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One fact that we all have to accept is that dating

sucks and it obviously sucks to be rejected by
crazy hot women and it also sucks to be alone. It
sucks to be nervous around women. It sucks
when you babble on and on about useless junk
that she's not even interested in and it's even
worse to act like a stud and have her slap you in
front of all your friends and buddies. What makes
matters worse is that at the end of the day you're
not satis ed with being yourself and with being
alone, and you want to change to become one of
the best dudes out there. So what's the solution?

Get out and date, and deal with the inevitable

rejections. Learn from it, and have fun with it.
Eventually, make the proper corrections that will
put you in the right spot to become better at
dating. Most men are intimidated by myths,
misconceptions, and of course, their denial of
their power as men. However, it is imperative to
understand these myths and the solutions that
will leave you free to do whatever you want and
date whomever you want when it comes to
women, sex and relationships. Right now, I've
listed quite a few dating myths but these are the
most important ones that you must always keep
in mind and watch out for some of your friends
and buddies who might also use them as an

MYTH NUMBER 1; Unless You're A Chad or

Super Rich, You Won't Be Able To Get Hot

For some reason, guys believe that unless you

have some certain amount of success or some
certain amount of fame, you can't get women,
and they use this as an excuse for not dating or
pursuing the women that they really want. They
blame anyone but themselves for the lack of
dates. They blame society, they blame their
economy, and they even blame women. It is true
that being a famous rock star or being a
millionaire, or being in a position of power, will
increase your success rate with women, but it
shouldn't be looked at as a hindering factor. You
too can get as many dates as you want. As a
matter of fact, there are more than 100 smoking
women out there waiting for you to come and
pursue them. All you have to do is follow the
advice in this short and simple guide. You need to
realize that most women are actually looking for a
man like you; a genuine guy with genuine desires.

However, they want you to work to get them.

Dating means irting. You have to initiate a
conversation and start the interaction. When you
start running the game, pulling all these attraction
techniques and irting techniques and creating a
genuine connection with this girl if you want to
get her. When it comes down to it unless you
make the rst move and go out there and pursue
them you're not going to get any women no
matter what you do. As a matter of fact, many
supermodels that I have spoken to complain that
they cannot get a date because most men are
afraid to approach them. After all, they
automatically assume because she's smoking hot
she's going to reject them anyway. That means
that puts you in above almost 90% of the dudes
because they're not even approaching her in the
rst place. So go out there and approach women.
Be ahead of the pack.
MYTH NUMBER 2; Just Be Nice To Women
And Show Them Your Sensitive Side To Get

This is another horrible myth promoted by what

we like to call "Simps". The belief that if you're
nice and if you show women that you're sensitive
and emotional you'll magically get dates from
them is one of the worst ideas I've ever heard,
and quite frankly, couldn't be further from the
truth. Women want to be seduced and romanced.
Do you really think that they are looking for "nice
guys"? Funny enough there are men out there
who genuinely think that if they like a woman, and
she responds to them with things like, "You're a
good friend", "You're sweet" and "You're
interesting", that they're making strides towards
romance and sex. The fact of the matter is that
this is not the case. This is dead wrong. You need
to understand that there are generally two
categories that women insert people into; friends
and lovers. If she slots you into the friend zone
then you aren't getting out of there. If she slots
you into the lover zone, you
probably won't be her friend or be seen as a
friend. This is what you have to understand. Think
about it, how many times have you seen a
woman ending up with a jerk only to be
heartbroken and at one moment's notice go back
to him only to have her heart broken again?
These women nd these jerks exciting,
passionate and fun to be around, and that is what
you must be. You can't be a platonic friend if you
want to get a girl to be your lover.

Myth number 3; If You Listen To Her Problems

She'll Give You Sex. This falls into the same
category as The nice guy" ploy. However, this one
is slightly worse. I've seen this myth play out time
and time again usually by lonely losers who are
trying to score with women. The idea behind this
plan is that a horny guy sees a woman he wants
to date then he becomes friends with her and all
of the sudden he thinks that listening to her
problems and trying to solve her emotional
problems will lead to sex. However, to his
surprise, his plan falls at in his face because
instead of her wanting to date him all that
happens is now she suddenly starts discussing
every single problem she has with him. Not only
that but now she also suddenly realizes that she
has a mini therapist she can go to for free to get
her problems solved. Next thing you know she
starts bringing in her problems with other men.
She goes out and dates jerks and brings those
emotional issues to him, and all he is is an
emotional whoopee cushion for her to beat up
because at the end of the day all you're doing is
being a good friend, and no woman is going to
date a good friend. It's a one-way trip to the
friend zone and nobody wants that.

Myth number 4; There Aren't Any Good

Women Left.

This myth is promoted by whiners, people who

just want to make excuses. They look for all the
possible reasons why they shouldn't go out there
and pursue women, when in fact there's no
concrete evidence that suggests that there are no
good women left or that women are hard to nd.
If anything the high percentages of divorces and
single women beg to di er. The fact is that if a
man wants to come up with excuses he will nd
enough excuses for him to not pursue women.
Don't be that guy. Enough said.

Myth number 5; You Need To Look Like A

Greek God To Attract Women.

Many men believe that there is something

fundamentally wrong with them in terms of their
physique, looks, and image. The fact of the
matter is that's far from the truth. Men usually
blame their genetic appearance and their
aesthetic for why they can't get women and the
fact of the matter is that is far from the truth. After
studying this topic exhaustively one thing I've
noticed is that there is almost zero correlation
between a woman's attraction to a man and his
physique, his looks and his IQ*. I've seen fat men
live with smoking hot 20-year-olds. I've even
personally seen a man who looks so ugly it was
almost like he was beaten up by a bunch of
quarters bag a supermodel. So if you feel that
your looks are getting in the way, you need to
believe one thing, they aren't; you are the prize
Myth number 6; Pursuing Women Takes Too
Much E ort & Time.

Guys complain that trying to get a good woman

is as hard and as complex as brain surgery when
in fact it's not and doesn't need to be. There are
simple skills you can learn to attract women
e ortlessly and if you're just willing to put in the
work in the initial phase the rest of your life will
have you attracting women with great ease and
without many obstacles getting in your way. So
change your mindset and instead of thinking
there's not enough time and e ort to get women,
just think, "I need to learn to get women rst
before I can put more e ort into pursuing women
on a larger level." Remember, learning a new skill
will almost always take time but once you
understand how to and where to meet women
you'll take less and less time. After everything is
said and done being able to get women will be
easy as pie.
Myth number 7; Women Know What They
Want & Will Tell You.

Women do not know what they want and they will

not tell you what they want. They are emotional
creatures governed by the genetics of evolution
and that is to think with emotion instead of logic.
Men, on the other hand, are logical creatures.
What they say is what they mean, but women will
say one thing and do the total opposite. So
always pay attention to her actions and always
look for hints and clues instead of trying to get a
de nitive answer from her. Because the fact of
the matter is a woman will never be able to tell
you exactly what they want in a man. They can
only tell you what they think they want and
there's a huge di erence between the two.
Women love men who are generative and
creative. If they have to tell you how to get them,
what to be like, and how to behave at every step
of the way, then one thing you need to
understand is that they will not be turned on by
you. This is why they prefer not to tell you what
they want and expect you to know because it
feels better to realize that, "This guy just gets
me", in her words. Understand this if you want to
understand women.

Myth number 8; Dating Is A Fair Game.

This is the myth that gets men in the most

trouble, almost more than any other myth. Men
whine about how dating isn't fair, asking
questions like, "Why is it that we are the ones
who have to attract? Why it is that we have to go
through all this e ort to get women?" The fact of
the matter is this is how dating works and you
have to get over it. You either get with the
program or su er from a lack of dates. Life has
never been equal and life will never be equal, and
that's a fact. So if you suddenly believe that there
should be equality with women then go ahead.

But trust me, you won't get any dates. Just

accept it, get over it and learn the game. That's
the best way to look at it. If you try and complain
about how it's not fair then you'll just sit there and
complain for the rest of your life without dates. So
instead, just go out there and do something
about it.
The Basic Principles of Dating

After a few weeks of studying through the hottest

“Get Laid Quick” books on the market, and
armed with a few splashes of pheromone-
scented cologne, Steve was ready to pick up a
woman. He went up to the rst attractive woman
he saw on the crowded dance oor. She was
stunning and seemed like a willing target. After
glancing at her, Steve immediately used a pickup
line that has been "proven to work every time."
"Your father must have been a thief because he
took all the stars in the sky and put them in your
eyes," he said in his rst attempt. The sexy babe
responded with a cold blank stare. Steve
shrugged o the rejection and approached the
next attractive woman who caught his eye.

This time Steve tried a slightly di erent approach.

He approached the next woman and said,
“Congratulations! You’ve been voted the most
beautiful girl in this room and the grand prize is a
night with me!” The woman, sure enough, got
angry and slapped Steve and told him to leave
her alone.
Tired of getting slapped across the face,
expensive, overvalued, and overrated call girls,
lonely nights with your hand, and OnlyFans
payments that could induce a heart attack?
Unless you are a millionaire, a rock star, a
professional athlete, or just that damn lucky, you
probably need help. Lots of it. Learning and
applying the art of seduction begins with the
ability to create romantic conversations, the
freedom to irt, con dence, and a command of
language. Shakespeare was lucky enough to
have all four. The likes of Casanova and Don Juan
were able to capture numerous women’s hearts
and bodies through the strength of their words,
body language, romantic skills, and sheer animal

You must decide how quickly and how far you

can push things while dealing with a woman. I've
observed that when you rst meet a lady,
you're usually in one of three scenarios: you have
days or weeks to seduce her, you have a few
hours to seduce her, or you have a few minutes to
seduce her. You need to have a unique strategy
for each circumstance and be willing to assume
varying degrees of risk (as it takes more courage
to ask a woman you've known for two minutes
out than it does to ask out a woman you've
known for months). The three scenarios are
summarized as follows:

In the rst scenario, you only have a few hours to

seduce the woman. Examples include talking to a
woman on the train or in any other situation
where time is not on your side, including meeting
a woman at a party, bar, or any other gathering.
You must act fast and purposefully in these
circumstances if you want to win her over. The
master seducer will take full advantage of the
short period of time to progress swiftly through
the seduction stages.

In the second scenario, you have a few days or

weeks to seduce the woman. You have the time
to woo the woman in this situation. A few
examples include the waitress at your preferred
dining establishment, the cashier at the grocery
store, or a woman at your neighborhood gym.
You either know where they work or have some
other "reason" to run into her again in this
circumstance. Then you can plan to "bump into
her" once again and continue to develop your
seduction over time.

Finally, in the third scenario, you only have a few

minutes to seduce the woman. If you don't speak
up and take action in these circumstances, the
woman will be gone. You must act quickly. A few
instances like this are conversing with a woman
in a store standing in line, or when sitting next to
her at a co ee shop table. In these
circumstances, you must establish rapport and
trust right away. You must be willing to take a
bigger risk and have the courage to ask for her
contact information, and email address, or to set
up a date right there and then when there isn't
much time left. You must also understand the
various stages of creating rapport—that is, a
good-feeling connection—with a woman. Here is
a brief description of the steps you will probably
take to have sex. It's crucial to maintain your
concentration on the objective at each stage so
you can go to the next. Here is an overview of the
rapport-building phases. Study these and apply
them in any dating situation with a woman. You
can quickly identify which stage you are on and
how to go to the next step by having a rm
understanding of these stages.

STAGE I: Breaking the ice, small talk, and getting

to know each other. STAGE II: Establishing trust
and experiencing some good feelings together.

STAGE III: Develop romantic/sensual feelings.

Having her consider you a potential lover.

STAGE IV: Some form of physical touch, kissing,

or handholding.

STAGE V: Either setting up the next date or

initiating an intense sexual connection.

With the information on the di erent stages of

dating, as well as an understanding of the three
di erent situations, you can now start to
construct a more thorough approach. But to
really succeed, you must also remember that
dating is a numbers game. Being persistent is the
most important thing you can do. Date and
approach as many women as possible. It is up to
you to overcome your own shyness and
obstacles to successfully interact with women.
The expert seducer is persistent and stays on
course toward his goal. If you take on this
attitude and act accordingly, you will be

The Three Do's of Flirting

1. DO Smile & Say “Hi”.

Your facial expression is important and can be a

nuanced part of your behavior. When you
approach a woman to irt with, it’s best to be
relaxed and smile, make eye contact, and say hi.
Too many guys have a non- playful attitude
towards irting. They are resentful about having
to do it or are indulging in irtatious behavior
while in a sour mood. They don’t look relaxed,
and they don’t sound relaxed. As I said in chapter
three, you must overcome adolescent posture. If
you habitually radiate tension, it may be
necessary for you to get some bodywork or to
take some yoga classes. When you are relaxed
and approach a woman, she sees it on your face
and in your eyes.

2. DO Make “Creative Misinterpretations”.

When approaching a woman, you need to be

alert and have your eyes open. Find the aspects
of her behavior or appearance that you can safely
make jokes about. You do this by putting a new
spin on something normal. When Mark asks the
bank teller, “Do you get to keep a percentage of
all the money you take in each day?” he’s
creatively misinterpreting something in her
environment and using it to irt. When he asks if
she gets to keep a percentage, he’s being silly in
a way she can relate to. It provides them with
their own little world and a joke for them to share.
Similarly, when Frank playfully jokes to the girl at
the local mini-mart store who always wears army
fatigues about being a major in the army, he’s
taking something at hand and creatively
misinterpreting it, recasting it as something they
can joke and irt about. Every time he sees her,
they return to this joke, and she feels more
comfortable with him each time. You should try to
make your misinterpretations complementary to
her. For instance, it would be more e ective to
mistake the woman collecting the money as you
exit a parking garage as "the parking goddess"
than, say, a college dropout who got lucky and
landed her current job. The rst is a joke; the
second is a demeaning insult. Keep track of the
di erence.

3. DO Describe Her Feelings For Her.

Your aim in irting is to make her feel romantically

attracted to you and want to act on those
feelings. You must describe romantic feelings in
order to do this. Have you ever been with
someone who was describing something
disgusting? Perhaps a friend had been sick, and
later described to you, in intimate detail, every
step and every nuance of how it felt to be about
to throw up. Can you remember how you felt as
he described his sickness? Did you start to feel
sick too? Or perhaps you may have experienced
the need for someone to stop discussing a
terrible incident or catastrophe because you were
beginning to comprehend a little too well how it
must have felt. These people have used a simple
principle on you— that describing a feeling to
someone makes them experience that feeling.
This is why you might feel unwell when your
friend describes getting sick, or feel a little
queasy when someone talks about a repulsive

You really must use this idea, but in reverse, to

irt successfully. You must give her the feelings of
romance, attractiveness, and arousal that you
want her to experience in exquisite detail. As you
describe these feelings, she’ll start to have them.

The idea is straightforward: in order to

comprehend what someone is talking about when
they explain something to you, you must be able
to picture it. You can't help but visualize what my
new car looks like if I tell you it's a minibus and
that it's grey while explaining it to you. Even if I
tell you not to imagine something, you have to
imagine it to know what not to think about. If I tell
you not to imagine a mini-van, you must think of
one, so you know what thought to avoid. The
same thing happens when you describe a feeling
to a woman. Whether she wants to feel the
feeling you are describing or not, she must
imagine it to know what you are talking about.
The extent to which she feels it is dependent on
how well you are at describing the feeling.

Why Con dence is better than Cash or

a Six pack

What attribute did more than a thousand women

say they found most appealing in men when a
survey was conducted? Would you like to take a
guess? Well, I'll tell you regardless. It was
con dence. Looks came nowhere near the top of
the list. Why do women nd a con dent man so
alluring? What is it about self-assured men that
makes them so seductive? Allow me to

• A man who exudes con dence is aware of his

worth and is proud of who he is. What do you
think she will perceive you as if you don't think
you are good enough yourself?
• A man with con dence feels at ease at all
times. When you interact with a woman and
feel uneasy, you put a stop to the building
chemistry. If there is no chemistry between you
two, how can a woman like you?

• A self-assured and con dent man wants a

woman more than he needs one. Women nd
needy males to be highly unappealing, and
they can sense it right away.

• A self-assured and con dent man gives a

woman a sense of security. A man who exudes
con dence is a masculine man. She will feel
more masculine than you, and all attraction will
be lost, if you approach a woman without
con dence, and expect her to assume the
dominant male position and initiate the
approach. Women desire to feel feminine, not

A lady will be attracted to you more the more

feminine you make her feel. How does the man
achieve this? Practice, practice, practice! Low
self-con dence is generally caused by ve things:
severe self-judgment; unrealistic expectations;
xation with fear and anxiety; a lack of skills and
talents; and insu cient experience. Gaining
experience, sharpening your skills, and honing
your talents (picking up, conversing with, or
approaching women) are fundamental.

Snap yourself out of the fear.

There isn't a secret recipe for con dence that you

can get in a book or on the Internet. Con dence
will give you everything you need to approach a
woman and be yourself, but you must work to get
it. Lastly, do not confuse cockiness or arrogance
for con dence.

Three Things Women Find Sexy That

Have Nothing to Do With Sex

Believe it or not, some of the sexiest things you

can do to turn a woman on happen outside the
bedroom. The sooner you under this the sooner
you'll get her craving your presence in an actual
bedroom. It may surprise you to learn that some
of the sexiest things you can do to entice a
woman take place away from the bedroom. The
sooner you realize and understand this, the

1. Passion for Life. You must be leading a life

that ignites your enthusiasm. She will eventually
want to learn more about you, so if you have any
interesting tales to tell her, you'll already be in a
good position to tell her about something.
jogging, private gym, and social media marketing
workshops were terri c as far as helping me meet
women, not necessarily because of meeting the
women in these places, but more because it gave
me something great to talk about when I did go
on dates. A statement that always seems to turn
on women: "I really wanted to try (worthwhile
goal), and so I have been (preparing for the
worthwhile goal)." She can directly relate to that
desire and feels the weight of it — being on that
pursuit and further than her is a huge advantage.

2. Self-Control. There are many, many ways that

this might manifest, but these are the ones that
mean the most to me. Do not feel compelled to
immediately share these stories. Let her talk, and
then you can share. Not only will you appear
courteous, but smart and sel ess as well. Talking
less means a lower chance of putting your foot in
your mouth. It's a solid indicator that she's
someone you should not get associated with if
she never asks you about your life.

• You must feel at ease carrying your side of the

conversation while letting her handle hers. This
implies that you can't always ll in the blanks
and never be too afraid to allow for breaks or

• When she says something spectacular or

intimidating, like, "I used to play professional
volleyball and now I model," or "I manage my
own business and have so much money that I
never have to work again," you must learn to
remain unfazed.

• Heartfelt and sincere appreciation is almost

always appreciated. But be extremely careful
not to compliment her too much. Ironically, the
more compliments you o er after the rst, the
less real they appear to be.
On the one hand, we want to make the girl feel
comfortable, but on the other hand, we also want
her to invest in the conversation and be slightly

3. Self-awareness. The capacity to check in,

assess your feelings, determine what is
happening, and how you currently feel about the
situation. The discussion doesn't appear to be
going well, and I'm feeling uneasy about it. She
just seems to be whining when I ask her a
perfectly decent inquiry about her profession. For
example, "I'm feeling nervous right now, so I
sense a need to say something. I'm going to hold
my tongue for at least a few seconds and see
what happens." or "Okay, it's her problem. Let's
see what we can do to turn this around. "

Real Men Take Risks

Let's face it, gaining con dence used to be much

simpler. Males were always at risk of not eating,
getting attacked, and contracting diseases. The
list is endless. Every man had to take a risk every
day, no matter how tiny, in order to survive.
Except for tasks he sets for himself, modern man
has no risks or di culties. If he chooses, he can
live in security, comfort, and protection. Sadly, the
majority of men opt for this path.

I'm going to set you the task of taking tiny risks

each day. Here’s a handful to help you get going:

i) Today, give ve strangers a smile.

ii) Say "hi" to any pretty woman you see. Then, if

you'd like, leave. The approach itself poses the

iii) That one woman you've been holding o on

asking out? Ask her out.

Take these chances for the next ve days.

Put them on your calendar or jot them down on a
Post-It note and stick it to your computer screen
if you have trouble remembering to take these
risks. Do whatever is necessary to keep these
risks in your mind. " Just do it," as that one dated
Shia LaBeouf meme goes. You cannot grow if you
don't. You won't become more con dent if you
don't grow. If you don't boost your con dence,
you'll never develop into the man that women

I'm going to challenge you to do this every day. If

you do, I guarantee you'll turn into the guy
women want. More importantly, you will develop
the character and con dence you have always

Why women love 50 Shades of Grey

If you haven’t seen a woman reading 50 Shades

of Grey yet, where have you been? You can
literally see them icking through this thing over
lunch, browsing it on the subway, reading it aloud
at their book clubs, and discussing it on internet
forums and comment sections. This little work of
ction has a huge seductive e ect on them. 50
Shades of Grey explores women’s sexual
fantasies. It is a book about sex and erotica
literature, and it has the entire female population
mesmerized. If you can, I suggest that you
absolutely purchase a copy of it because it
provides an accurate picture of female libido!

However, I want to give you my opinion on it

before you run to the bookstore to get a copy. I
believe this is one book where you really need a
woman's perspective to help you appreciate the
hidden details it includes! You should not read
this book while wearing your masculine reading
glasses. I want you to consider it from the
perspective of a woman, as once you do, you'll
have discovered the key to every woman's
hidden desires and be able to seduce any woman
you choose.

Here’s the bad news: not all women want to be

chained up, spanked, or blindfolded. Think
against the notion that, "Oh, that's what I have to
do; bind a lady with ropes and use her as my sex
slave, since that's clearly what all women want in
their hearts." Keep in mind that the relationship is
in ated in the book because it's ction. But even
though you might not have a helicopter or be a
27-year-old billionaire, there are certain important
things you can learn when it comes to what
women want. A lot of men who read this book
would believe that Christian Grey's youth, good
looks, and wealth are the main factors for Ana
Steele's attraction to him. Nevertheless, the
female readers cannot actually see Christian
Grey; they cannot take a ride in his helicopter.
What really engages them, what really turns them
on, all occurs within the mind. There actually isn't
any sex until way beyond the 100-page mark!

What does this tell us, exactly?

Women experience this sexual tension as a result

of their mental anticipation of potential outcomes.
She is unsure of her ability to restrain herself and
how he will entice her. It is not about jumping
right into the whips and the chains. It is about
Ana feeling like Christian really wants her and
building up her expectations. Christian frequently
says things like, "If I want to, I will..." He is
leading his own life and vision, and women love
that! You can now employ a similar technique by
suggesting to a woman that she checks out a
restaurant or a band you believe she'll enjoy. This
is considered preferable to speaking in a weaker,
less certain manner.

Christian Grey is attractive for more than just his

directness, though. He also wins Ana's trust by
demonstrating to her his vulnerability, hidden
beneath his dashing demeanor. He speaks of
prior tragedies, revealing that he is not always as
in complete control as he initially appears to be.
Instead of turning Ana o , this makes him more
alluring. She has the impression that he is sincere
and passionate, and that there something more is
going on beneath the exterior—that he is only in
love with her.

He constantly emphasizes, "You are mine," and

demonstrates to her that he is entirely focused on
her. This may come out as possessive behavior in
the book, which is undesirable. I do want you to
remember, though, that women prefer to feel
wanted by men. A man is with her because he
genuinely wants to be with her, not just because
he has no other options.
So keep in mind that 50 Shades of Grey is an
erotic dream and read between the lines as you
are reading it. Women don't want you to be rich,
but they do appreciate a man with con dence
and authority. Women don't necessarily want a
man to rule over them, but they do want him to
take the lead and act in a masculine fashion.
Women do not want a guy who owns them; they
want to feel desired and wanted. Thus, what do
you think the best lessons you can take from 50
Shades of Grey are? That women too enjoy
having sex and desire to meet men, and that this
book has sparked the libido in countless numbers
of women all over the world!

That My Brothers Is It
But It Doesn't Have To...

Wouldn't it be great to walk into any situation

knowing that you can attract any woman you
want, even if there are high-value men lurking?
Wouldn't it be awesome to have the necessary
self-belief to get hot babes because you possess
both the nice guy's heart and the bad boy's
alluring charisma and attitude that women can't
help but swoon over?

You're in luck then, because I've developed a

step-by-step system that demonstrates how to
apply all of the fundamentals of female
psychology to get women attracted to you on
autopilot, get more women out on dates, seal the
deal, and entice them back into your bedroom.
You can discover these seduction secrets:

• Without becoming a jerk or attracting any

unfavorable attention from others.

• Without harming, abusing, or showing

disrespect to women.

• Without having to be phony, deceptive, or alter

your personality.

• Without losing any of your mates or your sense

of self-worth.

• Without being egocentric or combative.

• Without the worry of being “hot” utilizing some
trick by women.

• Without being mean and disrespectful to


If you want to be the kind of guy that gets a

continuous supply of beautiful women in his life,
then you have to know what brings out a
woman’s inner “naughty girl”—(and not scare her
o in the process).

I call this system: THE GAME: UNLOCKED

The Game: Unlocked is a step-by-step system

that shows you how to project the high-value
attitude that women want, and with this system,
you will:

• Erase other guys from her mind as she

fantasizes about you and only you.

• Sets her heart pounding with want and

• It practically assures you that you will be the
rst guy she calls that week to go out with and
probably sleeps in with.

• Oh, and avoid being friend-zoned at all costs.

This program is packed to the brim with tips,
tactics, and techniques that embed the entire
blueprint of seduction into your brain.


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