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Duration: 1 hour
Attempt all Questions

1. (a) Explain what is meant by standard electrode potential (1mark)

(b). Explain the factors that determine the magnitude of standard electrode potential (6 marks)
(c) i). With the aid of a labelled diagram, describe how the standard electrode potential of chlorine gas
electrode can be determined (5marks)
ii). Name any reference electrodes against which other standard electrode potentials are measured.
d). the standard electrode potentials of lead and tin electrodes are given below;
Pb2+(aq) + 2e Pb(s) e.m.f = -0.126V
Sn2+(aq) + 2e Sn(s) e.m.f = -0.136V
i). Write the half-cell reactions for the equations (1mark)
ii). Write the overall cell equation (1mark)
iii). Construct an emf cell diagram for the two electrodes. Show direction of flow of current and electrons
iv). Write the cell diagram for the Pb/Sn and calculate the emf of the cell (1mark)
e). Calculate the;
i). free energy evolved (1½marks)
ii). the equilibrium constant; Kc (1½marks)

2. a) What is rusting (1mark)

b) A sample of rusty iron wire was completely dissolved in 1dm3 of aqueous sulphuric acid producing a
solution containing both iron (II) sulphate and iron (III) sulphate. 25cm3 sample of this solution requires
27.2cm3 of 0.02M aqueous potassium manganate (VII) for complete reaction. Calculate the concentration
of iron(II) in acidic solution (3marks)
c).Explain why rusting of iron is an electrochemical process (3marks)
d).Given the emf values below;
Cu2+(aq) + 2e Cu(s) emf = +0.80v
Ag+(aq) + e Ag(s) emf= +0.34v
i).What is the emf of the cell (2marks)
ii).Calculate Gibbs free energy (2marks)
iii).State whether the cell is feasible or not; give a reason for your answer (2marks)
e).The standard electrode potential for the silver electrode Ag+/Ag is +0.8v. When silver electrode is
immersed in a saturated solution of silver chloride, the electrode potential is +0.50v. Calculate the
solubility of silver chloride in moldm-3 and hence determine the value of the solubility product of silver
chloride (5marks)
f). State any 4 applications of electrode potential values (2marks)

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