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Matěj Verner

In the night of 22nd of November it has been reported by Mr. and Ms. Wellingtons that there
had been heard a terrible scream. The scream was that of thirty – year old Ms. Tryna – Rytza.
Her current husband reported that some unidentified man who identified himself as Itche -
Godl was harassing them. When looking into the files, it was found out that the man with this
name has been dead for a year already. The reason for such accusation because the mentioned
Itche – Godl is documented presently as deceased ex – husband of Mrs. Tryna – Rytza. The
man then fled the scene. He was described as pale, rugged, malnourished, dirty and his
manner of walking was described as unstable. Ms. Tryna – Rytza stated she cannot provide
any comment concerning this situation as she fights with great deal of stress as of now.

The next instance of crime that happened that day was at the market. At 11:00 pm the same
man was seen wandering through the market, supposedly looking for something. Mrs Brah
and Mrs. London stated that “he looked sick, and everyone was avoiding him, but after a
while we went off on out business as always”. Despite all that, the suspect did not initiate any
commotion or conflict. At 11:06 was heard a terrible scream and then howl from the clerk of
local cloth shop. It was stated that the sum of 8 000 gulden was taken together with 5 pieces
of clothes. The clerk stated that in the time window of 11:00 am and 11:06 am, she does not
remember events that occurred. The only witness we founf, Mr. Smith stated: “I saw on one
behind the counter, I just saw the clerk go to backroom and then I stopped paying attention”.
The suspects as of present are the man from Ms. Tryna – Rytza´s case and the female clerk.

Next case of illegal activity was spotted in the soup kitchen owned by Mr Mayer. The lost
items were fur coat and sable head. The theft occurred in the time window of 11:30 am and
12:00 am. The owner of the lost items Mr. Bumbálek stated: “I could not expect someone to
be so arrogant as to steal my clothes right from the hanger heavens! I was not looking at it at
all the whole time I was eating”. As of now, no witness came forward to provide information
or testimony as to who committed the crime. The waiter Mr. Běhounek stated this: “I do
remember that in that time window there have walked in a few people coming here. One old
lady and one sickly looking gentleman. That one caught my attention, but besides his, excuse
my language, ghoulish appearance, he paid as he should have and tipped very generously.”
The man whose appearance was described as “sickly” is being described the same way as as
Itche - Godl who the police department is already looking for. His activity can be interpreted
as that he commits crimes very systematically and methodically.

Next instance of crime which shows ties the mysterious man calling himself as Itche - Godl is
actually celebrating his own wedding. The abnormality of this case lies in the fact that the
witnesses stated that he comes from Danzing, which is utterly incorrect. On top of that his
new wife, whose name is known as Mrs. Finkle, had been acting unrecognizably from her
past self. The change supposedly arrived from her health-related stay in one of the Vienna
hospitals. One of the witnesses, Mr Šmatlák stated: “Before her trip she seemed to me like
well-loved kind old woman. She reminded me of an old aunt you go for an advice involving
your first love, but after the “trip to meet the best doctors”, she no longer seemed like this old
kind lady. She seemed like cruel, apathetic, and just not pleasant to be around kind of old

The man who we were looking for all this time disappeared along Mrs Finkle in their
bedroom during their first night together. The report from the mentioned place stated: “Coat
and hat of high quality were found near the door of the apartment. There were no signs of
physical conflict in the apartment. There were found two small piles of ash. The first being in
front of the bed. The second one being located on the bed itself. In the piles were found pieces
of clothes such as undergarments, socks, shirts etc. No other signs of the individuals were
found.” Before there had been filed a case of missing person, the department contacted The
Police Department of Vienna to ask for information on Mrs. Finkle and her stay in Vienna.
The PBV confirmed her passing in one of the most prominent hospitals in Vienna. With that
said, the accusation of impersonation was added to the record against the supposed Mrs.
Finkle who came to the Old City.

The Case of Itche - Godl required all of the Departments attention. There have participated
five detectives active with the cooperation of the whole Department. With all the information
gathered, it was decided that the case does no longer require active participation and relevance
as no other party suffered long lasting effect. Mrs Tryna – Rytza received recommendation for
professional counselling as her mental state as of now appears unstable. The Clerk was
subsequently interrogated and was found innocent, charges against ger were subsequently
dropped. Mr. Bumbálek was informed of the absence of leads and The Department reached
agreement with him. The passing of Mrs. Finkle was delivered to her relatives. With all of
that said, it was decided that the case will be transferred to the closed cases category.

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