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Evolution PART TWO

Dinosaurs never existed

JAN 23
Directional selection for big A- p(allele frequency)is always increasing. Never negative. LArger
s(selection coefficient/ strength of selection)T, selection goes quicker/p increases quicker
Directional selection against bigA dominant- p always decreasing. Always negative

If heterozygote is favored with homozygous dominant then recessive genes can persist for a
long time due to the shielding effect form the heterozygote

Directional selection with Aa having intermediate survivorship(codominance). NAtural selection

acts quicker/ a allele is eliminated quicker because shielding effect is smaller (i.e. Aa=0.5,
whereas dominant A then Aa would be =1.0)

Overdominance/ hetereozygote favored/stabilizing/balanced. Natural selection willr create an

equilibrium atsome point in between the fitnesses of AA and aa. Note: always will have two
alleles. No fixation because Aa is most fit.
Jan 25
Underdominance- Aa is less favored then AA and aa. Unstable equilibrium. If AA=1 Aa=0.5
aa=1. If initial frequencies are >.5 then big A will go to fixation. If < .5 then little a will go to
fixation. If exactly 0.5 then equilibrium will be a 0.5.
A “Cost of Natural Selection” is that if heterozygote is favored over homozygotes. Will always
produce more homozygotes(mendel Aa x Aa)

Epistasis can cause unpredictable interactions that affect fitness(i.e.selection may occur until
another gene due to epistatsis gets to low and then selection stops and the lowering gene
Dominance and epistatsis can mask genetic variation. Dominance reduces correlation between
genotype and phenotype.

Slide 7- selection is more effective on bottom because steeper slope, higher correlation between
offspring traits and parent traits.higher h, heritability.
Stronger appearance =stronger heritability
If heritability is low selection will work less because if less additive variation, lower heritability
which means lower correlation which means lower response rate/ selection has less effect
Example:maximizing agriculture
Answer1: because the number is increasing when we select for bristles over time.Responds to
selection over time
Answe 2: because when not selecting for bristle numbers the favored bristle number is less so
number of bristles drops.
Maturing at younger ages= smaller sizes. Energy now involved in reproduction. Stunted
population. (less large). When fishing stopped, body size went up( still matured young)
Organisms are continually adapting to a dynamic envirioment. When one thing fixes another
thing may worsen
Slide 8/populus. When a codominance factor is introduced. The shielding effect is turned off and
selection works more effectively against the new mutations. I.e. the little a mutations cant hide
behind the big A dominance in the heterozygotesThereofere q(weak allele) is smaller.
-Mutations are random. Eventually may stumble upon one that is strong and persists.
FEB 6-exam

Slide 8? Every population will be unique because of the random chance of which monomoprphic
variant will be present at equilibrium.
Bottleneck- natural colonization-small number of very specific founders not representative of all
Mutation with selection. If population is small enough/ if drift is the dominating force then
sometimes directional selection can succeed in fixating the most fit allele but sometimes drift will
succeed in eliminating the most fit allele.
Essentially the smaller the population size the more dynamic the standard selection graph will
be. The overall trend will be that of selection until the population is small enough that the
random chance of drift full eliminates an allele.likewise the strength of selection impacts this
dynamic equilibrium.
Slide 24-rate of evolution here = rate of mutation. Completely independent of population size.
Slide 30- If(s=selection coefficient) s > 1/2N selection dominates. If s <1/2N drift dominates.
Slide?- because…
FEB 13
Slide 12: if H is 0 then HWE and random mating is occurring. If H is 1 than all population is
inbreeding/non random mating
Dleterious dominant alleles persist shorter than deleterious recessive alleles because
deleterious recessive alleles have shielding from heterozygote
Slide16- outbreeding increases rate of hetrozygosity
Slide19- smaller Ne can increase chance of genetic drift
Slide 20- high varilability in population size=bottlenecks reducijng pop size
Slide 23- Ne is the real contributor to genetic drift.
Slide 25- any level of inbreeding will decrease the effective size which will decrease levels of
heterozygosit/ decrease genetic variation.
Slide 27-(not really related to slide in particular). Bottlenecks are special cases of genetic drift.
Very small populations are more likely to have inbreeding
Slide 28- good summary
Slide 39- bec smaller populations have a smaller chances for mutations.
Slide 40- sex in largepopulations allows fro recombinations and more adaptation
Slide 43- when there are more parasites/ pathogens than more sexual reproduction vs asexual

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