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Zeliha Seyfeli 202024301 eng 121 section6

1 With the developing technology, the World is changing rapidly, and it will continue to
change. Technological devices that have gained new dimension with the introduction of new
communication tools in the twentieth century, they have made people’s lives easier, and
these tools have been included in many sectors. Along with this change, new technological
tools and equipment have been included in the education sector. Thanks to the technology
that has brought about fundamental changes in the education and training system, much
more efficient and effective classroom environments are now being created in schools. In
this scope, many people argue that technology foster education.

2 First of all, technological training is more comfortable than other training methods. People
had to go to school face to face in the old days. Nowadays, thanks to developing technology,
students don’t have to go to school. Even if they go to school, they do not have to carry
heavy bags. They do not have to write down what the teacher wrote on the blackboard in a
notebook because they don’t need a bag and writing thanks to tablet. Teachers send to the
subject of the lesson to the students by e-mail. Students do not need anything else except to
listen to the lesson because everything is available at their fingertips. Current students have
the / an opportunity to study remotely with various tools, such as computer, smart phone,
tablet… Fifty-sixty years ago, students had difficulty in gaining knowledge. There was not
internet, even if it was, it was very difficult to reach. People used to newspaper,
encyclopedias and old schoolbooks of older brothers or sisters. In short, it was difficult and
valuable to get to the information.

3 Secondly, technology trainings is more effective. Thanks to the technology, teachers can
support education with various visual materials such as photos, slides, images, and videos.
Visualization speeds up learning and increases the learning rate and makes learning
permanent. According to researchers, based on the tests conducted, the report card grade
of students who study using visual materials is higher than that of students who study
monotonously and only by listening. Along with technology, students can easily access all
kinds of visual, auditory, and kinesthetic materials.

4 On the other hand, the section that thinks that technology does not support education. They
support that students will get a good education without using any technological tools. This is
a very shallow opinion. Of course, people were learning something without technology, but
with the introduction of technology into our lives, they can learn easier and faster. They do
not have to spend a lot of time to get to the information and are able to complete the study
period in the shortest possible time. therefore, it is clear that technology supports

5 As a result, it is a controversial issue whether technology supports education. Although there

are those who argue that technology does not support education, the idea that people learn
more efficiently and effectively with technology seems to be a better choice. Therefore,
technology should be used in education.

This is generally okay. Be careful with your thesis statement. It
is weak. Plus, it would be better if you could write six
Correct your mistakes and send me your second draft.

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