Notice To The Market Participation in The Wind Generation Market in The United States

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CNPJ nº 84.429.695/0001-11


Participation in the wind generation market in the United States

WEG S.A. (B3: WEGE3 / OTC: WEGZY) announces to its shareholders and the general market that
it will start its plans to participate in the wind generation market in the United States. The company
expects to use its high-voltage motors and generators factory, located in Minneapolis/MN, to
progressively also manufacture its 7.X MW wind turbine platform. The planned initial investments are
not relevant and are already considered in the capital budget approved by the Company.

The WEG manufacturing site in Minneapolis/MN, which will house the manufacturing of wind turbines,
has 45,000 m2 (485,000 ft2) of built area and approximately 200 employees. The plant has modular
capacity and operational flexibility to expand and adapt to the company's needs. The factory will be
able to start supplying equipment from 2026. Meanwhile, the Company will begin its commercial
activities aiming to close sales contracts and develop the local supply chain.

Furthermore, the Company remains committed to the strategy and continued development of the wind
generation business in its current operating markets, Brazil and India.

Jaraguá do Sul, May 6, 2024

André Menegueti Salgueiro

Finance Director and
Investor Relations Officer

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