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Année académique 2020-2021

FACULTE DE DROIT Niveau d'Etudes
UE Transversale:.Semestre
ANG 1 90
Durée: 2 H 00

Section One:
Reading Comprehension (10 pts)
carefully the
following text and choose the most suitable
NB: Write only the number and the answer
letter. Example: 6=A
many countries the legal
Over systems are
very long times. Every time that a very complex. This is because they have been developed
This means that the new case is decided it can have
people who work in an effect on future cascs.
and understand all the legal situations have to be clever. They have to know
rules and
an effect on future cases as it
precedents. A precedent is when a
previous decision will have
was related to an
important point.
There are many
lawyer who spends
people who work with the law, such as
most of their time judges. A solicitor is

such as wills or contracts for

advising their clients and preparing legal documents,
sure that all the
buying and selling houses. They need to be very careful and make
details are
correct, otherwise their clients might lose
A barrister is a lot of money.
type of lawyer who works in court
prosecution or defence sides. If they They will either work for the

defendant (the person on prosecution lawyer they are trying to prove that the
are a
trial) committed a crime. They have to evidence to show that
the defendant is
guilty. If they are a defence lawyer then they workpresent
for the defendant and have to
show that the evidence
be judged to be not
presented is not enough to
prove that their client is
guilty and he should
Then there are
judges and magistrates. A magistrate will hear trials about less serious
crimes, while a judge's will be out more serious crimes. These are the people who have to
decide what punishment will be
given to someone who is guilty. The punishments could range
from a small fine up to a long
prison sentence, and even a death sentence in some countries. The
trial happens in the judge's courtroom, so the
judge is responsible for making sure the trial is run
fairly and follows the law.

A- Choose the best answers that

go with the above reading passage (6 pts)
1) Who deals in court with more serious crimes?
A. Court clerk B. Magistrate C. Judge D. Bailiff
2) What could happen if a solicitor makes a mistake?
A. Someone who is innocent could go to prison. B. Someone could lose their job. C. The client
could lose some money. D. The client could learn something new.
3) What does a defence lawyer have to do?
A. Show that the prosecution's evidence is not enough. B. Prove that the defendant is guilty.
C. Show that the defendant was someone else. D. Prove that the judge has made a mistake.
4) What is the most severe punishment a judge could give?
A. A long time in prison. B. A fine. C. A judge does not give punishment.
D. Capital punishment.
5) What is a precedent? A. When somebody who comes before another person.
B. When a previous decision will have an effect on future cases. C. When a previous decision
won't have an effect on future cases D. When the f+rst trial had too many people watching.
B-Complete this table (4 ps)
Verb | Adjective
to know

to try punishable
Section Two:
Linguistic Competence (7 ps)
A -

Choose the correct word

from the list to
sentence. Write only the number and the complete
whole the passage. NB: Don't
word. Example:
List: guilty, gifted, bailif. prosecutor, plaintiff, released, abated, 10=adischarge (4
acquitted, presides,'
magistrate, sentenced, appeal, prison,
A judge...l... over cases in a high court imprisonment
while a ...2... does the same in a lower
person is found ..3... court
of an offence in a court, he is...4... to either a
depending on the nature of the offence. If he
is found not to have committed
or a term of

..6... and...7... A
. person found guilty of an offence has a right to...8... tothea offenc
B- Choose the correct answer. NB: Don't write the whole sentence.
and the word Write only th
expression. Example: 10= w a s prosecuted (3 pts)
1. Had they judged well, he (will win, won, would have
2. The old
lady (sued, has sued, sues, will sue) won, win) the trial.
3. If the bailiff does not the,man for burglary
sign the paper, you (will be, were, had
4. The
judgment (is continuing, continued, had continued, to are, been) in trouble.
will stop. continue) all day. I wond
5. Before James
(go, goes, went, will go) to the
6. Your
judgment would be better if legal practitioner, he had written to me
you (use, used, has used, had used) another
Section Three: Translation
Translate these sentences into (3 pts)
Translate into
good French
good French
1. The state
prosecutes those charged with a crime. The
apprehend suspects and detain them in custody. police investigate a crim
2. Criminal
offence and
proceeding can be initiated either by the serving of a
the accused summons setti
to attend court.

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