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CHAPTER 1 1 Paul, called to be an apostle of Jesus C !"st t !ou# t e $"ll of %od, and Sost enes ou! b!ot e!, 2 Unto t e c u!c of %od $ "c "s at Co!"nt , to t ose $ o a!e sanct"f"ed "n C !"st Jesus, called to be sa"nts, $"t all $ o "n e&e!' place call upon t e na(e of Jesus C !"st ou! Lo!d, bot t e"!s and ou!s) 3 %!ace be unto 'ou and peace f!o( %od ou! Fat e! and f!o( t e Lo!d Jesus C !"st* 4 I t an+ (' %od al$a's on 'ou! be alf fo! t e #!ace of %od $ "c "s #"&en 'ou b' Jesus C !"st, 5 t at "n e&e!' t "n# 'e a!e en!"c ed b' H"(, "n all utte!ance and "n all +no$led#e, 6 e&en as t e test"(on' of C !"st $as conf"!(ed "n 'ou, 7 so t at 'e fall be "nd "n no #"ft, $a"t"n# fo! t e co("n# of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st* 8 He s all also conf"!( 'ou unto t e end, t at 'e (a' be bla(eless "n t e -a' of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st* 9 %od "s fa"t ful, b' $ o( 'e $e!e called unto t e fello$s "p of H"s Son Jesus C !"st ou! Lo!d* 10 No$ I beseec 'ou, b!et !en, b' t e na(e of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st, t at 'e all spea+ t e sa(e t "n#, and t at t e!e be no d"&"s"ons a(on# 'ou, but t at 'e be pe!fectl' .o"ned to#et e! "n t e sa(e ("nd and "n t e sa(e .ud#(ent* 11 Fo! "t at been !epo!ted unto (e about 'ou, (' b!et !en, b' t ose $ o a!e of t e ouse of C loe, t at t e!e a!e content"ons a(on# 'ou* 12 No$ t "s I sa', $ en e&e!' one of 'ou sa"t , /I a( of Paul,0 and /I of Apollos,0 and /I of Cep as,0 and /I of C !"st0) 13 Is C !"st d"&"ded1 2as Paul c!uc"f"ed fo! 'ou1 O! $e!e 'e bapt"3ed "n t e na(e of Paul1 14 I t an+ %od t at I bapt"3ed none of 'ou but C!"spus and %a"us, 15 lest an' s ould sa' t at I ad bapt"3ed "n ("ne o$n na(e* 16 And I bapt"3ed also t e ouse old of Step anas* 4es"des, I +no$ not $ et e! I bapt"3ed an' ot e!* 17 Fo! C !"st sent (e not to bapt"3e, but to p!eac t e %ospel, and not $"t t e $"sdo( of $o!ds, lest t e c!oss of C !"st s ould be (ade of no effect* 18 Fo! t e p!eac "n# of t e c!oss "s fool"s ness to t ose $ o pe!"s , but unto us $ o a!e sa&ed, "t "s t e po$e! of %od* 19 Fo! "t "s $!"tten) /I $"ll dest!o' t e $"sdo( of t e $"se, and $"ll b!"n# to not "n# t e unde!stand"n# of t e p!udent*0 20 2 e!e "s t e $"se1 2 e!e "s t e sc!"be1 2 e!e "s t e d"spute! of t "s $o!ld1 Hat not %od (ade fool"s t e $"sdo( of t "s $o!ld1 21 Fo! s"nce, "n t e $"sdo( of %od, t e $o!ld b' $"sdo( +ne$ not %od, "t pleased %od b' t e fool"s ness of p!eac "n# to sa&e t ose $ o bel"e&e* 22 Fo! t e Je$s !e5u"!e a s"#n, and t e %!ee+s see+ afte! $"sdo(, 23 but $e p!eac C !"st c!uc"f"ed, unto t e Je$s a stu(bl"n# bloc+,


and unto t e %!ee+s fool"s ness, 24 but unto t ose $ o a!e called, bot Je$s and %!ee+s, C !"st, t e po$e! of %od and t e $"sdo( of %od* 25 Fo! t e fool"s ness of %od "s $"se! t an (en, and t e $ea+ness of %od "s st!on#e! t an (en* 26 Fo! 'e see "n 'ou! call"n#, b!et !en, o$ not (an' $"se (en acco!d"n# to t e fles , not (an' ("# t', not (an' noble, a!e called* 27 4ut %od at c osen t e fool"s t "n#s of t e $o!ld to confound t e $"se, and %od at c osen t e $ea+ t "n#s of t e $o!ld to confound t e t "n#s $ "c a!e ("# t', 28 and base t "n#s of t e $o!ld and t "n#s $ "c a!e desp"sed at %od c osen, 'ea, and t "n#s $ "c a!e not, to b!"n# to nou# t t "n#s $ "c a!e, 29 t at no fles s ould #lo!' "n H"s p!esence* 30 4ut because of H"( a!e 'e "n C !"st Jesus, $ o f!o( %od "s (ade unto us $"sdo( and !"# teousness, and sanct"f"cat"on and !ede(pt"on, 31 t at acco!d"n# as "t "s $!"tten) /He t at #lo!"et , let "( #lo!' "n t e Lo!d*0 CHAPTER 6 1 And I, b!et !en, $ en I ca(e to 'ou decla!"n# unto 'ou t e test"(on' of %od, ca(e not $"t e7cellenc' of speec o! of $"sdo(* 2 Fo! I dete!("ned not to +no$ an't "n# a(on# 'ou, sa&e Jesus C !"st and H"( c!uc"f"ed* 3 And I $as $"t 'ou "n $ea+ness and "n fea! and "n (uc t!e(bl"n#* 4 And (' speec and (' p!eac "n# $e!e not $"t ent"c"n# $o!ds of (an8s $"sdo(, but "n de(onst!at"on of t e Sp"!"t and of po$e!,

5 t at 'ou! fa"t s ould not stand on t e $"sdo( of (an, but on t e po$e! of %od* 6 Ho$e&e!, $e spea+ $"sdo( a(on# t ose $ o a!e pe!fect, 'et not t e $"sdo( of t "s $o!ld, no! of t e p!"nces of t "s $o!ld, $ o a!e co("n# to nou# t* 7 4ut $e spea+ t e $"sdo( of %od "n a ('ste!', e&en t e "dden $"sdo( $ "c %od o!da"ned befo!e t e $o!ld fo! ou! #lo!' 99 8 $"sdo( $ "c none of t e p!"nces of t "s $o!ld +ne$, fo! ad t e' +no$n "t, t e' $ould not a&e c!uc"f"ed t e Lo!d of %lo!'* 9 4ut as "t "s $!"tten) /E'e at not seen, no! ea! ea!d, ne"t e! a&e ente!ed "nto t e ea!t of (an t e t "n#s $ "c %od at p!epa!ed fo! t e( t at lo&e H"(*0 10 4ut %od at !e&ealed t e( unto us b' H"s Sp"!"t* Fo! t e Sp"!"t sea!c et all t "n#s, 'ea, t e deep t "n#s of %od* 11 Fo! $ at (an +no$et t e t "n#s of a (an, sa&e t e sp"!"t of (an $ "c "s "n "(1 E&en so no (an +no$et t e t "n#s of %od, but t e Sp"!"t of %od* 12 No$ $e a&e !ece"&ed, not t e sp"!"t of t e $o!ld, but t e Sp"!"t $ "c "s of %od, t at $e ("# t +no$ t e t "n#s t at a!e f!eel' #"&en to us b' %od* 13 T ese t "n#s also $e spea+, not "n t e $o!ds $ "c (an8s $"sdo( teac et , but $ "c t e Hol' % ost teac et , co(pa!"n# sp"!"tual t "n#s $"t sp"!"tual* 14 4ut t e natu!al (an !ece"&et not t e t "n#s of t e Sp"!"t of %od, fo! t e' a!e fool"s ness unto "(, ne"t e! can e +no$ t e(, because t e' a!e sp"!"tuall' d"sce!ned* 15 4ut e t at "s sp"!"tual .ud#et


all t "n#s, 'et e "(self "s .ud#ed b' no (an* 16 /Fo! $ o at +no$n t e ("nd of t e Lo!d, t at e (a' "nst!uct H"(10 4ut $e a&e t e ("nd of C !"st* CHAPTER : 1 And I, b!et !en, could not spea+ unto 'ou as unto sp"!"tual, but as unto ca!nal, e&en as unto babes "n C !"st* 2 I a&e fed 'ou $"t ("l+ and not $"t (eat, fo! "t e!to 'e $e!e not able to bea! "t, ne"t e! 'et no$ a!e 'e able, 3 fo! 'e a!e 'et ca!nal* Fo! "f t e!e "s a(on# 'ou en&'"n# and st!"fe and d"&"s"ons, a!e 'e not ca!nal and $al+ as (en1 4 Fo! $ "le one sa"t , /I a( of Paul,0 and anot e!, /I a( of Apollos,0 a!e 'e not ca!nal1 5 2 o t en "s Paul, and $ o "s Apollos, but ("n"ste!s b' $ o( 'e ca(e to bel"e&e, e&en as t e Lo!d #a&e to e&e!' (an1 6 I a&e planted, Apollos $ate!ed, but %od #a&e t e "nc!ease* 7 So t en, ne"t e! "s e t at plantet an't "n#, no! e t at $ate!et , but %od $ o #"&et t e "nc!ease* 8 No$ e t at plantet and e t at $ate!et a!e one, and e&e!' (an s all !ece"&e "s o$n !e$a!d acco!d"n# to "s o$n labo!* 9 Fo! $e a!e labo!e!s to#et e! $"t %od, 'e a!e %od8s usband!', 'e a!e %od8s bu"ld"n#* 10 Acco!d"n# to t e #!ace of %od $ "c "s #"&en unto (e, as a $"se (aste! bu"lde! I a&e la"d t e foundat"on, and anot e! bu"ldet t e!eon* 4ut let e&e!' (an ta+e eed o$ e bu"ldet t e!eupon*

11 Fo! no (an can la' anot e! foundat"on t an t at $ "c "s la"d, $ "c "s Jesus C !"st* 12 No$ "f an' (an bu"ld upon t "s foundat"on $"t #old, s"l&e!, p!ec"ous stones, $ood, a', stubble, 13 e&e!' (an8s $o!+ s all be (ade (an"fest, fo! t e -a' s all decla!e "t, because "t s all be !e&ealed b' f"!e, and t e f"!e s all test e&e!' (an8s $o!+ of $ at so!t "t "s* 14 If an' (an8s $o!+ ab"de $ "c e at bu"lt t e!eon, e s all !ece"&e a !e$a!d* 15 If an' (an8s $o!+ s all be bu!ned, e s all suffe! loss, but e "(self s all be sa&ed, 'et so as f"!e* 16 ;no$ 'e not t at 'e a!e t e te(ple of %od, and t at t e Sp"!"t of %od d$ellet "n 'ou1 17 If an' (an def"le t e te(ple of %od, "( s all %od dest!o'* Fo! t e te(ple of %od "s ol', and 'e a!e t at te(ple* 18 Let no (an dece"&e "(self* If an' (an a(on# 'ou see(et to be $"se "n t "s $o!ld, let "( beco(e a fool, t at e (a' be $"se* 19 Fo! t e $"sdo( of t "s $o!ld "s fool"s ness $"t %od* Fo! "t "s $!"tten) /He ta+et t e $"se "n t e"! o$n c!aft"ness0, 20 and a#a"n, /T e Lo!d +no$et t e t ou# ts of t e $"se, t at t e' a!e &a"n*0 21 T e!efo!e let no (an #lo!' "n (en* Fo! all t "n#s a!e 'ou!s, 22 $ et e! Paul o! Apollos o! Cep as, o! t e $o!ld o! l"fe o! deat , o! t "n#s p!esent o! t "n#s to co(e 99 all a!e 'ou!s, 23 and 'e a!e C !"st8s, and C !"st "s %od8s* CHAPTER <


1 Let a (an so account us as t e ("n"ste!s of C !"st, and ste$a!ds of t e ('ste!"es of %od* 2 =o!eo&e! "t "s !e5u"!ed "n ste$a!ds t at a (an be found fa"t ful* 3 4ut $"t (e "t "s a &e!' s(all t "n# t at I s ould be .ud#ed b' 'ou, o! b' (an8s .ud#(ent* >ea, I .ud#e not ("ne o$n self* 4 Fo! I +no$ not "n# b' ('self, 'et a( I not e!eb' .ust"f"ed, but He t at .ud#et (e "s t e Lo!d* 5 T e!efo!e .ud#e not "n# befo!e t e t"(e, unt"l t e Lo!d co(e, $ o $"ll bot b!"n# to l"# t t e "dden t "n#s of da!+ness, and $"ll (a+e (an"fest t e counsels of t e ea!ts, and t en s all e&e!' (an a&e p!a"se of %od* 6 And t ese t "n#s, b!et !en, I a&e "n a sense t!ansfe!!ed to ('self and to Apollos fo! 'ou! sa+es, t at 'e (a' lea!n t !ou# us not to !e#a!d (en abo&e t at $ "c "s $!"tten, t at no one of 'ou be puffed up fo! one a#a"nst anot e!* 7 Fo! $ o (a+et t ee to d"ffe! f!o( anot e!1 And $ at ast t ou t at t ou d"d not !ece"&e1 No$ "f t ou d"d !ece"&e "t, $ ' dost t ou #lo!' as "f t ou ad not been #"&en "t1 8 No$ 'e a!e full, no$ 'e a!e !"c ? >e a&e !e"#ned as +"n#s $"t out us? And I $ould to %od 'e d"d !e"#n, t at $e also ("# t !e"#n $"t 'ou? 9 Fo! I t "n+ t at %od at set fo!t us, t e apostles, last, as "t $e!e app!o&ed to deat , fo! $e a!e (ade a spectacle unto t e $o!ld, and to an#els, and to (en* 10 2e a!e fools fo! C !"st8s sa+e, but 'e a!e $"se "n C !"st, $e a!e $ea+, but 'e a!e st!on#, 'e a!e ono!able, but $e a!e desp"sed*

11 E&en unto t "s p!esent ou! $e bot un#e! and t "!st, and a!e na+ed and a!e buffeted, and a&e no ce!ta"n d$ell"n# place, 12 and $e labo!, $o!+"n# $"t ou! o$n ands* 4e"n# !e&"led, $e bless, be"n# pe!secuted, $e suffe! "t, 13 be"n# defa(ed, $e ent!eat* 2e a!e (ade as t e f"lt of t e $o!ld, and a!e t e offscou!"n# of all t "n#s unto t "s da'* 14 I $!"te t ese t "n#s not to s a(e 'ou, but to $a!n 'ou as (' belo&ed sons* 15 Fo! t ou# 'e a&e ten t ousand "nst!ucto!s "n C !"st, 'et 'e a&e not (an' fat e!s, fo! "n C !"st Jesus I a&e be#otten 'ou t !ou# t e %ospel* 16 T e!efo!e I beseec 'ou, be 'e follo$e!s of (e* 17 Fo! t "s cause I a&e sent unto 'ou T"(ot ', $ o "s (' belo&ed son and fa"t ful "n t e Lo!d, $ o s all put 'ou "n !e(e(b!ance of (' $a's $ "c a!e "n C !"st, as I teac t e( e&e!'$ e!e "n e&e!' c u!c * 18 No$ so(e a!e puffed up as t ou# I $ould not co(e to 'ou* 19 4ut I $"ll co(e to 'ou s o!tl', "f t e Lo!d $"lls, and $"ll +no$, not t e speec of t ose $ o a!e puffed up, but t e po$e!* 20 Fo! t e ;"n#do( of %od "s not "n $o!d, but "n po$e!* 21 2 at $"ll 'e a&e1 S all I co(e unto 'ou $"t a !od, o! "n lo&e and "n t e sp"!"t of (ee+ness1 CHAPTER @ 1 It "s !epo!ted co((onl' t at t e!e "s fo!n"cat"on a(on# 'ou, of suc a +"nd as "s not so (uc as e&en na(ed a(on# t e %ent"les) t at one s ould a&e "s fat e! 8s $"fe* 2 And 'e a!e puffed up, and a&e


not !at e! (ou!ned, t at e t at at done t "s deed ("# t be ta+en a$a' f!o( a(on# 'ou* 3 Fo! I &e!"l', t ou# absent "n bod' but p!esent "n sp"!"t, a&e .ud#ed al!ead' as t ou# I $e!e p!esent conce!n"n# "( $ o at so done t "s deed) 4 In t e na(e of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st, $ en 'e a!e #at e!ed to#et e!, I be"n# t e!e "n sp"!"t, $"t t e po$e! of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st, 5 del"&e! suc a one unto Satan fo! t e dest!uct"on of t e fles , t at t e sp"!"t (a' be sa&ed "n t e -a' of t e Lo!d Jesus* 6 >ou! #lo!'"n# "s not #ood* ;no$ 'e not t at a l"ttle lea&en lea&enet t e $ ole lu(p1 7 Pu!#e out t e!efo!e t e old lea&en, t at 'e (a' be a ne$ lu(p, as 'e a!e unlea&ened* Fo! e&en C !"st, ou! Passo&e!, "s sac!"f"ced fo! us* 8 T e!efo!e let us +eep t e feast, not $"t old lea&en, ne"t e! $"t t e lea&en of (al"ce and $"c+edness, but $"t t e unlea&ened b!ead of s"nce!"t' and t!ut * 9 I $!ote unto 'ou "n an ep"stle not to +eep co(pan' $"t fo!n"cato!s99 10 'et not (ean"n# alto#et e! $"t t e fo!n"cato!s of t "s $o!ld, o! $"t t e co&etous, o! e7to!t"one!s, o! $"t "dolate!s, fo! to do so 'e $ould need to #o out of t e $o!ld* 11 4ut I no$ a&e $!"tten unto 'ou not to +eep co(pan' $"t an' (an $ o "s called a b!ot e! "f e "s a fo!n"cato!, o! co&etous, o! an "dolate!, o! a !a"le!, o! a d!un+a!d, o! an e7to!t"one!* 2"t suc a one 'ou a!e not e&en to eat* 12 Fo! $ at a&e I to do $"t .ud#"n# t ose also $ o a!e outs"de1 -o not 'e .ud#e t ose $ o a!e

$"t "n1 13 4ut t ose $ o a!e outs"de, %od .ud#et * T e!efo!e put a$a' f!o( a(on# 'ou!sel&es t at $"c+ed pe!son* CHAPTER A 1 -a!e an' of 'ou, a&"n# a co(pla"nt a#a"nst anot e!, #o to la$ befo!e t e un.ust, and not befo!e t e sa"nts1 2 -o 'e not +no$ t at t e sa"nts s all .ud#e t e $o!ld1 And "f t e $o!ld s all be .ud#ed b' 'ou, a!e 'e un$o!t ' to .ud#e t e s(allest (atte!s1 3 ;no$ 'e not t at $e s all .ud#e an#els1 Ho$ (uc (o!e, t "n#s t at pe!ta"n to t "s l"fe1 4 If t en 'e a&e .ud#(ents to (a+e on t "n#s pe!ta"n"n# to t "s l"fe, set t e( to .ud#e $ o a!e least estee(ed "n t e c u!c ? 5 I spea+ to s a(e 'ou? Is "t so, t at t e!e "s not a $"se (an a(on# 'ou, no, not one, $ o s all be able to .ud#e bet$een "s b!et !en1 6 4ut b!ot e! #oet to la$ $"t b!ot e!, and t at befo!e t e unbel"e&e!s? 7 No$ t e!efo!e, t e!e "s utte!l' a fault a(on# 'ou, because 'e #o to la$ one a#a"nst anot e!* 2 ' do 'e not !at e! accept $!on#1 2 ' do 'e not !at e! suffe! 'ou!sel&es to be def!auded1 8 Na', 'e do $!on# and def!aud, and t at 'ou! o$n b!et !en? 9 ;no$ 'e not t at t e un!"# teous s all not "n e!"t t e ;"n#do( of %od1 4e not dece"&ed) Ne"t e! fo!n"cato!s, no! "dolate!s, no! adulte!e!s, no! t e effe("nate, no! abuse!s of t e(sel&es $"t (an+"nd, 10 no! t "e&es, no! t e co&etous, no! d!un+a!ds, no! !e&"le!s, no!


e7to!t"one!s s all "n e!"t t e ;"n#do( of %od* 11 And suc $e!e so(e of 'ou* 4ut 'e a!e $as ed, 'e a!e sanct"f"ed, 'e a!e .ust"f"ed "n t e na(e of t e Lo!d Jesus and b' t e Sp"!"t of ou! %od* 12 /All t "n#s a!e la$ful unto (e,0 but all t "n#s a!e not e7ped"ent* /All t "n#s a!e la$ful fo! (e,0 but I $"ll not be b!ou# t unde! t e po$e! of an'* 13 /=eats fo! t e bell', and t e bell' fo! (eats,0 but %od s all dest!o' bot "t and t e(* No$ t e bod' "s not fo! fo!n"cat"on, but fo! t e Lo!d, and t e Lo!d fo! t e bod'* 14 And %od at bot !a"sed up t e Lo!d and $"ll also !a"se up us b' H"s o$n po$e!* 15 ;no$ 'e not t at 'ou! bod"es a!e t e (e(be!s of C !"st1 S all I t en ta+e t e (e(be!s of C !"st and (a+e t e( t e (e(be!s of a a!lot1 %od fo!b"d? 16 2 at1 ;no$ 'e not t at e $ o "s .o"ned to a a!lot "s one bod' $"t e!1 /Fo! t$o,0 sa"t He, /s all be one fles *0 17 4ut e t at "s .o"ned unto t e Lo!d "s one sp"!"t* 18 Flee fo!n"cat"on* E&e!' ot e! s"n $ "c a (an doet "s outs"de t e bod', but e t at co(("ttet fo!n"cat"on s"nnet a#a"nst "s o$n bod'* 19 2 at1 ;no$ 'e not t at 'ou! bod' "s t e te(ple of t e Hol' % ost $ "c "s "n 'ou and $ "c 'e a&e f!o( %od, and t at 'e a!e not 'ou! o$n1 20 Fo! 'e a!e bou# t $"t a p!"ce* T e!efo!e #lo!"f' %od "n 'ou! bod' and "n 'ou! sp"!"t, $ "c a!e %od8s* 1 No$ CHAPTER B conce!n"n# t e t "n#s

$ e!eof 'e $!ote unto (e) It "s #ood fo! a (an not to touc a $o(an* 2 Ne&e!t eless to a&o"d fo!n"cat"on, let e&e!' (an a&e "s o$n $"fe, and let e&e!' $o(an a&e e! o$n usband* 3 Let t e usband !ende! unto t e $"fe due bene&olence, and l"+e$"se also t e $"fe unto t e usband* 4 T e $"fe at not po$e! o&e! e! o$n bod', but t e usband, and l"+e$"se also t e usband at not po$e! o&e! "s o$n bod', but t e $"fe* 5 -ef!aud 'e not one t e ot e!, unless "t be $"t consent fo! a t"(e onl', t at 'e (a' #"&e 'ou!sel&es to fast"n# and p!a'e!, and co(e to#et e! a#a"n, t at Satan te(pt 'ou not t !ou# 'ou! lac+ of self!est!a"nt* 6 4ut I spea+ t "s b' pe!("ss"on, and not b' co((and(ent* 7 Fo! I $ould t at all (en $e!e e&en as I ('self a(* 4ut e&e!' (an at "s p!ope! #"ft of %od, one "n t "s (anne! and anot e! "n t at* 8 I sa' t e!efo!e to t e un(a!!"ed and $"do$s) It "s #ood fo! t e( "f t e' !e(a"n e&en as I* 9 4ut "f t e' cannot conta"n t e(sel&es, let t e( (a!!', fo! "t "s bette! to (a!!' t an to bu!n* 10 And unto t e (a!!"ed I co((and C'et not I, but t e Lo!dD) let not t e $"fe depa!t f!o( e! usband* 11 4ut "f s e depa!t, let e! !e(a"n un(a!!"ed, o! be !econc"led to e! usband* And let not t e usband put a$a' "s $"fe* 12 4ut to t e !est I spea+ Cnot t e Lo!dD) "f an' b!ot e! at a $"fe $ o bel"e&et not, and s e be pleased to d$ell $"t "(, let "( not put e! a$a'*


13 And t e $o(an $ o at a usband $ o bel"e&et not, and "f e be pleased to d$ell $"t e!, let e! not lea&e "(* 14 Fo! t e unbel"e&"n# usband "s sanct"f"ed b' t e $"fe, and t e unbel"e&"n# $"fe "s sanct"f"ed b' t e usband* Else 'ou!Ec "ld!en $ould be unclean, but no$ t e' a!e ol'* 15 4ut "f t e unbel"e&"n# spouse depa!t, let "( depa!t* A b!ot e! o! a s"ste! "s not unde! bonda#e "n suc cases, fo! %od at called us to peace* 16 Fo! o$ +no$est t ou, O $"fe, $ et e! t ou s alt sa&e t ' usband1 O! o$ +no$est t ou, O (an, $ et e! t ou s alt sa&e t ' $"fe1 17 4ut as %od at d"st!"buted to e&e!' (an, as t e Lo!d at called e&e!' one, so let "( $al+* And so I o!da"n "n all c u!c es* 18 Is an' (an called, be"n# c"!cu(c"sed1 Let "( not beco(e unc"!cu(c"sed* Is an' called, be"n# unc"!cu(c"sed1 Let "( not be c"!cu(c"sed* 19 C"!cu(c"s"on "s not "n#, and unc"!cu(c"s"on "s not "n#, but $ at (atte!s "s t e +eep"n# of t e co((and(ents of %od* 20 Let e&e!' (an ab"de "n t e sa(e call"n# as $ en e $as called* 21 A!t t ou a se!&ant $ en called1 4e not conce!ned, but "f t ou (a'est be (ade f!ee, t en (a+e use of "t* 22 Fo! e t at "s called "n t e Lo!d, be"n# a se!&ant, "s t e Lo!d8s f!ee(an, l"+e$"se also e t at "s called, be"n# f!ee, "s C !"st8s se!&ant* 23 >e a!e bou# t $"t a p!"ce, be 'e not t e se!&ants of (en* 24 4!et !en, let e&e!' (an, $ e!e"n e "s called, t e!e"n ab"de $"t %od*

25 No$ conce!n"n# &"!#"ns) I a&e no co((and(ent f!o( t e Lo!d, 'et I #"&e (' .ud#(ent as one $ o at obta"ned (e!c' f!o( t e Lo!d to be fa"t ful* 26 I suppose t e!efo!e t at "n t "s p!esent d"st!ess, I sa', "t "s #ood fo! a (an so to be* 27 A!t t ou bound unto a $"fe1 See+ not to be loosed* A!t t ou loosed f!o( a $"fe1 See+ not a $"fe* 28 4ut "f t ou (a!!', t ou ast not s"nned, and "f a &"!#"n (a!!', s e at not s"nned* Ne&e!t eless, suc s all a&e t!ouble "n t e fles , but I $ould spa!e 'ou* 29 4ut t "s I sa', b!et !en) t e t"(e "s s o!t* It !e(a"net t at t ose $ o a&e $"&es s ould be as t ou# t e' ad none, 30 and t ose $ o $eep, as t ou# t e' $ept not, and t ose $ o !e.o"ce, as t ou# t e' !e.o"ced not, and t ose $ o bu', as t ou# t e' possessed not, 31 and t ose $ o use t "s $o!ld, as not abus"n# "t* Fo! t e fas "on of t "s $o!ld passet a$a'* 32 4ut I $ould a&e 'ou be $"t out ca!es* He t at "s un(a!!"ed ca!et fo! t e t "n#s $ "c belon# to t e Lo!d, o$ e (a' please t e Lo!d, 33 but e t at "s (a!!"ed ca!et fo! t e t "n#s t at a!e of t e $o!ld, o$ e (a' please "s $"fe* 34 T e!e "s a d"ffe!ence also bet$een a $"fe and a &"!#"n* T e un(a!!"ed $o(an ca!et fo! t e t "n#s of t e Lo!d, t at s e (a' be ol' bot "n bod' and "n sp"!"t, but s e t at "s (a!!"ed ca!et fo! t e t "n#s of t e $o!ld, o$ s e (a' please e! usband* 35 And t "s I spea+ fo! 'ou! o$n p!of"t, not t at I (a' cast a sna!e


upon 'ou, but fo! t at $ "c "s co(el', and so t at 'e (a' attend upon t e Lo!d $"t out d"st!act"on* 36 4ut "f an' (an t "n+ t at e be a&et "(self unco(el' to$a!d "s &"!#"n, "f s e pass t e flo$e! of e! a#e and need so !e5u"!e, let "( do $ at e $"ll99 e s"nnet not) let t e( (a!!'* 37 Ne&e!t eless, e t at standet steadfast "n "s ea!t, a&"n# no necess"t', but at po$e! o&e! "s o$n $"ll, and at so dec!eed "n "s ea!t t at e $"ll +eep "s &"!#"n, doet $ell* 38 So t en e t at #"&et e! "n (a!!"a#e doet $ell, but e t at #"&et e! not "n (a!!"a#e doet bette!* 39 T e $"fe "s bound b' t e la$ as lon# as e! usband l"&et * 4ut "f e! usband be dead, s e "s at l"be!t' to be (a!!"ed to $ o( s e $"ll, but onl' "n t e Lo!d* 40 4ut s e "s app"e! "f s e so !e(a"n, "n (' .ud#(ent, and I t "n+ also t at I a&e t e Sp"!"t of %od* CHAPTER F 1 No$ conce!n"n# t "n#s offe!ed unto "dols) 2e +no$ t at $e all a&e +no$led#e* ;no$led#e puffet up, but c a!"t' ed"f"et * 2 And "f an' (an t "n+ t at e +no$et an't "n#, e +no$et not "n# 'et as e ou# t to +no$* 3 4ut "f an' (an lo&e %od, t e sa(e "s +no$n b' H"(* 4 Conce!n"n# t e!efo!e t e eat"n# of t ose t "n#s t at a!e offe!ed "n sac!"f"ce unto "dols, $e +no$ t at an "dol "s not "n# "n t e $o!ld, and t at t e!e "s no ot e! %od but One* 5 Fo! t ou# t e!e be $ at a!e called /#ods,0 $ et e! "n ea&en o! on ea!t Cas t e!e a!e (an' /#ods0

and (an' /lo!ds0D, 6 'et to us t e!e "s but one %od, t e Fat e!, f!o( $ o( a!e all t "n#s, and $e "n H"(, and one Lo!d Jesus C !"st b' $ o( a!e all t "n#s, and $e b' H"(* 7 Ho$e&e!, t e!e "s not "n e&e!' (an t at +no$led#e, fo! so(e, $"t consc"ence of t e "dol unt"l t "s ou!, eat "t as a t "n# offe!ed unto an "dol, and t e"! consc"ence, be"n# $ea+, "s def"led* 8 4ut (eat co((endet us not to %od, fo! ne"t e! a!e $e t e bette! "f $e eat, no! a!e $e t e $o!se "f $e eat not* 9 4ut ta+e eed lest b' an' (eans t "s l"be!t' of 'ou!s beco(e a stu(bl"n# bloc+ to t ose $ o a!e $ea+* 10 Fo! "f an' (an see t ee, $ o ast +no$led#e, s"tt"n# at (eat "n t e "dol8s te(ple, s all not t e consc"ence of "( $ o "s $ea+ be e(boldened to eat t ose t "n#s $ "c a!e offe!ed to "dols, 11 and t !ou# t ' +no$led#e s all t e $ea+ b!ot e! pe!"s , fo! $ o( C !"st d"ed1 12 Fo! $ en 'e s"n so a#a"nst t e b!et !en and $ound t e"! $ea+ consc"ence, 'e s"n a#a"nst C !"st* 13 T e!efo!e, "f (eat (a+e (' b!ot e! to offend, I $"ll eat no fles $ "le t e $o!ld standet , lest I (a+e (' b!ot e! to offend* CHAPTER G 1 A( I not an apostle1 A( I not f!ee1 Ha&e I not seen Jesus C !"st ou! Lo!d1 A!e not 'ou (' $o!+ "n t e Lo!d1 2 If I a( not an apostle unto ot e!s, 'et doubtless I a( to 'ou* Fo! 'e a!e t e seal of ("ne apostles "p "n t e Lo!d*


3 ="ne ans$e! to t ose $ o e7a("ne (e "s t "s) 4 Ha&e $e not po$e! to eat and to d!"n+1 5 Ha&e $e not po$e! to lead about a s"ste!, a $"fe, as do ot e! apostles and as t e b!et !en of t e Lo!d, and Cep as1 6 O! "s "t I onl' and 4a!nabas $ o a&e not po$e! to fo!bea! $o!+"n#1 7 2 o #oet to $a! at an' t"(e at "s o$n e7pense1 2 o plantet a &"ne'a!d and eatet not of t e f!u"t t e!eof1 O! $ o feedet a floc+ and eatet not of t e ("l+ of t e floc+1 8 Sa' I t ese t "n#s as a (an, o! sa"t not t e la$ t e sa(e also1 9 Fo! "t "s $!"tten "n t e La$ of =oses) /T ou s alt not (u33le t e (out of t e o7 t at t!eadet out t e co!n*0 -ot %od ta+e ca!e fo! o7en, 10 o! dot He sa' "t alto#et e! fo! ou! sa+es1 Fo! ou! sa+es, no doubt, t "s "s $!"tten) t at e t at plo$et s ould plo$ "n ope, and t at e t at t !es et "n ope s ould be pa!ta+e! of "s ope* 11 If $e a&e so$n unto 'ou sp"!"tual t "n#s, "s "t so #!eat a t "n# "f $e s ould !eap 'ou! $o!ldl' t "n#s1 12 If ot e!s a!e pa!ta+e!s of t "s po$e! o&e! 'ou, a!e $e not e&en (o!e1 Ne&e!t eless $e a&e not used t "s po$e!, but suffe! all t "n#s, lest $e s ould "nde! t e %ospel of C !"st* 13 -o 'e not +no$ t at t ose $ o ("n"ste! conce!n"n# ol' t "n#s l"&e of t e t "n#s of t e te(ple, and t ose $ o $a"t upon t e alta! a!e pa!ta+e!s $"t t e alta!1 14 E&en so at t e Lo!d o!da"ned t at t ose $ o p!eac t e %ospel s ould l"&e f!o( t e %ospel* 15 4ut I a&e used none of t ese

t "n#s, ne"t e! a&e I $!"tten, t at t ese t "n#s s ould be so done unto (e* Fo! "t $ould be bette! fo! (e to d"e t an t at an' (an s ould (a+e (' #lo!'"n# &o"d* 16 Fo! t ou# I p!eac t e %ospel, I a&e not "n# to #lo!' about, fo! necess"t' "s la"d upon (e* >ea, $oe "s unto (e "f I p!eac not t e %ospel? 17 Fo! "f I do t "s t "n# $"ll"n#l', I a&e a !e$a!d, but "f a#a"nst (' $"ll, a d"spens"n# of t e %ospel "s co(("tted unto (e* 18 2 at "s (' !e$a!d t en1 He!"l' t at, $ en I p!eac t e %ospel, I (a' (a+e t e %ospel of C !"st $"t out c a!#e, t at I abuse not (' po$e! "n t e %ospel* 19 Fo! t ou# I a( f!ee f!o( all (en, 'et a&e I (ade ('self se!&ant unto all, t at I ("# t #a"n t e (o!e* 20 And unto t e Je$s I beca(e as a Je$, t at I ("# t #a"n t e Je$s, to t ose $ o a!e unde! t e la$, as unde! t e la$, t at I ("# t #a"n t ose $ o a!e unde! t e la$, 21 to t ose $ o a!e outs"de t e la$, as outs"de t e la$ Ct ou# not outs"de t e la$ of %od, but unde! t e la$ of C !"stD, t at I ("# t #a"n t ose $ o a!e outs"de t e la$* 22 To t e $ea+ I beca(e as $ea+, t at I ("# t #a"n t e $ea+* I a( (ade all t "n#s to all (en, t at I ("# t b' all (eans sa&e so(e* 23 And t "s I do fo! t e %ospel8s sa+e, t at I ("# t be pa!ta+e! t e!eof $"t 'ou* 24 ;no$ 'e not t at t ose $ o !un "n a !ace all !un, but one !ece"&et t e p!"3e1 So !un, t at 'e (a' obta"n "t* 25 And e&e!' (an t at st!"&et fo! (aste!' "s te(pe!ate "n all t "n#s* No$ t e' do "t to obta"n a


co!!upt"ble c!o$n, but $e an "nco!!upt"ble* 26 I t e!efo!e so !un, but not $"t unce!ta"nt', I so f"# t, but not as one t at beatet t e a"!* 27 4ut I +eep cont!ol of (' bod', and b!"n# "t "nto sub.ect"on, lest t at b' an' (eans, $ en I a&e p!eac ed to ot e!s, I ('self s ould be a casta$a'* CHAPTER 1I 1 =o!eo&e!, b!et !en, I $ould not a&e 'e "#no!ant of o$ all of ou! fat e!s $e!e unde! t e cloud, and all passed t !ou# t e sea, 2 and all $e!e bapt"3ed unto =oses "n t e cloud and "n t e sea* 3 And all ate t e sa(e sp"!"tual (eat, 4 and all d!an+ t e sa(e sp"!"tual d!"n+, fo! t e' d!an+ of t at sp"!"tual Roc+ t at follo$ed t e(, and t at Roc+ $as C !"st* 5 4ut $"t (an' of t e( %od $as not $ell pleased, fo! t e' $e!e o&e!t !o$n "n t e $"lde!ness* 6 No$ t ese t "n#s $e!e ou! e7a(ples, to t e "ntent t at $e s ould not lust afte! e&"l t "n#s, as t e' also lusted* 7 Ne"t e! be 'e "dolate!s, as $e!e so(e of t e(, as "t "s $!"tten) /T e people sat do$n to eat and d!"n+, and !ose up to pla'*0 8 Ne"t e! let us co(("t fo!n"cat"on, as so(e of t e( co(("tted 99 and t !ee and t$ent' t ousand fell "n one da'* 9 Ne"t e! let us te(pt C !"st, as so(e of t e( also te(pted 99 and $e!e dest!o'ed b' se!pents* 10 Ne"t e! s ould 'e (u!(u!, as so(e of t e( also (u!(u!ed 99 and $e!e dest!o'ed b' t e dest!o'e!* 11 No$ all t ese t "n#s appened

unto t e( b' $a' of e7a(ple, and a!e $!"tten fo! ou! ad(on"t"on, upon $ o( t e ends of t e $o!ld a!e co(e* 12 T e!efo!e let "( t at t "n+et e standet , ta+e eed lest e fall* 13 T e!e at no te(ptat"on ta+en old of 'ou but suc as "s co((on to (an* 4ut %od "s fa"t ful, He $"ll not suffe! 'ou to be te(pted be'ond t at $ "c 'e a!e able to bea!, but $"t t e te(ptat"on $"ll also (a+e a $a' to escape, t at 'e (a' be able to bea! "t* 14 T e!efo!e, (' dea!l' belo&ed, flee f!o( "dolat!'* 15 I spea+ as to $"se (en, .ud#e 'e $ at I sa'* 16 T e cup of bless"n# $ "c $e bless) "s "t not t e co((un"on of t e blood of C !"st1 T e b!ead $ "c $e b!ea+) "s "t not t e co((un"on of t e bod' of C !"st1 17 Fo! $e, be"n# (an', a!e one b!ead and one bod', fo! $e a!e all pa!ta+e!s of t at one 4!ead* 18 4e old Is!ael acco!d"n# to t e fles ) a!e not t ose $ o eat of t e sac!"f"ces pa!ta+e!s of t e alta!1 19 2 at sa' I t en1 T at t e "dol "s an't "n#, o! t at $ "c "s offe!ed "n sac!"f"ce to "dols "s an't "n#1 20 4ut I sa' t at t e t "n#s $ "c t e %ent"les sac!"f"ce, t e' sac!"f"ce to de&"ls and not to %od, and I $ould not t at 'e s ould a&e fello$s "p $"t de&"ls* 21 >e cannot d!"n+ t e cup of t e Lo!d and t e cup of de&"ls, 'e cannot be pa!ta+e!s of t e Lo!d8s table and of t e table of de&"ls* 22 -o $e p!o&o+e t e Lo!d to .ealous'1 A!e $e st!on#e! t an He1 23 All t "n#s a!e la$ful fo! (e, but all t "n#s a!e not e7ped"ent* All t "n#s a!e la$ful fo! (e, but all



t "n#s do not ed"f'* 24 Let no (an see+ "s o$n, but e&e!' (an anot e! 8s $ellbe"n#* 25 2 atsoe&e! "s sold "n t e (eat (a!+et, t at eat, as+"n# no 5uest"on fo! consc"ence8 sa+e, 26 fo!, /T e ea!t "s t e Lo!d8s, and t e fullness t e!eof*0 27 If an' of t ose $ o do not bel"e&e b"d 'ou to a feast, and 'e a!e d"sposed to #o, $ atsoe&e! "s set befo!e 'ou eat, as+"n# no 5uest"on fo! consc"ence8 sa+e* 28 4ut "f an' (an sa' unto 'ou, /T "s "s offe!ed "n sac!"f"ce unto "dols,0 t en eat "t not fo! "s sa+e $ o s o$ed "t, and fo! consc"ence8 sa+e, fo!, /T e ea!t "s t e Lo!d8s, and t e fullness t e!eof*0 29 I do not (ean t "ne o$n consc"ence, but t e ot e! 8s* Fo! $ ' "s (' l"be!t' .ud#ed b' anot e! (an8s consc"ence1 30 Fo! "f I b' #!ace be a pa!ta+e!, $ ' "s e&"l spo+en of (e fo! t at fo! $ "c I #"&e t an+s1 31 2 et e! t e!efo!e 'e eat o! d!"n+, o! $ atsoe&e! 'e do, do all to t e #lo!' of %od* 32 %"&e no offense, ne"t e! to t e Je$s, no! to t e %ent"les, no! to t e c u!c of %od, 33 e&en as I please all (en "n all t "n#s, not see+"n# ("ne o$n p!of"t, but t e p!of"t of (an', t at t e' (a' be sa&ed* CHAPTER 11 1 4e 'e follo$e!s of (e, e&en as I also a( of C !"st* 2 No$ I p!a"se 'ou, b!et !en, t at 'e !e(e(be! (e "n all t "n#s and +eep t e o!d"nances as I a&e del"&e!ed t e( to 'ou* 3 4ut I $ould a&e 'ou +no$ t at t e ead of e&e!' (an "s C !"st, and

t e ead of t e $o(an "s t e (an, and t e ead of C !"st "s %od* 4 E&e!' (an $ o p!a'et o! p!op es"et , a&"n# "s ead co&e!ed, d"s ono!et "s ead* 5 4ut e&e!' $o(an $ o p!a'et o! p!op es"et $"t e! ead unco&e!ed d"s ono!et e! ead, fo! t at "s one and t e sa(e as "f s e $e!e s a&en* 6 Fo! "f t e $o(an be not co&e!ed, let e! also be s o!n* 4ut "f "t be a s a(e fo! a $o(an to be s o!n o! s a&en, let e! be co&e!ed* 7 Fo! a (an "ndeed ou# t not to co&e! "s ead, "nas(uc as e "s t e "(a#e and #lo!' of %od, but t e $o(an "s t e #lo!' of t e (an* 8 Fo! t e (an "s not of t e $o(an, but t e $o(an of t e (an* 9 Ne"t e! $as t e (an c!eated fo! t e $o(an, but t e $o(an fo! t e (an* 10 Fo! t "s cause ou# t t e $o(an to a&e po$e! on e! ead, because of t e an#els* 11 Ne&e!t eless, ne"t e! "s t e (an $"t out t e $o(an, no! t e $o(an $"t out t e (an, "n t e Lo!d* 12 Fo! as t e $o(an "s of t e (an, e&en so "s t e (an also b' t e $o(an, but all t "n#s a!e of %od* 13 Jud#e fo! 'ou!sel&es) Is "t co(el' t at a $o(an s ould p!a' unto %od unco&e!ed1 14 -ot not e&en natu!e "tself teac 'ou t at "f a (an a&e lon# a"!, "t "s a s a(e unto "(1 15 4ut "f a $o(an a&e lon# a"!, "t "s a #lo!' to e!, fo! e! a"! "s #"&en e! fo! a co&e!"n#* 16 4ut "f an' (an see( to be content"ous, $e a&e no suc custo(, ne"t e! t e c u!c es of %od* 17 No$ "n t "s I decla!e unto 'ou t at I p!a"se 'ou not) t at 'e co(e to#et e! not fo! t e bette!, but fo!



t e $o!se* 18 Fo! f"!st of all, $ en 'e co(e to#et e! "n t e c u!c , I ea! t at t e!e a!e d"&"s"ons a(on# 'ou, and I pa!tl' bel"e&e "t* 19 Fo! t e!e (ust be also e!es"es a(on# 'ou, t at t ose $ o a!e app!o&ed (a' be (ade (an"fest a(on# 'ou* 20 2 en 'e t e!efo!e co(e to#et e! "nto one place, t "s "s not to eat t e Lo!d8s Suppe!* 21 Fo! "n eat"n#, e&e!' one ta+et "s o$n suppe! a ead of anot e!, and one "s un#!' and anot e! "s d!un+en* 22 2 at1 Ha&e 'e not ouses to eat and to d!"n+ "n1 O! desp"se 'e t e c u!c of %od, and s a(e t ose $ o a&e not1 2 at s all I sa' to 'ou1 S all I p!a"se 'ou "n t "s1 I p!a"se 'ou not? 23 Fo! I a&e !ece"&ed f!o( t e Lo!d t at $ "c also I del"&e!ed unto 'ou) t at t e Lo!d Jesus, t e sa(e n"# t "n $ "c He $as bet!a'ed, too+ b!ead, 24 and $ en He ad #"&en t an+s, He b!o+e "t and sa"d, /Ta+e, eat, t "s "s =' bod' $ "c "s b!o+en fo! 'ou) t "s do "n !e(e(b!ance of =e*0 25 In t e sa(e (anne! also He too+ t e cup $ en He ad supped, sa'"n#, /T "s cup "s t e ne$ testa(ent "n =' blood) t "s do 'e, as oft as 'e d!"n+ "t, "n !e(e(b!ance of =e*0 26 Fo! as often as 'e eat t "s b!ead and d!"n+ t "s cup, 'e do s o$ t e Lo!d8s deat unt"l He co(e* 27 T e!efo!e $ osoe&e! s all eat t "s b!ead and d!"n+ t "s cup of t e Lo!d un$o!t "l', s all be #u"lt' of t e bod' and blood of t e Lo!d* 28 4ut let a (an e7a("ne "(self, and t en let "( eat of t at b!ead

and d!"n+ of t at cup* 29 Fo! e t at eatet and d!"n+et un$o!t "l', eatet and d!"n+et da(nat"on to "(self, not d"sce!n"n# t e Lo!d8s bod'* 30 Fo! t "s cause (an' a!e $ea+ and s"c+l' a(on# 'ou, and (an' sleep* 31 Fo! "f $e $ould .ud#e ou!sel&es, $e s ould not be .ud#ed* 32 4ut $ en $e a!e .ud#ed, $e a!e c astened b' t e Lo!d, t at $e s ould not be conde(ned $"t t e $o!ld* 33 T e!efo!e, (' b!et !en, $ en 'e co(e to#et e! to eat, ta!!' one fo! anot e!* 34 And "f an' (an un#e!, let "( eat at o(e, t at 'e co(e not to#et e! unto conde(nat"on* And t e !est $"ll I set "n o!de! $ en I co(e* CHAPTER 16 1 No$ conce!n"n# sp"!"tual #"fts, b!et !en, I $ould not a&e 'ou "#no!ant* 2 >e +no$ t at 'e $e!e %ent"les, ca!!"ed a$a' unto t ese du(b "dols, e&en as 'e $e!e led* 3 T e!efo!e I #"&e 'ou to unde!stand, t at no (an spea+"n# b' t e Sp"!"t of %od callet Jesus accu!sed, and t at no (an can sa' t at Jesus "s t e Lo!d, e7cept b' t e Hol' % ost* 4 No$ t e!e a!e d"&e!s"t"es of #"fts, but t e sa(e Sp"!"t* 5 And t e!e a!e d"ffe!ences of ad("n"st!at"ons, but t e sa(e Lo!d* 6 And t e!e a!e d"&e!s"t"es of ope!at"ons, but "t "s t e sa(e %od $ o $o!+et all "n all* 7 4ut t e (an"festat"on of t e Sp"!"t "s #"&en to e&e!' (an to p!of"t t e!eb')



8 Fo! to one "s #"&en b' t e Sp"!"t t e $o!d of $"sdo(, to anot e! t e $o!d of +no$led#e b' t e sa(e Sp"!"t, 9 to anot e! fa"t b' t e sa(e Sp"!"t, to anot e! t e #"fts of eal"n# b' t e sa(e Sp"!"t, 10 to anot e! t e $o!+"n# of ("!acles, to anot e! p!op ec', to anot e! d"sce!n"n# of sp"!"ts, to anot e! d"&e!s +"nds of ton#ues, to anot e! t e "nte!p!etat"on of ton#ues* 11 4ut all of t ese t at one and t e selfsa(e Sp"!"t $o!+et , appo!t"on"n# to e&e!' (an "nd"&"duall' as He $"ll* 12 Fo! as t e bod' "s one, and at (an' (e(be!s, and all t e (e(be!s of t at one bod', be"n# (an', a!e one bod', so also "s C !"st* 13 Fo! b' one Sp"!"t a!e $e all bapt"3ed "nto one bod', $ et e! $e a!e Je$s o! %ent"les, $ et e! $e a!e bond o! f!ee, and a&e been all (ade to d!"n+ "nto one Sp"!"t* 14 Fo! t e bod' "s not one (e(be!, but (an'* 15 If t e foot s all sa', /4ecause I a( not t e and, I a( not of t e bod',0 "s "t t e!efo!e not of t e bod'1 16 And "f t e ea! s all sa', /4ecause I a( not t e e'e, I a( not of t e bod',0 "s "t t e!efo!e not of t e bod'1 17 If t e $ ole bod' $e!e an e'e, $ e!e $ould be t e ea!"n#1 If t e $ ole $e!e ea!"n#, $ e!e $ould be t e s(ell"n#1 18 4ut no$ at %od set t e (e(be!s, e&e!' one of t e(, "n t e bod' as "t at pleased H"(* 19 And "f t e' $e!e all one (e(be!, $ e!e $ould be t e bod'1 20 4ut no$ t e!e a!e (an'

(e(be!s, 'et but one bod'* 21 And t e e'e cannot sa' unto t e and, /I a&e no need of t ee0, no! a#a"n t e ead to t e feet, /I a&e no need of 'ou*0 22 Na', (uc (o!e t ose (e(be!s of t e bod' $ "c see( to be (o!e feeble a!e necessa!'* 23 And t ose (e(be!s of t e bod' $ "c $e t "n+ to be less ono!able, upon t ese $e besto$ (o!e abundant ono!, and ou! unco(el' pa!ts a&e (o!e abundant co(el"ness* 24 Fo! ou! co(el' pa!ts a&e no need, but %od at te(pe!ed t e bod' to#et e!, a&"n# #"&en (o!e abundant ono! to t at pa!t $ "c lac+ed, 25 t at t e!e s ould be no sc "s( "n t e bod', but t at t e (e(be!s s ould a&e t e sa(e ca!e one fo! anot e!* 26 And $ ene&e! one (e(be! suffe!, all t e (e(be!s suffe! $"t "t, o! $ en one (e(be! "s ono!ed, all t e (e(be!s !e.o"ce $"t "t* 27 No$ 'e a!e t e bod' of C !"st, and (e(be!s "n pa!t"cula!* 28 And %od at set so(e "n t e c u!c ) f"!st apostles, seconda!"l' p!op ets, t "!dl' teac e!s, afte! t at ("!acle $o!+e!s, t en t ose $"t #"fts of eal"n#, elpe!s, ad("n"st!ato!s, and t ose $"t d"&e!s"t' of ton#ues* 29 A!e all apostles1 A!e all p!op ets1 A!e all teac e!s1 A!eEall $o!+e!s of ("!acles1 30 Ha&e all t e #"fts of eal"n#1 -o all spea+ $"t ton#ues1 -o all "nte!p!et1 31 4ut co&et ea!nestl' t e best #"fts, and 'et s o$ I unto 'ou a (o!e e7cellent $a'*



CHAPTER 1: 1 T ou# I spea+ $"t t e ton#ues of (en and of an#els, but a&e not c a!"t', I a( beco(e as sound"n# b!ass o! a t"n+l"n# c'(bal* 2 And t ou# I a&e t e #"ft of p!op ec', and unde!stand all ('ste!"es and all +no$led#e, and t ou# I a&e all fa"t so t at I could !e(o&e (ounta"ns, but a&e not c a!"t', I a( not "n#* 3 And t ou# I besto$ all (' #oods to feed t e poo!, and t ou# I #"&e (' bod' to be bu!ned, but a&e not c a!"t', "t p!of"tet (e not "n#* 4 C a!"t' suffe!et lon#, and "s +"nd, c a!"t' en&"et not, c a!"t' &auntet not "tself, "s not puffed up, 5 dot not be a&e "tself unsee(l', see+et not e! o$n, "s not eas"l' p!o&o+ed, t "n+et no e&"l, 6 !e.o"cet not "n "n"5u"t', but !e.o"cet "n t e t!ut , 7 bea!et all t "n#s, bel"e&et all t "n#s, opet all t "n#s, endu!et all t "n#s* 8 C a!"t' ne&e! fa"let * 4ut $ et e! t e!e be p!op ec"es, t e' s all fa"l, $ et e! t e!e be ton#ues, t e' s all cease, $ et e! t e!e be +no$led#e, "t s all &an"s a$a'* 9 Fo! $e +no$ "n pa!t, and $e p!op es' "n pa!t* 10 4ut $ en t at $ "c "s pe!fect "s co(e, t en t at $ "c "s "n pa!t s all be done a$a'* 11 2 en I $as a c "ld, I spo+e as a c "ld, I unde!stood as a c "ld, I t ou# t as a c "ld, but $ en I beca(e a (an, I put a$a' c "ld"s t "n#s* 12 Fo! no$ $e see t !ou# a #lass, da!+l', but t en face to face* No$ I +no$ "n pa!t, but t en s all I +no$, e&en as also I a( +no$n* 13 And no$ ab"det fa"t , ope,

c a!"t', t ese t !ee, but t e #!eatest of t ese "s c a!"t'* CHAPTER 1< 1 Follo$ afte! c a!"t', and des"!e sp"!"tual #"fts, but !at e! so t at 'e (a' p!op es'* 2 Fo! e t at spea+et "n an un+no$n ton#ue spea+et not unto (en, but unto %od, fo! no (an unde!standet "(, o$e&e! "t (a' be t at "n t e sp"!"t e spea+et ('ste!"es* 3 4ut e t at p!op es"et , spea+et unto (en fo! ed"f"cat"on and e7 o!tat"on and co(fo!t* 4 He t at spea+et "n an un+no$n ton#ue ed"f"et "(self, but e t at p!op es"et ed"f"et t e c u!c * 5 I $ould t at 'e all spo+e $"t ton#ues, but !at e! t at 'e p!op es"ed, fo! #!eate! "s e t at p!op es"et t an e t at spea+et $"t ton#ues, unless e "nte!p!et, t at t e c u!c (a' !ece"&e ed"f'"n#* 6 No$, b!et !en, "f I co(e unto 'ou spea+"n# $"t ton#ues, $ at s all I p!of"t 'ou, unless I s all spea+ to 'ou e"t e! b' !e&elat"on o! b' +no$led#e, o! b' p!op es'"n#, o! b' doct!"ne1 7 And e&en t "n#s $"t out l"fe, (a+"n# sounds, $ et e! p"pe o! a!p, unless t e' #"&e a d"st"nct"on "n t e sounds, o$ s all "t be +no$n $ at "s p"ped o! a!ped1 8 Fo! "f t e t!u(pet #"&e an unce!ta"n sound, $ o s all p!epa!e "(self fo! t e battle1 9 So l"+e$"se 'ou, unless 'e utte! b' t e ton#ue $o!ds eas' to be unde!stood, o$ s all "t be +no$n $ at "s spo+en, fo! 'e s all be spea+"n# "nto t e a"!1 10 T e!e a!e, "t (a' be, so (an'



+"nds of &o"ces "n t e $o!ld, and none of t e( "s $"t out s"#n"f"cat"on* 11 T e!efo!e, "f I +no$ not t e (ean"n# of t e &o"ce, I s all be unto "( t at spea+et a ba!ba!"an, and e t at spea+et s all be a ba!ba!"an unto (e* 12 E&en so 'e, "nas(uc as 'e a!e 3ealous to possess sp"!"tual #"fts, see+ t at 'e (a' e7cel to t e ed"f'"n# of t e c u!c * 13 T e!efo!e let "( t at spea+et "n an un+no$n ton#ue p!a' t at e (a' "nte!p!et* 14 Fo! "f I p!a' "n an un+no$n ton#ue, (' sp"!"t p!a'et , but (' unde!stand"n# "s unf!u"tful* 15 2 at "s "t t en1 I $"ll p!a' $"t t e sp"!"t, and I $"ll p!a' $"t t e unde!stand"n# also, I $"ll s"n# $"t t e sp"!"t, and I $"ll s"n# $"t t e unde!stand"n# also* 16 Else, $ en t ou s alt bless $"t t e sp"!"t, o$ s all e t at occup"et t e !oo( of t e unlea!ned sa' /A(en0 at t ' #"&"n# of t an+s, see"n# e unde!standet not $ at t ou sa'est1 17 Fo! t ou &e!"l' #"&est t an+s $ell, but t e ot e! "s not ed"f"ed* 18 I t an+ (' %od t at I spea+ $"t ton#ues (o!e t an 'e all* 19 >et "n t e c u!c I $ould !at e! spea+ f"&e $o!ds $"t (' unde!stand"n#, t at b' (' &o"ce I ("# t teac ot e!s also, t an ten t ousand $o!ds "n an un+no$n ton#ue* 20 4!et !en, be not c "ld!en "n unde!stand"n#* Nonet eless, "n (al"ce be 'e c "ld!en, but "n unde!stand"n# be (en* 21 In t e la$ "t "s $!"tten) /2"t (en of ot e! ton#ues and ot e! l"ps $"ll I spea+ unto t "s people, and

'et fo! all t at t e' $"ll not ea! =e,0 sa"t t e Lo!d* 22 T e!efo!e ton#ues a!e fo! a s"#n, not to t ose $ o bel"e&e, but to t ose $ o bel"e&e not, but p!op es'"n# se!&et not t ose $ o bel"e&e not, but t ose $ o bel"e&e* 23 If t e!efo!e t e $ ole c u!c co(e to#et e! "nto one place and all spea+ $"t ton#ues, and t e!e co(e "n t ose $ o a!e unlea!ned o! unbel"e&e!s, $"ll t e' not sa' t at 'e a!e (ad1 24 4ut "f all p!op es', and t e!e co(e "n one t at bel"e&et not o! "s unlea!ned, e "s con&"nced b' all and "s .ud#ed b' all, 25 and t us a!e t e sec!ets of "s ea!t (ade (an"fest, and so fall"n# do$n on "s face e $"ll $o!s "p %od and !epo!t t at %od "s "n 'ou "n t!ut * 26 Ho$ "s "t t en, b!et !en1 2 en 'e co(e to#et e! e&e!' one of 'ou at a psal(, at a doct!"ne, at a ton#ue, at a !e&elat"on, at an "nte!p!etat"on* Let all t "n#s be done fo! ed"f"cat"on* 27 If an' (an spea+ "n an un+no$n ton#ue, let "t be b' t$o o! at t e (ost b' t !ee, and t en "n tu!n, and let one "nte!p!et* 28 4ut "f t e!e be no "nte!p!ete!, let "( +eep s"lence "n t e c u!c , and let "( spea+ to "(self and to %od* 29 Let t$o o! t !ee p!op ets spea+, and let t e ot e!s .ud#e* 30 If an't "n# be !e&ealed to anot e! $ o s"ttet b', let t eEf"!st old "s peace* 31 Fo! 'e (a' all p!op es' one b' one, t at all (a' lea!n and all (a' be co(fo!ted* 32 T e sp"!"ts of t e p!op ets a!e sub.ect to t e p!op ets, 33 fo! %od "s not t e aut o! of



confus"on, but of peace, as "t "s "n all c u!c es of t e sa"nts* 34 Let 'ou! $o(en +eep s"lence "n t e c u!c es, fo! "t "s not pe!("tted unto t e( to spea+, but t e' a!e co((anded to be unde! obed"ence, as also sa"t t e la$* 35 And "f t e' $"ll lea!n an' t "n#, let t e( as+ t e"! usbands at o(e, fo! "t "s a s a(e fo! $o(en to spea+ "n t e c u!c * 36 2 at1 -"d t e 2o!d of %od co(e out f!o( 'ou1 O! d"d "t co(e unto 'ou onl'1 37 If an' (an t "n+ "(self to be a p!op et o! sp"!"tual, let "( ac+no$led#e t at t e t "n#s t at I $!"te unto 'ou a!e t e co((and(ents of t e Lo!d* 38 4ut "f an' (an be "#no!ant, let "( be "#no!ant* 39 T e!efo!e, b!et !en, co&et to p!op es', and fo!b"d not to spea+ "n ton#ues* 40 Let all t "n#s be done decentl' and "n o!de!* CHAPTER 1@ 1 =o!eo&e!, b!et !en, I decla!e unto 'ou t e %ospel $ "c I p!eac ed unto 'ou, $ "c 'ou also a&e !ece"&ed, and $ e!e"n 'e stand, 2 b' $ "c 'e also a!e sa&ed "f 'e +eep "n (e(o!' $ at I p!eac ed unto 'ou99 unless 'e a&e bel"e&ed "n &a"n* 3 Fo! I del"&e!ed unto 'ou f"!st of all t at $ "c I also !ece"&ed) o$ t at C !"st d"ed fo! ou! s"ns acco!d"n# to t e Sc!"ptu!es, 4 and t at He $as bu!"ed, and t at He a!ose a#a"n t e t "!d da' acco!d"n# to t e Sc!"ptu!es, 5 and t at He $as seen b' Cep as, t en b' t e t$el&e, 6 and t at He $as seen b' o&e! f"&e

und!ed b!et !en at once, of $ o( t e #!eate! pa!t !e(a"n unto t "s p!esent, but so(e a&e fallen asleep* 7 Afte! t at He $as seen b' Ja(es, t en b' all t e apostles* 8 And last of all He $as seen b' (e also, as b' one bo!n out of due t"(e* 9 Fo! I a( t e least of t e apostles, not (eet to be called an apostle, because I pe!secuted t e c u!c of %od* 10 4ut b' t e #!ace of %od I a( $ at I a(, and H"s #!ace $ "c $as besto$ed upon (e $as not "n &a"n, but I labo!ed (o!e abundantl' t an t e' all 99 'et not I, but t e #!ace of %od $ "c $as $"t (e* 11 T e!efo!e $ et e! "t $e!e I o! t e', so $e p!eac , and so 'e bel"e&ed* 12 No$ "f C !"st "s p!eac ed, t at He !ose f!o( t e dead, o$ sa' so(e a(on# 'ou t at t e!e "s no !esu!!ect"on of t e dead1 13 4ut "f t e!e be no !esu!!ect"on of t e dead, t en "s C !"st not !"sen) 14 and "f C !"st be not !"sen, t en ou! p!eac "n# "s &a"n, and 'ou! fa"t "s also &a"n* 15 >ea, and $e a!e found to be false $"tnesses of %od, because $e a&e test"f"ed of %od t at He !a"sed up C !"st, $ o( He d"d not !a"se up, "f so "t be t at t e dead !"se not* 16 Fo! "f t e dead !"se not, t en "s C !"st not !a"sed, 17 and "f C !"st be not !a"sed, 'ou! fa"t "s &a"n, 'e a!e 'et "n 'ou! s"ns* 18 T en also t ose $ o a&e fallen asleep "n C !"st a&e pe!"s ed* 19 If "n t "s l"fe onl' $e a&e ope "n C !"st, $e a!e of all (en (ost ("se!able* 20 4ut no$ C !"st "s !"sen f!o( t e dead, and beco(e t e f"!stf!u"ts of t ose $ o slept*



21 Fo! s"nce b' (an ca(e deat , b' =an ca(e also t e !esu!!ect"on of t e dead* 22 Fo! as "n Ada( all d"e, e&en so "n C !"st s all all be (ade al"&e, 23 but e&e!' (an "n "s o$n o!de!) C !"st t e f"!stf!u"ts, afte!$a!d t ose $ o a!e C !"st8s at H"s co("n#* 24 T en co(et t e end $ en He s all a&e del"&e!ed up t e ;"n#do( to %od, e&en t e Fat e!, $ en He s all a&e put do$n all !ule, and all aut o!"t' and po$e!* 25 Fo! He (ust !e"#n unt"l He at put all ene("es unde! H"s feet* 26 T e last ene(' t at s all be dest!o'ed "s deat , 27 fo! /He at put all t "n#s unde! H"s feet*0 4ut $ en He sa"t /all t "n#s0 a!e put unde! H"(, "t "s (an"fest t at He "s e7cepted, $ o d"d put all t "n#s unde! H"(* 28 And $ en all t "n#s s all be subdued unto H"(, t en s all t e Son H"(self also be sub.ect unto H"( $ o put all t "n#s unde! H"(, t at %od (a' be all "n all* 29 Else, $ at s all t e' do $ o a!e bapt"3ed fo! t e dead, "f t e dead !"se not at all1 2 ' a!e t e' t en bapt"3ed fo! t e dead1 30 And $ ' stand $e "n .eopa!d' e&e!' ou!1 31 I decla!e b' (' !e.o"c"n# "n 'ou $ "c I a&e "n C !"st Jesus ou! Lo!d) I d"e da"l'* 32 If afte! t e (anne! of (en I a&e fou# t $"t beasts at Ep esus, $ at ad&anta#e "s t e!e to (e, "f t e dead !"se not1 /Let us eat and d!"n+, fo! to(o!!o$ $e d"e?0 33 4e not dece"&ed) /E&"l assoc"at"ons co!!upt #ood (anne!s*0 34 A$a+e to !"# teousness, and s"n not, fo! so(e a&e not t e

+no$led#e of %od* I spea+ t "s to 'ou! s a(e* 35 4ut so(e (an $"ll sa', /Ho$ a!e t e dead !a"sed up1 And $"t $ at bod' do t e' co(e10 36 T ou fool, t at $ "c t ou so$est "s not 5u"c+ened, unless "t d"e* 37 And t at $ "c t ou so$est "s not t at bod' $ "c s all be, but ba!e #!a"n, b' c ance of $ eat o! of so(e ot e! #!a"n* 38 4ut %od #"&et "t a bod' as "t at pleased H"(, and to e&e!' seed "s o$n bod'* 39 All fles "s not t e sa(e fles , but t e!e "s one +"nd of fles of (en, anot e! fles of beasts, anot e! of f"s es, and anot e! of b"!ds* 40 T e!e a!e also celest"al bod"es and bod"es te!!est!"al, but t e #lo!' of t e celest"al "s one, and t e #lo!' of t e te!!est!"al "s anot e!* 41 T e!e "s one #lo!' of t e sun, and anot e! #lo!' of t e (oon, and anot e! #lo!' of t e sta!s, fo! one sta! d"ffe!et f!o( anot e! sta! "n #lo!'* 42 So also "s t e !esu!!ect"on of t e dead) It "s so$n "n co!!upt"on, "t "s !a"sed "n "nco!!upt"on* 43 It "s so$n "n d"s ono!, "t "s !a"sed "n #lo!'* It "s so$n "n $ea+ness, "t "s !a"sed "n po$e!* 44 It "s so$n a natu!al bod', "t "s !a"sed a sp"!"tual bod'* T e!e "s a natu!al bod', and t e!e "s a sp"!"tual bod'* 45 And so "t "s $!"tten) /T e f"!st (an Ada( $as (ade a l"&"n# soul*0 T e last Ada( $as (ade a 5u"c+en"n# Sp"!"t* 46 Ho$e&e! t at $ "c "s sp"!"tual $as not f"!st, but t at $ "c "s natu!al, and afte!$a!d t at $ "c "s sp"!"tual*



47 T e f"!st (an "s of t e ea!t , ea!t ', t e second =an "s t e Lo!d f!o( Hea&en* 48 As "s t e ea!t ', suc a!e t e' also t at a!e ea!t ', and as "s t e ea&enl', suc a!e t e' also t at a!e ea&enl'* 49 And as $e a&e bo!ne t e "(a#e of t e ea!t ', $e s all also bea! t e "(a#e of t e ea&enl'* 50 No$ t "s I sa', b!et !en, t at fles and blood cannot "n e!"t t e ;"n#do( of %od, ne"t e! dot co!!upt"on "n e!"t "nco!!upt"on* 51 4e old, I s o$ 'ou a ('ste!') 2e s all not all sleep, but $e s all all be c an#ed 52 "n a (o(ent, "n t e t$"n+l"n# of an e'e, at t e last t!u(pet* Fo! t e t!u(pet s all sound, and t e dead s all be !a"sed "nco!!upt"ble, and $e s all be c an#ed* 53 Fo! t "s co!!upt"ble (ust put on "nco!!upt"on, and t "s (o!tal (ust put on "((o!tal"t'* 54 So $ en t "s co!!upt"ble s all a&e put on "nco!!upt"on, and t "s (o!tal s all a&e put on "((o!tal"t', t en s all be b!ou# t to pass t e sa'"n# t at "s $!"tten) /-eat "s s$allo$ed up "n &"cto!'*0 55 /O deat , $ e!e "s t ' st"n#1 O #!a&e, $ e!e "s t ' &"cto!'10 56 T e st"n# of deat "s s"n, and t e st!en#t of s"n "s t e la$* 57 4ut t an+s be to %od, $ o #"&et us t e &"cto!' t !ou# ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st? 58 T e!efo!e, (' belo&ed b!et !en, be 'e steadfast, un(o&able, al$a's abound"n# "n t e $o!+ of t e Lo!d, fo! 'e +no$ t at 'ou! labo! "s not "n &a"n "n t e Lo!d* CHAPTER 1A 1 No$ conce!n"n# t e collect"on fo!

t e sa"nts) As I a&e #"&en o!de!s to t e c u!c es of %alat"a, e&en so do 'e* 2 Upon t e f"!st da' of t e $ee+, let e&e!' one of 'ou la' as"de "n sto!e as %od at p!ospe!ed "(, so t at t e!e need be no #at e!"n#s $ en I co(e* 3 And $ en I co(e, $ o(e&e! 'e s all app!o&e b' 'ou! lette!s I $"ll send to b!"n# 'ou! l"be!al"t' unto Je!usale(* 4 And "f "t be (eet t at I #o also, t e' s all #o $"t (e* 5 No$ I $"ll co(e unto 'ou $ en I s all pass t !ou# =acedon"a Cfo! I a( pass"n# t !ou# =acedon"aD* 6 And "t (a' be t at I $"ll ab"de, 'ea, and $"nte! $"t 'ou,t at 'e (a' send (e on (' .ou!ne' $ "t e!soe&e! I #o* 7 Fo! I $"ll not see 'ou no$ on (' $a', but I t!ust to ta!!' a $ "le $"t 'ou, "f t e Lo!d pe!("t* 8 4ut I $"ll ta!!' at Ep esus unt"l Pentecost* 9 Fo! a #!eat doo!, and effectual, as opened unto (e, and t e!e a!e (an' ad&e!sa!"es* 10 No$ "f T"(ot ' co(e, see t at e (a' be $"t 'ou $"t out fea!, fo! e $o!+et t e $o!+ of t e Lo!d, as I also do* 11 Let no (an t e!efo!e desp"se "(, but conduct "( fo!t "n peace, t at e (a' co(e unto (e, fo! I loo+ fo! "( $"t t e b!et !en* 12 No$ conce!n"n# ou! b!ot e! Apollos) I #!eatl' des"!ed t at e s ould co(e unto 'ou $"t t e b!et !en, but "t $as not at all "s $"ll to co(e at t "s t"(e, but e $"ll co(e $ en "t s all be con&en"ent* 13 2atc 'e, stand fast "n t e fa"t , ac5u"t 'ou!sel&es l"+e (en, be st!on#*



14 Let all 'ou! t "n#s be done $"t c a!"t'* 15 I beseec 'ou, b!et !en C'e +no$ t e ouse old of Step anas and t at "t "s t e f"!stf!u"ts of Ac a"a, and t at t e' a&e de&oted t e(sel&es to t e ("n"st!' of t e sa"ntsD, 16 t at 'e sub("t 'ou!sel&es unto suc and to e&e!'one t at elpet $"t us and labo!et * 17 I a( #lad about t e co("n# of Step anas and Fo!tunatus and Ac a"cus, fo! t at $ "c $as lac+"n# on 'ou! pa!t t e' a&e suppl"ed* 18 Fo! t e' a&e !ef!es ed (' sp"!"t and 'ou!s, t e!efo!e ac+no$led#e 'e t ose $ o a!e suc * 19 T e c u!c es of As"a salute 'ou* A5u"la and P!"sc"lla salute 'ou (uc "n t e Lo!d, $"t t e c u!c t at "s "n t e"! ouse* 20 All t e b!et !en #!eet 'ou* %!eet 'e one anot e! $"t a ol' +"ss* 21 T e salutat"on of (e, Paul, $"t ("ne o$n and* 22 If an' (an lo&e not t e Lo!d Jesus C !"st, let "( be anat e(a* =a!anat a? 23 T e #!ace of ou! Lo!d Jesus C !"st be $"t 'ou* 24 =' lo&e be $"t 'ou all "n C !"st Jesus* A(en*


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