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Pure Master Academy Inc

Mid-Term Assessment
Reading And Comphrension

Name: Class:

Read the Passage Carefully and Answer the question below

The Tide

like a piece of driftwood on the shore,

I wait;
like a seashell cupping unshed tears,
i wait-
Till the fisherman counts his catch,
Till the light merges intxo darkness
Till the bird are seen no more
and the sea murmurs, now softly,

And i wait
With my hands clapsed around my kness,
My toes buried in the sand,
My hair blowing the wind,
My feet wet;
And i wait
Asking, Why, why should this be ?

But the sea overwhelms me,

Sweeping away all doubts, all fears,
Making all shrink in humility
Before this overpowering immensity;
And i am dwarfed into insignificance,
Like a grain of sand,
Like a piece of driftwood
Left on this desolate shore
With the ebbing of the tide,
Alone, unrecognisiable
In this vest world
of sky, of sea, living creatures

Like a seashell, now empty,

Echoing the murmur of the sea,
nothing is left now
But a memory
Nothing is left
But the salt clinging close
To my skin

By Bvinda Noronha

1. What is the central idea in the peom?

2. (a) To what three (3) things does the poet compare himself ?

(b) What does these comparsion suggest ?

3. What is the dominant feeling in the poem?

4. What visual picture of the poet do we get from the physical details in stanza
two (2) ?

5. What sounds does the poet make ? What do these sounds suggest

6. Which word best decribe the mood of the scene in the poem? ( likely,
solitary, empty, desolate).

7. Choose a example of simile, metaphor, personification, in the poem


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