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PROGRAMME NAME: Diploma in Business Management
COURSE/MODULE NAME: Principles of Management Assessment
DUEDATE: 11 November 2022


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L.Bose 176127821


1. B

2. A

3. C

4. B

5. A

6. C

7. B

8. B

9. B




1. True

2. True

3. False

4. False

5. True

6. False

7. True
8. True

9. True

10. False



Question 1

Theory x explains the importance of the heightened supervision, external rewards and penalties
while theory Y highlights the motivating role of the job satisfaction and encourages workers to
approach tasks without direct supervision.

Question 2

Four causes of business failures are;

 Lack of capital funding

 Unsuccessful marketing activities
 Faulty business models
 Weak or poor leadership

b.Flat organizations have fewer layers of hierarchies while tall organizations have many layers of
hierarchies meaning that they differ in terms of control.


i. Accountability; refers to acceptance of responsibility for honest and ethical conduct

towards others, in an organization. Having obligations involve specific actions that you
can complete in order to fulfil your role as a manager and member of organization.
ii. Responsibility; this refers to the task that is entrusted by manager to subordinates. It is
defined as the obligation of an individual to carry out assigned activities to the best of
his/her activities.
Question 3

A.Three reasons for auditing are;

 To achieve transparency in business operations and drive accountability

 To develop a practice of having audit trail for each transaction
 To have independent and fair opinion on how business works and deliver


Question 4

The system theory plays a role in modern society organizations, it is helpful for understanding
things like organizational behavior, organizational change and development. It allows for an
understanding of connections between various parts of the organization and how they interact
with one another.


Question 1

The five group decision making the techniques are;

 Brainstorming; brainstorming is a technique that is often used to generate many new

ideas quickly. It can be used when a group needs to come up with an extensive list of
ideas or when there is a need to find a creative solution to a problem. Brainstorming can
be an effective tool as it allows all members of the group to share their ideas in an open
and non-judgmental setting.
 The Nominal Group Technique; The Nominal Group Technique (NGT) relies on a
moderator who records ideas produced during a group or individual brainstorming
session. Group members discuss their ideas with the moderator, who compiles a list of all
the ideas. Participants or a panel of decision-makers then vote using index cards
numbered one through five. The numbers correspond to the priority the idea should
receive. The votes are then calculated and ideas pursued in order of the priority score they
 The Delphi Technique; The Delphi Technique is similar to NGT but instead of in-
person discussion, it relies on questionnaires to gather information and insights from a
group of anonymous individuals. The questionnaires are delivered in rounds and the
questions in each round are determined by the responses from the round before. Starting
in the second round, participants rank the ideas presented by order of priority. The
questions grow progressively more focused on a small subset of ideas on which the
leaders make a decision.
 Multi -voting decision making method; When using a multi-voting decision-making
method, the group will first need to come up with a list of options to solve a problem. For
example, a group might first engage in a brainstorming session to generate an initial list
that is quite long.

Question 2

A.Delegation is the assignment of authority to subordinates to carry out specific activities.

B.Above is a diagram showing the process of delegation.

1.Assignment of duty; Needs to determine the duties which they want the subordinate(s) to
perform. It is in this stage that the superior lists the activities they want to be performed by their
subordinates, along with the targets to be achieved, and then communicates this to those
recruited. Duties are then assigned to the subordinates, as per their job roles, rankings, and

2. Transfer of Authority to Perform the Duty; The second stage is when the delegator
determines the necessary amount of authority required to perform the assigned duty and bestows
that on the subordinate(s). During this phase, the manager must always ensure that the authority
is strictly delegated just to perform the assigned responsibility, since disproportionate authority
lends risk to misunderstanding by the subordinate.

3. Acceptance of the Assignment; It is in this stage that the subordinate can either accept or
reject the tasks assigned to them. If the delegate refuses to accept the duty, and subsequently the
authority to perform it, it is the responsibility for the delegator to either investigate as to why the
delegate has refused or to identify another person who is capable and willing to undertake the
assignment. Once the task is accepted by a subordinate, the process reaches its final stage.

4.Accountability; The process of delegation of authority concludes when an obligation is

established on the part of the subordinate, that indicates the performance expectation and the
amount of responsibility and authority assigned to him. Once the assignment is accepted, the
subordinate becomes accountable for the completion of the duty and is held responsible to their
superior for their performance.

C. Factors managers have to consider before that delegate are;

 Willingness of Subordinates: The degree of delegation will depend upon the willingness
of subordinates to accept responsibility. If the subordinates are shy of bearing greater
responsibility then executive will not be able to delegate authority.
 Confidence in Subordinates: The delegation is also determined by the confidence which
superior has in his subordinates. If the subordinates are not considered worthy of taking
decisions independently then there will be no delegation. On the other hand, if superior
has full confidence in the capacity of his subordinates then he will delegate more and
more authority and will utilize the subordinates to the maximum.
 Desire to Dominate: Sometimes executives are in the habit of dominating others. They
will not like to delegate authority to others. They will keep every important work with
them and take even minor decisions themselves. Such executives will not encourage
subordinates by giving them authority to work independently. The desire to dominate
resists executives from delegation of authority
 The amount of work; the delegation of work also depends upon the quantum of work. If
work is small then there will be no need to delegate. When the work increases the need
for delegation arises. More the quantum of work greater will be the degree of delegation.

D. The five reasons why managers will delegate are;

 Frees up time for planning and organizing; Most managers would like to have more time
to get a handle on planning and organization. This is an important part of managing any
team, and it’s difficult to work it in between all your other tasks when you’re carrying too
heavy a workload.
 It helps you learn how to manage and develop employees; If you aren’t certain of your
own ability to develop your team, delegation is the best way to start. If you know what
you want to accomplish, learning how to delegate the process is an important step
towards becoming a better manager and having a better team.
 It encourages open communication and trust; If you delegate to your team members and
remain open for questions, they will feel that you trust them and that you are accessible
for communication. If your employees feel that you trust them and that they can talk to
you, you will benefit immeasurably. A team built on trust and open communication is a
team poised for success.
 It can show you a better way; Employees who take over a process or job may have a
completely novel approach, and sometimes it’s a major improvement! If you just keep
doing things the way you’ve always done them and refuse to allow anyone else a shot,
there will be no opportunity for new and different ideas and approaches, process
improvements, or other potential innovations.
 It keeps you from spreading yourself too thin ; Having too much on your plate is not only
difficult for you, it can be disastrous for your team. If you can’t manage your own
workload, you can’t hope to manage anything else. Get a grip; work smarter, not harder,
and spread the load around.

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