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Marcial A.

Sablan Elementary School

Schoolwide Action Plan
School Year 2023-2024
Updated March 14, 2024
ELA Winter Data:
School Year 2021.2022 School Year 2022.2023 School Year 2023.2024

Tier 1: 21.3% Tier 1: 18.5% Tier 1: 16.3%

Kindergarten Tier 2: 14.9% Tier 2: 18.5% Tier 2: 18.6%
Tier 3: 63.8% Tier 3: 63.0% Tier 3: 65.1%

Tier 1: 7.7% Tier 1: 20.3% Tier 1: 13.0%

First Grade Tier 2: 5.8% Tier 2: 8.5% Tier 2: 7.4%
Tier 3: 86.5% Tier 3: 71.2% Tier 3: 79.6%

Tier 1: 14.3% Tier 1: 27.3% Tier 1: 28.6%

Second grade Tier 2: 14.3% Tier 2: 16.4% Tier 2: 14.3%
Tier 3: 71.4% Tier 3: 56.4% Tier 3: 57.1%

Tier 1: 25.0% Tier 1: 25.9% Tier 1: 23.4%

Third Grade Tier 2: 13.5% Tier 2: 16.7% Tier 2: 14.9%
Tier 3: 61.5% Tier 3: 57.4% Tier 3: 61.7%

Tier 1: 32.7% Tier 1: 27.1% Tier 1: 25.5%

Fourth Grade Tier 2: 21.2% Tier 2: 12.5% Tier 2: 15.7%
Tier 3: 46.2% Tier 3: 60.4% Tier 3: 58.8%

Tier 1: 41.4% Tier 1: 56.1% Tier 1: 41.9%

Fifth Grade Tier 2: 17.1% Tier 2: 12.2% Tier 2: 16.3%
Tier 3: 41.4% Tier 3: 31.7% Tier 3: 41.9%

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Math Winter Data:
School Year 2021.2022 School Year 2022.2023 School Year 2023.2024

Tier 1: 38.3% Tier 1: 35.7% Tier 1: 37.2%

Kindergarten Tier 2: 23.4% Tier 2: 19.6% Tier 2: 16.3%
Tier 3: 38.3% Tier 3: 44.6% Tier 3: 46.5%

Tier 1: 30.8% Tier 1: 39.0% Tier 1: 35.2%

First Grade Tier 2: 23.1% Tier 2: 20.3% Tier 2: 25.9%
Tier 3: 46.2% Tier 3: 40.7% Tier 3: 38.9%

Tier 1: 14.5% Tier 1: 21.8% Tier 1: 28.0%

Second grade Tier 2: 14.5% Tier 2: 23.6% Tier 2: 22.0%
Tier 3: 70.9% Tier 3: 54.5% Tier 3: 50.0%

Tier 1: 21.2% Tier 1: 21.1% Tier 1: 26.0%

Third Grade Tier 2: 9.6% Tier 2: 5.3% Tier 2: 16.0%
Tier 3: 69.2% Tier 3: 73.7% Tier 3: 58.0%

Tier 1: 17.3% Tier 1: 22.9% Tier 1: 25.5%

Fourth Grade Tier 2: 23.1% Tier 2: 16.7% Tier 2: 11.8%
Tier 3: 59.6% Tier 3: 60.4% Tier 3: 62.7%

Tier 1: 25.7% Tier 1: 29.3% Tier 1: 35.7%

Fifth Grade Tier 2: 20.0% Tier 2: 31.7% Tier 2: 28.6%
Tier 3: 54.3% Tier 3: 39.0% Tier 3: 35.7%

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

I CHalan-ta Mo’na: Strategic Priority #1
Collaborative Leadership

Goal #1: The Guam Department of Education will establish and maintain a culture of collaborative Leadership throughout the organization to
foster greater engagement of all stakeholders to support student success.

SP#1 Objective:

Objective 1.2: By the end of the third year of this strategic plan, at least 70% of stakeholder survey participants will perceive the department
leaders to be promoting a culture of collaboration in the organization. By the end of year five, that percent will increase to 80%.

SP#1 Strategy:

Strategy 1.2: Strengthen and maintain activities that regularly engage stakeholders in collaborative decision making at all levels to include, but not
be limited to, department personnel, students, parents, government officials, community members and organizations.

SAP Objective:

Objective 1: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, parents/guardians will increase their understanding by 5% of Standards Based Grading,
Common Core Priority Standards, and Proficiency Scales and by the end of School Year 2026-2027 at least 80% of parent survey participants will
have a better knowledge of the grading system, standards, and scales.

Objective 2: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, a formal system will be developed and implemented 100% to improve gathering,
disaggregation, and analysis of data to improve student achievement amongst all grade levels and focus groups to include school wide changes.

Objective 3: Promote and increase school committees’ function and effectiveness by 5% every year and by the end of School Year 2026-2027, at
least 80% of faculty and staff survey participants will report actively participating in their respective committees.

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Evidence of Effectiveness, Indicators, or
Person Measures
School Based Activity Timeline Resources
Short-Term Long-Term

February 2024 Parent/Guardian Analyze survey Identify activities to

Survey Parents/Guardians on Standards Focus Group BCD 2nd Semester Surveys results and promote SBG,
Based Grading, Common Core Priority Teachers determine ways to CCPS, and PS
Standards, and Proficiency Scales promote
understanding of

Create Informational Handouts on March 2024 Informational Distribute Semi Annually

Standards Based Grading, Common Focus Group BCD Handouts informational Survey to ensure
Core Priority Standards, and Proficiency Teachers handouts to 100% of parents/guardians
Scales the have a better
parents/guardians understanding of

Faculty will highlight current Common Principal Daily District Priority Mini Observations Student
Core Priority Standards and Proficiency Teachers Standards Common Formative Self-Assessments
Scales to include Standards Based Consensus Map Assessments and Tracking
Grading Perception Surveys

Data Analysis Committee (Leadership Principal Fall District Wide Analyze data to Implementation of
Group) will create a system to gather, Accreditation Winter Assessment determine areas of corrective action to

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

analyze, and respond to school-wide Team Spring Results improvement and increase
data Focus Group AimsWeb needs of all students school-wide results
Chair/CoChair Results
Grade Level PBIS Data

Grade Level will gather, disaggregate, Principal Monthly AimsWeb Data PLC and CLT Analyze data
and analyze student data Grade Level Common Agenda and horizontally and
Focus Groups Formative Minutes vertically to
Assessments determine course of

Faculty and Staff select a school Principal Beginning of the Community Determine roles and Promote and
committee(s) created by the Focus Focus Groups School Year Partners responsibilities increase parent
Groups Rotation of List of identified involvement in
Activity List school activities for school related
the year events

Faculty and Staff will support and Principal Monthly Volunteers Attendance Sharing of district
collaborate with Parent Teacher Parents Forms of Identified and school
Organization to promote home and Faculty and Staff Communication Community Support information,
school connection Prioritized School identifying
Needs community
resources, and
addressing concerns

I CHalan-ta Mo’na: Strategic Priority #2

Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment

Goal #2 All Guam Department of Education students will graduate from high school to prepare to engage in life-long learning and contribute to the
economy with the academic and work-ready skills necessary to thrive in the 21st Century society.

SP#2 Objective:

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Objective 2.3: By year five of this strategic plan, at least 80% of all third year high school students will score at the close to ready/proficient level
or higher in English Language Arts and Math as measured by the department's State-Wide Assessment.

SP #2 Strategy:

Strategy 2.4: Maintain and support activities that promote collaboration among teachers, administrators, and instructional personnel in order to
foster a deeper understanding and alignment of our standards; allow for the development and sharing of effective lessons and instructional
strategies; support the design and use of standards-based assessments and instructional tools; and coordinate the identification and implementation
of needed interventions for both advanced and struggling students.

SAP Objective:

Objective No. 1: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, a formal system will be developed and implemented 100% to improve gathering,
disaggregation, and analysis of data to improve student achievement amongst all grade levels and focus groups to include school wide changes.

Objective No. 2: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, all grade levels will work collaboratively to align curriculum (horizontally and vertically)
to support students’ academic success.

Objective No. 3: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, all grade levels will have created proficiency scales for content areas.

Objective No. 4: By the end of School Year 2026-2027, 80% of students will be able to track and monitor their standards progress.

Objective No. 5: By the end of School Year 2026-2027, 80% of teachers will implement the use of instructional strategies to improve
standards-based learning and a student centered classroom.

Evidence of Effectiveness, Indicators, or

School Based Activity Person Measures
Timeline Resources
Short-Term Long-Term

Data Analysis Committee (Leadership Principal Fall District Wide Analyze data to Implementation of
Group) will create a system to gather, Accreditation Winter Assessment determine areas of corrective action to
analyze, and respond to school-wide Team Spring Results improvement and increase
data Focus Group AimsWeb needs of all students school-wide results

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Chair/CoChair Results
Grade Level PBIS Data

Grade Level will gather, disaggregate, Principal Monthly AimsWeb Data PLC and CLT Analyze data
and analyze student data Grade Level Common Agenda and horizontally and
Focus Groups Formative Minutes vertically to
Assessments determine course of

Faculty will collaborate, create, and Grade Level As Needed Priority Student tracking Analyze data
revise Common Formative Assessments Standards sheet to determine horizontally and
(CFAs) to track student progress and to Proficiency areas of vertically to
determine next course of action.. Scales improvement and determine course of
Student Tracking needs of all students action

5th grade faculty will collaborate with Principal End of the Year AimsWeb Data Identify Analyze data
feeder school to identify areas of need 5th Grade District-Wide prerequisites skills horizontally and
and develop a plan to improve student Faculty Assessment needed for middle vertically to
achievement Counselors Placement Test school improve student
Data placement

Faculty will collaborate and create Principal One to Two District Priority School Year 23.24 Completion of
proficiency scales for Common Core Grade Level content areas Standards proficiency scale for proficiency scales
Priority Standards for content areas Annually Social Studies for other content
and/or Science areas

Faculty will highlight current Common Principal Daily District Priority Mini Observations Student
Core Priority Standards and Proficiency Teachers Standards Common Formative Self-Assessments
Scales to include Standards Based Consensus Map Assessments and Tracking
Grading Perception Surveys

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Data Analysis Committee (Leadership Principal August District Wide Instructional Coach Implementation of
Group) will identify the areas of need to Accreditation May Assessment will provide instructional
improve student achievement Team As Needed Results instructional strategies to
Focus Group AimsWeb strategies to improve student
Chair/CoChair Results improve delivery of achievement
Grade Level PBIS Data lessons and student
Chairpersons Common engagement
Instructional Formative
Coach Assessments

Faculty will use instructional strategies Principal Fall District Wide Implementation of Determining what
to improve standards-based learning Data Analysis Winter Assessment instructional instructional
which creates a student centered Committee Spring Results strategies strategies are
classroom. Faculty As Needed AimsWeb effective or
Results ineffective and
PBIS Data identifying areas of
Common need

I CHalan-ta Mo’na: Strategic Priority #3

Family and Community Engagement

Goal #4 All Guam Department of Education students will establish and maintain a culture of strong family and community engagement to support
the success of all students.

SP #3 Objective:

Objective No. 4.1 By the end of the third year of this strategic plan, at least 75% of parent survey participants will report feeling regularly informed
about department of education matters. By the end of the fifth year, that number will increase to 85%.

SP #3 Strategy:

Strategy No. 4.5: Provide training and support to families that help build their capacity to support their children’s academic, social, and emotional

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

success in school and in life.

SAP Objective:

Objective No. 1: By the end of School Year 2022-2023, the faculty and staff will design and implement activities that promote active parent/family
involvement to aid in student engagement, motivation, and attendance with 80% participation.

Objective No. 2: By the end of School Year 2023-2024, parents/guardians will increase their knowledge by 5% of school curriculum, instruction,
assessment, and behavior expectations. By the end of School Year 2026-2027, at least 80% of parent survey participants will have a better

Evidence of Effectiveness, Indicators, or

School Based Activity Person Measures
Timeline Resources
Short-Term Long-Term

Promote mini-workshops for Principal Every Semester Community Survey to determine Student
parents/guardians focusing on Focus Groups As Needed Partners areas of importance participation,
academics and school-wide expectations Parent Teacher and need attendance, and
Organization Educational motivation is
Strategies and Parents/Guardians increased
Tips attendance and
participation in Parent/Guardian
mini-workshops implement strategies
and tips at home

Promote and provide information on Principal August Syllabus Informational Parent/Guardian

school curriculum, instruction, Focus Groups Monthly Newsletters handouts will be understands the
assessment, and behavior expectations Parent Teacher As Needed Handouts distributed during school’s curriculum,
to the parents/guardians Organization Planners Open House, Parent instruction,
Teacher Conference, assessment, and
and other events behavior

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Survey to determine
knowledge of Survey to determine
curriculum, parental
instruction, involvement in
assessment, and child/children's
behavior education

I CHalan-ta Mo’na: Strategic Priority #4

Student Behavior, Discipline, and Safety

Goal #5: The Guam Department of Education will establish and maintain a culture of strong family and community engagement to support the
success of all students.

SP#4 Objective:

Objective 5.2: By the end of the third year of this strategic plan, the GDOE will decrease the overall number of disciplinary infractions to 25% of
the total population. By the end of the 5th year, that number will decrease to 20%.

Objective 5.4: By the end of the third year of this strategic plan, at least 75% of student survey participants will perceive their school to be safe and
supportive of learning. At the end of the fifth year, that number will increase to 85%.

Objective 5.5: By the end of the third year of this strategic plan, at least 75% of parent survey participants will perceive their school to be safe and
supportive of learning. At the end of the fifth year, that number will increase to 85%.

SP #4 Strategy:
Strategy 5.1: Develop and implement a comprehensive set of policies, procedures and activities that help establish and maintain a safe, positive,
and supportive school culture and learning environment for ALL STUDENTS.

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Strategy 5.3: Explore and/or develop and implement intervention activities that support the engagement and success of students with specific,
repeated, and/or severe behavioral challenges and untapped potential.

SAP Objective:
Objective No. 1: By the end of School Year 2026-2027, at least 80% of the faculty and staff will implement and reinforce the Positive Behavior
Intervention and Support (PBIS) Program.

Evidence of Effectiveness, Indicators, or

Person Measures
School Based Activity Timeline Resources
Short-Term Long-Term

School Climate Cadre will analyze the Principal Monthly PBIS Framework Identify type of Decrease Office
schools data School Climate SWIS Program behavior, location, Discipline Referral
Cadre Pulse Program time of incident, and (ODR)
Focus Group A/E PBIS Coach possible motivation
PBIS Coach of the unwanted

Provide PBIS Training Principal Annually PBIS Framework Survey faculty and Implementation of
Focus Group A/E February 2024 PBIS Coach staff to determine framework
PBIS Coach understanding of
Faculty and Staff PBIS Framework

Provide PBIS Lessons School Climate Monthly PBIS Framework Survey Faculty and Full implementation
(Target: Tobacco Prevention & Physical Cadre As Needed PBIS Lessons Staff to determine of the framework
Aggression) PBIS Coach PBIS Matrix implementation

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024

Faculty and Staff Decreased ODR

MASES Schoolwide Action Plan School Year 2023.2024


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