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Complied by Er.

Bibek Dahal

Unit 1: DC Network Theorems and Circuit Analysis

Any arrangement of electrical energy sources, resistances and other circuit elements is called an
electrical network. The terms circuit and network are used synonymously in electrical literature.

In the text so far, we employed two network laws viz Ohm’s law and Kirchhoff’s laws to solve
network problems. Occasions arise when these laws applied to certain networks do not yield quick
and easy solution.

To overcome this difficulty, some network theorems have been developed which are very useful in
analysing both simple and complex electrical circuits. Through the use of these theorems, it is
possible either to simplify the network itself or render the analytical solution easy. In this chapter,
we shall focus our attention on important d.c. network theorems and techniques with special
reference to their utility in solving network problems.


Complied by Er. Bibek Dahal

Complied by Er. Bibek Dahal

Kirchhoff’s Laws
The laws of Kirchhoff are the two equations that address conservation of energy and charge with
reference to electrical circuits. They are very important in the analysis of closed and complex
electrical circuits such as bridge or T networks in which calculating voltages or currents circulating
within the circuit becomes difficult using Ohm’s law alone.

Kirchhoff’s Laws of Current and Voltage

Kirchhoff’s Laws of Current and Voltage may be divided in two separate laws, i.e.:

 Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) or First Law- applicable in Nodal Analysis

 Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) or Second Law- Applicable in Mesh Analysis

Kirchhoff’s Current Law (KCL) or First Law: (conservation of charge)

The first law of Kirchhoff’s laws is Kirchhoff’s Current Law. It states that “The total current or charge
entering a junction or node is exactly equal to the current leaving the node, as no charge is lost
within the node“. It can also be stated as the sum of currents in a network of conductors meeting at
a node is equal to zero.

Complied by Er. Bibek Dahal

Fig. 2 – Visual Representation of Kirchhoff’s Current Law

From the above figure, we can infer that the sum of the currents entering and leaving a node is
equal to Zero (0). The current flowing towards the junction is considered positive and the current
flowing away from the node or junction is considered negative.

In other words, KCL can be defined as the algebraic sum of all the currents entering and leaving a
node must be equal to zero, i.e. Iin + Iout = 0.

Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law (KVL) or Second Law :( conservation of energy)

The second law of Kirchhoff’s laws is Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law. It states that in any closed loop
network, the sum of the emf values in any closed loop is equal to the sum of the potential drops in
that loop.

Fig. 3 – Visual Representation of Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law

In another words, it can also be said as “The total voltage around the loop
is equal to the sum of all the voltage drops within the same loop”, which is
equal to zero.

Complied by Er. Bibek Dahal

Mesh current method

In this method, Kirchhoff’s voltage law is applied to a network to write mesh equations in terms of
mesh currents instead of branch currents. Each mesh is assigned a separate mesh current. This mesh
current is assumed to flow clockwise around the perimeter of the mesh without splitting at a junction
into branch currents. Kirchhoff’s voltage law is then applied to write equations in terms of unknown
mesh currents. The branch currents are then found by taking the algebraic sum of the mesh currents
which are common to that branch.

Explanation. Maxwell’s mesh current method consists of following steps:

(i) Each mesh is assigned a separate mesh current. For convenience, all mesh currents are assumed to
flow in *clockwise direction. For example, in Fig. 3.2, meshes ABDA and BCDB have been assigned
mesh currents I1 and I2 respectively. The mesh currents take on the appearance of a mesh fence and
hence the names mesh currents.

(ii) If two mesh currents are flowing through a circuit element, the actual current in the circuit
element is the algebraic sum of the two. Thus in Fig. 3.2, there are two mesh currents I1 and
I2 flowing in R2. If we go from B to D, current is I1 – I2 and if we go in the other direction (i.e. from D to
B), current is I2 – I1.

(iii) **Kirchhoff’s voltage law is applied to write equation for each mesh in terms of mesh currents.
Remember, while writing mesh equations, rise in potential is assigned positive sign and fall in
potential negative sign.

(iv) If the value of any mesh current comes out to

be negative in the solution, it means that true
direction of that mesh current is anticlockwise i.e.
opposite to the assumed clockwise direction.

Applying Kirchhoff’s voltage

law to Fig. 3.2, we have,

Mesh ABDA.
– I1R1 – (I1 – I2) R2 + E1 = 0 or

I1 (R1 + R2) – I2R2 = E1 ... (i)

Note: It is convenient to consider all mesh currents in one direction (clockwise or anticlockwise).

Mesh BCDB.

– I2R3 – E2 – (I2 – I1) R2 = 0

or – I1R2 + (R2 + R3) I2 = – E2 ...(ii)

Complied by Er. Bibek Dahal

Solving eq. (i) and eq. (ii) simultaneously, mesh currents I1 and I2 can be found out. Once the mesh
currents are known, the branch currents can be readily obtained. The advantage of this method is
that it usually reduces the number of equations to solve a network problem. Note. Branch currents
are the real currents because they actually flow in the branches and can be measured.

However, mesh currents are fictitious quantities and cannot be measured except in those instances
where they happen to be identical with branch currents. Thus in branch DAB, branch current is the
same as mesh current and both can be measured. But in branch BD, mesh currents (I1 and I2) cannot
be measured. Hence mesh current is a concept rather than a reality. However, it is a useful concept
to solve network problems as it leads to the reduction of number of mesh equations.

Shortcut procedure for Network Analysis by Mesh Currents

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