Principles of Valuation: 10 Biology S.A:1

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1. The types of asexual reproduction in
a) Paramecium : binary fission (1/2m)
b) Yeast : budding(1/2m)
2. If there are no valves in heart the blood may re-enter from ventricles to auricles and from
systemic aorta to left ventricle and also from pulmonary aorta to right ventricle. The systolic
pressure may not maintain properly. (1M)
3. Many plants synthesize chemicals and store in leaves, roots, seeds etc. For protection against
herbivores. These chemicals are unpleasant to eat. That is why the insects may not eat
4. a) The children are suffering from kwashiorkor disease. It occurs due to protein deficiency in
food. (1/2m)

b) I advised to their parents to give protein food. (1/2m)

5. a) emulsification. (1m)
c) liver (1m)
6. The sportsman who participate in 100m race has to run very fast and he requires lot of
energy to his muscles of leg, as compared with the athlet who participate in 5km race. But he
cannot get sufficient oxygen at once. Then anaerobic respiration takes place and lactic acid is
formed in his muscles of leg. Due to the accumulation of lactic acid in his muscles of leg he
get pain. (2m)
7. If waste material are not sent out of the body from time to time, they get accumulated in the
body. The accumulation of toxic wastes leads to death of the organism. (2m)
8. a) The person losses his total blood and it leads to death of that person. (1/2m)
b) Thrombokinase(1/2m)
c) The enzyme thrombokinase converts the prothrombin into thrombin(1/2m)
d) Serum (1/2m)
9. 1. Save energy – save lives.

2. No to bikes and cars - yes to cycles

3. Do not cut trees as it cuts our throats later.

4. Save a drop – save our planet

5. Fallow the concepts 4R’s (any 4 points x 1/2m)

10. I suggest her by saying the below differences between aerobic respiration and anaerobic

Aerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration

1.It takes place in the presence of 1.It takes place in the absence of
oxygen oxygen
2.Glucose oxidized completely 2.Glucose oxidized incompletely

3.End products are co2, and water 3.End products are ethyl alcohol or
lactic acid and co2
4.Lot of energy is liberated (38 ATP) 4.small energy is liberated (2 ATP)
5.It occurs in plants and animal cells 5.It occurs in some bacteria and human
muscle cells


1. Root hair plays an important role in absorption of water by osmosis.

2. Root hairs grow out into the spaces between the soil particles and that the hairs are surrounded
by moisture.
3. The soil water is most dilute than that of the cell sap in the root hair, therefore water will pass
into the vacuole of the root hair by osmosis.
4. The entry of water dilutes the contents of the root hair vacuole so that it becomes weaker than
its neighbor.
5. Therefore water passes into the neighboring cell which in turn becomes diluted, finally water
enters the xylem vessels.
6. As there are vast number of root hairs and root cells involved, a pressure in the xylem vessels
develops which forces the water upwards. This total pressure is known as root pressure.
7. Root pressure pushes the water upwards by few meters and is enough to supply water in small
plants herbs and shrubs.

11. experiments that prove co2 is essential for photosynthesis:

Aim: To prove that carbon dioxide is essential for photosynthesis.

Apparatus: Wide mouthed bottle, KOH solution, potted plant, spilt cork, iodine solution.

1. Take a potted plant and keep it in the dark nearly a week for the removal of starch.
2. Take a wide mouthed transparent bottle.
3. Put KOH solution in the bottle. The KOH absorbs carbon dioxide in the bottle.
4. Insert one of the leaves through a split cork into the transparent bottle containing KOH
5. Leave the plant in sunlight.
6. After a few hours test this leaf and other leaf of this plant for starch.

1. The part of the leaf outside the bottle turns blue-black because starch is formed in that part.
2. The part of the leaf inside the bottle does not turn blue-black because the carbon dioxide is
absorbed by KOH solution.
Result: It proves that carbon dioxide is necessary for photosynthesis.

a) To prove that co2/heat is released during anaerobic respiration.
b) Diazine green (janus green B) solution. When oxygen is present in glucose solution the blue dye
turns into pink colour.
c) To cut off the oxygen supply liquid paraffin is poured.
d) Co2 is released. The released co2 is sent into lime water. then the lime water turns into milky
Name of Location Way of blood flow Nature of the blood
the valve Oxygenated/deoxy
Tricuspid Between right atrium and right from right atrium to right deoxygenated
valve ventricle ventricle
Biscuspid Between left atrium and left from left atrium to left oxygenated
valve ventricle ventricle
Pulmonary at the region of pulmonary aorta from right ventricle to deoxygenated
valve pulmonary aorta
Systemic at the region of systemic aorta from left ventricle to oxygenated
valve systemic aorta


a) Cerebrum b)cerebellum c) alfactorylobes d) diencephalon e) diencephalon

f) Cerebrum g) diencephalon h) Cerebrum

13. a) human female reproductive system:

b) If the fallopian tubes are closed the ovum cannot enter into fallopian tubes.
a) Nervous system
b) A – dorsal root ganglion B – ventral root ganglion
c) Inter neuron. It acts as brain
d) Dorsal horn


14. b 15.a 16.c 17.d 18. d 19.a 20.b 21.d 22.d 23.d 24.b 25.a 26.d 27.d
28. d 29.c 30.d 31.a 32.d 33.d

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