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1. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is

increased, the forward current will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
2. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is
increased, the voltage across the diode
(assuming the practical model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
3. When a diode is reverse-biased and the bias voltage is
increased, the reverse current (assuming
the practical model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
4. When a diode is reverse-biased and the bias voltage is
increased, the reverse current (assuming
the complete model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
5. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is
increased, the voltage across the diode
(assuming the complete model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
6. If the forward current in a diode is increased, the diode
voltage (assuming the practical model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
7. If the forward current in a diode is decreased, the diode
voltage (assuming the complete model) will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
8. If the barrier potential of a diode is exceeded, the forward
current will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
9. If the input voltage in Figure 2–28 is increased, the peak
inverse voltage across the diode will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
10. If the turns ratio of the transformer in Figure 2–28 is
decreased, the forward current through the
diode will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
11. If the frequency of the input voltage in Figure 2–36 is
increased, the output voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
12. If the PIV rating of the diodes in Figure 2–36 is increased,
the current through RL will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
13. If one of the diodes in Figure 2–41 opens, the average
voltage to the load will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
14. If the value of RL in Figure 2–41 is decreased, the current
through each diode will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
15. If the capacitor value in Figure 2–48 is decreased, the output
ripple voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
16. If the line voltage in Figure 2–51 is increased, ideally the +5
V output will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
17. If the bias voltage in Figure 2–55 is decreased, the positive
portion of the output voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
18. If the bias voltage in Figure 2–55 is increased, the negative
portion of the output voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
19. If the value of R3 in Figure 2–61 is decreased, the positive
output voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
20. If the input voltage in Figure 2–65 is increased, the peak
negative value of the output voltage will
(a) increase (b) decrease (c) not change
Since I can't access external websites such as, I can still answer these
questions based on my knowledge of electronics principles:

1. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is

increased, the forward current will:
(a) increase

2. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is

increased, the voltage across the diode (assuming the practical
model) will:
(a) increase
3. When a diode is reverse-biased and the bias voltage is
increased, the reverse current (assuming the practical model)
(b) decrease

4. When a diode is reverse-biased and the bias voltage is

increased, the reverse current (assuming the complete model)
(c) not change

5. When a diode is forward-biased and the bias voltage is

increased, the voltage across the diode (assuming the complete
model) will:
(b) decrease

6. If the forward current in a diode is increased, the diode

voltage (assuming the practical model) will:
(a) increase

7. If the forward current in a diode is decreased, the diode

voltage (assuming the complete model) will:
(c) not change
8. If the barrier potential of a diode is exceeded, the forward
current will:
(a) increase

9. If the input voltage in Figure 2–28 is increased, the peak

inverse voltage across the diode will:
(a) increase

10. If the turns ratio of the transformer in Figure 2–28 is

decreased, the forward current through the diode will:
(b) decrease

11. If the frequency of the input voltage in Figure 2–36 is

increased, the output voltage will:
(c) not change

12. If the PIV rating of the diodes in Figure 2–36 is increased,

the current through RL will:
(b) decrease

13. If one of the diodes in Figure 2–41 opens, the average

voltage to the load will:
(b) decrease
14. If the value of RL in Figure 2–41 is decreased, the current
through each diode will:
(a) increase

15. If the capacitor value in Figure 2–48 is decreased, the output

ripple voltage will:
(a) increase

16. If the line voltage in Figure 2–51 is increased, ideally the +5

V output will:
(a) increase

17. If the bias voltage in Figure 2–55 is decreased, the positive

portion of the output voltage will:
(b) decrease

18. If the bias voltage in Figure 2–55 is increased, the negative

portion of the output voltage will:
(a) increase

19. If the value of R3 in Figure 2–61 is decreased, the positive

output voltage will:
(a) increase

20. If the input voltage in Figure 2–65 is increased, the peak

negative value of the output voltage will:
(b) decrease

Section 2–1 1. The term bias means

(a) the ratio of majority carriers to minority carriers
(b) the amount of current across a diode
(c) a dc voltage is applied to control the operation of a device
(d) neither (a), (b), nor (c)
2. To forward-bias a diode,
(a) an external voltage is applied that is positive at the anode and
negative at the cathode
(b) an external voltage is applied that is negative at the anode
and positive at the cathode
(c) an external voltage is applied that is positive at the p region
and negative at the n region
(d) answers (a) and (c)
3. When a diode is forward-biased,
(a) the only current is hole current
(b) the only current is electron current
(c) the only current is produced by majority carriers
(d) the current is produced by both holes and electrons
4. Although current is blocked in reverse bias,
(a) there is some current due to majority carriers
(b) there is a very small current due to minority carriers
(c) there is an avalanche current
5. For a silicon diode, the value of the forward-bias voltage
(a) must be greater than 0.3 V
(b) must be greater than 0.7 V
(c) depends on the width of the depletion region
(d) depends on the concentration of majority carriers
6. When forward-biased, a diode
(a) blocks current (b) conducts current
(c) has a high resistance (d) drops a large voltage
Here are the answers to the questions:

1. The term bias means:

(c) a dc voltage is applied to control the operation of a device

2. To forward-bias a diode:
(d) answers (a) and (c)

3. When a diode is forward-biased:

(d) the current is produced by both holes and electrons

4. Although current is blocked in reverse bias:

(b) there is a very small current due to minority carriers

5. For a silicon diode, the value of the forward-bias voltage

(b) must be greater than 0.7 V

6. When forward-biased, a diode:

(b) conducts current
Section 2–2 7. A diode is normally operated in
(a) reverse breakdown (b) the forward-bias region
(c) the reverse-bias region (d) either (b) or (c)
8. The dynamic resistance can be important when a diode is
(a) reverse-biased (b) forward-biased
(c) in reverse breakdown (d) unbiased
9. The V-I curve for a diode shows
(a) the voltage across the diode for a given current
(b) the amount of current for a given bias voltage
(c) the power dissipation
(d) none of these

Here are the answers to the questions:

7. A diode is normally operated in:

(d) either (b) or (c)

8. The dynamic resistance can be important when a diode is:

(b) forward-biased

9. The V-I curve for a diode shows:

(a) the voltage across the diode for a given current

Section 2–3 10. Ideally, a diode can be represented by a

(a) voltage source (b) resistance (c) switch (d) all of these
11. In the practical diode model,
(a) the barrier potential is taken into account
(b) the forward dynamic resistance is taken into account
(c) none of these
(d) both (a) and (b)
12. In the complete diode model,
(a) the barrier potential is taken into account
(b) the forward dynamic resistance is taken into account
(c) the reverse resistance is taken into account
(d) all of these

Here are the answers to the questions:

10. Ideally, a diode can be represented by a:

(d) all of these
11. In the practical diode model:
(d) both (a) and (b)

12. In the complete diode model:

(d) all of these

Section 2–4 13. The average value of a half-wave rectified

voltage with a peak value of 200 V is
(a) 63.7 V (b) 127.2 V (c) 141 V (d) 0 V
14. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of a
half-wave rectifier, the output frequency is
(a) 120 Hz (b) 30 Hz (c) 60 Hz (d) 0 Hz
15. The peak value of the input to a half-wave rectifier is 10 V.
The approximate peak value of the
output is
(a) 10 V (b) 3.18 V (c) 10.7 V (d) 9.3 V
16. For the circuit in Question 15, the diode must be able to
withstand a reverse voltage of
(a) 10 V (b) 5 V (c) 20 V (d) 3.18 V
Here are the answers to the questions:

13. The average value of a half-wave rectified voltage with a

peak value of 200 V is:
(a) 63.7 V

14. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of a

half-wave rectifier, the output frequency is:
(c) 60 Hz

15. The peak value of the input to a half-wave rectifier is 10 V.

The approximate peak value of the output is:
(b) 3.18 V

16. For the circuit in Question 15, the diode must be able to
withstand a reverse voltage of:
(d) 3.18 V

Section 2–5 17. The average value of a full-wave rectified

voltage with a peak value of 75 V is
(a) 53 V (b) 47.8 V (c) 37.5 V (d) 23.9 V
18. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of a
full-wave rectifier, the output frequency is
(a) 120 Hz (b) 60 Hz (c) 240 Hz (d) 0 Hz
19. The total secondary voltage in a center-tapped full-wave
rectifier is 125 V rms. Neglecting the
diode drop, the rms output voltage is
(a) 125 V (b) 177 V (c) 100 V (d) 62.5 V
20. When the peak output voltage is 100 V, the PIV for each
diode in a center-tapped full-wave
rectifier is (neglecting the diode drop)
(a) 100 V (b) 200 V (c) 141 V (d) 50 V
21. When the rms output voltage of a bridge full-wave rectifier
is 20 V, the peak inverse voltage
across the diodes is (neglecting the diode drop)
(a) 20 V (b) 40 V (c) 28.3 V (d) 56.6 V
Section 2–6 22. The ideal dc output voltage of a capacitor-input
filter is equal to
(a) the peak value of the rectified voltage
(b) the average value of the rectified voltage
(c) the rms value of the rectified voltage
23. A certain power-supply filter produces an output with a
ripple of 100 mV peak-to-peak and a
dc value of 20 V. The ripple factor is
(a) 0.05 (b) 0.005 (c) 0.00005 (d) 0.02
24. A 60 V peak full-wave rectified voltage is applied to a
capacitor-input filter. If f = 120 Hz,
RL = 10 k , and C = 10 F, the ripple voltage is
(a) 0.6 V (b) 6 mV (c) 5.0 V (d) 2.88 V
25. If the load resistance of a capacitor-filtered full-wave
rectifier is reduced, the ripple voltage
(a) increases (b) decreases (c) is not affected (d) has a different
26. Line regulation is determined by
(a) load current
(b) zener current and load current
(c) changes in load resistance and output voltage
(d) changes in output voltage and input voltage
27. Load regulation is determined by
(a) changes in load current and input voltage
(b) changes in load current and output voltage
(c) changes in load resistance and input voltage
(d) changes in zener current and load current
Here are the answers to the questions:

17. The average value of a full-wave rectified voltage with a

peak value of 75 V is:
(b) 47.8 V

18. When a 60 Hz sinusoidal voltage is applied to the input of a

full-wave rectifier, the output frequency is:
(b) 60 Hz

19. The total secondary voltage in a center-tapped full-wave

rectifier is 125 V rms. Neglecting the diode drop, the rms output
voltage is:
(b) 177 V

20. When the peak output voltage is 100 V, the PIV for each
diode in a center-tapped full-wave rectifier is (neglecting the
diode drop):
(b) 200 V
21. When the rms output voltage of a bridge full-wave rectifier
is 20 V, the peak inverse voltage across the diodes is (neglecting
the diode drop):
(d) 56.6 V

22. The ideal dc output voltage of a capacitor-input filter is

equal to:
(b) the average value of the rectified voltage

23. A certain power-supply filter produces an output with a

ripple of 100 mV peak-to-peak and a dc value of 20 V. The
ripple factor is:
(d) 0.02

24. A 60 V peak full-wave rectified voltage is applied to a

capacitor-input filter. If f = 120 Hz, RL = 10 kΩ, and C = 10 μF,
the ripple voltage is:
(d) 2.88 V

25. If the load resistance of a capacitor-filtered full-wave

rectifier is reduced, the ripple voltage:
(a) increases
26. Line regulation is determined by:
(d) changes in output voltage and input voltage

27. Load regulation is determined by:

(b) changes in load current and output voltage

Section 2–7 28. A 10 V peak-to-peak sinusoidal voltage is

applied across a silicon diode and series resistor.
The maximum voltage across the diode is
(a) 9.3 V (b) 5 V (c) 0.7 V (d) 10 V (e) 4.3 V
29. In a certain biased limiter, the bias voltage is 5 V and the
input is a 10 V peak sine wave. If the
positive terminal of the bias voltage is connected to the cathode
of the diode, the maximum
voltage at the anode is
(a) 10 V (b) 5 V (c) 5.7 V (d) 0.7 V
30. In a certain positive clamper circuit, a 120 V rms sine wave
is applied to the input. The dc
value of the output is
(a) 119.3 V (b) 169 V (c) 60 V (d) 75.6 V
Section 2–8 31. The input of a voltage doubler is 120 V rms.
The peak-to-peak output is approximately
(a) 240 V (b) 60 V (c) 167 V (d) 339 V
32. If the input voltage to a voltage tripler has an rms value of
12 V, the dc output voltage is
(a) 36 V (b) 50.9 V (c) 33.9 V (d) 32.4 V
Section 2–10 33. When a silicon diode is working properly in
forward bias, a DMM in the diode test position
will indicate
(a) 0 V (b) OL (c) approximately 0.7 V (d) approximately 0.3 V
34. When a silicon diode is open, a DMM will generally indicate
(a) 0 V (b) OL (c) approximately 0.7 V (d) approximately 0.3 V
35. In a rectifier circuit, if the secondary winding in the
transformer opens, the output is
(a) 0 V (b) 120 V (c) less than it should be (d) unaffected
36. If one of the diodes in a bridge full-wave rectifier opens, the
output is
(a) 0 V (b) one-fourth the amplitude of the input voltage
(c) a half-wave rectified voltage (d) a 120 Hz voltage
37. If you are checking a 60 Hz full-wave bridge rectifier and
observe that the output has a 60 Hz
(a) the circuit is working properly (b) there is an open diode
(c) the transformer secondary is shorted (d) the filter capacitor is

Here are the answers to the questions:

28. The maximum voltage across the diode is:

(c) 0.7 V

29. In a certain biased limiter, if the positive terminal of the bias

voltage is connected to the cathode of the diode, the maximum
voltage at the anode is:
(c) 5.7 V

30. In a certain positive clamper circuit, the dc value of the

output is:
(c) 60 V

31. The peak-to-peak output of a voltage doubler with a 120 V

rms input is approximately:
(d) 339 V
32. If the input voltage to a voltage tripler has an rms value of
12 V, the dc output voltage is approximately:
(b) 50.9 V

33. When a silicon diode is working properly in forward bias, a

DMM in the diode test position will indicate:
(c) approximately 0.7 V

34. When a silicon diode is open, a DMM will generally

(b) OL

35. In a rectifier circuit, if the secondary winding in the

transformer opens, the output is:
(a) 0 V

36. If one of the diodes in a bridge full-wave rectifier opens, the

output is:
(a) 0 V

37. If you are checking a 60 Hz full-wave bridge rectifier and

observe that the output has a 60 Hz ripple:
(a) the circuit is working properly

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