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“ Does the 14th Amendment protect the right to privacy?” LESSON

SS: CV:12:2.2:Analyze the evolution of the United States Constitution as a living document

Content SS:CV:12:2.4: Evaluate how individual rights have been extended in the United States, e.g.,
Standards Truman’s integration of the Armed Services or the Miranda decision. (Themes: H:
Individualism, Equality and Authority, I: Patterns of Social and Political Interaction)

Was Stonewall a spontaneous movement?

1. (remembering)---What is the Defensive Marriage Act?

2. (understanding)---What are the different ways to read the constitution?
3. (analyzing/applying)--- Does the 14th Amendment protect the right to privacy?

1. Students know—how to interpret the Constitution through the originalist way of

reading the document

OBJECTIVES 2. Students are able to— list and describe different ways to read the constitution

3. Students do—discussions with the class to figure out if the 14th Amendment does
protect the right to privacy

Remembering—What were the main points of Windsor v United States

Understanding—Describe the different ways to interpret the Constitution
Apply—How has the 14th Amendment affected your life?
Analyze—What does the Defensive Marriage Act do for the gay community?
Evaluate—What would be the best way to interpret the constitution
Create—Discuss if the 14th Amendment protects the right to privacy

D2.Civ.3.9-12 Analyze the impact of constitutions, laws, treaties, and international

agreements on maintaining national and international order.
C3 Standards

MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES: Given the building blocks from Bloom’s Taxonomy and the standards outlined above,
how could you connect teach these ideas with Multiple Intelligences in mind. What could you do in the lesson to target
each of these areas?
Verbal Logical Spatial Musical
Money and taxation There will be a
will be discussed presentation

I will be speaking during during the presentation explaining the 14th Music will be played at the start of
the presentation to give background Amendment and class to set the tone of the class.
provided and students information about different ways to
will discuss different Windsor v United interpret the
ways to read the States document

Bodily Interpersonal Intrapersonal Naturalist

Halfway through the Students will be asked Students will be Natural light will be provided
class students will have how they would feel if tasked with through the windows in the
the opportunity to they were in the analyzing different classroom.
stretch and take a quick situation that Windsor ways to read the
break was in constitution

DIVERSITY & INCLUSION: Thinking about your topic, how can you bring diversity to the lesson. Which groups
below are obviously present? Which could you look for and either incorporate now or in a later lesson?
Genders Races & Ethnicities Ages & Generations Abilities
The Windsor v United Generations will be
States court case discussed since the
represents gender in this founding fathers will
lesson come up in the
lesson due to the
originalist way of
reading the
Cultures & Religions Regions of the World Political Ideologies Wealth
Discussions about Political Ideologies Wealth plays an aspect of this
America will take place play an aspect as the lesson since Windsor had to be
which is a region of the students will be taxed on the money she obtained
world. looking at different through her partner’s death
ways to read the
STUDENT PREPARATION: What do students need to do or know before this lesson?
Students will need Prior knowledge of the last class


Opening Remember 5-10 recommended
Plan Students are tasked to read the
The lesson will open with a picture of the 14th 14th Amendment and try and
Amendment on the screen and students will have to decipher the meaning of the
answer questions such as What do you think this document from their point of
means from their perspective view

How does this opening get students to REMEMBER key

information needed for the lesson?

This will help students remember what the 14th

Amendment is since they will later dissect the
meaning and different ways it can be interpreted.

Plan Understand 15-20 recommended

I will start the presentation and lecture by Students are tasked to take
describing the different ways to interpret the notes during the presentation
constitution but I will emphasize the originalist way on the different ways to
since that is one of the main focuses of this lesson. interpret the Constitution, have
Students will be given a source on the Defensive a brief discussion on the
Marriage Act to read and then students will be different interpretations, and
given the Windsor v United States case to read. then read a source on the
How does this exercise get students to UNDERSTAND Defensive Marriage Act and
key ideas? Windsor v United States
This exercise gets students to understand the topics
of this lesson by making them hands-on in
understanding why we are discussing the

Plan Analyze/Apply 15-20 recommended

After the students read the sources provided to Students are tasked to discuss
them we will have a discussion on whether or not whether or not the 14th
the 14th amendment protects the right to privacy in amendment protects the right
the united states. to privacy using knowledge
that they have acquired
How does this exercise get students to APPLY or through the readings
ANALYZE information? What sources will they be
This exercise will get the students to apply their
knowledge of what they have read in the discussion
in order to further the discussion

Closure Evaluate/Create 5-10 recommended

Plan Students are tasked to write an
After the discussion students will write an exit exit ticket on what way thet
ticket on which ways they read the constitution read the constituion and why
they read it this way.
How does this closure get students to ANALYZE,
EVALUATE, or CREATE something new with what
they’ve learned?
This exercise will get the students to create an exit
ticket that will relate to what was discussed in class.

MATERIALS: What materials will you need to carry out the lesson?

I will need the presentation that I made along with the sources that I will provide for the students

HOMEWORK: Students will not be assigned homework

REFLECTION: After you’ve taught the lesson, reflect on the plan. What worked? What didn’t? How will it be
modified for next time?

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