General Surgery

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📍 The irreversible complications after parotid surgery is:

a. Frey's syndrome

b. Hematoma

c. Wound infection

d. Flap necrosis

📍 Comonest cause of acute abdomen is;

a. Intestinal obstruction

b. Diverticular disease

c. Renal colic

d. Acute appendicitis

📍 21 yrs. old woman presented to your clinic due to multiple lower extremities varicose veins she has
large varicosities in the distribution of long saphenous vein what is next step in management:

a. Compression stocking and anti-coagulation therapy

b. Sclerotherapy

c. Duplex US to evaluation with clinical correlation is essential initial step

d. Ligation and stripping

📍 A 43-year-old man is struck by a motor vehicle while crossing the street; he arrives in the ED
hypotensive, bradycardic, and unable to move his extremities. What is the most likely cause o his

a. Vasodilatory shock

b. Neurogenic shock

c. Obstructive shock

d. Hypovolemic shock

📍 The best way to diagnose appendicitis is:

a. CT scan

b. US

c. Clinical examination

d. Good history

📍 Which of the following correct concerning keloid;

a. High recurrence rate after surgery

b. Common on the abdomen

c. Similar to hypertrophic scar

d. Common in European's
📍 The pain in acute pancreatitis is;

a. Usually severe and epigastric

b. Always at right hypochondrioum

c. Aggravated by leaning forward

d. Always mild and around umbilicus

📍 The most common parotid tumor;

a. pleomorphic adenoma

b. Epidermoid tumor

c. Mucoepidermoid

d. Lymphoma

📍 The most common cause of upper gastrointestinal bleeding is;

a. Esophageal cancer

b. Esophageal varices

c. Systemic coagulopathy

d. Gastric cancer
📍 The most common complication o chronic pancreatitis is

a. Pancreatic necrosis

b. Pseudocysts

c. Duodenal obstruction

d. Duct strictures and/or stones

📍 The best way to diagnose common bile duct stone is;

a. US


c. X-ray abdomen


📍 The most common cause of lower GIT bleeding is

a. Angiodysplasia

b. Esophageal varies

c. Massive upper GIT bleeding

d. colorectal cancer
📍 Which type o collagen is most important in wound healing?

a. Type XI

b. Type III

c. Type VII

d. Type V

📍 33yrs old lady presented with 6*7cm mass at right iliac fossa,she gave history of central abdominal
pain 7days ago the likely diagnosis is;

a. Ovarian tumor

b. Ca cecum

c. Appendicular mass

d. Ectopic pregnancy

📍 Vasodilatory shock

a. Leads to suppression of the renin-angiotensin system

b. Can also be caused by carbon monoxide poisoning

c. Is similar to early cardiogenic shock

d. Is characterized by failure of vascular smooth muscle to constrict due to low levels of catecholamine's

📍 Acute appendicitis occurs commonly in;

a. Middle age

b. Woman

c. Children

d. Elderly

📍 The most common cause or a transfusion reaction is

a. Air embolism

b. Contaminated blood

c. Unusual circulating antibodies

d. Human error

📍 C-reactive protein (CRP)

a. Does not increase in response to stress in patients with Liver failure

b. Is less sensitive than erythrocyte sedimentation rate as marker to inflammation

c. Increases after eating a large meal

d. Is secreted in a circadian rhythm with higher levels in the morning.

📍 The major cause of impaired wound healing is

a. Local tissue infection

b. Anemia

c. Diabetes mellitus

d. Malnutrition

📍 Deeply jaundiced 70 man with dark urine and itching gallbladder is palpable, the cause of the jaundice
is likely;

a. Stone in common bile duct

b. Atresia of biliary duct

c. Ca head of pancreas

d. Viral hepatitis

📍 Neurogenic shock is characterized by the presence of

a. Cool, moist skin

b. Increased cardiac output

c. Decreased blood volume

d. Decreased peripheral vascular resistance

📍 Which is required or platelet adherence to injured endothelium?

a. Von Willebrand actor (vWF)

b. Glycoprotein (GP) IIb/Illa

c. Adenosine diphosphate (ADP)

d. Thromboxane A2

📍 28 yrs. mother going for operation, the informed consent should be signed as witnesses by;

a. Consultant

b. Her husband

c. House officer

d. Registrar

📍 Liver function test of obstructive jaundice man will show;

a. High non conjugated bilirubin

b. High liver enzymes

c. High conjugated bilirubin

d. Prolonged pro thrombin time

📍 The e proliferative phase of wound healing occurs how long after the injury?

a. 14 days

b. 2 days
c. 1 day

d. 7 days

📍 Stone is commonly found in

a. Parotid gland

b. Sublingual salivary gland

c. cervical lymph nodes

d. Submandibular salivary gland

📍 The most common cause of lower GIT bleeding is;

a. Anal fissure

b. Massive upper GIT bleeding

c. Heamoroid

d. Angiodesplasia

📍 What is the risk o Hepatitis C and HIV-1 transmission with blood transfusion?

a. 1:500,000

b. 1:10,000,000

c. 1:1,000,000
d. 1:100,000

📍 middle age lady came with left side ureteric colic and ivu show half cm mid ureter stone the best
treatment is;

a. Open removal

b. Uretroscopy and extraction

c. Good hydration and follow up

d. Extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy

📍 Characteristics features of cold abscess

a. Caused by non specific bacteria

b. Tenderness

c. Psedufluctent

d. Low grade fever

📍 The most accurate investigations to see the fascial nerve involvement is;

a. FNAC biopsy

b. MRI


d. CT scan
📍 The most common cause of upper GIT bleeding is;

a. Perforated viscous

b. Gastritis

c. Osophageal varices

d. Stomach cancer

📍 A patient has a blood pressure o 70/50 mm Hg and a serum lactate level of 30 mg/100 mL (normal: 6-
16). His cardiac output is 1.9 L/min, and his central venous pressure is 2 cm H2O. Te most likely diagnosis

a. Cardiac tamponade

b. Hypovolemic shock

c. Septic shock

d. Congestive heart failure

📍 The most serious complications of acute appendicitis is;

a. Become gangrenous

b. Rupture

c. Mass formation

d. Perforation
📍 Indications of blood transfusion

a. Severe heamorge

b. Dental extraction

c. Cut tongue

d. dental carries

📍 Indications of blood transfusion

a. Severe heamorge

b. Dental extraction

c. Cut tongue

d. dental carries

📍 In acute cholycystitis;

a. Murphy's sign demonstrated during expiration

b. US show thick gallbladder +pericholycystic fluids collection

c. Pain is relieved by taking fatty meals

d. Rt hypochondrial pain is colicky

📍 The worst complications of obstructive jaundice is;

a. Encephalopathy

b. Bleeding tendency

c. Heapatorenal syndrome

d. Liver cirrhosis

📍 45 yrs old male of 65kg sustaind scond degree burn to anterior aspect of left thigh which of the
following statement is true;

a. Urine of 30-50ml is indicate adequate kidney perfusion

b. The area is painless and show thrombosed veins

c. Eshcratomy is needed to prevent circulatory compromise to leg

d. Needs skin graft

📍 28 yrs old lady presented with pain in the right lower abdomen, no vomiting, collapsed the likely
diagnosis is;

a. Ovarian cyst

b. Ectopic pregnancy

c. Acute appendicitis

d. Kidney stone.
1.Freys syndrome

2.Acute appendicitis

3.Ligation and stripping

4.Neurogenic shock

5.clinical examination

6.High reccurence rate after surgery

7.Usually severe and epigastric

8.pleomorphic adenoma

9.esophageal varices



12.massive upper gi bleeding

13.type 3

14.appendicular mass

15.characterized by failure of smooth muscle...

16.middle age

17.Human error

18.secreted in circadian rhythm with higher levels in the morning

19.Local tissue infection head of pancreas

21.decreased peripheral vascular resistance



24.high non conjugated bilirubin

25.7 days

26.submandibular gland

27.massive UGI bleeding


29.good hydration and follow up

30.low grade fever


32.esophageal varices

33.septic shock


35.severe hemorrhage

36.severe hemorrhage

37.US show thick gallbladder and pericholycystic...


39.urine of 30-50ml...

40.ectopic pregnancy

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