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Quiz 1

OSI Model
Student name: ………………………………..…

According to your study to OSI Model answers these questions:

1) Flow control takes place at which layer of the OSI Model?

2) Which layer of the OSI Model establishes, maintains and terminate

communication between applications?

3) Frames are found at which layer of the OSI Model?

4) At which Layer of the OSI Model do routers operate?

5) Repeaters and Hubs operate at which layer of the OSI Model?

6) OSI is an acronym for?

7) What is the correct order of the 7 layers of the OSI Model?

8) In the OSI Model UDP protocol resides at which layer?

Quiz 2
OSI Model
Student name: ………………………………..…

1) What is layer 1 in OSI Model?

a. Logical
b. Wires
c. Network
d. Physical

2) Layers interact with ____?

a. Adjoining layers
b. All other layers
c. No other layers
d. Another random layer

3) A computer user mostly interacts with ______?

a. The software layer
b. All layers
c. The network layer
d. The application layer

4) Of the following protocols or standards, which does not reside on the

Presentation layer of the OSI Model?
c. GIF

5) The session layer responds to service requests from the ______ layer and
issues service requests to the ______ layer
a. Application, Presentation
b. Presentation, Transport
c. Presentation, Data link
d. Transport, network

6) The network layer uses _____ to route packets?

a. Broadcasts
b. MAC address
c. IP address
d. Hexadecimal code

7) The physical layer handles data as ______.

a. Binary
b. 120V AC
c. Morse code
d. Hexadecimal code

8) What are some benefits of a layered model?

a. Easier to change individual layers without affecting other layers
b. Troubleshooting is easier
c. Easier to manage
d. All the above

9) Data is grouped as packets in the ________ layer.

a. Physical
b. Network
c. Transport
d. Session

10) The connection-oriented, Sequence Package exchange protocol, resides on the

________ layer.
a. Application
b. Presentation
c. Data link
d. Transport
OSI Model

Student name: ………………………………..…

Q1) for each of the 7 OSI layers, mention some protocol examples?

Q2) for each of the 7 OSI layers, mention some Standards examples?

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