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5.People who live in large cities face range of problems in their daily
life. What are main problems, how can these problems tackled?

Nowadays majority of people prefer to live in cities. Individuals who prefer to

live in cities can be justified for many reasons – opportunity of living in cities
such as sophisticated education, entertainment, leisure activities, job or other
infrastructure. As well as opportunities, people who live in cities face range of
problems in their daily lives.
Congestion and pollution can be shown as basic cause of problems. As we all
know there are many population, industrys, offices in urban areas. Naturally, it
makes possible cities are filled with car. For these reason, inhabitants of city
face some difficulties such as lateness to work or other places, loosing time,
sometimes traffic accidents. Another problem is pollution. Cars in cities
produce harmful gases on the air. This leads to decreasing of quality air and
lack of fresh air. So inhabitants suffer from some diseases . To tackle this
problem government should take actions and make laws.
Another problem that inhabitants who lived in cities face is high poverty of
price. Living in the city is a bit difficult for middle-income people. So, buying a
house in the city is more expensive than in other areas. In addition, students
travel to the city to study at universities and educational institutions. The price
of rented apartments is not suitable for students. A solution is for the
government to take steps building a house which allow more and more people
to buy own home.
In conclusion , if government and individuals pay attention and take action
these problems can be
6. Government investments in art such as music and theater
is waste of money . Government must invest this money in
public service instead.
Most countries allocate a large part of their budgets for the development and
operation of the arts, in addition to public services. There is no doubt that
public services are important to meet people's needs and provide them with a
comfortable life. However, this does not mean to spend money on art is in
There are many public services that have crucial role in people’s live such as
hospitals, educational institutions, transportation etc. To spend money in
public services must be principal for government. For instance, Unless hospitals
are not ensure with necessary funds and medical equipments, health of society
may be decline. At the same way, if education is neglected, children, students,
in short, all individuals may not be properly educated.
Like public services, the arts are essential the state and society. Because of art
is basic of culture, government should pay attention and invest money in art. In
addition to every area of art add value to the culture, it is also pleasure for
people. Music is food of soul, theater reflects life and has big impact on
people. From this reason, governments should invest in art and support its
Ultimately, public services are urgency to ensure people's needs of living. At
the same time, art has big impact and importance on society. So government
should support both two areas.
7.Some people think that children’s free time must include
educational activities, otherwise they will waste time. What
is your opinions?

We all know education has an crucial role in human life. That is why there is a
predominant think that activities other than education is waste of time and
menial. So many parents consider only educational activities can support
children's development. In my view this approach is not true and credible.
Firstly, children need leisure time to improve other skills in addition to
education. The best ways of to do this are playing game and engaging in sports.
Playing games develops children imagination. Additionally many children form
strong personal relationships with friends they play with. Especially when
children win any game or be successful in sport , they gain self-confidence. Also
children spend their energy on useful things and reveal skills by playing. Playing
games develops not only physically but also mentally.
In conclusion, it is consequential that children need to busy activities besides
the study in order to their basic knowledge.
8. Eating a balanced diet is the most important factor for a
healthy life . To what extent do you agree ?
Nutrition is the most natural and important human need. Through food, our
body receives vitamins and develops . Today, a balanced diet is important for a
healthy life.
First of all, some of the foods that people get today are unhealthy and
contain chemicals. This endangers our health and causes diseases. Therefore,
people need to know the composition of the food they eat and how it is
prepared. It is very good that we accept organic foods such as more home-
cooked meals, agricultural products.
On the other hand, a balanced diet is crucial for our weight. Some people tend
to gain weight, while others tend to lose weight. Being overweight or obese
causes disease. Therefore, every person should take into account the body and
develop a diet accordingly.
In conclusion,a balanced diet, intake of organic foods, and attention to what
we eat are important for everyone. Because healthy eating is the key to a
healthy life.
9.stress is now major problem in many countries around the
world . What are some of factors in modern society that
cause this stress and how we can reduce it?
These days, so many people suffer from stress. Stressful life are related with
many cause such as personal relationships, difficulties of work life or daily
Nowadays people want to be best and they try for it. To be best in school or
university, or job they compete each other. They work hard to drive the best
car, live in fancy houses, get a wonderful life .At this time they face so many
problems, difficulties and all of them cause anxiety. These put people under
stress. The solution is up to the people themselves. They must understand
that money and fame are never the things that go into being the best.
Another important reason is the problems in personal relationships. We know
that almost everybody has problems with their family, friends, lovers and
spouses. Sometimes these problems cause controversy among people. All this
is enough to make us stressful. The solution of the problem is again up to the
people themselves. We should look for solutions and find a common way,
rather than making it into a discussion while experiencing a problem.
Finally, those who cause stress sometimes do not depend on us, but the
solution often depends on people. Rather than underestimating our problems,
we can relieve stress by quietly looking for solutions.
10.Are famous people treated unfairly by the media? Should they
be given more privacy, or is the price of their fame an invasion into
their private lives?
Evermore, lives of celebrities is curious for the people. Their lifestyles, personal
relationships, luxuries is attracted by the humans. For this reason, all the time
media prefer put forward their lives more than career. And how correct is this?
Firstly, privacy is need for everybody . To bring out and broadcast to all media
is unfair behaviour. Above all this information such as where they entertain,
where they do shopping, who they talk daily can danger they and their work
life. That is why media must approach respectably and keep privacy.
Secondly it is believed that celebrities been famous by the media through
broadcast them. It is true that media gives a range contributes to famous
people. But this does not give them the right to question the personal lives and
privacy of celebrities.
In conclusion, I would like to point out that there should be a certain line
between celebrities' personal lives and their work lives. And no media should
disguise them in order to increase their ratings.

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