Atividades Com Present Perfect Continuos

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1. Read the texts and answer the following questions.

Text 1
Doctor's receptionist: What seems to be the problem?
Jenny: Well, I have been vomiting, and I have diarrhea.
Doctor's receptionist: Oh, I’m very sorry to hear that. How long has this been going on?
Jenny: For three days.
Doctor's receptionist: Have you been experiencing any other problems?
Jenny: I have been feeling really tired for a few days now. I haven't been sleeping well.

Vocabulary: Doctor´s receptionist: Recepcionista do médico

Text 2
Doctor's receptionist: Good morning! Doctor Babb’s office.
Samantha: Good morning. I’m a patient of Doctor Babb’s.
Doctor's receptionist: How can I help you today?
Samantha: I want to make an appointment.
Doctor's receptionist: And what seems to be the problem?
Samantha: I have been feeling tired and a little bit nauseous.
Doctor's receptionist: How long have you been feeling like this?
Samantha: For about a week.
Doctor’s receptionist: Ok. Let me have a look here. Hmm… the doctor has some time
at 3 p.m. Can you make it then?
Samantha: Do you have anything earlier?
Doctor's receptionist: I’m sorry, the doctor is very busy today. So, is 3 p.m. alright?
Samantha: Well, ok. 3 p.m. is fine.
Doctor's receptionist: Great! So that is this afternoon at 3 p.m. See you then.
Samantha: Thank you very much.

Appointment: consulta

1. Identifique nos textos frases que possuem a estrutura do Present Perfect Continuos e estão
descrevendo sintomas:

2. Qual é a semelhança entre os dois textos?

a) Ambos falam sobre um médico que tem poucas vagas para atender os pacientes.
b) Ambos falam sobre pessoas que estão passando mal e ligam para um consultório médico.
c) Ambos falam sobre pessoas que querem agendar uma consulta médica com o doutor Babb.

3. Qual a estrutura gramatical em destaque foi utilizada no trecho “I have been feeling tired and
a little bit nauseous”?

a) A frase está no tempo verbal Simple Past.

b) A frase está no tempo verbal Simple Present.
c) A frase está no tempo verbal Present Continuous.
d) A frase está no tempo verbal Present Perfect Continuous.

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