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Medieval Period - The period when the Christian church highly influence culture and
political affairs in Europe.
Vivaldi - Famous composer of Baroque period which is known as the “The Red
Handell- he is the composer of the well-known oratorio entitled “Messiah” .
Medieval - period is also known as the Middle Ages or Dark Ages that started the fall
of the Roman empire.
Adam de la Halle- He was one of the oldest secular composers whose literary and
musical works include chansons and poetic debates during the medieval period.
Romantic Period- described as cultural movement that stressed emotion, imagination,
individualism and freedom of expression.
Romantic period- it is composers interpret poems, mood, atmosphere and imagery
into music.
Frederic Chopin - known as the “Poet of the Piano”?
Beethoven - the composer who bridged the time change from the Classical Period to
the Romantic Period.
Romantic Music- Has a shape and unity of the theme
Mezzo Soprano - Is the middle level voice of a female.
Tristan and Isolde – not written by Giuseppi Verdi .
Franz Schubert - German composer who developed lieder.
Leitmotifs - Richard Wagner made used of this musical sequences in most of his
Myths- Earliest theater forms were rituals and festivals.
Rome & Athens - When we talk about Ancient period we are actually talking about
these great cities.
Renaissance - period in history was classical theater viewed diabolical that
eventually led to its closure.
The guest - the transition between scenes and the storyline itself is taken cared of by
Magnus - The first performer in a tragedy plays who was later on considered the
Father of tragedy .
Spectacle - The lights went out slowly with the music playing a very sad melody. What
element of theater is described her.
Sound – through this element even if we do not hear any dialogue but we can feel the
intensity and speed of their action.
Gestures/Movements - when the person does the shivering movements with his
hands and other parts of his body.
Active Recreation- This refers to recreational activities that do not require organized
facilities like sports fields or pavilions and gym.
In the game of doubles in badminton, when a player wins a rally, how many points
can he or she get- 1
Fault - term is used when a player violates the rules.
How many categories are there in badminton- 5 categories: men’s singles,
women’s singles, mixed doubles, and men’s doubles, women’s doubles
Wrist - body part generates the most force when hitting a shuttlecock.
Samba – not in Cuban.
Arabesque - not be part of visual aid.
Krumping – A dance characterized by rapid, exaggerate movements of arms and legs,
it is not a contemporary dance.
Ballet- A classical dance form that employs synchronization, grace and precision.
Swing – a Ballroom dances does not belong to the Standard Ballroom category.
Khorovod - A Traditional dance originated from Russia.
Chasse, Frappe, Avant - does not belong to the Ballet dance steps
Ballroom - A social usually performed by pair and originally from Europe and USA.
Belly Dancing - An expressionist type of dance that originated in Egypt, it emphasizes
complex movements of the torso.
Injury- It is a general term that refers to damage caused by accidents, falls, hits,
weapons and more.
Students- is usually a victim of extortion by a gang outside the school.
Young female- usual victims of sexual abuse.
Touching our private part - we determined that we are already been sexually
Forced to make sexual intercourse out of your will - type harassment if you are
forced to do malicious acts.
Sexual Harassment – a forms of intentional injuries is forcing someone to have
sexual intercourse forcefully.
Unwanted sexual attention – a form of sexual harassment include crude sexual
terms and images, for example, degrading comments about bodies or sexual activities,
graffiti calling women “cunts” or men “pussies.”.
Terrorism – it define as, use of violence or the threat of it service of a broadly political
or religious aim
Abduction – an act making a person go somewhere with you using violence or threat.
Bioterrorism- a category of terrorism use viruses, bacteria and toxins that could kill
thousands of people.

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