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Hey Kion Group, Steven : )

How’s your day going?! Dandy I hope; Anyway;

I would LOVE to assist you with your Development Projects!

On Personal Philosophy; I find that, all too often, most people focus on a well-
graphic'ed out or Swiss Army style capability laden Solution Development approach
and not enough on the Higher Level, Vision-Oriented, Deep Layer Understanding of
the Problem Domain along with the Current Ramifications that it poses and the Past
Permutations of Solution Executions that have already been deployed in order to
answer to it, and it's something that i'd like to change...

that is, if you grant me the Opportunity, of course 😉

Little about me; Classically trained in Computer Engineering, I specialize in producing

Game-Changing Solutions and creating Impactful Change. By supporting businesses
in the implementation of overall strategies that leverage their Digital Assets--websites,
social media, online presence, etc--in their Overall day-to-day Operations, I’m able to
glean a Deeper-level View into the Heart of the Beast at-Hand, and disseminate
Insights, Solutions, and Innovative Answers to Ailing, Recurrent Root Problems.

I've been in the industry for a couple aeons now, starting out with building webpages
in HTML and CSS, to designing them in Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator and porting
them into Dreamweaver, to implementing CMSes like WordPress to skyrocket the
final product rendered and minimize ( a la Calculus hehe) the development lifecycle
time; to building out simple calculators in Visual Basic and Java, to a MVP version of
a parking garage management system in C++.

Development (and its respective Solution Project Lifecycles) is something I'm

deeeeply passionate--ESPECIALLY when seeing how businesses are ABSOLUTELY
clueless as to how to go about doing this, in-tandem with the Technological
Configuration Parameters they have at their Disposal, all the while navigating the
Capital Constraints that surround them--and it's something I'd love to be a Source of
Value, Innovation, and Inspiration in attempting to mitigate, answer, and solve for : )

405-586-0542 //

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