Story 5

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The Fisherman and His Wife

Once upon a time, in a small cottage by the sea, there lived a poor fisherman named Hans and his wife
Grethel. They were a content couple, though they struggled to make ends meet.

One day, Hans went out to fish as usual. He cast his net into the deep waters and waited patiently. After hours
of waiting, he finally caught a large, shimmering fish. To his surprise, the fish spoke, "Please let me go. I am not
an ordinary fish. I am a magic fish, and if you set me free, I will grant you any wish."

Hans was taken aback but decided to release the fish out of kindness. When he returned home and told
Grethel about the magical encounter, she immediately exclaimed, "Oh, Hans, we must ask for something grand!
Let us wish for a beautiful castle filled with riches."

Hans agreed and went back to the sea. He called out to the magic fish and wished for a grand castle. Instantly,
the fish granted his wish, and when Hans returned, they found a magnificent castle where their humble cottage
once stood.

Grethel was overjoyed but soon grew greedy. She constantly pestered Hans to ask for more and more from the
magic fish. Each time, the fish granted their wishes without hesitation.

They had servants to tend to their every need, fine clothes to wear, and delicious feasts every day. But Grethel
was not satisfied. She wanted to be the ruler of the land, to have power beyond measure.

One day, she urged Hans to ask the fish to make her a queen. Reluctantly, Hans went to the sea and made the
wish. The fish obliged, and Grethel became a powerful queen. But even as a queen, Grethel's greed knew no
bounds. She wanted to be the ruler of the sun, moon, and stars. Hans, tired of her endless desires, returned to
the sea and relayed her wish to the magic fish.

This time, however, the fish was displeased. "Your wife's greed has gone too far," it said. "Go back to your
simple life by the sea, for the castle and all your wishes are no more."

Hans returned home to find their cottage restored and their wealth gone. Grethel was no longer a queen but a
humble woman once again.

They learned a valuable lesson about greed and contentment, living the rest of their days in peace and
gratitude for the simple blessings they had.

And so, the fisherman and his wife lived happily ever after, knowing that true happiness comes from being
content with what they had.

Follow-Up Questions:
1. Who are the main characters in the story, and what are their roles?
2. What did the fisherman catch that turned out to be magical?
3. What did the fish grant the fisherman and his wife after their first wish?
4. Why did the fish become upset with the fisherman and his wife?
5. How did the story end for the fisherman and his wife?
6. What lessons can be learned from the fisherman's experiences with the magical fish, especially
regarding the fulfillment of wishes?
7. What is the moral lesson of the story?

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