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1/29/24, 1:32 PM Latihan Soal Passive Voice | Quizizz

Worksheets Name

Latihan Soal Passive Voice

Total questions: 10
Worksheet time: 10mins
Instructor name: Rindang Bahtiar

1. 1.Change this sentence into passive!

Ahmad writes a letter

a) A letter are written by Ahmad b) A letter is wrote by Ahmad

c) A letter are wrote by Ahmad d) A letter has been written by Ahmad

e) A letter is written by Ahmad

2. 2.Change this sentence into passive!

He borrowed my motorcycle yesterday

a) My motorcycle is borrowed by him yesterday b) My motorcycle will be borrowed by him


c) My motorcycle were borrowed by him yesterday d) My motorcycle has been borrowed by him

e) My motorcycle was borrowed by him yesterday

3. 3.Change these sentence into passive voice!

She is making this cake tonight

a) This cake is being made by her tonight b) This cake has being made by her tonight

c) This cake was being made by her tonight d) This cake will being made by her tonight

e) This cake would be being made by her tonight

4. 4.Change this sentence into Passive voice!

The cat has caught a mouse

a) A mouse is being caught by the cat b) A mouse would be caught by the cat

c) A mouse have been caught by the cat d) A mouse will be caught by the cat

e) A mouse has been caught by the cat 1/3
1/29/24, 1:32 PM Latihan Soal Passive Voice | Quizizz

5. 5.Change into Passive voice!

My father will buy a new car tomorrow.

a) A new car has bought by my father tomorrow b) A new car is bought by my father tomorrow

c) A new car will be bought by my father tomorrow d) A new car was bought by my father tomorrow

e) A new car is being bought by my father


6. 6.Change into Passive Voice!

My mother cooked fried rice last night

a) Fried rice was cooked by my mother last nigh b) Fried rice is cooked by my mother last night

c) Fried rice has been cooked by my mother last d) Fried rice will be cooked by my mother last nigh

e) Fried rice would be cooked by my mother last


7. 7.Change into passive voice!

Andi was repairing his bicycle at 7 p.m last night

a) His bicycle is being repaired by Andi at 7 p.m b) His bicycle has ben repaired by Andi at 7 p.m
last night last night

c) His bicycle will be repaired by Andi at 7 p.m last d) His bicycle were being repaired by Andi at 7
night p.m last night

e) His bicycle was being repaired by Andi at 7 p.m

last night

8. 8.Change into Passive voice!

My secretary has sent the important email

a) The important email have been sent by my b) The important email will be sent by my
secretary secretary

c) The important email has been sent by my d) The important email is sent by my secretary

e) The important email was sent by my secretary 2/3
1/29/24, 1:32 PM Latihan Soal Passive Voice | Quizizz

9. 9.Change into Passive!

He will teach us next week.

a) We wil be taught by him next week b) We will being taught by him next week

c) We would be taught by him next week d) We will be taught by him next week

e) We wil be taught by her next week

10. 10.Change into Passive voice!

He keeps his bicycle in the garage.

a) His bicycle has been kept by him in the garage b) His bicycle will be kept by him in the garage

c) His bicycle were kept by him in the garage d) His bicycle is kept by him in the garage

e) His bicycle was kept by him in the garage 3/3

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