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Phi Beta Sigma Programs and Projects

Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc., an international organization comprised of 150,000 college-
educated men, focuses on issues that impact the youth and our communities. Through our
national mentoring program for males ages 8-18, the organization provides opportunities for the
development of young men as they prepare for college and the workforce. The organization’s
partnerships with the American Cancer Society, March of Dimes, Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, Boy Scouts of America and the Thurgood Marshall College Fund speak to its
mission to address societal ills including health disparities and educational and developmental
challenges for young males.
The Phi Beta Sigma programs of Bigger and Better Business, Education and Social Action are
realized through the Fraternity’s overarching program, Sigma Wellness. Sigma Wellness is a Phi
Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated signature community initiative adopted at Conclave 2007
and has the following objectives:
 To support Sigma’s vision of ensuring programs are focused and committed to serving our
communities and serving young males through mentoring and scholarships.
 To ensure symmetry among all of our organizational and community initiatives.
 To develop a sense of pride and commitment in the community toward healthy living that will
reduce the incidences of health conditions that adversely affect men of color.

Social Action
The fraternity's five main social action programs are Project Vote, Sigma Wellness, Sigma
Presence on Capitol Hill, and projects S.W.W.A.C. & S.A.T.A.P.P.
Project S.W.W.A.C. (Sigmas Waging War Against Cancer) is a concentrated and coordinated
effort to reduce the incidence of cancer in the African American community. Through a
partnership with the American Cancer Society, the goal of Project S.W.W.A.C. is to increase
awareness, with a strong emphasis on early detection and prevention of prostate and colorectal
cancer.[26] Project S.A.T.A.P.P. is a collaborative venture with the March of Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation to address the alarming rise in teenage pregnancy. The Sigma Wellness Project is
focused on living healthier lifestyles through education. The goal of Project Vote is to register
and educate citizens and encourage members of the community to participate in the democratic
process. The Sigma Presence on Capitol Hill Program is focused on presenting Sigma members
the opportunity to discuss the many of the critical issues facing our communities with members
of the U.S. Congress.[26]

 Living Well is a men’s health initiative designed to educate and inform the community
about key health issues facing men of color. This initiative is meant to engage the
community in a dialogue about our health and solutions to improve our well-being.
 The Program Guide is designed around five health modules. Each module has one or more
sessions and should be completed in its entirety before moving on to the next module.
 Each module has a series of slides. The slides and manual are designed to work together to
provide consistency and simplicity. All may be downloaded under Members > Initiatives
 You may supplement the slides with relevant and audience friendly audio or visual materials
of your own choosing or with guest speakers.
 It is best to plan out the workshop a few weeks ahead of time. Preferably, the workshops can
coincide with the Sigma Social Action Calendar.
 Brothers are advised to practice the slides a day or two before your workshop presentation.
This allows you to become familiar with the language, topics and the transition of the slides.
 Take attendance, take pictures, provide a pre-test and post-test for attendees (materials
included in the guide). This will help us better understand our effectiveness in the
community, as well as provide us key information for building future programming.
 Brothers should first train each other on the modules so that every active Brother in the
Chapter is familiar with the topics, and then prepare to conduct the workshops in the
 We encourage Brothers that when appropriate co-host the event with our sisters Zeta Phi
Beta Sorority, Inc. Conducting the Living Well workshops provides an excellent
opportunity for professional development, strengthened public speaking skills and enhanced
organizational know-how.
 Report, Report, Report! The hosting Brother must build a workshop portfolio and report
 Get the media involved. Save newspaper clippings; contact the local health department and
let them know of your work. Engage health educators on your campus; organize health fairs.
Record and keep the pre-tests and post-tests (send the Social Action Director copies).
Phi Beta Sigma partners with the March of Dimes. Through this partnership, the two
organizations will work together to prevent prematurebirths and build strong fathers and male
role modes in the African American community through sponsoring Strong
Fathers seminars and Stepping To Save Babies. Our members are committed to take the
following actions:
 Sigma’s volunteering for local March of Dimes chapters, committees and boards.
 Chapters co-sponsoring and leading with the March of Dimes Strong Fathersseminars in our
 Sigma’s Stepping To Save Babies initiative: Our goal is to raise $75,000 with each chapter
contributing a minimum of $200 for March For Babies.

Chapters are encouraged to continuously register and educate citizens to participate in the
democratic process. We will work jointly with Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. to make a positive
impact in our communities by registering new voters. The priorities of Project Vote are voter
registration, voter education, voter participation and getting out the vote.
Blacks constitute between 10 and 19 percent of all eligible voters. What a powerful force if
properly harnessed. In 2004, only 38 percent of eligible Black voters registered. Every Sigma
Brother should show proof to his chapter that he is registered to vote. Check friends and
family members to ensure their registration as well.
1. Check with your local registrar on rules and requirements.
2. Obtain registration materials.
3. Contact shopping centers regarding permission/requirements.
4. Investigate local sources of funding.
5. Involve local politicians or celebrities.
6. Pick a convenient date.
7. Advertise to the public
8. Have a back-up plan for date, Brothers, site, etc.
9. Make it a learning experience
10. Involve Sigma Beta Club members.
11. Coordinate with Zetas.
12. Collaborate with local groups.
13. Make it fun.
1. Contact all candidates: Do not endorse any candidate (remember Sigma is non-partisan).
2. Contact all political parties: Utilize their resources, materials, and expertise.
3. Organize a meet the candidates forum or a discussion of vital issues workshop.
4. Have a breakfast at your Fraternity house or local church. Invite other organizations.
5. Check local funding sources. Local non-partisan organizations.
6. Involve Sigma Beta Clubs: Excellent learning opportunity.
7. Follow-up and follow through. Registration, education and demonstrations are for naught
without the vote.
8. Establish a reminder phone bank. Organized car pools. Have knock-on door patrols.
9. Get them to the polls on time!
Meaningful and lasting changes can best be brought about through the political process. If men
of Sigma are to fulfill our mission of “Service to Humanity” in the political arena, and become
positive agents of change, we must:
1. Stay informed (Keep up with current events).
2. Join political organizations.
3. Donate time, money, services.
4. Develop a proposed platform for candidates which deals with pressing community problems
and concerns.
5. Run for office.
6. Screen and select candidates for the public.
7. Promote and encourage positive exposure for candidates.
8. Volunteer as campaign workers.
9. Obtain list of committees in Congress, State Legislatures, County Governments, and City
10. Get names, telephone numbers, fax numbers, email addresses and addresses of Chairpersons.
11. Write, call or visit officials to voice opinions, obtain advice, and get clarification.
12. Lobby and meet with elected and appointed officials to develop meaningful dialogue on and
solutions to community concerns.
13. Attend legislative sessions/hearings (a great field trip for the chapter and Sigma Beta Clubs).
14. Hold elected officials accountable. Expose and/or oppose candidates and public officials who
have not been true to their platforms or who have not performed adequately.
15. Send letters to the editors of newspapers and periodicals.
16. Share knowledge and information (with local groups, national organizations within Sigma).
The founders of Phi Beta Sigma were all educators in their own right. The genesis of the
Education Program lies in the traditional emphasis that the fraternity places on Education.
During the 1945 conclave in St. Louis, Missouri, the fraternity underwent a constitution
restructuring which led to the birth of the Education as a National Program.
The National Program of Education focuses on programming and services to graduate and
undergraduates in the fraternity. Programs such as scholarships, lectures, college fairs,
mentoring, and tutoring enhance this program on local, regional and national levels.[24]
Project S.E.T. (Sigma Education Time) is focused on increasing grade point averages and
graduation rates of collegiates throughout the nation. The program aims to help with job
readiness, choosing a career path {3–5 year outlook}, interviewing techniques, negotiating and
The Sigma Beta Club[edit]
In the early 1950s, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity developed a youth auxiliary group. Under the
direction of Dr. Parlett L. Moore the Sigma Beta Club was founded. While as National Director
of Education, Brother Moore was concerned about our changing needs in our communities and
recognized the important role that Sigma men could play in the lives of our youth. On April 23,
1954, the first club chapter was organized in Montgomery, AL. Throughout its existence, Sigma
Beta Club has been an essential part of the total organizational structure of many of the Alumni
chapters of Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc. and offers men of Sigma a unique opportunity to
develop wholesome value, leadership skills, and social and cultural awareness of youth at a most
critical stage in the youth’s personal development. The Sigma Beta Clubs’ principles of focus
emphasize Culture, Athletics, Social and Educational needs. Sigma Beta Club programs are
geared to meet the needs of its members, but at the same time provide them with a well-rounded
outlook that is needed to cope with today’s society. Phi Beta Sigma is confident that investing in
our youth today will produce effective leaders of tomorrow. Sigma Beta Clubs also provide
services to youths in their communities. Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.’s interest in fostering the
development of youth into effective leaders has been realized in the establishment of strong and
productive Sigma Beta Club all across the country.

Sigma Oratorical and Debate Competition

Sigma Scholarships
Bigger and Better Business
As told by Dr. I.L. Scruggs (excerpts from Our Cause Speeds On):

"Philadelphia, 1924, Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity 'arrived'. We had a mob of people at this
Conclave. There were representatives from twenty-eight chapters -and all the trimmings.
The introduction of the Bigger and Better Negro Business idea was made by way of an
exhibit devoted to this topic.
The Bigger and Better Negro Business idea was first tested in 1924 with an imposing
exhibition in Philadelphia. This was held in connection with the Conclave. Twenty-five
leading Negro Businesses sent statements and over fifty sent exhibits. The whole show
took place in the lobby of the YMCA. Several thousand visitors seemed to have been
impressed. The response was so great that the 1925 Conclave in Richmond, Virginia
voted unanimously to make Bigger and Better Negro Business the public program of the
Fraternity, and it has been so ever since."
Phi Beta Sigma believes that the improvement and economic conditions of minorities is a
major factor in the improvement of the general welfare of society. It is upon this
conviction that the Bigger and Better Business Program rests. Since 1926, the Bigger and
Better Business Program has been sponsored on a national scale by Phi Beta Sigma as a
way of supporting, fostering, and promoting minority owned businesses and services.[23]
The Bigger and Better Business serves as the an umbrella for other national
initiatives involving business. The program's goals include supporting minority
businesses, increasing communication with sigma brothers involved with business,
and instilling sound business principals and practices to members of the community.
Project S.E.E.D. (Sigma Economic Empowerment Development) is the foremost
Bigger and Better Business Program. The program was developed to help the
membership focus on two important areas: Financial Management and Home
The Sigma Economic Empowerment Development Project (Project SEED) is a Bigger
& Better Business program developed to focus on two important topics of interest: Financial
Management and Home Ownership. This focus provides useful information in both areas and
benefits Phi Beta Sigma members, families, and communities. Project SEED is designed to be
implemented at all organizational levels, by alumni and collegiate chapters. Each of the
program’s components are economically viable and relevant, current concerns of our
For college students today, financial management is a vital and necessary skill to be mastered in
the new millennium. With the rising cost in campus living, tuition charges, books, and
transportation, coupled with the decreasing funding sources for scholarships, loans, and grants,
financial management is no longer optional. It is required. Helping more low and moderate-
income Americans become homeowners is a national priority. Phi Beta Sigma seeks to play a
more important role in sharing positive information about the advantages of homeownership to
our members.

IRS Partnership—Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Program (VITA)

With so many tax benefits available today, taxes can serve as the starting point leading to greater
prosperity for many people. In 2000, the IRS changed its approach to meeting individual
taxpayers’ needs for tax education, awareness and assistance by establishing an office called
SPEC (Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication). In 2008 IRS-SPEC cultivated
a partnership with Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Incorporated and shared mutual goals in three key
* Promoting tax understanding and awareness
* Preparing tax returns for free for low-to-moderate income people
* Encouraging personal asset building and self-sufficiency through tax incentives
Mission Statement: To assist taxpayers in satisfying their tax responsibilities through
collaborative efforts with IRS-SPEC and thus creating and sharing value by informing,
educating and communicating with members of the community.
Guiding Principles
The International Headquarters of Phi Beta Sigma will strive to achieve this mission by:

* Supporting volunteer-based initiatives to address underserved community segments, primarily

through awareness campaigns and free tax preparation
* Reaching out to our customers through trained Sigma personnel
* Supporting fully this partnership
* Leveraging our resources to reach rural as well as urban tax payers.
Our Partnership
In addition to strengthening local relationships and offering valuable services through our
partnership, Phi Beta Sigma will:

* Bring dollars and other resources into the community

* Provide members and volunteers valuable personal skills and financial insights
* Satisfy community outreach goals or requirements
In this partnership, Phi Beta Sigma will be able provide the membership and community with
information and assistance that need, want and value. Through this alliance with IRS-SPEC, Phi
Beta Sigma will reach the following audiences:

* Low to moderate income population:Phi Beta Sigma will reach out to low–to-moderate income
individuals, offering them tax credit assistance that puts more money in their pockets.
* Older American population: With the aging population which includes our membership, Phi
Beta Sigma will reach out to this segment and with the assistance of IRS-SPEC to bring tax help
and information to a taxpayer group that often lives on a fixed income.
* General population: As an international fraternity, Phi Beta Sigma in association with IRS-
SPEC, can further expand its community objectives in terms of Bigger and Better Business by
providing tax information to people who have just had a child, started their first job, bought a
home, retired, etc.
* Members: In terms of membership satisfaction and benefits this partnership with IRS-SPEC
offers members of Phi Beta Sigma valuable personal skills and financial insights.
* Student Population: With our links to the collegiate population and the academic community,
our partnership with IRS-SPEC can add an increased sense of volunteerism to the list of
attributes held by these future taxpayers. Collegiate members could provide valuable tax
assistance and information to their parents and peers while learning more about the federal
* Disabled Population: In reaching out to the disabled community, Phi Beta Sigma with IRS-
SPEC can make this population aware of tax credits, alternative media and other tolls available
to assist them in understanding and meeting their tax responsibilities.
The Strategy
Although there is no specific formula for reaching these shared goals through the strength of this
partnership, Phi Beta Sigma with IRS-SPEC commits to support local and national initiatives by
offering support in the following areas:

* Technical tax expertise

* Research data based on tax filing statistics
* Customized tax education
* Marketing products and materials
* Access to local and national partnership networks
* Suggestions and support for building coalitions
* Ideas for local and national partnership models

Phi Beta Sigma Federal Credit Union Initiative

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