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Introduction: Death of a Salesman is a tragedy, written by Arthur Miller in 1949, in Connecticut. America.

It is a two-act play that highlights the impact of living with the hope of fulfilling a wrong dream. The extract
at hand, situated in Act … , tackles the theme(s) of … . The text will be situated in terms of plot with
characterization of both X and Y. The passage will be also analyzed with regard to the theme.

Plot: From the beginning of the play, we are exposed (exposition) to Willy Loman, his wife Linda, and their
two sons, Biff and happy. Their problems are presented to the audience at the beginning as well. Willy's
stressful job as a failing salesman is illustrated, as well as Biff and Happy's stagnant lives. The action starts to
rise (Rising Action) with a discussion between Willy and Linda about their financial situation and sons,
which he tries to escape by recalling earlier times with his sons and the optimism they had about the future at
that time. Linda reveals Willy's true state of mind and his suicidal thoughts to her sons, trying to convince
them to reestablish their relationships with their father; talking to Biff she said: “his life is in your hands”.
Decided to settle back with his parents, Biff visits Bill Oliver, an old employer, to ask for investment money
and Willy visits his boss, Howard, to request to work locally. Unfortunately, both Willy and Biff's meetings
go poorly. After their meetings, Willy and his sons gather for dinner and argue, which made the boys leave
their father by himself in the restroom. All by himself, Willy recalls Biff's discovery of his affair, leading to
Biff considering his father a “phony little fake”. Very soon and later that night, we come to a climax point
when Biff announces his plan to leave the family for good. The announcement led to a dispute full of tension,
where Biff confronts Willy with his suicidal thoughts and the fact of being a failure. Yet Biff’s love for his
father is revealed when he bursts into tears in his arms. The action starts to fall (Falling Action) when Willy,
moved by his son's tears, decides to put his suicide plan into action to provide the funds his family needs for
the future. After everyone else has gone to bed, Willy leaves the house, drives away quickly, and
intentionally causes a car accident, which kills him. With the Requiem of the play, we reach a denouement as
Biff clearly recognizes that his father "had the wrong dreams", Happy is unable to face reality, declaring that
Willy's life goals are admirable, and Linda, although grieving deeply, acknowledges that her family is finally
"free and clear."

Conclusion: In conclusion, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman remains a powerful and moving tragedy that
continues to be appreciated by audiences today. Through its exploration of the consequences of pursuing an
elusive and misguided dream, the play offers a profound explanation of the human condition. This essay
explored a deeper understanding of Miller's portrayal of crushed dreams and unachievable ambitions. Death
of a Salesman stands as an evidence to the human experience, reminding us of the dangers of chasing false
ideals and the importance of finding meaning and fulfillment in the present.
Introduction: Arthur Miller's iconic play, Death of a Salesman, premiered in 1949 in Connecticut, America,
and stands as a timeless tragedy. Through its two acts, the play masterfully explores the consequences of
pursuing an elusive and misguided dream. In this essay, we will closely examine a pivotal extract from Act ...
that investigates into the profound themes of ... . By investigating into the details of the plot and the
multifaceted characterization of both X and Y, we will dissect the passage and analyze its profound
connection to the overarching theme of Z. Through this analysis, we will gain a deeper understanding of
Miller's poignant exploration of the human condition in the face of shattered dreams and unattainable

Conclusion: In conclusion, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman remains a powerful and moving tragedy that
continues to be appreciated by audiences today. Through its exploration of the consequences of pursuing an
elusive and misguided dream, the play offers a profound explanation of the human condition. This essay
explored a deeper understanding of Miller's portrayal of crushed dreams and unachievable ambitions. Death
of a Salesman stands as an evidence to the human experience, reminding us of the dangers of chasing false
ideals and the importance of finding meaning and fulfillment in the present.

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