. This approach is also difficult to has three phases: formulation, analysis, and
Scenarios can combine many complex uncer­ apply when the problem involves many depen­ communication. Each phase has several
tainties to produce independent but internally dent uncertainties. Moreover, it does not easily steps, though not every step appears in each
consistent views of the future. Consequently, incorporate risks that must be determined by approach. In a preliminary step common to all
this approach suits questions in which uncer­ expert judgment. the approaches, the analyst determines what
tainties are numerous and interrelated. It can In practice, a utility is unlikely to use one type of forecast is required (e.g., short or long
provide qualitative insights about key uncer- approach exclusively. Most companies sur- term), what model or models are available, and

48 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

how the results will be used. 0 Step 4. Describe the uncertainty in the vari­ Each approach represents a selection of
The study identified eight steps in the plan­ ables identified in the formulation phase. methods for the different steps. In practice,
ning or forecasting process. The first three 0 Step 5. Associate values with each of the utilities often draw from all three approaches.
make up the formulation phase: variables; a range of values represents differ­ The scoping study concluded by making
Step 1. Identify the key factors that are un­ ent conditions due to uncertainties. recommendations for future work.- Table 1 lists
certain in the forecast and determine their rela­ 0
Step 6. Run the model (or reduced model) the needs identified and the corresponding
tionships to generate outputs based on the values Phase 2 tasks to meet these needs. Phase 2
Step 2. Tie the factors to variables in the assigned in Step 5. work now in progress includes preparation of a
planning or forecasting model. The final two steps make up the communi­ report on the three approaches, a videotape
0 Step 3. Develop a reduced model as a
cation phase: on scenario planning, a prototype scenario
proxy for the large forecasting model. 0 Step 7. Communicate the results. generation framework, and an analysis of the
The next three steps make up the analysis 0 Step 8. I ntegrate results into the decision­ statistical uncertainty in a simple industrial
phase: making process. end-use model.

Fuel Planning

Coal Quality Impact Model

by Arun Mehta, Generation and Storage Division

C oal composition and characteristics sig­

nificantly affect nearly every facet of
power plant operation, including auxiliary
The result is the Coal Quality I mpact Model
(COIM™ ), which features detailed equipment
performance models for all systems directly
that can be applied at various levels of detail,
depending on the sophistication of the user
and the amount of input data available.
power requirements, forced-outage rate, main­ affected by coal quality. Available from EPRI as
tenance costs, net plant heat rate, and a unit's a commercial software product, COIM has CQIM capabilities
ability to meet full load. Therefore, as-delivered been designed for ease of use i i\a variety of Unlike computer programs that rely on numer­
fuel costs alone cannot properly reflect the utility applications. It is a flexible evaluation tool ous general correlations, CQIM is able to pre-
relative economics of alternative coal supplies.
To select the most cost-effective coal supply, a
utility must be able to predict the impacts alter- ABSTRACT EPRI has developed the Coal Quality Impact Model
native coals would have on plant performance
and overall power generation. (CQIM} to help coal procurement personnel reduce fuel costs, supple­
Available methods for analyzing coal quality
impacts include large-scale test burns, pilot­ ment long-term contracts, investigate low-sulfur coals for reducing
scale burns, and detailed computerized engi­
neering analyses. Full- or pilot-scale burns di­ sulfur dioxide emissions, and conduct evaluations of new coal supplies.
rectly determine a unit's ability to accommodate
a particular coal; they can be time-consuming CQIM helps utilities maximize the delivered heating value per dollar of
and costly, however, especially if several coals
are being considered. Moreover, translating ob­
fuel expenditure and minimize the operating costs associated with
served performance into fuel-related costs can combustion. By using CQIM to select the most economical coal sup­
be extremely difficult. Therefore, a computer­
based analysis is often the most practical way plies on the basis of as-burned (rather than as-delivered) fuel costs,
to evaluate alternative coals.
In 1985 EPRI initiated the development of utilities can save millions of dollars.
a comprehensive state-of-the-art computer
program for predicting coal quality impacts.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 49

oped for each specific power plant system COIM contains a vast number of algorithms
and, as applicable, each system component for supplementing data provided by the user.
Table 1
SAMPLE CQIM PLANT INPUT DATA COIM then translates the detailed equipment This default information is based on the data
FOR SCREENING EVALUATION performance predictions into fuel-related entered by the user, the overall plant configura­
power generation costs, taking into account tion, the characteristics of the design coal, and
General plant data
Unit size (MW net) 500 net plant heat rate, unit capability, mainte­ established equipment design practices.
Capacity factor 0.685 nance and availability, and waste disposal. COIM users can therefore selectively collect
Auxiliary power requirements (MW) 40
Design net turbine heat rate (Btu/kWh) 8200 Changes in coal quality affect net plant heat and enter the most important input data in
Excess air level (%) 20 rate through deviations in boiler efficiency, terms of their specific needs and experience
steam attemperation levels, flue gas tempera­ and can rely on the model to supply default
Major equipment data
Steam generator tures, and auxiliary power requirements. COIM values for the remaining data. Of course, the
Maximum heat input per plant area predicts boiler efficiency for a given coal on the more actual data used, the more accurate the
([million Btu/h]/ft2) 1 .8
basis of calculations of latent heat, sensible COIM predictions.
Maximum design gas exit
temperature (°F) 1 900 heat, and unburned-carbon losses. (These Table 1 illustrates the relatively simple input
Tube spacing at furnace exit (in) 12
losses are based on calculations of steam gen­ data requirements for conducting an initial
Maximum design flue gas velocity
(ft/s) 60 erator and air heater heat transfer perfor­ screening evaluation of coal quality. The results
Fuel preparation and firing mance, which affects the flue gas temperature can then be used to determine if further, more
Number of exhauster mills 6
Rated capacity of each mill (t/h) 60 and velocity profiles through the gas path.) To detailed input is necessary to more precisely
Fans characterize changes in auxiliary power as a predict unit performance. As the level of input
Number of forced-draft fans 2
Maximum flow per FD fan (acfm) 600,000 function of coal supply, COIM considers sys­ data detail is increased, the COIM evaluation
Number of induced-draft fans 2 tem horsepower requirements as well as the becomes more sensitive to any unusual or lim­
Maximum flow per ID fan 950,000
frequency and level of use of components. iting unit-specific design features.
Air heater
Typical air heater leakage (%) 12 Coal supply to a plant is generally not uni­ COIM evaluates alternative coals by compar­
Corrected gas outlet temperature form in quality but varies within a specified ing them with the current coal supply. Typical
(OF) 300
Precipitator range. COIM employs Monte Carlo derating coal properties for input to the model include
Total collecting plate area (ft2) 800,000 analysis techniques to consider the impacts of ultimate and proximate analyses, ash compo­
Design volumetric gas flow (acfm) 2,000,000
Ash handling coal quality variation on system capability. sition, ash fusion temperatures, and Hardgrove
Pressurized system for fly ash, Monte Carlo techniques are used to approxi­ grindability numbers. COIM can supplement
capacity at normal operations (t/h) 50
Sluice system for bottom ash, mate the variation of quality within the coal incomplete sets of coal quality data on the
capacity at normal operations (t/h) 20 supply's specified range in order to determine basis of similar coal supplies.
derating magnitude and frequency as a func­ Cost results from COIM can be used to com­
Economic data
Replacement energy cost tion of time. pare the economic viability of various coal sup­
(mills/kWh) 20 Coal quality affects equipment outage rates plies. In Figure 1 four coal supplies are com­
Limestone cost ($/t) 15
and hence overall unit availability and mainte- pared on the basis of differential fuel-related
nance costs. COIM predicts maintenance and generation costs as predicted by COIM. As the
availability impacts through the use of a modi- figure shows, COIM provides a comprehensive
lied UNIRAM model. This model uses historical basis for evaluating coals.
diet equipment performance impacts for a data and correlations that relate com­ A notable COIM capability is sensitivity anal­
specific unit on the basis of the following input ponent-level failure mechanisms to coal qual­ ysis, which is useful in determining threshold
data: ity. It uses UNIRAM methodology to translate limits for specific coal properties This type of
° Configuration data, including available predicted component failures into occur­ analysis can be very useful in establishing coal
spares and system redundancy rences of system and plant derating. All fail­ procurement contract provisions for deviations
System and component capacities ures, regardless of their impact on availability, in delivered coal quality
0 Historical unit and system performance are considered in maintenance cost predic­
CQIM validation
0 System cycle times and auxiliary power re­ tions.
quirements COIM predicts waste disposal costs for a In addition to COIM development, EPRI has
Historical maintenance and availability data variety of waste disposal configurations, in­ supported many activities to transfer the model
0 System and component failure mode data cluding landfill and ponding. For units with flue effectively to the utility industry and to ensure
These data are used with COIM's equipment gas desulfurization, it also considers dewater­ that it remains a state-of-the-art tool.
performance models, which have been devel- ing capability and FGD system performance One of the most significant efforts involves

50 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

Figure 1 These CQIM economic results predict how the use of four alternative coals would o Establishing coal specifications and prop­
increase or decrease the generation costs associated with the current coal. The breakdown of erty range limits for specific generating units to
cost components illustrates the comprehensive level of analysis possible with CQIM, which is
sensitive to all significant factors in coal quality evaluation.
minimize generation losses and operating

3 0 Quantifying the performance and economic

impacts of variations in key coal properties,

2 Maintenance
such as heating value, sulfur content, and ash
:23 Waste disposal
Replacement power o Identifying coal quality impacts on mainte­
nance and availability costs; providing infor­
mation to help project future manpower re­
0 0 quirements and identify systems that will need
increased attention
-� o Quantifying the advantages/disadvantages
of switching, blending, and cleaning coals; de­

termining the optimal degree of coal cleaning

Q) -2 and blending
0 Evaluating the performance of, and eco­

-3 nomic trade-offs between, high-sulfur coals
Coal 3 Coal 4 (which require flue gas desulfurization) and
-4 compliance coals
0 Screening alternative coals to eliminate the

model validation through a host utility program. As a result of significant industry interest in least suitable and minimize the number of test
In this program, which is nearing successful CQIM, its use has not been confined to the host burns to be performed
completion, 12 utilities have worked with EPRI utility participants. Approximately 40 other util­ o Developing strategies for acid rain legisla­
to develop case studies to validate the CQIM ities have participated in the project as pre­ tion
equipment performance models. CQIM perfor­ release users. Several of them have applied o Providing valuable technical information for
mance and cost predictions are compared the model in making spot-market coal pur­ use in engineering studies-for example, infor­
with historical data and actual utility operating chases and establishing contract range limits. mation on how equipment modifications will
experience, and any discrepancies are used Among the many practical CQIM applications affect overall unit performance and economics
to modify the program modules and improve identified by the utilities are the following:
CQIM's overall predictive capability. As shown 0 Evaluating potential coal supplies (both spot Future enhancements
in Table 2, the case studies cover a wide _range market and long term) according to overall CQIM is commercially available from the Elec­
of unit designs and coals. fuel-related generation costs tric Power Software Center (EPSC) for Digital

Table 2
Utility Unit Boiler Particulate Removal Device S02 Removal Device
Centerior Energy Eastlake Unit 5 (660 MW) Supercritical Cold precipitator None
East Kentucky Power Cooperative Spurlock U n it 2 (500 MW) S ubcritical Hot precipitator Wet lime
Houston Lighting & Power W A Parish Unit 8 (535 MW) Subcritical Fabric filter Wet limestone
New England Electric System Brayton Point U n it 3 (575 MW) Supercritical Cold precipitator None
Northern States Power Sherco Unit 1 (700 MW) Subcritical Particulate scrubber Wet limestone
Pennsylvania Electric Conemaugh Units 1 and 2 (900 MW) Subcritical Hot precipitator None
Public Service Company of Indiana Cayuga Units 1 and 2 (535 MW) Subcritical Cold precipitator None
Southern Company Services Watson Unit 4 (250 MW) Subcritical Cold precipitator None
Tennessee Valley Authority Cumberland Unit 1 ( 1 300 MW) Supercritical Cold precipitator None
Union Electric Rush Island Unit 1 (575 MW) Subcritical Cold precipitator None
Virginia Power Mount Storm Unit 1 (550 MW) Subcritical Cold precipitator None
Wisconsin Power & Light Nelson Dewey Unit 2 ( 1 05 MW) Subcritical (cyclone) Hot precipitator None

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 51

Equipment VAX systems; commercial versions features that promote ease of use and provide COIM's predictive capabilities. New correla­
of the program for IBM VM and MVS operating the user with greater flexibility in integrating tions for steam generator performance with
systems are being finalized. Also, the EPSC has the model into utility-specific coal procurement respect to slagging, fouling, and the formation
a simplified version of the program available for practices. of nitrogen oxides are planned as part of other
the IBM PC. An expert system will be incorporated into EPRI programs.
In addition to commercialization efforts, EPRI COIM to facilitate data input and aid in output Through improved understanding of how
plans to further refine and enhance the useful­ interpretations. Also, the ability of CQIM to con­ coal properties affect unit performance and
ness of COIM. In response to comments re­ sider full-scale, bench-scale, and pilot-scale fuel-related costs, a utility can potentially save
ceived from the utility users group, COIM is data will be expanded. This will enable a utility millions of dollars by means of improved coal
currently being converted to run on an IBM­ to use the model to address the economics acquisition practices and improved unit oper­
compatible 80386 desktop computer. This associated with a coal being test - b urned. I n ations. COIM will be an essential tool for devel­
program version will incorporate additional addition, such data can b e used t o improve oping that understanding.

Environmental Performance Assessment

Coal Ash Use Sites

by lshwar Murarka, Environment Division

C lose to 80 million tons of fly ash, bottom

ash, slag, and scrubber sludge are pro­
duced annually by the electric utility industry.
Radian Corp. conducted field investigations to
measure changes in the chemical composition
of groundwater, soil, surface water, and vegeta­
The field investigations at each site consisted
of two steps: (1) a reconnaissance effort involv­
ing one-time, limited sampling, and (2) detailed
Markets for 15-25% of these by-products of tion at two coal ash use sites: an embankment sampling over a network within a limited area.
coal combustion have been developed. How­ site in Waukegan, Illinois, and a structural fill site The reconnaissance effort, conducted in
ever, wider use of these residues is limited by in Little Canada, Minnesota. All field sampling, 1987, began with the installation of piezometers
transportation costs, by the lack of a reliable sample analysis, and data analysis were com­ for estimating the hydraulic gradient and direc­
and quality-controlled supply (which certain pleted by November 1989. Detailed technical tion of groundwater flow. Then groundwater­
uses require), and by concerns that the resi­ reports on the two sites are being prepared. monitoring wells were installed upgradient, be-
dues may contaminate groundwater, soil, and
surface water.
In a 1988 report to the Congress, the Envi-
ronmental Protection Agency encouraged the ABSTRACT The wider use of coal combustion by-products for
increased use of coal combustion wastes
when that can be achieved in an environmen­ embankments, structural fills, roadbeds, and the like depends in part on
tally acceptable manner. Even though coal ash
has been used at some 300 sites in the United the development of information about their environmental performance
States, however, measurements of the environ­
mental effects are scarce or nonexistent. To
in these applications. EPRI is sponsoring field investigations to mea­
help meet the need for information, in 1987
sure long-term changes in soil, vegetation, groundwater, and surface
EPRI initiated a study on the environmental ef­
fects of ash use (RP2796). This research, co­ water around coal ash use sites. The results of two recently completed,
funded by Empire State Electric Energy Re­
search Corp. , is aimed at measuring long-term limited field studies show localized changes due to the migration of ash
changes in soil, groundwater, vegetation, and
surface water quality around embankments, constituents.
structural fills, roadbeds, and amended soils.
In the first phase of the study (1987-1989),

52 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

low the coal ash placement zone, and downgra­ Figure 1 Distribution of boron and molybdenum in broadleaf plants along the Waukegan sam­
dient along a transect in the groundwater flow pling transect. Plants growing directly on ash (locations 2 and 3) show the g reatest u ptake and
accumulation i n tissues.
path. Samples of soil, groundwater, surface­
runoff water, and vegetation were collected and
analyzed for water quality parameters and ele­ 90

mental composition. 80
The more detailed sampling effort was per­
formed in 1988. At each site 25 groundwater­ oi 70
monitoring wells, 12 porous-cup lysimeters, and
2 pan-type lysimeters were installed beneath C

the ash to monitor chemical changes in the C 50

saturated and unsaturated zones. Groundwater C

wells were screened at two depths. Samples 0

0 40
were analyzed for a broad range of water quality
parameters (pH, Eh, alkalinity, alpha radioactiv­ £D

ity, and concentrations of chloride, fluoride, sul­ 20

fate, nitrate, phenol, arsenic, boron, barium,
cadmium, cobalt, calcium, magnesium, chro­ 10
mium, copper, lithium, molybdenum, nickel, se­ 0
lenium, strontium, and zinc). 2.5

Waukegan site assessment

The Waukegan site, located in northern Illinois a
few hundred meters west of Lake Michigan, has C

nearly level topography, consisting of dune ·� 1 .5

sands and back beach sediments deposited by
the lake. A state highway segment and over­ 0
pass embankment were constructed in 1970- 1.0

1972 with approximately 350,000 cubic meters C

(500,000 metric tons) of coal ash from Common­ 0.5

wealth Edison's Waukegan generating station.
The ash embankment is composed principally
of ASTM Class F fly ash, although minor amounts 0
2 3 4 5
of bottom ash, clay, and other fill materials were
Sample Location
also used in the construction of the highway
Several soil core samples were taken at the
sites. Subsamples representing several depths of differences in rooting characteristics. Broad­ plant tissues. Figure 1 , for example, shows con­
were analyzed in the laboratory to measure the leaf plants typically have taproot systems that centrations of boron and molybdenum in broad­
accumulation and/or deposition of ash constitu­ extend relatively deep into the soil. Grasses, on leaf plant tissues. Compared with samples from
ents. In general, the data indicate that the sandy the other hand, have fibrous root systems that location 1 (the control location), samples from
soils did not attenuate constituents leached are concentrated closer to the surface. Elemen­ locations 2 and 3 (directly on ash) had in­
from the ash. The underlying soils showed no tal concentrations in plant tissues were mea­ creased concentrations of these two elements.
contamination by, or accumulation of, the ash sured for samples collected at several spatial The plant-tissue concentrations decreased at
constituents. The reason is that sandy soils lack locations. Both accumulations and deficiencies locations 4 and 5, where plants grow on soil
the necessary properties for adsorption, being of elements were found in plant tissues, but the overlying the coal ash deposit. The following
very low in clay, cation exchange capacity, and plants had no apparent visual symptoms of ei­ elements showed increased concentrations in
hydrous oxides of iron and manganese. ther type of change. tissues of plants growing directly on ash:
Two types of vegetation, grasses and broad­ Chemical analysis identified the accumula­ 0 Broadleaf plants: boron , molybdenum, and

leaf plants, were sampled to examine the effect tion of several elements of coal ash origin in nickel

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 53

Figure 2 Distribution of phosphorus and zinc in grasses along the Waukegan sampling transect. magnitude higher in groundwater samples ob­
These results illustrate the reduction in availability and uptake of certain plant nutrients. tained beneath the ash. Other species from coal
ash that appear to have leached into the shallow
2. groundwater zone include arsenic, barium, cal­
cium, chloride, iron, lithium, manganese, mag­
nesium, potassium, sodium, and strontium. The
concentration of these ash-derived constituents
0 rapidly dissipates with distance away from the
-� 1. embankment and at greater depths in the
groundwater below the ash.
Samples of soil-pore liquids obtained from
(f) 1.
lysimeters within the ash embankment showed
elevated concentrations of the same species
0. that had elevated concentrations in the shallow
groundwater beneath the ash. The concentra­
tions of certain ash-derived species (boron, cal­
cium, potassium, molybdenum, sulfate, stron­
3 tium, and vanadium) were significantly higher in
the soil-pore liquids, however. This contrasts
3 with the Little Canada ash fill site, where major
ions were present in about equal concentrations
2 in soil-pore liquids and groundwater. The Wau­
C kegan ash embankment appears to have been
2 leached to a lesser extent than the Little Canada
ash fill. This finding is not surprising, since the
0 paved road surface and steep embankment
C side slopes at the Waukegan site favor runoff
and reduced infiltration into the ash.

Little Canada
site assessment
The Little Canada structural fill site is a level,
2 3 4 5
currently undeveloped area adjacent to a small
Sample Location
industrial park in a suburb north of St. Paul,
Minnesota. Together with the industrial park, the
site was originally a low-lying, poorly drained
Grasses: aluminum, boron, molybdenum, 0
Grasses: magnesium, phosphorus, and zinc area; it was reclaimed by filling it with coal ash.
and strontium At the Waukegan site, groundwater flows in The filling operation began in 1978 and was
Chemical analysis also identified decreases an easterly direction beneath the embankment completed in 1980. About 39,000 cubic meters
in concentrations of some elements in plant toward Lake Michigan. On the basis of mea­ (50,000 metric tons) of ash were used over the
tissues. For example, phosphorus and zinc surements made in 1988, the groundwater flow approximately 1-hectare site. The ash came
concentrations in grass tissues were lowest in velocity is estimated to be between 4.9 and 11.5 from three coal- fired power plants owned by
samples from locations 2 and 3 (Figure 2). The meters per year. Data obtained during the four Northern States Power. The alkaline coal ash
decreased concentrations in plant tissues are sampling dates show consistent trends over has cementitious properties and is classified as
a direct result of the decreased availability of time for ash-derived constituents in ground­ a Class C fly ash according to the ASTM test
these elements due to high pH in the soil-ash water and soil-pore water. method.
mixture. These elements showed decreased Data for the wells that transect the embank­ In contrast to the Waukegan site studies, the
concentrations in plants growing on ash: ment show that compared with samples from analysis of extracts of coal ash and soils from
0 Broadleaf plants: barium, calcium, magne­ upgradient wells, sulfate levels are two times the Little Canada fill site revealed that some
sium, manganese, and zinc higher and boron levels are over an order of elements (cobalt, manganese, molybdenum,

54 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

and pore water samples at the two sites over two
Table 1 sampling events. Concentrations of soluble
GROUNDWATER DATA, LITTLE CANADA SITE constituents released from the ash were mea­
(samples collected August 1 1 , 1988)
sured in the shallow groundwater layer immedi­
Sampling Boron Sulfate Calcium ately beneath the ash zone (boron, calcium,
Location* Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) Concentration (mg/L) magnesium, molybdenum, sodium, chloride,
Upgradient (average) 0.5 1 75 1 87 fluoride, sulfate, and possibly strontium); how­
Well B 1 ever, none of the heavy metals present in the ash
Shallow 5.8 1 992 460
Deep 0.6 88 250 moved into the deeper soils, pore water, or
Well B2 (shallow) 4.3 4432 500 groundwater. The results also show that the con­
Well B3 (shallow) 9. 1 4844 290 centrations of ash-derived constituents that mi­
Well B4 grated into the shallow groundwater dissipate
Shallow 4.3 667 390 rapidly with distance away from the ash
Deep 0.6 4 1 50
Shallow 0.6 21 230
The following conclusions can be drawn from
Deep 0.6 74 240 the study results:
0 The release of highly soluble constituents
"Distances from the upgrad1ent sampling location to the other locations are as follows: to well Bi, 60 meters; to well 82, 83 meters; to well from the ash occurs periodically when fluctuat­
B3, 108 meters; to well 84, 133 meters: to the downgradient location, 212 meters.
ing groundwater encroaches on the ash.
0 Ash leachate constituents have not impacted
the deeper groundwater zones below the ash
strontium, and zinc) migrated from the coal ash groundwater zone. Further, the results indicate or the groundwater downgradient of the ash
and were attenuated by the underlying soils. a very localized change in groundwater quality deposits.
These attenuation trends are best seen in the due to the migration of water-soluble constitu­ 0 Limited attenuation of the leached constitu­
decreasing trace element (strontium and mo­ ents from the ash. ents occurs in the underlying soils.
lybdenum) concentrations with depth. It is pos­ Groundwater data collected during this inves­ 0 Vegetation growing on the coal ash exhibits
tulated that the trace elements coprecipitated tigation indicate that ash-derived constituents increased uptake of some constituents and de­
with manganese compounds as a response to are present in groundwater immediately be­ creased uptake of others. The reasons are (1)
changing pH and redox conditions under­ neath the ash fill. However, it is not likely that changes in the concentration of elements avail­
neath the ash-soil contact zone. leaching of the ash in response to surface water able to plants as a function of the addition of ash
Results from the two-year investigation show infiltration and downward percolation is the constituents to the soil, and (2) changes in soil
consistent trends for ash-derived constituents ·1 n cause. The lack of rainfall at the site (less than an pH induced by the ash additions, changes that
the shallow groundwater and in soil-pore water. inch was recorded during the period of ground­ affect the solubility of some plant nutrients (both
Compared with results for the control location water sampling in 1988) ensures very little infil­ ash-derived elements and elements native to
and the deep groundwater zone, elevated tration. Field measurements show seasonal the soil).
levels of potassium, sodium, calcium, magne­ fluctuation of the groundwater table, with at least On the basis of the limited studies at the
sium, sulfate, chloride, boron, fluoride, molybde­ one monitoring well exhibiting a groundwater Waukegan and Little Canada sites, it is clear
num, and strontium were measured in shallow­ elevation above the coal ash. Therefore, re­ that there is a need for a statistically sound data­
depth groundwater-monitoring wells installed in searchers hypothesize that the presence of ash­ base on environmental performance of waste
the fill area. Table 1 shows selected results. In derived constituents in groundwater is due to use sites. General conclusions for all use prac­
soil-pore liquid samples obtained from lysime­ fluctuating groundwater levels in the zone near tices cannot be drawn from research at just
ters beneath the ash, the same 10 species were the ash-soil contact. At normal rates of rainfall two sites. For this reason, field measurements
found in approximately the same concentra­ and groundwater recharge in the site vicinity, the at a cross section of sites are planned for the
tions as in the shallow groundwater samples. water table is expected to come in contact with future.
In contrast, the groundwater wells installed in ash and allow leaching of ash constituents by In the second phase of studies under
the deeper layer of the aquifer showed no direct dissolution reactions. RP2796, research will focus on the waste use
change in the chemical composition of the wa­ categories of embankments, roadbeds, and
ter. These data provide a basis for concluding Conclusions and future studies ash-amended soils. Nine sites will be selected
that vertical mixing and depth of penetration Similar trends were observed for aqueous con­ to provide diverse environmental, geographic,
of leachates are restricted to a very shallow centrations of elements in shallow groundwater and waste use combinations. These studies will

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 55

measure several chemical constituents (inor- gases may accumulate. Hydrology and geo- formance at each site. Assessment manuals
ganic, organic, and radioactive) in groundwater chemistry will be characterized to quantify the and data books will be prepared and published
and surface water samples, as well as uptake distribution of mobile and attenuated constitu- to assist in defining parameters for the environ-
and accumulation by nearby vegetation. Radon ents. Analysis of the field measurements will mentally acceptable use of coal combustion
emissions will also be measured at sites where provide assessments of the environmental per- residues.


Gas Turbine Combustion Viewing System

by Henry Schreiber, Generation and Storage Division

G as turbines are a popular option for ca­

pacity increases; published estimates in­
dicate that 40,000-75,000 MW of new gas tur­
The image was scanned by a remote television
camera. The probe looked into one of the 10
combustion chambers on the engine. This
the fuel nozzle and the upstream end of the
combustor. These are the types of flame anom­
aly of interest to gas turbine operators, as well
bine generating capacity will be added in the high-resolution probe produced an image as to engine designers.
next 20 years. The large, stationary gas turbines composed of 80,000 pixels and allowed real­ The image quality obtained with this re­
offered by the major manufacturers in the 1980s time observation of combustor light-off, load search prototype probe proved highly suitable
range in capacity from 78 to 150 MW in simple changes, and shutdown. During this evalua­ for gas turbine diagnostics in that it showed
cycle and up to 220 MW in combined cycle. Net tion period, investigators used the probe to flame location and geometry in detail. The
efficiencies are in the 32- 33.5% range for the observe combustor performance phenomena cost, however, was beyond the usual range for
simple-cycle offerings and in the 44-49% range such as delayed ignition, crossfire tube oper­ an instrument that would be commercially mar­
for the combined cycles. Technical advances ation, flame instability, bimodal flame deploy­ ketable to utilities. EPRI therefore undertook a
and improved design philosophy have in­ ment, and abnormal attachment of the flame to follow-on project with UTRC to develop a lower-
creased availability and reliability to the
high-80% to mid-90% range, while capital costs
are in the $200- 250/kW range for simple cycle
and the $400-600/kW range for a combined
ABSTRACT The higher efficiency of modern gas turbines is due
Lead times are relatively short compared with largely to the cooling and materials technology that has made it possi­
those for other generation options, and the avail­
able sizes of capacity-increase increments al­ ble to raise the temperature of the combustion gases flowing through
low the utility to add capacity parallel to load
growth. The higher firing temperature required the turbine. To maintain high reliability and availability in the face of
to achieve the high efficiencies necessitates the
use of new diagnostics. these more severe operating conditions, diagnostic instrumentation is

Research prototypes needed that can provide early indication of a system malfunction, so
A proof-of-concept prototype of a combustion
that corrective action can be taken before there are adverse physical
viewing probe was built by United Technologies
Research Corp. (UTRC) under EPRI contract effects on the equipment. The combustion viewing probe is one of
(RP2102-2). This single-sensor probe was in­
stalled on unit 41 (a General Electric MS7001B several hot-gas-path diagnostic instruments developed by the EPRI
combined-cycle unit) at the T. H Wharton plant
of Houston Lighting & Power. The instrument Combustion Turbine Program intended to fulfill this function.
consisted of a heat-resistant probe containing
a 120° wide-angle lens and fiber-optic cable.

56 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

cost probe using new fiber-optics technology Figure 1 Schematic diagram of one combustor and probe in a 10-probe array on a gas turbine unit
that would still provide sufficient image defini­ at HL&P's Wharton plant. The probe looks into one of the 10 combustion chambers and picks up
flame images, which are then displayed on a video monitor for real-time observation of combus­
tion and probe durability. This redesigned tor performance.
combustion viewing system is intended for use
as part of a permanently installed array. The TV camera
array consists of one viewing probe mounted
on each of the 10 combustors on a GE MS7001 Ten-image
light guide
engine. Gas turbine unit 33, part of a com­ termination
bined-cycle unit at HL&P's Wharton plant, was
chosen as the test engine for the full, 10-probe
The probes are mounted so that they do not
protrude into the combustor liner and therefore
are not exposed directly to the flame. The probe Video monitor
operating temperature remains close to the tem­ Fiber-optic
image guide
perature of the engine's compressor discharge
air, which acts as a purge and coolant as it
blows by the probe shaft into the combustor Probe Combustor casing
dilution air hole, where the probe is mounted. Combustor liner
Figure 1 is a schematic diagram of one combus­
tor and probe in the 10-probe arrangement.

Production prototype
The 10-probe production-scale prototype has
a 0.3-mm spherical lens optically coupled to a
0.3-mm, 2000-strand coherent fiber-optic ca­
ble, or image guide. The 2000-pixel image
produced on a video screen provides sufficient
detail to show flame instability, combustion de­
lay, crossfire tube activity, and general flame
location . These diagnostic observations en­
able an operator to detect combustion anoma­
lies promptly. viewing system displays the flames in all 10 rough handling. Another anticipated design
The 10-probe production prototype was in­ combustors simultaneously and in the same enhancement will make it possible to enlarge
stalled on Wharton unit 41 and started up the relative position as the combustors on the en­ the image of any one flame and observe it as it
week of May 29, 1989. The viewing system dem­ gine. This display is satisfactory for purposes changes in real time. With these design en­
onstrated its potential value immediately upon of operation and maintenance. The next phase hancements, the combustion viewing probe
startup, when an ignition delay of over two of the project will be to develop a fully commer­ system will be ready to be offered to utilities
minutes was observed in one of the 10 com­ cial prototype unit that incorporates system commercially. It will be particularly useful on
bustors. Ignition delays produce thermal design modifications to further reduce the cost the new generation of higher-firing-tempera­
stress and allow unburned fuel to accumulate. and make the probes easier to fabricate on a ture gas turbines. EPRI will develop specifica­
This latter effect can result in a hazardous un­ commercial scale. The design of the probes tions that will enable the buyer of a new gas
controlled pressurization of the exhaust duct­ will be made more rugged to make field main­ turbine to incorporate the combustion viewing
work. tenance of the viewing system easier and re­ probe into the purchase specifications submit­
The current production-model combustion duce the risk of damage to the probes from ted to the gas turbine manufacturer.

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 57

Funding/ ContractorIEPRI Funding/ Contractor/EPRI
Project Duration Project Manager Project Duration Project Manager

Customer Systems Controls and Automation Technical Support $67,300 Automation Technology
(RP271 0-7) 12 months Inc. JS. Oivakaruni
Power Electronics Systems Analysis $1 83,800 Georgia Tech Research
19 months I nstitute IM. Samotyj Materials Testing tor CAES Well $59,700 Radian Corp./ B. Mehta
(RP295 1 -9)
Applications (RP2894-6) 8 months
Development of Advanced Off-Peak or $227,000 Vaughn Thermal Corp./
Base-Loaded Electric Water Heaters 9 months C. Hiller
(RP2958-4) Nuclear Power
Integrated Value-Based Planning $604,200 Putnam, Hayes & Bartlett,
Service Water Assistance Program $1 08,200 Texas Utilities Electric Co. /
(RP2982-4) 20 months I n c . J P Hanser
(RP2495-13) 1 4 months N. Hirota
Heat Recovery Chiller Field Demonstration $131 ,900 W. S. Fleming &
13 months Associates Inc. / M. Blatt New York-New England Seismic $50,000 U.S. Geological Survey/
Experiment ( RP2556-53) 12 months J. Schneider
Installation and Operation of Chiller Heat $75,700 Pacific Homes I n c . /
Recovery System (RP2983-9) 13 months M. Blatt Source Parameters and Tectonics of Large $55,000 Memphis State University I
Earthquakes in Stable Continental Regions 1 2 months J. Schneider
Advanced Electric Transportation Systems $1 48,300 Bechtel Group, I n c . / (RP2556-54)
Technology Assessment (RP3025-1 ) 9 months B. Banerjee
Operator Reliability Experiments at the $150,700 Accident Prevention Group
Assessment of Capacitor Technology and $56,700 University of Missouri at Maanshan Plant (RP2847-3) 1 1 months Inc. / A. Singh
Applications in Power Electronics and 9 months Columbia/ B. Banerjee
Control Systems (RP3088-1 ) Best-Estimate Methodology for Appendix K $31 0,400 Westinghouse Electric
Relief (RP2956-1 ) 16 months Corp . / S. Katra

Exploratory Research Management of Reactor Vessel Irradiation $69,300 Westinghouse Electric

Embrittlement (RP2975-5) 8 months Corp . / T Griesbach
New Chemical Alternative Refrigerants $1 55,900 Clemson University I Analysis of 1 0 /23 / 88 Parkfield Earthquake $50,000 Woodward-Clyde
(RP8000-48) 35 months P Joyner Data and Ground Motion Predictions for the 7 months Consultants I J. Schneider
Computerized Corrosion Behavior $749,900 National Association of Characteristic Parkfield Earthquake
Information tor Utility Applications 34 months Corrosion Engineers/ (RP2978-2)
(RP8002-19) B. Syrett Severe Accident Studies ( RP3000-34) $1 83,000 Mollerus Engineering
A Comprehensive Investigation of the $220,000 University of Kentucky I 19 months Corp./ J. Haugh
Inorganic Constituents of Coal and Coal 22 months S. Yunker
Nonlinear Response to Strong Ground $1 49,600 Woodward-Clyde
Derivatives (RP8003-20)
Motion (RP3014- 1 ) 3 months Consultants I J. Schneider
Molecular Structure of Coal Macerals $250,000 Southern Illinois
University IS. Yunker Thermal-Hydraulic Qualification and $551,700 S. Levy, I n c. / S. Katra
(RP8003-21) 22 months
Application of Modular Accident Analysis 21 months
Characterization and Reconstruction $286,400 Arctech Inc./ S. Yunker Program (RP3044-1 )
of Coal-Gasifying Mixed Cultures 36 months
(RP8003-23) Containment Analysis Methods (RP3048-1 ) $598,300 Numerical Applications
31 months Inc./ M. Merila
Critical Currents, Weak Links, and Flux $814,500 University of Wisconsin I
Pinning Studies of Oxide Superconductors 36 months T Schneider Accident Sequences for Training $1 84,400 NUS Corp./ A. Singh
(RP8009-5) (RP3050-1 ) 20 months

Fundamental Studies on Critical Current $936,600 Stanford University I LWR License Renewal Lead Plant -BWR $2,000,000 Northern States Power
Density in Materials (RP8009- 1 1 ) 60 months 0. Sharma (RP3075- 1 ) 6 0 months Co. / R. Burke
Development o f Ceramic Superconductors $1 95,600 University at Buffalo Seismic I nstrumentation of Mexican Power $79,000 PRISIS/ R. Kassawara
for Electric Power Applications 13 months Foundation, Inc. / and Industrial Facilities (RP3090-3) 2 months
(RP8009- 1 2) T Rodenbaugh
Radiation Protection /Health Physics $50,600 Analytical Resources Inc. /
I mproved Superconducting Ceramics for $1 59,000 U.S. Department of Exposure C haracterization (RP3099-3) 8 months P Robinson
High-Current Applications (RP8009-15) 15 months Energy I W Bakker
Uncertainties in Neutron Kinetics $50,000 S. Levy, Inc . / G. Srikantiah
Calculations (RP31 0 1 -2) 7 months
Generation and Storage Estimation of Strong Ground Motions Close $ 1 40,000 Woodward-Clyde
to Earthquakes in Eastern North America 1 1 months Consultants/J. Schneider
Market Evaluation for Fly Ash Fillers $63 , 1 00 Kline & Company Inc./
(RP2422-20) 6 months 0. Golden
$ 1 72 , 1 00 Southwest Research Simulator Fidelity Requirements (RP3107- 1 ) $1 84,900 General Physics Corp./
Combustion Turbine Coatings Guidebook
Institute / R. Frischmuth 8 months R. Colley
(RP2465-2) 17 months
Mass Culture of Algae Utilizing CO2 From $509,200 University of Hawaii at Studies of Human Performance in $1 35,000 Anacapa Sciences Inc. /
Stalk Gases (RP2612-1 1 ) 1 8 months Manoa/J. Berning Inspection and Testing Tasks (RP3 1 1 2- 1 ) 1 2 months J. O'Brien

Short-Rotation Woody Crop Trials for $80,000 Energy Performance Development of Utility Guidelines for $1 00,000 Quadrex Corp . / V Chexal
Energy Production in North Central United 25 months Systems Inc./ J. Berning Snubber Reduction Program for Nuclear 6 months
States (RP2612-12) Piping System (RP3 1 1 4- 1 )

On-Line Monitoring for the Plant Auxiliary $432,700 Bechtel Power Corp./ BWR Stability Support (RP3 1 1 4-7) $1 00,000 Computer Simulation and
Power System (RP2626-3) 24 months J. Stein 1 1 months Analysis I nc . / R. Galer
Commercialization Potential of AFBC $1 93,500 Dearborn Chemical Void Fraction Model Improvement for CHEC $1 25,000 S. Levy, Inc. / V Chexal
Concrete (RP2708-4) 9 months Company Ltd . / 0. Golden (RP3 1 1 4- 1 8) 12 months

58 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

New Acid Precipitation and Human Health
EN-6492 Final Report (RP2661-22); $32.50
Design Guidelines for a Sodium
Injection Waste Management System

Contractor: Steve Hoffman GS-6486 Final Report (RP2708-1); $800
EPRI Project Manager: C. Hakkarinen Contractors Baker/TSA Inc . ; !CF Technology Inc.
EPRI Project Manager: D . Golden

Reports Measuring Hydraulic Conductivity

With the Borehole Flowmeter
EN-6511 Topical Report (RP2485-5); $40
Design and Commissioning of a Filter
Module for High Temperature and Pressure
Contractor: Tennessee Valley Authority GS-6489 Interim Report (RP1336-7); $25
Requests for copies of reports should be di rected to
EPRI Project Manager: I. Murarka Contractor: Rheinisch-Westfalische Technische
Research Reports Center, P O Box 50490, Palo Alto,
Hochschule, Aachen
California 94303; (415) 965-4081 There is no charge
EPRI Project Managers: 0 . Tassicker, S. Drenker
for reports requested by EPRI member utilities, U.S.
universities, or government agencies. Others in the EXPLORATORY RESEARCH
Use of Coal Gasification i n
United States, Mexico. and Canada pay the listed
Compressed-Air Energy Storage Systems
price. Overseas price is double the listed price. Research Planning
Research Reports Center will send a catalog of EPRI Study of Fiber-Optic Sensors GS-6491 Final Report (RP2999-2); $32.50
reports on request. To order one-page summaries of Contractor: Energy Storage and Power Consultants
ER-6428 Final Report (RP8004-1); $32.50
reports, call the EPRI Hotline, (415) 855-241 1 . EPRI Project Manager: B. Louks
Contractor: Tennessee Valley Authority
EPRI Project Manager: N. Hirota
Impacts of Cleaning Texas Lignite
CUSTOMER SYSTEMS on Boiler Performance and Economics
Fundamental Chemical Structure of Coal
GS-6517 Final Report (RP2425-1); $32.50
ER-6488 Final Report (RP8003-4); $25
Moisture Measurements in Residential Contractor: Combustion Engineering Inc.
Contractor: Rockwell International
Attics Containing Radiant Barriers EPRI Project Manager A. Mehta
EPRI Project Manager: L. Atherton
CU-6495 Final Report (RP2034-24); $100
Contractor Oak Ridge National Laboratory Proceedings: Fourth Symposium
EPRI Project Manager: J. Kesselring on Integrated Environmental Control
GENERATION AND STORAGE GS-6519 Proceedings; $62.50
EPRI Project Manager: J . Cichanowicz
Specifications for a Plant Electrical
ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS Systems and Equipment Workstation Leaning Brick Stack Liners
GS-6430 Final Report (RP2960-1); $25 GS-6520 Final Report (RP1871-18); $32.50
PCB Residues in Transformer Carcasses
Contractor: Sargent & Lundy Contractor: Battelle, Columbus Division
EL-6237 Final Report (RP2028-19); $25 EPRI Project Manager: J. Stein EPRI Project Manager: P. Radcliffe
Contractor: General Electric Co.
EPRI Project Manager: G. Addis Use of Coal Ash in Highway Construction:
Kansas Demonstration Project
Lightning Flash Characteristics: 1987 N UCLEAR POWER
GS-6460 Interim Report (RP2422-15); $32.50
EL-6413 Interim Report (RP243H ); $25 Contractor: Kansas Electric Utilities Research
Contractor: State University of New York at Albany VIPRE-01 : A Thermal-Hydraulic Code
EPRI Project Manager: J . Mitsche for Reactor Cores, Vols. 1-3 (Revision 3)
EPRI Project Manager: D. Golden
NP-2511-CCM-A Computer Code Manual
The Evaluation of PCDF Technical Assessment of the (RP1584-1); Vol . 1 , $25; Vol. 2, $25; Vol. 3, $25
Analytical Methodologies Indirect-Fired Gas Turbine Power Plant Contractor: Battelle , Pacific Northwest Laboratories
EPRI Project Manager: G. Srikantiah
EL-6416 Final Report (RP2028-21); $25 GS-6470 Final Report (RP2387-3); $40
Contractor: Twin City Testing Corp. Contractor: Hyd ra-Co Enterprises Inc.
EPRI Project Manager G. Addis Linear and Nonlinear Response of Structures
EPRI Project Manager: A. Cohn
and Equipment to California and Eastern
U nited States Earthquakes
Substation Evaluation Using Self-Calibrating Power Angle
Diagnostic Logic System (DIALOG) N P-5566 Final Report (RP2556-8); $32.50
Instrument, Vols. 1 and 2
Contractors: Risk Engineering Inc. ; Stanford
EL-6429 Interim Report (RP2115-16); $32.50 GS-6475 Vol s . 1 and 2 Final Report (RP2591-1); Un iversity
Contractor: Andtek Inc. Vol. 1 , $32.50; Vol. 2, $40
EPRI Project Manager: L. Mankoff EPRI Project Managers: A. Singh, J. Stepp, R.
Contractor: Arizona Public Service Co. Kassawara
EPRI Project Manager R. Nakata
Decomposition Techniques for
Below Regulatory Concern Owners
Multiarea Generation and Proceedings: Second Biennial PFBC Group: Individual and Population Impacts
Transmission Planning Under Uncertainty Power Plants Utility Conference From BRC Waste Treatment and Disposal
EL-6484 Final Report (RP2940-1 ); $32.50 GS-6478 Proceedings; $77.50 NP-5680 I nterim Report (RPB101-11); $1000
Contractor: Stanford Un iversity EPRI Project Manager: S . Drenker
EPRI Project Managers: N. Balu, D. Curtice Contractor: Rogers and Associates Engineering
Ash Utilization in Hig hways: EPRI Project Manager: P Robinson
Delaware Demonstration Project
ENVIRONMENT GS-6481 Interim Report (RP2422-3); $40 Demonstration of Reliability-Centered
Contractor: Delmarva Power & Light Co. Maintenance, Vol. 2: First Annual
Effects of Environmental and EPRI Project Manager D. Golden Progress Report From
Experimental Design Factors on San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station
Culturing and Testing of Ceriodaphnia dubia Eighth Annual EPRI Conference NP-6152 Vol . 2 Interim Report (RP2970-3); $32.50
EN-6468 Final Report (RP2368-2); $40 on Coal Gasification Contractors: Southern California Edison Co. ; ERIN
Contractor: Battelle, Columbus Division GS-6485 Proceedings (RP1654); $55 Engineering and Research Inc.
EPRI Project Manager: J. Mattice EPRI Project Manager: N. Holt EPRI Project Manager: J . Gaertner

EPRI JOURNAL December 1989 59

Demonstration of Reliability-Centered
Maintenance, Vol. 3: First Annual Progress
Report From Ginna Nuclear Station
NP-6152 Vol. 3 Interim Report (RP2970-1 ); $32.50 For additional information on the meetings
Contractors: Rochester Gas and Electric Corp., 1-3
listed below, please contact the person
Advanced Technology Engineering Systems Inc. 1st International Symposium on
EPRI Project Manager J . Gaertner Biological Processing of Coal
Orlando, Florida
Matrix Database of Contact: Stanley Yunker, (415) 855-2815
EPRI Experimental Projects on
Small-Break Loss-of-Coolant Accidents 8-11
NP-6180 Final Report (RP2639-1); $32.50 1990 S02 Control Symposium
Advanced Computer Technology
Contractor: lntermountain Technologies Inc. for the Power Industry New Orleans, Louisiana
EPRI Project Manager: J . Sursock Scottsdale, Arizona Contact: Paul Radcliffe, (415) 855-2720
Contact: Murthy Divakaruni, (415) 855-2409
Methods of Ultimate Load Analysis
of Concrete Containments: Phase 3 5-6
NP-6262-M Final Report (RP2172-1); $25 Global Atmosphere and Public Health JUNE
Contractor: ANATECH Research Corp. Washington, D . C .
EPRI Project Manager: H. Tang 11-13
Contact: Ralph Perhac, (415) 855-2572
Applications of Power Production
Proceedings: EPRI 7-8
Power Plant Valves Symposium II Washington, D.C.
Industrial Load Shaping
Contact: Mark Lauby, (415) 855-2304
NP/GS-6327 Proceedings (RP2519-1); $40 Palo Alto, California
Contractor: Maintenance Equi pment App lication Contact: Paul Meagher, (415) 855-2420
EPRI Project Manager: B. Brooks
Sou rcebook for Chemical JANUARY 1990
Decontamination of Nuclear Power Plants 29-August 3
International Conference:
NP-6433 Special Report; $32.50 17-18
Indoor Air Quality and Climate
EPRI Project Managers: C. Wood, C. Spalaris Marketing Program Planning
Toronto, Canada
and Evaluation
Contact: Cary Young, (415) 855-2724
Field Studies on lntergranular Attack Salt Lake City, Utah
NP-6455 Final Report (RPS306-21); $32.50 Contact: Tom Henneberger, (415) 855-2885
Contractor: Westing house Electric Corp.
EPRI Project Manager: C. Welty

Enriched Boric Acid for PWR Application: FEBRUARY

Cost Evaluation Study for a Twin-Unit PWR International Conference: Measuring
NP-6458 Final Report (RP2648-1); $5000 21-23
Waterborne Trace Substances
Contractor: Westing house Electric Corp. EPRI Food Service Symposium
Baltimore, Maryland
EPRI Project Managers: J. Santucci, C . Spalaris New Orleans, Louisiana
Contact: Winston Chow, (415) 855-2868
Contact: Karl Johnson, (415) 855-2183
Relay Behavior at the
Perry Nuclear Power Plant
During the 1986 Earthquake in Leroy, Ohio SEPTEMBER
NP-6472 Final Report (RP2849-2); $25 MARCH
Contractors: NUTECH Engineers I nc., Stevenson 18-20
Associates 6-9
Conference; Condenser Technology
EPRI Project Manager: R. Kassawara International Symposium: Performance,
Boston, Massachusetts
Improvement, Retrofitting, and Repowering
Fossil Fuel Power Plants Contact: John Tsou, (415) 855-2220
EPRI Workshop on Fire
Protection in Nuclear Power Plants Washington, D.C.
Contact: Gary Poe, (415) 855-8969
NP-6476 Final Report (RP2969); $40
EPRI Project Manager: J. Sursock OCTOBER
EPRI-EPA Symposium: Transfer and
Evaluation of Burnup 15-17
Utilization of Particulate Control Technology
Credit for Dry Storage Casks Incipient Failure Detection:
San Diego, Cal ifornia
NP-6494 I nterim Report (RP2813-8); $25 Predictive Maintenance for the 1990s
Contact: Ramsay Chang, (415) 855-2535
Contractor: Virginia Power Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
EPRI Project Manager: 0. Ozer Contact: John Scheibe!, (415) 855-2850
2d National Conference and Exhibition
Advanced PWR Steam Generator on Power Quality for End-Use Applications
Digital Feedwater Control System
Burlingame, California
NP-6497-M Final Report (RP2126-4); $40 Contact: Marek Samotyj, (415) 855-2980
Contractor: Westinghouse Electric Corp.
EPRI Project Manager: J . Naser

60 EPRI JOURNAL December 1989

Authors and Articles on the development of energy-efficient search. Rabi graduated in physics from
HVAC equipment. Before 1978, he the Weizmann Institute of Science in
worked for 12 years with General Dy­ Israel. She also has a PhD from Ohio
namics on cryogenic systems and heat State.
transfer analysis. Blatt graduated in Arvo Lannus has managed the Resi­
mechanical engineering from Cooper dential Program for more than seven
Union, earned an MS in industrial engi­ years. He joined EPRI in 1980 after six
Johnson Blatt neering at New York University, and years with Gordian Associates, where
has a master's degree in business ad­ he was director of advanced technol­
ministration from San Diego State. • ogy, responsible for research on heat

pumps and energy use in buildings.
lectrification: Key to Manufactur­ Earlier he was on the chemical engi­
ing Productivity (page 16) was neering faculty of Cooper Union
Schurr Rabi
written by Mary Wayne, communica­ School of Engineering. Lann us has a BS
tions consultant, in cooperation with in chemistry and a PhD in chemical
Sam Schurr, retired deputy director of engineering, both from Drexel Univer­
EPRI's Energy Study Center. sity. •
Schurr was with EPRI for a total of 12
Lan nus Dau years, from 1973 to 1975 directing the
division originally responsible for both
environmental and economic studies,
T he NOE Center: Celebrating a
Decade of Achievement (page 32)
was written by David Boutacoff, Journal
and from 1979 to 1988 working in en­ feature writer, who drew on informa­
ergy studies. He also worked with Re­ tion supplied by two staff members of
sources for the Future on two occa­ EPRI's Nuclear Power Division.
Lang sions, first as director of its energy and Gary Dau heads the Component Re­
minerals program and later as codirec­ liability Program and has been the In­
tor of energy policy research. Before stitute's principal liaison with the NOE
1954 he was with several federal agen­ Center since it opened in 1980. He initi­
L ighting the Commercial World
(page 4) was written by Leslie La­
cies. Schurr has two degrees in eco­
nomics from Rutgers. •
ated an NOE program at EPRI in 1975
while on loan from Battelle, Pacific
marre, science writer, assisted by two Northwest Laboratories, and managed
staff members of EPRI's Customer Sys­ ntegrated Home Automation (page it when he joined the EPRI staff in 1977.
tems Division.
Karl Johnson manages research on
I 24) was written by John Miller, com­
munications consultant, aided by fea­
He had been with Battelle since 1965.
Dau has a BS in mechanical engineering
energy systems for commercial build­ ture editor Ralph Whitaker and two re­ from the University of Idaho, a PhD in
ings. He has been with EPRI since 1977, search managers of EPRI's Customer nuclear engineering from the Univer­
following two years as coordinator of Systems Division. sity of Arizona, and an MS in technol­
industrial and energy services for the Veronika Rabl is the manager of the ogy management from MIT.
Palo Alto (California) utilities depart­ Demand-Side Planning Program estab­ James Lang, manager of the Plant
ment. Still earlier, he worked for eight lished early this year. She had been a Operations and Maintenance Program
years in energy management for Stan­ project manager for seven years, with since 1986, joined EPRI in 1979 to man­
ford University. Johnson graduated in primary responsibility for residential age research in the Steam Generator
economics from Denison University and commercial load management re­ Project Office; he later worked in the
and earned an MS in mechanical engi­ search. Before coming to EPRI in 1981, Nuclear Safety Analysis Center. He ear­
neering at Stanford. she worked for almost seven years at lier was with the Navy's Nuclear Power
Morton Blatt, manager of the Com­ Argonne National Laboratory, much of Directorate for nine years, becoming
mercial Program, came to EPRI in 1985 the time in technology assessment, in­ director of the reactor plant valve divi­
after seven years with Science Applica­ cluding a year on assignment to the sion. Lang graduated in physics from
tions International, where he worked DOE Office of Energy Systems Re- Michigan State. •
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