Mrs Antonia Literature in English - 052745

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“a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge”

School: Plot 442, 331 Road, Gowon Estate, Egbeda, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: 08103852851 08163333159

Name: ___________________ Class: JSS 2

Subject: Literature in English Date: ___________

Section A: Objectives
1. All these are characteristics of drama except ______ (a) It involves dialogue (b) it
involves actions (c) it is usually divided into acts and scenes (d) it is usually divided into
2. _____ is the main character of a play (a) protagonist (b) antagonist (c) fable (d) play
3. _____ is a play acted on stage (a) prose (b) poetry (c) drama (d) prose or poetry
4. Which of these is an account of a person’s life written by him/herself. (a) fables (b)
drama (c) biography (d) autobiography
5. A play that ends sadly is known as ____ (a) comedy (b) tragic-comedy (c) computer play
(d) tragedy play
6. _____ is the central idea or work of art that readers reaction are influenced by what they
read (a) simile (b) sitting (c) metaphor (d) theme
7. The cloth the cast wear in other to make the play real is _____ (a) couplets (b) costume
(c) audience (d) stage
8. All these are forms of prose except ______ (a) fable (b) autography (c) biography (d)
epistolary novel
9. The writer of a poem is called _____ (a) poet (b) dramatist (c) novelist (d) poemist
10. The presentation of a non – pleasant thing or experience in a pleasant way is known as
_____ (a) hyperbole (b) simile (c) euphemism (d) assonance
11. _____ is an introductory speech before a play (a) epilogue (b) diction (c) prologue (d)
12. A play is a drama, because it can be ____ (a) sung on the assembly (b) acted on the
stage (c) watch on your phone (d) acted only in our homes
13. The use of facial expressions or gestures to tell a story is _____ (a) tale – by moonlight
(b) dance – drama (c) super story (d) Mime
14. Another name for hero is ______ (a) antagonist (b) heroin (c) actor (d) protagonist
15. These except one is not true about literature (a) literature teaches moral values (b)
literature is entertaining and educative (c) literature deals only on past events (d)
literature can sell ideas or products
16. A novel written in the form of a letter is referred to as _____ (a) informal letter (b)
epistolary novel (c) novelist (d) formal letter
17. A song composed to be sung to children with a view of making them sleep is known as
____ (a) epic (b) lullaby (c) descriptive poem (d) pastoral poem
18. ____ is the figure of speech that refers to the repetition of identical vowel sounds to give
a particular effect (a) assonance (b) simile (c) alliteration (d) euphemism
19. Which of these terms refers to word choice used by writers in any literature work? (a)
diction (b) theme (c) plot (d) setting
20. What is the meaning of this expression “take the bull by the horn” (a) bring me the bull
(b) say the real fact (c) go straight to the point (d) carry the bull by the horn
SECTION B (THEORY): Answer five questions in this section number 1 is
1. Briefly explain the following literary term;
a. Tragic – comedy
b. Theme
c. Comedy
d. Tragic – drama
e. Drama

2. Summarise the drama “the rejected child”

3. Briefly explain the following

a. Autobiography
b. Dance – drama
c. Biography

4. Give detailed explanation of the following

a. Stage
b. Costume
c. Protagonist
d. Antagonist

5. What is the poem “ tell on that fool” all about and explain why

6. How many lines and stanza does the poem “tell on that fool” have?

7. Give brief explanation on the following characters (a) Yinka (b) Aunty Ngozi (c)
“a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge”
School: Plot 442, 331 Road, Gowon Estate, Egbeda, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: 08103852851 08163333159

Name: ___________________ Class: JSS 3

Subject: Cultural and Creative Art Date: ___________

Section A: Objectives
1. _______ is the act of letter construction of alphabets (a) writing (b) lettering (c) scripting
(d) texting
2. _______ is a also known as calligraphy or script lettering (a) script (b) pen lettering (c)
calligraphic script (d) handwriting
3. _______ and _______ are types of block lettering (a) pen and roman (b) gothic and
roman (c) block and pen (d) text and pen
4. _______ is the act of crafting of cloth decoration (a) stitching (b) sewing (c) embroidery
(d) attachment
5. _______ is not a material used for blocking lettering (a) paper (b) watering pen (c) pencil
(d) cutter
6. Pen lettering and roman lettering are types of block lettering (True / False)
7. _______ is used to patch a tear on a piece of cloth (a) embroidery (b) needling (c)
tailoring (d) stitching pin
8. _______ consists of stitches that can be pulled through each other (a) French stitching
(b) cross stitching (c) Hand knitting (d) sewing
9. _______ is a technique where a crochet hook is used to create an object with a yarn (a)
knitting (b) stitching (c) sewing (d) none of the above
10. Choreography is used in many fields such as musical theatre, cheer leading and
______(a) naming ceremony (b) traditional ceremony (c) coronation (d) ice skating
11. One of these is not a principle of choreography (a) beauty (b) order (c) selection (d)
12. ______ is a medium through which different cultures showcase their life style (a) food
(b) group meetings (c) dance (d) cheers
13. The state of being in full agreement or oneness is called _______ (a) unity (b)
cooperation (c) agent and agreement (d) one love
14. ______ is a Batik design technique (a) free hand design (b) hand design (c) stamping
(d) heat mesh
15. ______ is a tool used for crocheting except (a) scissors (b) crocheting hook (c) none of
the above (d) fabric materials
Section B: Theory
Instruction: Answer eight (8) questions from the following:
1. What is Choreography?
2. List the five principle of choreography

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

3. Mention five material used for Batik preparation

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

4. What is embroidery?

5. List 5 techniques used in hand embroidery

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

6. Mention five materials used for block lettering

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

7. What is dance

8. Write a short note on “Bata dance”


9. List five causes of disunity

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

10. Mention 5 fields where choreography can be used

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

“a learned establishment for the advancement of knowledge”
School: Plot 442, 331 Road, Gowon Estate, Egbeda, Lagos, Nigeria
Telephone: 08103852851 08163333159

Name: ___________________ Class: JSS 3

Subject: Agricultural – science Date: ___________

Section A: Objectives
1. The act of reproducing young plants from the parents is known as ______ (a) agriculture
(b) crop propagation (c) plantation (d) farming
2. _______ is an aim and objective of stock exchange (a) deal with listed securities (b)
raise capital (c) regulate trade in securities (d) creation of liquidity
3. _______ is a method through which primary market raises capital (a) association of
persons (b) investors (c) right issue (d) giving out loans
4. The market where investors trade securities without the involvement of the company is
known as (a) secondary market (b)primary market (c) marketing (d) stock exchange
5. _______ is a feature of secondary market (a) it facilitates trading of securities (b) it
regulates trade in securities (c) it is security market for previously issued securities (d)
all of the above
6. _______ is an activity of export promotion in agriculture (a) identification of products and
markets (b) organizing marketers (c) promotion of the export (d) none of the above
7. Cassava is an exportable product in agriculture (True / False)
8. Exhibitions organized to bring together producers and buyers in a conducive atmosphere
to transact business is called (a) export promotion (b) stock market (c) trade fair (d)
9. One of the characteristics of the swamp forest is _____ (a) it has aerial roots (b) it has
white mangrove (c) it has red mangrove (d) all of the above
10. The rain forest can be found in what part of Nigeria (a) north east (b) south (c) north (d)
none of the above
11. Another name for the word “savannah” is _______ (a) green leaves (b) grasslands (c)
mangrove (d) forest
12. ________ is an example of vegetable spice (a) ginger (b) yam (c) four (d) garri
13. Security market is a/an ________ of stock exchange (a) importance (b) feature (c)
uses (d) disadvantage
14. Export promotions are responsibilities of organisation referred to as _____ (a) trade fair
(b) trade promotion people (c) trade promotion organisation (d) trade union
15. The organisation NEPC (Nigeria Export Promotion Council) was established in the year
_______ (a) 1986 (b) 1976 (c) 1966 (d) 1996
Section B: Theory
Instruction: Answer eight (5) questions from the following:
1. What is Crop Propagation?
2. List the five methods of vegetative propagation

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

3. .Mention the three types of vegetation in Nigeria

____________________ _____________________ _____________________

4. What is Stock exchange?


5. List 5 (five) features of stock exchange

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

6. Mention five (5) people involved in stock exchange

___________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ___________

7. What is Vegetation

8. Write a short note on “vegetative propagation”


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