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Presentación: Mi nuevo proyecto (Writing). AA3-EV01

Presentado por:

Laura Sofía Rivadeneira García

CC 1004357196


Abril 2024

My family and I had always dreamed of exploring the charming streets of Denmark, with its
colourful buildings and rich history. One rainy Sunday afternoon, gathered around the kitchen
table with a map spread out before us, we began to make plans.

Thinking about it, if we had enough savings," said my dad, "we could book tickets for a family trip
to Denmark next summer. We could visit Copenhagen, explore the castles, and indulge in some
delicious Danish pastries. My mum nodded eagerly, 'We're going to research family-friendly
accommodation options and make reservations in advance. It'll be a hassle-free trip, and we'll get
to experience the Danish culture firsthand. My siblings and I were excited. Maria (my younger
sister) said: 'If we learn a bit of Danish before we go, we'll be able to communicate better with the
locals. Maybe we could even make some new friends!

Nathan (my younger brother) smiled, 'I'll pack my camera, and we'll capture all the beautiful
moments of our trip. We'll have a family photo album filled with memories to cherish forever. As
my family and I continued to plan our adventure, our anticipation grew. We knew that our trip to
Denmark would be an unforgettable journey filled with laughter, exploration, and the joy of
experiencing a new culture together as a family, and indeed it was..."

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