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Country Subject Descriptor Units Scale Country/Series-specific Notes 2022

Estimates Start After

Argentina "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2004 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023 725.346 2021

Argentina "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 5.243
Argentina "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2004 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023 "82,650.24" 2021

Argentina "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
632.241 2021
Argentina "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." "1,225.43" 2021

Argentina "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." "11,394.59" 2021

Argentina "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "15,666.09" 2010

Argentina "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "22,415.30" 2010

Argentina "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "1,785,086.95" 2010

Argentina "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "13,655.20" 2010

Argentina "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "26,466.90" 2010

Argentina Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.749 2021
Argentina Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 67.446 2021
Argentina Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2004 Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023
19.255 2021
Argentina Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2004
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last updated:
03/2023 18.603 2021
Argentina "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: The official national consumer
price index (CPI) for Argentina starts in December 2016. For earlier periods, CPI
data for Argentina reflect the Greater Buenos Aires Area CPI (prior to December
2013), the national CPI (IPCNu, December 2013 to October 2015), the City of Buenos
Aires CPI (November 2015 to April 2016), and the Greater Buenos Aires Area CPI (May
2016 to December 2016). Given limited comparability of these series on account of
differences in geographical coverage, weights, sampling, and methodology, the
average CPI inflation for 2014-16 and end-of-period inflation for 2015-16 are not
reported in the World Economic Outlook. Inflation projections reflect the upper
bound of the program range given recent world commodity price developments.
Harmonized prices: No Base year: FY2013/14. Original base year is Oct13-Sep14,
hence the 2013/14 notation. Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "1,584.57" 2022
Argentina "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 72.431 2022

Argentina "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: The official national
consumer price index (CPI) for Argentina starts in December 2016. For earlier
periods, CPI data for Argentina reflect the Greater Buenos Aires Area CPI (prior to
December 2013), the national CPI (IPCNu, December 2013 to October 2015), the City
of Buenos Aires CPI (November 2015 to April 2016), and the Greater Buenos Aires
Area CPI (May 2016 to December 2016). Given limited comparability of these series
on account of differences in geographical coverage, weights, sampling, and
methodology, the average CPI inflation for 2014-16 and end-of-period inflation for
2015-16 are not reported in the World Economic Outlook. Inflation projections
reflect the upper bound of the program range given recent world commodity price
developments. Harmonized prices: No Base year: FY2013/14. Original base year is
Oct13-Sep14, hence the 2013/14 notation. Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso
Data last updated: 03/2023" "2,125.43" 2022
Argentina "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 94.793
Argentina Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996
Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used
to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 12.272 2021

Argentina Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in
trade: In transit; Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso
Data last updated: 03/2023" 10.119 2021
Argentina Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996
Methodology used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used
to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -5.399 2021

Argentina Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in
trade: In transit; Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso
Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.346 2021
Argentina Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force "Source: National
Statistics Office. Since 1972 to 2002, the data are compiled two times a year for
each district, in May and October. Since 2003 to the present, the survey is
developed throughout all weeks of the year each of the 31 urban groups. The
elaborated data base gathers quarterly information, that is to say 4 yearly
estimations are issued; January-February-March /April-May-June / July-August-
September / October-November-December. The data relate to the employment status of
respondents during the reference week, which is the previous week before the date
of the appointment. Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Argentina's authorities
discontinued the publication of labor market data in December 2015 and released new
series starting in the second quarter of 2016. Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 7 2021

Argentina Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office

Latest actual data: 2010 Notes: Based on the National Census of 2010 Primary
domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023 46.3 2010

Argentina General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Government
gross debt refers to the central government including untendered debt. Fiscal
assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available information regarding
budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program targets for the federal
government; on fiscal measures announced by the authorities; and on IMF staff
macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central (National) government net
lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only. General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "27,580.40" 2021
Argentina General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 33.37 2021

Argentina General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Government gross debt refers to the central government including untendered debt.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available information
regarding budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program targets for the
federal government; on fiscal measures announced by the authorities; and on IMF
staff macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central (National) government net
lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only. General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "30,784.36" 2021
Argentina General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 37.247
Argentina General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Government gross debt refers to the central government including untendered debt.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available information
regarding budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program targets for the
federal government; on fiscal measures announced by the authorities; and on IMF
staff macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central (National) government net
lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only. General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "-3,203.96" 2021
Argentina General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -3.877
Argentina General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Government gross debt refers to the central government including untendered debt.
Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available information
regarding budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program targets for the
federal government; on fiscal measures announced by the authorities; and on IMF
staff macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central (National) government net
lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only. General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "-3,489.84" 2021
Argentina General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-4.222 2021
Argentina General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data:
2021 Notes: Government gross debt refers to the central government including
untendered debt. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available
information regarding budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program
targets for the federal government; on fiscal measures announced by the
authorities; and on IMF staff macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central
(National) government net lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only.
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security
Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and
net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "-1,518.95" 2021

Argentina General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -1.838 2021
Argentina General government net debt National currency Billions
Argentina General government net debt Percent of GDP

Argentina General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Economy and/or Planning Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Government
gross debt refers to the central government including untendered debt. Fiscal
assumptions: Fiscal projections are based on the available information regarding
budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-supported program targets for the federal
government; on fiscal measures announced by the authorities; and on IMF staff
macroeconomic projections. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Central (National) government net
lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments only. General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Argentine peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "69,811.05" 2021
Argentina General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 84.466 2021
Venezuela 157.809 2017
Argentina "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Economy and/or Planning
Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Government gross debt refers to the central
government including untendered debt. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections are
based on the available information regarding budget outturn, budget plans, and IMF-
supported program targets for the federal government; on fiscal measures announced
by the authorities; and on IMF staff macroeconomic projections. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash.
Central (National) government net lending/borrowing includes cash interest payments
only. General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Social
Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency:
Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "82,650.24" 2021
Bolivia 82.616 2022
Argentina Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Argentine peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -4.12 2021
Brazil 85.906 2022
Argentina Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -0.652 2021 Chile 37.977 2022
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 1990 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 49.224 2021
Colombia 63.626 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 3.2
2021 Costa Rica 63.768 2022
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 1990 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 296.499 2021
Dominican Republic 58.919 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
43.221 2021 Ecuador 57.303 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 118.522 2021 El
Salvador 77.236 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 602.347 2021
Guatemala 30.127 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "4,115.72" 2017 Haiti 25.01
Bolivia "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "8,392.86" 2017
Honduras 50.022 2021
Bolivia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "24,790.92" 2017 Jamaica
84.124 2022
Bolivia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "3,613.84" 2017 Mexico
56.029 2022
Bolivia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "9,909.88" 2017
Nicaragua 45.956 2021
Bolivia Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of
world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.072 2021 Panama 54.892
Bolivia Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 2.502 2021 Paraguay 40.87 2021
Bolivia Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1990 Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated:
03/2023 16.875 2021 Peru 33.373 2022
Bolivia Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1990
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated:
03/2023 9.263 2021 Uruguay 61 2022
Bolivia "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2016.
Base year (2016) price index is not 100. According to the statistics office, it is
a technical issue related to extrapolation of the old series to the new one.
Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023"
107.028 2022 Venezuela 157.809 2017
Bolivia "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 1.746 2022
Bolivia "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source:
National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2016. Base year (2016) price index is not 100. According to the statistics
office, it is a technical issue related to extrapolation of the old series to the
new one. Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023"
108.818 2022
Bolivia "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 3.126
Bolivia Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive
volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2006 Trade System: General trade Excluded
items in trade: Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary
or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023" 29.522 2021

Bolivia Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 2006 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-
exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last
updated: 03/2023" 29.522 2021
Bolivia Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive
volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2006 Trade System: General trade Excluded
items in trade: Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary
or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of
imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023" 12.662 2021

Bolivia Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Weighted average of volume changes Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 2006 Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-
exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last
updated: 03/2023" 12.662 2021
Bolivia Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 4.74
Bolivia Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2017 Primary domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last
updated: 03/2023 11.96 2017
Bolivia General government revenue National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 86.001 2022
Bolivia General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 29.005 2022

Bolivia General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 107.656 2022

Bolivia General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 36.309
Bolivia General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 -21.655 2022

Bolivia General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -7.304
Bolivia General government structural balance National currency Billions

Bolivia General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Bolivia General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary
domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 -16.721 2022

Bolivia General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -5.639 2022
Bolivia General government net debt National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 221.402 2022

Bolivia General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 74.672 2022

Bolivia General government gross debt National currency Billions Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Bolivian
boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 244.955 2022

Bolivia General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 82.616 2022
Brazil 85.906 2022
Bolivia "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2022 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary
domestic currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023 296.499 2022
Brazil 85.906 2022
Bolivia Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Bolivian boliviano Data last updated: 03/2023" -0.627 2021
Chile 37.977 2022
Bolivia Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -1.451 2021 Colombia 63.626 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 1995 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 "1,258.29" 2022 Costa
Rica 63.768 2022
Brazil "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 2.901
2022 Dominican Republic 58.919 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 1995 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 "9,915.32" 2022
Ecuador 57.303 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
"1,924.13" 2022 El Salvador 77.236 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." "3,837.24" 2022
Guatemala 30.127 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 788.001 2022 Haiti
25.01 2022
Brazil "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "5,882.30" 2020 Honduras
50.022 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "15,192.45" 2020
Jamaica 84.124 2022
Brazil "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "46,352.59" 2020 Mexico
56.029 2022
Brazil "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "8,995.03" 2020 Nicaragua
45.956 2021
Brazil "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "17,938.51" 2020
Panama 54.892 2021
Brazil Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of
world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 2.347 2022 Paraguay 40.87 2021
Brazil Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 2.584 2022 Peru 33.373 2022
Brazil Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1995 Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023
18.143 2022 Uruguay 61 2022
Brazil Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1995
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023 15.235 2022 Venezuela 157.809 2017
Brazil "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 1980.
December 1980 = 100; Jan 1991 =100 for Core Inflation Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 "41,964,222,399,270.10" 2022

Brazil "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 9.28 2022

Brazil "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 1980. December 1980 = 100; Jan 1991 =100 for Core Inflation Primary domestic
currency: Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 "42,659,275,225,340.00" 2022

Brazil "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change

"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 5.785
Brazil Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2018 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 6.615 2022

Brazil Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2018 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 3.897 2022

Brazil Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2018 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 11.158 2022

Brazil Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2018 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Other
Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 10.652 2022

Brazil Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022. Employment rate from household survey
(PNAD Continua) times official population estimates by the National Statistical
Office (IBGE). Employment type: National definition Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023 7.9 2022

Brazil Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office

Latest actual data: 2020 Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last
updated: 03/2023 213.911 2020
Brazil General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: General Government
(GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which includes the federal,
state and local governments as well as public enterprises (excluding Petrobras and
Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and
expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in full to the respective
aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not impact the primary
balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and interest receipts is
available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue of the GG excludes
interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes net interest
payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central Bank losses
with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023 reflect
current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" "3,841.86" 2022
Brazil General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 38.747 2022

Brazil General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which
includes the federal, state and local governments as well as public enterprises
(excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth
Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in
full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not
impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and
interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue
of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes
net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central
Bank losses with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023
reflect current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" "4,295.47" 2022
Brazil General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 43.322
Brazil General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which
includes the federal, state and local governments as well as public enterprises
(excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth
Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in
full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not
impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and
interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue
of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes
net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central
Bank losses with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023
reflect current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" -453.611 2022
Brazil General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -4.575
Brazil General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which
includes the federal, state and local governments as well as public enterprises
(excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth
Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in
full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not
impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and
interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue
of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes
net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central
Bank losses with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023
reflect current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" -743.957 2022
Brazil General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-7.593 2022
Brazil General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022
Notes: General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector,
which includes the federal, state and local governments as well as public
enterprises (excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the
Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public enterprises
are added in full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the
SWF do not impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest
payments and interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003,
Total Revenue of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the
GG includes net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account
for Central Bank losses with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal
projections for 2023 reflect current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal
of non financial assets, and Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net
out these proceeds. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial
Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;.
Gross public debt includes the treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet,
including those not used under repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency:
Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023" 132.816 2022

Brazil General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 1.34 2022
Brazil General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: General Government
(GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which includes the federal,
state and local governments as well as public enterprises (excluding Petrobras and
Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and
expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in full to the respective
aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not impact the primary
balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and interest receipts is
available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue of the GG excludes
interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes net interest
payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central Bank losses
with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023 reflect
current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" "5,658.02" 2022
Brazil General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 57.063 2022

Brazil General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: General Government
(GG) data refers to the non-financial public sector, which includes the federal,
state and local governments as well as public enterprises (excluding Petrobras and
Eletrobras), and is consolidated with the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and
expenditures of federal public enterprises are added in full to the respective
aggregates. Transfers or withdrawals from the SWF do not impact the primary
balance. Disaggregated data on gross interest payments and interest receipts is
available from 2003 onwards only. Prior to 2003, Total Revenue of the GG excludes
interest receipts, while Total Expenditure of the GG includes net interest
payments. In 2015, interest income is negative to account for Central Bank losses
with swap operations. Fiscal assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023 reflect
current policies in place. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and
Net Acquisition of Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" "8,517.84" 2022
Brazil General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 85.906 2022
Argentina 84.466 2021 2.224135661
Brazil "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2022 Notes: General Government (GG) data refers to the non-financial
public sector, which includes the federal, state and local governments as well as
public enterprises (excluding Petrobras and Eletrobras), and is consolidated with
the Sovereign Wealth Fund (SWF). Revenue and expenditures of federal public
enterprises are added in full to the respective aggregates. Transfers or
withdrawals from the SWF do not impact the primary balance. Disaggregated data on
gross interest payments and interest receipts is available from 2003 onwards only.
Prior to 2003, Total Revenue of the GG excludes interest receipts, while Total
Expenditure of the GG includes net interest payments. In 2015, interest income is
negative to account for Central Bank losses with swap operations. Fiscal
assumptions: Fiscal projections for 2023 reflect current policies in place.
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001.
Total Revenue includes disposal of non financial assets, and Net Acquisition of
Nonfinancial Assets does not net out these proceeds. Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and
Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Gross public debt includes the
treasury bills at the central bank's balance sheet, including those not used under
repurchase agreements. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated:
03/2023" "9,915.32" 2022 Chile 37.977 2022
Brazil Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2022 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6). The authorities
have submitted BOP data on BPM6 basis for 2014 and for some aggregates for 2010-
2013. Primary domestic currency: Brazilian real Data last updated: 03/2023" -
55.959 2022 Colombia 63.626 2021
Brazil Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -2.908 2022 Costa Rica 63.768 2022
Chile "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank. Real annual data based on seasonally adjusted
quarterly data. Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2018
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003 Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "205,022.53" 2022 Dominican Republic
58.919 2021
Chile "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See notes
for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 2.44 2022
Ecuador 57.303 2021
Chile "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank. Real annual data based on seasonally adjusted
quarterly data. Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2018
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003 Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "262,593.36" 2022 El Salvador 77.236
Chile "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
300.729 2022 Guatemala 30.127 2021
Chile "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 579.413 2022 Haiti
25.01 2022
Chile "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 128.08 2022
Honduras 50.022 2021
Chile "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "10,290,914.88" 2020 Jamaica 84.124
Chile "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power parity;
2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "24,630.98" 2020
Mexico 56.029 2022
Chile "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "13,180,628.67" 2020 Nicaragua 45.956
Chile "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "15,094.83" 2020 Panama 54.892
Chile "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "29,083.07" 2020
Paraguay 40.87 2021
Chile Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of world
total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices
(National currency)." 0.354 2022 Peru 33.373 2022
Chile Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current international
dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency)." 453.206 2022 Uruguay 61 2022
Chile Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank. Real annual
data based on seasonally adjusted quarterly data. Latest actual data: 2022 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2018 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003 Primary domestic
currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 25.418 2022
Venezuela 157.809 2017
Chile Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank. Real
annual data based on seasonally adjusted quarterly data. Latest actual data: 2022
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP
valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2018 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2003
Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 16.427
Chile "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2018.
Seasonally adjusted CPI data, therefore base year does not equal to 100. Primary
domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"122.957 2022

Chile "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See notes

for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 11.645 2022

Chile "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2018.
Seasonally adjusted CPI data, therefore base year does not equal to 100. Primary
domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"129.111 2022

Chile "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 12.772 2022

Chile Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change "Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2013. Seasonally adjusted X and M
data, therefore, base year is not equal to 100. Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade. The Free Zones are
included as part of Chile�s economic territory. This means that customs
declarations, which are compiled according to the Special Trade System, are
adjusted, so that goods are registered as imports when they enter the Free Zones.
Re-exports from the Free Zones are recorded as exports. Excluded items in trade:
(According to BPM5, goods in direct transit are excluded. ) Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB). Customs value of some big-scale exports is adjusted to better
reflect market prices. Estimates of prices are made to adjust preliminary customs
export data on goods sold on consignment or by other mechanisms according to which
definite values are unknown at the time of shipment. Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
0.884 2022
Chile Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2013. Seasonally adjusted X and M data,
therefore, base year is not equal to 100. Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade. The Free Zones are
included as part of Chile�s economic territory. This means that customs
declarations, which are compiled according to the Special Trade System, are
adjusted, so that goods are registered as imports when they enter the Free Zones.
Re-exports from the Free Zones are recorded as exports. Excluded items in trade:
(According to BPM5, goods in direct transit are excluded. ) Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB). Customs value of some big-scale exports is adjusted to better
reflect market prices. Estimates of prices are made to adjust preliminary customs
export data on goods sold on consignment or by other mechanisms according to which
definite values are unknown at the time of shipment. Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
-1.555 2022
Chile Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change "Source:
Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2013. Seasonally adjusted X and M
data, therefore, base year is not equal to 100. Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade. The Free Zones are
included as part of Chile�s economic territory. This means that customs
declarations, which are compiled according to the Special Trade System, are
adjusted, so that goods are registered as imports when they enter the Free Zones.
Re-exports from the Free Zones are recorded as exports. Excluded items in trade:
(According to BPM5, goods in direct transit are excluded. ) Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB). Customs value of some big-scale exports is adjusted to better
reflect market prices. Estimates of prices are made to adjust preliminary customs
export data on goods sold on consignment or by other mechanisms according to which
definite values are unknown at the time of shipment. Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
1.375 2022
Chile Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2013. Seasonally adjusted X and M data,
therefore, base year is not equal to 100. Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade. The Free Zones are
included as part of Chile�s economic territory. This means that customs
declarations, which are compiled according to the Special Trade System, are
adjusted, so that goods are registered as imports when they enter the Free Zones.
Re-exports from the Free Zones are recorded as exports. Excluded items in trade:
(According to BPM5, goods in direct transit are excluded. ) Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB). Customs value of some big-scale exports is adjusted to better
reflect market prices. Estimates of prices are made to adjust preliminary customs
export data on goods sold on consignment or by other mechanisms according to which
definite values are unknown at the time of shipment. Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
-1.405 2022
Chile Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Employment type: Harmonized OECD
definition Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023
7.878 2022
Chile Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office Latest
actual data: 2020 Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023 19.923 2020
Chile General government revenue National currency Billions "Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB and GGSB are
approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and Structural
Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues are from
the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "73,240.98" 2022
Chile General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government revenue (National currency). 27.891 2022

Chile General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB
and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and
Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues
are from the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "69,737.76" 2022
Chile General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 26.557 2022

Chile General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB
and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and
Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues
are from the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "3,503.22" 2022
Chile General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). 1.334 2022

Chile General government structural balance National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB
and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and
Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues
are from the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "-2,893.64" 2022
Chile General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-1.142 2022
Chile General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022
Notes: GGCB and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted
Balance and Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures
and revenues are from the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are
based on the authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s
projections for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual.
Some elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public
debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;
Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "2,471.15" 2022
Chile General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 0.941 2022
Chile General government net debt National currency Billions "Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB and GGSB are
approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and Structural
Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues are from
the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "51,539.00" 2022
Chile General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government net debt (National currency). 19.627 2022

Chile General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB and GGSB are
approximated by the Central Government Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and Structural
Balance, respectively as more than 90% of the expenditures and revenues are from
the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions: Projections are based on the
authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect the IMF staff# s projections
for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Accrual. Some
elements including tax revenues are recorded on a cash basis General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Chilean peso Data last updated:
03/2023" "99,724.64" 2022
Chile General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government gross debt (National currency). 37.977 2022
Jamaica 84.124 2022
Chile "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2022 Notes: GGCB and GGSB are approximated by the Central Government
Cyclical-Adjusted Balance and Structural Balance, respectively as more than 90% of
the expenditures and revenues are from the Central Government. Fiscal assumptions:
Projections are based on the authorities# budget projections, adjusted to reflect
the IMF staff# s projections for GDP, copper prices, depreciation, and inflation.
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Accrual. Some elements including tax revenues are recorded on a
cash basis General government includes: Central Government; Local Government;
Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic
currency: Chilean peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "262,593.36" 2022

Chile Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and International
Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic currency: Chilean
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -27.102 2022

Chile Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -9.012 2022
Colombia "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2015. DANE (Colombia Institute of Statistics) has done
a rebasing of the national accounts (now base year is 2015 and before 2005). Data
with the new base is ONLY AVAILABLE FROM 2005. The change also includes
methodological changes (for example, direct estimation of private consumption based
on a survey) and most important, change in the index formulae (historically a
Laspeyres fixed-base index and now a Laspeyres chain index). The main implications
are that the 2005 and 2015 series are not comparable and the chain index is
associated with non-additivity of the components. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005
Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "975,366.00"
Colombia "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 7.496
Colombia "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2015. DANE (Colombia Institute of Statistics) has done
a rebasing of the national accounts (now base year is 2015 and before 2005). Data
with the new base is ONLY AVAILABLE FROM 2005. The change also includes
methodological changes (for example, direct estimation of private consumption based
on a survey) and most important, change in the index formulae (historically a
Laspeyres fixed-base index and now a Laspeyres chain index). The main implications
are that the 2005 and 2015 series are not comparable and the chain index is
associated with non-additivity of the components. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005
Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
"1,463,873.00" 2022
Colombia "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
343.939 2022
Colombia "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 968.313 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 150.084 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "18,898,971.92" 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "15,890.14" 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "28,364,423.94" 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "6,664.27" 2022

Colombia "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "18,762.31" 2022

Colombia Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.592 2022
Colombia Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." "1,511.78" 2022
Colombia Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2015. DANE
(Colombia Institute of Statistics) has done a rebasing of the national accounts
(now base year is 2015 and before 2005). Data with the new base is ONLY AVAILABLE
FROM 2005. The change also includes methodological changes (for example, direct
estimation of private consumption based on a survey) and most important, change in
the index formulae (historically a Laspeyres fixed-base index and now a Laspeyres
chain index). The main implications are that the 2005 and 2015 series are not
comparable and the chain index is associated with non-additivity of the components.
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" 21.843 2022
Colombia Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2015.
DANE (Colombia Institute of Statistics) has done a rebasing of the national
accounts (now base year is 2015 and before 2005). Data with the new base is ONLY
AVAILABLE FROM 2005. The change also includes methodological changes (for example,
direct estimation of private consumption based on a survey) and most important,
change in the index formulae (historically a Laspeyres fixed-base index and now a
Laspeyres chain index). The main implications are that the 2005 and 2015 series are
not comparable and the chain index is associated with non-additivity of the
components. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2005 Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 15.607 2022

Colombia "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2018.
Base year is December 2018 Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last
updated: 03/2023 119.911 2022
Colombia "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 10.184 2022

Colombia "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2018. Base year is December 2018 Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso
Data last updated: 03/2023 126.62 2022
Colombia "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 13.114
Colombia Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2000 Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023 23.878 2022

Colombia Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2000 Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023 13.549 2022

Colombia Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2000 Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023 14.854 2022

Colombia Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2000 Valuation of exports: Free on board
(FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023 7.627 2022

Colombia Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023 11.217 2022

Colombia Population Persons Millions "Source: National Statistics Office

Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Based on the 2020 National Census of Housing and
Population, the National Statistical Office (DANE) has published projections and
retro-projections of population for the periods 1950-2017 and 2018-2070. Primary
domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 51.609 2022

Colombia General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Headline balance
includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central Government. Structural
balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical variation of GDP, oil
prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023 Budget and Medium-Term
Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of recording: Revenue
(cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "403,479.10" 2021
Colombia General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 27.562 2021

Colombia General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central
Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical
variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023
Budget and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of
recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Other; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "501,196.21" 2021
Colombia General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 34.238
Colombia General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central
Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical
variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023
Budget and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of
recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Other; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "-97,717.11" 2021

Colombia General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -6.675
Colombia General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central
Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical
variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023
Budget and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of
recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Other; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "-91,665.41" 2021

Colombia General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-7.253 2021
Colombia General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Notes: Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central
Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical
variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023
Budget and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of
recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Other; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "-37,010.90" 2021

Colombia General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -2.528 2021
Colombia General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Headline balance
includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central Government. Structural
balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical variation of GDP, oil
prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023 Budget and Medium-Term
Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of recording: Revenue
(cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "803,120.21" 2021
Colombia General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 54.863 2021

Colombia General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Headline balance
includes Central Bank utilities distributed to the Central Government. Structural
balance based on staff estimates; adjusts for the cyclical variation of GDP, oil
prices and oil production levels. Fiscal assumptions: 2023 Budget and Medium-Term
Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward 2014 manual Basis of recording: Revenue
(cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other;
Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "931,406.79" 2021
Colombia General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 63.626 2021
Bolivia 82.616 2022
Colombia "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: Headline balance includes Central Bank utilities
distributed to the Central Government. Structural balance based on staff estimates;
adjusts for the cyclical variation of GDP, oil prices and oil production levels.
Fiscal assumptions: 2023 Budget and Medium-Term Fiscal Framework 2022. Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001. Transitioning toward
2014 manual Basis of recording: Revenue (cash); Expenditure (cash modified) General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Other; Valuation of public debt: Face value Primary domestic
currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,463,873.00" 2021

Colombia Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central

Bank. And National Statistical Office Latest actual data: 2022 BOP Manual used:
Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition
(BPM6) Primary domestic currency: Colombian peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -
21.446 2022
Colombia Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -6.235 2022
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2017. As of January 2021, national accounts data reflect an updated series
(including for all historical years) with 2017 as the benchmark year. Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated:
03/2023" "38,850.30" 2022
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4.324
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2017. As of January 2021, national accounts data reflect an updated series
(including for all historical years) with 2017 as the benchmark year. Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated:
03/2023" "44,259.56" 2022
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
68.385 2022
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 130.759 2022

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 113.923 2022

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "7,429,355.10" 2021

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "21,177.30" 2021

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "8,463,768.32" 2021

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "13,077.23" 2021

Costa Rica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "25,005.13" 2021

Costa Rica Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.08 2022
Costa Rica Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 338.481 2022
Costa Rica Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA)
2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2017. As of January 2021, national
accounts data reflect an updated series (including for all historical years) with
2017 as the benchmark year. Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Costa
Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" 21.502 2022

Costa Rica Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts
(SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2017. As of January 2021,
national accounts data reflect an updated series (including for all historical
years) with 2017 as the benchmark year. Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" 17.176 2022

Costa Rica "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2020. Index Base
(December 2020=100) Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated:
03/2023 109.375 2022
Costa Rica "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 8.275 2022

Costa Rica "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2020. Index
Base (December 2020=100) Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last
updated: 03/2023 111.436 2022
Costa Rica "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 7.877
Costa Rica Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2019 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflating values using price indices Formula used to derive
volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight
(CIF) Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023"
4.627 2021
Costa Rica Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2019 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflating values using price indices Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type
Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" 4.627 2021

Costa Rica Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2019 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflating values using price indices Formula used to derive
volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight
(CIF) Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023"
8.891 2021
Costa Rica Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2019 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflating values using price indices Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type
Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" 19.649 2021

Costa Rica Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023 11.669
Costa Rica Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last
updated: 03/2023 5.229 2021
Costa Rica General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions:
under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has committed to mid-term goals for a
transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the central government definition for
Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public entities as per Law 9524. Data
reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for comparability. Valuation of public
debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and
Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Insurance
Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable;
Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data
last updated: 03/2023" "7,341.18" 2022
Costa Rica General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 16.587 2022

Costa Rica General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual data: 2022
Fiscal assumptions: under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has committed to mid-term
goals for a transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the central
government definition for Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public
entities as per Law 9524. Data reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for
comparability. Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" "8,563.85" 2022

Costa Rica General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 19.349
Costa Rica General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual data: 2022
Fiscal assumptions: under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has committed to mid-term
goals for a transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the central
government definition for Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public
entities as per Law 9524. Data reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for
comparability. Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" "-1,222.67" 2022

Costa Rica General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -2.763
Costa Rica General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual data: 2022
Fiscal assumptions: under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has committed to mid-term
goals for a transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the central
government definition for Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public
entities as per Law 9524. Data reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for
comparability. Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" "-1,439.45" 2022
Costa Rica General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-3.27 2022
Costa Rica General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual
data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has
committed to mid-term goals for a transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording:
Cash General government includes: Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the
central government definition for Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public
entities as per Law 9524. Data reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for
comparability. Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" 927.391 2022

Costa Rica General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 2.095 2022
Costa Rica General government net debt National currency Billions

Costa Rica General government net debt Percent of GDP

Costa Rica General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance and Central Bank. Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions:
under the EFF-supported program scenario Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Country has committed to mid-term goals for a
transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government;. As of January 1, 2021, the central government definition for
Costa Rica has been expanded to include 51 public entities as per Law 9524. Data
reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019 for comparability. Valuation of public
debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and
Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Insurance
Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable;
Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic currency: Costa Rican col�n Data
last updated: 03/2023" "28,223.52" 2022
Costa Rica General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 63.768 2022
El Salvador 77.236 2021
Costa Rica "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank.
Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: under the EFF-supported program
scenario Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986.
Country has committed to mid-term goals for a transition to the GFSM 2014. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;. As of January 1,
2021, the central government definition for Costa Rica has been expanded to include
51 public entities as per Law 9524. Data reported in WEO are adjusted back to 2019
for comparability. Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Insurance Technical Reserves; Financial Derivatives; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs; Other Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" "44,259.56" 2022

Costa Rica Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Costa Rican col�n Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.958 2021

Costa Rica Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -4.326 2021
Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency
Billions "Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic
currency: Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "2,886.92" 2021

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency)." 4.949 2021
Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency
Billions "Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic
currency: Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "6,185.23" 2021

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars

Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency)." 112.502 2021
Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 256.615 2021

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes

for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic
product, current prices (National currency)." 214.25 2021

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices"

National currency Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant
prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "271,523.63" 2019

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices"

Purchasing power parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for:
Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)."
"20,440.74" 2019
Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices"
National currency Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "581,740.19" 2019

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S.
dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "10,581.20" 2019

Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices"

Purchasing power parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)."
"24,135.43" 2019
Dominican Republic Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity
(PPP) share of world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic
product, current prices (National currency)." 0.157 2021
Dominican Republic Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 24.103 2021
Dominican Republic Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" 32.977 2021
Dominican Republic Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source:
Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" 27.169 2021
Dominican Republic "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2020. Year base October 2019 - September 2020=100 Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 118.666 2022

Dominican Republic "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change

"See notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 8.812 2022

Dominican Republic "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2020. Year base October 2019 - September 2020=100 Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 122.128 2022

Dominican Republic "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent

change "See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices
(Index)." 7.827 2022
Dominican Republic Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2013 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 14.303 2021

Dominican Republic Volume of Imports of goods Percent change

"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2013 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 14.768 2021

Dominican Republic Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2013 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 12.405 2021

Dominican Republic Volume of exports of goods Percent change

"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2013 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: In transit; Re-exports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 0.857 2021

Dominican Republic Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National
definition Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023
6.442 2021
Dominican Republic Population Persons Millions Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2019 Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last
updated: 03/2023 10.632 2019
Dominican Republic General government revenue National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: For
the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage: (i) public
debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the
Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the non-
financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 955.7 2021
Dominican Republic General government revenue Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government revenue (National currency).15.451 2021

Dominican Republic General government total expenditure National currency

Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage:
(i) public debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are
for the Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the
non-financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,162.27" 2021

Dominican Republic General government total expenditure Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency).
18.791 2021
Dominican Republic General government net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage:
(i) public debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are
for the Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the
non-financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -206.565 2021

Dominican Republic General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency).
-3.34 2021
Dominican Republic General government structural balance National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage:
(i) public debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are
for the Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the
non-financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -226.975 2021

Dominican Republic General government structural balance Percent of

potential GDP See notes for: General government structural balance
(National currency). -3.661 2021
Dominican Republic General government primary net lending/borrowing
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the
following coverage: (i) public debt, debt service and the
cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the Consolidated Public Sector
(which includes central government, rest of the non-financial public sector, and
the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal series refer to the Central
Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014.
Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but previous years have not been converted
yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and
net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold
and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
-28.264 2021
Dominican Republic General government primary net lending/borrowing
Percent of GDP See notes for: General government primary net
lending/borrowing (National currency). -0.457 2021

Dominican Republic General government net debt National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: For
the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage: (i) public
debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the
Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the non-
financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "2,832.73" 2021

Dominican Republic General government net debt Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net debt (National currency). 45.798 2021

Dominican Republic General government gross debt National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: For
the Dominican Republic, the fiscal series have the following coverage: (i) public
debt, debt service and the cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the
Consolidated Public Sector (which includes central government, rest of the non-
financial public sector, and the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal
series refer to the Central Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but
previous years have not been converted yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican
peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "3,644.26" 2021

Dominican Republic General government gross debt Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government gross debt (National currency). 58.919 2021
Costa Rica 63.768 2022
Dominican Republic "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year,
current prices" National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or
Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: For the Dominican Republic, the fiscal
series have the following coverage: (i) public debt, debt service and the
cyclically-adjusted/structural balances are for the Consolidated Public Sector
(which includes central government, rest of the non-financial public sector, and
the central bank); and (ii) the remaining fiscal series refer to the Central
Government. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014.
Data starting in 2014 follows GFSM 2014, but previous years have not been converted
yet. Basis of recording: Accrual. Accrual General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and
net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Monetary Gold
and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
"6,185.23" 2021 Ecuador 57.303 2021
Dominican Republic Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of
Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6). Using
BPM6 from 2010 onwards Primary domestic currency: Dominican peso Data last updated:
03/2023" -6.534 2021 El Salvador 77.236 2021
Dominican Republic Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes
for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account
balance (U.S. dollars)." -5.808 2021 Guatemala 30.127
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The national accounts
have been updated from 2002 onwards. Prior to 2002 the data are adjusted to produce
smooth series with the use of splicing technique. These estimates continue to serve
as proxies for historical series when complete information is unavailable. National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 71.188 2021 Haiti 25.01
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 3.039
2021 Honduras 50.022 2021
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The national accounts
have been updated from 2002 onwards. Prior to 2002 the data are adjusted to produce
smooth series with the use of splicing technique. These estimates continue to serve
as proxies for historical series when complete information is unavailable. National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 116.36 2021 Jamaica
84.124 2022
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
116.36 2021 Mexico 56.029 2022
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 231.014 2021
Nicaragua 45.956 2021
Ecuador "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 163.454 2021 Panama
54.892 2021
Ecuador "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "3,953.53" 2021 Paraguay
40.87 2021
Ecuador "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "10,865.67" 2021
Peru 33.373 2022
Ecuador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "6,462.22" 2021 Uruguay
61 2022
Ecuador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "6,462.22" 2021 Venezuela
157.809 2017
Ecuador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "12,829.66" 2021

Ecuador Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.141 2021
Ecuador Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.504 2021
Ecuador Total investment Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: The national accounts have been updated from 2002 onwards.
Prior to 2002 the data are adjusted to produce smooth series with the use of
splicing technique. These estimates continue to serve as proxies for historical
series when complete information is unavailable. National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023 23.731 2021
Ecuador Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The national accounts have been updated from 2002
onwards. Prior to 2002 the data are adjusted to produce smooth series with the use
of splicing technique. These estimates continue to serve as proxies for historical
series when complete information is unavailable. National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023 25.963 2021
Ecuador "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: National
Statistics Office. Source: INEC and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
The price Ecuador receives for its oil exports is subject to effects of marketing
and discounts for the quality of the Ecuadorian mix. These effects are variable
over time. Therefore, while the price of Ecuadorian oil moves in tandem with world
prices, deviations are to be expected in projection. Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2014. The authorities introduced the series with base in 2014 in 2015, and
presents data for this year onwards. Prior years are obtained by splicing the
series backwards with the old CPI series. As a result the base year is different
from100. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023"
108.918 2022
Ecuador "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 3.466 2022

Ecuador "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source:

National Statistics Office. Source: INEC and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022
Notes: The price Ecuador receives for its oil exports is subject to effects of
marketing and discounts for the quality of the Ecuadorian mix. These effects are
variable over time. Therefore, while the price of Ecuadorian oil moves in tandem
with world prices, deviations are to be expected in projection. Harmonized prices:
No Base year: 2014. The authorities introduced the series with base in 2014 in
2015, and presents data for this year onwards. Prior years are obtained by splicing
the series backwards with the old CPI series. As a result the base year is
different from100. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023"
110.231 2022
Ecuador "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 3.741
Ecuador Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data)
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 6.242 2021

Ecuador Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 6.42 2021
Ecuador Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data)
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 8.034 2021
Ecuador Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 6.624 2021
Ecuador Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office. Source: INEC and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022
Employment type: National definition Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last
updated: 03/2023 3.8 2022
Ecuador Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023 18.006 2021
Ecuador General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were previously omitted due to because
of ongoing program review discussions, are now included. Fiscal assumptions: The
fiscal series uses the classification based on 1986 methodology and the recording
based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Mixed General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. In
late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of debt to a consolidated basis;
both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers are now presented on a
consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes advanced oil sales,
treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded
from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to the official debt
definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than
Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales, treasury certificates,
central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the official debt
definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 42.032
Ecuador General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 36.123 2021

Ecuador General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest actual data:
2021 Notes: Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were previously omitted due
to because of ongoing program review discussions, are now included. Fiscal
assumptions: The fiscal series uses the classification based on 1986 methodology
and the recording based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Mixed General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value. In late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of debt to a
consolidated basis; both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers are now
presented on a consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes advanced
oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are
excluded from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to the
official debt definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales, treasury
certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the
official debt definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023" 41.946 2021
Ecuador General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 36.049
Ecuador General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest actual data:
2021 Notes: Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were previously omitted due
to because of ongoing program review discussions, are now included. Fiscal
assumptions: The fiscal series uses the classification based on 1986 methodology
and the recording based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Mixed General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value. In late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of debt to a
consolidated basis; both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers are now
presented on a consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes advanced
oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are
excluded from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to the
official debt definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales, treasury
certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the
official debt definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023" 0.086 2021
Ecuador General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). 0.074
Ecuador General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest actual data:
2021 Notes: Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were previously omitted due
to because of ongoing program review discussions, are now included. Fiscal
assumptions: The fiscal series uses the classification based on 1986 methodology
and the recording based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting in calendar year:
Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Mixed General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value. In late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of debt to a
consolidated basis; both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers are now
presented on a consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes advanced
oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are
excluded from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to the
official debt definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales, treasury
certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the
official debt definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023" -1.569 2021
Ecuador General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-1.335 2021
Ecuador General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were
previously omitted due to because of ongoing program review discussions, are now
included. Fiscal assumptions: The fiscal series uses the classification based on
1986 methodology and the recording based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording:
Mixed General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value. In late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of
debt to a consolidated basis; both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers
are now presented on a consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes
advanced oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears
that are excluded from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to
the official debt definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales,
treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded
from the official debt definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last
updated: 03/2023" 1.874 2021
Ecuador General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 1.61 2021
Ecuador General government net debt National currency Billions

Ecuador General government net debt Percent of GDP

Ecuador General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Source: Central Bank and Ministry of Finance Latest actual data: 2021 Notes:
Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which were previously omitted due to because
of ongoing program review discussions, are now included. Fiscal assumptions: The
fiscal series uses the classification based on 1986 methodology and the recording
based on mixed accounting principles. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Mixed General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. In
late 2016, the authorities changed the definition of debt to a consolidated basis;
both the historic (since 2001) and projection numbers are now presented on a
consolidated basis. The IMF# s definition of debt includes advanced oil sales,
treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded
from the official debt definition. The debt limit applies only to the official debt
definition. Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than
Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes advanced oil sales, treasury certificates,
central bank loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the official debt
definition. Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 66.678
Ecuador General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 57.303 2021
Colombia 63.626 2021
Ecuador "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Source: Central Bank and Ministry of
Finance Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Ecuador# s fiscal sector projections, which
were previously omitted due to because of ongoing program review discussions, are
now included. Fiscal assumptions: The fiscal series uses the classification based
on 1986 methodology and the recording based on mixed accounting principles.
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Mixed General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. In late 2016, the authorities
changed the definition of debt to a consolidated basis; both the historic (since
2001) and projection numbers are now presented on a consolidated basis. The IMF# s
definition of debt includes advanced oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank
loans, and domestic arrears that are excluded from the official debt definition.
The debt limit applies only to the official debt definition. Instruments included
in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other;. Other includes
advanced oil sales, treasury certificates, central bank loans, and domestic arrears
that are excluded from the official debt definition. Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 116.36 2021

Ecuador Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.598 2021

Ecuador Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." 2.232 2021
El Salvador "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The output gap does not
close by 2027 because desk assumes a much deeper hit to the potential in 2020 due
to long and strict lockdown, and political uncertainty impacting both the actual
and potential GDP medium-term growth. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023"
26.488 2021
El Salvador "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 2.8
El Salvador "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The output gap does not
close by 2027 because desk assumes a much deeper hit to the potential in 2020 due
to long and strict lockdown, and political uncertainty impacting both the actual
and potential GDP medium-term growth. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023"
31.605 2021
El Salvador "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
31.605 2021
El Salvador "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 69.632 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 119.319 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "4,180.33" 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "9,306.92" 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "4,987.90" 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "4,987.90" 2021

El Salvador "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "10,989.17" 2021
El Salvador Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of
world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.043 2021
El Salvador Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.454 2021
El Salvador Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: The output gap does not close by 2027 because desk assumes
a much deeper hit to the potential in 2020 due to long and strict lockdown, and
political uncertainty impacting both the actual and potential GDP medium-term
growth. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP
valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 20.748 2021

El Salvador Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: The output gap does not close by 2027 because desk
assumes a much deeper hit to the potential in 2020 due to long and strict lockdown,
and political uncertainty impacting both the actual and potential GDP medium-term
growth. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP
valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 12.405 2021

El Salvador "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2009.
Dec.2009=100 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023
124.253 2021
El Salvador "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 7.196 2021

El Salvador "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2009. Dec.2009=100 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023 127.77 2021
El Salvador "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 7.316
El Salvador Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 3.991 2021

El Salvador Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or
unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data
last updated: 03/2023 4.2 2021
El Salvador Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 8.471 2021

El Salvador Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2014 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary or
unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data
last updated: 03/2023 0.7 2021
El Salvador Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: Harmonized ILO
definition Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 5.8
El Salvador Population Persons Millions Source: CEPALSTAT Database Latest
actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023
6.336 2021
El Salvador General government revenue National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash.
Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure side (starting from 2012) to
reflect identifiable delays in payments. General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency:
US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 8.372 2021

El Salvador General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:

General government revenue (National currency). 26.489 2021

El Salvador General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash. Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure
side (starting from 2012) to reflect identifiable delays in payments. General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 9.164 2021

El Salvador General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 28.996
El Salvador General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash. Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure
side (starting from 2012) to reflect identifiable delays in payments. General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 -0.792 2021

El Salvador General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -2.507
El Salvador General government structural balance National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash. Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure
side (starting from 2012) to reflect identifiable delays in payments. General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 -0.961 2021

El Salvador General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-3.053 2021
El Salvador General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data:
2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash. Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure
side (starting from 2012) to reflect identifiable delays in payments. General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 0.699 2021

El Salvador General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 2.212 2021
El Salvador General government net debt National currency Billions

El Salvador General government net debt Percent of GDP

El Salvador General government gross debt National currency Billions Source:

Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash.
Adjustments were made to cash data on the expenditure side (starting from 2012) to
reflect identifiable delays in payments. General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current market value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency:
US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 24.411 2021

El Salvador General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 77.236 2021
Uruguay 61 2022
El Salvador "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance and Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash. Adjustments were made to cash data on
the expenditure side (starting from 2012) to reflect identifiable delays in
payments. General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Current
market value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than
Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023
31.605 2021
El Salvador Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.636 2021

El Salvador Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -8.342 2021
Guatemala "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank. Also use data from Haver. Latest actual data: 2021
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP
valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2013 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2001
Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023"
568.494 2021
Guatemala "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4.009
Guatemala "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank. Also use data from Haver. Latest actual data: 2021
National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP
valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2013 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2001
Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023"
725.652 2021
Guatemala "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
93.655 2021
Guatemala "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 187.571 2021

Guatemala "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 127.645 2021

Guatemala "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "30,379.37" 2020

Guatemala "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "8,489.05" 2020

Guatemala "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "38,777.64" 2020

Guatemala "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "5,004.74" 2020

Guatemala "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "10,023.46" 2020

Guatemala Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.115 2021
Guatemala Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 3.869 2021
Guatemala Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank. Also
use data from Haver. Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System
of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2013
Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2001 Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data
last updated: 03/2023" 14.115 2021
Guatemala Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank.
Also use data from Haver. Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2013 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2001 Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal
Data last updated: 03/2023" 15.96 2021
Guatemala "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2010.
12/01/2010 Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023
161.321 2021
Guatemala "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 6.885 2021

Guatemala "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2010. 12/01/2010 Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last
updated: 03/2023 167.35 2021
Guatemala "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 9.236
Guatemala Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2004 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Other;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023 4.641
Guatemala Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2004 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023 4.641 2021

Guatemala Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2004 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Other;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023 7.05
Guatemala Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2004 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Other; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023 7.05 2021

Guatemala Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force

Guatemala Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office

Latest actual data: 2020 Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last
updated: 03/2023 18.713 2020
Guatemala General government revenue National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been making progress in
publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector. Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated:
03/2023 93.155 2021
Guatemala General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 12.837 2021

Guatemala General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been making
progress in publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector. Latest
actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated:
03/2023 105.726 2021
Guatemala General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 14.57 2021

Guatemala General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been making
progress in publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector. Latest
actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated:
03/2023 -12.571 2021
Guatemala General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -1.732
Guatemala General government structural balance National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been making
progress in publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector. Latest
actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated:
03/2023 -18.713 2021
Guatemala General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-2.497 2021
Guatemala General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been
making progress in publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector.
Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last
updated: 03/2023 -0.299 2021
Guatemala General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -0.041 2021
Guatemala General government net debt National currency Billions

Guatemala General government net debt Percent of GDP

Guatemala General government gross debt National currency Billions Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The Ministry has been making progress in
publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's public sector. Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated:
03/2023 218.614 2021
Guatemala General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 30.127 2021
Rep Dominicana 58.919 2021
Guatemala "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. The
Ministry has been making progress in publishing consolidated data of Guatemala's
public sector. Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Other Accounts Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Guatemalan quetzal
Data last updated: 03/2023 725.652 2021
Guatemala Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Guatemalan quetzal Data last updated: 03/2023" 1.728 2021

Guatemala Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." 1.845 2021
Haiti "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: FY2020/21 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year
as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year: October/September
Base year: FY2011/12. Fiscal year 2011-2012 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic
currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 603.976 2021

Haiti "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See notes
for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." -1.682
Haiti "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: FY2020/21 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year
as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year: October/September
Base year: FY2011/12. Fiscal year 2011-2012 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic
currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 "2,168.22" 2021
Haiti "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)." 20.535
Haiti "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 38.142 2021

Haiti "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 358.991 2021

Haiti "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "50,058.40" 2003
Haiti "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power parity;
2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "2,677.36" 2003

Haiti "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "179,705.31" 2003
Haiti "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "1,702.00" 2003
Haiti "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "3,161.30" 2003

Haiti Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of world

total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices
(National currency)." 0.023 2021
Haiti Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current international
dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency)." 56.845 2021
Haiti Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics Office
Latest actual data: FY2020/21 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: No.
Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t)
Start/end months of reporting year: October/September Base year: FY2011/12. Fiscal
year 2011-2012 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data
last updated: 03/2023 15.862 2021
Haiti Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: FY2020/21 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) =
CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year: October/September Base year: FY2011/12.
Fiscal year 2011-2012 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde
Data last updated: 03/2023 13.519 2021
Haiti "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: FY2021/22. New rebased series from October
2017 (fiscal year 2018). Harmonized prices: No Base year: FY2017/18 Primary
domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 213.328 2022

Haiti "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See notes

for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 27.576 2022

Haiti "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: FY2021/22. New rebased series from October
2017 (fiscal year 2018). Harmonized prices: No Base year: FY2017/18 Primary
domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 250.2 2022

Haiti "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 38.656 2022

Haiti Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: FY2020/21 Base year: FY2015/16 Primary domestic
currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 -6.239 2021

Haiti Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: FY2020/21 Base year: FY2015/16 Primary domestic currency:
Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 -6.451 2021

Haiti Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: FY2020/21 Base year: FY2015/16 Primary domestic
currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 1.424 2021

Haiti Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: FY2020/21 Base year: FY2015/16 Primary domestic currency:
Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 3.097 2021

Haiti Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force

Haiti Population Persons Millions Source: Authorities official data Latest

actual data: 2003 Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated:
03/2023 12.065 2003
Haiti General government revenue National currency Billions Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: General Government only
includes Central Government due to data availability Reporting in calendar year:
No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t)
Start/end months of reporting year: October/September GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary
domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 173.69 2022

Haiti General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government revenue (National currency). 8.011 2022

Haiti General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes:
General Government only includes Central Government due to data availability
Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as
follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year: October/September
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last
updated: 03/2023 220.4 2022
Haiti General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 10.165 2022

Haiti General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes:
General Government only includes Central Government due to data availability
Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as
follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year: October/September
GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last
updated: 03/2023 -46.71 2022
Haiti General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -2.154
Haiti General government structural balance National currency Billions

Haiti General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Haiti General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data:
FY2021/22 Notes: General Government only includes Central Government due to data
availability Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to
calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting year:
October/September GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Valuation
of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last
updated: 03/2023 -40.114 2022
Haiti General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -1.85 2022
Haiti General government net debt National currency Billions

Haiti General government net debt Percent of GDP

Haiti General government gross debt National currency Billions Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: General Government only
includes Central Government due to data availability Reporting in calendar year:
No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t)
Start/end months of reporting year: October/September GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary
domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 542.273 2022

Haiti General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government gross debt (National currency). 25.01 2022
Ecuador 57.303 2021
Haiti "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: General Government only includes Central Government
due to data availability Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are
mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t-1/t) = CY(t) Start/end months of reporting
year: October/September GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual
(GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency:
Haitian gourde Data last updated: 03/2023 "2,168.22" 2022

Haiti Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: FY2020/21 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments Manual, fifth
edition (BPM5) Primary domestic currency: Haitian gourde Data last updated:
03/2023" -0.481 2021
Haiti Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -2.343 2021
Honduras "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2000 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last
updated: 03/2023 235.171 2021
Honduras "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4
Honduras "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2000 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last
updated: 03/2023 776.577 2021
Honduras "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
31.521 2021
Honduras "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 70.33 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 330.218 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "22,844.63" 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "5,786.05" 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "75,437.05" 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "3,061.97" 2021

Honduras "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "6,831.88" 2021

Honduras Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.043 2021
Honduras Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 11.042 2021
Honduras Total investment Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA)
1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2000 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023 23.541 2021

Honduras Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts
(SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2000 Chain-weighted: No
Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023 20.115
Honduras "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 1999. December 1999
= 100 Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023 390.45
Honduras "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 9.09 2021

Honduras "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 1999.
December 1999 = 100 Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated:
03/2023 404.781 2021
Honduras "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 9.796
Honduras Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage:
Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data
last updated: 03/2023 1.259 2021
Honduras Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023
1.259 2021
Honduras Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted:
No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage:
Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data
last updated: 03/2023 5.014 2021
Honduras Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Other Formula used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on
board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023
5.014 2021
Honduras Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Institute of Statistics of Honduras Latest actual data: 2021. Last population
census Employment type: National definition Primary domestic currency: Honduran
lempira Data last updated: 03/2023 8.9 2021
Honduras Population Persons Millions "Source: World Development
Indicators, The World Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency:
Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" 10.294 2021

Honduras General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Starting with the year 2008, data
are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The prior data are based on GFS1986 Basis
of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in accrual basis while revenues is
recorded in cash basis General government includes: Central Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not report net debt Primary
domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" 195.016 2021

Honduras General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:

General government revenue (National currency). 25.112 2021

Honduras General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Starting with the
year 2008, data are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The prior data are based on
GFS1986 Basis of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in accrual basis while
revenues is recorded in cash basis General government includes: Central Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not report net debt
Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" 189.86
Honduras General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 24.448
Honduras General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Starting with the
year 2008, data are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The prior data are based on
GFS1986 Basis of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in accrual basis while
revenues is recorded in cash basis General government includes: Central Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not report net debt
Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" 5.156
Honduras General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). 0.664
Honduras General government structural balance National currency Billions

Honduras General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Honduras General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014.
Starting with the year 2008, data are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The prior
data are based on GFS1986 Basis of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in
accrual basis while revenues is recorded in cash basis General government includes:
Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not
report net debt Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated:
03/2023" 10.11 2021
Honduras General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 1.302 2021
Honduras General government net debt National currency Billions

Honduras General government net debt Percent of GDP

Honduras General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Starting with the year 2008, data
are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The prior data are based on GFS1986 Basis
of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in accrual basis while revenues is
recorded in cash basis General government includes: Central Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not report net debt Primary
domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" 388.457 2021

Honduras General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 50.022 2021
Mexico 56.029 2022
Honduras "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2014. Starting with the year 2008, data are provided by authorities in GFS2014. The
prior data are based on GFS1986 Basis of recording: Mixed. Spending is recorded in
accrual basis while revenues is recorded in cash basis General government includes:
Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Other; Valuation of
public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other;. staff does not
report net debt Primary domestic currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated:
03/2023" 776.577 2021
Honduras Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Balance of current account includes HIPC
grants from IMF, IDB, World Bank, DFID, and FIDA. Interest are on accrual basis;
that is, they include the debit entry of ""accumulation of arrears on interest.""
BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition (BPM5) Primary domestic
currency: Honduran lempira Data last updated: 03/2023" -1.08 2021

Honduras Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -3.427 2021
Jamaica "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes. CY data are constructed from quarterly data.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007. Base year was
changed from 2003 to 2007 for the Spring 2012 WEO round. Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 765.353 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4
Jamaica "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes. CY data are constructed from quarterly data.
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007. Base year was
changed from 2003 to 2007 for the Spring 2012 WEO round. Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 "2,475.62" 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
16.039 2021
Jamaica "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 33.358 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 323.462 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "278,975.20" 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "10,297.81" 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "902,377.73" 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "5,846.20" 2021

Jamaica "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "12,159.16" 2021

Jamaica Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.02 2021
Jamaica Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 74.214 2021
Jamaica Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes.
CY data are constructed from quarterly data. Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007. Base year was changed from 2003 to 2007 for the
Spring 2012 WEO round. Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Jamaican
dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 20.902 2021

Jamaica Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes. CY data are constructed from quarterly data. Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007. Base year was changed from 2003
to 2007 for the Spring 2012 WEO round. Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic
currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 17.831 2021

Jamaica "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2019.
Base year was changed from 2000 to 2019 in April 2020 Primary domestic currency:
Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 121.983 2021

Jamaica "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 9.5 2021

Jamaica "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2019. Base year was changed from 2000 to 2019 in April 2020 Primary domestic
currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 128.115 2021

Jamaica "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change

"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 9.5
Jamaica Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Jamaican
dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 11.556 2021

Jamaica Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-
type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-
exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or
refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated:
02/2023 22.47 2021
Jamaica Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined
products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Jamaican
dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 28.711 2021

Jamaica Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2005 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-
type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-
exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or
refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports:
Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated:
02/2023 0.731 2021
Jamaica Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source:
International Financial Institution. National Statistics Office if data is not yet
available in IFS. Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 n/a 2021

Jamaica Population Persons Millions Source: International Financial

Institution. National Statistics Office if data is not yet available in IFS. Latest
actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated:
02/2023 2.743 2021
Jamaica General government revenue National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: All fiscal and
debt series data in WEO are on fiscal year basis. Fiscal assumptions: Based on
policies outline under the RFI Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are
mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t/t+1)= CY(t). Start/end months of reporting
year: April/March GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986 format. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government;. The fiscal coverage is central government
only Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. The debt coverage is central
government and public bodies Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency:
Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 760.306 2022

Jamaica General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:

General government revenue (National currency). 29.373 2022

Jamaica General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes:
All fiscal and debt series data in WEO are on fiscal year basis. Fiscal
assumptions: Based on policies outline under the RFI Reporting in calendar year:
No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t/t+1)= CY(t).
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986 format. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;. The fiscal
coverage is central government only Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. The
debt coverage is central government and public bodies Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares
and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary
domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 752.8 2022

Jamaica General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 29.083
Jamaica General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes:
All fiscal and debt series data in WEO are on fiscal year basis. Fiscal
assumptions: Based on policies outline under the RFI Reporting in calendar year:
No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t/t+1)= CY(t).
Start/end months of reporting year: April/March GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986 format. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;. The fiscal
coverage is central government only Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. The
debt coverage is central government and public bodies Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares
and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary
domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 7.506 2022

Jamaica General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). 0.29
Jamaica General government structural balance National currency Billions

Jamaica General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Jamaica General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data:
FY2021/22 Notes: All fiscal and debt series data in WEO are on fiscal year basis.
Fiscal assumptions: Based on policies outline under the RFI Reporting in calendar
year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t/t+1)=
CY(t). Start/end months of reporting year: April/March GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986 format.
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;. The
fiscal coverage is central government only Valuation of public debt: Nominal value.
The debt coverage is central government and public bodies Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans;
Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs
Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 150.707
Jamaica General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 5.822 2022
Jamaica General government net debt National currency Billions

Jamaica General government net debt Percent of GDP

Jamaica General government gross debt National currency Billions Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: All fiscal and
debt series data in WEO are on fiscal year basis. Fiscal assumptions: Based on
policies outline under the RFI Reporting in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are
mapped to calendar year as follows: FY(t/t+1)= CY(t). Start/end months of reporting
year: April/March GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986 format. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government;. The fiscal coverage is central government
only Valuation of public debt: Nominal value. The debt coverage is central
government and public bodies Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency
and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other
Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency:
Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023 "2,177.47" 2022

Jamaica General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 84.124 2022
Panama 54.892 2021
Jamaica "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: FY2021/22 Notes: All fiscal and debt series data in WEO are on fiscal
year basis. Fiscal assumptions: Based on policies outline under the RFI Reporting
in calendar year: No. Fiscal year data are mapped to calendar year as follows:
FY(t/t+1)= CY(t). Start/end months of reporting year: April/March GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986. Public Bodies also report in 1986
format. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;.
The fiscal coverage is central government only Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value. The debt coverage is central government and public bodies Instruments
included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than
Shares; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Monetary
Gold and SDRs Primary domestic currency: Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023
"2,588.42" 2022
Jamaica Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank. The framework for Jamaica has a historical residual which comes from how the
framework records portfolio flows (to include errors and omissions). We have
updated how the forecasts are calculated to account for most of this residual.
Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and International
Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic currency:
Jamaican dollar Data last updated: 02/2023" -0.51 2021

Jamaica Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -3.181 2021
Mexico "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2013 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 "18,355.59" 2022

Mexico "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 3.066
Mexico "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2013 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 "28,462.11" 2022

Mexico "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
"1,414.10" 2022
Mexico "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." "2,957.10" 2022

Mexico "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 155.06 2022

Mexico "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "141,068.44" 2020

Mexico "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "19,247.26" 2020

Mexico "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "218,740.16" 2020

Mexico "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "10,867.81" 2020

Mexico "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "22,726.23" 2020

Mexico Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 1.809 2022
Mexico Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 9.625 2022
Mexico Total investment Percent of GDP Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2013 Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023
21.596 2022
Mexico Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2013
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated:
03/2023 20.656 2022
Mexico "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2018.
Note: 100 = July 16-31, 2018. Thus looking at monthly data there will be no period
equal to 100. Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
122.51 2022
Mexico "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 7.899 2022

Mexico "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2018. Note: 100 = July 16-31, 2018. Thus looking at monthly data there will
be no period equal to 100. Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" 126.478 2022
Mexico "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 7.817
Mexico Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1997
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 10.168 2021

Mexico Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1997 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive
volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary
or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 10.083 2021

Mexico Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1997
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation
of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary
domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 9.579 2021

Mexico Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1997 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive
volumes: Other Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil coverage: Primary
or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic currency:
Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 8.701 2021

Mexico Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 3.272 2021

Mexico Population Persons Millions Source: National Population

Statistics Office (CONAPO) Latest actual data: 2020 Primary domestic currency:
Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023 130.118 2020

Mexico General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: The
2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF staff adjusts for
some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-the-line numbers.
Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in Criterios 2023;
projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules established in
the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team is submitting data
to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of adjustments based on
additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the period 2008-2019. Thus,
the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM classification is also
used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in addition to standard tables
used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual data are not available to
the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central government, social security
funds, state-owned enterprises, public development banks but excludes state and
local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical
Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
"7,341.99" 2022
Mexico General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 25.796 2022

Mexico General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal
assumptions: The 2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF
staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-
the-line numbers. Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in
Criterios 2023; projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules
established in the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team
is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of
adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the
period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM
classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in
addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual
data are not available to the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central
government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public development
banks but excludes state and local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "8,602.91" 2022
Mexico General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 30.226
Mexico General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal
assumptions: The 2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF
staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-
the-line numbers. Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in
Criterios 2023; projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules
established in the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team
is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of
adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the
period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM
classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in
addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual
data are not available to the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central
government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public development
banks but excludes state and local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "-1,260.92" 2022
Mexico General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -4.43
Mexico General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal
assumptions: The 2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF
staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-
the-line numbers. Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in
Criterios 2023; projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules
established in the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team
is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of
adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the
period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM
classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in
addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual
data are not available to the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central
government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public development
banks but excludes state and local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" "-1,191.37" 2022
Mexico General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-4.169 2022
Mexico General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022
Fiscal assumptions: The 2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the
IMF staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and
below-the-line numbers. Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates
in Criterios 2023; projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with
rules established in the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team
is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of
adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the
period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM
classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in
addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual
data are not available to the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central
government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public development
banks but excludes state and local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data
last updated: 03/2023" -16.664 2022
Mexico General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -0.059 2022
Mexico General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: The
2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF staff adjusts for
some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-the-line numbers.
Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in Criterios 2023;
projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules established in
the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team is submitting data
to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of adjustments based on
additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the period 2008-2019. Thus,
the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM classification is also
used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in addition to standard tables
used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual data are not available to
the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central government, social security
funds, state-owned enterprises, public development banks but excludes state and
local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical
Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
"14,153.05" 2022
Mexico General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 49.726 2022

Mexico General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: The
2020 public sector borrowing requirements estimated by the IMF staff adjusts for
some statistical discrepancies between above-the-line and below-the-line numbers.
Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed by the estimates in Criterios 2023;
projections for 2024 onward assume continued compliance with rules established in
the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility Law. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014. Currently the Mexico team is submitting data
to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification by making a range of adjustments based on
additional data provided by the Mexican authorities for the period 2008-2019. Thus,
the series display a statistical break in 2008. The GFSM classification is also
used to present fiscal tables in the Art IV reports (in addition to standard tables
used for discussion with Mexican authorities). Accrual data are not available to
the Mexico team. Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. Includes central government, social security
funds, state-owned enterprises, public development banks but excludes state and
local governments. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in
gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical
Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
"15,946.91" 2022
Mexico General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 56.029 2022
Honduras 50.022 2021
Mexico "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: The 2020 public sector borrowing requirements
estimated by the IMF staff adjusts for some statistical discrepancies between
above-the-line and below-the-line numbers. Fiscal projections for 2023 are informed
by the estimates in Criterios 2023; projections for 2024 onward assume continued
compliance with rules established in the Federal Budget and Fiscal Responsibility
Law. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014.
Currently the Mexico team is submitting data to WEO using GFSM 2014 classification
by making a range of adjustments based on additional data provided by the Mexican
authorities for the period 2008-2019. Thus, the series display a statistical break
in 2008. The GFSM classification is also used to present fiscal tables in the Art
IV reports (in addition to standard tables used for discussion with Mexican
authorities). Accrual data are not available to the Mexico team. Basis of
recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;.
Includes central government, social security funds, state-owned enterprises, public
development banks but excludes state and local governments. Valuation of public
debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than
Shares; Loans; Insurance Technical Reserves Primary domestic currency: Mexican peso
Data last updated: 03/2023" "28,462.11" 2022
Mexico Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Mexican peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -13.423 2021

Mexico Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -0.949 2021
Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021. Real sector indicators may be
lagged by one quarter Notes: Due to political and economic events (civil war and
hyperinflation) data prior to 1995 are less reliable. National accounts manual
used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base
year: 2006 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994. annual overlap Primary domestic
currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 195.108 2021

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4.024
Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021. Real sector indicators may be
lagged by one quarter Notes: Due to political and economic events (civil war and
hyperinflation) data prior to 1995 are less reliable. National accounts manual
used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base
year: 2006 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994. annual overlap Primary domestic
currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 566.248 2021

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
15.77 2021
Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 47.446 2021

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 290.223 2021

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "29,528.40" 2020

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "6,081.46" 2020

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "85,698.25" 2020

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "2,386.75" 2020

Nicaragua "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "7,180.70" 2020

Nicaragua Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.029 2021
Nicaragua Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 11.935 2021
Nicaragua Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021. Real sector indicators may be lagged by one quarter Notes: Due
to political and economic events (civil war and hyperinflation) data prior to 1995
are less reliable. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA)
2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2006 Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994.
annual overlap Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023" 23.513 2021
Nicaragua Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021. Real sector indicators may be lagged by one quarter
Notes: Due to political and economic events (civil war and hyperinflation) data
prior to 1995 are less reliable. National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2006 Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 1994. annual overlap Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan
c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 21.295 2021

Nicaragua "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index "Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Due to political and economic events (civil
war and hyperinflation), data prior to 1995 are less reliable. Harmonized prices:
No Base year: 2006. The underlying CPI is built using 2006 as base year. However
the series has been linked backwards since 2009 using a coefficient of adjustment
as posted on the Central Bank# s website. Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan
c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 271.905 2022

Nicaragua "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 10.448 2022

Nicaragua "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index "Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Due to political and economic events
(civil war and hyperinflation), data prior to 1995 are less reliable. Harmonized
prices: No Base year: 2006. The underlying CPI is built using 2006 as base year.
However the series has been linked backwards since 2009 using a coefficient of
adjustment as posted on the Central Bank# s website. Primary domestic currency:
Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 286.306 2022

Nicaragua "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change

"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 11.575
Nicaragua Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank. National accounts, real GDP by expenditures Latest
actual data: 2021 Base year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by
unit value indexes (from customs data). Calculation of the constant price values of
exports and imports is based on the volume, value, and unit value of a basket of
goods, in which unit value indices are calculated according to the CNIC. Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994 Trade System: General
trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 8.118 2021

Nicaragua Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank. National accounts, real GDP by expenditures Latest actual data: 2021 Base
year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes
(from customs data). Calculation of the constant price values of exports and
imports is based on the volume, value, and unit value of a basket of goods, in
which unit value indices are calculated according to the CNIC. Formula used to
derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994 Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan
c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 7.356 2021
Nicaragua Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank. National accounts, real GDP by expenditures Latest
actual data: 2021 Base year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by
unit value indexes (from customs data). Calculation of the constant price values of
exports and imports is based on the volume, value, and unit value of a basket of
goods, in which unit value indices are calculated according to the CNIC. Formula
used to derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994 Trade System: General
trade Excluded items in trade: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency:
Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.32 2021

Nicaragua Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank. National accounts, real GDP by expenditures Latest actual data: 2021 Base
year: 2006 Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes
(from customs data). Calculation of the constant price values of exports and
imports is based on the volume, value, and unit value of a basket of goods, in
which unit value indices are calculated according to the CNIC. Formula used to
derive volumes: Other Chain-weighted: Yes, from 1994 Trade System: General trade
Excluded items in trade: Other; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan
c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023" -3.158 2021

Nicaragua Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2020 Employment type: National definition Primary domestic
currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023 7.518 2020

Nicaragua Population Persons Millions Source: Central Bank Latest actual

data: 2020 Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023
6.607 2020
Nicaragua General government revenue National currency Billions Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023 153.106 2021
Nicaragua General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 27.039 2021

Nicaragua General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and
net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023 164.296 2021
Nicaragua General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 29.015
Nicaragua General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and
net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023 -11.189 2021
Nicaragua General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -1.976
Nicaragua General government structural balance National currency Billions

Nicaragua General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Nicaragua General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares
and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency:
Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023 -4.338 2021

Nicaragua General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -0.766 2021
Nicaragua General government net debt National currency Billions

Nicaragua General government net debt Percent of GDP

Nicaragua General government gross debt National currency Billions Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares and Other Equity; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023 260.225 2021
Nicaragua General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 45.956 2021
Nicaragua 45.956 2021
Nicaragua "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Shares
and Other Equity; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable Primary domestic currency:
Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated: 03/2023 566.248 2021

Nicaragua Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: IMF Staff
Estimates Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Due to political and economic events
(civil war and hyperinflation) data prior to 1995 are less reliable. BOP Manual
used: Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth
edition (BPM6) Primary domestic currency: Nicaraguan c�rdoba Data last updated:
03/2023" -0.35 2021
Nicaragua Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -2.219 2021
Panama "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007. The deflator in base year 2007 is not exactly 100
because of data splicing. In October 2015 the authorities published new national
accounts with a base year of 2007. The new methodology uses chain-linked volume
measures as opposed to constant prices. Data for years before 2007 currently do not
exist for the re-based series. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 44.81 2021

Panama "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 10
Panama "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National
accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market
prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2007. The deflator in base year 2007 is not exactly 100
because of data splicing. In October 2015 the authorities published new national
accounts with a base year of 2007. The new methodology uses chain-linked volume
measures as opposed to constant prices. Data for years before 2007 currently do not
exist for the re-based series. Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 71.966 2021

Panama "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
71.966 2021
Panama "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 164.109 2021

Panama "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 160.603 2021

Panama "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "10,194.72" 2020

Panama "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "31,620.89" 2020

Panama "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "16,373.05" 2020

Panama "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "16,373.05" 2020

Panama "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "37,336.41" 2020

Panama Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.1 2021
Panama Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.439 2021
Panama Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: National Statistics
Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007. The deflator
in base year 2007 is not exactly 100 because of data splicing. In October 2015 the
authorities published new national accounts with a base year of 2007. The new
methodology uses chain-linked volume measures as opposed to constant prices. Data
for years before 2007 currently do not exist for the re-based series. Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023" 34.324 2021
Panama Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007. The
deflator in base year 2007 is not exactly 100 because of data splicing. In October
2015 the authorities published new national accounts with a base year of 2007. The
new methodology uses chain-linked volume measures as opposed to constant prices.
Data for years before 2007 currently do not exist for the re-based series. Chain-
weighted: Yes, from 2007 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023" 30.201 2021
Panama "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2013
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 107.913 2022

Panama "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 2.86 2022

Panama "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2013 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023
107.845 2022
Panama "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 2.075
Panama Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade
System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: National Statistical Office
reports that Imports are FOB, except for those of the Colon Free Zone (which are
CIF) Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 7.473 2021

Panama Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: National Statistical Office reports that Imports are FOB,
except for those of the Colon Free Zone (which are CIF) Primary domestic currency:
US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 7.969 2021

Panama Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

"Source: National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996
Methodology used to derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs
data) Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade
System: General trade Oil coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of
exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: National Statistical Office
reports that Imports are FOB, except for those of the Colon Free Zone (which are
CIF) Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 12.065
Panama Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 1996 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Oil
coverage: Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB)
Valuation of imports: National Statistical Office reports that Imports are FOB,
except for those of the Colon Free Zone (which are CIF) Primary domestic currency:
US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 6.359 2021

Panama Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023 8.8 2021

Panama Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office

Latest actual data: 2020 Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated:
03/2023 4.395 2020
Panama General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net debt is
calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of Panama# s
Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 13.558 2021

Panama General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:

General government revenue (National currency). 18.839 2021
Panama General government total expenditure National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net
debt is calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of
Panama# s Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and
Finance (MEF) Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 16.387 2021

Panama General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 22.771
Panama General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net
debt is calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of
Panama# s Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and
Finance (MEF) Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.83 2021

Panama General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -3.932
Panama General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net
debt is calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of
Panama# s Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and
Finance (MEF) Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.711 2021

Panama General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-3.73 2021
Panama General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Notes: Net debt is calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and
assets of Panama# s Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy
and Finance (MEF) Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2014 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government;
State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" -1.591 2021

Panama General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -2.211 2021
Panama General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net debt is
calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of Panama# s
Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 28.781 2021

Panama General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 39.993 2021

Panama General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Net debt is
calculated as the difference between gross debt of the NFPS and assets of Panama# s
Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions: Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF)
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;. Net public debt follows the
national definition of net debt, so it is defined as gross debt minus the assets of
Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de Panama). Primary domestic
currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 39.504 2021

Panama General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 54.892 2021
Paraguay 40.87 2021
Panama "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: Net debt is calculated as the difference between gross
debt of the NFPS and assets of Panama# s Sovereign Wealth Fund. Fiscal assumptions:
Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2014 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Valuation of public debt: Nominal value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans;.
Net public debt follows the national definition of net debt, so it is defined as
gross debt minus the assets of Panama# s sovereign wealth fund (Fondo de Ahorro de
Panama). Primary domestic currency: US dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" 71.966
Panama Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6). IMF Staff reports
identify public sector flows in the financial account Primary domestic currency: US
dollar Data last updated: 03/2023" -2.967 2021

Panama Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -4.123 2021
Paraguay "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Before 2008, GDP data
were constructed backward using the new 2014 base year. National accounts manual
used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base
year: 2014 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data
last updated: 02/2023" "215,401.05" 2021
Paraguay "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 0.2
Paraguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Before 2008, GDP data
were constructed backward using the new 2014 base year. National accounts manual
used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base
year: 2014 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data
last updated: 02/2023" "288,275.15" 2021
Paraguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
41.284 2021
Paraguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 108.472 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 133.832 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "28,898,560.18" 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "12,325.05" 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "38,675,469.67" 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "5,538.71" 2021

Paraguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "14,552.82" 2021

Paraguay Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.066 2021
Paraguay Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." "2,657.59" 2021
Paraguay Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: Before 2008, GDP data were constructed backward using the
new 2014 base year. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts
(SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014 Chain-weighted: No
Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023" 27.698
Paraguay Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Before 2008, GDP data were constructed backward
using the new 2014 base year. National accounts manual used: System of National
Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2014 Chain-
weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated:
02/2023" 22.518 2021
Paraguay "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2017. Index Dec-
2017=100 Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023
122.517 2021
Paraguay "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 9.766 2021

Paraguay "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2017. Index
Dec-2017=100 Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated:
02/2023 125.2 2021
Paraguay "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 8.117
Paraguay Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank of Paraguay Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Registered exports in ton Formula used to
derive volumes: Sum of registered exports in ton Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage:
Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan
guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023" -3.697 2021

Paraguay Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank of Paraguay Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2010 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Registered exports in ton Formula used to derive volumes: Sum of
registered exports in ton Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded
items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last
updated: 02/2023" -6.628 2021
Paraguay Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank of Paraguay Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2010
Methodology used to derive volumes: Registered exports in ton Formula used to
derive volumes: Sum of registered exports in ton Chain-weighted: No Trade System:
General trade Excluded items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage:
Secondary or refined products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation
of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan
guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023" -22.496 2021

Paraguay Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central

Bank of Paraguay Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2010 Methodology used to
derive volumes: Registered exports in ton Formula used to derive volumes: Sum of
registered exports in ton Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Excluded
items in trade: Re-exports; Re-imports; Oil coverage: Secondary or refined
products; Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost,
insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last
updated: 02/2023" -24.072 2021
Paraguay Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023 7.185
Paraguay Population Persons Millions "Source: National Statistics
Office. Proyecci�n de la Poblaci�n Nacional, �reas Urbana y Rural por Sexo y Edad,
2000-2025 Latest actual data: 2021 Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran�
Data last updated: 02/2023" 7.454 2021
Paraguay General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal assumptions:
Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary
Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated:
02/2023" "58,174.51" 2021
Paraguay General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 20.18 2021

Paraguay General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal
assumptions: Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last
updated: 02/2023" "71,113.72" 2021
Paraguay General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 24.669
Paraguay General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal
assumptions: Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last
updated: 02/2023" "-12,939.21" 2021
Paraguay General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See
notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -4.488
Paraguay General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal
assumptions: Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities
Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last
updated: 02/2023" "-11,930.28" 2021
Paraguay General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-4.074 2021
Paraguay General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021
Fiscal assumptions: Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt:
Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;
Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran�
Data last updated: 02/2023" "-8,999.49" 2021
Paraguay General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -3.122 2021
Paraguay General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal assumptions:
Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary
Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated:
02/2023" "106,326.24" 2021
Paraguay General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 36.884 2021

Paraguay General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2021 Fiscal assumptions:
Central government accounts Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary
Public Corporations, incl. central bank; Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other
than Shares; Loans Primary domestic currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated:
02/2023" "117,818.51" 2021
Paraguay General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 40.87 2021
Chile 37.977 2022
Paraguay "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2021 Fiscal assumptions: Central government accounts Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Monetary Public Corporations, incl. central
bank; Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net
debt: Currency and Deposits; Securities Other than Shares; Loans Primary domestic
currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023" "288,275.15" 2021

Paraguay Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6) Primary domestic
currency: Paraguayan guaran� Data last updated: 02/2023" -2.139 2021

Paraguay Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -5.18 2021
Peru "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated:
03/2023 567.233 2021
Peru "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See notes
for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 2.701 2021

Peru "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions

Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used:
System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year:
2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated:
03/2023 950.399 2021
Peru "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
242.396 2021
Peru "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 523.624 2021

Peru "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 167.55 2021

Peru "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "16,601.76" 2017
Peru "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power parity;
2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "12,979.36" 2017

Peru "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "27,816.27" 2017
Peru "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars Units
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)
Population (Persons)." "7,094.45" 2017
Peru "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "15,325.41" 2017

Peru Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of world

total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices
(National currency)." 0.32 2021
Peru Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current international
dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency)." 1.815 2021
Peru Total investment Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank Latest actual
data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008
GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 23.741 2021
Peru Gross national savings Percent of GDP Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA)
2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2007 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 19.251 2021

Peru "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2009 Primary domestic
currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 150.494 2022

Peru "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See notes

for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 7.871 2022

Peru "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2009 Primary
domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 156.193 2022

Peru "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 8.456 2022

Peru Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change "Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive
volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2017 Trade System: Other Excluded
items in trade: In transit; Low valued; Re-exports; Re-imports; Other; Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.666 2022

Peru Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2017 Trade System: Other Excluded items in
trade: In transit; Low valued; Re-exports; Re-imports; Other; Oil coverage: Primary
or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other; Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic
currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.666 2022

Peru Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change "Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive
volumes: Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive
volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2017 Trade System: Other Excluded
items in trade: In transit; Low valued; Re-exports; Re-imports; Other; Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other;
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB)
Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.374 2022

Peru Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2022 Base year: 2007 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by unit value indexes (from customs data) Formula used to derive volumes:
Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: Yes, from 2017 Trade System: Other Excluded items in
trade: In transit; Low valued; Re-exports; Re-imports; Other; Oil coverage: Primary
or unrefined products; Secondary or refined products; Other; Valuation of exports:
Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Free on board (FOB) Primary domestic
currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023" 2.374 2022

Peru Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 7.8 2022

Peru Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office Latest

actual data: 2017 Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated:
03/2023 34.167 2017
Peru General government revenue National currency Billions Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data:
2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for revenues and
accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023
206.881 2022
Peru General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government revenue (National currency). 21.768 2022

Peru General government total expenditure National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for
revenues and accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last
updated: 03/2023 219.466 2022
Peru General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 23.092 2022

Peru General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions

Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for
revenues and accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last
updated: 03/2023 -12.585 2022
Peru General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See notes
for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -1.324
Peru General government structural balance National currency Billions
Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for
revenues and accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central
Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of
public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities
Other than Shares; Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last
updated: 03/2023 -17.129 2022
Peru General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP
See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-1.798 2022
Peru General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and
Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording:
Cash. Cash for revenues and accrual for expenditures General government includes:
Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds;
Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt:
Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol
Data last updated: 03/2023 0.126 2022
Peru General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). 0.013 2022
Peru General government net debt National currency Billions Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data:
2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for revenues and
accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023
186.065 2022
Peru General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government net debt (National currency). 19.578 2022

Peru General government gross debt National currency Billions Source: Ministry
of Finance or Treasury. Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data:
2022 Fiscal assumptions: Calendar year. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance
Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for revenues and
accrual for expenditures General government includes: Central Government; State
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Face
value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Securities Other than Shares;
Loans; Other Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023
317.176 2022
Peru General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for: General
government gross debt (National currency). 33.373 2022
Peru 33.373 2022
Peru "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury.
Ministry of Finance and Central Bank Latest actual data: 2022 Fiscal assumptions:
Calendar year. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash. Cash for revenues and accrual for expenditures General
government includes: Central Government; State Government; Local Government; Social
Security Funds; Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Securities Other than Shares; Loans; Other Primary domestic currency:
Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023 950.399 2022

Peru Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments Manual, fifth edition
(BPM5) Primary domestic currency: Peruvian sol Data last updated: 03/2023" -
10.885 2021
Peru Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -4.491 2021
Uruguay "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Data for years between
2016 and last actual for these series are reported by national authorities. Data
prior to 2016 are the staff's estimates, representing best effort to preserve the
previously reported growth rates and avoid structural breaks. National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2016 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,818.73" 2021

Uruguay "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See

notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 4.886
Uruguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Data for years between
2016 and last actual for these series are reported by national authorities. Data
prior to 2016 are the staff's estimates, representing best effort to preserve the
previously reported growth rates and avoid structural breaks. National accounts
manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December Base year: 2016 Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "2,959.43" 2021

Uruguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions

"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
71.887 2021
Uruguay "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 96.788 2021

Uruguay "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 162.719 2021

Uruguay "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "511,611.03" 2015

Uruguay "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "23,058.63" 2015

Uruguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "832,490.10" 2015

Uruguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "20,221.94" 2015

Uruguay "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "27,226.51" 2015

Uruguay Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.059 2021
Uruguay Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 30.576 2021
Uruguay Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2021 Notes: Data for years between 2016 and last actual for these
series are reported by national authorities. Data prior to 2016 are the staff's
estimates, representing best effort to preserve the previously reported growth
rates and avoid structural breaks. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2016
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated:
03/2023" 18.689 2021
Uruguay Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank
Latest actual data: 2021 Notes: Data for years between 2016 and last actual for
these series are reported by national authorities. Data prior to 2016 are the
staff's estimates, representing best effort to preserve the previously reported
growth rates and avoid structural breaks. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 2008 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 2016
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated:
03/2023" 16.229 2021
Uruguay "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2022.
Index Oct-2022=100. Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated:
03/2023 97.58 2022
Uruguay "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 9.106 2022

Uruguay "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

National Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2022 Harmonized prices: No Base
year: 2022. Index Oct-2022=100. Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last
updated: 03/2023 99.465 2022
Uruguay "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)." 8.291
Uruguay Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2012 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance,
freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
12.953 2021
Uruguay Volume of Imports of goods Percent change "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2012 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-
type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 6.577 2021

Uruguay Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change

"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2012 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to
derive volumes: Laspeyres-type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade
Valuation of exports: Free on board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance,
freight (CIF) Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023"
5.892 2021
Uruguay Volume of exports of goods Percent change "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Base year: 2012 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Formula used to derive volumes: Laspeyres-
type Chain-weighted: No Trade System: General trade Valuation of exports: Free on
board (FOB) Valuation of imports: Cost, insurance, freight (CIF) Primary domestic
currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 1.996 2021

Uruguay Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National

Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2021 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023 7.867 2021

Uruguay Population Persons Millions Source: National Statistics Office.

And World Bank World Development Indicators. Latest actual data: 2015 Primary
domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023 3.555 2015

Uruguay General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Starting from
October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers in the context
of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of the mixed pension
system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with IMF# s methodology.
Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by these transfers,
which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP in 2019, 0.6
percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in 2021 and zero
percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for further details.
The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for the revenues and
net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public
Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of the fiscal data was
changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with
the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes Central Government,
Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and
Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised accordingly. Under this
narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by the NFPS where the
counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt figures. In this
context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government to the central
bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for the period
2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments
included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 796.677 2022

Uruguay General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:

General government revenue (National currency). 26.92 2022

Uruguay General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers
in the context of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of
the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with
IMF# s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by
these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP
in 2019, 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in
2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for
further details. The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for
the revenues and net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of
the fiscal data was changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public
sector (NFPS) with the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes
Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public
Corporations, and Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised
accordingly. Under this narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by
the NFPS where the counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt
figures. In this context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government
to the central bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for
the period 2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" 872.023 2022

Uruguay General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 29.466
Uruguay General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers
in the context of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of
the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with
IMF# s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by
these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP
in 2019, 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in
2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for
further details. The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for
the revenues and net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of
the fiscal data was changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public
sector (NFPS) with the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes
Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public
Corporations, and Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised
accordingly. Under this narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by
the NFPS where the counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt
figures. In this context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government
to the central bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for
the period 2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -75.345 2022

Uruguay General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -2.546
Uruguay General government structural balance National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes:
Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers
in the context of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of
the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with
IMF# s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by
these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP
in 2019, 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in
2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for
further details. The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for
the revenues and net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes
Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government
Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government
includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary
Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of
the fiscal data was changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public
sector (NFPS) with the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes
Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public
Corporations, and Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised
accordingly. Under this narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by
the NFPS where the counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt
figures. In this context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government
to the central bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for
the period 2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value
Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -66.396 2022

Uruguay General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

See notes for: General government structural balance (National currency).
-2.23 2022
Uruguay General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency
Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022
Notes: Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving
transfers in the context of a new law that compensates persons affected by the
creation of the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as revenues,
consistent with IMF# s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021
are affected by these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1
percent of GDP in 2019, 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3
percent of GDP in 2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report
No. 19/64 for further details. The disclaimer about the public pension system
applies only for the revenues and net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in
calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual
used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash
General government includes: Central Government; Local Government; Social Security
Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;.
The coverage of the fiscal data was changed from consolidated public sector to
nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay,
NFPS coverage includes Central Government, Local Government, Social Security Funds,
Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data
was revised accordingly. Under this narrower fiscal perimeter assets and
liabilities held by the NFPS where the counterpart is the central bank are not
netted out in debt figures. In this context, capitalization bonds issued in the
past by the government to the central bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and
net debt estimates for the period 2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public
debt: Face value Instruments included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits;
Loans; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary
domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -20.622 2022

Uruguay General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP

See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -0.697 2022
Uruguay General government net debt National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Starting from
October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers in the context
of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of the mixed pension
system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with IMF# s methodology.
Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by these transfers,
which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP in 2019, 0.6
percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in 2021 and zero
percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for further details.
The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for the revenues and
net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public
Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of the fiscal data was
changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with
the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes Central Government,
Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and
Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised accordingly. Under this
narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by the NFPS where the
counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt figures. In this
context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government to the central
bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for the period
2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments
included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,498.97" 2022

Uruguay General government net debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government net debt (National currency). 50.651 2022

Uruguay General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2022 Notes: Starting from
October 2018, the public pension system has been receiving transfers in the context
of a new law that compensates persons affected by the creation of the mixed pension
system. These funds are recorded as revenues, consistent with IMF# s methodology.
Therefore, data and projections for 2018 - 2021 are affected by these transfers,
which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP in 2019, 0.6
percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected to be 0.3 percent of GDP in 2021 and zero
percent thereafter. Please see IMF country report No. 19/64 for further details.
The disclaimer about the public pension system applies only for the revenues and
net lending/borrowing series. Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of
reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics
Manual (GFSM) 1986 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central
Government; Local Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public
Corporations; Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of the fiscal data was
changed from consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with
the October 2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes Central Government,
Local Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and
Banco de Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised accordingly. Under this
narrower fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by the NFPS where the
counterpart is the central bank are not netted out in debt figures. In this
context, capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government to the central
bank are now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for the period
2008-2011 are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments
included in gross and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial
Derivatives; Other Accounts Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency:
Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,805.24" 2022

Uruguay General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 61 2022
Guatemala 30.127 2021
Uruguay "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2022 Notes: Starting from October 2018, the public pension system has
been receiving transfers in the context of a new law that compensates persons
affected by the creation of the mixed pension system. These funds are recorded as
revenues, consistent with IMF# s methodology. Therefore, data and projections for
2018 - 2021 are affected by these transfers, which amounted to 1.2 percent of GDP
in 2018, 1.1 percent of GDP in 2019, 0.6 percent of GDP in 2020, and are projected
to be 0.3 percent of GDP in 2021 and zero percent thereafter. Please see IMF
country report No. 19/64 for further details. The disclaimer about the public
pension system applies only for the revenues and net lending/borrowing series.
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 1986
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Central Government; Local
Government; Social Security Funds; Nonmonetary Financial Public Corporations;
Nonfinancial Public Corporation;. The coverage of the fiscal data was changed from
consolidated public sector to nonfinancial public sector (NFPS) with the October
2019 submission. In Uruguay, NFPS coverage includes Central Government, Local
Government, Social Security Funds, Nonfinancial Public Corporations, and Banco de
Seguros del Estado. Historical data was revised accordingly. Under this narrower
fiscal perimeter assets and liabilities held by the NFPS where the counterpart is
the central bank are not netted out in debt figures. In this context,
capitalization bonds issued in the past by the government to the central bank are
now part of the NFPS debt. Gross and net debt estimates for the period 2008-2011
are preliminary. Valuation of public debt: Face value Instruments included in gross
and net debt: Currency and Deposits; Loans; Financial Derivatives; Other Accounts
Receivable/Payable; Other Primary domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last
updated: 03/2023" "2,959.43" 2022
Uruguay Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 BOP Manual used: Balance of Payments and
International Investment Position Manual, sixth edition (BPM6). Data prior to 2012
are unavailable in accordance with the authorities current methodology. Primary
domestic currency: Uruguayan peso Data last updated: 03/2023" -1.769 2021

Uruguay Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." -2.46 2021
Venezuela "Gross domestic product, constant prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2018. Latest year for real accounts
is 2018. Starting 2012, staff elaborates its own nominal GDP accounts estimates.
Notes: Due to the prevalence of multiple exchange rates and a parallel market, for
2012-2022, staff has computed a generalized unitary exchange rate weighted by the
value of imports and exports as well as by the different windows used to acquire
foreign exchange. Starting in 2012, staff estimates the nominal GDP in local
currency using real GDP levels published by the country and deflators calculated by
staff. Nominal GDP in U.S. dollars is calculated dividing the local currency GDP by
the generalized unitary exchange rate. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1997
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated:
03/2023" -- 2018
Venezuela "Gross domestic product, constant prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National currency)." 7.952
Venezuela "Gross domestic product, current prices" National currency Billions
"Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2018. Latest year for real accounts
is 2018. Starting 2012, staff elaborates its own nominal GDP accounts estimates.
Notes: Due to the prevalence of multiple exchange rates and a parallel market, for
2012-2022, staff has computed a generalized unitary exchange rate weighted by the
value of imports and exports as well as by the different windows used to acquire
foreign exchange. Starting in 2012, staff estimates the nominal GDP in local
currency using real GDP levels published by the country and deflators calculated by
staff. Nominal GDP in U.S. dollars is calculated dividing the local currency GDP by
the generalized unitary exchange rate. National accounts manual used: System of
National Accounts (SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1997
Chain-weighted: No Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated:
03/2023" 645.182 2018
Venezuela "Gross domestic product, current prices" U.S. dollars Billions
"See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National currency)."
93.111 2018
Venezuela "Gross domestic product, current prices" Purchasing power parity;
international dollars Billions "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." 195.4 2018

Venezuela "Gross domestic product, deflator" Index "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, constant prices (National currency) Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency)." "372,697,292,256,764.00" 2018

Venezuela "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, constant prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." -- 2010
Venezuela "Gross domestic product per capita, constant prices" Purchasing power
parity; 2017 international dollar Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
constant prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "6,148.01" 2010

Venezuela "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" National currency
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "23,969.03" 2010

Venezuela "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" U.S. dollars
Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current prices (National
currency) Population (Persons)." "3,459.15" 2010

Venezuela "Gross domestic product per capita, current prices" Purchasing power
parity; international dollars Units "See notes for: Gross domestic product,
current prices (National currency) Population (Persons)." "7,259.28" 2010

Venezuela Gross domestic product based on purchasing-power-parity (PPP) share of

world total Percent "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 0.12 2018
Venezuela Implied PPP conversion rate National currency per current
international dollar "See notes for: Gross domestic product, current
prices (National currency)." 3.302 2018
Venezuela Total investment Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank Latest
actual data: 2018. Latest year for real accounts is 2018. Starting 2012, staff
elaborates its own nominal GDP accounts estimates. Notes: Due to the prevalence of
multiple exchange rates and a parallel market, for 2012-2022, staff has computed a
generalized unitary exchange rate weighted by the value of imports and exports as
well as by the different windows used to acquire foreign exchange. Starting in
2012, staff estimates the nominal GDP in local currency using real GDP levels
published by the country and deflators calculated by staff. Nominal GDP in U.S.
dollars is calculated dividing the local currency GDP by the generalized unitary
exchange rate. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts (SNA)
1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months
of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1997 Chain-weighted: No Primary
domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" n/a 2018

Venezuela Gross national savings Percent of GDP "Source: Central Bank

Latest actual data: 2018. Latest year for real accounts is 2018. Starting 2012,
staff elaborates its own nominal GDP accounts estimates. Notes: Due to the
prevalence of multiple exchange rates and a parallel market, for 2012-2022, staff
has computed a generalized unitary exchange rate weighted by the value of imports
and exports as well as by the different windows used to acquire foreign exchange.
Starting in 2012, staff estimates the nominal GDP in local currency using real GDP
levels published by the country and deflators calculated by staff. Nominal GDP in
U.S. dollars is calculated dividing the local currency GDP by the generalized
unitary exchange rate. National accounts manual used: System of National Accounts
(SNA) 1993 GDP valuation: Market prices Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end
months of reporting year: January/December Base year: 1997 Chain-weighted: No
Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" n/a
Venezuela "Inflation, average consumer prices" Index Source: Central
Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2007. 2007M12
Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023
"4,558,352,180,877.62" 2021
Venezuela "Inflation, average consumer prices" Percent change "See
notes for: Inflation, average consumer prices (Index)." 200.914 2021

Venezuela "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Index Source:

Central Bank Latest actual data: 2021 Harmonized prices: No Base year: 2007.
2007M12 Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023
"10,569,742,637,291.40" 2021
Venezuela "Inflation, end of period consumer prices" Percent change
"See notes for: Inflation, end of period consumer prices (Index)."
310.076 2021
Venezuela Volume of imports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2017 Base year: 1997 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Other Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of
exports: Other Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan
bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023 12.276 2017

Venezuela Volume of Imports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2017 Base year: 1997 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Other Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Other Valuation of
imports: Other Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated:
03/2023 9.82 2017
Venezuela Volume of exports of goods and services Percent change
Source: Central Bank Latest actual data: 2017 Base year: 1997 Methodology
used to derive volumes: Deflation by survey-based price indexes Chain-weighted: No
Trade System: Other Oil coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of
exports: Other Valuation of imports: Other Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan
bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023 31.556 2017

Venezuela Volume of exports of goods Percent change Source: Central

Bank Latest actual data: 2017 Base year: 1997 Methodology used to derive volumes:
Deflation by survey-based price indexes Chain-weighted: No Trade System: Other Oil
coverage: Primary or unrefined products; Valuation of exports: Other Valuation of
imports: Other Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated:
03/2023 25.477 2017
Venezuela Unemployment rate Percent of total labor force Source: National
Statistics Office Latest actual data: 2011 Employment type: National definition
Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023 n/a
Venezuela Population Persons Millions Source: Ministry of Economy and/or
Planning Latest actual data: 2010 Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var
Data last updated: 03/2023 26.917 2010
Venezuela General government revenue National currency Billions "Source:
Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2017 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Other;. Fiscal accounts
correspond to the budgetary central government, public enterprises (including
PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social security), and
Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE# deposit insurance).
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan
bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" 38.476 2017
Venezuela General government revenue Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government revenue (National currency). 5.964 2017

Venezuela General government total expenditure National currency Billions

"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2017 Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording:
Cash General government includes: Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Other;. Fiscal
accounts correspond to the budgetary central government, public enterprises
(including PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social
security), and Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE#
deposit insurance). Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic
currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" 77.328 2017

Venezuela General government total expenditure Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government total expenditure (National currency). 11.985
Venezuela General government net lending/borrowing National currency Billions
"Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2017 Reporting
in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS
Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording:
Cash General government includes: Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Other;. Fiscal
accounts correspond to the budgetary central government, public enterprises
(including PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social
security), and Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE#
deposit insurance). Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic
currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" -38.852 2017

Venezuela General government net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP See

notes for: General government net lending/borrowing (National currency). -6.022
Venezuela General government structural balance National currency Billions

Venezuela General government structural balance Percent of potential GDP

Venezuela General government primary net lending/borrowing National currency

Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2017
Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year:
January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001
Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Other;. Fiscal accounts correspond to the budgetary central
government, public enterprises (including PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los
Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social security), and Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y
Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE# deposit insurance). Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023"
-37.713 2017
Venezuela General government primary net lending/borrowing Percent of GDP
See notes for: General government primary net lending/borrowing (National
currency). -5.845 2017
Venezuela General government net debt National currency Billions

Venezuela General government net debt Percent of GDP

Venezuela General government gross debt National currency Billions "Source:

Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest actual data: 2017 Reporting in calendar
year: Yes Start/end months of reporting year: January/December GFS Manual used:
Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM) 2001 Basis of recording: Cash General
government includes: Nonfinancial Public Corporation; Other;. Fiscal accounts
correspond to the budgetary central government, public enterprises (including
PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social security), and
Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE# deposit insurance).
Valuation of public debt: Nominal value Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan
bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023" "1,018.16" 2017

Venezuela General government gross debt Percent of GDP See notes for:
General government gross debt (National currency). 157.809 2017
Haiti 25.01 2022
Venezuela "Gross domestic product corresponding to fiscal year, current prices"
National currency Billions "Source: Ministry of Finance or Treasury Latest
actual data: 2017 Reporting in calendar year: Yes Start/end months of reporting
year: January/December GFS Manual used: Government Finance Statistics Manual (GFSM)
2001 Basis of recording: Cash General government includes: Nonfinancial Public
Corporation; Other;. Fiscal accounts correspond to the budgetary central
government, public enterprises (including PDVSA), Instituto Venezolano de los
Seguros Sociales (IVSS# social security), and Fondo de Garant�a de Dep�sitos y
Protecci�n Bancaria (FOGADE# deposit insurance). Valuation of public debt: Nominal
value Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated: 03/2023"
645.182 2017
Venezuela Current account balance U.S. dollars Billions "Source: Central
Bank. Latest actual data: 2018 BOP Manual
used: Balance of Payments and International Investment Position Manual, sixth
edition (BPM6) Primary domestic currency: Venezuelan bol�var Data last updated:
03/2023" 3.225 2018
Venezuela Current account balance Percent of GDP "See notes for: Gross
domestic product, current prices (National currency) Current account balance (U.S.
dollars)." 3.464 2018

"International Monetary Fund, World Economic Outlook Database, April 2023"

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