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(UPDATED) ARTICLE: "Research Methods and Strategies: Achieving Alignment:

How to Develop Research Alignment In A Dissertation Study"

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D. Anthony Miles
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Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Achieving Alignment:
How to Achieve Research Alignment
In A Study
D. Anthony Miles


Research alignment is a relatively new concept with dissertations and research projects. Most
researchers and dissertation chairs are not familiar with it. To achieve research alignment is very
important and must be taught to novice and experienced researchers. The purpose of this article
to discuss and illustrate how to achieve research alignment in studies. This article will provide a
model and template for developing research alignment in a study. As basis for a research study, it
is important the researcher and doctoral student understand the concept of alignment and know
how to achieve it. First, this article discusses the definition of alignment. Second, it provides two
models for developing alignment. Last, the article provides examples of research alignment with
studies to illustrate it.

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment


Many doctoral students have considerable trouble with getting their study in alignment. The
reasons stem from not having the knowledge of aligning the problem statements, purpose
statement, and research questions. Based on my experience working doctoral students, most
of their dissertations or research projects are misaligned.

Alignment is a rather new development with dissertations. It has developed probably within
the last five years or so. So, a considerable number of professors that work with doctoral
students are not familiar with it. So, if they are not familiar with it they cannot possibly
assist doctoral students with it. We hope to address that and enlighten doctoral students (and
chairs if possible).

This article illustrates how to achieve research alignment with the research study and
dissertation. This article is based on a workshop we conducted at a conference in Atlanta,
GA for doctoral students in 2017.

Overview of Article

The article has four parts. First, we discuss the meaning and definition of alignment.
Second, we discuss the basic rules for alignment. Third, we introduce two tools, The
Statement Grid for developing problem statements and purpose statements, and The
Alignment Matrix, a tool used for aligning the problem statement, purpose statement and
research questions. Last, we give some examples of alignment with all three in some table
examples for review.

Research Alignment: Definition and Meaning

Alignment refers to the logical progression of ideas between the structural elements of your
dissertation proposal (Booton, 2014). Chapter 1, one of the most important factors to keep in
mind is that of alignment between your problem statement, purpose statement, and research

The Rules of Alignment

Many times, when I work with doctoral students, surprisingly they are completely unaware
of research alignment. Below are three basic rules for achieving alignment:

• Rule #1: If you have three problems as a basis for the study, you must have three purpose
statements and three research questions.

• Rule #2: You cannot have alignment if the elements are mismatched number of problem
statements, purpose statement and research questions.

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

• Rule #3: You must have the equal number of statements per element to properly achieve

Lack of alignment between the dissertation elements is one of the most common reasons why a
dissertation proposal does not get approval from the committee. You must consider these three
points when you are developing the problem statement, purpose statement and research

First: Writing up the Problem Statement

First, before you achieve alignment, you have to develop the problem statement. The tool that I
use with working with doctoral students is, The Statement Grid. This helps doctoral students
develop the problem statement with supporting statements. I use this to help doctoral students
when they have trouble coming up with their problem statement. This helps them in their thought
process. It describes three possible subproblems as a basis for the research. It helps with the Rule
of 3’s (support your argument and position with three points). See Table 1.

Table 1. Introducing: The Statement Grid – Problem Statement Development

Overall Problem Statement:

Subproblem 1: Subproblem 2: Subproblem 3:

First: Write the overall problem statement template. Second, divide the problem to be
investigated into two or three parts (or sub-problems or issues) that are compelling. Please note,
use the word, issue with writing the subproblem. This is so it does not cause readers to
misinterpret the issues as four separate problem statements (see Table 2).

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Table 2. Example: The Statement Grid – Problem Statement Development

Overall Problem Statement:

The central problem to be researched by the proposed study is the shortage in the nursing field.
This has a lot to do with the current nursing shortage and the need for more nurses in the field.
There is a huge problem with this shortage and the availability of nurses. As a basis for this
study, the researcher identified the problem to be threefold.

Subproblem 1 (issue): Subproblem 2 (issue): Subproblem 3 (issue):

First, the issue is the Second, the issue in the Last, the issue is the current
education of new nurses is the United States (US), is that nursing faculty express low
responsibility accepted by 75% of nursing faculty will job satisfaction (Bittner &
institutions of higher attain retirement age in 2017 O’Connor, 2012) due to
education, but there is a (Brett, Branstetter, & complexities of the nursing
national shortage of nursing Wagner, 2014) alongside the educator role making
faculty (McSherry, Pearce, existing problem in which retention and recruitment of
Grimwood, & McSherry, 6.9% of nursing faculty qualified faulty difficult
2012, Rosseter, 2015) is positions remain unfilled due (Byme, & Martine, 2014).
limiting the enrollment, to a lack of qualified nursing The current problems include
education, and graduation of educators (Rosseter, 2015). a shortage of qualified
new nurses from institutions nursing faculty to educate
of higher learning. new nurses, the complexity of
nursing education, current
faculty complaints of poor
job satisfaction, and a
majority of current nursing
faculty members (Cook,

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Second: Writing up the Purpose Statement

Next, you must complete the purpose statement. First: Write the overall purpose statement
template. Second, divide the purpose to be investigated into two or three parts (or objectives)
that are compelling. Please note, use the word, objectives with writing the purpose. This is so it
does not cause readers to misinterpret them as four separate purpose statements (see Table 3).

Table 3. Example: The Statement Grid – Purpose Statement Development

Overall Purpose Statement:

The overall purpose of this qualitative, descriptive study is to investigate the issues affecting
job satisfaction by nursing faculty members in metropolitan New York. Interviewing and
questioning nursing faculty living in metropolitan New York provides insight into their
personal experiences of job satisfaction while working in the nurse educator role. The
researcher has identified three primary objectives as a basis for this study.

Objective 1: Objective 2: Objective 3:

First, the objective of this Second, the objective of this Lastly, the objective of this
study is to examine the issue study is to investigate the study is to examine the
of job satisfaction with impact of low wages on the complexities of the nursing
nursing faculty. nursing faculty faculty role [Cook, 2017].

Now, you must complete the research questions. First: You might want to use the problem
statement to go over the research questions. Second, divide the research questions to be
investigated into two or three parts that alignment with the objectives and problems (see Table

Table 4. Example: The Statement Grid – for Research Questions

Overall Research Statement:

The central problem to be researched by the proposed study is the shortage in the nursing field.
As a basis for this study, three research questions will guide this research.

Research Question 1: Research Question 2: Research Question 3:

R1: How do nurses describe R2: How do nurses describe R3: How do nurses describe
their experiences with job their experiences with the their experiences with the
satisfaction on the nursing impact of low wages on complexities of the faculty
faculty? nursing faculty? role [Cook, 2017]?

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Introducing the Alignment Matrix: Achieving Alignment in the Dissertation

First, before you achieve research alignment, you must develop the problem statement. The tool
that I use with working with doctoral students is, The Alignment Matrix. The Alignment Matrix
helps doctoral students align the problem statement, purpose statement and research questions.
This is tremendous help with providing structure for the dissertation and study (see Tables 5 and
6). See the following formula:

RESEARCH ALIGNMENT = Problem + Purpose + Research Questions

Table 5. The Alignment Matrix – for Research Alignment

Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions
PB (1) (issue): OBJ (1): RQ (1):

PB (2) (issue): OBJ (2): RQ (2):

PB (3) (issue): OBJ (3): RQ (3):

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Table 6. Example: The Alignment Matrix

Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions

Subproblem (1) (issue): Objective (1): Research Question (1):
The first issue identified as a First, the objective of this R1: How do nurses describe
basis for this study is the study is to examine the issue their experiences with job
question of job satisfaction as of job satisfaction with satisfaction on the nursing
experienced by nursing nursing faculty. faculty?

Subproblem (2) (issue): Objective (2): Research Question (2):

The second issue identified as Second, the objective of this R2: How do nurses describe
the basis for this research study is to investigate the their experiences with the
study is the impact of low impact of low wages on the impact of low wages on
wages on the lived nursing faculty nursing faculty?
experiences of job
satisfaction by current
nursing faculty.

Subproblem (3) (issue): Objective (3): Research Question (3):

Lastly, the third issue Lastly, the objective of this R3: How do nurses describe
affecting nursing faculty with study is to examine the their experiences with the
job satisfaction is the complexities of the nursing complexities of the faculty
complexities of the faculty faculty role. role [Cook, 2017]?

First and foremost, you must observe the key words in the problem statements, purpose
statements and research questions. See key word examples in blue text. This is the key to
achieving alignment between the three statements. Once you coordinate this, you have achieved
research alignment. See the following examples [Tables 7 to 9].

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

[Example 1]

Table 7. The Alignment Matrix

Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions

Subproblem (1) (issue): Objective (1): Research Question (1):
First, there is the issue First, the objective of this RQ1: How do K-12
concerning the effect of study is to investigate the principals and administrators
principals’ job stress level. effect of principals’ job stress describe their experiences of
Stressed workers are more level on their subordinates job stress in an urban Central
likely to be unhealthy, less and staff. Texas school district
productive, unmotivated, and environment?
not safe at work.

Subproblem (2) (issue): Objective (2): Research Question (2):

Second, there is the issue of a The second objective is to RQ2: How do K-12
lack of research on how job investigate how job stress principals and administrators
stress level can affect the affects principals’ ability to describe their experiences of
principals’ ability to use use coping skills. using coping skills with job
coping skills. Many authors stress in an urban Central
have investigated how Texas school district
principals cope with stress. environment?

Subproblem (3) (issue): Objective (3): Research Question (3):

Lastly, this researcher Lastly, the final purpose of RQ3: How do K-12
identified the issue the qualitative study is to principals and administrators
concerning the impact job investigate the impact job describe their experiences of
stress can have on how stress can have on how coping with work-life balance
principals balance their work principals balance their work with job stress in an urban
and home life. and home life. Central Texas school district
environment [Forbes, 2017]?

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

[Example 2]

Table 8. The Alignment Matrix

Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions

Subproblem (1) (issue): Objective (1): Research Question (1):
First, there is a lack of data First, the objective is to R1: What are the cultural
regarding the cultural identify whether there are challenges faced by students
challenges with international cultural challenges that in Christian higher
students' experience at a student face on a Christian education?
Christian university in university campus and what
southern New York (Herd & these challenges entail. This
Banes, 2010; Landry, 2002). study will include 30

Subproblem (2) (issue): Objective (2): Research Question (2):

The second issue is a lack of The second objective of this R2: Does peer mentoring
research on intercultural study is to examine interpret influence intercultural
competence and peer peer-mentoring interactions competence of
mentoring skills of domestic between international and undergraduate, international
students. domestic undergraduate and domestic students in a
students and their influence private Christian university
on intercultural competence. and if so, how?

Subproblem (3) (issue): Objective (3): Research Question (3):

Lastly, the researcher Lastly, the third objective of R3: What are students’
identified a lack of personal the study is to examine the experiences during the
accounts from students about actual lived experiences of American International
their experiences with a peer international students, Mentoring program
mentoring program. through their own words, on [Kwapong, 2017]?
the effectiveness of the
American International
Mentoring program.

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

[Example 3]

Table 9. The Alignment Matrix

Problem Statement Purpose Statement Research Questions

Subproblem (1) (issue): Objective (1): Research Question (1):
The first major problem The first objective of this R1: To what extent does a
identified as a basis for this study is to determine if there relationship exist between
study is the issue regarding is a relationship between customer and market focus
customer and market focus customer and market focus, and organizational
and operational performance and organizational performance?
in air transportation performance in air
organizations. transportation organizations.

Subproblem (2) (issue): Objective (2): Research Question (2):

The second key problem as a The second objective of this R2: To what extent does a
basis for this study is the study is to determine if there relationship exist between
concerns with employee is a relationship between employee empowerment and
empowerment and employee empowerment and organizational performance?
organization performance in organizational performance in
air transportation air transportation
organizations. organizations.

Subproblem (3) (issue): Objective (3): Research Question (3):

The last key problem The last objective of this R3: To what extent does a
identified as a basis for this study is to determine if there relationship exist between
study is the issue relating is a relationship between leaders’ openness to new
leaders’ openness to new leaders’ openness to new business strategies and
business strategies and business strategies and organizational performance
organizational performance in organizational performance in [Morales, 2017]?
air transportation air transportation
organizations. organizations.

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment

Conclusions and Summary

This article discussed the concept of alignment with novice researchers and doctoral
students. This article proposed two conceptual models to illustrate alignment based on the
research methods. First, the Statement Grid was discussed. Second, the Alignment Matrix
was introduced and discussed. The article provided these two tools for helping doctoral
students and researchers with developing the research alignment.

This article contributes to the research method literature by demonstrating the importance of
problem statement developing and the important factors that are vital. This article makes a
key contribution by providing conceptual contribution based on models used to illustrate
alignment. The goal of achieving research alignment is important with research. It is our
expectation that our proposed conceptual models and frameworks will provide researchers with a
template and a foundation for alignment in research projects and dissertations.

Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29
Doctoral Student Workshop: Achieving Research Alignment


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2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29 2017.

Morales, L. (2017). A Baldrige Assessment of an Organization: An Empirical Study of

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Source: Miles, D.A. & Scott, L., (2017) Workshop: Confessions of a Dissertation Chair Part 1: The Six Mistakes Doctoral Students
Make With the Dissertation. Presented at the 5th Annual 2017 Black Doctoral Network Conference in Atlanta, GA on October 26-29

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