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Unit 8 Quiz (Level 9)

1- Listen to the lecture and write T for true or F for false:

1-…………The speaker thinks screen time includes time on multi-media phones.

2-…………Studies show that teenagers get more screen time than infants/toddlers.

3-…………The speaker thinks screen time is never good.

4-…………Screen time is all sedentary time.

2- Read the article and write T for true or F for false:

1- …………Arthur was not recognized as a king when he was a little boy.
2- …………Sir Lancelot went on a quest to find the Holy Grail.
3- …………Queen Guinevere had a love affair with Sir Mordred.
4- …………Legends disagree about Arthur's death.

The Legendary King Arthur

According to British legends, Arthur, the son of King Uther Pendragon, was hidden away as a
boy, so he would be safe from enemies. He was recognized as a king only after he pulled a
magical sword out of a stone. Arthur was a Briton. He came from a people who ruled much of
England before Saxons invaded from Germany. As king, Arthur gathered great knights to help
him fight the Saxons – the famous Knights of the Round Table. Arthur's castle, Camelot, was a
model society. The knights were true and noble, the king was powerful but fair, and the people
were treated well.

Over time, countless legends built up around Arthur's glorious court. Arthur's beautiful wife,
Queen Guinevere, and his most trusted knight, Sir Lancelot, are the lead characters in many of
these legends. Besides fighting Saxons, the knights, and sometimes the king himself, went on
quests. These were difficult journeys meant to accomplish a noble deed. The most famous was the
Quest for the Holy Grail, a magical cup with great religious meaning. Many knights, including
Lancelot, tried but failed to find the grail. Sir Galahad eventually found it, his reward for living a
pure and holy life. Other quests involved such good deeds as rescuing prisoners, killing monsters,
and driving away evil wizards.

The great days of Camelot ended after King Arthur discovered that Queen Guinevere had a love
affair with Sir Lancelot. To enforce the law, Arthur was forced to punish his dear friend and his
beloved wife. The Knights of the Round Table left Camelot and went their separate ways.
Eventually, Arthur went into battle against a former knight of Camelot, Sir Mordred. In some
versions of the legend, both Arthur and Mordred are killed. In others, Arthur does not actually
die, but is taken to the magical island of Avalon. There he waits for a chance to return and re-
establish Camelot.
Unit 8 Quiz (Level 9)
3- Read the diary entry. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in

It was a strange weekend. I was hoping ……to go.… (go) out with my friends on
Saturday, but they all had the flu. We'd been thinking of (1)……………(see) a
movie and then (2)……………(go) for a pizza. Instead, Mom made me (3)
……………(study) for my exams. I managed (4)…………..(do) a lot, but I
couldn't help (5)……………(feel) tired. I went to bed early, but I had a really
odd dream. I remember (6)……………(walk) along the beach and it was really
windy. All my exam notes were lying on the sand. Every few seconds, I (7)
……………(stop) to pick them up, but it was impossible (8)……………(hold)
them in the wind. Then, a big wave washed them all away. I woke up in a panic
and then realized it has been a dream.

Sunday was better. In the morning, I took the dog for a walk. He enjoyed (9)
……………(play) in the park, and it was good (10)…………..(get) some exercise.
I called my cousin because I had forgotten to (11)……………(send) her a
birthday card. We promised (12)……………(meet up) after the exams. In the
afternoon, I went back to my school work, but I didn't succeed in (13)
……………(study) for very long. I needed (14)……………(update) my status on
Facebook, so that's what I did in the afternoon. Not a very exciting weekend, but
there's always next week…

4- Match the verbs with the phrases:

to a place on a map – your hands to the music – a ladder – your nails – a tune
a nail with a hammer – up a balloon

1- Climb …………………….
2- Clap ………………………
3- Hit ………………………..
4- Point ……………………..
5- Blow ………………………
6- Bite ……………………….
7- Whistle ……………………

Unit 8 Quiz (Level 9)

5- Match the adjectives with their definitions:

illiterate – prosperous – disastrous – popular – bloody – daring – fearless –


1- Very bad or unsuccessful ………………………………...

2- Brave, willing to do dangerous things …………………..
3- Never feeling fear………………………………………….
4- Unable to read or write…………………………………...
5- Liked by a lot of people……………………………………
6- Difficult to believe………………………………………….
7- Rich…………………………………………………………
8- Involving a lot of violence or killing………………………

Unit 8 Quiz (Level 9)

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