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Biophysical Reviews


Uncovering the important role of mitochondrial dynamics

in oogenesis: impact on fertility and metabolic disorder transmission
Marcos Roberto Chiaratti1

Received: 5 September 2021 / Accepted: 1 November 2021

© International Union for Pure and Applied Biophysics (IUPAB) and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Oocyte health is tightly tied to mitochondria given their role in energy production, metabolite supply, calcium (­ Ca2+) buffer-
ing, and cell death regulation, among others. In turn, mitochondrial function strongly relies on these organelle dynamics once
cyclic events of fusion and fission (division) are required for mitochondrial turnover, positioning, content homogenization,
metabolic flexibility, interaction with subcellular compartments, etc. Importantly, during oogenesis, mitochondria change
their architecture from an “orthodox” elongated shape characterized by the presence of numerous transversely oriented
cristae to a round-to-oval morphology containing arched and concentrically arranged cristae. This, along with evidence
showing that mitochondrial function is kept quiescent during most part of oocyte development, suggests an important role
of mitochondrial dynamics in oogenesis. To investigate this, recent works have downregulated/upregulated in oocytes the
expression of key effectors of mitochondrial dynamics, including mitofusins 1 (MFN1) and 2 (MFN2) and the dynamin-
related protein 1 (DRP1). As a result, both MFN1 and DRP1 were found to be essential to oogenesis and fertility, while MFN2
deletion led to offspring with increased weight gain and glucose intolerance. Curiously, neither MFN1/MFN2 deficiency
nor DRP1 overexpression enhanced mitochondrial fragmentation, indicating that mitochondrial size is strictly regulated
in oocytes. Therefore, the present work seeks to discuss the role of mitochondria in supporting oogenesis as well as recent
findings connecting defective mitochondrial dynamics in oocytes with infertility and transmission of metabolic disorders.

Keywords Oocyte · Mitochondria · Endoplasmic reticulum · MFN1 · MFN2 · DRP1

Introduction et al. 2008). The mitochondrion presents in this context as a

pivotal organelle due to its key role in apoptosis and energy
In humans, the ovary is one of the first organs to fail with production for normal spindle assembly and chromosomal
aging due to a progressive reduction of both follicle (the segregation (Al-Zubaidi et al. 2021; Babayev et al. 2016;
functional unit of the ovary) number and egg quality. Con- Bentov et al. 2011; Johnson et al. 2007; May-Panloup et al.
sequently, live birth rate declines from 43%, among women 2016; Pasquariello et al. 2019; Tilly and Sinclair, 2013;
younger than 35 years, to 6%, among women aged 42 years Van Blerkom et al. 1995, 2000; Yu et al. 2010). In addition,
or more (Baird et al. 2005; Schwartz and Mayaux, 1982; numerous metabolic processes regulated by mitochondria
Van Noord-Zaadstra et al. 1991; Wright et al. 2008). While such as calcium (­ Ca2+) buffering, phospholipid biosynthe-
the decline in follicle number is thought to be explained sis, and reduction–oxidation state can affect egg formation
by increased follicle atresia as a result of programed cell (Al-Zubaidi et al. 2021; Carroll et al. 1994; May-Panloup
death (apoptosis), meiotic errors resulting in aneuploidy et al. 2016; Spinelli and Haigis, 2018). In face of these find-
are the leading cause of poor egg quality (Schwartz and ings, mitochondrial quality and number have been proposed
Mayaux, 1982; Van Noord-Zaadstra et al. 1991; Wright as markers of egg quality. Indeed, there are several reports
showing that mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) copy number
can be highly variable among oocytes (and, consequently,
* Marcos Roberto Chiaratti embryos) and associate with developmental potential,
although further studies are needed to verify the extension
Departamento de Genética e Evolução, Centro de Ciências and reliability of this association (Diez-Juan et al. 2015; Fra-
Biológicas e da Saúde, Universidade Federal de São Carlos, gouli et al. 2015; Pasquariello et al. 2019; Santos et al. 2006;
São Carlos 13565‑905, Brazil

Biophysical Reviews

Seli 2016; Wai et al. 2010). Moreover, several attempts have form a nucleoid, a likely platform for replication, transcrip-
been made to rescue poor quality eggs through supplemen- tion, and translation of mtDNA (reviewed by (Gustafsson
tation with exogenous mitochondria, being their results a et al. 2016)). Due to its relative short half-life, mtDNA is
matter of constant debates (Cohen et al. 1997; Kristensen replicated at a correspondingly high rate, making it prone
et al. 2017; Labarta et al. 2019a, b; Woods and Tilly, 2015). to replicative errors (Krasich and Copeland, 2017). As such,
The mitochondrial network can vary from hundreds to mutated mtDNA can coexist in a cell with wild-type mol-
millions of mitochondria depending on the cell type and ecules (referred to as heteroplasmy), potentially leading to
on the balance between mitochondrial fusion and fission devastating diseases (reviewed by (Craven et al. 2017)).
(division). In turn, each mitochondrion is composed of two The present work aims to review the current knowledge
membranes, the inner and the outer, which delimitate two regarding the role of mitochondria in supporting oocyte
compartments, the mitochondrial lumen (matrix) and the development. Several works encompassing morphofunc-
intermembrane space; invagination of the inner membrane tional characteristics of oocyte mitochondria are discussed,
towards the matrix further determines the mitochondrial with an emphasis on recent findings connecting defective
cristae (reviewed by (Pernas and Scorrano, 2016)). Within mitochondrial dynamics in oocytes with infertility and inter-
the mitochondrial matrix resides the enzymes taking part generational transmission of metabolic disorders.
in the tricarboxylic acid cycle and β-oxidation, biochemi-
cal processes responsible for the oxidation of energetic sub-
strates. Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)H and The unique characteristics of mitochondria
flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD)H2, generated from these in oocytes
oxidative processes, sustain the electron transport chain
(ETC) through four enzymatic complexes in the cristae Oogenesis commences with specification of primordial germ
membrane, enabling reduction of oxygen ­(O2) into water cells (PGCs) in the posterior epiblast base in pre-gastrula-
as well as the formation of a proton ­(H+) gradient across tion post-implantation embryos. Thereafter, PGCs migrate
the inner mitochondrial membrane. Eventually, the ­H+ gra- to the gonadal ridges, differentiate into oogonia, and pro-
dient is used by a fifth enzymatic complex (the F ­ 1F0-ATP liferate by mitosis prior to undergoing meiosis and giving
synthase) in the cristae membrane to phosphorylate ADP rise to oocytes (reviewed by (Kobayashi and Surani, 2018)).
into ATP, this latter representing the most abundant energy Oocytes progress through the first stages of meiosis until
source for biological processes in the cell. In addition to reaching the late-diplotene resting stage referred to as dicty-
ATP, reactive oxygen species (ROS) such as hydrogen ate; meiosis is resumed only after puberty, which in humans
peroxide, superoxide, and hydroxyl radicals can be gener- can take 40 years or more. At birth, the ovary is therefore
ated from the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) due populated with up to hundreds of thousands of oocytes sur-
to incomplete ­O2 reduction. ROS can damage membranes, rounded by a single layer of squamous somatic granulosa
proteins, and nucleic acids, but the mitochondrion owns a cells (Fig. 1). These germ-soma structures, called primordial
highly effective mechanism for dealing with its production. follicles, remain quiescent until they are recruited for devel-
Under certain circumstances, however, ROS production sur- opment, which encompasses proliferation and differentiation
passes the mitochondrial oxidative defenses, with potential of granulosa cells along with a ~ 100-fold increase in oocyte
consequences to mitochondrial and cellular health (reviewed volume (Liu et al. 2014; Pedersen and Peters, 1968; Reddy
by (May-Panloup et al. 2016)). et al. 2008; Rimon-Dahari et al. 2016; Zhang and Liu, 2015).
The majority of the mitochondrial proteome (~ 1100 pro- During this period, known as folliculogenesis, the oocyte
teins) is encoded in the nucleus, translated in the cytoplasm, progresses through a series of changes and stockpiles sev-
and imported into mitochondria (Rath et al. 2020). None- eral molecules and organelles, events that rely on the close
theless, mitochondria have their own genome (mtDNA), interaction of the gamete with granulosa cells (Fig. 1). Even-
which in mammals is exclusively inherited from the mother, tually, the oocyte resumes meiosis and is ovulated at the
has ~ 16.5 kb, and encompasses 37 genes encoding for 13 metaphase II stage (Fig. 1), even though many oocytes can
polypeptides of the OXPHOS complexes (reviewed by be eliminated through follicle atresia (reviewed by (Binelli
(Stewart and Chinnery, 2020)). Additionally, recent works and Murphy, 2010; Clarke, 2017)).
suggest a role for mtDNA in encoding mitochondrial derived While mitochondria in PGCs have a rounded shape
peptides (MDPs) and small mitochondrial RNAs (Miller (0.4–0.6 μm in diameter) and tubulo-vesicular cristae, these
et al. 2020; Pozzi et al. 2019). Multiple mtDNA copies are organelles get enlarged (0.8–1.0 μm in diameter) after differ-
present in each cell, being mtDNA copy number closely entiating into oogonia, besides owing sparse, lamellar cristae
associated with the cell’s energy demand. One or more cop- (Motta et al. 2000). In turn, during oocyte differentiation,
ies of mtDNA are packaged together along with proteins mitochondria assume an “orthodox” (Fig. 1) configuration
such as the mitochondrial transcription factor A (TFAM) to characterized by an elongated shape (1.2–1.9 μm in length)

Biophysical Reviews

Primordial Primary Tertiary

follicle follicle follicle Ovulation


oocyte ZP

granulosa cell
granulosa cell
vacuole oocyte
mitochondrion ER
granulosa cell-
oocyte coupling

“orthodox” rounded lipid

mitochondrion mitochondrion droplets

Fig. 1  Unique characteristics of mitochondria in oocytes. Starting cristae. Moreover, as oocytes develop, mitochondria, the smooth
with puberty, a group of primordial follicles initiates development endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and lipid droplets become more fre-
as represented by proliferation and differentiation of somatic granu- quently associated, pointing towards an important role of such orga-
losa cells as well as oocyte growth. This period, known as follicu- nelle cluster (referred to as metabolic units) in late oogenesis. These
logenesis, encompasses several stages (i.e., primary, secondary, and changes in mitochondrial morphology, along with functional data,
tertiary follicles) and eventually should result in the ovulation of a suggest that mitochondrial activity is downregulated through oogen-
gamete competent for fertilization and embryogenesis. In turn, mito- esis. In agreement with this, granulosa cells generate multiple filopo-
chondrial architecture changes dramatically during oocyte develop- dia (arrowheads in the inset) that penetrate the zona pellucida (ZP)
ment. Initially, mitochondria display an “orthodox” configuration to reach the oocyte membrane and establish gap/adherens junctions.
characterized by an elongated shape, (1.2–1.9 μm in length), numer- Apart from acting as a signaling hub, these cell junctions are used
ous transversely oriented cristae, and a single large vacuole. However, by granulosa cells to provide the gamete with energetic molecules
the increased abundance of dumbbell-shaped mitochondria in early- such as ATP, pyruvate, nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate
developing oocytes indicates a change in mitochondrial dynamics that (NADP)H, cholesterol, and certain amino acids. The inset in “Ovula-
results, near ovulation, in mitochondria that are round (0.4–0.6 μm in tion” depicts an ovulated oocyte with mitochondria stained in green
diameter), vacuolated, and have arched and concentrically arranged and visualized through confocal microscopy (scale bar = 25 μm)

and numerous transversely oriented cristae, apart from a sin- increase compared to the number in PGCs (Cao et al. 2007;
gle large vacuole (Wassarman and Josefowicz, 1978). These Jansen and De Boer, 1998; Motta et al. 2000; Wai et al.
morphological changes, which are suggestive of increased 2008; Wassarman and Josefowicz, 1978). Although this
OXPHOS capacity, are, however, transient as dumbbell- enormous population has been attributed to an essential role
shaped mitochondria become abundant in early develop- of the organelle (Harris et al. 2009), mitochondrial density
ing oocytes (Fig. 1), eventually giving rise to round/oval decreases with folliculogenesis progression (Babayev et al.
vacuolated organelles displaying columnar-shaped, arched 2016). Moreover, growing oocytes have fragmented mito-
cristae (Wassarman and Josefowicz, 1978). Following, chondria and poorly developed mitochondrial cristae and are
mitochondria in fully developed oocytes remain round/oval only slightly affected by PDHA1 deficiency (Johnson et al.
(0.4–0.6 μm in diameter), contain a large vacuole, and have 2007; Kruip et al. 1983; Motta et al. 2000; Tarazona et al.
arched/concentrically-arranged cristae (Fig. 1) (Trebichalská 2006; Trebichalská et al. 2021; Wassarman and Josefowicz,
et al. 2021; Wassarman and Josefowicz, 1978). It is worth 1978), collectively suggesting that mitochondrial activity is
noting that in ruminants such as cows, mitochondria assume likely downregulated in oocytes. Indeed, there are several
a singular hooded morphology in oocytes, with unclear func- reports showing that both pyruvate consumption (normal-
tional consequences (Fair et al. 1997). Moreover, as oocytes ized by oocyte volume) and mitochondrial-coupled oxygen
develop, mitochondria, the smooth endoplasmic reticulum consumption decrease with oocyte development (Biggers
(ER), and lipid droplets become more frequently associated et al. 1967; Eppig, 1976; Harris et al. 2009; Hashimoto
(Fig. 1), pointing towards an important role of such orga- et al. 2017; Magnusson et al. 1986; Porterfield et al. 1998;
nelle cluster (referred to as metabolic units) in late oogenesis Thompson et al. 1996; Trimarchi et al. 2000). Therefore, it
(Kruip et al. 1983; Motta et al. 2000; Trebichalská et al. is believed that the gamete is kept at a relatively quiescent
2021). catabolic status due to the action of granulosa cells in pro-
About one hundred thousand mitochondria are estimated viding the oocyte with several energetic molecules, includ-
in fully-grown oocytes, which represents a ~ 1000-fold ing ATP, pyruvate, NAD phosphate (NADP)H, cholesterol,

Biophysical Reviews

and certain amino acids (Fig. 1) (Biggers et al. 1967; Downs,

1995; Eppig et al. 2005; Johnson et al. 2007; Richani et al.
2021; Su et al. 2007, 2009; Sugiura et al. 2007). Accord-
ingly, reprogramming of somatic cells into a pluripotent ER
state is paralleled by a metabolic switch characterized by MERCs
fragmentation of the mitochondrial network and decreased mitochondrial fusion
mitochondrial activity (Chen and Chan, 2017; Cho et al.
2006; Ma et al. 2015a; Prigione et al. 2014; Son et al. 2015).
On the other hand, mitochondrial-coupled ATP formation is fusion
essential for resumption of meiosis, spindle formation, and
chromosome segregation, likely due to end of granulosa cell-
oocyte cooperation near ovulation (Abbassi et al. 2021; Al-
Zubaidi et al. 2019; Brevini et al. 2005; Dalton et al. 2014;
Downs, 1995; Downs et al. 2002; Krisher and Bavister,
1998; Kruip et al. 1983; Pasquariello et al. 2019; Stojkovic fission
et al. 2001; Van Blerkom et al. 1995; Yu et al. 2010). elongated fragmented
mitochondria mitochondria

Main effectors of mitochondrial dynamics mitochondrial fission

A large body of evidence has implicated mitochondria in MFN1 cristae
a range of complex biological processes encompassing OPA1
cellular signaling, differentiation, migration, stemness, DRP1
autophagy, senescence, inflammation, immune response, matrix
and cell death, apart from their long-standing role in energy
production. Additionally, mitochondria interact with each ER
other and with subcellular compartments such as the ER,
lysosomes, peroxisomes, endosomes, melanosomes, lipid Fig. 2  Main effectors of mitochondrial dynamics. Cyclic events of
droplets, the plasma membrane, and the nuclear membrane organelle fusion and fission (division) driving, respectively, elonga-
tion and fragmentation of the mitochondrial network are responsible
(reviewed by (Gordaliza‐Alaguero et al. 2019)). To effi- for determining mitochondrial dynamics. Towards that, mitofusins 1
ciently play these functions, mitochondria are constantly (MFN1) and 2 (MFN2) as well as the optic atrophy protein 1 (OPA1)
adapting their morphology and localization in the cell, which are the main effectors of fusion. MFN1 and MFN2 are both located
is collectively known as mitochondrial dynamics (Fig. 2). in the outer mitochondrial membrane, whereas OPA1 resides in the
inner mitochondrial membrane. While MFN1 and OPA1 have a cen-
As such, the mitochondrial network can range in shape from tral role in the fusion reaction, MFN2 is a key regulator of the oxi-
isolated, rounded organelles to long interconnected tubules. dative metabolism and has been implicated on mitochondria-endo-
In addition, mitochondria can distribute evenly across the plasmic reticulum (ER) contact sites (MERCs) formation. OPA1 is
cytosol or form clusters to meet local demands, events that also central to mitochondrial cristae remodeling. In turn, mitochon-
drial fission is primarily carried out by the dynamin-related protein
are cell specific and can vary throughout the cell cycle and 1 (DRP1), which locates in the cytosol and acts at sites of mitochon-
in response to metabolic and cellular clues (reviewed by dria-ER membrane juxtaposition
(Pernas and Scorrano, 2016)).
Mitochondrial dynamics is essential for maintenance of
health organelles as repeated cycles of organelle fusion and et al. 2003, 2005, 2007, 2010). MFN1 and MFN2 are both
fission are required for homogenization of the mitochondrial located in the outer mitochondrial membrane, whereas OPA1
network (Ban-Ishihara et al. 2013; Chen et al. 2003, 2005; resides in the inner mitochondrial membrane (Fig. 2). While
Ishihara et al. 2015; Twig et al. 2008). Furthermore, mito- MFN1 and OPA1 have a central role in the fusion reaction,
chondrial dynamics regulates organelle transport, inherit- the exact role of MFN2 in fusion remains unclear. OPA1
ance, and selective removal (Kleele et al. 2021; Lieber et al. is also central to mitochondrial cristae remodeling, being
2019; Misko et al. 2012; Twig et al. 2008), with defects in its function under the control of multiple enzymes such as
this machinery leading to a range of diseases in humans YME1L1, OMA1, and PARL (reviewed by (Pernas and
(Table 1). Mitofusins 1 (MFN1) and 2 (MFN2) as well as Scorrano, 2016)). More recently, mitoguardins 1 (MIGA1)
the optic atrophy protein 1 (OPA1), all belonging to the and 2 (MIGA1), which act downstream of mitofusins, have
dynamin-related family of large GTPases, are the main effec- also been shown to regulate mitochondrial fusion by inter-
tors responsible for mitochondrial fusion in mammals (Chen acting with mitochondrial phospholipase D (MitoPLD) to

Table 1  Main effectors of mitochondrial dynamics and their role in diseases
Gene Main role Disease/symptoms References
Biophysical Reviews

Mitofusin 1 (MFN1) Outer mitochondrial membrane protein that Unknown Chen et al. (2003); Chen et al. (2005); Chen
mediates mitochondrial fusion et al. (2007); Chen et al. (2010)
Mitofusin 2 (MFN2) Outer mitochondrial membrane protein that Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease type 2A Brockman et al. (2008); Chen et al. (2003);
mediates mitochondrion-mitochondrion (CMTD2A) Chen et al. (2007); Chen et al. (2005); Chen
interaction and juxtaposition of mitochon- Hereditary motor and sensory neuropathy et al. (2010); Fyfe et al. (2011); Rouzier
dria with the endoplasmic reticulum (HMSN) et al. (2012); Sawyer et al. (2015); Zhu et al.
Multiple symmetric lipomatosis (MSL) (2005); Züchner et al. (2004)
Canine fetal-onset neuroaxonal dystrophy
Optic atrophy 1 protein (OPA1) Inner mitochondrial membrane protein that Autosomal dominant optic atrophy (ADOA) Alexander et al. (2000); Amati-Bonneau et al.
mediates mitochondrial fusion Mitochondrial DNA depletion syndrome (2008); Carelli et al. (2015); Delettre et al.
Behr syndrome (2000); Hudson et al. (2008); Schaaf et al.
Syndromic Parkinson disease and dementia (2011); Spiegel et al. (2016)
Yeast mitochondrial escape 1-like 1 Inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase that Intellectual disability, motor development Anand et al. (2014); Hartmann et al. (2016)
(YME1L1) mediates OPA1 processing delay, expressive speech delay, optic nerve
atrophy associated with visual impairment,
and hearing impairment
OMA1 zinc metalloprotease Inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase that Unknown Anand et al. (2014)
mediates OPA1 processing
Rbd1p orthologue presenilin-associated Inner mitochondrial membrane peptidase that Unknown Saita et al. (2017)
rhomboid-like protein (PARL) mediates OPA1 processing
Dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) Cytoplasmic protein that mediates mitochon- Encephalopathy Fahrner et al. (2016); Gerber et al. (2017);
drial fission Autosomal dominant optic atrophy Ishihara et al., (2009); Kleele et al., (2021);
Microcephaly and pain insensitivity Losón et al. (2013); Sheffer et al. (2016);
Intractable forms of epilepsy Vanstone et al. (2016); von Spiczak et al.
Neonatal lethality (2017); Waterham et al. (2007)
Mitochondrial fission factor (MFF) Outer mitochondrial membrane receptor that Leigh-like encephalopathy, optic atrophy, and Kleele et al., (2021); Koch et al. (2016); Losón
recruits DRP1 for organelle fission peripheral neuropathy et al. (2013); Palmer et al. (2013); Shamseldin
Encephalopathy due to defective mitochon- et al. (2012)
drial and peroxisomal fission
Mitochondrial fission 1 protein (FIS1) Outer mitochondrial membrane receptor that Unknown Kleele et al., (2021); Losón et al. (2013);
recruits DRP1 for organelle fission Palmer et al. (2013); Shen et al. (2014);
Mitochondrial dynamics protein of 49 kDa Outer mitochondrial membrane receptor that Unknown Losón et al. (2013); Palmer et al. (2013)
(MID49) recruits DRP1 for organelle fission
Mitochondrial dynamics protein of 51 kDa Outer mitochondrial membrane receptor that Unknown Losón et al. (2013); Palmer et al. (2013)
(MID51) recruits DRP1 for promoting organelle fis-

Biophysical Reviews

facilitate MitoPLD dimer formation (Zhang et al. 2016a). period (≤ 15 h) of mitofusin overexpression or restricted to
On other hand, mitochondrial fission is primarily carried out late stages of oogenesis as mitochondrion-mitochondrion
by the dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1), which locates in contact sites were clearly increased following mitofusin
the cytosol and is attracted to the mitochondrial outer mem- overexpression (Wakai et al. 2014). In addition, mitofusin
brane by receptors such as the mitochondrial fission factor overexpression led to markedly aggregated mitochondria,
(MFF), the mitochondrial fission 1 protein (FIS1), and the particularly around the nucleus/chromosomes (Wakai et al.
mitochondrial dynamics proteins of 49 kDa (MID49) and 2014), a phenotype that relied on MFN1 GTPase activity and
51 kDa (MID51). Once bound to these receptors, DRP1 is associated with disrupted spindle/metaphase plate organiza-
capable of oligomerizing and driving mitochondrial division tion (Wakai et al. 2014).
(Fig. 2) (Giacomello et al. 2020; Ishihara et al. 2009; Kleele Targeted deletion of DRP1 during oocyte development
et al. 2021). resulted in female infertility due to impaired folliculogen-
Prior to mitochondrial fission, the smooth ER wraps esis, a result attributed to depleted ER C­ a2+ stores, multio-
around mitochondria to possibly drive, with the aid of rganelle (i.e., mitochondria, ER, peroxisomes and vesicles)
actin filaments, initial organelle constriction (Fig. 2). Actin aggregation, and defective secretory vesicle release (Fig. 3a)
polymerization further supports DRP1 oligomerization and (Udagawa et al. 2014). Curiously, neither mitochondrial
GTP hydrolysis-mediated membrane constriction (Chakra- membrane potential nor mtDNA copy number was altered
barti et al. 2018; Korobova et al. 2013; Manor et al. 2015). in DRP1-deficient oocytes, although nucleoids were highly
It is noteworthy that MFF and DRP1 often colocalizes with clustered (Udagawa et al. 2014). The apparent lack of effect
nucleoids, thus favoring maintenance of small and frag- on mitochondrial function contrasts with reports showing
mented nucleoids, cristae structure, and the pro-apoptotic that fission is critical for mitochondrial network homogeni-
status of mitochondria (Ban-Ishihara et al. 2013; Lewis zation and turnover (Ban-Ishihara et al. 2013; Ishihara et al.
et al. 2016). Mitochondria-ER contact sites (MERCs) serve, 2015; Ota et al. 2020; Twig et al. 2008), a finding that might
therefore, as fission platforms, apart from acting as impor- be secondary to the unique characteristics of mitochondria
tant hubs for lipid trafficking, ­Ca2+ signaling, ER stress, in oocytes. In turn, targeted deletion of MFN1 strongly pre-
apoptosis, and macroautophagy. Several protein complexes vented mtDNA accumulation during oocyte growth as well
such as VAPB-PTPIP51, IP3R1/2/3-GRP75-VDAC1, and as led to evident mitochondrial dysfunction characterized by
BAP31-FIS1 have been implicated in mitochondria-ER jux- organelle swelling, abnormal expression of OXPHOS subu-
taposition. The same holds true for MFN2 (Fig. 2), which is nits, decreased membrane potential, increased FAD level,
also present in the ER membrane where from it can homo- increased ROS level, and decreased ATP content (Fig. 3b).
oligomerize and hetero-oligomerize with either MFN2 or MFN1-deficient oocytes also contained highly clustered
MFN1 in mitochondria to tether both organelle membranes mitochondria with severe ultrastructure abnormalities such
(de Brito and Scorrano, 2008; Gordaliza‐Alaguero et al. as inner membrane vesicles and decreased number of cristae
2019). (Carvalho et al. 2020; Hou et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019a).
These findings are consistent with previous reports show-
ing that MFN1 is required for mitochondrial health, mtDNA
Regulation of mitochondrial dynamics stability, and OPA1 activity (Chen et al. 2003, 2005, 2007,
in oocytes and implications to fertility 2010; Cipolat et al. 2004), thus confirming the important
role of fusion in oocytes as evidenced for MIGA1 and
Given that oocyte mitochondria have a fragmented morphol- MIGA2 knockouts (Liu et al. 2016b). Nonetheless, neither
ogy, are vacuolated, and contain arched and concentrically MFN1 deficiency nor DRP1 overexpression enhanced mito-
arranged cristae, it is tempting to suppose that these char- chondrial fragmentation (Carvalho et al. 2020; Hou et al.
acteristics are coordinated by specific regulation of mito- 2019; Wakai et al. 2014; Zhang et al. 2019a), indicating
chondrial dynamics in oocytes. To investigate this, Udagawa that mitochondrial size is strictly regulated in oocytes. This
et al. (2014) performed oocyte-specific deletion of DRP1 in finding contrasts, however, with that of oocytes lacking
mice, finding that oocyte mitochondria are fusion compe- the mitochondrial unfolded protein response CLPP, which
tent as fission deficiency resulted in elongated organelles did display smaller mitochondria in addition to decreased
(Fig. 3a). This conclusion is further supported by the pres- expression of profusion genes Mfn1, Mfn2, and Opa1 (Wang
ence of profusion proteins MFN1, MFN2, and OPA1 in et al. 2018a).
oocytes (Liu et al. 2016a; Wakai et al. 2014). Yet, overex- Apart from an evident mitochondrial dysfunction, MFN1-
pression of either MFN1 or MFN2 did not lead to mitochon- deficient oocytes also presented increased apoptosis, disrup-
drial tubulation (Wakai et al. 2014), supporting in oocytes tion of adherens/gap junctions, and impaired communication
an imbalance of mitochondrial dynamics towards fission. with granulosa cells (Fig. 3b) (Carvalho et al. 2020; Zhang
Alternatively, this result might be attributed to the short et al. 2019a). Remarkably, females with MFN1-deficient

Biophysical Reviews

a b MFN1 knockout
DRP1 knockout
mitochondrial vesicles



apoptosis PI3K-Akt ATP
multiorganelle secretory vesicle signaling
aggregation release

granulosa cell- granulosa cell-

oocyte communication oocyte communication

folliculogenesis folliculogenesis
fertility fertility

c MFN2 knockout Offspring

defective insulin

943 DEGs
slight liver
ER function increased
phagosome insulinemia
endocrine resistance

mitochondrial increased intolerance
dysfunction weight gain

Fig. 3  Mitochondrial dynamics in oocytes is essential to fertility DRP1 results in infertility due impaired granulosa cell-oocyte com-
and links mitochondrial-endoplasmic reticulum (ER) dysfunction munication and arrested folliculogenesis. On the other hand, oocytes
with metabolic disorder transmission. Oocyte-specific deletion of lacking mitofusin 2 (MFN2) have a pronounced transcriptomic
dynamin-related protein 1 (DRP1) results in oocytes with elongated change with 943 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) associated
mitochondria, depleted endoplasmic reticulum (ER) calcium ­(Ca2+) with pathways regulating, among others, ER function, the phago-
stores, multiorganelle (i.e., mitochondria, ER, peroxisomes and vesi- some, endocrine resistance, and mitophagy (c). These oocytes also
cles) aggregation, and defective secretory vesicle release (a). In turn, present dysregulated mitochondria-ER contact sites (MERCs) and
mitofusin 1 (MFN1) knockout strongly impairs mitochondrial dynam- mitochondrial dysfunction characterized by mitochondrial aggrega-
ics as evidenced by organelle swelling, clustering, abnormal cristae, tion and swelling, decreased mitochondrial membrane potential,
and inner membrane vesiculation, although mitochondrial shape lower mtDNA copy number, lower nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide
remains unchanged (b). These defects are paralleled by decreased (phosphate) (NAD(P)H) levels, increased FAD levels, and decreased
expression of oxidative phosphorylation subunits, decreased mito- ATP content. Unexpectedly, cristae structure is well developed in
chondrial membrane potential, decreased mitochondrial DNA MFN2-knockout oocytes, better than in wild-type mice. As a result,
(mtDNA) copy number, increased flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) oocyte-specific MFN2 deficiency results in offspring with increased
levels, and increased ROS levels. As a result, MFN1-deficient oocytes weight gain and glucose intolerance, abnormalities that associate with
have decreased ATP content, increased apoptosis, and impaired PI3K- slight liver mitochondrial dysfunction, increased insulinemia, and
AKT signaling. Despite these differences, the lack of either MFN1 or impaired insulin signaling

oocytes never ovulated due to a folliculogenesis arrest at depletion (Carvalho et al. 2020; Hou et al. 2019; Zhang
the secondary-to-antral follicular stage, a phenotype that was et al. 2019a). Zhang et al. (2019a) associated these effects
shown to worsen with aging and led to accelerated follicular of MFN1 deletion to accumulation of ceramide in oocytes,

Biophysical Reviews

a membrane sphingolipid and an important inducer of apop- 2018; Keleher et al. 2018; Ou et al. 2019; Ruebel et al. 2017;
tosis and cell cycle arrest (Fig. 3b). In turn, Carvalho et al. Sirard, 2019; Wang et al. 2018b), can be passed down the
(2020) found that the additional knockout of MFN2 miti- maternal lineage and contribute with the onset of metabolic
gated the impact of MFN1 deficiency on folliculogenesis, disorders in the following generations.
enabling enhanced mitochondrial health, oocyte growth, and It is currently unclear the precise mechanism by which
ovulation in double-knockout females (Carvalho et al. 2020). obesity affects mitochondria and the ER in oocytes. How-
Moreover, while the single loss of MFN1 altered the expres- ever, it is well known that nutrient abundance can overload
sion of 161 genes, the double loss of MFN1 and MFN2 the ETC with highly charged electrons, resulting in exces-
impacted the expression of 474 genes when compared to sive ROS generation and, eventually, oxidative stress. ROS
wild-type oocytes. Enrichment analysis of transcriptomic can damage mitochondria, leading to mitochondrial frag-
differences linked the effects of single MFN1 deletion to mentation and dysfunction, further aggravating the oxida-
disrupted PI3K-Akt signaling (Fig. 3b), a pathway that tive stress (reviewed by (Kakimoto and Kowaltowski, 2016;
is known to have a fundamental role in oogenesis, being Zorzano et al. 2015)). In this context, MFN2 has been shown
required for granulosa cell-oocyte communication (Dong to exert an important role in adapting the mitochondrial
et al. 1996; Liu et al. 2014; Reddy et al. 2008). In keeping metabolism according to nutrient availability. MFN2 acts
with this, previous reports have shown that MFN2 inhibits through regulation of both mitochondrion-mitochondrion
the PI3K-AKT signaling (Chen et al. 2004, 2014; de Brito and mitochondrion-ER interactions, besides determining
and Scorrano, 2009; Ma et al. 2015b), suggesting that the mitochondrial interaction with other subcellular compart-
phenotype of MFN1-knockout oocytes may be explained, ments such as lipid droplets and lysosomes (reviewed by
at least in part, by a deleterious action of MFN2. Indeed, (Benador et al. 2019; Gordaliza‐Alaguero et al. 2019)).
Mfn1 expression in wild-type oocytes was fivefold higher There is also a bunch of evidence connecting decreased
than that of Mfn2, and the treatment of MFN1-deficient MFN2 expression with metabolic inflexibility, mitochon-
oocytes with an agonist of the PI3K-AKT signaling partially drial dysfunction, ER stress, impaired insulin signaling,
rescued oogenesis/folliculogenesis (Carvalho et al. 2020). leptin resistance, glucose intolerance, obesity, and diabetes
Therefore, mitofusins seem to play distinct, nonredundant (Bach et al. 2003; Mahdaviani et al. 2017; Mourier et al.
roles in oocytes, with MFN1 acting downstream of MFN2 2015; Muñoz et al. 2014; Ngoh et al. 2012; Pich et al. 2005;
to counter its activity. Schneeberger et al. 2013; Sebastian et al. 2012; Sebastián
et al. 2016; Tubbs et al. 2014).
Given the key role of MFN2 in regulating the energetic
Role of mitochondrial dynamics metabolism, Garcia et al. (2020) have investigated whether
in oocyte‑linked transmission of metabolic mouse dams with oocyte-specific deletion of MFN2 deliver
disorders offspring that are prone to metabolic disorders. Earlier
reports have shown that MFN2 is not essential for oocyte
Although environmental and genetic factors are the main development, with little, if any, impact on fertility (Carvalho
determinants of metabolic disorders, female over-nutrition et al. 2020; Hou et al. 2019; Zhang et al. 2019b). In spite
permanently programs the metabolism of offspring (Agar- of this, MFN2-deficient oocytes displayed mitochondrial
wal et al. 2018; Akamine et al. 2010; Jungheim et al. 2010; dysfunction, dysregulated MERCs, and an overt transcrip-
Mdaki et al. 2016; Murrin et al. 2012; Oestreich and Moley tomic change encompassing 943 differentially expressed
2017; Rattanatray et al. 2010; Reynolds et al. 2013; Ruager- genes (Garcia et al. 2020). Enrichment analysis of the tran-
Martin et al. 2010; Shankar et al. 2008; Wyman et al. 2008). scriptomic data revealed an over-representation of genes
Accordingly, maternal obesity has been found to cause lipid related to ER function, phagosome, endocrine resistance,
accumulation in granulosa cells and oocytes, thereby result- and mitophagy (Garcia et al. 2020). These findings are in
ing in oocytes with dysfunctional mitochondria as evidenced keeping with previous reports in which MFN2 was targeted
by their ultrastructural defects, aggregation, lower membrane through either oocyte-specific deletion or RNA interference,
potential, increased ROS, and increased C ­ a2+ (Andreas et al. thereby leading to mitochondrial dysfunction, shortened
2019; Boots et al. 2016; Boudoures et al. 2017; Ferey et al. telomeres, increased apoptosis, and, in turn, poor qual-
2019; Marei et al. 2020; Reynolds et al. 2013; Wu et al. ity oocytes and accelerated follicular depletion (Liu et al.
2010, 2015). In addition, obesity leads to MERC disruption, 2016a; Zhang et al. 2016b, 2019b). Likewise, MFN2 overex-
ER stress, and activation of the unfolded protein response pression, which increased mitochondria-ER juxtaposition in
(UPR) in oocytes (Marei et al. 2019, 2020; Wu et al. 2015; oocytes, led to alterations in the ER such as a disintegrated
Zhao et al. 2017). Thus, besides impacting oocyte health ­ a2+ stores (Wakai et al.
network, clusterization, and loss of C
and fertility, these abnormalities, likely underpinned by 2014). Consequently, offspring derived from MFN2-defi-
abnormal mitochondria and epigenetic marks (Agarwal et al. cient oocytes presented increased weight gain and glucose

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