Lesson Plan Jigsaw Documents

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Name: Parker Koos Date of lesson:

Content Area: Social Sciences

Course Title & Grade Level: US History, 10th grade

Standards: Nebraska State High School US History Standards

SS HS.4.4.a (US) Compare, contrast, and critique the central arguments in primary and secondary sources of
history from multiple media


Content Objective- Students will be able to annotate the 1872 platforms of the Republican and Liberal
Republican parties.

Student-friendly Objective- I will be able to annotate the 1872 platforms of the Republican and Liberal
Republican parties.


Thumbs up/Thumbs down: Check for understanding before moving on from the direct instruction portion of
the lesson. Informal Formative.

Graphic organizer: Collect annotated party platform sheets at the end of class for assessment. Formal

Proactive Management:

1. Students should be active participants in the class.
2. The teacher should not assign meaningless work.
3. The students should come to class prepared for the lesson.
1. Establish student expectations prior to the beginning of class.
2. Have PowerPoint cued up at beginning of class.
3. Hand out printed out party platforms.

Instructional Strategies:

Repetitive instruction: repeating instructions will increase student retention of important information.
Ask clarifying questions: Asking clarifying questions during either the beginning of the introduction of the
activity when the class refreshes their knowledge of the reading, or before releasing the students when
checking for understanding, helps ensure both teacher and student are on the same page, as well as deepening
student understanding.
Cooperative Learning: The students will work with one another to annotate the Liberal Republican and
Republican Party Platforms in 1872, then converge back together to share their findings and explain the content
of the party platforms.
Reinforcing Effort and Providing Recognition: By reinforcing students who participate in class, students are
more likely to participate. Recognition of good behavior is also shown to be more effective than condemnation
of poor behavior, according to the article from proactive management. This will be especially important during
the opening section of the class, when the class goes over the reading assignment.
Note Taking Strategy:
Students will be annotating either the 1872 Liberal Republican Party Platform or the 1872 Republican Party
How are the Liberal and Republican Platforms in 1872 similar? (Convergent)
How are the Platforms different? (Convergent)
How do the parties feel about railroads? (Convergent)
Why might an emphasis on the Civil War be prominent in both platforms? (Divergent)
Why does the Republican platform open with a summary of the party’s history? (Divergent)
Beginning of the lesson:

Review: Yesterday, we talked about the corruption within the Grant administration and the Republicans who
called for more transparency in government.
Preview: Today, we are looking at the party platforms (beliefs) of the Grant, the Republican candidate, and
Greeley, the Liberal Republican candidate, to see how they are similar and how they are different.
Hook: How do you expect the two platforms to differ?

The Lesson:
-Direct instruction on Liberal Republican Party (two minutes)
-Divide class in half; one half of the class will receive the platform of the Liberal Republican Party. The other
half will receive the platform of the Republican Party.
-Have students work individually to annotate their platforms. (20 minutes)
-Divide class again into small groups; tables of four, with two students who annotated LR platforms and two
students who annotated R platforms.
-Have students compare and take notes on their findings. (10 minutes)
-Class discussion: What did we notice that was the same? What did we notice that was different? (10 minutes)

Closure: collect annotated platforms

Review: Today, we looked at the differences and similarities between the Liberal and Republican platforms in
1872. Tomorrow, we will look at the end of Reconstruction in the South.


Lesson Plan Reflection (required):

1) Highlight Culturally Responsive Teaching (CRT) components within your lesson.

Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned CRT components of your lesson. How did you
leverage student assets, thinking, language and cultural backgrounds to make learning relevant while demonstrating high
expectations for all students?
The two party platforms chosen directly show the shifting viewpoints on equality and continued Reconstruction. That said,
both of these documents were largely drafted by white men. Incorporating more voices is also important. That said, the issues
espoused in these documents could be related to students by comparing them to more modern issues that do affect them. For
example, Reconstruction could be likened to modern social justice initiatives.
2) Italicize Universal Design for Learning (UDL) components within your lesson.
Write a paragraph (3-5 sentences) elaborating on the intentionally planned UDL components (representation, action &
expression, engagement) of your lesson. What strategies did you use to meet the needs of ALL learners?
This lesson incorporates UDL through differentiated instruction. For example, while verbally relaying the instructions, the steps will
also be written on the board at the front of the room. The variety of instruction present (direct, student-led) is also designed to appeal
to a wide variety of learners.

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