Unit9 M1.T English

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University of Science and Technology Houari Boumediene

Faculty of Electrical Engineering

Department of Electronics

English For
Course For Students Master1

Prepared by : Dr.Boutana Nassiha

Unit 9 Information technology

Information Technology (IT) is the application of computers to all kinds of technology.

In car manufacturing, for example, computers are involved at every stage of the
process, including design, machining, assembly, ordering of parts, quality control, and
distribution of the finished vehicle. To test vehicle safety, computers can simulate the
effect of a crash test, which is much cheaper than crashing real vehicles. Computers
can also simulate different assembly methods so that the best methods can be
chosen. They allow designs to be changed and defects to be corrected easily and
quickly. They also allow designs to be easily customized.
CAD (Computer Aided Design) has replaced working with paper and making models
by hand. CAD programs produce 3D (three-dimensional) images on a computer
screen. Dimensions can be calculated easily, and the forces on different parts of the
structure can be shown. The data can be sent to a rapid modeling device which
produces a solid model quickly.

Unit 9 Information technology

When the design has been granted, the complete CAD file is imported into a CAM
(Computer Aided Manufacturing) program, where the machining operations are
planned. This data is then converted into a set of instructions which can be read by a
CNC (Computer Numerically Controlled) controller.
This automates all the machine tools which manufacture the product. This whole
computerized process from design to manufacture is known as CADCAM.
The term CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing) includes CADCAM but goes
further. In CIM, all stages of manufacturing are computer controlled. This permits
faster production times, fewer workers, and fewer blunders. CIM also allows
manufacturers to move part of their operation to countries where costs are lower. For
example, design may take place in one country and manufacturing in another.

Computer Aided is the use of an application to help create or optimize a design.
Design (CAD) Therefore, CAD software allows engineers, designers, and others to
create precision drawings or technical illustrations in 2D or 3D. This
category of software can increase productivity, improve quality, and
maximize organization by creating a documentation database for
Conception assistée manufacturing. e.g : AutoCAD, Blender, CATIA, LabVIEW....
par ordinateur CAO

computer-aided is defined as "the application of computer systems to the planning,

manufacturing CAM management, and control of manufacturing plant operations
through direct or indirect computer interface with the production
resources of the plant."
fabrication assistée
par ordinateur FAO

Computer Numerically is a manufacturing method that automates the control, movement

Controlled CNC and precision of machine tools through the use of preprogrammed
computer software, which is embedded inside the tools.
The graphical representation of the needed part is designed with
the use of computer-aided design (CAD) software. Then, the CAD
Commande numérique design is converted into a machine file for CNC using the Computer-
par ordinateur
Aided Manufacturing (CAM) program.

Find the synonym of:
simulate = imitate Simuler- imiter

customized = Adapted - personalized Personnalisé

Aided = Assisted - Helped - Supported Aidé

granted = Agreed- approved –accepted Agrée – admis - accordé

blunders = Mistake – errors - faults Erreurs - fautes

From the text find words that mean:

1- manufactured to meet the needs of a particular client customized

2- Imitation of a behavior of a real system or process using specific tools simulate
3- give a prototype of something or a description of system in order predict it
features Model
4- a group of something gathered together in one place for a common purpose. assembly


Choose the best word (a, b, c or d) to complete these sentences.

Stages/ steps
1 The first paragraph lists different ------------------- of IT in car manufacturing :
a steps b advantages c problems d stages

2 Computers can reduce ------------------in the manufacturing process:
a efficiency b flexibility c errors d costs

models /mockups
3 CAD can produce 3D images and ---------------------.
a module b models c mockups d parts of the structure

4 A CAM program is for --------------------the machining process.
a controlling b starting c importing d planning

5 CIM ------------------
Replaces/doesn't need a lot of people in the manufacturing process.
A requires b replaces c controls d doesn't need

6 A wireless CAM keyboard is an ------------------------device.

a internal b output c input d attached


Complete the sentences with the correct verb. The first letter of the verb is given.

download an update from the Internet.

1 You must d----------------------
2 C -----------on
Click the icon to open the file.
select choose an item from the menu.
3 S/C----------------
4 D--------------- ---------- the full-size picture on the screen.
5 C ------------------a Register/record
new spreadsheet and then R----------------the data.
6 Use the spreadsheet to c--------------------
calculate all the costs.

Match the examples of computer use in column A with the areas of application
in column B. More than one answer is sometimes possible.

1-using barcodes to identify items and prices
2 calculating the exact distance to a target Hospital
3 producing scale models of new patterns
4 identifying an employee by his or her voice Airport
5 checking credit cards used for payments
6 issuing seat numbers Supermarket
7 analyzing blood tests
8 keeping a record of all borrowings Design
9 controlling the temperature of a washing machine
10 monitoring the safety of each stage in the process Security
11 warning when aircraft are too close
12 monitoring the life signs of a patient
13 comparing fingerprints Military
14 co-ordinating information from all parts of a war-zone
the home


Application Fill in the appropriate adjectives and nouns form adverbs.

adjective noun
- particularly ___________________
particular ___________________

- significantly ___________________
significant ___________________

- economically ___________________
Economical/economic_ __________________

- efficiently ___________________
efficient ___________________

- energetically __________________
energetic __________________

- electrically ___________________
Electrical/electric _________________

- regularly __________________
regular ____________________
Regulation/ Regularity

- frequently __________________
frequent ___________________

- carefully ___________________
Careful/careless ________________

- specifically ___________________
specific ___________________
Writing a report

Remember a problem that you had with your computer or your phone or other
device and how you solved the problem. Then Write and complete the report form.

IT problem report
1 What hardware and software were you using?
2 Where were you?
3 What were you trying to do?
4 What was the problem?
5 Did you ask for help? If not, why not?
6 How was the problem solved?
7 what you learn from this problem

The student must share his work (word, PDF or PPT files ) and present it live


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