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Survey: Affective Clinical Evaluation Level I

Reviewer: Clinical Instructors (BEACH, Michael)

Reviewee: Students (Martin, Marissa)
Survey Period: 4/5/2024
Completed: 4/5/2024 1:23:56 PM CT

1. First semester Evaluation:

2nd Evaluation

3. Communications

Explains medical dosimetry procedures to Meets Expectations [10

patient as appropriate to situation (e.g. pts]
when assisting with procedures in
treatment room or simulation).

Respects patient's rights to privacy and Meets Expectations [10

confidentiality. pts]

Acts and speaks in a respectful manner Meets Expectations [10

with staff members. pts]

Asks questions in an appropriate manner. Meets Expectations [10

Additional Comment: Often asks insightful pts]
questions about dosimetry related topics.

Accepts correction and direction in a Meets Expectations [10

professional manner. pts]

Contributes as a member of the medical Meets Expectations [10

dosimetry team. Additional Comment: Has been performing above pts]
expectation, we have a very busy clinic and
Marissa has been very helpful in absorbing a
portion of our dosimetry workload.

Uses effective verbal communication skills Meets Expectations [10

with physician during plan consultation pts]
and review.

Uses effective written communication Meets Expectations [10

skills for chart, plan, and dosimetry note pts]

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 80 Score: 100.0%

4. Accuracy

Follows through instructions with attention Meets Expectations [10

to detail. pts]

Accurately enters information into chart or Meets Expectations [10

R & V system. pts]

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 20 Score: 100.0%

5. Safety

Double checks all student work to include Meets Expectations [10

calculations and treatment plans with pts]

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 10 Score: 100.0%

6. Dependability

Arrives promptly as scheduled. Meets Expectations [10


Schedules breaks, lunches, and other Meets Expectations [10

time needs with clinical instructors. pts]

Adheres to attendance standards of the Meets Expectations [10

program. pts]

Uses clinical time wisely. Meets Expectations [10

Additional Comment: As we do have a busy clinic, pts]
there are often times Marissa must work
independently through clinic or her didactic work.
She has repeatedly demonstrated that she is able
to proceed with work without direct oversight.

Follows school and hospital policies and Meets Expectations [10

procedures. pts]

Takes initiative in observing and assisting Meets Expectations [10

in dosimetry activities. Additional Comment: Again, Marissa goes above pts]
and beyond expectation to learn about multiple
aspects of dosimetry. Often so beyond current
plans or problems we are addressing.

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 60 Score: 100.0%

7. Application of Knowledge

Demonstrates a basic understanding of Meets Expectations [10

physics concepts and principles. pts]

Is able to retrieve imaging study (CT) and Meets Expectations [10

bring into patient file. Additional Comment: Has become very proficient at pts]

Is able to identify anatomy and contour Meets Expectations [10

appropriate structures. pts]

Understands the use of the computer for Meets Expectations [10

treatment planning. pts]

Is able to enter information into the Meets Expectations [10

computer and design a basic treatment Additional Comment: She is advancing very well at pts]
plan in accordance with prescription. this and it's obvious she enjoys it.

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 50 Score: 100.0%

8. General Dosimetry Skills

Performs calculations in a timely manner. Meets Expectations [10


Accurately uses dose calculation Meets Expectations [10

databooks to perform hand calculations. pts]

Is able to prioritize and organize duties to Meets Expectations [10

efficiently complete requirements. pts]

Exhibits a basic knowledge of anatomy, Meets Expectations [10

tissue dose tolerance, definitive tumor pts]
dose, and typical field arrangement.

Mean: 10.00 of 10 Points: 40 Score: 100.0%

9. I have reviewed this evaluation with the student.


Additional Comment: We debriefed about the questions on this evaluation and how she has been advancing
through her studies.

10. Additional Comments:

Marissa is progressing very well respect to understanding more about dosimetry and overall planning
process. This has translated to her getting more hands on experience with actually "doing" dosimetry
and she is thriving at it.
Total points for all rating scale questions: 260 (Each main question equally weighted)
Mean percentage score for all rating scale questions: 100.0% Response as of 5/6/2024 1:55:30 PM CT

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