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Teenage love

Once upon a time there was a girl, her name was Mar, from Barcelona. She had brown hair,

blue eyes and short stature. During her life she had bad experiences in love, she was still

young, she was 12 years old, but her past experiences were not nice and because of that, the

girl began to think that no matter how young she was, no one would ever really love her and

she didn't deserve anyone's love.

One day Mar met a girl, her name was Naiara, from Gran Canaria. She was dark

haired, dark eyed and tall. They were both fans of One Direction, thanks to that they became

very good friends, they talked about their day, about how they were and about those boys

who brought them together. After some time talking, Mar started to feel something special for

Naiara and the truth, she was afraid that it could ruin their friendship.

One day, after much thought, Mar decided to be honest with the girl she was in love

with. She told her something about it and from Naiara's response it turned out to be mutual,

things turned out better than Mar thought.

They had been a couple for 2 months when things took a turn for the worse, Mar

found herself affected by her mental health and anxiety, which made her believe that they

could not go forward together because of the distance between them, her mind became

clouded and she thought that their relationship was not going to work.

Some time after their separation they were still talking, it wasn't like before, but they

had contact and were there for each other's needs, and the break-up affected them both very


Mar spent months after the break-up wondering if she had done the right thing,

although she finally realised that she hadn't. They had a beautiful relationship, even though
they had only been together for a short time, and no matter how far apart they were at the

time, with patience and constant love they could live a life together, physically side by side.

Mar, a month and a half after the break-up, decided to try again with Naiara, who

would probably say no, but there is only one life, so Mar decided to risk everything like the

first time, she doesn't know how, but she managed to fix what she had broken some time

before. She was proud of it. It took some getting used to again, but without a doubt, she

finally did the right thing.

Today, Naiara and Mar will have been together for 9 months. Little by little they are

starting to be 100% honest with each other in all possible areas and without a doubt, this will

help them to go much further as a couple.

Soon Naiara and Mar will see each other in person, that makes them very happy, they

are sure that everything will be fine as long as they keep doing the right thing. So it becomes

clear that no matter how young you may be, love is always there and if you fight for it,

everything is possible.

Love. In life there are many people who think that love can only be real between

adults, sincerely I thought the same, but now I think that being a little mature is enough, love

does not depend on age depends on trust and respect, adults end their relationships, children

end their relationships too, people do not usually consider it the same when children can

really last longer than adult couples, in fact years together are what make a stronger

relationship, it lasts more or less being older or younger, love is love and that is what matters,

trust and respect is the basis of a relationship, no matter the age. So whoever you like and

whatever age you are, if it's mutual, enjoy the love, because with trust and respect in each

other, love can last a lifetime.

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