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What do you expect to gain/learn from this internship?

From this internship at Rockhill Asia, I expect to gain practical insights into
advanced procurement processes and hands-on experience with sourcing
documentation and supplier management. I am particularly interested in learning
how to effectively manage and optimize supply chains in Asia, leveraging
sustainable practices. This opportunity will allow me to apply my theoretical
knowledge in international economics to real-world problems, enhancing my skills
in negotiation, strategic decision-making, and cross-cultural communication.

Would you like to change to a full-time position when you finish the internship?
Upon completion of the internship, I would be very interested in exploring
opportunities for a full-time position with Rockhill Asia, should they be available. I
am committed to a career in supply chain management and procurement, and
continuing to work with Rockhill Asia would allow me to further develop my skills
and contribute to the company's objectives. I believe that a full-time role would be a
significant step in my professional growth, enabling me to take on greater
responsibilities and continue the learning process within the industry.

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