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University of Sulaimani College of Science

Geology Dept. 3rd Classes

Pract. Micropaleontology Lab.1

Is a branch of paleontology that studies the microfossils .
Are fossils generally smaller than 1mm, their study requires the use of light
(microscope) or scanning Electron microscope.
Microfossil include protozoa (Faraminifera, radiolarian, diatoms, coccolithophore)
also crustacean (ostracoda) spores (fungi, plant).
According to the types of wall in fossils, microfossils classified into two types:
A-Mineral wall including:
1- Calcareous microfossil; coccoliths, foraminifera, calcareous dinoflagellates,
ostracods and conodonts.
2- Siliceous microfossil; diatom, radiolaria, and silicoflagellate.
3- Calcium phosphate; conodont.
B-Organic wall:
These type of microfossils called palynomorph include both plant and animals, their
wall composed of acid resistant sporopollenin (Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen) .The
study of these fossils called palynology, they include; spore and pollen grains,
chitinozoa, acritarch, dinoflagellate cyst, Scolecodont and fungal remains.
They are found in all environments
This division or classification reflects differences in the laboratory processing and
preparation of sediment and rock samples

Applications of micofossils:
1- Biostratigraphy.
2- Paleoenvironment; reconstruction of past environments
3- Paleoclimate; humid, arid, wet and dry.
4- Paleogeography; the distribution of land and water.
5- Petroleum geology

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