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Striped Dog Sweater

by Evelyn Van Orden


Tatamy or Tatamy Tweed DK 45% cotton 55% acrylic

Main color (MC) 1 skein Cherry Tweed Contrast Color (CC) A 1 skein Purple Tweed Contrast Color (CC) B 1 skein Baby Powder

25 sts and 28 rows = 4 in K 3, P 1 ribbing (unstretched) Finished Size: Chest is 16 unstretched Chest is 20 stretched 16 long Materials required: Single Point needles US 5 (3.75 mm) Crochet Hook US F (3.75 mm) Or size to obtain gauge Yarn Needle 2 stitch holders

This charming Tatamy Dog Sweater is knit from the collar down. The collar is worked in 1x1 rib and the body is 3x1 rib. Two openings are worked for the front legs. The body is shaped with decreases towards the end above the rear legs. Two rounds of crochet finish the body and leg openings. Two sweaters can be made if you swap the colors used for Main Color and Contrast Color A.

Striped Dog Sweater STRIPE PATTERN (16 rows):

With CC A, work 6 rows. Do not cut yarn, but carry it up along side. With CC B, work 4 rows. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 long tail. With CC A, work 6 rows. Cut yarn, leaving a 6 long tail.

STRIPED DOG SWEATER PATTERN: With MC, CO 101 sts. Collar: With MC work in K 1, P 1 Rib as below for 3. Cut yarn.
RS: WS: P 1, *K 1, P 1; rep from * to end. K 1, *P 1, K 1; rep from * to end.

Body: Work Stripe Pattern in K 3, P 1 Rib as below, one time (16 rows).
RS: WS: P 1, *K 3, P 1; rep from * to end. K 1, *P 3, K 1; rep from * to end.

Leg Openings: With MC, work in K 3, P 1 Rib for 2 rows. Remainder of sweater will be worked in this same rib pattern.
RS: WS: Rib 9 sts, BO next 11 sts. Rib 61 sts, BO 11 sts. Rib rem 9 sts. Rib 9 sts only, turn work. Rep for 11 rows (14 rows total of MC).

Sl these 9 sts to a holder. Cut yarn, leaving a 5 yd long tail (for crocheting around the first leg opening). WS: Attach yarn at beg of 61 sts. Rib across 61 sts only, turn work. Rep for 11 rows (14 rows total of MC).

Sl these 61 sts to a holder. Cut yarn, leaving a 5 yd long tail (for crocheting around the second leg opening). WS: Do not cut yarn. RS: WS: Rib 9 sts. CO 11 sts. Rib 61 sts from stitch holder. CO 11 sts. Rib rem 9 sts from other stitch holder (101 sts). Work 1 row of ribbing as est. Cut yarn (101 sts, 16 rows total of MC). Attach yarn at beg of the rem 9 sts. Rib across 9 sts only, turn work. Rep for 11 rows (14 rows total of MC).

Rest of Body:
Work Stripe Pattern in ribbing as est. once. (16 rows). With MC, work 16 rows in ribbing as est. Cut yarn. Work Stripe Pattern in ribbing as est, for 6 rows only.

Dec Shaping begins: Dec with K2tog at the beg and end of the next 26 rows, while maintaining ribbing as est.:
Cont rib for rem 10 rows of Stripe Pattern, dec at beg and end of each row (81 sts). With MC, rib 16 rows, dec at beg and end of each row (49 sts). BO all sts loosely in ribbing. Cut yarn.

Crochet Edge for Body:

With MC and crochet hook (with RS facing), attach yarn at right-hand edge with a sl st at the 16th row of K 1, P 1 Rib (approx 2 from top). Work one row of SC loosely along the right-hand side, then the back, and the left-hand side as follows: Along right-hand side: Along BO sts: Along left-hand side: Cut yarn. 1 SC for every 2 rows of knitting. *SC in next 2 sts, sk 1 st, rep from * to end of BO sts. Work as right-hand side. Stop at the 16th row of K 1, P 1 Rib (approx 2 from top).

Striped Dog Sweater

With RS facing, attach yarn with a sl st at the first SC and SC in each SC around. Do not cut yarn. With right sides together, SC edges tog to join along chest of sweater. Work through one SC from each side at the same time, for approx 7 (or desired length). Cut yarn.

Crochet Edging for Leg Openings:

With MC and crochet hook, (with RS facing), use the 5 yd tail to work one round of SC loosely around the leg opening. At each corner work a 3 Dec as follows:

3 Dec: draw up a loop in st before corner, in the corner, and in st after corner (4 loops on hook). YO hook and draw through all
4 loops on hook. Complete one round and join with a sl st. Ch 1, do not turn. SC in each SC around. Cut yarn. Work other leg opening.

Finishing: With yarn needle, weave in all yarn tails and block if needed.

Sweater flat before crochet edge

Completed sweater

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