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Task 1 – Part 1

What do you want to achieve over the final 8 weeks on the

Foundation Programme?
So far throughout the foundation course, I have created a range of work, which
includes photography, posters and a magazine. I have explored new techniques
including more manual and digital work. Within the previous module specifically, I
have been able to experiment more with graphic related work, such as through
creating a magazine. This enhanced my planning skills and allowed me to think more
about composition. I was able to investigate consumer culture a little, which I would
like to read deeper into within this foundation project.
For this module, I would like to introduce a broader range of materials, such as more
paint and printing work. In the past, I have used collage manually and digitally, as well
as a small range of digital work. I would like to build on this, furthering my skills. I
would also like to further my skills within digital design, such as creating patterns within

I wish to complete some form of poster art by the end of my project, with my work
being able to be shown on a larger scale, such as within large frames. I want my work
to offer the viewer a more aesthetic view of design, with no clear link towards any

I want the viewers to be able to make the connection between the two aesthetics, and
to notice the patterns within the work.

Task 1 – Part 1

What is your Project Concept?

I would like to explore maximalist and minimalist design, comparing the two and
coming up with my own personal outcome to this. I would like to explore this theme,
as I like how both styles of design differ, and I would like to look further into the
historical context of them.

Please give an overview of the project here.

I would like to explore printing more, by practising with different types of print making
and patterns. I will then use these experiments to commit to a large piece of work that I
can use within my exhibition. I will also be using digital techniques and processes such
as layering on photoshop and creating patterns within illustrator. This will give me
more practise within these processes as well as add to my investigation.

What skills will you need to develop in order to complete the work?
I will need to develop skills within manual such as printing and layering. I will be using
existing strengths such as digital layering to help me succeed within this project.

What will you do to sustain your practice and to develop your motivation,
understanding and confidence?
I will research design trends throughout history, with knowledge on the different
events that inspired this. This will lead to a range of experiments which will keep
me motivated.

Task 1 – Part 2

Resources, Services and Tools - What will I need and what steps
must be taken to ensure access and availability?
I will need collaging materials, such as different types of paper and paint. I will
also need access to a computer so that I can complete digital edits within
Illustrator. I will also need to ensure I plan out my studio days so that I can make
the most of the materials there, which also means only creating digital work in
my own independent study days.
Resource - Service or Tool How do I access/acquire What additional understanding,
(Add to the list as you this? expenditure or skill do I need to
progress) exploit this resource well?

Illustrator Through my UWE account Basic knowledge on how to use the

on computers. software.

Collaging material From old magazines or How to compose the materials and
articles. how I can collage them in different
I am going to be aiming for sustainability by only using old or recycled materials, including old
magazines. This should reduce my carbon footprint. I am also going to be ensuring I use limited
energy when using computers or other technology. At the end of the exhibition, I will recycle the
frames I use by donating them to charity shops. I will also recycle all the used materials.

Task 1 – Part 2

Project Budget
Please list below any cost or expenditure associated with your project. The aim here is to identify
the actual cost of the work you have made, rather than the projected cost of a proposed
outcome. You do not need to list those materials that are freely available in the studios
(paper/pencils/acrylic paint etc) but do include more specific materials such as fabric, wood,
superglue, neoprene etc. You can add to this list as you progress through the project.

Item Purchased Supplier Cost

3x Photo frames Amazon £23.79

I am going to create my exhibition as a set of three photo frames, with all of them as
a set to represent how maximalism and minimalism can be combined or differ from
one another.
My planned outcome is best described as...
A creative set of posters which successfully represents how minimalism and maximalism can
be presented aesthetically within design.
Traditional 2D (Drawing, Painting, Collage using real Yes No Not sure
tools/surfaces/materials) (Maybe)
Digital 2D - (Images produced using digital tools such as X
procreate/photoshop etc.

Photography (Traditional or digital) X

3D Sculptural or Decorative object X

3D Functional or Practical Object X

Moving image piece - live action, Animation or Experimental hybrid. X

Virtual piece - (Augmented reality, 3D modelled object etc) X

Performance Based Piece X

Installation piece X

Design, Client Brief or Pitch. X

Design layout sheet or schematic. X

In terms of Physical scale my anticipated outcome will be...

Small Scale – Smaller than a teapot – bigger than a breadbox.

Medium Scale – Bigger than a breadbox - smaller than a bicycle. X
Large Scale – Bigger than a bicycle - Smaller than a garden shed.
A collection or Series

In terms of its digital footprint my anticipated outcome will be...

A “Showreel” Piece of moving image less than a minute long

A “Showreel” Piece of moving image between one minute and five minutes
A “Platform” virtual Piece requiring its own computer.
A Projected piece requiring a computer and projector
Other – Please specify X

In the context of planning the end of year exhibition is your piece

best described as…

A 2D piece of work fixed to a flat wall.

A 3D piece of work suspended from a secure

point in the ceiling.

A large floor mounted 3D object

A small 3D object displayed on a table or plinth.

A moving image sequence which could be part

of a showreel.

A virtual tool or artefact accessed through a

computer, tablet or smart phone.

What will need to be in place in order for you to complete your final
piece and to achieve your ambition and aims?
I will need to ensure that I use time management to ensure that I can complete a full
body of work that links to an outcome.
Project Planning and Scheduling

Project Plan (What will you Project Resources (W Project Milestones (Targets
work on this week?) hat will you need to that you will need to hit to s
Prepare/Learn or co tay on track.)
mplete in order to ac
hieve each milestone

Week 1 Practise research Begin to research different

w/c 18.3.24 skills. possible themes for the
Module Launch

Week 2 Gathering ideas. Finalise the theme for the

w/c 25.03.24 project.

Academic Skills Deadline

Week 3 Practise planning Complete project proposal

w/c 01.04.24 skills. form.


Week 4 Practise research Start research of design

w/c 8.4.24 skills. trends.


Week 5 Articles, newspapers Look deeper into history of

w/c 15.4.24 or magazines. design trends.

Week 6 Collaging materials. Begin experimentation.

w/c 22.4.24

Week 7 Use of technology. Prepare and complete a

w/c 29.5.24 project pitch.
Review week:
Mandatory Pass/Fail

Update Project planning doc

ument to reflect feedback giv
en during this session.
Week 8 Planning skills. Complete project proposal
w/c 06.5.24 and finish planning what I am
Final project proposal compl going to do next based off of
ete 6th May latest feedback.

Week 9 Skills gained from Begin to complete the 3

w/c 13.5.24 experimentation. posters.

Exhibition press pack

padlets complete

-Remove all work/personal b

elongings not needed for the
exhibition from studio.

Week 10 Time management PRINTING ALL POSTERS AND

w/c 20.5.24 skills? COMPLETING BODY OF
Module Deadline: 24th May 2


w/c 27.5.24

Exhibition Prep

Week 12
w/c 03.6.24

Install deadline:
7th June 2pm

Exhibition Opening and PV:

8th June

Week 13
w/c 10.6.24

Exhibition open to public,

Students all take turns
Week 14
w/c 17.6.24
Pack down / all work
removed from studio

What are the Health and Safety risks associated with my

chosen pipeline, workflow or exhibition method?
You must pick at least three and go on to explain the steps that you will take to ensure your
own safety and that of the people around you while working on the project. Evidence that
you have researched how this is managed in the creative industries AND applied it to your
own situation will enhance your submission.

List of possible What is the risk in the context of my What steps can I take to manage
risks. project? the risk and reduce the hazard?
Working for I will be digitally collaging and working I need to ensure that I take regular
long periods at with adobe software. breaks when using the computer.
a computer This is often used within the
creative industry to prevent eye
The methods I will be hanging heavy photo frames. I may need additional help from
by which I am another person to put the frames
presenting my up, to prevent dropping them.
work during
the exhibition

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