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1.Why did the Thane of Cawdor want to do and why? Whose help did he ask for? Was he

2.What did King Duncan do to Machbeth in return of his victory?

3.What happened to the previous Thane of Cawdor?

4.What did Machbeth and Banquo see on their way back from the battle? Who were they?
What were they doing?

5. What did the witches tell Machbeth?

6. What did Banquo ask the witches?

7.What were the witches’ prophecies about Banquo? Explain in detail.

8.What advice did Banquo give to Machbeth?

9.How was Machbeth affected by the predictions of the witches?

Macbeth- PART 2
1. What did king Duncan decide to do after the battle? Where did he want to stay that

2. Why did Macbeth write to his wife? What did he mention in his letter? How did Lady
Macbeth feel?

3. What was Lady Macbeth’s plan? Why did she plan everything? Did Macbeth want to
be king?
4. After Macbeth had declared that he would not go through with the murder plan, how
did Lady Macbeth convince him to change his mind? What details did Lady Macbeth
explain to convince Macbeth that her plan cannot fail?

5. What did Macbeth see in front of him late that night? What does it foreshadow? How
did he feel?

6. How did Macbeth kill the king? What did he hear after killing the king? Write in

7. How did Macbeth feel after committing the murder and what was he carring in his
hand? Where should he have left it? What did he proclaim he could not do? Who did it

8. What was Macbeth doing when Lady Macbeth came out of the soldiers room? Does it
indicate anything?

9. What did they hear suddenly? What was Lady Macbeth’s next plan?

Macbeth-PART 3

1.How does Lennox describe the night, and what is Macbeth's response?

2.What excuse or explanation did Macbeth give for killing the guards? What
is his real reason?

3.Why does Lady Macbeth faint Is it a distraction or is it real?

4.What symbolism does Lady Macbeth's fainting have?

5.Why do Malcolm and Donalbain leave? How do their leaving seem to be?
6.What does Macduff think about Macbeth and Duncan's sons?

Macbeth-PART 4

1.Why does Macbeth want Banquo and Fleance dead?

2.What is Macbeth's plan for killing Banquo and Fleance? Does it work?

3. Who (what) did Macbeth see at the banquet table?

What does the ghost of Banquo do to Macbeth's paranoia?

4.How does Lady Macbeth cover for Macbeth at the banquet? What
excuses does she give for his wild talk?

5.Who else was missing from the banquet table (besides Banquo)?

6.How does Macbeth feel with his new found power?

****Extra Questions:What does the term ‘tragic Hero’ mean and how is
Macbeth a tragic Hero?

***Extra Questions:In Macbeth what does "Fair is foul, and foul is fair"
really mean?

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