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Situation: Every nurse must have a good grasp of its historical development including the important personages an

Which of the following achievements of Florence Nightingale has the greatest impact on the professionalizat

a. Establishment of St. Thomas hospital school of nursing

b. Being the leader of a religious order devoted to nursing
c. Her training in Kaisserwerth hospital
d. Her work during the Crimean War

2. When was the “Spirit of Nursing” thought to have started?

● At the same time when the hospitals and schools of nursing had been established

[a.] As early as civilization8 88 .

[b.] During Florence Nightingale’s time
a.[c.] During the establishment of university colleges and schools of nursing

3. Which of the following is considered the pioneer in modern nursing?

a. England
b. United States
c. Denmark
d. Germany

[4.] In which of the following is considered the pioneer in modern nursing?

[a.] Non-contemporary
[b.] Intuitive
[c.] Apprenticeship
a.[d.] Educative

Which of the following triads of schools of nursing was first to be established in the Philippines?

a. Philippine General Hospital, St. Paul Hospital, Mary Johnston Hospital

b. St. Luke’s Hospital, UST Hospital, Manila Doctor’s Hospital
c. Philippine General Hospital, North General Hospital, Baguio General Hospital
d. Iloilo Mission Hospital, St. Paul Hospital, Mary Johnston Hospital
SITUATION: As a nurse practitioner, it is expected that you integrate the important theories of nursing in the care

In prioritizing nursing care services to patients in the ward, a nurse must remember Maslow’s Hierarchy

a. Love
b. Elimination
c. Oxygen
d. Nutrition

6.[7.] The high level wellness described by HL Dunn is best defined as:
a. Being free of an acute or chronic illness
b. Functioning at one’s best biophysical level
c. Surveying the current life expectancy
d. Fluctuating on a wellness-illness continuum

7.[8.] The four main concepts common to nursing

that appear in each of the current conceptual models are:

1. Person
2. Nursing
3. Environment
4. Medicine
5. Health
6. Psychology

a. 1,2,3 and 5
b. 1,2,3 and 6
c. 1,2,3 and 4
d. 3,4,5 and 6

8.[9.] The nurse’s initial priority in creating a therapeutic environment for a patient should be:
a. Orienting him to hospital procedures and routine
b. Explaining all laboratory and diagnostic procedures to be done
c. Accepting his individuality as a person
d. Providing safe nursing practice

As a nurse, you assume different roles in the care of your patients. You will demonstrate a patient advoca

a. Intervene when patients and their families have conflict

b. Investigate why the family members have not visited the patient
c. Interpret the needs of others
d. Intercede in behalf of the patients

SITUATION: One of the attributes of a professional nurse is that she must have a good understanding and appreci

10.[11.] Florence Nightingale was considered “ Mother of Modern Nursing” because:

a. She established the Red Cross Movement
b. She was the first president of the International council of Nurses
She brought into light what professional nursing should really be by putting up a school of nursing

d. Of her services to the wounded soldiers during the Crimean War

Reviewing the development and growth of nursing in the middle age, which of the following social force

a. Emphasis on preventive medicine

b. Automation and technology
c. Concern of the sick and dying patient
d. Emancipation of women

12.[13.] Historically, the idea of formally preparing a woman to do nursing came from:
a. Clara Barton
b. Lilian Wald
c. Florence Nightingale
d. Mary Adelaide Nutting

In the past, most of the public expectation of nurses and nursing have been which of the following?

a. Assistant to the doctors

b. Care of the sick and dying patient
c. Health and promotion and prevention
d. Rehabilitation of patients

14.[15.] Nursing education in the Philippines became a baccalaureate degree thru the initiative of:
a. Annie Sand
b. Julita Sotejo
c. Rosario Diamante
d. Anastacia-Giron-tupaz

15.[16.] Nursing as it is today is best defined as:

a. Assisting the individual, sickor well, in the performance of those activities
b. Providing care for the dying patient
Direct goal oriented, adaptable to the needs of the individual, family, and community during health and

d. The act of utilizing the environment of the patient to assist him in his recovery.

16.[17.] Florence Nightingale views nursing as:

a. Helping patients deal with health problems
b. Utilizing the patient’s environment for health
c. Caring for both healthy and ill individuals
d. Assisting patients toward early recovery

17.[18.] Like other professions what is unique in professional nursing?

a. It’s involvement in nursing research
b. Its caring role
c. It’s compassionate and caring role
d. A well-defined body of knowledge and expertise

When you assist an individual to do what he cannot normally do in illness you are using whose nursing

a. Roy
b. Orem
c. Abdellah
d. Henderson
19.[20.] The focus of nursing is on:
a. Care of the dying
b. Health promotion
c. Health maintenance and restoration
d. Holistic care

[21.] The
establishment of St. Thomas hospital school of nursing by Florence Nightingale ushered in which of th

a. Contemporary period
b. Intuitive period
c. Apprentice period
d. Educative periodThe

The statement “ the health status of evry patient is constantly changing and the nurse must be cognizan

a. Dynamic
b. Expanding
c. Objective based
d. Holistic
In the self-deficit theory of Dorothea Orem, nursing care becomes necessary in which of the following co

a. Patient needs to adopt with social, biological and psychological stressors

b. Patient is unable to find meaning of life
c. Patient is unable to fulfill his physiological, psychological and social needs
d. There is alteration in the patient’s physical structure and physiological processes of life
22.[24.] Which range of applications does the nursing process have?
a. Distinct
b. Narrow
c. Exact
d. Broad

Which type of assessment is used to collect data about a specific problem that has been identified in an e

a. Time-lapsed assessment
b. Initial assessment
c. Focus assessment
d. Emergency assessment

Which type of assessment is used to collect data about a specific problem that has been identified in an earlier
e. Time-lapsed assessment
f. Initial assessment
g. Focus assessment
h. Emergency assessment
When obtaining a health history from a client the nurse should ask first about which of the following?

[b.] Biographic data

[c.] His chief complaints
[d.] Medical history
[e.] Family history
Which of the following components should receive the highest priority before a physical assessment?

a. Preparation of the environment

b. Preparation of the equipment
c. Psychological preparation of the client
d. Physical preparation of the client

26.[27.] In doing physical assessment, Nurse Lorna observes which of the following sequences?
a. Anterior to posterior
b. Left to right
c. Proximal to distal
d. Head to toe

27.[28.] In assessing adult vital signs, the nurse performs which of the following techniques?
a. Palpation, percussion, auscultation
b. Auscultation, inspection, palpation
c. Inspection, palpation, percussion
d. Percussion, auscultation, inspection

When pain sensation has periods of remission and exacerbation, it is most appropriately termed as :

a. Chronic
b. Psychosomatic
c. Acute
d. Intractable

29.[30.] To assess the quality of the client’s pain, the nurse should ask:
a. “Are you having pain?”
b. “Is the pain sharp?”
c. “What does the pain feel like?”
d. “Is the pain constant?”

30.[31.] The nurse should use which part of the hand when taking radial pulse?
a. Dorsal aspect
b. Finger tips
c. Palmar aspect
d. Finger pads

31.[32.] Which method for assessing temperature is the least accurate?

a. Rectal
b. Tympanic
c. Oral
d. Axiliary

When taking the blood pressure of a client who recently smoked or ingested caffeine, how long should th

a. 1 hour
b. 10 minutes
c. 30 minutes
d. 20 minutes
[34.] How should the nurse position a client when taking a rectal temperature?
[a.] Prone position
[b.] Sim’s position
[c.] Lithotomy position
[d.] Dorsal recumbent position

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