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Community Living BC’s New Home Sharing Rates, effective April 1, 2019

With Questions and Answers about Implementation

In February the BC Government announced new funding to support an increase in CLBC’s home sharing
rates. CLBC has now revised its home sharing rate structure effective April 1, 2019, to increase all rates
and add three new levels to better reflect the range of support needs.

The CLBC Home Sharing Rates

CLBC’s home sharing rate structure, as presented in the table below, is based on an individual’s level of
disability support needs as reflected in an assessment tool called the Guide to Support Allocation (GSA).
Each GSA level aligns with a total compensation amount. Home sharing providers receive this total
compensation via payments from CLBC and individual contributions. Individuals contribute a portion of
their income, usually based on whether they are under 65 and receive BC Disability Assistance (often
called “PWD”), or over 65 and receive the Old Age Security/Guaranteed Income Supplement (OAS/GIS).

CLBC Home Sharing Rates Payment Amounts

For Individuals Under For Individuals aged 65
Effective April 2019 65 and over
CLBC Individual CLBC Individual
Guide to Support Compensation
Portion Contribution Portion Contribution
Allocation Level
$ $ $ $
1 1,548.00 832.00 716.00 542.20 1,005.80
2 1,832.00 1,116.00 716.00 826.20 1,005.80
3A 2,109.00 1,393.00 716.00 1,103.20 1,005.80
Includes one or more 2,309.00 1,593.00 716.00 1,303.20 1,005.80
ongoing flags
4A 2,661.00 1,945.00 716.00 1,655.20 1,005.80
Includes one or two ongoing 2,857.00 2,141.00 716.00 1,851.20 1,005.80
Includes three or more 3,007.00 2,291.00 716.00 2,001.20 1,005.80
ongoing flags
5A 3,157.00 2,441.00 716.00 2,151.20 1,005.80
Includes one or two ongoing 3,697.00 2,981.00 716.00 2,691.20 1,005.80
Includes three or four 4,389.00 3,673.00 716.00 3,383.20 1,005.80
ongoing flags
5D 5,307.00 4,591.00 716.00 4,301.20 1,005.80
Includes five ongoing flags
*An ongoing flag indicates a persistent exceptional need that requires special consideration and/or additional
funding to ensure the individual’s needs continue to be met.
1) The total compensation amounts apply to all home sharing providers.
2) The payment amounts apply to most individuals in Home Sharing but will be adjusted where the individual receives
less PWD, or OAS/GIS, than a single person who does not have other income.
How CLBC is implementing the new rates

CLBC’s primary goal is that new rates are implemented in a way that is fair, equitable and consistent.

To ensure fair and equitable compensation, home sharing rates are based on the disability related
support needs of individuals. Therefore, as a first step, CLBC is identifying supported individuals who are
missing their GSA assessment and working with them and their support networks to complete one.
(CLBC is not reassessing individuals who already have a GSA.)

CLBC will then work with coordinating agencies to update contracts to the new rates. For the majority of
CLBC’s home sharing providers, this will be straightforward, but will take some time to be processed by
CLBC and coordinating agencies.

Some home sharing providers have exceptional circumstances and are being paid at rates different from
policy rates. These contracts will be assessed individually, and these will take more time.

With thousands of contracts to update, CLBC will work with agencies to complete this as quickly as
possible. In most cases, after CLBC modifies contracts with agencies, the agencies will then revise
contracts with home sharing providers. While many will be done sooner, we aim to complete all this
work by the end of the fiscal year, March 2020. Regardless of when contracts are adjusted, increases are
retroactive to April 1, 2019.

If you have any questions, please contact your coordinating agency or if you have funding directly from
CLBC, your CLBC Analyst.

Questions and Answers

How are the rates calculated?

The rates in the table align with the Guide to Support Allocation (GSA) for the individual in the home. All
rates have increased.

How much of an increase will I receive?

The table above provides the new home sharing rates. Work is underway now to update contracts based
on these new rates. Some providers may have exceptional circumstances and be paid at rates that are
different than the home sharing rates. These must be assessed individually.

When will I start receiving my increase?

CLBC will work as quickly as possible with our coordinating agencies to update thousands of contracts
across the province, but this will take some time to ensure this is done in a fair and equitable way. CLBC
will work with its coordinating agencies to update all contracts within this fiscal year. All increases will
be retroactive to April 1, 2019.

If I am already paid above the rate associated with the person’s GSA, will you reduce my rate?

No home sharing providers will have their overall contracts decreased. If you have exceptional
circumstances, and are paid above the home sharing rates, your contract will be assessed to determine
if you may still be eligible for an increase.
If I am a new home sharing provider, will I be paid at the new rate?

New home sharing situations that begin as of April 1, 2019 will be funded at these new levels and rates.

Do I have to do anything to get the increase?

You do not need to take any action. CLBC is working with coordinating agencies to update contracts.

Is CLBC re-assessing everyone’s GSA?

No. We are not re-assessing individuals who already have a GSA. Some individuals receiving home
sharing supports do not have a GSA on file, and we are working with these individuals complete GSAs.

What if I don’t think that the GSA reflects the individual’s support needs??

Occasionally CLBC hears concerns from individuals or providers who feel that the GSA may not
accurately reflect the individuals support needs. CLBC works with individuals and families to make sure
those individuals who have significant changes to their support needs are addressed. We have careful
standards for staff to use to ensure an assessment is based on factual information. If you are concerned
support needs have changed, you should discuss the situation with your agency coordinator.

Government said funding was increased by 15 per cent. Will I get a 15 per cent increase?

The increase in the amount of total funding over two years is not the same as the increase in rates. CLBC
revised its home sharing rates to increase fairness and all rates are receiving an increase. The new and
increased rates are published in the table above. Implementation of additional funding in 2020/21 will
be determined after updating all contracts in this coming year and further review of home sharing
provider needs.

Can you assure us that all the new funding that was announced by the government will go to home
sharing providers?

Yes, ALL the new funding will go to home sharing providers.

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